Why is windows so popular give two reasons

popularity between windows, mac, and Linux.why windows is more popular? why people use windows? why do people prefer windows os?

The market offers a wide range of operating systems. Windows, Mac, and Linux are some of the most popular operating systems. Before diving in, learn about the popularity of these operating systems. Let’s take a quick look at this operating system.👊👊👊

Windows OS

Since the mid-1980s, Microsoft has been developing a series of operating systems known as Windows. It comes in a variety of forms. It is a proprietary graphical operating system that only the company can modify. It has dominated the desktop market since 1995.

According to Statcounter of Oct. 2021, Windows 10 is the most popular windows OS with about 75.18% market share in Desktop Operating System Worldwide. It has a wealth of tools and features etc.

The fact that most general-purpose PCs come with Windows OS pre-installed is one of the reasons why they are the most popular.


Apple’s macOS (formerly OS X) operating system is a series of operating systems. The majority of Macintosh computers come with macOS preinstalled. It is not as popular as Windows, and one of the reasons for this is that the Mac is more expensive.

It is marketed by Apple Inc, since 2001 AD.


Linux is a collection of open-source, free operating systems that can be modified and distributed by anyone anywhere in the world. It is a highly customizable operating system. It is primarily used in server farms.

It was created by Linus Torvald and it was first released in 1991 AD.

Why are windows Os is popular over other available Operating systems like Linux and Mac?

In this article, I want to talk about why windows Os is popular than other available Operating systems like Linux and Mac in the desktop environment.

Table of Contents

  • Why Windows OS is Popular ?
    • 1 Windows Emerged Historical with GUI Support
    • 2 User-Friendly OS
    • 3 Largely Adopted Software
    • 4 Grew Up with Windows
    • 5 Productivity
    • 6 Large Microsoft Official Support Base
    • 7 Preinstalled OS
    • 8 Driver and Peripherical Compatibility
    • 9 Windows largely used in school and training institution
    • 10 Large Windows Software Developer
    • 11 AutoCAD and Graphics Things
    • 12 Pirated Windows is Available Everywhere 
    • 13 Large Windows Geeks and Enthusiast Support
    • 14 Games
    • 15 Windows 10 Update
    • 16 Windows 11 Release
    • 17 Large number of OEM vendors
    • 18 Vacancy
    • 19 Installation

Why Windows OS is Popular ?

Some of the reasons are as follows:

1 Windows Emerged Historical with GUI Support

Despite the fact that GUI support was not initially developed for Windows OS. However, when Microsoft included a graphical user interface (GUI) in its operating system, its popularity skyrocketed. This increases Windows users because it allows them to work without having to worry about commands. And other operating systems are struggling to provide GUI support as quickly as Microsoft did. As a result, it was widely adopted at the time.

Windows has had a large market share in operating systems since its inception, with Windows 3.11 having a market share of more than 90% in 1994 AD.

Also in current time has the highest market share in desktop OS(source).

OS Market Share in %
Windows  75.18 
Mac OS 15.89 
Linux  2.15
Chrome OS 2.54
Unknown 4.23

popular os

It has a near-monopoly on desktop and laptop in the computer market.

2 User-Friendly OS

No other operating system is as simple to use as Microsoft Windows. Nobody wants to type a bunch of commands to do something that can be done with a few mouse clicks. As a result, the user interface of Windows is superior to that of other open-source operating systems. Windows is designed in such a way that anyone can learn how to use it.

Windows allows people to do a lot of things without much difficulty most of the time. If we use Windows, Linux, or Mac, we find that they are not user-friendly.

3 Largely Adopted Software

People are already using MS OFFICE and Adobe products and games that only work on Windows. As a result, the next time a user tries to use MAC or Linux, they are disappointed by the lack of such features, and they return to Windows. In most cases, this occurs.

Linux may not have applications to be used or used by the consumer.

4 Grew Up with Windows

Most people grew up using Windows OS on their PCs and are comfortable with it.

5 Productivity

The majority of businesses use Windows OS to carry out their daily operations. Making reports, PowerPoint presentations, and graphics with Windows software is simpler. And software such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe products, and many others assist them. This software alternative is available in both MAC and Linux, but it lacks many of the features found in Windows software.

Linux has LibreOffice but is not much popular as ms word.
Linux has a gimp as an alternative to photoshop both not as good as photoshop.

In my view, this software is just a polished version of windows’ popular software.

6 Large Microsoft Official Support Base

If you used a paid commercial version of Windows, Microsoft will provide you with a lot of active support. Also, large corporations do not want to waste time troubleshooting issues; instead, they contact Microsoft for assistance, and they are available at all times to assist businesses; thus, large corporations use Windows as well.

For paid users, Windows has better support for both current and legacy Windows.

7 Preinstalled OS

When you go to the market to buy a laptop or desktop, they will tell you that the Windows operating system is preinstalled and genuine. Preinstalled Windows denotes that the operating system has been fully installed, licensed, and activated with Microsoft. As a result, in the majority of cases, Windows 10 will come preinstalled on the new system.

Windows OS marketing and advertising are at an all-time high.

8 Driver and Peripherical Compatibility

Windows has better driver support from manufacturers than Linux and MAC. Furthermore, some vendors do not develop a driver for Linux, and when an open community does develop a driver, it may not be properly compatible.

So, in desktop and laptop environments, Windows gets any new drivers first, then macOS and then Linux.

Eg. Sometimes laptop and desktop wifi did work with Linux because the manufacturer may not have created it for Linux. This happens once in my case.

Even today Linux is not very successful at supporting devices such as printers and scanners.

Noobie and even expert geeks will have much more confidence in buying a video card, printer, and dual monitor setup with windows, and many of the manufacturers suggest the same.

Learn about CPU Hyperthreading: click here.

9 Windows largely used in school and training institution

Windows OS is used in many schools and training institutes, so if anyone wants to learn anything, they will be taught in Windows OS. In order to obtain a Linux expert or a Mac expert, they must pay a high salary to the instructor; therefore, they use Windows OS, which is familiar to almost everyone.

10 Large Windows Software Developer

Most developers develop software for windows making windows user life much much easier.

11 AutoCAD and Graphics Things

If you do 3D graphics works then most of the industry-standard software is windows base.

12 Pirated Windows is Available Everywhere 

You may get pirated windows OS on the internet and can be installed on any computer system easily. However, OSX can only be installed on the MAC system, and have to pay for it.

13 Large Windows Geeks and Enthusiast Support

Because a large number of people use Windows, the problem can be resolved quickly and easily. There are also numerous articles written by tech geeky to solve the problem for Windows.

14 Games

Also, Windows is the best for gamers as well. And has lots and lots of amazing games for Windows OS support.

15 Windows 10 Update

Windows 10 Updates are automatic, once set in automatic mode. You do not need external third-party driver updating software
as windows have built-in for it. Windows generally apply a large number of updates at one go but Linux updates come frequently because they provide updates as soon as it is available.

For learning emerging technology in the data center. click here.

16 Windows 11 Release

With the release of the Windows 11 operating system, the popularity of the Windows operating system has already skyrocketed. Windows 11 has made significant improvements to its graphical user interface, and it now has the same look and feel as macOS. Another important feature that Windows 11 supports is the ability to run Android applications, as well as the integration of Microsoft Teams.

17 Large number of OEM vendors

Every company wants to make a profit. OEM distributors purchase Windows OS in bulk at a low cost, benefiting both Microsoft and OEM distributors, and will target large groups of users through wholesalers and retailers.

18 Vacancy

Most businesses use the Windows operating system, which necessitates the hiring of personnel to run the business. So, there are a lot of job openings, and it is written in the requirements that applicants should know how to use Office Packages and soon.

19 Installation

OSX cannot be installed in every system and only support for Mac System. Noobie finds it difficult installing Linux OS and in the early days there is no GUI support for installation. For many years windows have the same steps for installation in every version of windows which makes it easier to install every version of windows even by noobie guys.


Neither I am in support of any of these OS, each has helped in solving people’s tasks in various ways. If you find any of these points irrelevant then please feel free to comment below👇👇👇.

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Microsoft Windows Logo

Anyone who has ever used a computer is familiar with Windows operating system. Windows is the operating system of choice for numerous brands like HP, Acer, and Dell. Everyone can’t seem to get enough of it, but what is it about this operating system? Why is Windows operating system so popular?

Windows operating system is popular because it has an easy user interface, is affordable, and it is compatible with various types of software and hardware.

Windows isn’t the only operating system for computers out there. Different computer manufacturers have other operating systems for their devices. Who knows, maybe you would prefer an alternative operating system to Windows.

You have always known Windows to be popular, but do you know why? There are plenty of reasons why Windows are so popular. Here they are.


Microsoft introduced Windows at a time when computers became mainstream. During this period, options were limited. There was the operating system of the Macintosh, but it was too expensive. UNIX was also available, but its machines were also expensive. These options were not only pricey but were harder to use. 

Windows was the obvious choice with an affordable and easy-to-use experience. This edge gave the OS a head start on the market, and it has been in the lead ever since.


One of the reasons Windows is so popular is its price. Windows come pre-installed in several brands of computers that come at various prices. The affordable variants of these devices allow for just about anyone to own a computer that comes with Windows OS. In contrast, Apple sets all their computers at high prices. 

Most users are not happy with this price, seeing as Windows and macOS have similar fundamental functions and user experiences, leading most to buying a Windows computer.

Aside from Windows OS coming in pocket-friendly computers, it has numerous inbuilt software that does not need to be purchased separately. Other operating systems like the macOS would have you buying software to perform tasks that you can do for free on a Windows computer.


While this may seem obvious, but Windows is so popular because it is so popular. With a large number of users opting for Windows and being more familiar with it, it only makes sense for large organizations to make use of this operating system. Using Windows means that these organizations do not require their staff to undergo much training to understand it.

Also, the ubiquity of Windows gives way for collaboration and compatibility among all users of the operating system in different fields. This increases productivity because less time is spent trying to make files and documents compatible with several OS.

Hardware and Software Compatibility  

Unlike macOS, Windows can run on almost all computers and can recognize most hardware attached to it. Also, due to its popularity, Windows has plenty of software developers that work to create software compatible with it. Even software predominately made for another OS can be found on Windows. 

Another reason Windows is widely used is that its installation disk, which you only have to buy once, can be used on several computers. This means that no matter how many times you delete Windows from your computer, you’ll be able to reinstall it as many times as you like. However, you cannot do this with macOS.

More Variety of Software

Of all the operating systems, Window offers the most number of software to pick from. This gives users a variety of options and has software developers working hard to release the best software they possibly can. This drive to impress users leads to a higher number of applications that are available to anyone using a Windows computer.

Other operating systems that do not have as many users have fewer applications available. With a limited offering, these OS do not offer users diversity or low-quality applications, which tends to send users looking for a more diverse OS. 

Better Applications

There is a number of applications built for multiple operating systems also tend to have more features on Windows.

For example, Microsoft Office is an essential productivity tool that most people use. It is available on both Windows and macOS. However, the use of the software on Windows offers you more features and a more seamless experience than on macOS. This reason alone makes people lean towards Windows for a better experience using their favorite apps.

What Is an Operating System?

An operating system (OS) is an integral part of any computer. It is software that runs on a computer’s hard drive that acts as an interface between its hardware, software, and users. 

An operating system not only manages the memory and process of a computer but also allows you, the user, to communicate with the computer without understanding its language.

Some functions of an operating system include booting of the computer, data security, and disk management.  

Without an operating system, you would not be able your computer. The operating system runs other programs like browsers, games, Microsoft Office, and others.

Most computers come with a pre-installed operating system. However, you can choose to upgrade to a different OS. There are three main operating systems for a computer: Windows OS, macOS, and Linux. 

These operating systems function in different ways and give users varying pre-installed apps and experiences. Most times, people use OS based on preference.

Types of Operating System

Windows is a popular operating system, but it is not the only one. There are other operating systems that could possibly give Windows a run for its money.


Windows is an operating system designed by Microsoft and released in the mid-1980s. A majority of computers come preloaded with this OS, making Windows the most popular OS for computers in the world.

Seeing as Windows is proprietary software, everything about it is decided by Microsoft and sold to the masses that way. This means users cannot tweak or tamper with the OS.

Windows makes it possible for you to perform several tasks like browsing the internet or editing a word document.

Since its inception, there have been several versions of Windows. The first was Windows 95 (1995), then Windows XP (2001),  Windows Vista (2007), Windows 7 (2009), Windows 8 (2012), Windows 10 (2015), with the latest being Windows 11 (2021)


macOS is an operating system created and sold by Apple. It is Windows’ biggest competition and is solely used on Apple computers. It used to be called “Mac OS X.”, then “OS X,” and now macOS. 

Just like Windows, the macOS is a proprietary software built and distributed by Apple strictly for their devices. Some versions of this OS include Mojave, Sierra, Yosemite, and the latest Big Sur. 

The macOS is only used by 10% of users worldwide. This is mainly because Apple computers are expensive, and people prefer the experience of Windows. However, the macOS offers one of the best user experience and graphical user interface (GUI) services.


Linux is not like Windows or macOS; it is not proprietary software. Instead, Linux is an open-source operating system that can be used and easily modified by anyone worldwide. It is an operating system similar to UNIX. This operating system does not belong to any company, which makes it free. 

Due to its versatility, there are several versions of Linux to choose from, including Ubuntu, Slackware, and Debian.

Even though Linux is free and versatile, it is not as popular as its counterparts. However, it is still heavily used by several users.

February 16, 2011
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Why Windows is so popular?

In earlier days, MS-DOS was used as default operating system for IBM-PCs. The personal computers made by IBM were provided with de facto MS-DOS both for business as well as home use. Later, IBM has taken steps to leave the business related to personal computers. They were involved much in manufacturing and operating IBM-compatible PCs. The IBM compatible PCs became standard in the market. IBM in business and home PC used to have their software to run for long time and they wanted to have one new OS. Hence, they thought that investment on MS Windows would be a good decision. The manufacturers of PC from then onwards started to pre-install the newer version of MS Windows in every PC that was sold. This tradition is followed even today.

The latest version called windows vista was sold at low percentage (39%) compared to all PCs that were sold. Another major version of MS Windows called Windows XP was installed in the PCs and sold at about 89% of all the PCs that were sold. Windows was the most preferable operating system and the choice operating system used for the personal computers in 80s. Windows has provided an accessory benefit for marketing on behalf of Microsoft. Microsoft could also gain popularity in the case of creating office tools and mingling it with Windows which enhanced the popularity of the Windows.

The popularity of Windows was done by Microsoft not only at the end-user point of view, but also in the side of developer. The developers were stimulated to write software programs compatible with Windows than other operating systems. Popularity also was achieved by the vendors of hardware who installed windows in the PCs before they were sold. The aggressive marketing and the strategies of Microsoft played an important role in making this operating system so popular. Windows is so popular due to its easy way of handling the operating system and it is user friendly. Creating the folders or deleting them can be done very effectively in windows even by a person who is new to the OS. It does not have to be dealt through command prompt and every activity can be done through mouse interface. Hence, Windows is very popular.

Author: Hari M

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The operating system



Transcript The operating system

Автор: Палий Н.С.
Тема урока:
The operating system (OS)
1. Познакомить с понятием и функцией операционной системы.
2. Познакомить и активизировать лексику по теме.
3. Научить правильно определять и использовать исчисляемые и
неисчисляемые существительные.
4. Формировать навыки и умения чтения технических текстов с
пониманием и выделением необходимой информации.
1. system software – системное программное обеспечение
2. operating system – операционное программное обеспечение
3. application software – прикладное программное обеспечение
4. multitasking – многозадачный режим
5. user interface – интерфейс пользователя
6.GUI (graphical user interface) – графический интерфейс пользователя
7. WIMP (Window, Icon, Menu, Pointer) environment – WIMP среда
8. user-friendly – удобный, простой в использовании
9. desktop – рабочий стол
10. window icon – значок, иконка окна
11. folder – папка
12. menu bar – строка меню
13. drop-down menu – раскрывающее/выпадающее меню
14. scroll bar – полоса прокрутки
15. toolbar – панель управления
16. accessible – доступный
17. contribution – вклад
18. stand for – означать
19. acronym - сокращение
20. dock – прикрепление
21. to interface - взаимодействовать
1. How many operating systems can you think of?
Make a list.
Microsoft Windows, Mac OS from
Apple, Linux, Unix, Windows
Mobile (Pocket PC), Palm OS
2. What is the function of the operating system?
The function of the opening system is to control the hardware and
software resources. The OS consists of a set of programs that interface
between the user, application programs and the computer.
Technical help: The function of the operating system
Peripherals( printer, mouse, etc.
Computer( CPU, memory)
Operating system
Application software
(graphics, email, etc.)
The set of program instructions that tell the computer what
to do is known as
(1) a ______ . It can be classified into two basic categories:
* the (2) ________, which includes all the programs that control the
functions of a computer (operating systems, programming
software, device drivers and utilities) .
* the (3) ________, which comprises programs that let you do specific
Typical applications include word processing, databases, educational
programs, email and video games.
* The (4) ________ is a set of programs that control the hardware and
software resources of a computer system. Typical functions include
handling input/output operations, running programs and organizing
files on disks.
application software, operating system, software , system software
In pairs, discuss these questions.
1.What does user-friendly mean?
Microsoft Windows, Mac OS from Apple, Linux,
Unix, Windows Mobile (Pocket PC), Palm OS.
2. Do you think most operating systems are user-friendly?
Give the reasons for your answers.
The function of the operating system is to control the hardware
and software resources. The OS consists of a set of programs that
interface between the user, application programs and the
user – friendly slow accessible
complex graphics- bases
user – friendly
intuitive graphics- bases
Read the again and answer these questions.
1.What kind of OS was used in the early 8Os : text-based or
graphics- based.
2.What is the contribution of Macintosh computer to the
development of graphic environments?
3.What does the acronym WIMP stand tor?
4. How do you run a program on a computer with a graphical
5. What is multitasking?
6. Which multi-user OS is used on large, powerful computers?
7. What is the benefit of using open-source software, for
example Linux?
8. Which Microsoft Platform is used for pocket PCs, mobiles
and portable media centres?
Check yourself
1. text-based
2. The Macintosh was the first computer that used a mouse and
a graphical user interface.
3. windows, icons, menus and pointer.
4. By double-clicking the program icon or a document icon.
5. Running several programs and doing various tasks at the
same time.
6. Unix
7. Open-source software like Unix is freely distributed – you
can copy, change and redistribute its code.
8. Windows Mobile
• desktop: the background screen that
displays icons and folders
• window: a scrollable viewing area on
screen; it can contain files or folders
• icon: a picture representing an
object; for example, a document,
program, folder or hard drive icon
• folder: a directory that holds data,
programs and other folders
• menu bar: a row of words that open up
menus when selected
• drop-down (pull-down) menu: a list of
options that appears below a menu item
when selected
• scroll bar: a horizontal or vertical bar that
clicked or dragged in the desired direction
• dock: set of icons at the bottom of the
screen that gave you access to the things
you use most
a menu bar
b drop-down (pull-down) menu
c program icon
d folder icon
e document icon
f window
g hard drive icon
h scroll bar
i desktop
j dock
Listen to the podcast interview with a program developer,
and answer these questions.
Why is Windows so popular?
Give two reasons.
It’s easy to use, it’s based on graphic
images, and it's compatible with
thousands of programs.
Which Window Vista edition
is aimed at high-end PC
users, games and
multimedia professionals?
Ultimate edition
Windows Vista
Other features
Internet and
Home Basic is
designed for users
with basic needs,
such email and
internet access.
The user interface
has been redesigned
with new icons and
a new
visual style
Internet Explorer is
more reliable and
Home Premium is
for advanced home
computing and
In offers support for
the latest
technologies, from
DVD creation to
The Business
edition is ideal for
The Ultimate
edition is the most
The most popular is
Microsoft Office
a suite that includes
The Security Centre the
word processor
includes an
Word; an email
Program called
program; the Excel
Windows Defender, spreadsheet
and a firewall that
program; and the
protects your
computer from
program, graphics
Countable nouns
o Countable nouns are people or things that we can
count. They have a singular and a plural form
(e.g. file, program, system, application).
o Some words are countable in many languages but
Uncountable in English, and are used with a singular
verb( e.g. advice, damage, equipment, furniture,
research, news, progress, homework).
The advice he gave me was very useful.
o Countable nouns must have a determiner (a, the, my,
this, etc.) in the singular? Although this not necessary in
the plural.
I deleted the file yesterday.
I lost more than ЗОО files when my computer crashed.
We use a before a consonant sound and an before a
vowel. The definite article the means you know which
oneones I mean.
Uncountable nouns
oUncountable nouns are things that we can`t
count. They have no plural form (e.g.
music, robotics, multimedia, networking,
storage ).
A lot of software these days is open-source.
Not: A lot of software these days are is
только в английском
языке .
Употребляются с
глаголами в ед. числе
Uncountable nouns
oWe don`t use a/an with uncountable nouns.
Not: a robotics
o We don`t use the in generalizations with uncountable nouns
or plural countable nouns.
I like music.
Not: I like the music.
Computer programs are expensive.
Not: The computer programs are expensive.
o Countable and uncountable nouns take different
Many, few, a few only go with countable nouns.
There are many versions of Windows Vista.
Much, little, a little , a great deal of only go with
uncountable nouns .
I have a little time free this afternoon if you want to meet.
Look at the HELP box decide if these nouns from the fact
file in ЗB are countable, uncountable or either,
depending on the context.
Write C,U or C and U.
Check yourself
Uncountable nouns
Countable nouns
User c
Email c and u (c: a message; u the system for sending messages
over the Net)
Computing u
Edition c
Interface c
Spyware u
Technology c and u (c: a type of technology – Wi-Fi a new technology;
u: technology in general – Technology is advancing quickly)
Security c and u (c: in financial usage; u: meaning safety)
Icon c
Entertainment u
an operating system and it was initially created as (2)_____
Linux is (1) _____
hobby by a young student, Linus Torvalds, at the University of Helsinki in
Finkland. Version 1.0 of the Linux Kernel* was released in 1994. (3) _____
Kernel, at the heart of all Linux systems, is developed and released under GNU
General Public License, and its source code is freely available to everyone.
Apart from the fact that it`s freely distributed, (4) _____
Linux`s functionality,
adaptability and robustness has made it the main alternative for proprietary
Unix and Microsoft operating systems. IBM, Hewlett-Packard and other giants
of the computing world have embraced Linux and support its ongoing
a decade after its initial release, Linux is being
development. More than (5) _____
adopted worldwide, primarily as (6) _____
server platform. Its use as a home
and office desktop operating system is also be incorporated directly into
- embedding, and it is
microchips in a process called (8) _____
increasingly being used this way in appliances and devices.
*The Kernel provides a way for software and other parts of the OS to communicate with
Summarize the text in 90-100 words.
Follow these steps:
1. Read the text again.
2. Underline the relevant information in each paragraph.
3. Make notes about the main points. Leave out details such as examples.
4. Make sentences from the notes and link the sentences with connectors
( and, but, because, therefore, etc.)
5. Write your first draft.
6. Improve your first draft by reducing sentences. For example:
• Cut out unnecessary phrases
• Macs were designed with one clear aim: to facilitate interaction with the
Omit qualifying words (adjectives or modifying adverbs) very complex.
7. Write the final version of your summary. Don’t forget to check the spelling and
In the past, only experts used computers.
Then, in mid 1980 s, Macs and PCs were designed with a graphic
user interface to facilitate interaction with the computer.
Today, all kinds of people use computers, so there is an
emphasis on accessibility and user-friendly systems.
A GUI uses a WIMP environment (windows, icons, menus and
The most popular operating systems are Windows, Mac OS,
Unix, Linux, and Windows Mobile for handheld devices.


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  10. 1. Security and Privacy
  11. 2. Software Compatibility and Legacy Apps
  12. 3. Familiarity
  13. 4. Hardware Restrictions
  14. 5. Forced Updates
  15. Should You Upgrade to Windows 10?
  16. Subscribe To Our Newsletter
  17. One More Step…!

Windows is a very popular operating system. Why is it so popular? What other operating systems exist besides W?

Windows is a very popular operating system. Why is it so popular? What other operating systems exist besides Windows?

7 Answers

Windows was made to be able to run on almost all computer hardware available. Great marketing and low prices have made it the number one operating system in the world. Apple’s Macintosh Operating systems such as Snow Leopard are probably the second most common, but not as widely used as they have cost more than windows machines for some time. Open Source and Free operating systems are also available, usually using a linux kernel. Ubuntu is probably the most popular free operating system.

Windows, is the most widely used so software and hardware developers generally focus on driver and software support for windows systems.

The other two most popular operating systems are Mac OS and Linux. Of course there are many others but most people use Windows and Mac. Many IT professionals use Linux because its extremely versatile. The short answer for why people use Windows is that its accessible, well known, intuitive,(for the most part) and most developers produce for Windows and many even make their software exclusive to Windows.

In striking that part of the laptop, you may have accidentally destroyed the hard disk. Those things are very delicate. I think that it *is* possible to recover data from hard drives that have suffered physical destruction, but I have only ever heard of it once: the guy in Connecticut who shot up all those kids in that school had apparently taken a hammer to his computer’s hard disk before he set off, and the cops/FBI are supposedly using this technology to piece the data on the drive back together. I really don’t know if that can happen for you though. Since you have an install disc, you can fix the computer if you can buy a new hard drive of the same specification (likely 2.5 inch SATA). But everything will be new and clean, there really is no practical way of getting all that stuff back. Startup repair won’t help you if the disk itself is destroyed, even if you let it run for a decade.

Don’t think it is as «popular» as you think. Most of us are just stuck with it since it has a lion’s share of the apps out there. Gates was very good at cornering the market, a little too good, and that is why the US gov started looking into Windows having a monopoly on the OS market. This is most likely the major reason Gates sunk a ton of his own cash into Apple so that they didn’t go under. If that would have happened the US gov would really go after him.

Why is Windows so popular?

Why Windows is so popular?

In earlier days, MS-DOS was used as default operating system for IBM-PCs. The personal computers made by IBM were provided with de facto MS-DOS both for business as well as home use. Later, IBM has taken steps to leave the business related to personal computers. They were involved much in manufacturing and operating IBM-compatible PCs. The IBM compatible PCs became standard in the market. IBM in business and home PC used to have their software to run for long time and they wanted to have one new OS. Hence, they thought that investment on MS Windows would be a good decision. The manufacturers of PC from then onwards started to pre-install the newer version of MS Windows in every PC that was sold. This tradition is followed even today.

The latest version called windows vista was sold at low percentage (39%) compared to all PCs that were sold. Another major version of MS Windows called Windows XP was installed in the PCs and sold at about 89% of all the PCs that were sold. Windows was the most preferable operating system and the choice operating system used for the personal computers in 80s. Windows has provided an accessory benefit for marketing on behalf of Microsoft. Microsoft could also gain popularity in the case of creating office tools and mingling it with Windows which enhanced the popularity of the Windows.

The popularity of Windows was done by Microsoft not only at the end-user point of view, but also in the side of developer. The developers were stimulated to write software programs compatible with Windows than other operating systems. Popularity also was achieved by the vendors of hardware who installed windows in the PCs before they were sold. The aggressive marketing and the strategies of Microsoft played an important role in making this operating system so popular. Windows is so popular due to its easy way of handling the operating system and it is user friendly. Creating the folders or deleting them can be done very effectively in windows even by a person who is new to the OS. It does not have to be dealt through command prompt and every activity can be done through mouse interface. Hence, Windows is very popular.

Why are Windows PCs So Popular in Industrial Automation? — IntervalZero IntervalZero

August 12th, 2016 by

Windows refers to a meta-family of graphical operating system that Microsoft developed and marketed globally. It comprises of many operating systems families with each catering for a specific computing industry sector. Among the active families of Windows include Windows Embedded, Windows NT and Windows Phone. These can have subfamilies like Windows Server or Windows CE. As an operating environment, Windows was introduced by Microsoft on 20 th November 1985.

Popular Operating System for Personal Computer

An operating system is in most cases pre-loaded in a computer when purchasing it. Although many people use operating systems that are pre-loaded in their computers, you can upgrade or change the operating system of your computer. Windows is perhaps the most popular operating system for personal computers globally. It is available in different versions including Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista. Windows is very popular because it is pre-loaded in majority of the new personal computers.


A Windows PC is compatible with most software programs in the market. Windows computers support software like games and other programs especially those developed specifically for Windows. Among the applications programs that made Windows so popular was Microsoft Office. Additionally, the world of Windows is filled with shareware and freeware. These are free to download and they can be used to do a multitude of applications with personal computers.

Windows Emerged Early

The major reason why Windows is so popular is because it was embraced by many enterprises early. Since it was used by many businesses first, it naturally filtered into homes because most people are familiar with it and used to it at the office


Reliability has not been an issue that could hinder Windows from becoming popular. People who have criticized the reliability of Windows appear to misunderstand the point. While developing Windows, Microsoft realized that for it to be successful, it must provide many features, such as ease of use and reliability. This has enhanced the intuitive nature of the Windows PC, making it very popular.


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Windows 7 vs. Windows 10: 5 Reasons Your Old Love Is Still Going Strong

Some people refuse to give up Windows 7 and upgrade to Windows 10. Why? Well, there are lots of contributing factors.

Windows 10 is now more than three years old. The operating system certainly isn’t perfect, but users and critics both mostly agree that it’s is the best operating system Microsoft has ever produced.

And yet some people refuse to give up Windows 7. Why? There are lots of contributing factors. Let’s take a look.

How Many People Still Use Windows 7?

Windows 7 and Windows 10 are almost neck and neck in terms of user numbers.

Precise figures are impossible to find. However, StatCounter said Windows 10 had overtaken Windows 7’s market share back in February 2018. Contrarily, the latest data from analytics company Net Applications (August 2018) put Windows 7 on 40.3% and Windows 10 on 37.8%.

In truth, most of the Windows 7 market share is made up by the business sector. Many of those companies are now scrambling to make the switch to Windows 10. Free extended support for Windows 7 will end in January 2020, less than 18 months away (we’ve got tips for Windows 7 at end of life.) If they want official support through to 2023, they will have to pay a considerable price.

But even away from the business world, lots of home users refuse to upgrade—despite mainstream support ending in January 2015. Before continuing, make sure you know how to check your Windows version if you’re not sure.

Why Is Windows 7 Still So Popular?

In July 2019, Windows 7 will celebrate its 10th birthday. The fact it’s still clinging on to its title as the world’s most popular operating system nearly a decade after its release is a testament to its original quality.

But let’s be honest, there’s no way that a 10-year-old operating system should be number one. So, what’s going on? Why do so many people and businesses still use it?

Here are our top five reasons.

1. Security and Privacy

If you spend some time browsing this topic on the web’s various dedicated Windows forums, there’s one reason that stands out above all others: security and privacy.

The biggest criticism leveled at Windows 10 is its ongoing collection of telemetry data. It’s a valid point; Windows 10 does amass far more data about your usage habits than Windows 7. Lots of users are uncomfortable with it and choose not to upgrade.

Luckily, if you’re a privacy fanatic, there are plenty of third-party tools you can use that’ll entirely disable the telemetry on Windows 10.

As for the operating system’s security, the argument that Windows 7 is more secure than Windows 10 is downright false. Features like Device Guard, UEFI secure boot, BitLocker, and Windows Hello all make the newer operating system much more robust.

The facts support the theory. Security firm Webroot says the average Windows 10 machine had 0.04 malware files present in 2017, while the average Windows 7 computer had 0.08 malware files. Furthermore, just 15 percent of all malware was on Windows 10 machines, while 63 percent was on Windows 7.

2. Software Compatibility and Legacy Apps

Windows 7 still boasts better software compatibility than Windows 10.

Of course, we’re not talking about Photoshop, Spotify, Microsoft Word, Steam or any of the other mainstream apps; they all supported Windows 10 from its release day.

Instead, we’re talking about the millions of third-party apps and proprietary in-house software that often perform a very specific function and which lots of people rely on every day. Indeed, the reliance on legacy software is why so many businesses have been slow to upgrade.

Similarly, lots of people don’t want to upgrade to Windows 10 because they heavily rely on legacy Windows 7 apps and features that are not part of the newer operating system.

For example, Windows Photo Viewer and Windows Movie Maker can be installed on Windows 10, but in practical terms, they are both dead. Microsoft has also completely killed Windows Media Center in Windows 10. Perhaps apps like Kodi and Plex can fill the void, but a lot of users want to keep using the same apps that they’ve used for the last decade.

3. Familiarity

Many people worry about adapting to new things when it comes to technology. Menus and settings in different places can lead to confusion and decreased productivity.

One only has to look at the debacle over the Start menu in Windows 8 to see evidence of the hysteria in action. In hindsight, was a Start screen rather than a Start menu really that bad? Probably not.

If you’ve been using Windows 7 exclusively since its release in 2009—and you never used the transitory Windows 8—the different between interfaces, layouts, and menus is jarring.

For some Windows 7 users, it’s simply not worth spending the time to adapt to the new version.

4. Hardware Restrictions

On paper, Windows 7 and Windows 10 have identical hardware requirements. They are:

  • Processor: 1 GHz or faster.
  • RAM: 1 GB (32-bit) or 2 GB (64-bit).
  • Free hard disk space: 16 GB.
  • Graphics card: Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM driver.

However, if you try to install Windows 10 on a computer at the bottom end of those specs, you’re going to run into considerable difficulties.

I speak from experience; my wife had an old Dell Notebook lying around with a 1Ghz processor and 1 GB of RAM. I performed a clean install of Windows 10, but after completion, the hardware struggled to complete even the most basic tasks in a timely manner

For people whose hardware is showing its age, it’s just too much of a risk to upgrade to Windows 10.

5. Forced Updates

Three years after launch, and the Windows 10 forced update saga is still rumbling on. Yes, the situation is much better than it used to be. But no, you still don’t have 100 percent control over your operating system.

And for lots of people, that lack of control is a red line. What happens if an update breaks an app you rely on every day? After all, it’s not like Microsoft (or any other company) has a blemish-free record when it comes to buggy updates.

Again, for some people, the potential risk is simply not worth taking in exchange for the perceived limited benefits.

Should You Upgrade to Windows 10?

In a word, yes. MakeUseOf strongly recommends that you upgrade to Windows 10. The new operating system offers more features, a more modern user interface, and enhanced security when compared to its predecessor.

We also recommend that for problem-free Windows 10 experience, you perform a clean install of the operating system. Just make sure you create full backups of all your data before you do so. And before you upgrade to Windows 10 Pro, see whether it’s worth the cost.

Here are some fun secrets that you can use to take your Netflix experience to the next level.

Dan joined MakeUseOf in 2014 and has been Partnerships Director since July 2020. Reach out to him for inquires about sponsored content, affiliate agreements, promotions, and any other forms of partnership. You can also find him roaming the show floor at CES in Las Vegas every year, say hi if you’re going. Prior to his writing career, he was a Financial Consultant.

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facilitate interaction with the computer. A few years later, Microsoft launched Windows, another operating system based on graphics and intuitive tools. Nowadays, computers are used by all kinds of people, and as a result there is a growing emphasis on accessibility and user-friendly systems.

A GUI makes use of a WIMP environment: windows, icons, menus and pointer. The background of the screen is called the desktop, which contains labelled pictures called icons. These icons represent files or folders. Doubleclicking a folder opens a window which contains programs, documents, or more nested folders. When you are in a folder, you can launch a program or document by double-clicking the icon, or you can drag it to another location. When you run a program, your PC opens a window that lets you work with different tools. All the programs have a high level of consistency, with similar toolbars, menu bars, buttons and dialog boxes. A modern OS also provides access to networks and allows multitasking, which means you can run several programs — and do various tasks — at the same time.

The most popular operating systems are:

The Windows family — designed by Microsoft and used on most PCs. The most recent version is Windows Vista.

Mac OS — created by Apple and used on Macintosh computers.

Unix — a multi-user system, found on mainframes and workstations in corporate installations.

Linux — open-source software developed under the GNU General Public License. This means anybody can copy its source code, change it and distribute it. It is used in computers, appliances and small devices.

Windows Mobile — used on most PDAs and smartphones (PDAs incorporating mobile phones).

Palm OS — used on Palm handheld devices.

RIM — used on BlackBerry communication devices. Developed by Research In Motion.

The Symbian OS — used by some phone makers, including Nokia and Siemens. These computer platforms differ in areas such as device installation, network connectivity or compatibility with application software [4].

3. Label the interface features (a-j) on the screenshot of Apple’s Mac OS X operating system with words in bold from this list:


desktop: the background screen that displays icons and folders

window: a scrollable viewing area on screen; it can contain files or


icon: a picture representing an object; for example, a document,

program, folder or hard drive icon

folder: a directory that holds data, programs and other folders

menu bar: a row of words that open up menus when selected

drop-down (pull-down) menu: a list of options that appears below a menu item when selected

scroll bar: a horizontal or vertical bar that is clicked and dragged in the desired direction

dock: set of icons at the bottom of the screen that give you access to the things you use most

4.Divide into two groups and compare a Mac OS X user interface with a Windows interface. What are the similarities and differences? Which features do you prefer from each interface [4]?


5.Listen to a podcast interview with Bill Thompson, a program developer, and answer these questions.

1.Why is Windows so popular? Give two reasons.

2.Which Windows Vista edition is aimed at high-end PC users, gamers and multimedia professional?

6.Listen again and complete this fact file.


Windows Vista

Other features

Internet and

Windows programs




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T h e U l t i m a t e

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most complete.

7. Watch Her, a film about artificial-intelligence operating system called Samantha. Discuss in groups the following questions:

Is it possible to develop this kind of OS? Why/why not? What tools and components would you need to have in order to build such operating system?

What would Siri, or any other similar PC assistant, say about Samantha?

What must be the purpose of operating system? Is it right to have an OS which makes all your dreams come true? Why/why not?

What kind of text editors do people use

How can operating systems and any other pieces of software change human concepts such as love?


8. Look at the HELP box and decide if these nouns are countable, uncountable or either [4].


user email computing edition entertainment interface

*HELP box

Countable and uncountable nouns

Countable nouns are people or things that we can count. They have a singular and a plural form (e.g. file, program, system, application).

Uncountable nouns are things that we can’t count. They have no plural form (e.g. software, music, robotics, multimedia, networking, storage).

A lot of software these days is open-source.

Not: A lot of softwares these days are open-source.

Some words are countable in many languages but uncountable in English, and are used with a singular verb (e.g. advice, damage, equipment, furniture, research, news, progress, homework).

The advice he gave me was very useful.

Countable nouns must have a determiner (a, the, my, this, etc.) in the singular, although this is not necessary in the plural.

I deleted the file yesterday.

I lost more than 300 files when my computer crashed.

We use a before a consonant sound and an before a vowel. The definite article the means you know which one/ones I mean.

An icon is a small graphic.

The icons on the toolbar are used to …

We don’t use a/an with uncountable nouns. Not: a robotics

We don’t use the in generalizations with uncountable nouns or plural countable nouns.

I like music.

Not: I like the music.

Computer programs are expensive.

Not: The computer programs are expensive.

Countable and uncountable nouns take different determiners.

Many, few, a few only go with countable nouns. Thereare many versions ofWindows Vista.

Much, little, a little, a great deal of only go with uncountable nouns. I have a little time free this afternoon if you want to meet.

9. Complete this text with a, an, the or nothing.


Linux is (1)……… operating system and it was initially created as (2)………

hobby by a young student, Linus Torvalds, at the University of Helsinki in Finland. Version 1.0 of the Linux Kernel* was released in 1994. (3)………

Kernel, at the heart of all Linux systems, is developed and released under GNU General Public License, and its source code is freely available to everyone. Apart from the fact that it’s freely distributed, (4)…….. Linux’s functionality, adaptability and robustness has made it the main alternative for proprietary Unix and Microsoft operating systems. IBM, Hewlett-Packard and other giants of the computing world have embraced Linux and support its ongoing development. More than (5)……… decade after its initial release, Linux is being adopted worldwide, primarily as (6)……… server platform. Its use as a home and office desktop operating system is also on the rise.

The operating system can also be incorporated directly into (7)………

microchips in a process called (8)………. embedding, and it is increasingly being used this way in appliances and devices.

* The Kernel provides a way for software and other parts of the O S to communicate with hardware [4].


10. Summarize the text from the exercise 2 in 90-100 words. Follow these steps:

1.Read the text again.

2.Underline the relevant information in each paragraph.

3.Make notes about the main points. Leave out details such as examples.

4.Make sentences from the notes and link the sentences with connectors (and, but, because, therefore, etc.).

5.Write your first draft.

6.Improve your first draft by reducing sentences. For example:

Cut out unnecessary phrases

Macs were designed with one clear aim: to facilitate interaction with the computer.

Omit qualifying words (adjectives or modifying adverbs) very complex

Transform relative clauses into -ing participle clauses

Double-clicking a folderopens a window which contains programs, documents or… Double-clicking a folderopens a window containing programs, documents or… [4]


11. Write the final version of your summary. Don’t forget to check the spelling and grammar.


The most common word processor, Microsoft Word

1.Discuss these questions.

1)What is a word processor?

2)What kind of tasks do people use word processors for?

3)How many different word processing programs can you name? Which do you think is the most popular?

2.Look at this screenshot from Microsoft Word and translate the labeled features and functions into your own language.


3.Complete these sentences with the correct features and functions above.

1.The Standard _____________ lists the icons to save or print a document, spell check, etc. The ___________ Toolbar is the area for changing font,

alignment, indentation, etc.

2.A font consists of three elements: _____________ , type style and type size. For example, Palatino bold at 10 points.

3.Type style refers to a visual characteristic of a typeface, for example B for

_____________ , I for _____________ and U for underlined.

4.If you need to change indentation — the space between the page margin and where the text aligns — you can click the Increase or Decrease

_____________ buttons.

5.The _____________ and _____________ commands allow you to specify customized text sat the top and bottom of every page [4].

4.Look at the HELP box and then correct six mistakes in this dialogue [4].


A:I need a photo for my curriculum vitae. How do I insert one into this Word document?

B:Well, now choose Insert on the Menu bar.

A:As this?

B:Yes. From the Insert menu, select Picture. As you can see, this displays a drop-down menu with different options: Clip Art, From File, From Scanner, Chart, etc. Select From File and you’ll get a dialog box.

A:OK. I’ve done that now. What last?

B:Now navigate your hard drive’s contents and find the picture that you want to insert.

A:Right. I’d like to include this one.

B:OK, good. Now click Insert and the photograph will be inserted into your document.

A:Here it is. Is that write?

B:Yes. First, right-click with the mouse and select Format Picture to adjust the size and other properties.

A:Brilliant, thanks! [4]

*HELP Box Giving instructions

To give instructions, we use the imperative form of the verb and sequence words such as first, next, then, after that, finally, etc.

First, use the mouse to select the text.

Then choose the Cut command from the Edit menu.


Next, choose Paste from the Edit menu.

Finally, check that the texthas appeared in the right place. We can also use the present simple with you.

Now you find where you want the text to appear and you click to position the insertion point [4].

Following instructions

If you want to check that you have understood instructions, you can use expressions like:

Like this? Is that right?

If you want to signal that you are ready to move on to the next step, you can use expressions like:

OK, I’ve done that now. What next?

If you want to ask if the process is completed, you can use expressions like:

Is that everything?

Anything else?

5. Complete these instructions for how to Copy and Paste in Word with verbs from the box.

click (x2) select




1.First, _____________ the text you wish to copy. To select text,

…………… the mouse over the portion of the text that you want to copy. This part should then be highlighted.

2.Then………………… on the Copy icon on the Standard Toolbar. This copies the selected text to an invisible clipboard.

3.Next, …… ………… the cursor where you want the text to appear.

4.Finally, ………………… the Paste icon. This inserts the content of the clipboard at the insertion point. As well as the icons on the toolbar, you can use the keys Ctrl+C for Copy, and Ctrl+V for Paste.These options also come up if you ………………..the selected text.


6. Write instructions for using Find and Replace based on this dialog box.

7. Work in pairs. Student A:

Give your partner instructions on Creating a document and saving it on disk. Student B:

Give your partner instructions on How to insert a picture from the Web into a Word document. Use words and expressions from the HELP box above [4].


8. Scan the descriptions of three WP tools (1-3) — a spell checker, an online thesaurus and a grammar checker — and match them with the dialog boxes (a-c).


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