Windows 10 версия 1607 сборка 14393

Доступна для загрузки надёжная версия десятки с обновлениями 2021 года скачать Windows 10 64bit LTSB 1607 build 14393.4530 by Flibustier торрент чтоб записать на флешку и установить на ПК. LTSB - самая шустрая (для старого "железа") и самая проверенная версия Windows 10, которую

Доступна для загрузки надёжная версия десятки с обновлениями 2021 года скачать Windows 10 64bit LTSB 1607 build 14393.4530 by Flibustier торрент чтоб записать на флешку и установить на ПК.
LTSB — самая шустрая (для старого «железа») и самая проверенная версия Windows 10, которую Microsoft уже 5 лет улучшает во всех мелочах. Но из-за того, что апдейты довольно громоздкие, а сам процесс обновления в 1607 длится долго, пользователи предпочитают скачивать готовый обновленный вариант. Одними из самых удачных сборок LTSB по праву считаются LTSB Compact, а также LTSB by LeX_6000. Но оба сборщика давно забросили эту версию (наверно, считают ее слишком старой). Но какой бы устаревшей ни считалась бы LTSB, это все-таки Windows 10, да еще и Корпоративная, и в ней есть многие полезности (в виде UWF фильтра, к примеру). Хватает всегда тех юзеров, которые с радостью скачивают именно LTSB, ведь работает шустро, а обслуживаться будет еще вплоть до 2026 года. Так что рано хоронить эту систему, она успешно послужит тем, у кого бюджетные ноуты/ПК c большим трудом тянут актуальную десятку 21H1. Нужно заакцентировать ваше внимание на том, что LTSB отшлифована уже во всех мелочах, ее обновлять дальше вовсе не обязательно. Ее уже 5 лет доводит до ума Microsoft, и эта система работает полностью идеально — особенно, в той конфигурации, которую для нее определил Flibustier. Конечно, лучший вариант – только авторский, но уже столько было просьб выпустить обновленную LTSB Compact на просторах Интернета, что пришлось самим обновлять. Абсолютно никаких сложностей не возникло. Апдейты, конечно, громоздкие (среди них пару – вообще по 1600 МБ), но все идеально интегрировалось, а сама сборка успешно прошла системную очистку.

Дата обновлений: 14 июля 2021
Версия: LTSB 1607 (с долгосрочной поддержкой) Корпоративная (14393.4530)
Разрядность: 64bit
Язык Интерфейса: RUS Русский
Таблетка: включенная в установщике автоактивация
Автор сборки-оригинала: by Flibustier, обновление — от
Размер образа: 1,98 GB

Закачать Windows 10 64bit LTSB 1607 build 14393.4530 by Flibustier torrent

Требования к «железу» (предельно низкие у LTSB_Compact): 64-разрядный проц 2х1.5 ГГц, 2-4 ГБ RAM, видео под DX9, 16-20 ГБ места.

Скриншоты системы Windows 10 2021 года

Конфигурация и главные особенности компактной LTSB
-Беспроблемное прохождение sfc /scannow. Ничего важного не затрагивалось в авторской конфигурации, сборка была просто актуализирована пакетами обновлением.
-Стандартный для LTSB Framework 4.6 заменен в сборке на 4.8 – соответствующим апдейтом. Плюс к нему – все обновления безопасности NET Framework.
-Сборка обновлена во всех отношениях, в ней полный набор апдейтов, лишь только Intel микрокод мы решили не интегрировать (т.к. не у всех Intel, для AMD он не нужен).
-Сборка LTSB Компактная не была в аудите! Пока что получается и без аудита ее идеально очищать после интеграции очень громоздких апдейтов.
-Включен DirectPlay. Те, кто устанавливают LTSB (ради экономичности) часто рубятся в старые «игрушки», так что DirectPlay для них пригодится.
-В системе есть добавленный ассортимент VC++ библиотек в самом полном их объеме. Так что добавлять вам их не нужно.
-Убран StartIsBack, чтоб поменьше глюков было из-за него с Панелью Задач – типа отказа правой кнопки мыши по ярлыку на многочисленных ПК.
-Поиска нет. Это важно. И не совсем понятно, какие именно компоненты нужны для его возврата (в отличие от LTSC Compact).
-Магазин без проблем добавляется. Эта опция успешно была протестирована – никаких проблем. Был добавлен специальный установщик – как раз для LTSB.
-Вырезаны биометрия-телеметрия, битлокер с Кортаной, Windows_Hello и WinRe/восстановление, нет также Защитника, WinSAT, IME и Input Method. Это все вырезал, естественно, Flibustier из своей сборки, которую мы обновили. Нет также и определенных (не особо важных) Компонентов. Их отсутствие легко можно увидеть на скриншоте Компонентов.
-Все лишние отчеты-журналы успешно выключены (также Флибустьером), его оригинальная конфигурация нисколько не пострадала, ведь в LTSB разрешается вырезать почти все ненужное без каких бы то ни было неприятных последствий. Все применяемые апдейты обновляют только то, что присутствует в системе, не оставляя дополнительного хлама для отсутствующих компонентов.
-Все изображения будут открываться самым обычным Просмотрщиком, а не Паинтом или прочей не сильно подходящей программой.
-Использован старый добрый flblauncher лета 2020, который без ошибок и нормально работает. Во всяком случае, жалобы на вылеты в меню при установке пока не поступали при его использовании. А по тестам – вообще идеально абсолютно работает, в отличие от последующих его версий.
-В LTSB Compact опции отключения UAC и группировки svchost-процессов отключены автором. Почему – неизвестно, но это нормально, что данные опции не будут активны.
-Все важные твики были перекинуты в левую колонку лаунчера, чтобы они были по умолчанию включенными. Автоактивация там же находится.
-Данная версия лаунчера успешно поддержит различные wim-образы даже самых свежих выпусков 10-ки, так что можете поэкспериментировать в этом плане.
-Не стоит беспокоиться о регулярном обновлении LTSB, и можете даже вообще отключить на полгода-год эту систему обновлений. Медленная инсталляция апдейтов в LTSB может весьма сильно попортить настроение пользователю.
-Система довольно долго будет себе подтягивать драйвера, когда запустится в первый раз. Это вполне нормальное явление, не нужно беспокоиться, если LTSB Compact будет устанавливать их минут 15-20. Можно также вообще опцию автоустановки драйверов деактивировать еще в меню лаунчера, но этот твик строго по усмотрению.
-Если вы скачаете образ сразу, то увидите, что все обновления, кроме микрокода, уже есть, и это всегда радостно, когда система в актуальном виде. Но самое главное, что сам по себе текущий билд LTSB – весьма удачный, быстрый и надежный. Ведь периодически выпускаются некачественные заплатки, которые только доставляют неприятности пользователю. А в данном случае все должно работать отлично. Главное, не нужно пытаться устанавливать какие-либо неподходящие драйвера.

Самый удачный вариант Win 10 для устаревших ноутов и ПК
Некоторые пользователи стремятся, чтобы система была как можно новее (для сравнения – Windows 11), но не учитывают, что их оборудование на нее не рассчитано. А более здравомыслящие люди подыскивают сборку именно с учетом соответствия года ее выпуска с годом выпуска их ПК/ноутбука. Но LTSB будет хороша не только для оборудования своих лет, она прекрасно работает на двухъядерных процессорах, которые гораздо ее старше. Важный момент — отключите полностью обновления, чтобы они вас вообще не беспокоили, особенно, если компьютер старенький, а Интернет тоже не особо быстрый. И тогда вы действительно убедитесь, насколько стабильна LTSB Compact и насколько она надежна.

Дополнительная информация
Эту версию получилось легко и удачно обновить. В принципе, предыдущая обновленная LTSB Compact была тоже очень удачной, но в ней был минус — не устанавливался Магазин. Мы учли этот момент, и здесь с Магазином все в порядке. Хотя сам по себе он уже ориентирован в основном на свежие версии, конечно, а не на LTSB. Нужно понимать, что 1607 хороша в первую очередь быстрой работой на старом железе, и она не для новых мощных ПК с новейшими видеокартами. Для такого оборудования попросту может не оказаться драйверов под 1607. Поэтому в их наличии советуем убедиться предварительно — перед скачиванием образа. В ISO образах допускается установщик браузера на рабочий стол и некоторые пользовательские изменения по умолчнию для браузера Chrome, каждый может без проблем изменить настройки браузера на свои предпочтительные. Все авторские сборки перед публикацией на сайте, проходят проверку на вирусы. ISO образ открывается через dism, и всё содержимое сканируется антивирусом на вредоносные файлы.

Параметры образа Windows 10 64bit LTSB 1607 build 14393.4530 by Flibustier:

      Поиск в Панели задач:


      Наличие Магазина Microsoft Store:


      Способность обновляться (по Windows Update) :


      Адаптация сборки для игр:


      Степень урезки:


      Уровень популярности по скачиваниям:


      Репутация автора:


      Оценка качеству сборки (от


Здравствуйте админ! 29 июля 2016 года компания Майкрософт выпустило финальное обновление Anniversary Update Windows 10 build 1607. Сегодня уже 5 августа, но я это обновление так и не получил, и кстати многие пользователи тоже. При попытке обновления с помощью официальной утилиты Media Creation Tool у меня выходит ошибка: Не удалось установить Windows 10

Компьютер возвращён к исходному состоянию, в котором он находился перед началом установки Windows 10.

0xC1900101-0x40017 или 0xC1900101-0x20017

Ошибка на этапе установки SECOND_BOOT во время операции BOOT

или обновление происходит, но версия операционной системы остаётся всё той же старой — Windows 10 Версия 1511 (сборка ОС 10586.0). Скажите, как установить это обновление на свой ноутбук с Windows 10, говорят операционная система с этим обновлением преобразилась и стала намного лучше!

5 способов обновить вашу Windows 10 до финального выпуска Anniversary Update Windows 10 build 1607 (сборка 14393) 

Привет друзья! 29 июля ровно год, как мы с вами перешли с технических сборок Windows 10 на её официальную версию и с уверенностью скажу, что за этот год на нашем с вами сайте новейшая система от Майкрософт была разобрана просто по винтикам (рассмотрена большая часть ошибок, багов и недочётов), пользователями было написано бесчисленное количество отзывов и комментариев, было сломано много копий, и обсуждение бурно продолжается до сих пор. Многие наши постоянные читатели также участвовали и участвуют в специальной программе развития и совершенствования Windows 10 — Windows Insider Program и их пожелания были учтены в нескольких вышедших некрупных обновлений Windows 10 за 2015-2016 год. И вот ровно через год после выхода финальной версии Windows 10 вышло самое крупное юбилейное обновление под названием Anniversary Update Windows 10 build 1607 (номер версии 1607, сборка 14393) и в сегодняшней статье мы рассмотрим пять способов заполучить это обновление и обновить до него свою Windows 10.

Итак, мне на работу принесли несколько ноутбуков с операционной системой Windows 10 Версия 1511 (сборка ОС 10586.0), которую пользователи не смогли обновить сами по разным причинам (кстати, на одном ноуте была установлена неактивированная Win 10 и она тоже обновилась), обновим их все разными способами до Windows 10 build 1607 (сборка 14393)!  

Способ №1 

Обновляемся до Windows 10 build 1607 с помощью Центра обновления Windows

«Пуск» —>«Параметры»

 «Обновление и безопасность»

Жмём на кнопку «Проверка наличия обновлений»

Происходит проверка наличия обновлений 

Выходит кратковременное сообщение о возможности обновления до Windows 10, версия 1607

и тут же начинается автоматическое обновление Windows 10 до финального выпуска Anniversary Update Windows 10 build 1607 (сборка 14393)!

 Подготовка к установке обновлений

Для установки финального обновления жмём на кнопку «Перезагрузить сейчас». 

Происходит перезагрузка и начинается процесс обновления.

 В процессе обновления происходит несколько перезагрузок.

И наконец загружается рабочий стол обновленной Windows 10 build 1607!

Все программы на месте.

Для определения точной версии Windows 10 запускаем командную строку от имени администратора и вводим команду winver

Способ №2

Обновляемся до Windows 10 build 1607 с помощью Media Creation Tool

Проходим по ссылке на официальный сайт Майкрософт

Жмём на кнопку  «Скачать средство сейчас»

Нам на компьютер скачивается утилита Media Creation Tool, запускаем её от имени администратора.


Отмечаем галочкой пункт «Обновить этот компьютер сейчас»



Начинается процесс обновления. 

Происходит работа с обновлениями. Компьютер перезагружается несколько раз.

И наконец загружается Windows 10 build 1607.

Способ №3

Обновляемся до Windows 10 build 1607 с помощью утилиты Windows10Upgrade

Проходим по ссылке на официальный сайт Майкрософт

Жмём на кнопку «Обновить сейчас»

Нам на компьютер скачивается утилита Windows10Upgrade9252.exe.

Запускаем утилиту от имени администратора. 

Жмём на кнопку «Обновить сейчас»

Начинается процесс обновления. 

Способ №4

Обновляемся до Windows 10 build 1607 с помощью ISO-образа Windows 10

Проходим по ссылке на официальный сайт Майкрософт

Жмём на кнопку  «Скачать средство сейчас»

Нам на компьютер скачивается утилита Media Creation Tool, запускаем её от имени администратора.


Отмечаем пункт «Создать установочный носитель для другого компьютера» и 

жмём «Далее»



 Отмечаем пункт «ISO-файл» и жмём «Далее»

Выбираем папку для сохранения ISO-образа Windows 10 

и жмём «Сохранить»

ISO-образ Windows 10 скачался нам на компьютер.

Щёлкаем на ISO-образе Windows 10 двойным щелчком левой мыши и подсоединяем его к виртуальному дисководу.

Заходим на виртуальный дисковод и запускаем файл setup.exe

«Не сейчас» и жмём «Далее»



Начинается процесс обновления, который заканчивается удачно.

Способ №5

Обновляемся до Windows 10 build 1607 автоматически

Уверен, что у многих операционная система Windows 10 обновилась до новой версии Windows 10 build 1607 автоматически, то есть при очередном включении компьютера или ноутбука вышло предложение установить обновления и вы приняли это предложение, после чего ваша система благополучно обновилась.

Друзья, все предложенные способы обновления вашей Windows 10 до новейшей версии Windows 10 build 1607 работают одинаково надёжно и нет особой разницы, какой способ примените именно вы, выбирайте самый простой для вас и вперёд! Если же ни один способ вам не поможет, то примените Средство устранения неполадок Центра обновления на сайте Microsoft из этой статьи, а затем обновитесь до финального выпуска Anniversary Update Windows 10 build 1607.

Статьи по этой теме:

Microsoft Windows 10 Professional 10.0.14393 Version 1607 - Оригинальные образы от Microsoft VLSC

  • Размер: 6,48 GB
  • Категория: виндовс / windows 10
  • Загрузок: 35 192
  • Комментарии: 9
  • Дата обновления:01.08.2016

полный обзор Microsoft Windows 10

Microsoft Windows 10 Professional 10.0.14393 Version 1607 - Оригинальные образы от Microsoft VLSC

Версия программы: 10.0.14393 Version 1607
Официальный сайт: Microsoft
Язык интерфейса: Русский

Лечение: требуется, но отсутствует
Системные требования:
Processor: 1 GHz or faster
RAM: 1 GB (32-bit) or 2 GB (64-bit)
Disk space: 16 GB free space
Graphics card: Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics device, with WDDM driver
Screen resolution: 1024 x 768
A Microsoft account and Internet access

Описание: Windows 10 — операционная система для персональных компьютеров, разработанная корпорацией Microsoft в рамках семейства Windows NT. После Windows 8 система получила номер 10, минуя 9. Система призвана стать единой для разных устройств, таких как персональные компьютеры, планшеты, смартфоны, консоли Xbox One и пр. Доступна единая платформа разработки и единый магазин универсальных приложений, совместимых со всеми поддерживаемыми устройствами. Среди значимых нововведений — голосовая помощница Кортана, возможность создания и переключения нескольких рабочих столов и др.

Основные особенности:
Единая Windows для всех устройств. Windows 10 будет устанавливаться на более широкий спектр устройств по сравнению с предыдущими версиями OC. В число этих устройств входят не только персональные компьютеры, ноутбуки, планшеты, но и смартфоны, телевизоры, различные платы и промышленные устройства, используемые для сценариев Internet of Things. Новая OC также будет являться единой платформой для разработки приложений и единым каналом доставки приложений через Магазин.

Улучшенный интерфейс пользователя. Интерфейс операционной системы, с одной стороны, остался привычным, с другой стороны, приобрел несколько новых полезных возможностей.
Меню «Пуск». Открывается по нажатию на логотип в левом нижнем углу рабочего стола. В левом столбце меню содержатся ярлыки к последним запущенным приложениям, в правом — плитки универсальных приложений. В меню также находятся кнопки управления питанием и обновленная функция поиска, для поиска не только в локальной системе, но и в интернете.

Универсальные окна приложений. Теперь и классические приложения для рабочего стола и новые универсальные приложения запускаются в собственном окне на рабочем столе.
Улучшенная функция Snap. Работать в нескольких приложениях сразу стало проще и удобнее. Теперь функция Snap позволяет открыть до 4 приложений на экране одновременно, а Windows подсказывает, какие еще приложения запущены и как их можно разместить. Windows 10 поможет эффективнее использовать незанятое пространство экрана для других приложений.

Множество рабочих столов. Пользователь может создавать несколько рабочих столов и размещать на них окна приложений. Можно вывести все созданные столы на экран и переключаться между ними.

Многозадачность. На панели задач появилась новая кнопка Task View. При нажатии на нее, на экране появляются в уменьшенном виде окна всех запущенных приложений.

Особое внимание к корпоративным пользователям и данным. При создании Windows 10 особое внимание было уделено корпоративным пользователям. Новая ОС будет совместима со всеми традиционными системами управления, которые используют организации. Операционная система содержит новые возможности по разделению рабочих и персональных данных на устройствах всех типов, что позволит воплотить концепцию BYOD в организациях.

Контрольные суммы:

MD5: EC412F6D3D63C4B58ECE95610DA1B772
SHA-1: 3CD0941B6AF6A14C4EDC988501AA9D61B012066D


CRC32: 5D4834BF
MD5: E3D043D3CF01EDD5A1E4A7CC4DE0780D
SHA-1: 168C73E2D058FD3812250BD1F410E66CD91699F0

Microsoft Windows 10 Professional 10.0.14393 Version 1607 - Оригинальные образы от Microsoft VLSCMicrosoft Windows 10 Professional 10.0.14393 Version 1607 - Оригинальные образы от Microsoft VLSCMicrosoft Windows 10 Professional 10.0.14393 Version 1607 - Оригинальные образы от Microsoft VLSC

Релиз проверен Администрацией! Можно качать, На этой странице доступно для скачивания Microsoft Windows 10 Professional 10.0.14393 Version 1607 — Оригинальные образы от Microsoft VLSC
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Windows 10 Anniversary Update (also known as version 1607 and codenamed «Redstone 1»)[1][2][3][4] is the second major update to Windows 10 and the first in a series of updates under the Redstone codenames.[4][5][6] It carries the build number 10.0.14393. This update, as the name applies, is to celebrate the first anniversary of Windows 10. It was released 1 year after its launch.

The first preview was released on December 16, 2015. The final release was made available to Windows Insiders on July 18, 2016, followed by a public release on August 2.[7][8][9] This release of Windows 10 is supported for users of the Current Branch (CB), Current Branch for Business (CBB) and Long-Term Support Branch (LTSB).

Preview builds of Windows 10 version 1607 Version Release date(s) Highlights 10.0.11082
[10] Fast ring:
December 16, 2015 10.0.11099
[11] Fast ring:
January 13, 2016 10.0.11102
[12] Fast ring:
January 21, 2016
  • History menu added to Microsoft Edge
[13] Fast ring:
January 27, 2016
  • Cortana improvements
[14] Fast ring:
February 3, 2016
  • Foundation Work for new features
[15] Fast ring:
February 24, 2016
  • Getting feedback is an integral part of the Windows Insider Program
[16] Fast ring:
March 4, 2016
  • Added more languages to Cortana
  • Logon screen background now matches the lock screen background
[17] Fast ring:
March 17, 2016
  • Microsoft Edge improvements
  • Added extensions to Microsoft Edge
  • Added tab pinning to Microsoft Edge
  • Added Feedback Hub app
[18] Fast ring:
March 25, 2016

Slow ring:
March 30, 2016

[19] Fast ring:
April 6, 2016
  • Ubuntu Bash added to Command Prompt
  • Added Skype UWP Preview app
  • Action Center improvements
  • Updates emoji
  • Added dark mode to UWP apps
  • Added window pinning to Virtual Desktops
  • Redesigned update progress screen
  • Updated Windows Update settings
[20] Fast ring:
April 22, 2016
  • Added Windows Ink Workspace
  • Start menu improvements
  • Full-screen All Apps list in Start screen
  • Added Cortana to lock screen
  • Updated Action Center icon
  • Added Cortana to Action Center
  • Action Center Quick Actions can be moved
  • Added Calendar to taskbar clock
  • Taskbar clock now visible on all monitors
  • Taskbar settings moved to Settings app
  • Added playback device manager to taskbar
  • Swipe four fingers horizontally to switch desktops (precision touchpads only)
  • Lock screen email addresses are now hidden
  • Added media controls to lock screen
  • Updated File Explorer icon
[21] Fast ring:
April 26, 2016
  • Ubuntu Bash improvements
  • Command Prompt improvements
[22] Fast ring:
May 10, 2016
  • Swipe navigation added to Microsoft Edge
  • Ubuntu Bash improvements
  • Updated Windows Ink Workspace icon
  • Redesigned User Account Control dialog
  • Middle-click dismisses notifications in the Action Center
  • Feedback Hub improvements
[23] Fast ring:
May 26, 2016
  • Cortana improvements
  • Windows Ink improvements
  • Added music and timer commands to Cortana
  • Added compass to Windows Ink ruler
  • Updated File Explorer icon
  • Windows Enterprise edition deployment improvements
[24] Fast ring:
June 8, 2016
  • Windows Ink improvements
  • Consistent background color in Settings app
  • Updated Blu-Ray and network icons
[25] Fast ring:
June 14, 2016

Slow ring:
June 17, 2016

  • Office Online extension available for Microsoft Edge
[26] Fast ring:
June 16, 2016

Slow ring:
June 21, 2016

  • Windows + F launches Feedback Hub
  • Added 23 languages to handwriting recognition
[27] Fast ring:
June 22, 2016
  • Activation improvements
[28] Fast ring:
June 23, 2016
  • New extension for Microsoft Edge
[29] Fast ring:
June 28, 2016 10.0.14379
[30] Fast ring:
June 30, 2016 10.0.14383
[31] Fast ring:
July 7, 2016 10.0.14385
[32] Fast ring:
July 9, 2016 10.0.14388
[33] Fast ring:
July 12, 2016 10.0.14390
[34] Fast ring:
July 15, 2016 Version Release date(s) Highlights
Public patches of Windows 10 version 1607 Version Knowledge base Release date(s) Highlights 10.0.14393
[35] Fast ring:
July 18, 2016

Slow ring:
July 20, 2016
Release preview:
July 28, 2016

  • Reliability improvements of Start, Cortana, and Action Center
Version 1607
[36] KB3176929 Fast ring, slow ring, release preview and public release:
August 2, 2016
  • Sticky Notes redesigned as a UWP app, and is now part of Windows Ink.[37]
[38] KB3176495 Fast ring, slow ring, release preview and public release:
August 9, 2016 10.0.14393.82
[39] KB3176934 Slow ring, release preview and public release:
August 23, 2016 10.0.14393.105
[40] KB3176938 Slow ring, release preview and public release:
August 31, 2016 10.0.14393.187
[41] KB3189866 Slow ring, release preview and public release:
September 13, 2016 10.0.14393.189


KB3193494 Slow ring, release preview and public release:
September 20, 2016 10.0.14393.222
[43] KB3194496 Slow ring, release preview and public release:
September 29, 2016 10.0.14393.321
[44] KB3194798 Release preview and public release:
October 11, 2016 10.0.14393.351
[45] KB3197954 Release preview and public release:
October 27, 2016 10.0.14393.447
[46] KB3200970 Release preview and public release:
November 8, 2016 10.0.14393.479
[47] KB3201845 Release preview and public release:
December 9, 2016 10.0.14393.576
[48] KB3206632 Release preview and public release:
December 13, 2016 10.0.14393.693
[49] KB3213986 Release preview and public release:
January 10, 2017 10.0.14393.726
[50] KB3216755 Release preview and public release:
January 26, 2017 10.0.14393.729
[51] KB4010672 Release preview and public release:
January 30, 2017 10.0.14393.953
[52] KB4013429 Release preview and public release:
March 14, 2017 10.0.14393.969
[53] KB4015438 Release preview and public release:
March 20, 2017 10.0.14393.970
[54] KB4016635 Release preview and public release:
March 22, 2017 10.0.14393.1066
[55] KB4015217 Public release:
April 11, 2017 10.0.14393.1198
[56] KB4019472 Public release:
May 9, 2017 10.0.14393.1230
[57] KB4023680 Public release:
May 26, 2017 10.0.14393.1358
[58] KB4022715 Public release:
June 13, 2017 10.0.14393.1378
[59] KB4022723 Public release:
June 27, 2017 10.0.14393.1480
[60] KB4025339 Public release:
July 11, 2017 10.0.14393.1532
[61] KB4025334 Public release:
July 18, 2017 10.0.14393.1537
[62] KB4038220 Public release:
August 7, 2017 10.0.14393.1593
[63] KB4034658 Public release:
August 8, 2017 10.0.14393.1613
[64] KB4034661 Public release:
August 16, 2017 10.0.14393.1670
[65] KB4039396 Public release:
August 28, 2017 10.0.14393.1715
[66] KB4038782 Public release:
September 12, 2017 10.0.14393.1737
[67] KB4038801 Public release:
September 25, 2017 10.0.14393.1770
[68] KB4041691 Public release:
October 10, 2017 10.0.14393.1794
[69] KB4041688 Public release:
October 17, 2017 10.0.14393.1797
[70] KB4052231 Public release:
November 2, 2017 10.0.14393.1884
[71] KB4048953 Public release:
November 14, 2017 10.0.14393.1914
[72] KB4051033 Public release:
November 27, 2017 10.0.14393.1944
[73] KB4053579 Public release:
December 12, 2017 10.0.14393.2007
[74] KB4056890 Public release:
January 3, 2018 10.0.14393.2034
[75] KB4057142 Public release:
January 17, 2018 10.0.14393.2068
[76] KB4074590 Public release:
February 13, 2018 10.0.14393.2097
[77] KB4077525 Public release:
February 22, 2018 10.0.14393.2125
[78] KB4088787 Public release:
March 13, 2018 10.0.14393.2155
[79] KB4088889 Public release:
March 22, 2018 10.0.14393.2156
[80] KB4096309 Public release:
March 29, 2018 10.0.14393.2189
[81] KB4093119 Public release:
April 10, 2018 10.0.14393.2214
[82] KB4093120 Public release:
April 17, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2248
[83] KB4103723 Public release:
May 8, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2273
[84] KB4103720 Public release:
May 17, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2312
[85] KB4284880 Public release:
June 12, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2339
[86] KB4284833 Public release:
June 21, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2363
[87] KB4338814 Public release:
July 10, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2368
[88] KB4345418 Public release:
July 16, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2395
[89] KB4338822 Public release:
July 24, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2396
[90] KB4346877 Public release:
July 30, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2430
[91] KB4343887 Public release:
August 14, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2457
[92] KB4343884 Public release:
August 30, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2485
[93] KB4457131 Public release:
September 11, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2517
[94] KB4457127 Public release:
September 20, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2551
[95] KB4462917 Public release:
October 9, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2580
[96] KB4462928 Public release:
October 18, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2608
[97] KB4467691 Public release:
November 13, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2639
[98] KB4467684 Public release:
November 27, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2665
[99] KB4471321 Public release:
December 11, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2670
[100] KB4483229 Public release:
December 19, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2724
[101] KB4480961 Public release:
January 8, 2019 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2791
[102] KB4487026 Public release:
February 12, 2019 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2828
[103] KB4487006 Public release:
February 19, 2019 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2848
[104] KB4489882 Public release:
March 12, 2019 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2879
[105] KB4489889 Public release:
March 19, 2019 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2906
[106] KB4493470 Public release:
April 9, 2019 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2908
[107] KB4499418 Public release:
April 25, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2941
[108] KB4493473 Public release:
April 25, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2969
[109] KB4494440 Public release:
May 14, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2972
[110] KB4505052 Public release:
May 19, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2999
[111] KB4499177 Public release:
May 23, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3025
[112] KB4503267 Public release:
June 11, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3053
[113] KB4503294 Public release:
June 18, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3085
[114] KB4507460 Public release:
July 9, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3115
[115] KB4507459 Public release:
July 16, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3144
[116] KB4512517 Public release:
August 13, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3181
[117] KB4512495 Public release:
August 17, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3204
[118] KB4516044 Public release:
September 10, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3206
[119] KB4522010 Public release:
September 23, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3242
[120] KB4516061 Public release:
September 24, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3243
[121] KB4524152 Public release:
October 3, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3274
[122] KB4519998 Public release:
October 8, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3300
[123] KB4519979 Public release:
October 15, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3326
[124] KB4525236 Public release:
November 12, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3384
[125] KB4530689 Public release:
December 10, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3443
[126] KB4534271 Public release:
January 14, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3474
[127] KB4534307 Public release:
January 23, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3504
[128] KB4537764 Public release:
February 11, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3542
[129] KB4537806 Public release:
February 25, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3564
[130] KB4540670 Public release:
March 10, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3595
[131] KB4541329 Public release:
March 17, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3630
[132] KB4550929 Public release:
April 14, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3686
[133] KB4556813 Public release:
May 12, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3750
[134] KB4561616 Public release:
June 9, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3755
[135] KB4567517 Public release:
June 18, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3808
[136] KB4565511 Public release:
July 14, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3866
[137] KB4571694 Public release:
August 11, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3930
[138] KB4577015 Public release:
September 8, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3986
[139] KB4580346 Public release:
October 13, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4046
[140] KB4586830 Public release:
November 10, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4048
[141] KB4594441 Public release:
November 19, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4104
[142] KB4593226 Public release:
December 8, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4169
[143] KB4598243 Public release:
January 12, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4225
[144] KB4601318 Public release:
February 9, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4283
[145] KB5000803 Public release:
March 9, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4288
[146] KB5001633 Public release:
March 18, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4350
[147] KB5001347 Public release:
April 13, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4402
[148] KB5003197 Public release:
May 11, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4467
[149] KB5003638 Public release:
June 8, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4470
[150] KB5004948 Public release:
July 7, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4530
[151] KB5004238 Public release:
July 13, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4532
[152] KB5005393 Public release:
July 29, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4583
[153] KB5005043 Public release:
August 10, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4651
[154] KB5005573 Public release:
September 14, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4704
[155] KB5006669 Public release:
October 12, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4770
[156] KB5007192 Public release:
November 9, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4771
[157] KB5008601 Public release:
November 14, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4825
[158] KB5008207 Public release:
December 14, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4827
[159] KB5010195 Public release:
January 5, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4886
[160] KB5009546 Public release:
January 11, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4889
[161] KB5010790 Public release:
January 18, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4946
[162] KB5010359 Public release:
February 8, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5006
[163] KB5011495 Public release:
March 8, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5066
[164] KB5012596 Public release:
April 12, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5125
[165] KB5013952 Public release:
May 10, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5127
[166] KB5015019 Public release:
May 19, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5192
[167] KB5014702 Public release:
June 14, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5246
[168] KB5015808 Public release:
July 12, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5291
[169] KB5016622 Public release:
August 9, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5356
[170] KB5017305 Public release:
September 13, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5427
[171] KB5018411 Public release:
October 11, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5429
[172] KB5020439 Public release:
October 18, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5501
[173] KB5019964 Public release:
November 8, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5502
[174] KB5021654 Public release:
November 17, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5582
[175] KB5021235 Public release:
December 13, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5648
[176] KB5022289 Public release:
January 10, 2023 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions. This is the final update available for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset. Version Knowledge base Release date(s) Highlights

Windows 10 Anniversary Update (also known as version 1607 and codenamed «Redstone 1»)[1][2][3][4] is the second major update to Windows 10 and the first in a series of updates under the Redstone codenames.[4][5][6] It carries the build number 10.0.14393. This update, as the name applies, is to celebrate the first anniversary of Windows 10. It was released 1 year after its launch.

The first preview was released on December 16, 2015. The final release was made available to Windows Insiders on July 18, 2016, followed by a public release on August 2.[7][8][9] This release of Windows 10 is supported for users of the Current Branch (CB), Current Branch for Business (CBB) and Long-Term Support Branch (LTSB).

Preview builds of Windows 10 version 1607 Version Release date(s) Highlights 10.0.11082
[10] Fast ring:
December 16, 2015 10.0.11099
[11] Fast ring:
January 13, 2016 10.0.11102
[12] Fast ring:
January 21, 2016
  • History menu added to Microsoft Edge
[13] Fast ring:
January 27, 2016
  • Cortana improvements
[14] Fast ring:
February 3, 2016
  • Foundation Work for new features
[15] Fast ring:
February 24, 2016
  • Getting feedback is an integral part of the Windows Insider Program
[16] Fast ring:
March 4, 2016
  • Added more languages to Cortana
  • Logon screen background now matches the lock screen background
[17] Fast ring:
March 17, 2016
  • Microsoft Edge improvements
  • Added extensions to Microsoft Edge
  • Added tab pinning to Microsoft Edge
  • Added Feedback Hub app
[18] Fast ring:
March 25, 2016

Slow ring:
March 30, 2016

[19] Fast ring:
April 6, 2016
  • Ubuntu Bash added to Command Prompt
  • Added Skype UWP Preview app
  • Action Center improvements
  • Updates emoji
  • Added dark mode to UWP apps
  • Added window pinning to Virtual Desktops
  • Redesigned update progress screen
  • Updated Windows Update settings
[20] Fast ring:
April 22, 2016
  • Added Windows Ink Workspace
  • Start menu improvements
  • Full-screen All Apps list in Start screen
  • Added Cortana to lock screen
  • Updated Action Center icon
  • Added Cortana to Action Center
  • Action Center Quick Actions can be moved
  • Added Calendar to taskbar clock
  • Taskbar clock now visible on all monitors
  • Taskbar settings moved to Settings app
  • Added playback device manager to taskbar
  • Swipe four fingers horizontally to switch desktops (precision touchpads only)
  • Lock screen email addresses are now hidden
  • Added media controls to lock screen
  • Updated File Explorer icon
[21] Fast ring:
April 26, 2016
  • Ubuntu Bash improvements
  • Command Prompt improvements
[22] Fast ring:
May 10, 2016
  • Swipe navigation added to Microsoft Edge
  • Ubuntu Bash improvements
  • Updated Windows Ink Workspace icon
  • Redesigned User Account Control dialog
  • Middle-click dismisses notifications in the Action Center
  • Feedback Hub improvements
[23] Fast ring:
May 26, 2016
  • Cortana improvements
  • Windows Ink improvements
  • Added music and timer commands to Cortana
  • Added compass to Windows Ink ruler
  • Updated File Explorer icon
  • Windows Enterprise edition deployment improvements
[24] Fast ring:
June 8, 2016
  • Windows Ink improvements
  • Consistent background color in Settings app
  • Updated Blu-Ray and network icons
[25] Fast ring:
June 14, 2016

Slow ring:
June 17, 2016

  • Office Online extension available for Microsoft Edge
[26] Fast ring:
June 16, 2016

Slow ring:
June 21, 2016

  • Windows + F launches Feedback Hub
  • Added 23 languages to handwriting recognition
[27] Fast ring:
June 22, 2016
  • Activation improvements
[28] Fast ring:
June 23, 2016
  • New extension for Microsoft Edge
[29] Fast ring:
June 28, 2016 10.0.14379
[30] Fast ring:
June 30, 2016 10.0.14383
[31] Fast ring:
July 7, 2016 10.0.14385
[32] Fast ring:
July 9, 2016 10.0.14388
[33] Fast ring:
July 12, 2016 10.0.14390
[34] Fast ring:
July 15, 2016 Version Release date(s) Highlights
Public patches of Windows 10 version 1607 Version Knowledge base Release date(s) Highlights 10.0.14393
[35] Fast ring:
July 18, 2016

Slow ring:
July 20, 2016
Release preview:
July 28, 2016

  • Reliability improvements of Start, Cortana, and Action Center
Version 1607
[36] KB3176929 Fast ring, slow ring, release preview and public release:
August 2, 2016
  • Sticky Notes redesigned as a UWP app, and is now part of Windows Ink.[37]
[38] KB3176495 Fast ring, slow ring, release preview and public release:
August 9, 2016 10.0.14393.82
[39] KB3176934 Slow ring, release preview and public release:
August 23, 2016 10.0.14393.105
[40] KB3176938 Slow ring, release preview and public release:
August 31, 2016 10.0.14393.187
[41] KB3189866 Slow ring, release preview and public release:
September 13, 2016 10.0.14393.189


KB3193494 Slow ring, release preview and public release:
September 20, 2016 10.0.14393.222
[43] KB3194496 Slow ring, release preview and public release:
September 29, 2016 10.0.14393.321
[44] KB3194798 Release preview and public release:
October 11, 2016 10.0.14393.351
[45] KB3197954 Release preview and public release:
October 27, 2016 10.0.14393.447
[46] KB3200970 Release preview and public release:
November 8, 2016 10.0.14393.479
[47] KB3201845 Release preview and public release:
December 9, 2016 10.0.14393.576
[48] KB3206632 Release preview and public release:
December 13, 2016 10.0.14393.693
[49] KB3213986 Release preview and public release:
January 10, 2017 10.0.14393.726
[50] KB3216755 Release preview and public release:
January 26, 2017 10.0.14393.729
[51] KB4010672 Release preview and public release:
January 30, 2017 10.0.14393.953
[52] KB4013429 Release preview and public release:
March 14, 2017 10.0.14393.969
[53] KB4015438 Release preview and public release:
March 20, 2017 10.0.14393.970
[54] KB4016635 Release preview and public release:
March 22, 2017 10.0.14393.1066
[55] KB4015217 Public release:
April 11, 2017 10.0.14393.1198
[56] KB4019472 Public release:
May 9, 2017 10.0.14393.1230
[57] KB4023680 Public release:
May 26, 2017 10.0.14393.1358
[58] KB4022715 Public release:
June 13, 2017 10.0.14393.1378
[59] KB4022723 Public release:
June 27, 2017 10.0.14393.1480
[60] KB4025339 Public release:
July 11, 2017 10.0.14393.1532
[61] KB4025334 Public release:
July 18, 2017 10.0.14393.1537
[62] KB4038220 Public release:
August 7, 2017 10.0.14393.1593
[63] KB4034658 Public release:
August 8, 2017 10.0.14393.1613
[64] KB4034661 Public release:
August 16, 2017 10.0.14393.1670
[65] KB4039396 Public release:
August 28, 2017 10.0.14393.1715
[66] KB4038782 Public release:
September 12, 2017 10.0.14393.1737
[67] KB4038801 Public release:
September 25, 2017 10.0.14393.1770
[68] KB4041691 Public release:
October 10, 2017 10.0.14393.1794
[69] KB4041688 Public release:
October 17, 2017 10.0.14393.1797
[70] KB4052231 Public release:
November 2, 2017 10.0.14393.1884
[71] KB4048953 Public release:
November 14, 2017 10.0.14393.1914
[72] KB4051033 Public release:
November 27, 2017 10.0.14393.1944
[73] KB4053579 Public release:
December 12, 2017 10.0.14393.2007
[74] KB4056890 Public release:
January 3, 2018 10.0.14393.2034
[75] KB4057142 Public release:
January 17, 2018 10.0.14393.2068
[76] KB4074590 Public release:
February 13, 2018 10.0.14393.2097
[77] KB4077525 Public release:
February 22, 2018 10.0.14393.2125
[78] KB4088787 Public release:
March 13, 2018 10.0.14393.2155
[79] KB4088889 Public release:
March 22, 2018 10.0.14393.2156
[80] KB4096309 Public release:
March 29, 2018 10.0.14393.2189
[81] KB4093119 Public release:
April 10, 2018 10.0.14393.2214
[82] KB4093120 Public release:
April 17, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2248
[83] KB4103723 Public release:
May 8, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2273
[84] KB4103720 Public release:
May 17, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2312
[85] KB4284880 Public release:
June 12, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2339
[86] KB4284833 Public release:
June 21, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2363
[87] KB4338814 Public release:
July 10, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2368
[88] KB4345418 Public release:
July 16, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2395
[89] KB4338822 Public release:
July 24, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2396
[90] KB4346877 Public release:
July 30, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2430
[91] KB4343887 Public release:
August 14, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2457
[92] KB4343884 Public release:
August 30, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2485
[93] KB4457131 Public release:
September 11, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2517
[94] KB4457127 Public release:
September 20, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2551
[95] KB4462917 Public release:
October 9, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2580
[96] KB4462928 Public release:
October 18, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2608
[97] KB4467691 Public release:
November 13, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2639
[98] KB4467684 Public release:
November 27, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2665
[99] KB4471321 Public release:
December 11, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2670
[100] KB4483229 Public release:
December 19, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2724
[101] KB4480961 Public release:
January 8, 2019 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2791
[102] KB4487026 Public release:
February 12, 2019 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2828
[103] KB4487006 Public release:
February 19, 2019 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2848
[104] KB4489882 Public release:
March 12, 2019 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2879
[105] KB4489889 Public release:
March 19, 2019 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2906
[106] KB4493470 Public release:
April 9, 2019 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2908
[107] KB4499418 Public release:
April 25, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2941
[108] KB4493473 Public release:
April 25, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2969
[109] KB4494440 Public release:
May 14, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2972
[110] KB4505052 Public release:
May 19, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2999
[111] KB4499177 Public release:
May 23, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3025
[112] KB4503267 Public release:
June 11, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3053
[113] KB4503294 Public release:
June 18, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3085
[114] KB4507460 Public release:
July 9, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3115
[115] KB4507459 Public release:
July 16, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3144
[116] KB4512517 Public release:
August 13, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3181
[117] KB4512495 Public release:
August 17, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3204
[118] KB4516044 Public release:
September 10, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3206
[119] KB4522010 Public release:
September 23, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3242
[120] KB4516061 Public release:
September 24, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3243
[121] KB4524152 Public release:
October 3, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3274
[122] KB4519998 Public release:
October 8, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3300
[123] KB4519979 Public release:
October 15, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3326
[124] KB4525236 Public release:
November 12, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3384
[125] KB4530689 Public release:
December 10, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3443
[126] KB4534271 Public release:
January 14, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3474
[127] KB4534307 Public release:
January 23, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3504
[128] KB4537764 Public release:
February 11, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3542
[129] KB4537806 Public release:
February 25, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3564
[130] KB4540670 Public release:
March 10, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3595
[131] KB4541329 Public release:
March 17, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3630
[132] KB4550929 Public release:
April 14, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3686
[133] KB4556813 Public release:
May 12, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3750
[134] KB4561616 Public release:
June 9, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3755
[135] KB4567517 Public release:
June 18, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3808
[136] KB4565511 Public release:
July 14, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3866
[137] KB4571694 Public release:
August 11, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3930
[138] KB4577015 Public release:
September 8, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3986
[139] KB4580346 Public release:
October 13, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4046
[140] KB4586830 Public release:
November 10, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4048
[141] KB4594441 Public release:
November 19, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4104
[142] KB4593226 Public release:
December 8, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4169
[143] KB4598243 Public release:
January 12, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4225
[144] KB4601318 Public release:
February 9, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4283
[145] KB5000803 Public release:
March 9, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4288
[146] KB5001633 Public release:
March 18, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4350
[147] KB5001347 Public release:
April 13, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4402
[148] KB5003197 Public release:
May 11, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4467
[149] KB5003638 Public release:
June 8, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4470
[150] KB5004948 Public release:
July 7, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4530
[151] KB5004238 Public release:
July 13, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4532
[152] KB5005393 Public release:
July 29, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4583
[153] KB5005043 Public release:
August 10, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4651
[154] KB5005573 Public release:
September 14, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4704
[155] KB5006669 Public release:
October 12, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4770
[156] KB5007192 Public release:
November 9, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4771
[157] KB5008601 Public release:
November 14, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4825
[158] KB5008207 Public release:
December 14, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4827
[159] KB5010195 Public release:
January 5, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4886
[160] KB5009546 Public release:
January 11, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4889
[161] KB5010790 Public release:
January 18, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4946
[162] KB5010359 Public release:
February 8, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5006
[163] KB5011495 Public release:
March 8, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5066
[164] KB5012596 Public release:
April 12, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5125
[165] KB5013952 Public release:
May 10, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5127
[166] KB5015019 Public release:
May 19, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5192
[167] KB5014702 Public release:
June 14, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5246
[168] KB5015808 Public release:
July 12, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5291
[169] KB5016622 Public release:
August 9, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5356
[170] KB5017305 Public release:
September 13, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5427
[171] KB5018411 Public release:
October 11, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5429
[172] KB5020439 Public release:
October 18, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5501
[173] KB5019964 Public release:
November 8, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5502
[174] KB5021654 Public release:
November 17, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5582
[175] KB5021235 Public release:
December 13, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5648
[176] KB5022289 Public release:
January 10, 2023 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions. This is the final update available for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset. Version Knowledge base Release date(s) Highlights

Сборка Windows 10 Version 1607 with Update [14393.2189] (x86-x64) AIO [60in2] adguard

Сборка сделана на основе оригинальных образов от MSDN. Были интегрированы языки: Английский, Русский и обновления по 10 апреля 2018. Также в системе включен .Net Framework 3.5. Системы полностью на оригинальном установщике. Возможно установить как из-под BIOS, так и из под системы.

Компьютер для системы:
Процессор: 1 гигагерц (ГГц) или больше.
ОЗУ: 1 гигабайт (ГБ).
Свободное место на жестком диске: 16 гигабайт (ГБ).
Графический адаптер: графическое устройство Microsoft DirectX 9 или более новой версии.
Дополнительные требования для использования некоторых функций.
Для использования сенсорных возможностей требуется планшет или монитор с поддержкой мультисенсорной технологии.
Чтобы получить доступ к Магазину Windows для загрузки и запуска приложений, требуется активное подключение к Интернету и разрешение экрана не менее 1024?768 пикселей.

Сборка Windows 10 Version 1607 with Update [14393.2189] (x86-x64) AIO [60in2] adguard торрент, изменения:
Особенности сборки
— Интегрированы обновления по 10 апреля 2018 года;
— Включен .Net Framework 3.5 (включая 2.0);
— Интегрированы языковые пакеты: Английский, Русский;
— Очищены папки: WinSxSManifestCache и WinSxSTemp;
— Системы не были в режиме аудита.
Все изменения производились стандартными средствами Microsoft.

После установки, если Вы желаете отключить защиту на процессах от Meltdown and Spectre, то на диске есть эти скрипты для отключение и включение защиты (по умолчанию защита включена).

После применение изменения в реестре — необходимо перезагрузить устройство.

Контрольные суммы

CRC-32: b3603358
MD5: 25733ce58af58ee8ff8b224baf37bee7
SHA-1: b79ae1d6d698b2ab2f2ab4473252430a7e6b0195

CRC-32: 401da112
MD5: 7bb11fd345971779778fb68000a6e729
SHA-1: ed18d09acbae891b18cf7a46c2df49f7604512a6

Состав сборки

Windows 10 Home Single Language (32-bit) — English
Windows 10 Home (32-bit) — English
Windows 10 Pro (32-bit) — English
Windows 10 Pro VL (32-bit) — English
Windows 10 Education (32-bit) — English
Windows 10 Education VL (32-bit) — English
Windows 10 Enterprise (32-bit) — English
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (32-bit) — English
Windows 10 Home N (32-bit) — English
Windows 10 Pro N (32-bit) — English
Windows 10 Pro N VL (32-bit) — English
Windows 10 Education N (32-bit) — English
Windows 10 Education N VL (32-bit) — English
Windows 10 Enterprise N (32-bit) — English
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (32-bit) — English
Windows 10 Home Single Language (32-bit) — Russian
Windows 10 Home (32-bit) — Russian
Windows 10 Pro (32-bit) — Russian
Windows 10 Pro VL (32-bit) — Russian
Windows 10 Education (32-bit) — Russian
Windows 10 Education VL (32-bit) — Russian
Windows 10 Enterprise (32-bit) — Russian
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (32-bit) — Russian
Windows 10 Home N (32-bit) — Russian
Windows 10 Pro N (32-bit) — Russian
Windows 10 Pro N VL (32bit) — Russian
Windows 10 Education N (32-bit) — Russian
Windows 10 Education N VL (32-bit) — Russian
Windows 10 Enterprise N (32-bit) — Russian
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (32-bit) — Russian

Windows 10 Home Single Language (64-bit) — English
Windows 10 Home (64-bit) — English
Windows 10 Pro (64-bit) — English
Windows 10 Pro VL (64-bit) — English
Windows 10 Education (64-bit) — English
Windows 10 Education VL (64-bit) — English
Windows 10 Enterprise (64-bit) — English
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (64-bit) — English
Windows 10 Home N (64-bit) — English
Windows 10 Pro N (64-bit) — English
Windows 10 Pro N VL (64-bit) — English
Windows 10 Education N (64-bit) — English
Windows 10 Education N VL (64-bit) — English
Windows 10 Enterprise N (64-bit) — English
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (64-bit) — English
Windows 10 Home Single Language (64-bit) — Russian
Windows 10 Home (64-bit) — Russian
Windows 10 Pro (64-bit) — Russian
Windows 10 Pro VL (64-bit) — Russian
Windows 10 Education (64-bit) — Russian
Windows 10 Education VL (64-bit) — Russian
Windows 10 Enterprise (64-bit) — Russian
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (64-bit) — Russian
Windows 10 Home N (64-bit) — Russian
Windows 10 Pro N (64-bit) — Russian
Windows 10 Pro N VL (64-bit) — Russian
Windows 10 Education N (64-bit) — Russian
Windows 10 Education N VL (64-bit) — Russian
Windows 10 Enterprise N (64-bit) — Russian
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (64-bit) — Russian

Скриншоты Сборка Windows 10 Version 1607 with Update [14393.2189] (x86-x64) AIO [60in2] adguard торрент:

Скачать Сборка Windows 10 Version 1607 with Update [14393.2189] (x86-x64) AIO [60in2] adguard через торрент:

  • 26.06.2020

На данной странице Вы можете скачать официальные MSDN дистрибутивы Windows 10 версии 1607 (Updated Jan 2017) редакций Pro и Home (Домашняя).

— Скачать Windows 10 Pro x64 (Размер: 4,1 Гб)

— Скачать Windows 10 Pro x32 (Размер 3,0 Гб)

MD5 — A5D49CC0D57F3CB7F4A19D313F64D675
SHA-1 — 8971846C31B971505AD94D4DE06EDD10E13CC0CF

MD5 — A893B69B756D067C1C469DAA0F027B0E
SHA-1 — 156127F1396B9FE8C5D81024EE96C9B7D5C966B9


— Скачать Windows 10 Home x64 (Размер: 3,7 Гб)

— Скачать Windows 10 Home x32 (Размер: 2,8 Гб)

MD5 — E8B10498A3DDED39D1FB5222624A124C
SHA-1 — 8D37DF01A5C713FF2B4259D5FB523070FD734BDF

MD5 — 3CAB38617F2A7547969CC81C92FDAC77
SHA-1 — 4F59C2D200460855BBDDA226D53956F9C161D471

Рекомендованные минимальные системные требования:

ОЗУ: 1 ГБ для 32-битной версии, 2 ГБ для 64-битной;
Место на жестком диске: для Windows 10 версии 1809 и раньше — 16 ГБ для 32-битной и 20 ГБ для 32-битной версии.
Процессор: 1 ГГц или лучше;
Разрешение экрана: 800 x 600;
Графика: Microsoft DirectX 9 или выше;

Приобрести лицензионные ключи активации Windows 10 Pro и Windows 10 Домашняя можете в нашем каталоге. Самые низкие цены от 690₽. Моментальная доставка в автоматическом режиме на Ваш Email. Гарантия и круглосуточная техподдержка.

Windows 10 Anniversary Update (also known as version 1607 and codenamed «Redstone 1»)[1][2][3][4] is the second major update to Windows 10 and the first in a series of updates under the Redstone codenames.[4][5][6] It carries the build number 10.0.14393. This update, as the name applies, is to celebrate the first anniversary of Windows 10. It was released 1 year after its launch.

The first preview was released on December 16, 2015. The final release was made available to Windows Insiders on July 18, 2016, followed by a public release on August 2.[7][8][9] This release of Windows 10 is supported for users of the Current Branch (CB), Current Branch for Business (CBB) and Long-Term Support Branch (LTSB).

Preview builds of Windows 10 version 1607 Version Release date(s) Highlights 10.0.11082
[10] Fast ring:
December 16, 2015 10.0.11099
[11] Fast ring:
January 13, 2016 10.0.11102
[12] Fast ring:
January 21, 2016
  • History menu added to Microsoft Edge
[13] Fast ring:
January 27, 2016
  • Cortana improvements
[14] Fast ring:
February 3, 2016
  • Foundation Work for new features
[15] Fast ring:
February 24, 2016
  • Getting feedback is an integral part of the Windows Insider Program
[16] Fast ring:
March 4, 2016
  • Added more languages to Cortana
  • Logon screen background now matches the lock screen background
[17] Fast ring:
March 17, 2016
  • Microsoft Edge improvements
  • Added extensions to Microsoft Edge
  • Added tab pinning to Microsoft Edge
  • Added Feedback Hub app
[18] Fast ring:
March 25, 2016

Slow ring:
March 30, 2016

[19] Fast ring:
April 6, 2016
  • Ubuntu Bash added to Command Prompt
  • Added Skype UWP Preview app
  • Action Center improvements
  • Updates emoji
  • Added dark mode to UWP apps
  • Added window pinning to Virtual Desktops
  • Redesigned update progress screen
  • Updated Windows Update settings
[20] Fast ring:
April 22, 2016
  • Added Windows Ink Workspace
  • Start menu improvements
  • Full-screen All Apps list in Start screen
  • Added Cortana to lock screen
  • Updated Action Center icon
  • Added Cortana to Action Center
  • Action Center Quick Actions can be moved
  • Added Calendar to taskbar clock
  • Taskbar clock now visible on all monitors
  • Taskbar settings moved to Settings app
  • Added playback device manager to taskbar
  • Swipe four fingers horizontally to switch desktops (precision touchpads only)
  • Lock screen email addresses are now hidden
  • Added media controls to lock screen
  • Updated File Explorer icon
[21] Fast ring:
April 26, 2016
  • Ubuntu Bash improvements
  • Command Prompt improvements
[22] Fast ring:
May 10, 2016
  • Swipe navigation added to Microsoft Edge
  • Ubuntu Bash improvements
  • Updated Windows Ink Workspace icon
  • Redesigned User Account Control dialog
  • Middle-click dismisses notifications in the Action Center
  • Feedback Hub improvements
[23] Fast ring:
May 26, 2016
  • Cortana improvements
  • Windows Ink improvements
  • Added music and timer commands to Cortana
  • Added compass to Windows Ink ruler
  • Updated File Explorer icon
  • Windows Enterprise edition deployment improvements
[24] Fast ring:
June 8, 2016
  • Windows Ink improvements
  • Consistent background color in Settings app
  • Updated Blu-Ray and network icons
[25] Fast ring:
June 14, 2016

Slow ring:
June 17, 2016

  • Office Online extension available for Microsoft Edge
[26] Fast ring:
June 16, 2016

Slow ring:
June 21, 2016

  • Windows + F launches Feedback Hub
  • Added 23 languages to handwriting recognition
[27] Fast ring:
June 22, 2016
  • Activation improvements
[28] Fast ring:
June 23, 2016
  • New extension for Microsoft Edge
[29] Fast ring:
June 28, 2016 10.0.14379
[30] Fast ring:
June 30, 2016 10.0.14383
[31] Fast ring:
July 7, 2016 10.0.14385
[32] Fast ring:
July 9, 2016 10.0.14388
[33] Fast ring:
July 12, 2016 10.0.14390
[34] Fast ring:
July 15, 2016 Version Release date(s) Highlights
Public patches of Windows 10 version 1607 Version Knowledge base Release date(s) Highlights 10.0.14393
[35] Fast ring:
July 18, 2016

Slow ring:
July 20, 2016
Release preview:
July 28, 2016

  • Reliability improvements of Start, Cortana, and Action Center
Version 1607
[36] KB3176929 Fast ring, slow ring, release preview and public release:
August 2, 2016
  • Sticky Notes redesigned as a UWP app, and is now part of Windows Ink.[37]
[38] KB3176495 Fast ring, slow ring, release preview and public release:
August 9, 2016 10.0.14393.82
[39] KB3176934 Slow ring, release preview and public release:
August 23, 2016 10.0.14393.105
[40] KB3176938 Slow ring, release preview and public release:
August 31, 2016 10.0.14393.187
[41] KB3189866 Slow ring, release preview and public release:
September 13, 2016 10.0.14393.189


KB3193494 Slow ring, release preview and public release:
September 20, 2016 10.0.14393.222
[43] KB3194496 Slow ring, release preview and public release:
September 29, 2016 10.0.14393.321
[44] KB3194798 Release preview and public release:
October 11, 2016 10.0.14393.351
[45] KB3197954 Release preview and public release:
October 27, 2016 10.0.14393.447
[46] KB3200970 Release preview and public release:
November 8, 2016 10.0.14393.479
[47] KB3201845 Release preview and public release:
December 9, 2016 10.0.14393.576
[48] KB3206632 Release preview and public release:
December 13, 2016 10.0.14393.693
[49] KB3213986 Release preview and public release:
January 10, 2017 10.0.14393.726
[50] KB3216755 Release preview and public release:
January 26, 2017 10.0.14393.729
[51] KB4010672 Release preview and public release:
January 30, 2017 10.0.14393.953
[52] KB4013429 Release preview and public release:
March 14, 2017 10.0.14393.969
[53] KB4015438 Release preview and public release:
March 20, 2017 10.0.14393.970
[54] KB4016635 Release preview and public release:
March 22, 2017 10.0.14393.1066
[55] KB4015217 Public release:
April 11, 2017 10.0.14393.1198
[56] KB4019472 Public release:
May 9, 2017 10.0.14393.1230
[57] KB4023680 Public release:
May 26, 2017 10.0.14393.1358
[58] KB4022715 Public release:
June 13, 2017 10.0.14393.1378
[59] KB4022723 Public release:
June 27, 2017 10.0.14393.1480
[60] KB4025339 Public release:
July 11, 2017 10.0.14393.1532
[61] KB4025334 Public release:
July 18, 2017 10.0.14393.1537
[62] KB4038220 Public release:
August 7, 2017 10.0.14393.1593
[63] KB4034658 Public release:
August 8, 2017 10.0.14393.1613
[64] KB4034661 Public release:
August 16, 2017 10.0.14393.1670
[65] KB4039396 Public release:
August 28, 2017 10.0.14393.1715
[66] KB4038782 Public release:
September 12, 2017 10.0.14393.1737
[67] KB4038801 Public release:
September 25, 2017 10.0.14393.1770
[68] KB4041691 Public release:
October 10, 2017 10.0.14393.1794
[69] KB4041688 Public release:
October 17, 2017 10.0.14393.1797
[70] KB4052231 Public release:
November 2, 2017 10.0.14393.1884
[71] KB4048953 Public release:
November 14, 2017 10.0.14393.1914
[72] KB4051033 Public release:
November 27, 2017 10.0.14393.1944
[73] KB4053579 Public release:
December 12, 2017 10.0.14393.2007
[74] KB4056890 Public release:
January 3, 2018 10.0.14393.2034
[75] KB4057142 Public release:
January 17, 2018 10.0.14393.2068
[76] KB4074590 Public release:
February 13, 2018 10.0.14393.2097
[77] KB4077525 Public release:
February 22, 2018 10.0.14393.2125
[78] KB4088787 Public release:
March 13, 2018 10.0.14393.2155
[79] KB4088889 Public release:
March 22, 2018 10.0.14393.2156
[80] KB4096309 Public release:
March 29, 2018 10.0.14393.2189
[81] KB4093119 Public release:
April 10, 2018 10.0.14393.2214
[82] KB4093120 Public release:
April 17, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2248
[83] KB4103723 Public release:
May 8, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2273
[84] KB4103720 Public release:
May 17, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2312
[85] KB4284880 Public release:
June 12, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2339
[86] KB4284833 Public release:
June 21, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2363
[87] KB4338814 Public release:
July 10, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2368
[88] KB4345418 Public release:
July 16, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2395
[89] KB4338822 Public release:
July 24, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2396
[90] KB4346877 Public release:
July 30, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2430
[91] KB4343887 Public release:
August 14, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2457
[92] KB4343884 Public release:
August 30, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2485
[93] KB4457131 Public release:
September 11, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2517
[94] KB4457127 Public release:
September 20, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2551
[95] KB4462917 Public release:
October 9, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2580
[96] KB4462928 Public release:
October 18, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2608
[97] KB4467691 Public release:
November 13, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2639
[98] KB4467684 Public release:
November 27, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2665
[99] KB4471321 Public release:
December 11, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2670
[100] KB4483229 Public release:
December 19, 2018 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2724
[101] KB4480961 Public release:
January 8, 2019 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2791
[102] KB4487026 Public release:
February 12, 2019 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2828
[103] KB4487006 Public release:
February 19, 2019 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2848
[104] KB4489882 Public release:
March 12, 2019 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2879
[105] KB4489889 Public release:
March 19, 2019 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2906
[106] KB4493470 Public release:
April 9, 2019 This update is available for Education, Enterprise, IoT Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2908
[107] KB4499418 Public release:
April 25, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2941
[108] KB4493473 Public release:
April 25, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2969
[109] KB4494440 Public release:
May 14, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2972
[110] KB4505052 Public release:
May 19, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.2999
[111] KB4499177 Public release:
May 23, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3025
[112] KB4503267 Public release:
June 11, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3053
[113] KB4503294 Public release:
June 18, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3085
[114] KB4507460 Public release:
July 9, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3115
[115] KB4507459 Public release:
July 16, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3144
[116] KB4512517 Public release:
August 13, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3181
[117] KB4512495 Public release:
August 17, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3204
[118] KB4516044 Public release:
September 10, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3206
[119] KB4522010 Public release:
September 23, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3242
[120] KB4516061 Public release:
September 24, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3243
[121] KB4524152 Public release:
October 3, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3274
[122] KB4519998 Public release:
October 8, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3300
[123] KB4519979 Public release:
October 15, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3326
[124] KB4525236 Public release:
November 12, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3384
[125] KB4530689 Public release:
December 10, 2019 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3443
[126] KB4534271 Public release:
January 14, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3474
[127] KB4534307 Public release:
January 23, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3504
[128] KB4537764 Public release:
February 11, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3542
[129] KB4537806 Public release:
February 25, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3564
[130] KB4540670 Public release:
March 10, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3595
[131] KB4541329 Public release:
March 17, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3630
[132] KB4550929 Public release:
April 14, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3686
[133] KB4556813 Public release:
May 12, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3750
[134] KB4561616 Public release:
June 9, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3755
[135] KB4567517 Public release:
June 18, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3808
[136] KB4565511 Public release:
July 14, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3866
[137] KB4571694 Public release:
August 11, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3930
[138] KB4577015 Public release:
September 8, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.3986
[139] KB4580346 Public release:
October 13, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4046
[140] KB4586830 Public release:
November 10, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4048
[141] KB4594441 Public release:
November 19, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4104
[142] KB4593226 Public release:
December 8, 2020 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4169
[143] KB4598243 Public release:
January 12, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4225
[144] KB4601318 Public release:
February 9, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4283
[145] KB5000803 Public release:
March 9, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4288
[146] KB5001633 Public release:
March 18, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4350
[147] KB5001347 Public release:
April 13, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4402
[148] KB5003197 Public release:
May 11, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4467
[149] KB5003638 Public release:
June 8, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4470
[150] KB5004948 Public release:
July 7, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4530
[151] KB5004238 Public release:
July 13, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4532
[152] KB5005393 Public release:
July 29, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4583
[153] KB5005043 Public release:
August 10, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4651
[154] KB5005573 Public release:
September 14, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4704
[155] KB5006669 Public release:
October 12, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4770
[156] KB5007192 Public release:
November 9, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4771
[157] KB5008601 Public release:
November 14, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4825
[158] KB5008207 Public release:
December 14, 2021 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4827
[159] KB5010195 Public release:
January 5, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4886
[160] KB5009546 Public release:
January 11, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4889
[161] KB5010790 Public release:
January 18, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.4946
[162] KB5010359 Public release:
February 8, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5006
[163] KB5011495 Public release:
March 8, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5066
[164] KB5012596 Public release:
April 12, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5125
[165] KB5013952 Public release:
May 10, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5127
[166] KB5015019 Public release:
May 19, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5192
[167] KB5014702 Public release:
June 14, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5246
[168] KB5015808 Public release:
July 12, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5291
[169] KB5016622 Public release:
August 9, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5356
[170] KB5017305 Public release:
September 13, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5427
[171] KB5018411 Public release:
October 11, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5429
[172] KB5020439 Public release:
October 18, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5501
[173] KB5019964 Public release:
November 8, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5502
[174] KB5021654 Public release:
November 17, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5582
[175] KB5021235 Public release:
December 13, 2022 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions, and for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset only. 10.0.14393.5648
[176] KB5022289 Public release:
January 10, 2023 This update is available for Enterprise LTSB and IoT Enterprise LTSB editions. This is the final update available for systems based on Intel Clover Trail chipset. Version Knowledge base Release date(s) Highlights

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