Windows 10 arm insider preview iso

Несколько часов назад Microsoft выпустила новую инсайдерскую сборку Windows 10 под номером 21354 для канала Dev, которая принесла с собой ряд изменений. Прежде всего, этой сборке вновь доработали виджет «Новости и интересы», сделали новые настройки для камер и добавили новые опции для дисплеев.

Выпущены официальные ISO-образы Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 21354

Несколько часов назад Microsoft выпустила новую инсайдерскую сборку Windows 10 под номером 21354 для канала Dev, которая принесла с собой ряд изменений. Прежде всего, этой сборке вновь доработали виджет «Новости и интересы», сделали новые настройки для камер и добавили новые опции для дисплеев. Более подробную информацию вы найдёте в нашей статье по этой ссылке.

Одновременно с этим Microsoft опубликовала официальные ISO-образы сборки Windows 10 Build 21354, которые пригодятся, если вы хотите сделать чистую установку системы на своём устройстве. Отметим, что предыдущие ISO-образы компания выпускала для сборки 21286 в январе 2021 года.

Как обычно, для загрузки доступны Windows 10 Insider Preview, Windows 10 Insider Preview Enterprise и Windows 10 Insider Preview Home China. Скачать новые ISO-образы вы можете с официального сайта: А если вам необходим VHDX для Windows 10 Client ARM64 Insider Preview, то вы можете найти его по этой ссылке.

Update: 👋🏻 Microsoft is set to release a single annual update for Windows 10. This article gives you everything you need to know. Version 22H2 is currently serving in Insider Preview. Read more about the latest stable Windows 10 version and how to get it.

Windows Insider is a way to taste upcoming features in Windows 10 stable release, In this case, 22H2. This is a comprehensive guide on how to download (or build) Windows Insider preview ISO files and get them installed on your computer. First, a Windows insider is more like a beta Windows 10.

Windows 10 Screenshot

Microsoft releases many insider previews to test things out, sometimes those features and tweaks make a place in the final version and some don’t. So it feels good to experience the features that may or may not be released to public build.

Download stable Windows 10 latest version ISO system image files.
Get Windows 11 on your Computer (without TPM)

Use the below download button to choose from 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 10. We are using this tool to download UUP files from Microsoft servers. The tool automatically converts UUP files to ISO in the end, so YES, you can build the latest insider preview ISO images at home, 100% original and safe.

Windows 10 on arm insider preview: If needed use the ARM64 link to build an ISO compatible with ARM processors.

Windows 10 on 32-bit and 64-bit insider preview, both versions are available to download, in some cases, you can download direct ISO from Microsoft for this, but we recommend that you create one on your computer using the guide.

Current build information:
Build: 19045.1889
KB Update: KB5016616-x64/x86/

  • Windows 10 Insider preview ISO | 64-bit download
  • Windows 10 Insider preview ISO | 32-bit download
  • Windows 10 Insider preview ISO | ARM64 download
    Important: See Guide

Follow these steps to get your Windows 10 ISO.

Build Original Windows 10 Insider Preview Build ISO

Warning: many people still rely on the internet to download ISO from the internet which often led your PC to get infected, folks over created this script that compiles ISO using original files obtained through Microsoft servers.

  1. Download the script from the links given above, use the 64-bit link to download 64-bit Windows 10 UUP files. And use the 32-bit link to build 32-bit Windows insider preview ISO.
  2. Now extract the tool, right-click and select Extract All option.

  1. Open the extracted folder, run uup_download_windows file, this script is an automated script that will download all the files using the Aria2 download program. This is necessary to download multiple files at once.

This will take some minutes, use a high-speed internet connection. you can see the progress inside the command prompt window and all the files that this tool download is from Microsoft server, so yes there is no involvement of third-party files.

Windows 10 insider latest ISO making using Command prompt

It will download around 2-3GB. You can see files stored in /UUP folder.

If for some reason, you see an error in downloading, just close and start the tool, it will skip downloaded files and confirm all files are downloaded.

The new version of the tool, automatically creates ISO from the files. However, if you wish to manually trigger the ISO building process, read step 4.

(Optional) Step 4. Once done, this script will execute another tool that you can find inside the same folder. Run the convert-UUP to start converting downloaded files to Windows 10 Insider preview ISO.

Get Windows 10 Insider preview UUP files and change them to ISO files: In case you don’t trust the ISO from 3rd party website. You can fetch all the UUP files for the latest Insider preview build and convert them into a single ISO file for installation purposes.

Install Guide – Install Windows 10 from USB | Step by step guide with images]

Getting the latest Insider build.

Step 1. Go to computer settings, press Windows Key + I (shortcut)
Step 2. Update & Security > Windows insider program > Setup with Microsoft Account.
Step 3. Update & Security > Windows update > check for update.

This should hook you with the insider program, and you will get the latest insider build if you choose Skip Ahead at the time enabling the insider program.

Windows 10 Insider Preview

Download from Microsoft. What’s available: Build 19044.1288 (April 2021), Insider Dev and Beta channel, Insider Enterprise.

  1. First, go to this page and log in to a Microsoft Live account, if you don’t have to create one. Unlike downloading a Windows 10 stable ISO, this will require a Sign in.
  2. From the page select the Edition and the Language. Not every recent version is available from Microsoft if you didn’t find a recent version by using this method, feel free to jump at the bottom of this article where we add links to the latest versions.
  3. Links will be created for both 64-bit and 32-bit machines; you need to download one according to your PC architecture. How do I know which one I have?

Remember those links are only valid for a 24-hour period, (optional) If you wish to download the file in a few days here is how to do that. Basically, you can remotely download the file to any cloud storage by pasting the link provided by Microsoft. After that, you can download the file from the cloud storage the usual way.

Creating Bootable Media

There is more than one way to create a bootable installation media. Creating a bootable USB is a fast way, and installing Windows 10 from USB just makes sense.

  • How to Install Windows 10 From USB
  • How to Burn Disc Image (ISO & IMG) in Windows 10, 7 or 8
  • Windows 10 Media creation tool Download & Create Bootable USB

Hope this helps you to get your hands on the latest features and new tweaks. Do more with Windows 10 here are some interesting guides to get going.

  • How To Make The Windows 10 Taskbar Translucent (100% Transparent)
  • Windows 10 Performance Tweaks to Make it Faster
  • How to Use Slide To Shutdown Function in Windows 10


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  • How to Disable Cortana in Windows 10 in One-Click

Windows Insider is like a treat for Developers and tech-savvy people who are interested to test out upcoming and bleeding-edge features of Windows 10. This article helps folks in downloading Windows 10 insider ISO (building one on your own).

Windows 10 insider preview is divided into two channels, one is beta and the other is Dev. Beta is the next version that is going to release, while the Dev channel includes features that can make it into the next stable update. It’s counterintuitive to test the Beta channel, rather than just download and hop to the latest Windows 10 insider preview ISO and get it installed on your computer.

Parallels Forums

  1. So if I’m not wrong, there is no legitimate way to get the W10 ARM file anymore as of September 16, 2021?

    If I am, how do I find it?

  2. You are incorrect. First you have to join the Windows Insider Program, and then go to this URL to download the OS —

  3. But that is only windows 11, not windows 10 now

  4. True — but Windows 11 is where you’ll need to go if you want an ARM OS. MS isn’t offering Windows 10 on ARM any more.

  5. Damn, I needed it for an assignment

  6. You can still find build 21390 (the last Windows 10 build) on I think you need a previous Windows 10 version to create an iso, though. What I don’t know is if that previous version must be able to actually run on an M1. If that is not the case, you could download the Windows 10 iso that is still available to Insiders (I think it is build 19044) and create an 21390 iso with the download from uupdump.

    ZiqianZ and CarlosR29 like this.

  7. Hey Carlos, i am also using a MBP M1 and wanted to run Windows 10 — not Windows 11 in Parallels.
    Can you please give me exact information, how you received the correct files from UUPDump and what you did after downloading? I have tried and downloaded a few files but after i had them downloaded to my local disc on my Win10 64 Bit Office PC — i could not create an image. I am new to ARM and never downloaded files from UUPDump.
    Maybe you can give me some good advice or a link to Win10 (DE — German would be best, but EN is also fine) that ist working for me.
    Do i have to download the files and create the ISO file from an ARM based system or is my 64 Bit system in Office ok for the job?
    Thanks so much in advance for helping me

  8. I wouldn’t bother downloading Windows 10 files from While you can still download files for the last Dev Channel build (21390), that build will expire at the end of the month. Since there are no Beta Channel, Release Preview Channel or Retail/OEM builds available that can run on an M1 Mac, Windows 10 on M1 is effectively dead.

  9. Thanks for your answer — i have no problem with downloading files from other sources than Microsoft Insider Pages — my problem is that i tried a lot of Win10 ARM files from in my x64 Maschine to download and build an ISO file but the script never succeded and no ISO was built.
    So are there any Images that can be used for a longer period than the end of the month?
    How do you handle Windows10 on Apple M1?
    Has anyone a working ISO or even vhdx file and can share it?

  10. Yes, that’s right…W10 is dead.

  11. I’m making an ISO in German language….wait

    G.S2 and Schwinni like this.

  12. Not for Windows 10. You will have to use Windows 11. I wrote a short explanation about building an iso for the current Retail/OEM build of Windows 11 here. Maybe it helps.

  13. 21390.2025.210603-0312.CO_RELEASE_SVC_IM_CLIENTMULTI_A64FRE_DE-DE.ISO
    Uploading to Onedrive…

  14. search «21390»
    Windows 10 Insider Preview 10.0.21390.2025(co_release)arm64
    create download package
    another windows machine «uup_download_windows.cmd» double click
    iso image file move to m1 mac
    parallels desktop install assistant last click and F2 key (Press F2 key as soon as you click)
    BIOS secure boot configuration setting «attempt secure boot» check to remove
    and continue
    i’m sorry for my poor english, i’m japanese.

    Attached Files:

  15. Thank you so much!!!!!
    I will try later to install! Will this Windows 10 also die in a few weeks?

  16. Yes, it is the same build.

  17. No need to apologize, your English is fine.
    More importantly, your post means that build 21390 might not expire at the end of the month. I thought all Windows 10 builds I used were rs_prerelease which will definitely expire. Build 21390 as a co_release build might continue to work, though. The expiration notice only mentions rs_prerelease.

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  • 19.07.2020

В данной статье рассмотрим версию Windows 10 для ARM — процессоров. Что это такое, где скачать и как установить, читайте далее.

ARM — Это тип архитектуры процессора, она отличается от обычной архитектуры Intel x86 и 64 бит, которые используются в наше время в компьютерах и большинстве ноутбуках. ARM — процессоры используются в мобильных телефонах (iPhone, iPad и Android), а так же в различных устройствах, к примеру в «Умных часах», либо в мини-компьютерах на одноплатной основе, многим известным Raspberry Pi и Arduino.

Компьютеры на процессорах ARM обладают своими существенными преимуществами, по сравнению с обычными x86 процессорами, например более высокая автономность, т.е ноутбук на ARM процессоре позволит работать без подзаряда намного дольше, чем с x86 процессором с одинаковым объемом заряда. Помимо всего ARM дешевле в производстве.

Особенности Windows 10 на ARM

Windows 10 на ARM со времен Windows 8 к 2020 году научилась запускать обычные x86 приложения, т.е все обычные приложения написанные под десктопную Windows, но только посредством эмуляции, что может отражаться на производительности работы приложения.

Приложения из Windows Strore наоборот, в среднем работают лучше на ARM, чем на x86 процессоре, т.е большинство приложений из магазина поддерживает ARM без эмуляции.

Какие минусы Windows 10 на ARM?

1. Только x32 (x86) приложения могут быть эмулированы, приложения, которые имеют только x64 разрядность на данный момент не работают.

2. Драйвера работают только для периферийных устройств с plug-and-play технологией, т.е с универсальными драйверами Windows. Драйвера x32 (x86) типа не поддерживаются, как альтернативу возможно использовать нативные драйвера ARM 64.

3. Не работают игры на OpenGL с версией выше 1.1. Игры, которые используют технологию античит так же не работают. Так же не работает Hyper-V.

4. Из-за ограничений технологии ARM не поддерживаются так же многие тесты, такие как: PCMark 8, Work, Cinebench R15, Premiere, Blender, OpenGL 2.1. MATLAB.

5. Не работают — опции и приложения для людей с ограниченными возможностями, редакторы метода ввода, приложения для облачных хранения данных.

Скачать и установить Windows 10 ARM

Для начала, чтобы использовать Windows 10 для ARM — Вам необходимо само устройство на ARM системе. Самым распространенным на данный момент — это одноплатный мини-комьютер Raspberry Pi, на китайских площадках их продают в среднем за 4-5 тысяч рублей.

Скачать Windows 10 for ARM Вы можете на следующей странице.

С процессом установки, Вы можете ознакомиться в пошаговом видео:

Активация Windows 10 ARM

Активация системы ничем не отличается от обычной «десктопной» Windows. Для Windows 10 на ARM так же работают версии Windows 10 Pro и Windows 10 Home, приобрести ключи активации для данных систем Вы можете в нашем каталоге по самым низким ценам! Доставка ключей моментальная в автоматическом режиме на Вашу электронную почту.

I’ve brought up this ARM64 AIO ISO of Windows 10 20H1 for use in both flashing Raspberry Pi’s and usage for Parallels in M1 Macs, or whatever fits your need.

This was built using UUP files, and it has no pre-activation.




January 21, 2023
No operating system installed error

I keep getting an error that says «There is no operating system installed in this virtual machine» whenever I try to install it on Parallels Desktop. Is there any way to fix this?


January 6, 2023
Over the ‘tude comment

It was over an «off-hand» comment I did about how this does not have a product key preinstalled in a kind of rude tone. I did remove it later though


November 26, 2022
Parallel desktop 18 bsod

It’s showing up BSOD (blue screen) when I start installing windows, it works on UTM but very slow, it took 10 minutes to boot and 6 minutes to open the file explorer 😱, I’m using a MacBook pro M1, also thanks for sharing this iso btw

Caleb Liu

November 7, 2022
works perfect

Thanks! I got to test it on my Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, works perfectly fine!

Trinity Gave

October 26, 2022
Use it for the PD18

Thanks , I just installed it on PD 18, everything is working perfectly with a product key from keyingo


September 12, 2022
Good Stuff arm64 iso link.

Awesome DL iso Link — Thank You.
and Matthew Howell727 is a massive little beta wimp.

Angelus mortem

August 3, 2022
Perfect, ass all things should be…

I dont understand what the previous comment means. This uploaded is 11/10… (No ‘tude detected)

Matthew Howell727

November 9, 2021

While I appreciate the ISO upload, I don’t appreciate the uploader’s cocky attitude.

Lose the ‘tude!

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