Where is the bed the windows

Английский язык 5 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 3c My bedroom Номер 1 Answer the questions. Use: • in • on • under • behind • next to • in front of 1) A: Where’s the bed? B: _ the windows. 2) A: Where’s the lamp? B: _ the bed. 3) A: Where’s the painting? B: _ the wal...

Answer the questions. Use:

• in

• on

• under

• behind

• next to

• in front of

Задание рисунок 1

A: Where’s the bed?

B: _ the windows.


A: Where’s the lamp?

B: _ the bed.


A: Where’s the painting?

B: _ the wall.


A: Where’s the carpet?

B: _ the bed.


A: Where are these things?

B: _ the bedroom.


A: Where are the windows?

B: _ the bed.


A: Where’s the magazine?

B: _ the desk.


Английский язык 5 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 3c My bedroom. Номер №1


Перевод задания
Ответь на вопросы. Используй:
• в
• на
• под
• позади
• рядом с
• перед
А: Где кровать?

B: _
А: Где лампа?

B: _
А: Где картина?

B: _
А: Где ковер?

B: _

Где эти вещи?

B: _
А: Где окна?

B: _
А: А где журнал?

B: _


A: Where’s the bed?

It’s in front of the windows.

A: Where’s the lamp?

It is next to the bed.

A: Where’s the painting?

It’s on the wall.

A: Where’s the carpet?

It’s under the bed.

A: Where are these things?

They are in the bedroom.

A: Where are the windows?

They are behind the bed.

A: Where’s the magazine?

It’s on the desk.

Перевод ответа
А: Где кровать?

Она перед окнами.
А: Где лампа?

Она рядом с кроватью.
А: Где картина?

Она на стене.
А: Где ковер?

Он под кроватью.

Где эти вещи?

Они в спальне.
А: Где окна?

Они за кроватью.
А: А где журнал?

Он на столе.

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1. Слова по теме «Дом»

Посмотрите на изображения и назовите слова:

Очень хорошо! Перейдем к следующей части урока 😎

2. Предлоги места

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Нажмите кнопку «Тренировать» и изучайте слова по карточкам, чтобы быстрее их запомнить. Потом переходите к заданию 👇

Выберите подходящий предлог

The ball is under the bed Мяч под кроватью
The books are on the table Книги на столе
The bed is next to the door Кровать рядом с дверью
The stereo is in the bookcase Магнитофон в книжном шкафу
The table is in front of the window Стол перед окном
The trainers are behind the armchair Кроссовки за креслом

Отличная работа!

3. Текст

Послушайте текст и выполните задание 👇

Не волнуйтесь, если не получается перевести каждое слово! Важно сначала понять на слух общее содержание. Ниже вы сможете прочитать все предложения с переводом 😉

My bedroom

My bedroom is great! It’s very big and there is a lot of furniture in it. Everything is blue in my bedroom and I call it the blue room. I’ve got a small bed, a desk, a chair, a wardrobe and a bookcase. The bed is in front of the wardrobe. My desk is under the window. There’s a big poster behind my bed. There’s a computer and a lamp on my desk and I’ve got books in the bookcase next to my desk. I haven’t got a TV but I’ve got a CD player. I like my bedroom very much.

Послушайте текст столько раз, сколько потребуется. Затем выполните задание 👇

Выберите правильный вариант

Правда (true) или ложь (false)?


Everything in the bedroom is blue


The bed is under the window


The poster is in front of the bed


The bookcase is next to the desk

Замечательно! Теперь послушайте текст снова, на этот раз с переводом 😉

My bedroom is great! Моя спальня великолепна!
It’s very big and there is a lot of furniture in it. Она очень большая и в ней много мебели.
Everything is blue in my bedroom and I call it the blue room. В моей спальне все голубое, и я называю ее голубой комнатой.
I’ve got a small bed, a desk, a chair, a wardrobe and a bookcase. У меня есть небольшая кровать, письменный стол, стул, шкаф для одежды и книжный шкаф.
The bed is in front of the wardrobe. Кровать стоит перед шкафом.

Выполните задание к первой части текста 👇

Ответьте на вопрос

What colour is everything in the bedroom? Какого цвета все в спальне?

Ваш ответ:

Everything in the bedroom is В спальне все голубое

Отлично! Вторая часть 👇

My desk is under the window. Мой письменный стол стоит под окном.
There’s a big poster behind my bed. За кроватью висит большой плакат.
There’s a computer and a lamp on my desk and I’ve got books in the bookcase next to my desk. На моем столе компьютер и лампа, а в книжном шкафу рядом с моим столом лежат книги.
I haven’t got a TV but I’ve got a CD player. У меня нет телевизора, но есть проигрыватель компакт-дисков.
I like my bedroom very much. Мне очень нравится моя спальня.

И последнее задание к тексту 👇

Выберите подходящий предлог

The bed is in front of the wardrobe Кровать перед шкафом
The desk is under the window Стол под окном
The poster is behind the bed Постер за кроватью
The bookcase is next to the desk Книжный шкаф рядом с письменным столом

Отлично! Идем дальше 👇

4. Диалог

Послушайте и повторите за диктором:

Is there a bookcase in your bedroom? В твоей спальне есть книжный шкаф?
Yes, there is. Да, есть.
Where exactly is it? Где именно?
It’s next to my desk, in front of my bed. Он рядом с моим столом, напротив кровати.
Is there a TV in your living room? В твоей гостиной есть телевизор?
Yes, there is. Да, есть.
Where exactly is it? Где именно?
It’s on the small table, under the window and in front of the sofa. Он на маленьком столике, под окном, перед диваном.

Слушайте и повторяйте диалог столько раз, сколько посчитаете нужным. Затем переходите к заданию 👇

Поговорите с другом

Составьте похожие диалоги! Используйте как можно больше предлогов места и слов по теме «Дом» 😎

Урок окончен. Вы отлично поработали и справились со всеми заданиями! До встречи на следующем занятии 😎

Knowing where to place your bed in a room with more than one window can get tricky and overwhelming. Since you spend most of your time at home in your bedroom, you will definitely want to make it as comfortable and relaxing for your sleep and rest as possible. To help you decide where to best put your bed, we did a little research.

The best place to put your bed varies depending on the number and size of your windows. But the general rule is not to place your bed under a window. If you have to, consider using headboards. You should also take into consideration the direction your room is facing and where your door is located. 

This article will help you figure out the best location to put your bed. Whether you’re rearranging, renovating, or simply moving into a new bedroom, consider these tips.

Modern interior of a bohemian themed bedroom with macramé accessories and wooden flooring, Where Should You Put a Bed In a Room With Windows

Where to Best Place A Bed In A Room with Windows

Having more than one window in your bedroom gives you more natural sunlight and even moonlight into your space! No matter how many windows your room has, the best option to place your bed is against the wall without a window. But this might not always be the case.

A wide and spacious open space condominium unit with a huge window

Best Location of Bed in a Room With Two Windows

For bedrooms with two windows, place your bed against an empty wall perpendicular to the other window or both of the windows. This position allows you to enjoy the view from your room.

Also, you do not want to have your bed directly facing the windows, especially if it’s facing east. This way, you can avoid the harsh direct sunlight, especially in the mornings and high noon. 

Best Location of Bed in a Room With Three Windows

For rooms with three windows, you can put your bed against that one empty wall. If your space and aesthetic suit it, you can also place your bed in the center of your room. In this case, you might also consider placing your bed either in front or under the window. This is especially nice if your windows have beautiful designs and offer scenic views.

If you still find yourself not happy with the layout, consider covering one of the windows as your last resort.

Best Location for Bedrooms With Panoramic Windows

Bedrooms with panoramic windows usually come with breathtaking views. To get the most of this, you can either place your bed in the center of your bedroom or the area farthest away from the panoramic window. This way, you can enjoy the view whenever you want. Just don’t forget to use curtains or blinds to keep out too much sunlight.

Feng Shui Bed Placement for Rooms with Windows

If you want to create a positive flow of energy in your bedroom, consider following some Feng Shui Tips. It is a traditional Chinese practice that takes advantage of how you arrange the objects around you to create harmony and balance.

Generally, for a good Feng Shui, you do not want to put your bed directly under your window. If this cannot be avoided, there are still things you can practice not to disrupt the positive energy within your room. One of which is to put a headboard against your window. 

Should the foot of the bed face the door?

Also, never place your bed directly in front of your bedroom door with your feet pointing towards it. For the best result, place your bed where you can see your bedroom door and windows from your bed. Also, do not place your bed too close to your window to avoid drafts. With this, you can also have easy access to both sides of your bed.

Top view of a gray and white themed living room with white wooden flooring and two windows for proper lighting

Rules to Follow When Considering the Placement of Your Bed

These are additional rules you can keep in mind when arranging your bed and even the furniture in your bedroom. You don’t have to strictly follow them, but you can use them as a reference when deciding the placement of your bed. 

Know Your Bedroom’s Focal Point

Your bedroom’s focal point is the star of your room. That means it’s your bed. The easiest way to make your bed the center of your room is to place it against an empty wall. Then use that wall space to include decorations, paintings, and even pictures. It will be the first thing you notice when you enter your room.

Is it OK to put a bed in front of a window?

If there is no other possible placement for your bed except under your window, use a headboard. This creates a wall effect. Consider choosing a tall and sturdy headboard. This way, your bed won’t be hit by direct sunlight, and you can avoid the drafts that come from your windows. 

Consider the Size of Your Bedroom and Furniture You’ll Be Placing In It

A good room arrangement will benefit your sleep and relaxation. This is why you should take into consideration where you will place your furniture and things relative to your bed. Make sure you have a direct path to all of them, so you won’t find yourself stumbling around your stuff.

Bigger bedrooms don’t have trouble fitting in beds and furniture, but for smaller bedrooms, there are several things you can do to maximize the space in your room. Take advantage of the corners of your room to free up space. They are the ideal spots for the other things in your room such as tables, closets, and lampstands. 

If you must put some objects or furniture under your window, use pieces that are either on the level with the windowsill or below it. Place your table near the windows for natural lighting.

For your wardrobes, always leave enough space in front of it for changing. You can also use overhead shelves for your storage to maximize floor space. 

Place Your Bed Where You Are Most Comfortable Sleeping

A bohemian themed bedroom with white walls, wooden flooring and throws on the bed

To get a restful sleep, you should be in your most comfortable spot and position in your room. Ideally, you do not want to sleep too near the windows. They can cause drafts and provide you with unwanted sunlight. 

At the end of the day, it’s your room, so place your bed where it best suits you. You might want to keep moving your bed until you find that sweet spot for you to get your most restful sleep.

Do Not Obstruct Windows and Doors

However you want to arrange your room, you should always be able to easily access your doors and windows in case of emergencies. In case of disasters, plights, and accidents, your windows or your doors shouldn’t be too far away from you.   

Do Not Face Your Bed Toward Windows With Direct Sunlight

Avoid facing your bed directly towards sunlight. This allows for harsh sunlight to easily reach you, especially in the mornings or early afternoons. And you do not want that.

However, if you have no other choice, you might consider getting blackout curtains so you can just sleep till the afternoon and keep unwanted harsh sunlight away.

Cilck here for these blackout curtains on Amazon.

Benefits of Thoughtful Bed Placement

The best benefit of thoughtful bed placement allows you to get the most sleep and relaxation while you’re in your bedroom. A good room arrangement will also maintain the peace and harmony inside your room. 

You can also achieve perfect balance and harmony within your safe haven if you use a few Feng Shui tricks. But only It’s a bonus if you can enjoy the view from your room even when you’re simply in your bed.

To Conclude

Modern interior of a bohemian themed bedroom with macramé accessories and wooden flooring

Having more than one window can make it tricky to decide where to best put your bed, but it does not have to be stressful. You can place your bed anywhere you want in your bedroom. But to make the best of it, you have to thoughtfully decide on it. This is because the placement of your bed can affect your sleep and relaxation in your room.  

If however, you still can’t decide where to best put your bed, you might consider hiring interior designers or Feng Shui experts. But only as your last resort. You can be creative on your own.

Before you go, make sure to check out these related posts with regards to making the best of your bedrooms:

Does a Bedroom In a Basement Count

Laminate Vs. Carpet In the Bedroom: Which To Choose 

Also, don’t forget to share these with friends who are in the dilemma of rearranging their bedrooms!

Комплекс упражнений и заданий на автоматизацию
употребления предлогов места в английском языке.

1. Вставить предлоги по смыслу.Вставьте предлоги in, on, behind,
next to, under, between,

  1. Where is the bed? It is ……the kitchen.

  2. Where is the chair? It is ……the table.

  3. Where is the lion? It is ………..the TV and The bed.

  4. Where is the bike? It is …………….the door.

  5. Where is the table? It is …………. the chair.

  6. Where is the door? It is ………………the elephant.

  7. Where are the pictures? They are ………the wall (стена).

Вставь вместо пропусков предлоги on/ under/ next to/ in/
behind.The lamp is …….. the desk.

The cat is ………..the desk.

The chair is ………….the desk.

The girl is ………….. the boy.

The book is …………the desk.

The pencils are …………the desk organizer.

The copybook is ……………… the book.

The boy is ……………the desk.

2. Верное/ неверное утверждение

Напиши True, если предложение верное, False, если предложение
неверное.The rulers are in the bag………….

The apple is in the bag………………

The books are behind the bag………..

The pencils are behind the books………..

The pencil is in the bag………………

The board is behind the bag…………

The apple is next to the books…………..

The rulers are on the bag…………….

Упражнения по английскому языку по теме Предлоги места

1. The lamp is on the desk. ……………..

2. The picture is next to the guitar. …………

3. The guitar is behind the bed. …………..

4. The carpet is in the middle of the room……..

5. The computer is under the desk…………….

6. The green book is on the chair……………..

7. The chairs are next to the desks………..

8. The beds are next to the window………..

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