Windows 7 animation logo history 2002 2016

Microsoft Windows — компания, специализирующаяся на разработке и поддержании функционирования коммерческих операционных систем, управляемых посредством


  1. История логотипа Microsoft Windows: развитие и эволюция бренда
  2. Основание компании Microsoft Windows
  3. Первый логотип Microsoft Windows
  4. Кто создал логотип Microsoft Windows
  5. История изменения логотипа Microsoft Windows
  6. Заключение
  7. Часто задаваемые вопросы
  8. Windows Logo
  9. Meaning and history
  10. 1985 – 1990
  11. 1990 – 1992
  12. 1992 – 1993
  13. 1993 – 1994
  14. 1994 – 1995
  15. 1995 – 1996
  16. 1996 – 2000
  17. 2000 – 2003
  18. 2000 – 2006
  19. 2001 – 2014
  20. 2006 – 2017
  21. 2009 – 2020
  22. 2012 – 2016
  23. 2013 – Today
  24. 2015 – Today
  25. 2020 – Today
  26. Symbol
  27. The 2012 emblem
  28. Windows 10 logo
  29. Color
  30. Video
  31. Captions
  32. Captions
  33. Summary [ edit ]
  34. Licensing [ edit ]
  35. File history
  36. File:Unofficial fan made Windows 7 logo variant.svg
  37. Captions
  38. Captions
  39. Summary [ edit ]
  40. Licensing [ edit ]
  41. File history
  42. File usage on Commons
  43. File usage on other wikis
  44. Metadata
  45. File:Windows 11 logo.svg
  46. Captions
  47. Captions
  48. Summary [ edit ]
  49. Licensing [ edit ]
  50. File history
  51. File usage on Commons
  52. File usage on other wikis
  53. Metadata

История логотипа Microsoft Windows: развитие и эволюция бренда

Microsoft Windows — компания, специализирующаяся на разработке и поддержании функционирования коммерческих операционных систем, управляемых посредством графического интерфейса. Кроме этого, фирма занимается выпуском игровых консолей, компьютерных манипуляторов и аудиоплееров.

Создайте свой логотип онлайн. Более 50 тысяч брендов по всему миру уже используют логотипы от Турболого.

В настоящее время операционные системы семейства Windows установлены на 88% всех персональных компьютеров.

Основание компании Microsoft Windows

История Microsoft Windows берёт начало в 1975 году. Друзья-студенты Гарварда Билл Гейтс и Пол Аллен узнают о создании персонального компьютера Altair 8800 и решают написать для него интерпретатор языка Basic. В это время товарищи задумываются о том, чтобы открыть собственный бизнес по составлению универсальных языков программирования. Они дают бренду название «Аллен и Гейтс». Однако вскоре, посчитав, что подобное наименование больше подходит для юридической конторы, переименовывают его в «Micro-Soft» (слияние слов «microcomputer» и «software»).

Позже, разрабатывая простую и интуитивно понятную систему управления, где каждая функция работает в отдельном «окне», друзья оставляют рабочее название «Windows». Под этим именем операционная система известна уже несколько десятков лет.

Первый логотип Microsoft Windows

Начальный символ Microsoft Windows появился в 1985 году. Он был небесно-голубого цвета. Справа от изображения прямоугольника располагалось название компании. В первой строке было вписано слово «Microsoft», а во второй — «Windows» (оно в 3 раза больше по размеру). Надпись выполнена необычным тонким шрифтом с небольшими засечками.

Кто создал логотип Microsoft Windows

Первый логотип Виндовс создан Биллом Гейтсом и Полом Алленом. Он представляет собой скруглённый прямоугольник, разделённый белыми линиями на четыре неравных по размеру прямоугольника. Считается, что эмблема отражает суть функционирования электронного продукта.

История изменения логотипа Microsoft Windows

Рассмотрим, как менялись логотипы Microsoft Windows за время существования компании.

В 1992 году логотип Windows становится разноцветным. На нем изображен чёрный прямоугольник, изогнутый как развевающийся на ветру флаг. Он в свою очереди делится на четыре равных квадрата: красный, зелёный, синий и жёлтый. Левый край будто «рассыпается» на много небольших квадратов. Ниже также расположилось наименование компании. Шрифт становится толще, однако общий стиль сохраняется.

1995 год — символ остаётся прежним, однако теперь он изображён под наклоном и цвета становятся тусклее. Надписи также меняют положения на логотипе. Слово «Windows» находится прямо под иконкой, а «Microsoft» — слева, вертикально, мелким шрифтом. Стиль надписи становится иным: буквы значительно вытягиваются кверху и сливаются друг с другом. Кроме этого, у буквы N два слоя на крайних границах.

2001 год — появляется логотип известной версии Microsoft Windows XP. Графическая составляющая также представлена четырьмя квадратами. Однако теперь они помещены на белый фон и имеют более выраженный изгиб. Квадраты изображены с небольшим объемом. Под ним расположено название компании: большое слово «Windows» и маленькое (слева, сверху) — «Microsoft». Также справа надпись дополнена обозначением версии операционной системы.

2007 год — появляется логотип Windows Vista. Эмблема теперь выглядит более объёмной. Появляется синий градиентный круг, в который помещён «флаг». Ниже помещена надпись «Windows Vista» (исчезло слово «Microsoft»), выполненная рубленным шрифтом без засечек. Первое слово названия выделено жирным.

2009 год — компания представляет логотип Windows 7. От предыдущего он отличается прозрачной подложкой вместо синего круга. Под графическим компонентом написано название — «Windows 7» (цифра по размеру чуть больше слова).

2012 год — логотип Виндовс 8 плоский, полностью светло-голубой. Квадраты, которые использовались во всех версиях лого, стали одного цвета. Они расположены немного по-другому: увеличиваются слева-направо. В целом иконка теперь напоминает окно. Название версии находится справа от символа. Шрифтовой стиль остался такой же, как в эмблеме 2009 года, но расстояние между буквами уменьшилось.

2015 год — логотип Windows 10 меняет цвет на более насыщенный синий. В целом, композиция сохраняется та же. Единственные изменения — шрифт становится тоньше, и меняется цифра, обозначающая версию.


Все логотипы Windows (в том числе Виндовс 7 и 10) — отличный пример простой, стильной, качественной эмблемы, которая прекрасно презентует продукт.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Первый фирменный знак Windows был разработан в 1985 году.

Логотип Windows создали Билл Гейтс и Пол Аллен.

Новая версия фирменного знака была принята в 2015 году.

Лого Microsoft Windows менялся 7 раз: в 1992, 1995, 2001, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015 годах.

Продуктовый и графический дизайнер с опытом работы более 10 лет. Пишу о брендинге, дизайне логотипов и бизнесе.


Windows Logo

The earliest Windows logo appeared in 1985. It consisted of the wordmark and a light blue window emblem. There were 4 panes varying in size and shape.

Meaning and history

The visual identity of the world’s number one computer operating system has a very rich history. After its launch and creation of its first logo in 1985, there have been more than 15 versions of the Windows insignia designed by today. All of them have one thing in common — the stylized image of a window, which was not always readable, as in some designs it resembles a flag.

1985 – 1990

The very first logo was developed in 1985 with the debut version of the program. It was a sky-blue and black image, composed of an emblem and a wordmark on its right. The emblem featured a stylized image of the window, formed by four squares of various sizes with white lines, separating them from each other. The “Microsoft Windows” wordmark in black was executed in a thin elegant serif typeface, representing professionalism and authority.

1990 – 1992

The logo was redesigned with the launch of Windows 3.0. It was a monochrome composition with a very realistic window picture and a wordmark placed under it. The emblem was executed in gradient shades, creating a mysterious feeling.

1992 – 1993

The “Flag” logo era for Windows began in 1992 and lasted until the 2010s. The first colorful badge was designed in 1992 and boasted a waving flag shape falling into pixels in its left part. The right part of the emblem featured four colorful squares — red, green, blue, and yellow in a thick black outline. The wordmark was still placed in the bottom part of the logo.

1993 – 1994

1994 – 1995

1995 – 1996

In 1995 the flag was placed diagonally on the left of the nameplate, which was now enlarged. The “Microsoft” part was executed in thin delicate lines and placed above the bold sans-serif “Windows” inscription, which was now the main part of the logo.

1996 – 2000

2000 – 2003

2000 – 2006

2001 – 2014

The visual identity was redesigned again in 2001. The black frame was removed from the flag, so now the emblem was only composed of four waving squares, which changed their colors to lighter ones. As for the wordmark, it was also refined and now featured a thinner and more elegant sans-serif typeface.

2006 – 2017

In 2006, with the release of Windows Vista, the emblem got flatter and more modern design. It was still executed in gradient colors, but the texture of the squares was in 2D. The word “Microsoft” is removed from the logo, which makes it look more minimalist and professional.

2009 – 2020

With the launch of Windows 7 in 2009, the logo was slightly changed again — the emblem is now enlarged and the colors of the squares are more intense.

2012 – 2016

The new era of the visual identity design starts for Windows in 2012. Now the company uses only blue color for its logo. The wave shape is gone, the emblem is strict and geometric. It is still composed of four squares, but now the window symbol is placed in half-turn.

2013 – Today

2015 – Today

In 2015 the sky-blue of the logo is replaced by a calmer and darker tone, which looks more professional and evokes a sense of reliability and protection. The wordmark was also refined and became thinner and cleaner.

2020 – Today

The latest version of the logo was created for Windows 10X in 2020. The wordmark still uses the shade of blue from the previous version, but the emblem is now drawn in gradient tones, looking brighter and fresher.

The simple yet strong inscription is written in a traditional sans-serif typeface, which is Myriad Pro. It balanced the bold and bright emblem, adding a sense of expertise and security.


It was only in 2001 that the logo saw a more impactful update, which was connected with the release of XP. The black outline was gone, the overall look of the logotype became clearer. Also, certain graphic tools were applied, due to which the logo acquired a 3D look.

Getting ready for the release of the Vista operating system, the designers updated the emblem once again. The “flag” was placed inside a circle shape with dark blue filler. Also, one more new visual tool was applied to the symbol, adding dimension. The shade of blue was slightly modified.

The release of Windows 7 coincided with the introduction of an updated symbol. This time, the circle shape was removed leaving a logotype cleaner and fresher. Actually, it looked exactly as the 2001 version, except for a couple of graphic effects and a subtle shift in colors.

The 2012 emblem

Probably the most noticeable change to the Windows logo in this century coincided with the release of the Windows 8 operating system. The four-color emblem was replaced by a simple light blue one created by Wolff Olins. The aim was to make the icon closer to the new Metro design language. One of the distinctive features of this design language was that it focused on one color.

The new color scheme was not the only change. The 2012 logo featured a realistic window design instead of the usual emblem resembling a flag.

Windows 10 logo

In comparison with the previous version, the Windows 10 logo features a darker shade of blue. Also, letters are somewhat thinner. The beta version of the operating system was released in 2014, while the final version appeared at the market in 2015.

Starting with Windows 8, the wordmarks used by the company were based on the Segoe font. The type has been slightly modified.


The current version of the Windows logo sports only one color, dark blue. This is one of the requirements of the New Metro design language.



Original file ‎ (SVG file, nominally 88 × 88 pixels, file size: 486 bytes)



Summary [ edit ]

Windows Phone 7.5 logo (red)

Windows logo – 2012–2022 (red)

Windows logo – 2012–2022 (light blue)

Windows Phone 7 logo and wordmark (red)

Windows Phone 7 logo and wordmark (orange)

Windows Phone 7 logo and wordmark (green)

Windows Phone 7 logo and wordmark (blue)

Windows Phone 8 logo and wordmark (red)

Windows Phone 8 logo and wordmark (purple)

Windows Embedded 8 Logo and wordmark (dark blue)

Windows Server 2012 logo and wordmark (dark blue)

Windows 10 logo and wordmark (blue)

106px Windows darkblue 2012.svg

Windows logo and wordmark – 2012 (blue)

Windows logo and wordmark – 2012 (light blue)

Windows 8 logo and wordmark (light blue)

Windows Embedded 8 Logo and wordmark (light blue)

Windows Essentials logo and wordmark (light blue)

Windows RT logo and wordmark (light blue)

Windows 11 logo and wordmark (blue)

Windows logo and wordmark – 2022 (blue)

Windows key logo 2012 (dark-grey, for small sizes)

Licensing [ edit ]

64px Trademark Warning Symbol.svg This work includes material that may be protected as a trademark in some jurisdictions. If you want to use it, you have to ensure that you have the legal right to do so and that you do not infringe any trademark rights. See our general disclaimer.
This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing.

File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.


File:Unofficial fan made Windows 7 logo variant.svg

Original file ‎ (SVG file, nominally 100 × 63 pixels, file size: 8 KB)



Summary [ edit ]

Licensing [ edit ]

64px Trademark Warning Symbol.svg This work includes material that may be protected as a trademark in some jurisdictions. If you want to use it, you have to ensure that you have the legal right to do so and that you do not infringe any trademark rights. See our general disclaimer.
This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing.

File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

Date/Time Thumbnail Dimensions User Comment
current 03:47, 6 June 2019 100 × 63 (8 KB) EEIM (talk | contribs) User created page with UploadWizard

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File usage on Commons

The following 4 pages use this file:

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This file contains additional information such as Exif metadata which may have been added by the digital camera, scanner, or software program used to create or digitize it. If the file has been modified from its original state, some details such as the timestamp may not fully reflect those of the original file. The timestamp is only as accurate as the clock in the camera, and it may be completely wrong.


File:Windows 11 logo.svg

Original file ‎ (SVG file, nominally 1,000 × 184 pixels, file size: 3 KB)



Summary [ edit ]

Windows Phone 7.5 logo (red)

Windows logo – 2012–2022 (red)

Windows logo – 2012–2022 (light blue)

Windows Phone 7 logo and wordmark (red)

Windows Phone 7 logo and wordmark (orange)

Windows Phone 7 logo and wordmark (green)

Windows Phone 7 logo and wordmark (blue)

Windows Phone 8 logo and wordmark (red)

Windows Phone 8 logo and wordmark (purple)

Windows Embedded 8 Logo and wordmark (dark blue)

Windows Server 2012 logo and wordmark (dark blue)

Windows 10 logo and wordmark (blue)

106px Windows darkblue 2012.svg

Windows logo and wordmark – 2012 (blue)

Windows logo and wordmark – 2012 (light blue)

Windows 8 logo and wordmark (light blue)

Windows Embedded 8 Logo and wordmark (light blue)

Windows Essentials logo and wordmark (light blue)

Windows RT logo and wordmark (light blue)

Windows 11 logo and wordmark (blue)

Windows logo and wordmark – 2022 (blue)

Windows key logo 2012 (dark-grey, for small sizes)

Licensing [ edit ]

64px Trademark Warning Symbol.svg This work includes material that may be protected as a trademark in some jurisdictions. If you want to use it, you have to ensure that you have the legal right to do so and that you do not infringe any trademark rights. See our general disclaimer.
This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing.

File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

Date/Time Thumbnail Dimensions User Comment
current 02:17, 4 July 2022 1,000 × 184 (3 KB) Cillbill (talk | contribs) Higher quality
16:36, 16 June 2022 512 × 94 (7 KB) Cillbill (talk | contribs) Window lines should be thinner, font slightly modified
03:08, 16 June 2022 512 × 96 (4 KB) TomCat9000 (talk | contribs) Cross-wiki upload from

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File usage on Commons

The following 43 pages use this file:

File usage on other wikis

The following other wikis use this file:

This file contains additional information such as Exif metadata which may have been added by the digital camera, scanner, or software program used to create or digitize it. If the file has been modified from its original state, some details such as the timestamp may not fully reflect those of the original file. The timestamp is only as accurate as the clock in the camera, and it may be completely wrong.



Windows 1.0 (1985–2001)

Windows 1.0 floppies

Alternate version

Windows 1 wordmark

Logo with Microsoft wordmark

Win 1.0x

Logo used on boot screens (1.01-1.03)

Win 1.04 2.0x

Logo used on boot screens (1.04-2.1)

Windows Rare Logo

Rare logo with a symbol similar to the Windows 11 logo and Microsoft’s 2012 logo

Windows Without it youll be left in the dark

Rare logo with slogan

Windows 3.0 (1990–2001)

Microsoft Windows 3 color

Color version

Microsoft Windows 3

Alternate version

Windows 3.0 boot logo

Logo used on boot screens

Windows 3.1x (1992–2001)

Windows 31 print

Print version

Windows 3.1 blue version

Blue version used on several beta setup disks for Windows 95

Windows for Workgroups main

Windows for Workgroups version

Windows 3.1 korean logo

Korean version

Windows NT 3.1 (1993–2000)

Windows NT 31 print

Print version

Windows NT 3.5x (1994–2001)

Windows NT wordmark old


Windows 95 (1995–2001)

Windows 95 wallpaper version

Alternate version, used on the «win95» wallpaper

Windows 1995

Logo without «95» (1995-2001)

Windows logo Chicago era

Logo used in early Chicago builds, similar to the NT 3.5 logo

2018-01-08 180421-removebg-preview (1)

Beta logo used after Chicago (beta 95)

Windows 95 logo



Logo with shadow and wordmark

Windows 95 stacked logo

Stacked logo

Windows NT 4.0 (1996–2004)

Windows NT logo



Logo with shadow and wordmark

Windows NT 4.0 stacked logo

Stacked logo

Windows NT 4.0 Workstation logo

Workstation Edition logo

Windows 98 (1998–2006)

Windows 98 logo


W98 shadow

Logo with shadow and wordmark

Windows 98 alt

Logo used on the Windows 98 wallpaper

Windows 98 stacked logo

Stacked logo

Windows 2000 (2000–2010)

Windows 2000 stacked

Stacked version

Windows 2000 (Flat)

Flat version

Windows 2000 logo apilado alterno

Alternate stacked version, used on the startup screen

Windows 2000 Professional

Professional Edition logo

Windows 2000 about logo

Logo used on about screens

Windows Millennium Edition (2000–2006)

Win Me alt

Alternate version used on the about screen

WinMe hori

Alternate version used on the setup

Windows ME Stacked

Stacked version

Windows ME Flat

Flat version

Windows XP

Windows 2002

2000 (unused)

Windows XP


Microsoft Windows

Logo without «XP» (2001-2006)

Microsoft Windows XP

Stacked version

Windows XP (Color)

2D version

Windows XP (Print)

Print version

Windows XP (Wordmark)


Windows XP (Wordmark) (Print)

Print wordmark

Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (Horizontal)

Used for the Home Edition (horizontal)

Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (Stacked)

Used for the Home Edition (stacked)

Windows XP Edition familiale

Used for the French Home Edition

Microsoft Windows XP Professional (Horizontal)

Used for the Professional Edition (horizontal)

Microsoft Windows XP Professional (Stacked)

Used for the Professional Edition (stacked)

Windows XP Professionnel

Used for the French Professional Edition

Windows XP MCE

Used for the Media Center Edition

Windows XP x64

Used for the 64-Bit Edition

Windows XP Pro x64

Used for the Professional x64 Edition

Windows Marketplace

Windows Marketplace logo used on booklets for Windows XP

Windows Vista (2006–2017)

Windows 2006

Logo without «Vista» (2006-2012)

Windows Vista logo

Alternate version

Windows Vista (Print)

Alternate print version

Windows Vista logo color

Alternate 2D version

WV stacked 2

Stacked version

Windows Vista stacked logo

Alternate stacked version

Windows Vista Logo

2D stacked version

Windows Vista beta

Only used on Beta 1-2 builds 5219-5308

Windows 7 (2009–2020, 2009-2023 for Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate)

Windows 7 logo

Alternate version

Windows 7 logo color

Alternate 2D version

Windows 7 logo 2012

Alternate light blue version (2012)

Windows 7 (Print)

Alternate print version

W7 stacked

Stacked version

Windows 7 Stacked Color

Stacked 2D version

Windows 7 Stacked (Print)

Stacked print version

Windows 7 logo apilado 2

Alternate stacked version

Windows 8 (2012-2016)

Windows 2012

Logo without «8»

Windows 8 II

Version with thinner symbol

Windows 8 logo apilado 1

Stacked version

Windows 8 logo apilado 2

Alternate stacked version

Windows 8 with thinner font

Alternate version with thinner font, still used in Windows 8.1 about-screen

Windows 8.1 (2013–2023)

Windows 2013

Logo without «8.1» (2013-2021)

Windows 2012 purple

Purple logo without 8.1 (2012-2021)

Windows 8.1 dark blue

Dark blue version

Windows 8.1 logo apilado 1

Stacked version

Windows 8.1 logo apilado 2

Alternate stacked version

Windows 8.1 logo apilado 3

Dark blue stacked version

Windows 8.1 logo apilado 4

Alternate dark blue stacked version

Windows 10 (2015–2025)

Windows 2015

Logo without «10»

Windows 10 logo apilado 1

Stacked version

Windows 10 logo apilado 2

Alternate stacked version

Windows 11 (2021–present)

Windows 11 print

Print version

Windows 2021

Logo without «11»

Windows 2021 print

Print logo without «11»

Windows 11 Thinner Lines

Alternate version with thinner lines

Windows 11 logo apilado

Stacked version



Windows logo - 1985

Windows 1.01

Windows logo - 1987

Windows 2.03


Windows 3.0 Icon


Windows 3.0 logo

About logo


Windows (1992) (Print)

Print version

Windows 3.1 dark symbol

Symbol (3.1-95), still used in several about screens in Windows 9x

Windows 1992 2

Symbol (95-2000)

Windows 3.1 026

Windows 3.1 Build 026 about logo

Windows 3.1 Build 043d logo

Windows 3.1 Build 043d about logo

Windows start button

Start icon used on taskbars from Windows 9x

Windows Logo 1995

Tilted version

Windows (1992) (Alternative) (Print)

Tilted print version

Windows (1992) (Alternative)

Darker tilted version

Windows NT 35 beta

Windows NT 3.5 beta version


Windows NT 3.51 background logo

SVG needed gallery.svg

Windows 95 beta symbol

Windows 95 beta symbol

Win95 startup logo

Windows 95 version

Windows Memphis icon

Gray version, used on the Microsoft Memphis April Beta version

Windows Memphis icon 2

Gray version, used on Microsoft Memphis

Windows 98 About

32-bit logo used on the Windows 98 about screen

WMP shiny

Windows 98 symbol 3D

Used on start of Windows 98

Windows setup screen logo

Used on a setup screen

Microsoft Windows Compatible Icon

Version used on «Compatible with» stickers

Windows Neptune 1999

Microsoft Neptune version

Windows whistler

Windows Whistler version


Windows Whistler Build 2419 boot logo

Windows CE color

Windows CE

Windows CE desktop

Windows CE desktop variant

Windows CE print

Windows CE print


Windows 2000 Icon Full Vector.svg

NT 5 symbol

Windows NT 5.0 symbol (NT 5.0 was the beta of 2000)

NT 5 symbol 2

Windows NT 5.0 Server Beta 2 symbol (NT 5.0 was the beta of 2000)

W2000 B3

Early Beta 3 symbol

Windows Server Family icon

Windows 2000 Server Beta 3 logo

Windows Server symbol

Windows 2000 Server

W2000 beta

3D beta 2000 logo (background used in build 1969.1-1983.1)


Alternate symbol

Windows 2000 Windows 2000

Variant used on the «Windows 2000» wallpaper


Windows me Logo.svg

Windows ME icon alt

Variant used on the «Windows Millennium» wallpaper


Windows (2001) (Print)

Print version, usually seen on a Windows XP/Vista/7 keyboard’s start key

Windows logo - 2002–2012 (Multicolored)

Color version


Windows (2001)


Windows Media Center old

Windows (whistler2001) (Print)

Later Windows Whistler variant, also used on the post-reset Longhorn boot screen

Longhorn white

White logo used on Longhorn

Windows logo - 2005

Blue-ish white variant used on Longhorn’s about screen


Windows (2006)


Windows (2006) No Shadow

Logo without shadow

Windows Vista Icon

Logo inside blue circle. This is not only one of the Windows Vista and 7 logos, but also the start button icon.

Windows Media Center 2006-2015

Logo inside green circle. This is used on Media Center for Windows Vista, Windows 7; Windows 8/8.1 (as a purchase).

WLS icon

Windows 7 Wallpaper Logo

Logo used on the Windows 7 wallpaper

Windows 7 starter wallpaper

Logo used on the Windows 7 Starter wallpaper

2009 (unused)

In 2009, several prototype wallpapers were created for Microsoft’s then-new operating system, Windows 7. 4 concepts were discovered so far, all of them containing the Windows logo, with the last one resembling the final version a lot more than the other three.


Windows (2012) (Print)

Print version

Windows (2012) (Thinner) (Print)

Print version with thinner lines

Windows (2012)

Turquoise version (2012-present)

Windows (2012) (Thinner)

Turquoise version with thinner lines (2012-present)

Windows server logo 2012

Windows server darker

Dark blue version with thinner lines used in Windows Server (2012–present)

Windows 8 symbol purple

Purple version (2012-2015)

Windows (2015)

Blue version (2015–present)

Windows (2015) (Thinner)

Blue version with thinner lines (2015–present)

Windows (2020)

Gradient version (2020)

Windows 10 1507

Logo used on the Windows 10 wallpaper from the builds 1507-1511

Windows 10 1703

Logo used on the Windows 10 wallpaper from the builds 1703-1709

Windows 10 Wallpaper Logo

Windows 10 RTM wallpaper logo

SVG needed gallery.svg

Windows 10 2020 wallpaper

Newer Windows 10 wallpaper logo

Windows 10 2019

Logo used on the Pride 2019 Windows 10 wallpaper

Windows 365 wallpaper

Logo used on the Windows 365 wallpaper

2020–2021 (cancelled)

Windows (2020) Round


Windows (2020) Round ThinnerLines

Alternate version with thinner lines


Windows 11 Icon


Windows 11 Icon Thinner Lines

Icon with thinner lines

Windows 11 Icon (print)

Print icon

Windows 11 Icon Thinner Lines (print)

Print icon with thinner lines

Windows 11 Start Button

Start button

 V  T  E 


Apps, Software and Web Services | Authenticator | Bing (Maps) | Cortana | Edge | GroupMe | Launcher | Movies & TV | (Calendar | Tasks) | Skype | To-Do

 V  T  E 


A service of Microsoft

Dial-up | Food & Drink | Health & Fitness | Money | News (Microsoft Start) | Sports | Travel | Weather

MSNBC | Slate | Autos | MSN TV | Entertainment

MSN 2014.svg

 V  T  E 

Microsoft 365

A product of Microsoft

Access | Excel (Mac) | OneDrive (Business) | OneNote (Mac) | Outlook (Mac) | PowerPoint (Mac) | Publisher | Word (Mac | Viewer)

Exchange | Planner | Project | SharePoint | Teams | Visio | Yammer | Bookings

Delve | Forms | Graph | Lens | Remote | Sway | Flip | Loop

Office (365 | Mac | Online)
Schedule+ | BookShelf | Binder | Vizact | Photo Editor | FrontPage | Data Analyzer | PhotoDraw | Accounting | Document Scanning | Document Imaging | Entourage | Expression Web | Clip Organizer | Picture Manager | SharePoint Workspace | Chart | InfoPath | Office Mobile | SharePoint Designer | Mix |

Microsoft 365 (2022).svg

 V  T  E 



Windows (Mixed Reality | IoT | Server | Server Essentials | 365) | One UI Book1

 V  T  E 

Microsoft Windows apps


Accessory Center | Alarms & Clock | App Installer | BitLocker | Calculator | Calendar | Camera | Clipchamp | Command Prompt | Component Services | Computer Management | Console | Credential Manager | Defender | Error Reporting | Device Manager | Disk Cleanup | Drive Optimizer | Driver Verifier | DVD Player1 | DxDiag | Event Viewer | Feedback Hub | File Explorer (3D Objects | Desktop | Documents | Downloads | Favorites | Folder | Links | Music | Network | Pictures | Program | Recycle Bin | Saved Games | Searches | This PC | User’s files | Videos) | Firewall | Fresh Paint | Get Help | Get Started | Ink | Installer | iSCSI Initiator | Journal | Live Captions | Local Security Policy | Magnifier | Mail | Management Console | Maps | Media Player | Memory Diagnostic | Messaging | Mobile Plans | Mobility Center | Money | Movies & TV | Narrator | Notepad | ODBC Data Sources | On-Screen Keyboard | Paint | Paint 3D | PC Health Check | People | Performance Monitor | Phone Link | Photos | Power Automate | PowerShell (ISE) | PowerToys | Print 3D | Private Character Editor | Quick Assist | Registry | Remote Desktop | Resource Monitor | Run | Search | Security and Maintenance | Services | Settings | Snipping Tool (Snip & Sketch) | Solitaire Collection | Speech Recognition | Sports | Start | Steps Recorder | Sticky Notes | Store | Support Diagnostic Tool | Sync Center | Sysprep | System Configuration | System Information | System Restore | Task Manager | Task Scheduler | Task View | Terminal | Tips | Tools | Update | Voice Recorder | Weather | Windows Subsystem for Linux (Android) | Whiteboard | Xbox | Xbox Game Bar

3D Builder | 3D Viewer | Anytime Upgrade | Backup and Restore | CardSpace | Character Map | Chat | Clipboard | CD Player | Clipboard | ClipBook Viewer | Clock | Contacts | Control Panel | DVD Maker | Easy Transfer | Fax | Fax and Scan | File Manager1 | Food & Drink | Games (Chess Titans | FreeCell | Hearts | Hold ‘Em | InkBall | Mahjong1 | Minesweeper1 | Purble Place | Reversi | Spider) | Health & Fitness | Help + Tips | Homegroup | IExpress | Imaging | Internet Explorer | Journal | Math Input Panel | Media Center | Media Player Legacy | Meeting Space | Messaging | Messenger | Mixed Reality Portal | Mobile Device Center | Movie Maker | My Briefcase | NetMeeting | Outlook Express | Paint Convertion Utility | Photo Gallery | Program Information Editor | Program Manager | Reader | Reading List | Recovery Console | Reliability and Performance Monitor | Scanner | Sidebar | SideShow | System Policy Editor | Spooler | Terminal | Travel | Ultimate Extras | Video Editor | Virtual PC | Welcome Center | WordPad | Xbox Console Companion | Xbox Games | XPS Viewer | Zune

1 Spun off into a Microsoft Store app

Windows 11 Icon.svg

Embedded (Automotive | Compact) | Games for Windows (Live) | Live (Essentials | Messenger) | Modular | WinFLP | Home Server | Phone (Store) | RT

 V  T  E 

Windows Live


Agents | Alerts | Barcode | Calendar | Devices | Events | Expo | Family Safety | Groups | Hotmail | Live for Mobile | Mail | Mesh | Messenger | Movie Maker | Office Live | OneCare | People | Photo Gallery | Search | SkyDrive | Spaces | Toolbar | Writer

Windows Live logo.svg

1 Developed by Samsung Electronics; software skin for Galaxy Book series

Windows 2021.svg

 V  T  E 

Microsoft Windows apps


Accessory Center | Alarms & Clock | App Installer | BitLocker | Calculator | Calendar | Camera | Clipchamp | Command Prompt | Component Services | Computer Management | Console | Credential Manager | Defender | Error Reporting | Device Manager | Disk Cleanup | Drive Optimizer | Driver Verifier | DVD Player1 | DxDiag | Event Viewer | Feedback Hub | File Explorer (3D Objects | Desktop | Documents | Downloads | Favorites | Folder | Links | Music | Network | Pictures | Program | Recycle Bin | Saved Games | Searches | This PC | User’s files | Videos) | Firewall | Fresh Paint | Get Help | Get Started | Ink | Installer | iSCSI Initiator | Journal | Live Captions | Local Security Policy | Magnifier | Mail | Management Console | Maps | Media Player | Memory Diagnostic | Messaging | Mobile Plans | Mobility Center | Money | Movies & TV | Narrator | Notepad | ODBC Data Sources | On-Screen Keyboard | Paint | Paint 3D | PC Health Check | People | Performance Monitor | Phone Link | Photos | Power Automate | PowerShell (ISE) | PowerToys | Print 3D | Private Character Editor | Quick Assist | Registry | Remote Desktop | Resource Monitor | Run | Search | Security and Maintenance | Services | Settings | Snipping Tool (Snip & Sketch) | Solitaire Collection | Speech Recognition | Sports | Start | Steps Recorder | Sticky Notes | Store | Support Diagnostic Tool | Sync Center | Sysprep | System Configuration | System Information | System Restore | Task Manager | Task Scheduler | Task View | Terminal | Tips | Tools | Update | Voice Recorder | Weather | Windows Subsystem for Linux (Android) | Whiteboard | Xbox | Xbox Game Bar

3D Builder | 3D Viewer | Anytime Upgrade | Backup and Restore | CardSpace | Character Map | Chat | Clipboard | CD Player | Clipboard | ClipBook Viewer | Clock | Contacts | Control Panel | DVD Maker | Easy Transfer | Fax | Fax and Scan | File Manager1 | Food & Drink | Games (Chess Titans | FreeCell | Hearts | Hold ‘Em | InkBall | Mahjong1 | Minesweeper1 | Purble Place | Reversi | Spider) | Health & Fitness | Help + Tips | Homegroup | IExpress | Imaging | Internet Explorer | Journal | Math Input Panel | Media Center | Media Player Legacy | Meeting Space | Messaging | Messenger | Mixed Reality Portal | Mobile Device Center | Movie Maker | My Briefcase | NetMeeting | Outlook Express | Paint Convertion Utility | Photo Gallery | Program Information Editor | Program Manager | Reader | Reading List | Recovery Console | Reliability and Performance Monitor | Scanner | Sidebar | SideShow | System Policy Editor | Spooler | Terminal | Travel | Ultimate Extras | Video Editor | Virtual PC | Welcome Center | WordPad | Xbox Console Companion | Xbox Games | XPS Viewer | Zune

1 Spun off into a Microsoft Store app

Windows 11 Icon.svg

Advertising | Azure | Cloud | Dynamics 365 | LinkedIn | Planner | PowerApps | Power Automate | Power BI | Power Pages | Power Virtual Agents | SQL Server | Stream | Yammer

GitHub | .NET Framework | Visual Studio (Code)

DirectX | Havok

 V  T  E 


Part of Microsoft

Xbox (original) | Xbox 360 | Xbox One | Xbox Series X & S

Xbox Network | Xbox Live Gold (Games with Gold | Deals with Gold) | Game Pass (Ultimate | PC) (Cloud Gaming with Game Pass Ultimate | EA Play with Xbox Game Pass Ultimate & PC)

 V  T  E 

Xbox Game Studios


343 Industries | Mojang Studios | The Coalition | Turn 10 Studios | Rare | Playground Games | Compulsion Games | Double Fine | Ninja Theory | Undead Labs | Obsidian | InXile Entertainment | World’s Edge | The Initiative

Xbox Game Studios Publishing

Banjo-Kazooie | Battletoads | Blinx | Conker | Crimson Skies | Killer Instinct | Perfect Dark | Project Gotham Racing | Viva Piñata | Wasteland

 V  T  E 

Age of Empires

Main Series

Age of Empires (The Rise of Rome) | Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings (The Conquerors | The Forgotten | The African Kingdoms | Rise of the Rajas | Lords of the West | Dawn of the Dukes) | Age of Empires III (The WarChiefs | The Asian Dynasties | The African Royals) | Age of Empires IV

Age of Mythology (The Titans) | Age of Empires: Castle Siege | Age of Empires Online

World’s Edge | Big Huge Games | Ensemble Studios | Gas Powered Games | Robot Entertainment | Smoking Gun Interactive | Relic Entertainment

Aoe logo stacked-1080x608.png

 V  T  E 


Main Series

Crackdown | Crackdown 2 | Crackdown 3

Crackdown 2: Project Sunburst

Reagent Games | Realtime Worlds | Ruffian Games


 V  T  E 


Main series

Fable | Fable II | Fable III | Fable (TBA)

Fable II Pub Games | Fable: Coin Golf | Fable Heroes | Fable: The Journey | Fable Fortune

Fable Legends

Lionhead Studios | Ideaworks Game Studio | Playground Games

Fable XS.png

 V  T  E 


Forza Motorsport (2005) | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 (Apex) | 7 | Forza Motorsport (2023)

Forza Horizon | 2 (Presents Fast & Furious) | 3 | 4 | 5

Forza Street

Turn 10 Studios | Playground Games | Electric Square

Forza logo 2020.svg

 V  T  E 

Gears of War

Main Series

Gears of War | Gears of War 2 | Gears of War 3 | Gears of War 4 | Gears 5

Gears Tactics | Gears Pop!

The Coalition | Epic Games | Mediatonic

Gears of warlogo.png

 V  T  E 


Main Series

Halo: Combat Evolved | Halo 2 | Halo 3 | Halo 4 | Halo 5: Guardians | Halo Infinite

Halo Wars | Halo 3: ODST | Halo: Reach | Halo: Spartan Assault | Halo: Spartan Strike | Halo Wars 2

Halo: The Master Chief Collection

Halo Waypoint | Halo Channel

Film & Television
Halo Legends | Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn | Halo: Nightfall | Halo: The Fall of Reach — The Animated Series | Halo (TV series)

343 Industries | Bungie | Gearbox Software | Ensemble Studios | Vanguard Games | Creative Assembly


 V  T  E 



Ori and the Blind Forest | Ori and the Will of the Wisps

Moon Studios

Ori Series.png

 V  T  E 

Microsoft Flight Simulator


1.0, 2.0, Macintosh | 3.0, 4.0 | 5.0, 5.1 | for Windows 95 | 98 | 2000 | 2002 | 2004: A Century of Flight | X | Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020)

Microsoft Flight

Sublogic | Bruce Artwick Organization | Aces Game Studio | Dovetail Games | Asobo Studio

Microsoft | Dovetail Games | Xbox Game Studios

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.png

 V  T  E 


Main Game Editions

Bedrock Edition | China Edition | Education | Java

Dungeons | Legends

Discontinued versions
Earth | Legacy Console Edition | New Nintendo 3DS | Nintendo Switch | PlayStation 3 | PlayStation 4 | PlayStation Vita | Story Mode | Wii U | Windows 10 | Xbox 360 | Xbox One

Websites and Blogs
Forum | Planet Minecraft | Wiki

Others and Related:
The Story of Mojang | Lego Minecraft | Minecraft Creeper Crunch | Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

 V  T  E 


2010 (Bellevue, WA) | 2011 (Las Vegas, NV) | 2012 (Disneyland Resort Paris) | 2013 (Orlando, FL) | 2015 (London) | 2016 (Anaheim, CA)

New MINECON Logo.svg

Mojang Studios | 4J Studios | NetEase Games | Oracle | SkyBox Labs | Telltale Games


 V  T  E 

State of Decay


State of Decay | State of Decay 2 | State of Decay 3

Undead Labs


 V  T  E 

Zoo Tycoon

Main Games

Zoo Tycoon | Dinosaur Digs | Marine Mania | Complete Collection

Zoo Tycoon 2 | Endangered Species | African Adventure | Dino Danger Pack | Marine Mania | Extinct Animals |
Zookeeper Collection | Ultimate Collection

Other Games
Zoo Tycoon DS | Zoo Tycoon 2 DS | Zoo Tycoon (2013) | Friends

Zoo Tycoon 2013.png

Aces Game Studio | Bungie1 | BigPark2 | Carbonated Games | Digital Anvil | Ensemble Studios | FASA Studio | Function Studios3 | Good Science Studio3 | Hired Gun3 | Indie Built4 | Leap Experience Pioneers3 | Lift London2 | Lionhead Studios | Microsoft Studios Victoria | Press Play | Soho Productions3 | State of the Art3 | Team Dakota3 | Twisted Pixel Games1 | Xbox Live Productions3

1 Became independent before becoming a Sony Interactive Entertainment subsidiary in 2022
2 Were moved to work on other Microsoft Software departments
3 consolidated
4 Sold to Take-Two Interactive, later being defunct

Xbox Game Studios (2021).svg

 V  T  E 

ZeniMax Media

Part of Microsoft

Alpha Dog Games | Arkane Studios (Austin) | Bethesda Softworks (Bethesda Game Studios | Austin | Dallas | Montreal) | id Software | MachineGames | Roundhouse Studios | Tango Gameworks | ZeniMax Online Studios

Commander Keen | Dishonored | Quake | RAGE | Redfall | Starfield | Wolfenstein

 V  T  E 


A Bethesda Softworks (Xbox Game Studios) franchise

Doom | Doom 2 | Final Doom | Doom 64 | Doom 3 | Doom (2016) | Eternal

Developers: id Software | TeamTNT (Final) | Midway Games (64)
Publishers: GT Interactive Software (Doom, 2) | id Software (Final) | Midway Games (64) | Activision (3) | Bethesda (2016, Eternal)


 V  T  E 


A Bethesda Softworks (Xbox Game Studios) franchise

Fallout | Fallout 2 | Fallout 3 | Fallout: New Vegas | Fallout 4

Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel | Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel | Fallout Shelter | Fallout 76

Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 2 | Fallout Extreme

Developers & Publishers
Black Isle Studios | Interplay Entertainment | Bethesda Game Studios | Obsidian Entertainment

Fallout logo.svg

 V  T  E 

The Elder Scrolls

A Bethesda Softworks (Xbox Game Studios) franchise

Main Games
Arena | Daggerfall | Morrowind (Tribunal | Bloodmoon) | Oblivion (Knights of the Nine | Shivering Isles) | Skyrim (Dawnguard | Hearthfire | Dragonborn)

Other Games
Battlespire | Redguard | Stormhold | Dawnstar | Shadowkey | Online | Legends

The Elder Scrolls VI

The Elder Scrolls 2011.png

Publishing labels: ZeniMax Europe

Defunct subsidaries: e-Nexus Studios | Mediatech West | Mud Duck Productions | Vir2L Studios | XL Translab

ZeniMax Media Print.svg

ID@Xbox | Xbox (Windows app) (Game Bar) | Xbox on Windows (Xbox Games on Windows 8)

Kinect | TeamXbox | Voice Studio | Xbox Console Companion (SmartGlass) | Xbox Entertainment Studios | Xbox Live Arcade | Xbox Live Labs | Xbox Music | Xbox Originals | Xbox Store1


1Folded into Microsoft Store

Xbox 2019.svg

Azure Kinect DK | HoloLens | Surface

 V  T  E 

Microsoft Mobile

Part of Microsoft


Microsoft Surface Duo


Lumia (Camera | Cinemagraph | Creative Studio | Storyteller) | MixRadio1 | Nokia2 (Asha | X)

1 Sold to LINE Corporation
2 brand licensing sold to HMD Global

Microsoft (2012).svg



BlueTrack Technology | Clipchamp | Flip | ImagineCup | Press | Research | Store (Xbox) | Student Partners | Xandr

 V  T  E 

Microsoft Garage


AutoTag | Arrow Launcher | Cache | Citizen Next | Clip Layer | Collaborate | Color Binoculars | DealWatcher | Developer Assistant | DevSpace | Email Insights | FindTime | Floatz | Flower Recognition | Hearing AI | HiveOut| Home Team | Hub Keyboard | InstaNote | Invite | Join Conference | Journeys & Notes | Kaizala | Keyboard for Excel | Lost Turtle | Maker.js | Mimicker Alarm | Mouse Without Borders | | News Pro | Next Lock Screen | Nova Bacon | Parchi | Personal Shopping Assistant | Photo Story | Picturesque Lock Screen | Plumbago | Project Córdoba | Project Copenhagen | Project Lively | Project Oceana | Project Santorini | Reach Me | Receipt Tracker | SandDance | Script Lab | Send | Sight Sign | SMS Organizer | Snap to Pin | Snip | SNIPP3t | Social Share | Sound Stack | Sprightly | SquadWatch | Student Planner | Tetra Lock Screen | Thinga.Me | Torque | TossUp | Twist | Voice Commander | What Dog | Write Ideas | Word Flow Keyboard | Work Item Studio | Your Weather

128px-Microsoft Garage logo 2015.png

ActiMates | at Work | Band (Smartwatch | App) | Channel 9 | CodePlex | Developer Network | DreamWorks Interactive | Expedia | Bob | Expression (Blend | Design | Encoder | Media | Studio | Web) | Encarta | Imagine | Kin | HealthVault | Home | Internet Explorer for Mac | LinkExchange | MIX | Mixer (Create) | MixRadio | 86-DOS | MS-DOS (DOS/V) | MSN TV | PixelSense | Popfly | Professional Developers Conference | Reader | Silverlight | Skype for Business | Skype Qik | | Store (Retail) | Sunrise | Tay | TechEd | TouchDevelop | WinHEC | Works | Wunderlist

 V  T  E 

Microsoft Live Labs


Deepfish | Listas | Pivot | Photosynth | SeaDragon | Volta

Microsoft Research


Microsoft (2012).svg

Windows 7 Animation Logo History 2002 2016 In 4ormulator V6

5.40 MB

Windows 7 Animation Logo History 2002 2016 In 4ormulator V1

5.40 MB

Windows 7 Animation Logo History 2002 2016

5.51 MB

Windows 7 Animation Logo History 2002 2016

5.40 MB

Windows 7 Animation Logo History 2002 2016

7.22 MB

Windows 7 Animation Logo History 2002 2016 In OrangeClearerVocodex

5.40 MB

Windows 7 Animation Logo History 2002 2016 Enchanced With Phased Effect 10 0

5.40 MB

Windows 7 Animation Logo History 2002 2016 Enchanced With Phased Effect 8 0

5.40 MB

Windows 7 Animation Logo History 2002 2016 In The Real G Major 4

5.40 MB

Windows 7 Pro 1 1 Effects 4

1.16 MB

Windows 7 Animation Logo History In Real G Major 2

5.40 MB

Windows 7 Animation Logo History 2002 2016 In 1000 Flutes

5.40 MB

Echodows 7 Animation Logo Reverbstory 2002 2016

5.40 MB

Windows 7 Animation Logo History 2002 2016 In G Major 5

5.42 MB

JP And SP Special Bonus Logos P12 In 4ormulator V6

2.39 MB

Windows 7 Animation Logo History 2002 2016 With 3 Vibratos Played At Once

5.40 MB

Windows 7 Animation Logo History In Orange Soda Effect

5.40 MB

Windows 2000 Remix In 4ormulator V6

3.55 MB

Windows 7 Animation Logo History In Lime Soda Effect

5.40 MB

CHANGED Windows 7 Animation Logo History In JoseDied2017 S G Major 11

5.40 MB

Windows 7 Animation Logo History UPDATED Has A Conga Busher

6.91 MB

Windows 7 Animation Logo History In Halloween Vocoder

5.40 MB


1.65 MB

Windows 7 Animation 4ormulator In Robot Flip

4.58 MB

Windows 7 Animation Logo History In G Major 36

5.40 MB

Windows 7 Animation Logo History Updated In G Major 7

6.65 MB

Windows 7 Animation Logo History In G Major 95

5.40 MB

Windows 7 Logo In G Major 4

112.30 KB

Windows 7 Animation Logo History In G Major 128

5.40 MB

Windows 7 Animation Logo History Updated In G Major 4

6.65 MB

Windows 7 Logo Animation Render Pack Round 2 4ormulator

157.23 KB

Klasky Csupo 4ormulator Effects V1 On Windows 7 No Windows Xp

4.28 MB

I KILLED Samsung Logo History Has A Conga Busher In Confusion

1.95 MB

Windows 7 Animation Logo History In Mario Buitron S G Major 9

5.40 MB

Windows 7 Animation Logo History In Brenden Sanchez S G Major 11

5.40 MB

Windows 7 Logo Animation In My V Major

157.23 KB

Window 7 Effects Round 1 Vs Lynn Teh Object Thingy

1.62 MB

Windows 7 Animation Logo History In Ashton Alexander S G Major 9 AVS V Look Desc

5.40 MB

Windows 7 Pro 1 1 Effects Round 1 Vs Kuba Z 1 34

1.16 MB

Windows XP Logon Logoff RUS Animation Effects Sponsored By Preview 2 Effects In G Major 169

4.36 MB

New 7 Swobniw Startup Sound

89.84 KB

Windows 7 Logo 2009 Present Center Effects

786.13 KB

Windows Vista Animation My Favourite

134.77 KB

Windows Startup And Shutdown Sounds In 4ormulator V1

3.05 MB

Windows Startup And Shutdown Sounds In 4ormulator V3

3.05 MB

Windows 3 1 Effects Round 1

628.91 KB

Free Like Dislike Logo In 4ormulator V254

89.84 KB

Windows 7 Effects Round 2 Vs ZE

1.27 MB

Microsoft Windows Vista Logo Animation In My Updated G Major

696.29 KB

Windows Vista Intro In 4ormulator V11

247.07 KB

Дата публикации:

06.11.2017 10:27







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Pro Xl, Xl Tm, Xl, Xl Axiata Logo History (Super Maxi Updated) In Devil’s Blast — Ну вы это и хотели, вот я это и сделал. Оригинал:
Pro Xl,  Xl Tm,  Xl,  Xl Axiata Logo History (Super Maxi Updated) In Confusion 8 193 11.01.2023
Pro Xl, Xl Tm, Xl, Xl Axiata Logo History (Super Maxi Updated) In Confusion — Отойдём подальше от Укроссии (и всех заставок на недолго), а перейдем to Indonesia! И да, в самом начале и конце теперь я сделал крутые анимации, по…
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Все Заставки Рен Тв (1997-2022), Часть 10 (2014-2015) In Power — И да, я это сделал и запомнил даже после того, как комментатор удалил коммент с данной просьбой. Но я же это сделал. А вчера не мог. И да, 10 часть…

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Windows 7 Animation Logo History (2002-2016), Gleb Effects Here.

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