Why is windows the most popular os platform

popularity between windows, mac, and Linux.why windows is more popular? why people use windows? why do people prefer windows os?

The market offers a wide range of operating systems. Windows, Mac, and Linux are some of the most popular operating systems. Before diving in, learn about the popularity of these operating systems. Let’s take a quick look at this operating system.👊👊👊

Windows OS

Since the mid-1980s, Microsoft has been developing a series of operating systems known as Windows. It comes in a variety of forms. It is a proprietary graphical operating system that only the company can modify. It has dominated the desktop market since 1995.

According to Statcounter of Oct. 2021, Windows 10 is the most popular windows OS with about 75.18% market share in Desktop Operating System Worldwide. It has a wealth of tools and features etc.

The fact that most general-purpose PCs come with Windows OS pre-installed is one of the reasons why they are the most popular.


Apple’s macOS (formerly OS X) operating system is a series of operating systems. The majority of Macintosh computers come with macOS preinstalled. It is not as popular as Windows, and one of the reasons for this is that the Mac is more expensive.

It is marketed by Apple Inc, since 2001 AD.


Linux is a collection of open-source, free operating systems that can be modified and distributed by anyone anywhere in the world. It is a highly customizable operating system. It is primarily used in server farms.

It was created by Linus Torvald and it was first released in 1991 AD.

Why are windows Os is popular over other available Operating systems like Linux and Mac?

In this article, I want to talk about why windows Os is popular than other available Operating systems like Linux and Mac in the desktop environment.

Table of Contents

  • Why Windows OS is Popular ?
    • 1 Windows Emerged Historical with GUI Support
    • 2 User-Friendly OS
    • 3 Largely Adopted Software
    • 4 Grew Up with Windows
    • 5 Productivity
    • 6 Large Microsoft Official Support Base
    • 7 Preinstalled OS
    • 8 Driver and Peripherical Compatibility
    • 9 Windows largely used in school and training institution
    • 10 Large Windows Software Developer
    • 11 AutoCAD and Graphics Things
    • 12 Pirated Windows is Available Everywhere 
    • 13 Large Windows Geeks and Enthusiast Support
    • 14 Games
    • 15 Windows 10 Update
    • 16 Windows 11 Release
    • 17 Large number of OEM vendors
    • 18 Vacancy
    • 19 Installation

Why Windows OS is Popular ?

Some of the reasons are as follows:

1 Windows Emerged Historical with GUI Support

Despite the fact that GUI support was not initially developed for Windows OS. However, when Microsoft included a graphical user interface (GUI) in its operating system, its popularity skyrocketed. This increases Windows users because it allows them to work without having to worry about commands. And other operating systems are struggling to provide GUI support as quickly as Microsoft did. As a result, it was widely adopted at the time.

Windows has had a large market share in operating systems since its inception, with Windows 3.11 having a market share of more than 90% in 1994 AD.

Also in current time has the highest market share in desktop OS(source).

OS Market Share in %
Windows  75.18 
Mac OS 15.89 
Linux  2.15
Chrome OS 2.54
Unknown 4.23

popular os

It has a near-monopoly on desktop and laptop in the computer market.

2 User-Friendly OS

No other operating system is as simple to use as Microsoft Windows. Nobody wants to type a bunch of commands to do something that can be done with a few mouse clicks. As a result, the user interface of Windows is superior to that of other open-source operating systems. Windows is designed in such a way that anyone can learn how to use it.

Windows allows people to do a lot of things without much difficulty most of the time. If we use Windows, Linux, or Mac, we find that they are not user-friendly.

3 Largely Adopted Software

People are already using MS OFFICE and Adobe products and games that only work on Windows. As a result, the next time a user tries to use MAC or Linux, they are disappointed by the lack of such features, and they return to Windows. In most cases, this occurs.

Linux may not have applications to be used or used by the consumer.

4 Grew Up with Windows

Most people grew up using Windows OS on their PCs and are comfortable with it.

5 Productivity

The majority of businesses use Windows OS to carry out their daily operations. Making reports, PowerPoint presentations, and graphics with Windows software is simpler. And software such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe products, and many others assist them. This software alternative is available in both MAC and Linux, but it lacks many of the features found in Windows software.

Linux has LibreOffice but is not much popular as ms word.
Linux has a gimp as an alternative to photoshop both not as good as photoshop.

In my view, this software is just a polished version of windows’ popular software.

6 Large Microsoft Official Support Base

If you used a paid commercial version of Windows, Microsoft will provide you with a lot of active support. Also, large corporations do not want to waste time troubleshooting issues; instead, they contact Microsoft for assistance, and they are available at all times to assist businesses; thus, large corporations use Windows as well.

For paid users, Windows has better support for both current and legacy Windows.

7 Preinstalled OS

When you go to the market to buy a laptop or desktop, they will tell you that the Windows operating system is preinstalled and genuine. Preinstalled Windows denotes that the operating system has been fully installed, licensed, and activated with Microsoft. As a result, in the majority of cases, Windows 10 will come preinstalled on the new system.

Windows OS marketing and advertising are at an all-time high.

8 Driver and Peripherical Compatibility

Windows has better driver support from manufacturers than Linux and MAC. Furthermore, some vendors do not develop a driver for Linux, and when an open community does develop a driver, it may not be properly compatible.

So, in desktop and laptop environments, Windows gets any new drivers first, then macOS and then Linux.

Eg. Sometimes laptop and desktop wifi did work with Linux because the manufacturer may not have created it for Linux. This happens once in my case.

Even today Linux is not very successful at supporting devices such as printers and scanners.

Noobie and even expert geeks will have much more confidence in buying a video card, printer, and dual monitor setup with windows, and many of the manufacturers suggest the same.

Learn about CPU Hyperthreading: click here.

9 Windows largely used in school and training institution

Windows OS is used in many schools and training institutes, so if anyone wants to learn anything, they will be taught in Windows OS. In order to obtain a Linux expert or a Mac expert, they must pay a high salary to the instructor; therefore, they use Windows OS, which is familiar to almost everyone.

10 Large Windows Software Developer

Most developers develop software for windows making windows user life much much easier.

11 AutoCAD and Graphics Things

If you do 3D graphics works then most of the industry-standard software is windows base.

12 Pirated Windows is Available Everywhere 

You may get pirated windows OS on the internet and can be installed on any computer system easily. However, OSX can only be installed on the MAC system, and have to pay for it.

13 Large Windows Geeks and Enthusiast Support

Because a large number of people use Windows, the problem can be resolved quickly and easily. There are also numerous articles written by tech geeky to solve the problem for Windows.

14 Games

Also, Windows is the best for gamers as well. And has lots and lots of amazing games for Windows OS support.

15 Windows 10 Update

Windows 10 Updates are automatic, once set in automatic mode. You do not need external third-party driver updating software
as windows have built-in for it. Windows generally apply a large number of updates at one go but Linux updates come frequently because they provide updates as soon as it is available.

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16 Windows 11 Release

With the release of the Windows 11 operating system, the popularity of the Windows operating system has already skyrocketed. Windows 11 has made significant improvements to its graphical user interface, and it now has the same look and feel as macOS. Another important feature that Windows 11 supports is the ability to run Android applications, as well as the integration of Microsoft Teams.

17 Large number of OEM vendors

Every company wants to make a profit. OEM distributors purchase Windows OS in bulk at a low cost, benefiting both Microsoft and OEM distributors, and will target large groups of users through wholesalers and retailers.

18 Vacancy

Most businesses use the Windows operating system, which necessitates the hiring of personnel to run the business. So, there are a lot of job openings, and it is written in the requirements that applicants should know how to use Office Packages and soon.

19 Installation

OSX cannot be installed in every system and only support for Mac System. Noobie finds it difficult installing Linux OS and in the early days there is no GUI support for installation. For many years windows have the same steps for installation in every version of windows which makes it easier to install every version of windows even by noobie guys.


Neither I am in support of any of these OS, each has helped in solving people’s tasks in various ways. If you find any of these points irrelevant then please feel free to comment below👇👇👇.

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Microsoft Windows Logo

Anyone who has ever used a computer is familiar with Windows operating system. Windows is the operating system of choice for numerous brands like HP, Acer, and Dell. Everyone can’t seem to get enough of it, but what is it about this operating system? Why is Windows operating system so popular?

Windows operating system is popular because it has an easy user interface, is affordable, and it is compatible with various types of software and hardware.

Windows isn’t the only operating system for computers out there. Different computer manufacturers have other operating systems for their devices. Who knows, maybe you would prefer an alternative operating system to Windows.

You have always known Windows to be popular, but do you know why? There are plenty of reasons why Windows are so popular. Here they are.


Microsoft introduced Windows at a time when computers became mainstream. During this period, options were limited. There was the operating system of the Macintosh, but it was too expensive. UNIX was also available, but its machines were also expensive. These options were not only pricey but were harder to use. 

Windows was the obvious choice with an affordable and easy-to-use experience. This edge gave the OS a head start on the market, and it has been in the lead ever since.


One of the reasons Windows is so popular is its price. Windows come pre-installed in several brands of computers that come at various prices. The affordable variants of these devices allow for just about anyone to own a computer that comes with Windows OS. In contrast, Apple sets all their computers at high prices. 

Most users are not happy with this price, seeing as Windows and macOS have similar fundamental functions and user experiences, leading most to buying a Windows computer.

Aside from Windows OS coming in pocket-friendly computers, it has numerous inbuilt software that does not need to be purchased separately. Other operating systems like the macOS would have you buying software to perform tasks that you can do for free on a Windows computer.


While this may seem obvious, but Windows is so popular because it is so popular. With a large number of users opting for Windows and being more familiar with it, it only makes sense for large organizations to make use of this operating system. Using Windows means that these organizations do not require their staff to undergo much training to understand it.

Also, the ubiquity of Windows gives way for collaboration and compatibility among all users of the operating system in different fields. This increases productivity because less time is spent trying to make files and documents compatible with several OS.

Hardware and Software Compatibility  

Unlike macOS, Windows can run on almost all computers and can recognize most hardware attached to it. Also, due to its popularity, Windows has plenty of software developers that work to create software compatible with it. Even software predominately made for another OS can be found on Windows. 

Another reason Windows is widely used is that its installation disk, which you only have to buy once, can be used on several computers. This means that no matter how many times you delete Windows from your computer, you’ll be able to reinstall it as many times as you like. However, you cannot do this with macOS.

More Variety of Software

Of all the operating systems, Window offers the most number of software to pick from. This gives users a variety of options and has software developers working hard to release the best software they possibly can. This drive to impress users leads to a higher number of applications that are available to anyone using a Windows computer.

Other operating systems that do not have as many users have fewer applications available. With a limited offering, these OS do not offer users diversity or low-quality applications, which tends to send users looking for a more diverse OS. 

Better Applications

There is a number of applications built for multiple operating systems also tend to have more features on Windows.

For example, Microsoft Office is an essential productivity tool that most people use. It is available on both Windows and macOS. However, the use of the software on Windows offers you more features and a more seamless experience than on macOS. This reason alone makes people lean towards Windows for a better experience using their favorite apps.

What Is an Operating System?

An operating system (OS) is an integral part of any computer. It is software that runs on a computer’s hard drive that acts as an interface between its hardware, software, and users. 

An operating system not only manages the memory and process of a computer but also allows you, the user, to communicate with the computer without understanding its language.

Some functions of an operating system include booting of the computer, data security, and disk management.  

Without an operating system, you would not be able your computer. The operating system runs other programs like browsers, games, Microsoft Office, and others.

Most computers come with a pre-installed operating system. However, you can choose to upgrade to a different OS. There are three main operating systems for a computer: Windows OS, macOS, and Linux. 

These operating systems function in different ways and give users varying pre-installed apps and experiences. Most times, people use OS based on preference.

Types of Operating System

Windows is a popular operating system, but it is not the only one. There are other operating systems that could possibly give Windows a run for its money.


Windows is an operating system designed by Microsoft and released in the mid-1980s. A majority of computers come preloaded with this OS, making Windows the most popular OS for computers in the world.

Seeing as Windows is proprietary software, everything about it is decided by Microsoft and sold to the masses that way. This means users cannot tweak or tamper with the OS.

Windows makes it possible for you to perform several tasks like browsing the internet or editing a word document.

Since its inception, there have been several versions of Windows. The first was Windows 95 (1995), then Windows XP (2001),  Windows Vista (2007), Windows 7 (2009), Windows 8 (2012), Windows 10 (2015), with the latest being Windows 11 (2021)


macOS is an operating system created and sold by Apple. It is Windows’ biggest competition and is solely used on Apple computers. It used to be called “Mac OS X.”, then “OS X,” and now macOS. 

Just like Windows, the macOS is a proprietary software built and distributed by Apple strictly for their devices. Some versions of this OS include Mojave, Sierra, Yosemite, and the latest Big Sur. 

The macOS is only used by 10% of users worldwide. This is mainly because Apple computers are expensive, and people prefer the experience of Windows. However, the macOS offers one of the best user experience and graphical user interface (GUI) services.


Linux is not like Windows or macOS; it is not proprietary software. Instead, Linux is an open-source operating system that can be used and easily modified by anyone worldwide. It is an operating system similar to UNIX. This operating system does not belong to any company, which makes it free. 

Due to its versatility, there are several versions of Linux to choose from, including Ubuntu, Slackware, and Debian.

Even though Linux is free and versatile, it is not as popular as its counterparts. However, it is still heavily used by several users.

Microsoft Windows is one of the popular operating system types and is preloaded on most new PC hardware. With each new Windows update or release, Microsoft continues to work on improving their users’ experience, hardware, and software, making Windows more accessible and easier to use.

Is Windows the most popular operating system in the world?

Microsoft’s Windows is the most widely used computer operating system in the world, accounting for 68.54 percent share of the desktop, tablet, and console OS market in June 2021.

Why do we prefer to use Windows operating system?

It manages the computer’s memory and processes, as well as all of its software and hardware. It also allows you to communicate with the computer without knowing how to speak the computer’s language. Without an operating system, a computer is useless.

What is the most popular and commonly used operating system?

Windows still holds the title as the world’s most used operating system on desktops and laptops. With a 39.5 percent market share in March, Windows is still the most-used platform in North America. The iOS platform is next with 25.7 percent usage in North America, followed by 21.2 percent of Android usage.

Which OS is mostly used?

Windows 10 is the most popular operating system for desktop and laptop computers. Android is the most popular smartphone operating system. iOS is the most popular tablet operating system. Variants of Linux are most widely used in the Internet of things and smart devices.

Why Linux is not popular than Windows?

The main reason why Linux is not popular on the desktop is that it doesn’t have “the one” OS for the desktop as does Microsoft with its Windows and Apple with its macOS. If Linux had only one operating system, then the scenario would be totally different today. … Linux kernel has some 27.8 million lines of code.

Why Linux is bad?

As a desktop operating system, Linux has been criticized on a number of fronts, including: A confusing number of choices of distributions, and desktop environments. Poor open source support for some hardware, in particular drivers for 3D graphics chips, where manufacturers were unwilling to provide full specifications.

Why do Linux users hate Windows?

2: Linux no longer has much of an edge on Windows in most cases of speed and stability. They can’t be forgotten. And the numer one reason Linux users hate Windows users: Linux conventions are the only place they could possibly justify wearing a tuxuedo (or more commonly, a tuxuedo t-shirt).

What are the 5 operating system?

Five of the most common operating systems are Microsoft Windows, Apple macOS, Linux, Android and Apple’s iOS.

What operating system does Google use?

Chrome OS (sometimes styled as chromeOS) is a Gentoo Linux-based operating system designed by Google. It is derived from the free software Chromium OS and uses the Google Chrome web browser as its principal user interface.

Chrome OS.

The Chrome OS logo as of July 2020
Chrome OS 87 Desktop
OS family Linux (Unix-like)

Windows was not the first operating system for personal computers nor the first one to feature a graphical user interface. The Alto or Xerox Star from Xerox PARC and the Apple Lisa and Macintosh from Apple Computer were two of the most popular systems in the 1970s and 1980s that helped in commercializing and standardizing the design and utilization of user interfaces with graphical elements such as windows and icons.

Microsoft joined the trend in 1985 with the introduction of Windows 1.0. It was followed by Windows 2.0 in 1987. These two received insignificant market attention. However, the potential of the operating system became more apparent with Windows 3.0 in 1990. Microsoft began developing a more consumer-oriented version of its operating system. Windows 95 was the result of this initiative and it soon became the most popular PC operating system.

Several versions of Windows were introduced after the 95. Nevertheless, the brand remains as popular and as dominant. What exactly are the reasons why Windows became the most popular operating system for personal computers? What are the specific strategies and tactics Microsoft developed and implemented to promote and sell its operating system? How did Windows retain its popularity and dominance for decades?

Why is Microsoft Windows Popular: The Specific Marketing Strategy of Microsoft and the Resulting Brand Equity

There are other operating systems for personal computers that are available for end-use consumers. Linux is popular for enthusiast-level users and in numerous enterprise use cases. There are also several Linux distributions such as Ubuntu and Debian that have been a go-to alternative to mainstream operating systems.

Of course, macOS from Apple remains the closest competitor of Windows in the specific consumer-oriented PC market. Google has entered the market with the introduction of ChromeOS. Some smartphone manufacturers have tweaked the Android mobile OS to introduce desktop-like functionalities. Samsung DeX from Samsung is a prime example.

Windows remains the dominant operating system in the mainstream market. It is found in most household personal computers, as well as devices or workstations used in government offices, educational institutions, small-to-large-sized business organizations, non-profit organizations, and even in several enthusiast-level market niches.

To understand how this operating system has become successful and why it remains popular and dominant, it is important to understand the initial marketing strategies developed and utilized by Microsoft, as well as the concurrent and prevailing strategies, including the resulting impacts of all of its marketing efforts as far as its branding is concerned.

1. Early Marketing Efforts for Windows

Bill Gates had a vision of putting a personal computer on every desk in every home. Microsoft took marketing seriously beginning with the introduction of Windows 3.0 in 1990. However, it was in Windows 95 in which the company demonstrated its marketing prowess.

Remember that the newer version of the operating system released in 1995 was more oriented toward end-use consumers. Microsoft invested heavily in specific promotion strategies such as a television commercial featuring the hit single “Start Me Up” by The Rolling Stones and another promotional video featuring Jennifer Aniston and Mathew Perry.

The company also sent out marketing materials such as brochures in computer retail stores. PC World in the United Kingdom received a large quantity of these materials.

It also created buzz and brand awareness further through guerilla marketing tactics such as lighting up the Empire State Building in New York to match the colors of the Windows logo and placing a 330 feet banner on the side of CN Tower in Toronto.

However, aside from these marketing messages geared toward end users, Microsoft also marketed its operating system toward computer manufacturers. Note that the company had partnered with IBM in 1980 which resulted in hundreds of thousands of IBM computers sold with MS-DOS. Microsoft sought more partnerships in the 1990s.

Partnerships with computer manufacturers have been key to the marketing strategy of Microsoft and in the specific distribution strategy for its operating system. These manufacturers fundamentally have the license to sell computers pre-installed with Windows.

2. Popularity in Business Organizations

The operating system dominated the market beginning in 1995 because of these licensing agreements. Of course, apart from individual and residential consumers, computers that come pre-installed with Windows landed in business organizations.

Most organizations purchase computers in bulk quantities from computer manufacturers or authorized distributors to receive discounts lower than the individual retail price. Hence, with Microsoft partnering with several computer manufacturers and its brand generating greater awareness, its operating system captured the business segment.

However, the aforesaid is not the only reason why Windows is popular in business organizations. Microsoft knew that it needed to develop relevant software programs that would appeal to the business segment and the more specific business-oriented end users.

The company banked on its established experience in developing office productivity software programs such as a word processor and a computerized spreadsheet.

Note that it developed the Multi-Tool Word for the Xenix operating system in 1983. It was the predecessor to Microsoft Word. It also first announced the Microsoft Office in 1988 which contained the earlier version of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

Windows 95 and the subsequent versions of the operating system have been marketed with Microsoft Office. The entire suite of office productivity software programs has become one of the selling points used by Microsoft.

These software programs were sold individually. However, they came pre-installed in personal computers manufactured by some of the largest PC makers in the world. Hence, for business organizations, purchasing computers pre-installed with an operating system and relevant software saved them from the hassle of purchasing individual software copies.

3. Established Software Developers

Note that the popularity of Windows in both residential and business segments soon attracted the attention of most software developers. Its emerging dominance beginning in 1995 gave these developers an incentive to develop software for this operating system.

It made sense for these companies to develop and sell software for the most dominant operating system. Doing so meant targeting an existing and sizeable market.

Furthermore, it would be too expensive and unnecessary taxing for them to develop software programs for different operating systems. They fundamentally depended on the current dominance of Windows at that time and bet further on its future.

The aforesaid trend has persisted during the 1990s and the 2000s, as well as even to the present because it has created a win-win situation for Microsoft, software developers, and end users. Companies developed for Windows because of its existing user base while consumers bought Windows computers because of software availability.

Note that the win-win situation also creates an active competitive environment that is beneficial to the interest of the end users. Software developers are compelled to produce the best product possible to capture and retain the interest of computer users.

4. Windows as Standard in PC Gaming

It cannot be denied that this operating system from Microsoft has the most expansive selection of software available. The same is true as regards the availability of game titles. Windows remains the dominant operating system for PC gaming.

There are six major reasons these operating system has become and remained popular for gaming. Remember that Microsoft aggressively sought licensing deals with PC makers to distribute Windows during the 1990s. It essentially gained a first-to-market competitive advantage for both the entire PC market and the specific video gaming market.

It also made a conscious decision to develop and position its operating system as a first-class gaming platform with the introduction of Microsoft DirectX in 1995. DirectX is a collection of application programming interfaces that enables developers to fine-tune and optimize the performance of resource-intensive applications such as games.

These two critical tactics allowed Microsoft to become a leader in the emerging PC gaming market during the 1990s. Game developers have preferred developing primarily for Windows because of its existing user base.

Furthermore, the availability of hardware components such as central processing units, graphics processors, and other multimedia components that are compatible with Windows has attracted further both game developers and PC gamers.

Enthusiast-level gamers prefer building their own personal computers from the ground up. Hardware compatibility makes Windows a flexible platform.

It is also important to note that PC games are cheaper than game titles available on game consoles. Purchasing a gaming computer might be expensive upfront but its longevity translates to considerable cost savings in the future.

5. Limitations of Other Operating Systems

Other operating systems such as the different Linux distributions have notable limitations. These include the absence of proprietary software programs that are available to more mainstream operating systems such as Windows and macOS.

Google positioned ChromeOS as a consumer-grade operating system for ultraportable laptops and low-powered desktop computers. However, it lacks the capabilities and functionalities found in devices running Windows and macOS.

Note that macOS is the closest competitor of Windows in the overall mainstream market. However, Apple products are expensive. Mac Mini is the cheapest Mac computer that retails for around USD 670.00. However, this price tag does not include a mouse, keyboard, and display. A complete Mac Mini setup will cost between USD 800.00 to USD 1000.00.

Nevertheless, another reason Windows remains the most popular operating system is that it addresses the shortcomings of other operating systems.

Remember that this operating system from Microsoft has an incomparable library of software programs or applications. Desktop and laptop computers running this OS are available at different configurations and price points.

There are Windows computers designed and marketed for entry-level and budget-conscious users such as students. Some are marketed toward business professionals and enterprises while others are geared toward hard-core video gamers.

February 16, 2011
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Why Windows is so popular?

In earlier days, MS-DOS was used as default operating system for IBM-PCs. The personal computers made by IBM were provided with de facto MS-DOS both for business as well as home use. Later, IBM has taken steps to leave the business related to personal computers. They were involved much in manufacturing and operating IBM-compatible PCs. The IBM compatible PCs became standard in the market. IBM in business and home PC used to have their software to run for long time and they wanted to have one new OS. Hence, they thought that investment on MS Windows would be a good decision. The manufacturers of PC from then onwards started to pre-install the newer version of MS Windows in every PC that was sold. This tradition is followed even today.

The latest version called windows vista was sold at low percentage (39%) compared to all PCs that were sold. Another major version of MS Windows called Windows XP was installed in the PCs and sold at about 89% of all the PCs that were sold. Windows was the most preferable operating system and the choice operating system used for the personal computers in 80s. Windows has provided an accessory benefit for marketing on behalf of Microsoft. Microsoft could also gain popularity in the case of creating office tools and mingling it with Windows which enhanced the popularity of the Windows.

The popularity of Windows was done by Microsoft not only at the end-user point of view, but also in the side of developer. The developers were stimulated to write software programs compatible with Windows than other operating systems. Popularity also was achieved by the vendors of hardware who installed windows in the PCs before they were sold. The aggressive marketing and the strategies of Microsoft played an important role in making this operating system so popular. Windows is so popular due to its easy way of handling the operating system and it is user friendly. Creating the folders or deleting them can be done very effectively in windows even by a person who is new to the OS. It does not have to be dealt through command prompt and every activity can be done through mouse interface. Hence, Windows is very popular.

Author: Hari M

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Most popular operating system by computer

  • Windows 7 is the most popular operating system for desktop and laptop computers.
  • Android is the most popular smartphone operating system.
  • iOS is the most popular tablet operating system.
  • Variants of Linux are most widely used in the Internet of things and smart devices.

Is Android the most popular OS?

Thanks to mobile, Google’s Android is now king, as it has become the world’s most popular operating system for getting online. Web analytics firm StatCounter reported that, for the first time ever, Android topped the worldwide OS internet usage market share.

Which Windows OS is most used?

Microsoft finished 2018 as the world’s most valuable company, but it also passed an important milestone for Windows. The latest Windows 10 operating system is now the most popular desktop OS in the world, finally beating Windows 7’s market share according to Net Applications.

Why Windows OS is the most popular?

Windows is perhaps the most popular operating system for personal computers globally. Windows is very popular because it is pre-loaded in majority of the new personal computers. Compatibility. A Windows PC is compatible with most software programs in the market.

Which of the following mobile OS has the most users worldwide?


What is the most used mobile OS?

Windows 7 is the most popular operating system for desktop and laptop computers. Android is the most popular smartphone operating system. iOS is the most popular tablet operating system. Variants of Linux are most widely used in the Internet of things and smart devices.

Does Apple or Android have more users?

There are essentially two viable smartphone operating systems, Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android. However, since Android has a much larger install base and sells more smartphones each year, it actually loses more to Apple than it gets from iOS. (Note that I own Apple shares).

Which Windows OS is best?

Top Ten Best Operating Systems

  1. 1 Microsoft Windows 7. Windows 7 is the best OS from Microsoft I have ever experienced
  2. 2 Ubuntu. Ubuntu is a mixture of Windows and Macintosh.
  3. 3 Windows 10. It’s fast, It’s reliable, It takes full responsibility of every move you do.
  4. 4 Android.
  5. 5 Windows XP.
  6. 6 Windows 8.1.
  7. 7 Windows 2000.
  8. 8 Windows XP Professional.

Which Windows version is best?

Windows 7 has way more fans than previous Windows versions, and many users think it is Microsoft’s best OS ever. It is Microsoft’s fastest-selling OS to date — within a year or so, it overtook XP as the most popular operating system.

What are the three most popular operating systems?

The three most common operating systems for personal computers are Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. Modern operating systems use a graphical user interface, or GUI (pronounced gooey).

Is Microsoft the only operating system?

No, Microsoft Windows is one of the most POPULAR OS’ for Computers. There are hundreds of other, possibly as efficient (or maybe more) operating systems as Windows. There is Apple’s Mac OS X which is an operating system designed to run on Apple Computers.

Is Windows 10 a good operating system?

Microsoft’s free Windows 10 upgrade offer is ending soon — July 29, to be exact. If you’re currently running Windows 7, 8, or 8.1, you might be feeling the pressure to upgrade for free (while you still can). Not so fast! While a free upgrade is always tempting, Windows 10 might not be the operating system for you.

Is Windows 10 better than Ubuntu?

Ubuntu is an open source operating system while Windows is a paid and licensed operating system. In Ubuntu Browsing is faster than Windows 10. Updates are very easy in Ubuntu while in Windows 10 for the update every time you have to install the Java.

What is better Android or iOS?

Good. The truth is both iPhones running iOS and smartphones running Android have their good and bad points. And make no mistake: The fight is between these two mobile operating systems. BlackBerry exists only as a brand name, and the manufacturer making “BlackBerry” phones is now using Android.

Is Android more popular than iOS?

Sorry, Fanboys: Android Still More Popular Than iOS In U.S. Android has long been the most popular smartphone operating system not just in the U.S., but in the world. Unlike Apple’s iPhones, Android devices are made by a variety of companies — Samsung, LG, Motorola, et cetera — and are often budget-friendly.

Why iPhones are better than androids?

Only Apple makes iPhones, so it has extremely tight control over how the software and hardware work together. On the other hand, Google offers the Android software to many phone makers, including Samsung, HTC, LG, and Motorola. Because of that, Android phones vary widely in size, weight, features, and quality.

Which is the best OS for smartphones?

Best Smartphone Operating Systems

  • 1 Google Android. Android One is the as good as it gets.
  • 2 Microsoft Windows Phone. Windows phone OS are great they are not ram hungry.
  • 3 Apple iPhone OS. Nothing can beat apple.
  • 4 Nokia Maemo. Billy said it was great!
  • 5 Linux MeeGo VoteE.
  • 6 RIM BlackBerry OS.
  • 7 Microsoft Windows Mobile.
  • 8 Microsoft Windows RT VoteE.

Why Android is most popular operating system?

Android has now overtaken Windows to become the world’s most popular operating system, according to data from Statcounter. Looking at combined usage across desktop, laptop, tablet and smartphone, Android usage hit 37.93%, narrowly edging out Windows’ 37.91%.

How many OS are there for mobile?

Examples of mobile device operating systems include Apple iOS, Google Android, Research in Motion’s BlackBerry OS, Nokia’s Symbian, Hewlett-Packard’s webOS (formerly Palm OS) and Microsoft’s Windows Phone OS. Some, such as Microsoft’s Windows 8, function as both a traditional desktop OS and a mobile operating system.

Does Apple make more money than Android?

The findings of the study are not really new, as premium flagship smartphones make much more profit compared to entry-level devices. Apple and Samsung have dominated that market over the past few years, but Apple has moved ahead. Android smartphone sales, collectively, are much higher compared the iPhone sales.

Is iOS easier to use than Android?

If your app deals with multimedia, creating it on iOS is much easier than creating it for Android. Because iOS apps are generally better than Android counterparts (for the reasons I said above), they generate a greater appeal. Even Google’s own apps behave faster, smoother and have a better UI on iOS than Android.

What is Android company worth?

Dediu said in a tweet that the figure might actually be even lower — Android might be worth only about $2 billion, or 0.7% of Google’s enterprise value, in fact.

What are the 4 major types of operating system?

Two Different Types of Computer Operating Systems

  1. Operating system.
  2. Character user interface Operating system.
  3. Graphical User Interface Operating System.
  4. Architecture of operating system.
  5. Operating System functions.
  6. Memory Management.
  7. Process Management.
  8. Scheduling.

Five of the most common operating systems are Microsoft Windows, Apple macOS, Linux, Android and Apple’s iOS.

  • What Operating Systems Do.
  • Microsoft Windows.
  • Apple iOS.
  • Google’s Android OS.
  • Apple macOS.
  • Linux Operating System.

What are the four major types of operating systems?

A computer has four general types of memory. In order of speed, they are: high-speed cache, main memory, secondary memory, and disk storage. The operating system must balance the needs of each process with the different types of memory available. Device management.

Is Ubuntu a good operating system?

5 ways Ubuntu Linux is better than Microsoft Windows 10. Windows 10 is a pretty good desktop operating system. Meanwhile, in the land of Linux, Ubuntu hit 15.10; an evolutionary upgrade, which is a joy to use. While not perfect, the totally free Unity desktop-based Ubuntu gives Windows 10 a run for its money.

How Linux is better than Windows?

Linux is much more stable than Windows, it can run for 10 years without the need of a single Reboot. Linux is open source and completely Free. Linux is much more secure than Windows OS, Windows malwares doesn’t effect Linux and Viruses are very less for linux in comparison with Windows.

What are the advantages of Linux over Windows?

The advantage over operating systems such as Windows is that security flaws are caught before they become an issue for the public. Because Linux does not dominate the market like Windows, there are some disadvantages to using the operating system. First, it’s more difficult to find applications to support your needs.

Updated: 10/07/2019 by

Collage of operating system terms.

Today, many different versions of Windows, macOS, Linux, and mobile operating systems are available. So, what is the most popular operating system?

According to all of the StatCounter Global Stats reports, as of April 2020, Windows 10 is the most popular desktop computer operating system. However, if you also include mobile devices, Android is the most popular operating system globally.

Most popular operating system by computer

If you were to break up the different types of computing devices into categories, the most popular operating system for each category is as follows.

  • Windows 10 is the most popular operating system for desktop and laptop computers.
  • Android is the most popular smartphone operating system.
  • iOS is the most popular tablet operating system.
  • Variants of Linux are most widely used in the Internet of things and smart devices.
  • Other variants of Linux are the most popular operating system on web servers and supercomputers.

StatCounter Global Stats

Most popular operating systems

Lists of operating system market share

Below is a list of reports and websites you can find a complete list of the top operating systems based on their market share.

  • StatCounter top operating systems.
  • Net Marketshare desktop operating systems.
  • Wikimedia Foundation visitor operating systems.
  • Statista leading computer operating systems.
  • W3Counter browser and platform share.

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Windows is the most popular operating system in the world and has been for quite a while. Every couple of years, Microsoft comes up with a new Windows with improved safety features, an improved GUI, and newer software in general.

However, this isn’t the only type of Windows OS that Microsoft makes. They also have a server line, the latest installment of which is Windows Server 2019. In this article, I will be outlining the characteristics and the differences between these two systems. But what are the main differences to start with?

The main difference between Windows 10 and Windows Server is that Windows 10 is meant for at-home, personal PC use, while Windows Server is a dedicated OS meant for running server systems.

windows vs windows server

I will go into more detail on the difference between these two and also what they are good for, so if you are looking for an OS for your business, or just trying to figure out what these mean, you are in the right place.

Read on for more info on these Windows OS-s!

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Windows 10 Operating System

Let’s start out with the Windows 10 Operating System (OS), which is the #1 OS installed on PC-s worldwide.

According to Wikipedia, between 77% and 87.8% of all Operating Systems installed worldwide are Windows systems, with the Apple macOS accounting for around 10% only.

What is this staggeringly large percentage about? Why is Windows 10 the most popular, and what is it used for exactly?

Why Is Windows 10 So Popular?

As mentioned above, Windows dominates the OS niche by a large, large margin. Why is this? How come the Apple macOS, which is also very popular and seen as the major competition for Windows, not so popular?

There are a couple of simple reasons for this. One of them is that Microsoft was at the right place at the right time, doing the right business deals.

When Microsoft first launched Windows 1.0 in 1985, Apple’s macOS was nowhere to be seen, and it arrived at the party almost 20 years later, in 2001.

By this time, Microsoft has gained market dominance and has signed a number of contracts with large PC manufacturers to pre-load the machines with Windows OS.

This caused Windows to be the number-1 OS used worldwide, and also the OS that people associate with by default when thinking about PC usage.

Aside from early market dominance and contracts, which are the main reasons for its popularity, Windows is also easy to use and very versatile.

Of course, the reason it is very easy to use is partly that it is the norm, but the general look and feel of the OS is easier to interpret and use at home for most individuals.

Also, the main challenge that Linux and macOS, and other OS-s face, is the fact that people are quite simply used to Windows.

It requires one’s deliberate actions to change to another OS, and there is a learning curve, which people just don’t want to go through.

What Is Windows 10 Used For?

Basically, Windows 10 is the everyday PC-user’s Operating System. It is the fundamental piece of software on your computer (aside from BIOS) which provides a platform for, technically, anything. This can be work, gaming, hobbies, and more.

Windows 10 was one step in the process of unifying the Windows and the general OS experience across different devices. Windows 10 Mobile was also developed alongside Windows 10, in order to provide a similar, if not identical feel on both devices.

Windows 10 also receives regular updates and also has some features that Server systems lack, like Cortana or other programs which ease personal PC use.

Windows Server, though popular with smaller businesses, especially ones that have to do with IT, is not very well known. Most people are casual PC users, who have contact with Windows 10 or 10 Pro, and have never heard of Server.

For this reason, I will first go through some basic history of the program, and then talk about its characteristics and use.

Windows Server History

Windows Server is a group of operating systems released by Microsoft since 2003, which cater to centralized networks, and thus business use mostly.

A server is a computer or a network of computers that provides data, resources, or a platform for clients or other computers, and Windows Server is the operating system developed by Microsoft for this purpose.

The most recent addition to this group of server operating systems is the Windows Server 2019, which has some major improvements compared to the 2016 version, which wasn’t a bad system already.

Security-wise, the Windows Server 2019 is better than the 2016 version by a pretty large margin. The latter used shielded VMs as its base for security systems, while the new version, the 2019 Server, can also run Linux VMs.

The basic security principle the new version works on is the “protect, detect and respond” attitude.

Some Major Characteristics of the Server

One of the most upfront and visible differences between Windows Server and Windows 10 is the pricing. As Server systems cater to businesses that want to create a centralized server system, often containing multiple PCs or even more complex machinery, the prices are also a lot higher up.

For a Windows 10 system, you will be looking at around 140-300 USD, which is not very cheap but is reasonable.

For a Windows Server, you will have to cash out anywhere from 500 USD to 6,200 dollars. Of course, the higher-end the system you want to create, the more the cost.

With Server, you have much easier access to some features that you can’t find on a Windows 10 system, such as Windows Deployment Services, Active Directory Domain Services, DHCP, and more.

With these, you can deploy operating systems remotely, or control and manage domains.

window difference2

What Are the Differences Between Windows 10 and Windows Server?

The main differences between Windows 10 and Windows server are quite simply that they are meant for completely different jobs and purposes. They are built differently, they are compatible with different hardware and serve different goals.

The Windows 10, as mentioned earlier, is your go-to, at-home PC OS, which is meant to provide the most seamless experience in using your PC or laptop for the regular things you would use a laptop for.

To talk a bit about specific differences, it helps to talk about the different hardware these OS-s are compatible with.

Windows 10, for example, is compatible with a RAM (Random Access Memory) capacity of up to 2 TB, while the Server can do up to 24 TB. Now, 2 TB or RAM is way too much for 99% of PC users and is more than unnecessary, but this comparison still shows the difference between these two systems and how they are meant for different purposes completely.

Windows Server often has to keep communication and data transfer, amongst a ton of other things, between multiple computers, perhaps do multiple tasks at once. For this, having such high RAM compatibility is not outlandish, it is reasonable.

When it comes to multi-tasking or just the solving and carrying out of more complex tasks, it isn’t even the RAM that does all the heavy lifting, but the CPU (Central Processing Unit). Here, you also have a substantial difference incompatibility.

Windows 10 Home edition supports one physical CPU only, while the Windows 10 Pro can support two. Windows Server, on the other hand, can have up to 64 sockets.

It can also handle a lot more cores, so much so that the cap for core number is listed as unlimited for the Server, whereas it is “only” between 32 and 256 cores for Windows 10.

Is Windows 10 Better Than Windows Server?

As this article is one that compares Windows 10 and Windows Server, the question of which one is better naturally follows. The issue is that the answer is quite ambiguous, and is also very heavily based on personal preference and the intended usage.

The reason for this is that these two can’t even really be compared. It is like asking whether a lawnmower or a string trimmer is better. There is some compatibility, and with enough motivation, you can use them for most of the same tasks, but they aren’t meant for it.

However, I can still go through which one is better for what, exactly.

Windows 10 (Home or Pro) is much, much better for at-home PC use and your general web browsing, gaming, movie streaming, etc. It is somewhat smoother than the Server in my experience (when it comes to the GUI, but this could be due to other issues), but its main advantage is being the go-to base program for your PC, a jack-of-all-trades.

So if you are not looking to build a server base or perhaps don’t even know what Windows Server is, Windows 10 is definitely the better option for you.

However, if you want to create a server or a solid IT basis for your business, there are just a lot more options than you can choose from in a Windows Server OS. It is tailored to the specific tasks you will come across, so no wonder they will far outperform a Windows 10 in those settings.

As a personal side note, I would add that if I did have to choose, I would probably say that Windows 10 is better, and for one small reason.

Though it will never be as efficient, let alone powerful, to run servers and complete server-related tasks as the Server is, there are many programs you can actually download which can enable you to use your PC as a sort of low-end server.


Can You Use Windows Server as a Normal PC?

Some people might consider buying Windows Server either for their business or because they might be thinking of setting up a business in the near future, and they are also in the process of choosing an OS.

The question is, is it possible to use a Windows Server OS as you would use a Windows 10 OS? After all, it is a server operating system, right?

Well, actually you can use a Server like you would use WIndows 10. They use the same kernel and the software is pretty much the same in many regards, especially when it comes to everyday tasks.

You can just as easily download browsers, apps, and other software onto your Server OS as you would on a Windows 10, which, again isn’t a surprise, seeing as Server is basically Windows 10 with a bunch of added, specialized features for server hosting or managing.

If you are willing and able to pay the price and are perhaps thinking about starting a business that would require a Server OS, the Windows Server is definitely a great choice, and you don’t have to worry about your PC turning into a complicated coding screen; it will look and feel really similar.

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When it comes to computer operating systems, there’s no doubt that Microsoft Windows is definitely the most popular choice.  According to StatCounter in May 2018, 81.73% of all computer users were running some version of Windows. Yes, over 80% of computer users. Clearly, they are doing something right. But what is it exactly about Windows that attracts so many users? Let’s look at some factors.

Better Applications

Applications that are available for Windows tend to have exceptional features when compared to other platforms. This is not to say that Windows has all the best software because there are indeed some very well-developed programs built for other platforms. But when we look at the bigger picture, we find that Windows-based applications do seem to come out on top when compared to its counterparts.

One example of this is Microsoft Office. Even though it is available for both Windows and Mac users, the experience of the Windows version far exceeds the Mac version. Given Microsoft Office’s prevalence in the productivity sector, this alone would be enough reason for an organization to choose Windows above other operating systems.



Over the past year Windows has remained the OS of choice in the United States


The usage statistics speak for themselves regarding how popular Windows is. With Windows being more familiar to people than any other operating system, it makes sense for organizations to choose the option that will require less training and that users would be more comfortable with using. Almost every computer user has used Windows at some point but the opposite is not necessarily true.

It also makes collaboration and compatibility with other organizations run smoother. In the marketplace, Windows is the dominant operating system. If you want your business to remain compatible with your partners and stakeholders, you should be on the same platform too. Partnerships and business deals don’t need the annoying stress of incompatible files and mismatched functionality.


More Software

Without a doubt, Windows has the biggest selection of software available for its platform than any other operating system. The benefit of this is that users get to choose from a wider variety of options. This creates healthy “competition” for users, where software developers really have to push boundaries to produce the best program possible. Anything less than the best will result in users picking the next program on the list. This alone does wonders in motivating software developers to deliver excellent solutions that meet users’ needs.

In the case of less popular operating systems, there are less software options available for users. And this limited choice means that users will just have to pick the closest working option. When the element of competitive software development is absent, it can make developers lazy. Because users will be forced to use a lower-quality product simply because there is no better option.

Windows 10 Home Pro Enterprise
Product Image
Max RAM 4GB / 128GB 4GB / 2TB 4GB / 2TB
Avliability OEM/Retail OEM/Retail/Volume Licensing Volumelicensing
Device Encryption Included Included Included
Cortana Included Included Included
Microsoft Edge Included Included Included
Multiple Languages Included Included Included
Mobile Device Management Included Included Included
Virtual Desktops Included Included Included
Windows Hello Included Included Included
Windows Spotlight Included Included Included
Remote Desktop Included Included
Hyper-V Included Included
BitLocker Included Included
Conditional Access Included Included
CBB (Defer updates) Included Included
Domain Join Included Included
Enterprise Data Protection Included Included
Windows Analytics Included Included
Windows Information Protection Included Included
AppLocker Included
Credential Guard Included
DirectAccess Included
Microsoft App-V Included
MDOP Included
Windows To Go Included
Price $99.99 $119.99 $319.99

Many features are included in various versions of Windows OS that are not supported by others or are difficult to achieve with out native compatibility


Cost is a critical factor when choosing an operating system. However, it is not as simple as comparing price tags. Factors like having to retrain users, compatible hardware and feature parity contribute to the final bill. Propriety developers, like Apple, usually charge a lot for a device that performs only slightly better than a Windows device that costs half the price. Or consider the cost of buying enough software to perform all the tasks that one Windows-based program can do already. A dollar for dollar comparison usually leaves Windows-based computers with the win.

In all honesty, there is a case that can be made for non-Windows operating systems. They certainly have their merits. But Windows is clearly the alpha when you add up all the points. If you are trying to decide which option would best suit your needs and wallet, try talking to a software specialist like MyChoiceSoftware.

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