Windows 10 for raspberry pi 4

В середине июля 2020 года эксперты портала Tom's Hardware опубликовали инструкцию по установке Windows 10 на Raspberry Pi 4. Вдобавок они проверили, как работа...

В середине июля 2020 года эксперты портала Tom’s Hardware опубликовали инструкцию по установке Windows 10 на Raspberry Pi 4. Вдобавок они проверили, как работают некоторые сторонние программы (GIMP Photo Editor, Arduino IDE и Python 3.8) в этой связке микрокомпьютера на ARM и последней версии Windows.

Вопрос «зачем» тут не особо уместен, так как экспериментаторам был важен сам факт того, что это можно сделать и все будет работать. Да, медленно и с тормозами и проблемами, но будет.

Официально, единственная операционная система Microsoft для Raspberry Pi — это устаревшая на текущий момент версия Windows 10 IoT Core, которая, например, позволяет выполнять код Visual Studio на микрокомпьютере, но там даже нет графического интерфейса. Тем не менее, разработчики (например, проект «Windows on Raspberry Pi» в Discord) своими силами сделали необходимы программы и нашли способ по установке и запуску полноценной версии Windows 10 на Raspberry Pi 4.

Эксперты портала Tom’s Hardware дополнительно уведомили, что они не могут ручаться за безопасность или законность любых пользовательских файлов, созданных сообществом «Windows on Raspberry Pi», поэтому все действия далее они делали на свой страх и риск.

В 2019 году эксперты портала Tom’s Hardware уже попытались установить Windows 10 на Raspberry Pi 3, но тогда этот трудный процесс у них закончился по большей части проблемами, ошибками и тормозами после установки.

В настоящее время даже после всех стараний команды проекта «Windows on Raspberry», после установки Windows 10 на Raspberry Pi 4 не работают встроенные в микрокомпьютер порт Ethernet, модули Wi-Fi, Bluetooth и GPIO, аудио через HDMI также недоступно. Для сетевого подключения нужно использовать Wi-Fi USB-адаптер, а для вывода звука Bluetooth через USB-адаптер.

Для установки Windows 10 на Raspberry Pi 4 понадобятся:

  • последняя версия Raspberry Pi 4 с 4GB или 8GB ОЗУ;
  • карта памяти microSD на 16 GB или больше;
  • ПК с Windows 10 и доступом в сеть интернет для создания нужной загрузочной сборки;
  • адаптер USB to Ethernet или WiFi dongle;
  • Bluetooth dongle (если нужен Bluetooth).

Инструкция по установке Windows 10 на Raspberry Pi 4:

  • нужно скачать и распаковать на ПК последнюю версию инструмента WoR 2.0.0 alpha 3, там будет архив на 4.7G;
  • зайти на Windows on Raspberry Pi Discord server в разделе Downloads channel скачать последнюю стабильную версию Windows on ARM (0.2.1), ссылка на этот файл PublicFlukeByte.iso;
  • запустить WoR Alpha tool и выбрать язык установки;
  • вставить в ПК карту памяти и выбрать ее в WoR Alpha tool в разделе «Select device», там же выбрать режим «Raspberry Pi 4 experimental mode»;
  • далее в разделе «Select image» указать место расположения на ПК ранее скаченного файла PublicFlukeByte.iso;
  • далее в разделе «Select drivers» выбрать опцию «Use the latest package available on the server.»;
  • далее в разделе «UEFI firmware» выбрать опцию «Use the latest firmware available on the server.»;
  • потом нужно проверить конфигурацию загрузочной сборки и начат ее записать на карту памяти, причем запись может продолжаться более двух часов, в зависимости от параметров карты памяти;
  • скачать и распаковать на ПК патч для Raspberry Pi 4 по активации USB-портов и 3 ГБ ОЗУ в Windows 10, скопировать файл winpatch.exe в корень диска C: на ПК;
  • пропатчить сборку на карте памяти: в командной строке на ПК выполнить
    «winpatch X:WindowsSystem32driversUSBXHCI.SYS 910063E8370000EA 910063E8360000EA 3700010AD5033F9F 3600010AD5033F9F», где Х — буква диска с картой памяти;
  • рекомендуется также «разогнать» в настройках Raspberry Pi, но тогда лучше заранее обеспокоиться установкой на микрокомпьютер системы охлаждения, для этого необходимо в файле config.txt на загрузочном карте памяти выставить параметры: «over_voltage=6» и «arm_freq=2000»;
  • теперь можно извлечь загрузочную карту памяти из ПК, вставить ее в Raspberry Pi 4 и начать стандартную установку ОС Windows 10;
  • после окончания процесса установки Windows 10 на Raspberry Pi 4 необходимо активировать в ОС возможность полноценно использовать 3 ГБ ОЗУ, для этого нужно под администратором в командной строке запустить: «bcdedit /deletevalue {default} truncatememory», далее необходимо перезагрузить микрокомпьютер;
  • далее можно подключить сетевые USB-адаптеры, настроить их и скачивать и устанавливать из интернета необходимые для работы приложения, включая браузеры и другое ПО.

Эксперты портала Tom’s Hardware установили на Raspberry Pi 4 с Windows 10 браузер Microsoft Edge, программы GIMP Photo Editor, Arduino IDE и Python 3.8 с оболочкой Python REPL. Все программы запускались и работали нормально. По скорости работы с этой ОС микрокомпьютер оказался на уровне Intel Celeron или Atom начального уровня. Время загрузки ОС Windows 10 составило 2 минуты 12 секунд. Просмотр видео в YouTube возможен, но со средними настройками разрешения роликов. Из проблем — на эту сборку не удалось установить редактор кода Visual Studio Code. Также не работал модуль Python под названием GPIO Zero, который используется для взаимодействия с GPIO Raspberry Pi. Возможно, что в будущем эти моменты будут доработаны разработчиками проекта «Windows on Raspberry Pi».

Ранее в феврале 2020 года Raspberry Pi Foundation выпустил обновленную версию (v1.2) Raspberry Pi 4, в которой было исправлено несколько проблем, включая совместимость с различными USB-C кабелями. Тогда микрокомпьютер не распознавал некоторые кабели как источник питания из-за проблем со схемой питания.

В конце мая 2020 года в продажу поступила 8-гигабайтная модель Raspberry Pi 4. Она доступна по цене в $75. Вдобавок создатели портативного ПК сняли с продажи версию с 1 ГБ оперативной памяти, теперь за $35 можно приобрести Raspberry Pi 4 с 2 ГБ ОЗУ.

См. также:

  • «Raspberry Pi Foundation захостила свой сайт на Raspberry Pi 4. Теперь этот хостинг доступен всем»
  • «Протокол UASP ускоряет передачу файлов на Raspberry Pi 4 в полтора раза»
  • «Любитель подключил PCIe к Raspberry Pi без контроллера USB»

Raspberry Pi Windows 10

The Raspberry Pi is usually associated with Linux operating systems like Raspberry Pi OS (formerly known as Raspbian), Ubuntu, etc. But what about running Windows 10 on your Raspberry Pi? Well, it would be great for sure. However, Windows 10 is still not officially supported for Raspberry Pi. Microsoft’s only OS for Pi is the old Windows 10 IoT Core that just lets you execute Visual Studio codes but cannot work as a standalone OS with its GUI.

Though it is so, it didn’t stop some passionate developers to find a way to run a full desktop version of Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi. They have made it possible with the WoR project. With that, they developed a tool to flash an ARM image of Windows 10 on an SD Card (or an SDD), that can boot on a Raspberry Pi.

In this guide, I’ll walk you through the exact steps to install Raspberry Pi Windows 10.


  • Requirements
  • Steps to Install Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 4/3/2
    • Step 1: Download the Required Files
    • Step 2: Update Raspberry Pi Firmware
    • Step 3: Build Windows 10 ISO File on your PC
    • Step 4: Flash the ISO File with WoR Tool
  • The First Boot
  • Overclock the Raspberry Pi
  • How Does Raspberry Pi Windows 10 Perform?
  • Now it’s your turn..


  • Raspberry Pi 4/3/2
  • MicroSD Card (Faster is better, so a class A2 card is recommended)
  • Ethernet Cable or Wi-Fi dongle
  • Keyboard, Mouse, and Monitor

Step 1: Download the Required Files

In order to get started with the installation, you have 2 things to download.

1. The WoR Tool []

When you download this you will get a zip file with everything inside it. Keep it for now. We’ll use it later.

2. UUP file for Windows 10 ARM

For downloading a UUP file you can use any one of the following websites. Each of them works a bit differently. On these websites, you only have to choose a Windows version, build number, language, and edition like Pro, Home, Ultimate, etc.

  • (for Linux or Mac PC)

Download the file from this website only if your computer is not running on Windows OS. While on the website, I recommend selecting only one edition to keep the file size smaller and make the installation faster. Only check the required edition and leave others unchecked. Now choose the Download and convert to ISO option.


  • (for Windows PC only)

This site has got a much more intuitive interface where you can easily download the file. Use the drop-down arrows to choose the required version number, edition, build number, etc. Then click on the Download ISO compiler in One click! option in the download type. Download the cmd file by clicking on the link appearing on the right side. This will look something like this:

uup dump download

Step 2: Update Raspberry Pi Firmware

As usual, before doing something big, we have to update the firmware of our Raspberry Pi. To do the same, open a terminal and type the following command.

sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade

Once done with that, stop your device and you don’t need the Raspberry Pi OS (Raspbian) anymore.

Step 3: Build Windows 10 ISO File on your PC

The next step is to build the Windows 10 ISO image file using the cmd file that we’ve download in step 1. If you downloaded the file from the second website you will get the direct cmd file whereas if you have downloaded it from the first website ( then you need to extract the zip file to see a file named “uudp_download_windows.cmd“.

  1. Double click on the cmd file and you will see a terminal window. Press 0 when asked. It will immediately start to download some files for the process. This will be of a few gigabytes and take a lot of time if your internet connection is scaled 1
  2. Once the downloads are complete it will automatically start to build the ISO image iso scaled 1
  3. This also will take some time. If you encounter any stuck somewhere in the process just press the done scaled 1

Step 4: Flash the ISO File with WoR Tool

Now it’s time to flash the ISO file that we build just now. Here comes the use of the WoR tool. It is a simple and easy-to-use flashing tool. To flash the ISO, follow the below steps.

  • Firstly, extract the WoR_Release_….zip archive to a new folder on your computer.
  • Find the wor.exe file and double-click on it.
  • Select your preferred language from the drop-down list.

wor 1

  • Choose the target drive (your SD Card or SSD drive) and the model of your Raspberry Pi board.

wor 2

  • Once all those selected, now navigate and choose the ISO file that we’ve built.

wor 3

  • The next step is to select the driver package from the server. Simply select the latest package.

wor 4

  • Then select the UEFI firmware to flash. Here also select the latest version available.

wor 5

  • Check the configuration and click Next.

wor 6

  • So you have selected all the things to get started with the install. Just double-check everything and click Install.

wor 7

The installation may take as long as 1.5 to 2 hours, depending on the write speed of your SD Card. This is why I recommend getting an A1 or A2 class SD Card or else an SSD drive to get the job done much faster. On an SSD drive, it may take only about 15 minutes or so.

The First Boot

And now once the Raspberry Pi Windows 10 installation is completed and your device is ready, you can directly plug it (if you have an SSD) into the Pi or insert it if you have an SD card. Then boot it up.

Since it is the first boot, it will take some time to completely initialize and configure things according to your device and boot up. However, from the second boot onwards everything will be fine and will work as normal. If you are a beginner and don’t know how to set up a remote desktop on your Raspberry Pi, just relax – I’ve got that covered for you. Head over to this link: How to Setup Raspberry Pi Remote Desktop on Windows/ Linux/ Mac (5 Methods)

As usual with a typical Windows installation, you will need to configure some things manually: for example Cortana and the privacy policies that Windows normally tries to disable for you.

Once done with that, you will enter into a full-fledged Windows 10 on your cute little Raspberry Pi.

Overclock the Raspberry Pi

Now that you have successfully completed the Raspberry Pi Windows 10 installation, and thinking to boost the performance?

Well. That’s indeed a right thought. Overclocking a Raspberry Pi will help you get the most out of your SBC and take your projects to the next level. For this purpose, I have written a comprehensive article on how to overclock Raspberry Pi board. You can click on the link and refer to the article.

How Does Raspberry Pi Windows 10 Perform?

In my testing, the overall performance is pretty much decent and it’s smoothly usable. However, it has the following limitations.

  • Resource limits will be reached quickly with some usage.
  • CPU usage is almost 100% while streaming YouTube in Google Chrome.
  • Bluetooth support is also limited as the RTS/CTS lines are not exposed.
  • Problems with HDMI audio out.

Though it is having some limitations, you will get a nice Windows 10 experience on your tiny computer. You can get partially get rid of the resource exhausting problem by providing an A2 class 32/64 GB SD card or a super-fast SSD drive.

Now it’s your turn..

It’s now your turn to try the Raspberry Pi Windows 10 installation and share your experience. I’ve tried to make this tutorial as simple as possible and still if you have any queries just drop them in the comment section below.

Found an issue with this article? Report it here, so that I can resolve it.

The Raspberry Pi is commonly associated with Linux operating systems such as Raspberry PI OS. But what about running Windows 10 on your Raspberry Pi? Officially, Microsoft’s only operating system for the Pi is an old version of Windows 10 IoT Core, which just lets you execute Visual Studio code on the computer but doesn’t work as a standalone OS with a GUI (in other words, no “windows”). However, the lack of support from Microsoft hasn’t stopped some ambitious developers from finding a way to run a full desktop version of Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi. 

In 2019, we tried installing a hacked version of Windows 10 on a Raspberry Pi 3 and it ran, but it was extremely painful to use. Recent developments have now made it possible to run Windows 10 somewhat-competently on a Raspberry Pi 4, at least as a proof-of-concept We’ll show you how to install Windows 10 on your Raspberry Pi below.

However, before you begin, please note that this is not an official Microsoft product and the source of the images and software used is from a passionate and vibrant community working together to create this project. Amir Dahan is the creator of Windows 10 Lite, Marcin is responsible for UEFI and Pete Batard responsible for the 3GB RAM fix. The Windows 10 image file and RAM fix you’ll need to make this work are constantly changing as are their download locations so you’ll need to find them via the Windows on Raspberry Pi Discord Group, which is where all the developers hang out and share updates. We can’t vouch for the safety or legitimacy of any of the custom files the community has created for this project so proceed at your own risk.

At the time of writing this project runs surprisingly well (see below for more details) but has a lot of caveats. . The Raspberry Pi’s onboard  Ethernet, Bluetooth and GPIO do not work so you’ll need a USB Ethernet or USB Wi-Fi dongle to get online  (there’s no list of supported dongles so we can’t guarantee yours will work). Audio via HDMI is also not available but Bluetooth audio via a USB Bluetooth dongle is possible.

What you will need to install Windows 10 on a Raspberry Pi 4

  • Raspberry Pi 4 4GB or 8GB
  • 16GB or larger microSD card, (see best microSD cards for Raspberry Pi)
  • Windows 10 PC
  • USB to Ethernet or WiFi dongle
  • Bluetooth dongle (if you want Bluetooth)
  • Keyboard, mouse, HDMI and power for your Raspberry Pi

How to Install Windows 10 on the Raspberry Pi 4

1. Download the latest pre-release version of WoR tool and extract the files.

2. Visit the Windows on Raspberry Pi Discord server and go to the Downloads channel to Download the latest stable image, currently 0.2.1.

3. Open the WoR Alpha tool and select your language.

Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 4 Tutorial

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)

4. Insert microSD card and select the drive. The Raspberry Pi 4 mode is currently experimental, but has worked reliably in our tests.

Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 4 Tutorial

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)

5. Select your Windows on ARM image.

Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 4 Tutorial

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)

6. Select the latest package of drivers from the server.

Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 4 Tutorial

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)

7. Use the latest UEFI firmware available.

Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 4 Tutorial

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)

8. Check the configuration and when happy click Next.

Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 4 Tutorial

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)

9. Double check everything before clicking Install.

Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 4 Tutorial

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)

The installation process can take as long as two hours to complete, depending on the speed of the microSD card.

10. Download the RAM fix for Rpi 4 file from the Windows On Raspberry Pi Discord server. Extract the contents.

11. Copy winpatch.exe to the root of C: drive.

12. Locate the drive containing the Windows 10 on ARM installation, make a note of the drive letter.

13. Open a Command Prompt as Administrator and go to the root of C: drive.


14. Patch the USB driver to enable USB ports on the Raspberry Pi 4. Change the drive letter to match your installation.

winpatch X:WindowsSystem32driversUSBXHCI.SYS 910063E8370000EA 910063E8360000EA 3700010AD5033F9F 3600010AD5033F9F

15. Overclock the Raspberry Pi. This step is optional but highly recommended (though you’ll want a cooling fan). Edit the config.txt file found in BOOT drive. Add these two lines at the end of the file. Overclocking will require cooling for your Raspberry Pi.


16. Eject the microSD card and insert it into the Raspberry Pi 4. Connect your keyboard, mouse etc and power on the Pi.

17. Follow the standard Windows 10 install process and after a short while you are ready to use Windows 10 on your Raspberry Pi 4.

18. As an administrator open a Command Prompt and run this command to enable 3GB of RAM. Press Enter to run the command.

bcdedit /deletevalue {default} truncatememory

19. Reboot the Raspberry Pi for the update to take effect.

Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 4 Tutorial

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)

20. For network access, use a USB to Ethernet or a compatible WiFi dongle.

21. Install Microsoft Edge by double clicking on the Microsoft Edge desktop icon.

22. Installing software works in the same manner as a typical Windows 10 install. We tested GIMP Photo Editor and the Arduino IDE and both installed, albeit slowly and were usable for basic tasks.

Windows 10 on the Raspberry Pi 4

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)

How does Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi Perform?

In our testing, overall performance is akin to a low end Intel Celeron / Atom CPU. Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi is usable, but more as a proof-of-concept than a daily driver. . Boot times were considerably longer than Raspberry Pi OS, at a sluggish 2 minutes 12 seconds.

Once the desktop was loaded the overall feel of Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi was responsive. The Edge web browser provided a good browsing experience. Heavy sites such as YouTube proved troublesome but that was compounded by our sluggish 100 Mbps Ethernet USB dongle and is not indicative of the OS as a whole.

We installed three applications in WIndows 10 on Raspberry Pi: GIMP Photo Editor, Arduino IDE and Python 3.8. We downloaded each program’s 32-bit installer and set it up without any issues. GIMP ran well and, while it would not be up to speed for a professional photo editor, it was quick enough for hobbyists to use.

The Arduino IDE was slow, mainly due to the way that the IDE uses Java behind the scenes. Again if you have a little patience, then the experience is good. Not every application can be installed, though. We tried Visual Studio Code and it flat out refused to install. But Python 3.8 was easily installed and ran well. The Python REPL (interactive shell) was available and the core modules were available for use. We installed an additional module, GPIO Zero, which is used to interact with the GPIO of the Raspberry Pi. Sadly, despite our best efforts, we were unable to use the GPI via Python 3.8 on Windows 10.

MORE: Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi: Hands-On

Get instant access to breaking news, in-depth reviews and helpful tips.

Before you proceed to download the software below, see our official installation guide.

Chances are that you’re coming from an outdated tutorial, so it’s recommended to follow the guide above to prevent any issues with the installation.

Windows on Raspberry imager

Download version 2.3.1
See the changelog
Customization options

  • a computer with Windows 10 version 1703 or later. (Wine is not supported — see the PE-based installer for other OSes)
  • a Raspberry Pi 2 rev 1.2, 3, 4 or 400. (minimum RAM requirement is 1 GB, but it will generally result in poor performance, especially on boards older than Raspberry Pi 4)
  • a good/reliable drive that has at least 8 GB of available space. It can be:

    • an SD card (A1 rating is highly recommended; non-A1 rated cards may be too slow)
    • an USB device (preferably SSD, or any drive that has decent random I/O speeds).

    A slow drive can also cause other issues, besides being a bottleneck.

  • a Windows 10 ARM64 build 19041 or newer image (up to Windows 11 version 2022 / build 22621): WIM/ESD, ISO or FFU

Windows on Raspberry PE-based installer

This is not a straightforward wizard tool like the Windows-only imager, so please follow the appropriate guide for it: How to install from other OSes.

Download package version 1.1.0
See the changelog
Customization options


Same as for the Windows-only version, with some exceptions:

  • no specific OS required, as long as the tools needed to create the PE-based installer are available or can be compiled for it.
  • the Windows ARM64 image can only have the ISO format. The reason for this is that some required files from the ISO cannot be found in the WIM/ESD.
  • storage-wise, you need either:
    • a drive that has at least 32 GB, for self-installation
    • a drive that has at least 8 GB for the installation media, and another destination drive that has at least 16 GB for the OS (e.g.: an USB drive and an SD card)

Boot partition mount utility

Easily mount the boot partition of your Windows on Raspberry installation. Works directly on the Raspberry Pi or another computer.

Download version 1.1.0


A simple hardware monitor for your Raspberry Pi running Windows. (

Download the latest version
See the changelog

Windows images

See the Getting Windows Images guide.

What about FFU images?

FFU images can speed up the deployment process significantly, especially on slow devices. They are not available for download due to legal reasons, but you can safely generate them yourself: How to generate FFU images?

Гаджеты, Компьютерное железо, Разработка на Raspberry Pi

Рекомендация: подборка платных и бесплатных курсов таргетированной рекламе —

В середине июля 2020 года эксперты портала Tom’s Hardware опубликовали инструкцию по установке Windows 10 на Raspberry Pi 4. Вдобавок они проверили, как работают некоторые сторонние программы (GIMP Photo Editor, Arduino IDE и Python 3.8) в этой связке микрокомпьютера на ARM и последней версии Windows.

Вопрос «зачем» тут не особо уместен, так как экспериментаторам был важен сам факт того, что это можно сделать и все будет работать. Да, медленно и с тормозами и проблемами, но будет.

Официально, единственная операционная система Microsoft для Raspberry Pi — это устаревшая на текущий момент версия Windows 10 IoT Core, которая, например, позволяет выполнять код Visual Studio на микрокомпьютере, но там даже нет графического интерфейса. Тем не менее, разработчики (например, проект «Windows on Raspberry Pi» в Discord) своими силами сделали необходимы программы и нашли способ по установке и запуску полноценной версии Windows 10 на Raspberry Pi 4.

Эксперты портала Tom’s Hardware дополнительно уведомили, что они не могут ручаться за безопасность или законность любых пользовательских файлов, созданных сообществом «Windows on Raspberry Pi», поэтому все действия далее они делали на свой страх и риск.

В 2019 году эксперты портала Tom’s Hardware уже попытались установить Windows 10 на Raspberry Pi 3, но тогда этот трудный процесс у них закончился по большей части проблемами, ошибками и тормозами после установки.

В настоящее время даже после всех стараний команды проекта «Windows on Raspberry», после установки Windows 10 на Raspberry Pi 4 не работают встроенные в микрокомпьютер порт Ethernet, модули Wi-Fi, Bluetooth и GPIO, аудио через HDMI также недоступно. Для сетевого подключения нужно использовать Wi-Fi USB-адаптер, а для вывода звука Bluetooth через USB-адаптер.

Для установки Windows 10 на Raspberry Pi 4 понадобятся:

  • последняя версия Raspberry Pi 4 с 4GB или 8GB ОЗУ;
  • карта памяти microSD на 16 GB или больше;
  • ПК с Windows 10 и доступом в сеть интернет для создания нужной загрузочной сборки;
  • адаптер USB to Ethernet или WiFi dongle;
  • Bluetooth dongle (если нужен Bluetooth).

Инструкция по установке Windows 10 на Raspberry Pi 4:

  • нужно скачать и распаковать на ПК последнюю версию инструмента WoR 2.0.0 alpha 3, там будет архив на 4.7G;
  • зайти на Windows on Raspberry Pi Discord server в разделе Downloads channel скачать последнюю стабильную версию Windows on ARM (0.2.1), ссылка на этот файл PublicFlukeByte.iso;
  • запустить WoR Alpha tool и выбрать язык установки;
  • вставить в ПК карту памяти и выбрать ее в WoR Alpha tool в разделе «Select device», там же выбрать режим «Raspberry Pi 4 experimental mode»;
  • далее в разделе «Select image» указать место расположения на ПК ранее скаченного файла PublicFlukeByte.iso;
  • далее в разделе «Select drivers» выбрать опцию «Use the latest package available on the server.»;
  • далее в разделе «UEFI firmware» выбрать опцию «Use the latest firmware available on the server.»;
  • потом нужно проверить конфигурацию загрузочной сборки и начат ее записать на карту памяти, причем запись может продолжаться более двух часов, в зависимости от параметров карты памяти;
  • скачать и распаковать на ПК патч для Raspberry Pi 4 по активации USB-портов и 3 ГБ ОЗУ в Windows 10, скопировать файл winpatch.exe в корень диска C: на ПК;
  • пропатчить сборку на карте памяти: в командной строке на ПК выполнить
    «winpatch X:WindowsSystem32driversUSBXHCI.SYS 910063E8370000EA 910063E8360000EA 3700010AD5033F9F 3600010AD5033F9F», где Х — буква диска с картой памяти;
  • рекомендуется также «разогнать» в настройках Raspberry Pi, но тогда лучше заранее обеспокоиться установкой на микрокомпьютер системы охлаждения, для этого необходимо в файле config.txt на загрузочном карте памяти выставить параметры: «over_voltage=6» и «arm_freq=2000»;
  • теперь можно извлечь загрузочную карту памяти из ПК, вставить ее в Raspberry Pi 4 и начать стандартную установку ОС Windows 10;
  • после окончания процесса установки Windows 10 на Raspberry Pi 4 необходимо активировать в ОС возможность полноценно использовать 3 ГБ ОЗУ, для этого нужно под администратором в командной строке запустить: «bcdedit /deletevalue {default} truncatememory», далее необходимо перезагрузить микрокомпьютер;
  • далее можно подключить сетевые USB-адаптеры, настроить их и скачивать и устанавливать из интернета необходимые для работы приложения, включая браузеры и другое ПО.

Эксперты портала Tom’s Hardware установили на Raspberry Pi 4 с Windows 10 браузер Microsoft Edge, программы GIMP Photo Editor, Arduino IDE и Python 3.8 с оболочкой Python REPL. Все программы запускались и работали нормально. По скорости работы с этой ОС микрокомпьютер оказался на уровне Intel Celeron или Atom начального уровня. Время загрузки ОС Windows 10 составило 2 минуты 12 секунд. Просмотр видео в YouTube возможен, но со средними настройками разрешения роликов. Из проблем — на эту сборку не удалось установить редактор кода Visual Studio Code. Также не работал модуль Python под названием GPIO Zero, который используется для взаимодействия с GPIO Raspberry Pi. Возможно, что в будущем эти моменты будут доработаны разработчиками проекта «Windows on Raspberry Pi».

Ранее в феврале 2020 года Raspberry Pi Foundation выпустил обновленную версию (v1.2) Raspberry Pi 4, в которой было исправлено несколько проблем, включая совместимость с различными USB-C кабелями. Тогда микрокомпьютер не распознавал некоторые кабели как источник питания из-за проблем со схемой питания.

В конце мая 2020 года в продажу поступила 8-гигабайтная модель Raspberry Pi 4. Она доступна по цене в $75. Вдобавок создатели портативного ПК сняли с продажи версию с 1 ГБ оперативной памяти, теперь за $35 можно приобрести Raspberry Pi 4 с 2 ГБ ОЗУ.

Разработчики наконец установили оптимизированную для ARM версию Windows 10 на Raspberry Pi 4 после того, как некоторым людям удалось запустить ее на Raspberry Pi 3 в первой половине 2019 года.

Raspberry Pi 4 и Pi 3 официально поддерживают версию Windows 10 для IoT Core, которая не совпадает с версией Windows 10, которая работает на настольном компьютере, но является упрощенной версией для маломощных компьютерных плат.

Например, Windows 10 IoT Core не позволяет запускать традиционные приложения Win32 или даже загружаться на рабочий стол. IoT позволяет вам запускать одновременно одно приложение UWP, и реальная цель ОС на Pi – запускать небольшие приложения, предназначенные для миниатюрных компьютерных плат.

К счастью, есть новое руководство, чтобы заставить Windows 10 на ARM работать на Pi 3 B + и Pi 4B, используя неподдерживаемую техническую предварительную сборку. В отличие от IoT, Windows 10 on ARM представляет собой ARM-ориентированную версию ОС, которая поставляется с традиционным десктопом и поддержкой приложений Win32 посредством эмуляции.

Разработчику Marcin удалось установить Windows 10 on ARM на Raspberry Pi 4 Model B, и он также опубликовал подробное руководство.

Как установить Windows 10 на Raspberry Pi 4

– Загрузите прошивку UEFI


и распакуйте ее на карту MicroSD в формате FAT32.
– Загрузите сборку Windows 10 ARM64


. Только сборка 17134 была протестирована, но любая более новая сборка, которая проходит OOBE, также должна быть совместимой.
– Загрузите ISO-компилятор


. В соответствии с разработкой, это создаст файл ISO, но вам все равно понадобится файл «install.wim» из «sources».
– Загрузите «Windows на Raspberry»


. Оно установит Build 17134 или новее на USB-накопитель, но необходимо выбрать разметку GPT.

После загрузки этих файлов вы должны запустить командную строку и выполнить действия, описанные



Стоит отметить, что некоторые функции Raspberry Pi 4 могут не работать с Windows 10 на ARM. Например, вы можете использовать только USB-порт Type-C для зарядки и OTG. Windows 10 on ARM также ограничивает использование ОЗУ только в 1 ГБ, а драйвер контроллера Broadcom auxspi не работает.

Разработчики также портируют Windows 10 on ARM на телефоны Android, такие как Galaxy S8, OnePlus 6 и Xiaomi Mi Mix.

С момента запуска Windows 11 энтузиасты пытались запустить новую ОС Microsoft практически на всем. Многие даже пытались запустить Windows 11 на одноплатном компьютере Raspberry Pi. И благодаря усилиям разработчика, известного под именем Botspot, теперь мы можем установить Windows 11 или Windows 10 на Raspberry Pi. Вам не нужно запачкать руки слишком большим количеством команд или технических навыков, если вы будете следовать этому процессу.

Итак, в этом руководстве мы представляем вам простое руководство по установке Windows 11/10 на Raspberry Pi. Вы сможете запускать официальную Windows на ARM (версия Pro) на своем Raspberry Pi. Итак, без промедления, приступим.

Установите Windows 11/10 на Raspberry Pi (2021 г.)

В этом руководстве мы подробно описали шаги по установке Windows 11/10 на Raspberry Pi. Вы можете установить Windows на Raspberry, даже на платы RPi 3 и RPi 2, но мы рекомендуем запускать Windows на Raspberry Pi 4 с как минимум 4 ГБ ОЗУ.

Требования для запуска Windows на Raspberry Pi

  1. Вам понадобится флэш-накопитель USB, SD-карта или SSD-накопитель с объемом памяти 32 ГБ или более . Если у вас есть внешнее хранилище объемом 16 ГБ, процесс установки займет больше времени. Внешний диск требуется только для создания образа Windows on Raspberry.

2. Вам понадобится Ubuntu или любой другой дистрибутив Linux на основе Debian для прошивки ОС Windows-on-Raspberry (WoR). Я использую ОС Raspberry Pi (скачать здесь), установленную на дополнительном диске на моем ПК, для прошивки образа. Вы даже можете использовать ОС Raspberry Pi на своем Raspberry Pi для прошивки образа, но это займет гораздо больше времени из-за маломощного процессора.

  1. Платы Raspberry Pi 4/3/2, Raspberry Pi 400 и RPi CM3 совместимы с Windows на Raspberry. К Raspberry Pi необходимо подключить как минимум 16 ГБ SD-карты.

Создать Windows на Raspberry Image

  1. В выбранном вами дистрибутиве Linux откройте Терминал. Я использую на своем компьютере ОС Raspberry Pi, но вы также можете использовать Ubuntu или любую другую ОС на основе Debian. В Терминале вы сначала вставляете приведенную ниже команду, чтобы обновить все пакеты и зависимости. Убедитесь, что вы не получаете ошибок при применении команды apt update. Обратите внимание, что вам может потребоваться ввести пароль для обновления системы.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

2. Затем выполните приведенную ниже команду, чтобы установить Git, если вы еще этого не сделали.

sudo apt install git

3. После этого выполните следующую команду в Терминале, чтобы загрузить wor-flasher.

git clone

4. После этого выполните следующую команду, чтобы запустить сценарий. Это сценарий с графическим интерфейсом пользователя, который позволяет вам настроить и прошить образ Windows-on-Raspberry на SD-карту/USB-накопитель/SSD-накопитель. Обратите внимание, что вам может потребоваться нажать «Y» несколько раз во время процесса, чтобы подтвердить изменения установки.


5. Затем на вашем экране появится приглашение Windows on Raspberry. Здесь вы можете выбрать, хотите ли вы установить Windows 11 или 10 на свою плату Raspberry Pi. Вы также можете выбрать плату RPi из раскрывающегося меню во всплывающем окне. Затем нажмите «Далее» и выберите язык установки.

6. На этом этапе я предлагаю подключить SD-карту/USB-накопитель/SSD-накопитель к вашему ПК. Если вы используете сам Raspberry Pi для создания образа, подключите к плате внешний USB-накопитель/SSD-накопитель. Обратите внимание: если вы хотите установить Windows 11/10 на ту же SD-карту или USB-накопитель, у вас должно быть не менее 24 ГБ свободного места.

  1. Затем выберите внешний диск, на который вы хотите прошить образ WoR. Имейте в виду, что все файлы на внешнем диске будут удалены при установке Windows 11/10 на Raspberry Pi, поэтому обязательно сделайте резервную копию.

8. Наконец, просмотрите всю информацию и нажмите « Flash » в окне обзора.

9. Откроется окно терминала, в котором будет отображаться прогресс. Здесь скрипт загрузит Windows в файлы ARM прямо с сервера Microsoft и сгенерирует ISO-образ. Так что да, наберитесь терпения, так как процесс займет некоторое время. На моем компьютере создание изображения заняло около 40 минут. Обратите внимание: если на экране кажется, что экран застрял на «извлекающем устройстве», не беспокойтесь и позвольте ему завершить процесс.

10. После этого появится запрос с просьбой выполнить следующие шаги. Это означает, что вы успешно создали образ Windows-on-Raspberry. Теперь выключите Raspberry Pi.

Как загрузить Windows 11/10 на Raspberry Pi

Теперь, когда вы прошили образ, пришло время загрузить Windows 11/10 на Raspberry Pi. Следуйте инструкциям ниже, чтобы узнать, как это сделать:

  1. Если вы создали образ с помощью ПК, отключите внешний диск и вставьте его в Raspberry Pi через порт USB. Убедитесь, что к плате подключена SD-карта объемом 16 ГБ или более.
  2. Теперь включите плату, и вы увидите логотип Raspberry Pi. После этого появится значок загрузки Windows. Просто подождите, и вы перейдете на страницу выбора диска. Если ничего не отображается, извлеките SD-карту и позвольте плате загрузиться с внешнего диска. На следующем шаге я предложил решение, когда вставлять SD-карту.

3. На странице выбора диска выберите SD-карту, на которую вы хотите установить Windows 11/10. Если SD-карта не отображается, нажмите кнопку «Обновить». Если он по-прежнему не отображается, перезапустите Raspberry Pi и вставьте SD-карту сразу после появления логотипа RPi. Теперь SD-карта появится в раскрывающемся меню.

4. Здесь выберите выпуск Windows, который вы хотите установить, и нажмите « Установить ».

5. Учтите, что для завершения процесса потребуется значительное время. Это может занять от 45 минут до 1 часа, поэтому не думайте, что экран завис. Просто оставьте это там, и процесс будет завершен.

6. Плата будет перезагружаться несколько раз во время процесса, как и любой другой ПК с Windows. Как только все будет сделано, вас встретят настройки подключения к Windows 11/10 на вашем Raspberry Pi.

7. Наконец, вы загрузитесь в Windows 11/10. Как и следовало ожидать, производительность невысока, но ее можно использовать. Также обратите внимание, что Wi-Fi на данный момент не работает, поэтому вам придется использовать Ethernet для использования интернет-сервисов в Windows 11/10 на Raspberry Pi.

Снять ограничение ОЗУ в Windows на Raspberry

Но есть еще одна проблема. Из-за некоторых технических ограничений объем оперативной памяти ограничен 3 ГБ, даже если на вашей плате может быть 4 ГБ или 8 ГБ ОЗУ. Чтобы исправить это, выполните следующие действия.

  1. Перезагрузите Windows на Raspberry, как на любом другом ПК. Нажмите «Esc», когда появится логотип Raspberry Pi. Вы войдете в экран настройки.
  2. Здесь перейдите в Диспетчер устройств -> Конфигурация Raspberry Pi -> Расширенная конфигурация. Теперь отключите параметр «Ограничить ОЗУ до 3 ГБ».

3. После этого продолжайте нажимать «Esc», чтобы вернуться, и нажмите «Y», чтобы сохранить изменения.

4. Нажмите «Esc» еще раз, чтобы вернуться в главное меню настройки. Затем перейдите к « Продолжить » внизу и нажмите Enter, а затем снова нажмите Enter, чтобы загрузить Windows 11/10 на Raspberry Pi.

5. Наконец, ограничение ОЗУ будет снято в Windows на Raspberry, как показано на скриншоте ниже.

Запустите Windows 11 или 10 на Raspberry Pi

Вот как вы можете установить Windows 11 или 10 на Raspberry Pi. Как мы знаем, Raspberry Pi работает на процессоре ARM, поэтому в основном вы будете запускать Windows на ARM на плате. Если вы используете Windows 11, эмуляция x86 будет лучше, но не ожидайте большой производительности из-за маломощного процессора на Raspberry Pi. Во всяком случае, это все от нас.

Can Raspberry Pi run Windows? What do you need to prepare for the installation? How to install Windows 10 Raspberry Pi 4? If you are trying to figure them out, this post of MiniTool is what you need.

Can You Run Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 4

Raspberry Pi is a series of small single-board computers developed by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, while Windows 10 is a personal computer operating system created by Microsoft as a part of the Windows NT family. It is a type of bare computer without an operating system and you have to install the official Raspberry Pi OS on an SD card to boot the computer.

Here comes a new question: can Raspberry Pi run Windows 10? According to Microsoft, the only operating system for Raspberry Pi is an old version of Windows 10 IoT Core, which allows you to execute Visual Studio code on the computer, but it can’t work as a personal OS with a GUI. That is to say, there is still no way to directly install Windows on Raspberry Pi.

Fortunately, many developers have made it possible to run Raspberry Pi Windows 10 by using some tools like the WoR project. Well, how to install Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi? Don’t worry. We will guide you through the entire installation process.

What You Need to Install Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 4

The installation is a relatively complex and time-consuming process. To complete the installation smoothly, you need to prepare some important hardware and software. Here we list them as follows:

Hardware requirements:

  • A Raspberry Pi 4 computer (Windows 10 is a fairly heavy system. So, it’s highly recommended you use a Raspberry Pi 4 with 8GB RAM if possible.)
  • A Windows 10 computer
  • A 16GB or larger microSD card
  • A keyboard, mouse, HDMI, and power cable for the Raspberry Pi 4
  • USB to Ethernet or Wi-Fi dongle
  • Bluetooth dongle (if you want to use Bluetooth)

Software requirements:

  • The WoR (Windows on Raspberry Pi) tool
  • The UUP file for Windows 10 RAM (It will help you download the cmd file used to build the Windows 10 Raspberry Pi ISO file)

Once you have already these tools and files, you can proceed with the following tutorial.

How to Install Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 4

There are 6 main parts on how to Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 4. Since the process is relatively long, please follow the steps below patiently and carefully.

Part 1. Update Your Raspberry Pi Firmware

Before installing Windows 10 on the Raspberry Pi, you need to ensure that your Raspberry Pi 4 firmware is up to date. If not, you can follow the simple guide below to check and update its firmware:

Step 1. Start your Raspberry Pi computer and click on the Terminal icon at the top menu bar to access the Command Line. Also, you can select Menu > Accessories > Terminal or press Ctrl + Alt + F1 keys to open the Command Line.

Step 2. In the pop-up command prompt window, run the following commands in order:

  • sudo apt update
  • sudo apt full-upgrade

Once done, you can turn off your Raspberry Pi computer temporarily and switch to the Windows 10 computer.

Part 2. Download the Necessary Tool and File

The second part is to install the necessary tool and file on your Windows 10 computer. There are 2 important things to download: the WoR tool and UUP file. WoR is a practical tool developed to flash an ARM image of Windows 10 Raspberry Pi to a microSD card. The UUP file can be used to build the Windows 10 Raspberry Pi ISO file on your computer.

Step 1. Click here to download the WoR tool, and then extract the zip file and install the tool from the executable file.

Step 2. Click here to download the UUP file. On the download page, select the Type, Version, Language, Edition, and type download from the drop-down menu based on your needs.

Step 3. Select the “Download ISO compiler in One click!” option from the type download section and click on the first link on the right side to download the cmd file.

download the UPP cmd file

After you have downloaded the WoR program and UUP file, you can proceed to build the Raspberry Pi Windows 10 ISO file.

Part 3. Create the Windows 10 Raspberry Pi ISO File

Now, it’s time to build the Raspberry Pi Windows 10 ISO file on your computer. Since the cmd file may be blocked by your Windows Firewall from running, you can turn off Windows Defender Firewall temporarily.

Note: Here we highly recommend you back up the Windows system beforehand in case anything goes wrong.

Step 1. Double click the cmd file on your computer and click on Yes in the User Account Control window.

Step 2. Now, a terminal window pops up and it will begin downloading many important files. This process will take you a while because it will download several gigabytes from the Microsoft servers. So, make sure that your computer is connected to a stable internet connection during the process.

UUP cmd file

Step 3. Once downloaded, the tool will start creating the Windows 10 Raspberry Pi ISO file. It may take a few hours to complete depending on your computer performance.

Tip: If you are stuck in somewhere, you can try pressing Enter to continue.

the UUP tool starts building Windows Raspberry Pi ISO file

Part 4. Format Your SD Card to FAT32

After you create the ISO file successfully, you can flash the file into your SD card using the WoR tool. Here you need to use a 16GB or larger SD card and make sure it is formatted to FAT32. If not, you need to format it first.

How to format SD card to FAT32? You can use Windows built-in tools like Disk Management and Diskpart, but both 2 tools have limitations in formatting an SD card larger than 32GB to FAT32. In addition, you may encounter some issues like formatting takes forever. So, we highly recommend you use MiniTool Partition Wizard. It is a multifunctional partition manager that can format SD cards, convert NFTS to FAT32, migrate OS, convert MBR to GPT, etc.

Free Download

Step 1. Connect your SD card to the Windows 10 computer.

Step 2. Launch MiniTool Partition Wizard to get its main interface, and then select the SD card from the disk map and click on Format Partition from the left pane.

Step 3. In the pop-up window, select FAT32 from the File System drop-down menu and click on OK to save changes. Besides, you can set its Partition Label and Cluster Size based on your needs.

Step 4. Click on the Apply button to execute this formatting.

format an SD card using MiniTool Partition Wizard

Now, the SD card should be formatted to FAT32 and you can proceed with the following part to flash the Windows 10 Raspberry Pi ISO file to the card.

Part 5. Flash the ISO File to SD Card

This part will show you how to flash the ISO file to your SD card. For that:

Step 1. Make sure your SD card is connected to the computer.

Step 2. Open the WoR installation folder and double click the WoR.exe file in it, and then click on Yes to run it.

Step 3. A pop-up window like this shows up. Click on Next to continue.

main interface of the WoR tool

Step 4. Select your SD card from the Storge drive drop-menu and select Raspberry Pi 4 from the Device type section, then click on Next to continue.

Note: Make sure you select the right storage device. Otherwise, you will experience data loss.

select the device to flash ISO file in WoR

Step 5. In the Select image tab, click on the three-dot icon to select the ISO file you just created and select the Windows edition from the drop-down menu, and then click on Next.

select Image in WoR

Step 6. Select the Use the latest package available on the server option and click on Next.

select drivers in WoR

Step 7. In the Configuration tab, you can set up the Partition scheme, Boot options, and Install image based on your demands. Click on the Advanced button, you can change the Memory limit.Then click on Next to go on.

set up Configurations in WoR

Step 8. Go to the Install tab and click on Install after you double-check everything for the Windows 10 Raspberry Pi 4 installation. This installation process will take you a few hours to complete depending on the speed of your SD card.

start flashing Windows 10 Raspberry Pi 4 to the SD card

Once done, you can safely eject the SD card from your Windows 10 PC and continue with the last part.

Part 6. Install Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 4

Now, you can switch to your Raspberry Pi 4 computer and start installing Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 4.

Step 1. Insert the microSD card you just flashed into the Raspberry Pi4 computer.

Step 2. Connect the keyboard, mouse, HDMI, and power cable to your Raspberry Pi 4.

Step 3. Restart your Raspberry Pi computer and select the SD card as the boot drive.

Step 4. Then you can complete the standard Windows 10 installation process by following the on-screen prompts.

Step 5. Open the Command Prompt as administrator and run the following command to enable 3GB of RAM.

bcdedit /deletevalue {default} truncatememory

Step 6. Restart your Raspberry Pi computer for the changes to take effect.

Step 7. Connect to the network via a USB to Ethernet or a compatible WiFi dongle.

Step 8. Now, you can install Microsoft Edge by double-clicking the Edge icon on your desktop or install other programs you need just like installing in Windows 10.

I want to install Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 4, but the process is pretty long and complex. Fortunately, I made it with the help of this post. It provides detailed and clear steps.Click to Tweet

Have a Try Now

How to install Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 4? The entire installation procedure has been illustrated. Now, it’s your turn to have a try. If you have any other ideas on this project, you can leave them in the comment zone. You can send us an email to [email protected] for any difficulties in using MiniTool Partition Wizard.

With Windows 10 coming to ARM platforms, such as Qualcomm Snapdragon and Samsung Exynos, we know that it’s possible to run Windows 10 with desktop apps on ARM devices, including Raspberry Pi 4.

There are multiple ways to install and run Windows 10 on a Raspberry Pi. Microsoft has always allowed users to run “Windows 10 IoT”, which is also a version of Windows 10, but it’s only meant for prototyping, not running real desktop experience.

Officially, Microsoft doesn’t allow you to run the real version of Windows 10 on this $35 single-board computer, but there are some tech projects that will allow you to install the operating system on Raspberry Pi 4 and make yourself more productive.

In this article, we’ll show you the steps to install Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 4 using your microSD card.

What you need to install Windows 10 on a Raspberry Pi 4

  • Device: Raspberry Pi 4 with 4GB of RAM or 8GB of RAM.
  • Storage: Use 32GB or larger microSD card. Faster is better, so you should get a class A1 or A2 card.
  • Connectivity: Ethernet or WiFi dongle.
  • Peripheral: Keyboard, mouse, monitor.
  • System image: Download Windows on Raspberry imager from here.

To install Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 4, use these steps:

  1. Open the UUPDump website and select the release type.
  2. For stability, “Latest Public Release build” is recommended. Select “Latest Dev Channel build” if you want to run x64 apps.
    Windows 10 Raspberry Pi release type
  3. Click on the arm64 option next to the release type.
  4. Select your language and Windows 10 edition.
  5. Click on the “Create download package” option.
    Windows 10 image selector
  6. Once downloaded, extract the downloaded archive.
  7. Double-tap on uup_download_windows.cmd to run the script.
  8. Press 0 when asked.
  9. The script will download and save the ISO image in the same directory where the script is located.
  10. Connect the drive to Raspberry Pi.
  11. Extract the WoR_Release_….zip archive.
  12. Run the WoR.exe.
  13. Select your preferred default language.
  14. Select the target drive.
  15. Select the Raspberry Pi board model. For those with Raspberry Pi 4, it is recommended to update the bootloader to the latest version.
  16. Select the ISO image downloaded using the script.
  17. Use the latest package for both the drivers and UEFI.
  18. Use default values for the configurations settings.
  19. Click on Install.
  20. Unplug the drive.
  21. Connect the peripherals like the keyboard and mouse to your Raspberry Pi.
  22. Reboot the board.
  23. To remove the RAM limit, press the ESC key again and again until you see the UEFI screen.
  24. Open Device ManagerRaspberry Pi Configuration and click on Advanced Configuration
  25. Change Limit RAM to 3 GB to Disabled.
  26. Press ESC several times to exit the screen.
  27. Press Y to save the settings.
  28. Reboot the board.
  29. Finish the OOBE setup to complete the installation.

Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi FAQ

  • x64 app support: Microsoft is currently testing support for x64 apps in Windows 10 on ARM. If you want to run x64 apps, you need to select the “Latest Dev Channel build” release type. This includes support for more apps, but the overall experience is currently plagued with issues.
  • App compatibility: Most x86 apps are supported.
  • Peripheral support: USB devices are supported.

Windows 10 on ARM experience

The performance is apparently better than Raspberry Pi 3, but you need a lot of patience and elbow grease to successful run full Windows 10 on your Raspberry Pi 4. In addition, there are some limitations as well.

For example, HDMI Audio is currently not working. Bluetooth support is also limited as the RTS/CTS lines are not exposed.

Likewise, the built-in WiFi or Ethernet doesn’t work properly so you would need to buy a dongle. Google Chrome is also not supported and you would need to use Microsoft Edge to browse the web.

The idea of running the Windows 10 desktop OS on a Raspberry Pi is intriguing and it works pretty well, thanks to the tweaks made by the developers.

The project is open source and it has been developed by a group of enthusiast developers, and they can be contacted via Telegram.

Disclaimer: This is an unofficial project and we can’t vouch for the safety or legitimacy of anything mentioned here.

This guide has been updated with new instructions.

Want to learn programming skills? Want to develop hardware projects, automation, any other industrial application? Here is a solution for you, Raspberry Pi! You might be thinking about what precisely the Raspberry Pi is. This article will mentor you in learning about the Raspberry Pi and how to install Windows 10 in a Raspberry Pi 4. 

What is Raspberry Pi?

Have you ever thought of having a mini-computer or a small computer? Here is one for you, Raspberry Pi! Raspberry Pi is a tiny or card-sized computer that can fit into the monitor or your TV.

The primary objective of this little computer, Raspberry Pi, is to make people learn programming skills like Python and Scratch. Raspberry Pi works the same as a traditional computer.

You can browse the internet, play high-definition video games, enjoy premium-quality 4K video content, use word or spreadsheets, etc. 

Additionally, Raspberry Pi incorporates more extra features, like parent detectors, weather stations, music machines, etc. Kids can also use this mini-computer to learn computer working and programming languages.

Raspberry Pi was developed in the United States and is an educational charity. Its primary goal is to make people and kids aware of programming languages, computer science subjects and teach them. 

Raspberry Pi is available in multiple versions or generations, like Raspberry Pi B, Raspberry Pi B+, Raspberry Pi 2, Raspberry Pi  Zero, etc. Raspberry Pi’s all-generation versions incorporate Broadcom System on a Chip (Soc). It also includes a Central Processing Unit (CPU) compatible with ARM and an on-chip Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). 

The first Raspberry Pi model is Raspberry Pi B, developed in 2012. Later, an advanced version of model B was released as Raspberry Pi B+ in 2014. The next year, the next version, Raspberry Pi 2 was developed with 1 GB RAM and 900 MHz quad-core processor.

In the next version of the Raspberry PI, Raspberry Pi Zero, its size was reduced, and in the Zero W model, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi features were also incorporated. 

Later came Raspberry Pi 3 models. It includes two different models, B and B+. The B model involves Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and USB features having a quad-core processor of 1.2 GHz 64-bit. Another advanced B+ model includes additional features, like network boot and Power over Ethernet (PoE) with a 1.4 GHz quad-core processor. 

The fourth generation of the Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi model 4 B, is developed with a higher-speed quad-core processor. These mini-computers are more advanced and highly featured.

The features involved in this model are Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, USB Type-C port,  two USB 2.0 and 3.0 ports, HDMI port, and gigabit Ethernet. Raspberry Pi model 4 B has a 1.5 GHz quad-core processor. 

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Raspberry Pi

Components of Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi is a card-sized chip to be inserted into a traditional computer. It is similar to the motherboard. Like the motherboard, Raspberry Pi has several ports, chips, input and output connection ports, etc.

Raspberry Pi has two models in every generation, A and B. Model B of Raspberry Pi is expensive and has an additional USB port and Ethernet than model A. Let us know what components make up a Raspberry Pi model.

  1. Central Processing Unit or Graphics Processing Unit:

Raspberry Pi has a Central Processing Unit (CPU) and Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). The Raspberry Pi model incorporates Broadcom BCM2835 System on a Chip (Soc).

This System on Chip (SoC) is a composition of the ARM Central Processing Unit (CPU) and Graphics Processing Unit of a four Video core. The CPU’s primary function is to monitor all input and output operations, and the GPU regulates graphics production. 

  1. GPIO:

GPIO implies general-purpose input-output. GPIO connection ports enable users to connect other electronic devices, like LEDs. Users control all ports of the GPIO. 

  1. RCA COnnector:

RCA implies Radio Corporation of America. Users can use an RCA jack if they want to connect analog TVs or any other output gadgets. It is also referred to as a Phono connector or Cinch connector.

This jack is responsible for carrying audio and video signals. An RCA jack comes with three different wires, red, black, yellow, and white. The back and white coded wires are used for stereo audio’s left channel, red for the right track, and yellow for composite audio. 

  1. Audio Out:

As the Audio Out’s name suggests, this component is used for audio signals. It is 3.55 millimeters of a jack. Users can connect audio devices to this jack, like headphones, speakers, etc. 

  1. LEDs:

We all are very well-known for LED lights. LED implies Light Emitting Diode. Raspberry Pi also includes LED to emit light. Raspberry Pi incorporates five different LEDs:

  • ACT: The color of the ACT is LED green, and its function is to display the card status. 
  • PWR: The PWR LED has a red color, whose primary function is power. The red light is ON when Raspberry Pi is kept on. 
  • FDX: Orange color LED is FDX. Full Duplexing is carried out using FDX LED. When you use the Ethernet connection, this LED remains ON. 
  • LNK: Like the FDX LED, the LNK LED is also of orange color. When the packet transfer takes place using the Ether connection, the LNK LED is ON. 
  • 100: Another orange-colored LED is 100. It displays a 100 Mbps connection speed. It becomes ON only when the Ethernet connection offers 100 Mbps speed. 
  1. USB:

USB implies Universal Serial Bus. USB ports are ubiquitous in every computer. Users need these ports to plug their mouse and keyboard or to extend their ports.

Using this USB port, you can also connect any other external devices to the computer. The Raspberry Pi Model A has only one USB port, whereas Model B has two USB ports. 

  1. Power:

There is one connector in Raspberry Pi, which enables users to connect the power supply. The power connector in Raspberry Pi is a 5v Micro USB. 

  1. SD card slot:

You can insert an SD card in Raspberry through an SD card slot. There is a requirement for an SD card. It must be integrated with an operating system for booting purpose. 

  1. HDMI:

HDMI implies the High Definition Multimedia Interface. HDMI port enables users to connect premium-quality and high-definition television. It allows users to work in an HD mode. An HDMI cable permits users to connect a high-definition device with the HDMI port of Raspberry Pi. 

  1. Ethernet:

The Raspberry Pi model B has an ethernet port. Model A does not possess an ethernet port. It permits you to connect to the internet, upgrade the software, or download anything. 

  1. CSI Camera Connector:

Raspberry PI possesses a Mobile Industry Processor Interface (MIPI) Camera Serial Interface Type 2 (CSI-2). The MIPI CSI-2 is a typically used camera interface in several mobile phones and is also fixed in Raspberry Pi. 

We have discussed what Raspberry Pi is and what its components are. Here is a whole guide for you to set up your Raspberry Pi. Follow the below steps to set up Raspberry Pi. Ensure that you carry out the below steps in the correct order, as mentioned.

  1. Take an SD card set up with your Raspberry Pi and insert it into the SD card slot. This SD card slot is present on the underside of the Raspberry Pi card. 
  2. Later, take your mouse and connect it to Raspberry Pi by plugging the mouse’s USB cable into the Raspberry Pi’s USB port. 
  3. Similarly, you can plug the keyboard’s USB cable into the Raspberry Pi’s USB port. 

After you follow steps 2 and 3, you can use your mouse and keyboard with your Raspberry Pi. 

  1. Plug your screen into a socket and switch the button on. 
  2. Your Raspberry Pi has an HDMI port on the top. Use this port to connect to the screen you plugged into a socket.  

For Raspberry Pi 4, You can connect your screen to the first HDMI port on the top. You can also join the second screen using the second HDMI port. 

There is a single HDMI port for Raspberry Pi 1, 2, and 3. Hence, you can connect only one screen to Raspberry Pi 1, 2, and 3. 

  1. Another port available on Raspberry Pi is the Ethernet port. If you want to use the Raspberry Pi internet connection, you need to plug in the Ethernet cable. Connect the Ether cable to the Ethernet socket, the router, and the Raspberry Pi’s Ethernet port. 
  2. Lastly, using the Audio Out port, you can connect speakers and headphones to your Raspberry Pi. 

Your Raspberry Pi is now set up to use audio and video capabilities. This post primarily focuses on installing Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 4. Before diving deep into the core topic, we shall first know the specifications of Raspberry Pi 4. 

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Raspberry Pi

Specifications of Raspberry Pi 4

Raspberry Pi 4 is the latest model of the Raspberry Pi model’s latest model and incorporates more advanced features than its earlier generations. Here are some unique specifications of Raspberry Pi 4 you need to know. 

  • Raspberry Pi 4 has a Broadcom BCM2711 System on a Chip (SoC) with quad-core Cortex-A72. The System on a Chip (SoC) is a 64-bit with 1.5GHz speed. 
  • It incorporates LPDDR4-3200 SDRAM. You can choose this SDRAM ranging between storing capacities, 2GB, 4GB, or 8 GB. 
  • Raspberry Pi 4 has IEEE 802.11ac wireless with 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz, and Bluetooth 5.0. 
  • It has two USB 2.0 ports, two USB 3.0 ports, and one USB Type-C port. Also, it supports Gigabit Ethernet. 
  • The general-purpose input/output header contains 40 pins.
  • Raspberry Pi includes two HDMI ports, a two-lane MIPI CSI display port, and a two-lane DSI display port. 
  • It contains a micro-SD card slot for interesting an SD card into Raspberry Pi. 
  • Another feature of Raspberry Pi 4 from all earlier generations is that it involves Power over Ethernet (PoE). 
  • Raspberry Pi supports 4K video content at 60 frames per second. It also incorporates Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technologies. The cost of Raspberry Pi is also not very expensive. 

Raspberry Pi is generally associated with the Linux operating system and is referred to as Raspberry Pi OS. But what about installing the Windows 10 OS on your Raspberry Pi 4? The Windows IoT core was used on Raspberry Pi, enabling users to run the Visual Studio Code. The problem was that it did not work as an Operating system.  

On Raspberry Pi 3, the Windows 10 installation was successfully done, but its working was painful. On Raspberry Pi 4, it is now possible to run Windows 10 effortlessly.

The below section will mentor you in installing Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 4. Before installing Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 4, there are some specific prerequisites you need to consider. They are as follows:

  • You will need a Raspberry Pi model 4 of 4 GB or 8GB. 
  • You will require a micro-SD card of 16 GB or more than 16 GB storage space. 
  • You will need a desktop with the Windows 10 operating system. 
  • Another requirement is a USB cable. You have to connect it to either Ethernet or Wi-Fi dongle. 
  • Users can also use a Bluetooth dongle. 
  • Other requirements are a keyboard, mouse, HDMI, and power supply. 

Steps to establish Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 4?

You can easily download Windows 10 on your Raspberry Pi 4. It is quite a lengthy and tricky process to carry out. Let us see the steps required to download Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 4. 

  1. Firstly, you must download the WoR tool’s latest versions from its official site, After downloading the version, extract the files from it. 
  2. On the Raspberry Pi discord server, visit Windows and go to the Downloads section to download the 0.2.1 image. 
  3. To select your language, start the WoR Alpha tool.
  4. Next, you have to insert the selected SD card into the SD card port and choose your drive. 
  5. On the ARM image, you have to select your Windows system.
  6. After selecting the Windows system, you must select the server’s latest drivers package. 
  7. The UEFI firmware is available. You have to use it and verify the configuration and click on the ‘Next’ button. 
  8. After that, a screen appears to preview all your selections. Ensure all your choices are correct before clicking on the ‘Install’ button. 
  9. Once you click the ‘install’ button, the installation starts, and it may take more than two hours to install.
  10. You have to download the RAM for Rpi 4 file from the Raspberry Pi Discord server’s Windows. After downloading it, do not forget to extract the file. 
  11. The extracted file, winpatch.exe, must be copied to the root of the local drive, C. 
  12. Now, place on the ARM installation the drive, which contains Windows 10. Make sure to note down the drive letter.
  13. The next step is to open the command prompt and change your directory to the root of the local drive, C. 
  1. Go along with the below-patching command prompt to enable USB ports on Raspberry Pi 4. Remember to add your drive letter. 
winpatch X:WindowsSystem32driversUSBXHCI.SYS 910063E8370000EA 910063E8360000EA 3700010AD5033F9F 3600010AD5033F9F
  1. Later, remove the micro SD-card and insert it into the SD card slot of Raspberry Pi. 
  2. Install Windows using its installation guidelines. 
  3. Open a command prompt and run the following command. 

bcdedit /deletevalue {default} truncatememory

  1. After running the above command, you have to reboot Raspberry Pi for updates to be reflected. 
  2. You can now access the internet by connecting a USB cable to Ethernet or a Wi-Fi dongle. 
  3. After that, download the Microsoft Edge software, which works similarly to the traditional Windows 10 system. 

Pros and Cons of Raspberry Pi

Before using Raspberry Pi, you must know its advantages and disadvantages. 


  • Raspberry Pi is best suited for home use or small businesses. It enables small business owners to automate their business operations. Raspberry Pi can be used to run any less-traffic website or can be treated as a small database for businesses.
  • The other benefit of Raspberry Pi is it does not need Windows 10 to run or any other system that is not compatible with Linux operating systems. 
  • Users with extremely minimal programming skills can work on Raspberry Pi. Its primary objective is to make kids and adults experts in programming languages like Python. 
  • Raspberry Pi supports high-definition and high-resolution videos of 1080 pixels. 


  • One of the significant disadvantages of Raspberry Pi is it cannot replace traditional computers. The Ethernet connection is very slow and time-consuming. Users require a lot of time to download content on Raspberry Pi. 
  • Another disadvantage of Raspberry Pi is it does not support Windows 10 operating systems. 
  • Though Raspberry Pi is inexpensive, you need to buy other peripherals, like an SD card, power supply, mouse, keyboard, etc. 
  • Raspberry Pi is not suitable for large-scale organizations which have multiple servers. 

What different things can you do with Raspberry Pi 4?

Several small projects can be built using Raspberry Pi 4. If you are new to Raspberry Pi 4, here are a few projects you can work on which are relatively straightforward and exciting.

Before you build a Raspberry Pi project, you must ensure that you are connected to a Wi-Fi dongle and enable SSH. The following are some easy projects to build on Raspberry Pi 4. 

  1. Mobile Retro Gaming Station:

One of the best projects for novice users of Raspberry Pi is building a mobile retro gaming station. To create this project, you will need RetroPie. It enables users to make aware of all set-ups on Raspberry Pi. Using RetroPie to build a mobile retro gaming station, users need to use any complicated programming or soldering. 

If you use RetroPie for a mobile gaming station, it becomes very manageable for you to build it. After you create a retro station for gaming on Raspberry Pi, you can connect it to your screen or television using an HDMI port and a cable. 

  1. Robots:

The Robotics domain has progressed these days intensively. Both, novice and professional users can create Robots on Raspberry Pi 4. Depending upon your requirements and needs, you can add as many features as you desire while creating a robot on Raspberry Pi.

You can develop a simple robot or a robot incorporating advanced features. A few examples of robots are robots with limited features, a robot with a webcam, or a hexapod walkers.

  1. Alarm Clock:

Another manageable and straightforward project for novice users is creating an alarm clock on Raspberry Pi. When novice users work on this Raspberry Pi’s project, they will learn to use the soldering iron from scratch. Professional users can add more extraordinary features to an alarm clock, like adding a calendar to the clock. 

  1. Weather Station:

Weather Station project is specially meant for professional users. It requires perfect soldering and programming. Hence, building a weather station on Raspberry Pi is exciting and results in a fantastic project. 


Raspberry Pi is a micro-chip present inside the computer or laptop. It is primarily known to people or kids who desire to learn programming languages and the basics of computer science. Raspberry Pi is available in several generations or versions. Raspberry Pi 4 is the latest version, which supports installing Windows 10. 

This post has seen what Raspberry Pi is, its several versions or generations, and Raspberry Pi’s components. It is similar to the motherboard and has USB ports, HDMI ports, Ethernet port, Audio port, power supply socket, and SD card slot.

Later, we covered how to set-up Raspberry Pi, specifications, and steps for installing Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 4. Go along with the above steps in the correct order and install Windows 10 on your Raspberry Pi. Lastly, we have seen the pros and cons of Raspberry Pi 4 and some fantastic Raspberry Pi 4 projects. 

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