Windows 7 august 2018 чем отличается

Hello, I would like to know what is the difference betweeen downloading the regular windows 7 and windows 7 August 2018 (version?) in windows ISO downloader ? I would really appreciate your answers.

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I would like to know what is the difference betweeen downloading the regular windows 7 and windows 7 August 2018 (version?) in windows ISO downloader ? I would really appreciate your answers.

win 7.PNG

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Those are garbage. 5GB+ iso for a single edition and integrated updates are a mess. Better download regular 7 SP1 media refresh iso and manually update it with simplix updatepack.

Edited April 10, 2020 by shhnedo

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21 minutes ago, shhnedo said:

Those are garbage. 5GB+ iso for a single edition and integrated updates are a mess. Better download regular 7 SP1 media refresh iso and manually update it with simplix updatepack.

Those integrated updates are broken or what?

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No, just multiple cumulative updates integrate for no reason. For reference, my own x64 AIO (Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate, Enterprise) made using simplix updatepack and abbodi’s addons(directx, visual c++, .net framework) is the same size as the single index x64 Ultimate, Pro and Home Premium images. Mine are even more up-to-date than these «official homebrews»…

Edited April 10, 2020 by shhnedo

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1 hour ago, shhnedo said:

No, just multiple cumulative updates integrate for no reason. For reference, my own x64 AIO (Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate, Enterprise) made using simplix updatepack and abbodi’s addons(directx, visual c++, .net framework) is the same size as the single index x64 Ultimate, Pro and Home Premium images. Mine are even more up-to-date than these «official homebrews»…

So, should I save the August 2018 setups just to be safe, wait for may 1st and then download the regular Windows 7 setups? Cause I don’t have any official windows 7 installations, and I want to save them.

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1 hour ago, mooms said:

Will try. Tank you.

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On 4/10/2020 at 9:53 PM, shhnedo said:

Those are garbage. 5GB+ iso for a single edition and integrated updates are a mess. Better download regular 7 SP1 media refresh iso and manually update it with simplix updatepack.

that 856 MB thingy tho… lol

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1 hour ago, kliop said:

that 856 MB thingy tho… lol

It kinda adds up, if you want to archive all of them on your hard drive.

Edited April 12, 2020 by dens22

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No point then. Have fun with the «latest» images.

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Simplix update pack contains 32 and 64 bits updates, hence the size.

You can also use rhahgleuhargh update list:

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the Aug. 2018 Win7 SP1 ISOs are only available in USA English — not available for foreign (non-English) languages.  they are also «standalone» editions that bundle a single edition and are NOT AIOs (so the ei.cfg removal trick won’t work with the Aug 2018 ISOs because ei.cfg is actually not present in these ISOs)
they also contain certain win7 «telemetry» updates which some people despise 

original Win7 SP1 ISOs (not the Aug 2018 ones) can be used as AIOs with the ei.cfg removal trick — and these older Win7 ISOs are available in many languages

Edited April 17, 2020 by erpster9

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  • 3 weeks later…



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On 4/17/2020 at 5:49 AM, erpster9 said:

the Aug. 2018 Win7 SP1 ISOs are only available in USA English — not available for foreign (non-English) languages.  they are also «standalone» editions that bundle a single edition and are NOT AIOs (so the ei.cfg removal trick won’t work with the Aug 2018 ISOs because ei.cfg is actually not present in these ISOs)
they also contain certain win7 «telemetry» updates which some people despise 

original Win7 SP1 ISOs (not the Aug 2018 ones) can be used as AIOs with the ei.cfg removal trick — and these older Win7 ISOs are available in many languages

Ty for the info.

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  • 2 years later…



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As far as I know, there isn’t any major difference between them.

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As you may know, each update has multiple versions. Beginning with the beta version that is for testing until they come up with the final version. The same thing happened with windows 7. I am not a professional, and I don’t know many details. However, as far as I know, there are just some updated features that don’t make a huge difference in general. You can read the forums on Reddit windows keys. I love informing myself from there since everyone is happy to help you and give you some ideas on how to solve the problem.

Edited January 29 by sumuenale

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  1. Windows 7 — всё. Что важно знать после завершения поддержки
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Windows 7 — всё. Что важно знать после завершения поддержки

На этой неделе, спустя более десяти лет с момента релиза, прекратилась официальная поддержка Windows 7. Долгое время это была самая популярная ОС в мире, и до сих пор у неё остаётся множество фанатов. Рассказываем о важных нюансах дальнейшего использования «семёрки», рисках и возможности бесплатного обновления до современной Windows 10.

Чем чревато продолжение использования Windows 7?

По данным сервиса StatCounter, доля Windows 7 по состоянию на конец 2019 года на рынке операционных систем составляла 26,79%. По другим сведениям, пользовательская база этой ОС насчитывала порядка 20%. Как бы то ни было, в мире сейчас есть десятки миллионов компьютеров, лишившихся 14 января 2020-го официальной поддержки со стороны Microsoft. Что это значит на практике?

Windows 7 august 2018 что это такое


Начиная с 15 января 2020 года, будет появляться полноэкранное уведомление, в котором описывается риск продолжения использования Windows 7 с пакетом обновления 1 (SP1) после окончания поддержки 14 января 2020 года. Это уведомление будет оставаться на экране, пока вы не совершите над ним какое-нибудь действие.

Прекращение официальной поддержки означает, что десктопы под управлением Windows 7 больше не будут получать системные апдейты с исправлениями ошибок и новыми функциями, а также патчи безопасности. То есть такая система автоматически становится уязвимой для всех свежих вирусов, злоумышленники смогут атаковать найденные в ней уязвимости. А поскольку устаревшими ОС зачастую пользуются в госучреждениях и на предприятиях, новый WannaCry или Petya способен наделать немало бед в будущем.

Как официально продлить поддержку Windows 7?

Многие учреждения и фирмы попросту не в состоянии организовать переход с Win7 на новые версии. Это может быть связано с использованием устаревшего оборудования, не соответствующего требованиям Windows 10, или специфического софта. Для таких клиентов Microsoft предлагает программу расширенной поддержки (ESU). Она позволяет продолжать получать апдейты безопасности даже после 14 января. Правда, услуга эта дорогостоящая и доступна только для Windows 7 с пакетом обновления 1 (SP1).

Windows 7 august 2018 что это такое

Однако стоит учитывать, что расширенная поддержка — это временная мера, ведь действовать она будет лишь до января 2023 года.

Как бесплатно обновиться до Windows 10?

После выхода Windows 10 редмондская корпорация давала возможность бесплатного обновления всем обладателям лицензионных версий Windows 7, 8 и 8.1. Официально это предложение закончилось несколько лет назад, но на практике легальный переход по-прежнему возможен.

Windows 7 august 2018 что это такое

Такой метод максимально прост. Он заключается в использовании официального приложения Media Creation Tool, доступного для скачивания с сайта Microsoft. После его запуска необходимо выбрать пункт «Обновить этот компьютер сейчас» и дождаться завершения установки. Как только процесс завершится и на ПК будет инсталлирована Windows 10, необходимо перейти в меню «Настройки» — «Обновление и безопасность» — «Активация» и ввести цифровой ключ исходной версии Windows.

Важный нюанс

При обновлении лучше сделать резервную копию всех ценных данных, так как иногда они теряются после апдейта. Кроме того, при использовании специфического или старого софта предварительно убедитесь в его работоспособности на Windows 10, прочитав отзывы других пользователей.

Как продолжить безопасно пользоваться Windows 7?

Системные требования для Windows 10 сами по себе невысокие, ОС будет работать даже на старых компьютерах. Проверить совместимость вашего железа легко с помощью бесплатной утилиты Windows 10 Preparation Tool for Windows 7. Единственная неприятность может заключаться в отсутствии драйверов для специфических периферийных устройств.

Если вы всё же решили продолжать пользоваться «семёркой» без оформления расширенной поддержки, важно позаботиться о своей безопасности. Microsoft объявила, что встроенный в систему защитник Microsoft Security Essentials будет получать актуальные антивирусные базы и после 14 января 2020-го. Но многие пользователи скептически настроены в отношении его эффективности.

Windows 7 august 2018 что это такое

Благо альтернатив интегрированному в Windows защитнику огромное множество, в том числе и бесплатных. Среди наиболее популярных — Avast, AVG, Avira, Bitdefender, Comodo, Dr.Web, Panda, ESET NOD32, «Касперский», 360 Total Security. Все они имеют огромную фанатскую базу, свои преимущества и недостатки, а также ряд дополнительных функций. Так что каждый может подобрать оптимальный вариант.

все переходим на ФриБИСДИ

Foma Kiniaev,
Сначала рекавери накати)

А потом ещё и рекламу отключи.
Хотя можно Mi-room поставить,вроде норм

А можно перестать нести чушь и пользоваться девайсом из коробки без рекламы и кастомов

”Это уведомление будет оставаться на экране, пока вы не совершите над ним какое-нибудь действие.”
Жаль, что нет кнопки «надругаться»)))

Можно плюнуть в экран

На 4а из коробки в родном чистильщике реклама

Для тех кто пользуеться чистильщиками реклама и сделлана!

Ну так ее и видят только те кто пользуются такими приложениями.

Рекомендую завести семью, работу, друзей..

Сначала загрузчик разблокировать надо

Ну нафик, на 7 останусь)

_69_, что, как пропатчить KDE2 под FreeBSD?

Тут вам чо, канал аниме?)))

ты его еще собери в OpenBSD )))

Генту наше все, нам не нужны ни виндовсы ни бсд

я посмотрю как ты Visual Studio запустишь в линуксе.

А в чем проблема?

Во первых запущу без проблем, во вторых это была ирония)

На пересидаем и ищем BypassESU.

В идеале парни с MDL планируют сделать так же, как и XP pos ready (там поддержку с 2014 по 2019 расширили, переключив канал обнов на «встроенные» решения, аки банкоматы и т.п.).

\все переходим на ФриБИСДИ\
Многие и так перешли, причем даже не зная об этом)))
Если кто не в курсе, то MacOS это freeBSD, поверх которой накатили интерфейс и пачку свистоперделок.
Ну и чутка переделали ядро, затронув примерно 20%, не без того.

Полный бред.

> This is as much a myth about OS X as about FreeBSD: that OS X is just FreeBSD with a pretty GUI. The two operating systems do share a lot of code, for example most userland utilities and the C library on OS X are derived from FreeBSD versions. Some of this code flow works in the other direction, for example FreeBSD 9.1 and later include a C++ stack and compiler that were originally developed for OS X, with major parts of the work done by Apple employees. Other parts are very different.

> The XNU kernel used on OS X includes a few subsystems from (older versions of) FreeBSD, but is mostly an independent implementation. The similarities in the userland, however, make it much easier to port OS X code to FreeBSD than any other system. For example, both libdispatch (Grand Central Dispatch in Apple’s marketing) and libc++ were written for OS X and worked on FreeBSD before any other OS.

Да-да, верим.
Но даже в этих объяснялках уши торчат на километр))
\The similarities in the userland, however, make it much easier to port OS X code to FreeBSD than any other system.\

_69_,лучше андроид поставить

СемёрОчка всегда останется в моём сердце, а ты не бзди, фрибисзди

Вчера вечером читал новость об этом, а сегодня на работе видел такую картинку на одном из компов. 🙂

сейчас набегут школьники рассказывать почему они никогда не перейдут с семерки на десятку

Не набегут, так как все знают что нужно ставить семерку и сразу отключать автообновление, после этого пользоваться системой годы ни чего не делая.

на десятке так то тоже можно отключить

@Dom1nykana861,отключали уже бесполезно всё равно обновляется
через update disabler,там в статье чуть ниже есть

что я сделал на своей лицензионной винде
1. удалил встроенный дефендер с корнями (удалил его папку, и все упоминания в реестре на эту папку)
2. зашел в службы и вырубил пару служб которые ответственны за обновление
и уже почти год нет ни одного обновления
сейчас время свободное появится чтобы разбираться с тем что опять сломал мелкософт в системе, какие настройки опять перенес в новую панель в которой кнопки на пол экрана и половина настроек опять же скрыта под кнопками с ссылкой на старую панель

*обновлю и снова отключу на пол года/год

Спасибо что подсказали в какой период взламывать ваш компьютер)

Я тебя за это по ip вычислю и reactOS на хард те натяну и юзать заставлю =)

Спасибо, не надо)
Мне уже минус поставил какой-то пользователь далекий от юмора)

Ну хоть не Bolgen OS

болген ОС кроме нескучных обоев и переписывания названия от убунты ни чем не отличается

Не писать. Это поправимо.

windows update disabled
defender control
В один клик делает.

Руки это делают без всяких левых утилит

Чтобы отключить апдейт, нужно права доступа на запрет всем сделать. Та утилита сама делает.
Чтобы службу windows defender отключить, нужно зайти как trustedinstaller. Та утилита сама делает.

мне спокойней когда я сам все сделаю, и сохраню резервные копии изменяемых кустов реестра и файлов

У тебя прав на редактирование некоторых веток реестра нет. Нужен уже как минимум батник и внешний exe, который в куст реестра или службы останавливает как пользователь trustedinstaller.

«У тебя прав на редактирование некоторых веток реестра нет»
все права получить можно

Ставишь галочку лимитный интернет, и оно больше не обновляется, если только в ручную.

не помогает, с лимитным соединением все равно качаются обновления «важные»

Кто вас так красиво наел?)

в интернете предостаточно инфы как это сделать

Итак понятно как это сделать, но человек выше вам же говорит что бестолку, в отличии от 7ки

А чё,так можно было?

На семерке к сожалению, РТХ и последнего ДиректХ нет, так то всем хороша система была.

Ну, все-же среди людей зрелого возраста чаще встречаются «засидчики» на старой Оси))
Школьники и студенты шустрее на новое перепрыгивают, хотя бы из любопытства

Адекватный взгляд.

Где качнуть десятку? А то что-то Win3.1 как-то уже не тянет сапёра..

чем 8 провал? отсутствием пуска? 8ка самая быстрая ос от мс, куда быстрее 7 и 10

Не знаю где вы нашли её быстроту, скорее самая медленная, провал её признали и мелкомягкие, отказались от неё быстро (самая короткая жизнь у 8 за всю историю, не считая лонгхорна и виены, которые так и не вышли из беты) и выкатили 8.1

8.1 отличается наличием кнопки пуск. маркетинговый ход, не более

Этот маркетинг до рабочего состояния у меня на ноуте систему грузил за семь секунд от POST-экрана. На несколько секунд быстрее восьмёрки.

Майкрософт вроде говорили, что десятка последняя

Ну или будет 10.7000
и т.д.))

Знаю тех которые не перешли до сих пор.

Плюс у меня есть машинка с ХП, так на всякий.

С хп перешёл на 10, и что? Чем виста или 7 были лучше хп?) хотя школьникам всегда надо самое новое) даже если это новое работает хуже старого)

чем 7 были лучше хп? ну как минимум тем, что не крашилась каждые 3 месяца, при каждом скачке питания не давала бсод и ставила сама дрова? и этот список я могу продолжать до бесконечности

1)поменять проводку. да зачем лучше менять БП)))
2) правильно им ничего не будет- их тупо не использовали.

скачки напряжения после бп, из-за его отстойности. любая малейшая ошибка диска на хп вызывает бсод. кстати, каждую неделю журналы винды смотришь, раз уверен в остутствии бсодов на хп? с чего ты взял, что тебе о них сообщают? и кстати, о бесперебойниках слышал чё? 50 компов на хп, мне жаль тебя, что ты работаешь в столь скупердяйской компании, которая не то, что сотрудникам нормальные компы купить не может, но и даже не догадывается, что дешевле купить ибп, чем менять дешевые бп раз в месяц. то что ты думаешь о качестве установки дров на 7, не отменяет того факта, что она сама может это делать. и поменьше скобок, что за истерика?

я тебе ответил по поводу банкоматов. у тебя жалкие попытки защищать допотопное оборудование. у меня на 1 объекте рабочее место где комп 15 лет на хп стоит и чё? *овном он от этого быть не перестал, он даже браузер не тянет. смысл в этом? заставлять людей мучатся с допотопным хламом? у меня контракты с несколькими международными организациями. я получше твоего представляю что такое действительно крупная контора

> С хп перешёл на 10, и что? Чем виста или 7 были лучше хп?

Между XP и 7 — целая пропасть.
Это и вменяемая параллельная работа файлового менеджера и оболочки (а не когда у тебя всё встанет колом из-за засыпавшего в ожидании CD проводника). Поддержка IPv6. Поддержка GPU декодирования мультимедиа для браузеров. Возможность работы без рут прав (по факту, а не в теории). Trim для SSD. Гибридные GPU системы в ноутбуках. Нормальный поиск по файловой системе. Поддержка нового более безопасного и быстрого протокола обмена файлами SMBv2

Вообще многое было перестроено сильно, и явно в лучшую сторону.

Между Windows 7 и Windows 10 такого уже нет.

> Мультимедиа в браузере. Опять таки, а многим это надо?
Видео в браузере посмотреть?

Короче сокращу тебя:
> без всего можно обойтись
Ну да, а толку то.

> Какая мне разница что обрабатывает видео при просмотре его в браузере? Хоть гпу, хоть цпу)

Вот так и скажи, что человеку не нужен ноутбук — это выдумка менеджеров.

Да не про только дискретку дело было.

Возьми видео файл в 1080p и воспроизведи его с GPU декодированием и без на ноутбуке просто со встройкой. Большая температура и меньшая автономность обеспечена.
Если усложнить условия VP9 кодеком и большим разрешением — разница будет ещё заметнее.

Ну да, более обычные и простые вещи сказал, что так себе.

Зато DISM привёл в пример, как крутой вещи.
> Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM.exe) is a command-line tool that can be used to service and prepare Windows images

Потому что дисм на самом деле крутая вещь) но им пользоваться надо уметь, например дисм на 10 позволяет провести дедубликацию системных файлов, в итоге системные папки винды вместе с програм файлами на диске занимают в 2, а то и более раза меньше места. Что значительно экономит место на ссд и продлевает жизнь ссд. Это одна из сотни возможностей дисм, по вашему совсем не важна?) беда в том что дисм консольный и им уметь надо пользоваться) у него нет кнопки «сделать всё хорошо»)) но пользы от него куда больше чем от нескучных обоев) и аналогов под винду сторонних нету.

О боже, ну откуда вы такие боретесь?) не красивый пример, но то что первое в голову пришло, на прямую обращается к железу к примеру такая древняя утилита как доспринт, она позволяла печатать на принтере подключенному к компьютеру даже если драйвера на принтер не установлены, что-то новенькое? Другой, более современный пример, некоторые информ утилиты показывают частоту процессора, объем хдд и т.п. беря эту информацию из реестра/драйверов, а некоторые измеряют реальные и это разные цифры! Чудо? Правда? А ещё есть программы прошивальщики. И почитайте что такое драйвер и зачем он нужен в операционной системе, узнаете что-то новенькое, точнее то, что большинство программ никогда не обращается напрямую с железом, а делают это через драйвер.

«»»программ никогда не обращается напрямую с железом, а делают это через драйвер»»»»
У тебя я смотрю один пример лучше другого. Даже запуск программы- это прямое обращение к железу ПК, так как железо ПК и исполняет команды программы. Ты хоть знаком с устройством ПК и что это такое? Или ты просто свои мысли не можешь нормально сформулировать?

Вы сами понимаете какую чуш несете? Зачем тогда вообще ось нужна и драйвера, если все программы работают напрямую с железом? Прежде чем писать такой бред, ещё раз рекомендую вам открыть гугл, поискать там по слову «драйвер» и почитать что это такое))

Настоящие староверы сидят на досе, и насмехаются над проклятыми форточниками.

ну так ХРяк и есть топ, проблема в том что оборудование не вечно, а на новое уже ХРю не накатить
а хря в свое время была лучше 7 просто потому что многие разработчики проигнорировали висту и не делали оптимизированное под новое ядро ОС ПО, и года два после выхода 7 было тяжеловато найти альтернативы привычному ПО

«после выхода 7 было тяжеловато найти альтернативы привычному ПО»
Что? Семерка имела режим обратной совместимости. О каких поисках альтернативы ПО ты речь ведёшь? XP была топ до появления Windows 7.

«Семерка имела режим обратной совместимости»
ага виртуальная машина с XP без доступа к оборудованию, при том если память не изменяет нужно было имметь лицензию на Windows xp

Эта фигня работает в 99%. Практически все XP игры и приложения запускались через эту фигню.
«особенно если это ПО работало с железом»
А есть ПО не работающее с железом? Ни одно ПО без железа не запустится.

все равно большая часто софта которая у меня не работала под 7 не работала не в одном режиме совместимости кроме хрюмода, но это содомия

Школьники десяткой обмазались ещё в 2014м.

Как раз таки школьники уже перешли.
Проблема скорее на предприятиях.
Бухгалтерию перевести на Win 10 не всегда реально.

Но тебе это не понять?

База 1с древней 7 версии спокойно запустилась и продолжает работать с обновой до 10ки, всякие аладдин юсб ключи так же отлично себя чувствуют. Больше вбросов

А обучать староверного бухгалтера на самописный софт затея выйгрышнее и соискатели для своего развития только и мечтают сесть за олдовый фокспро. Хотя если верить рбк бухгалтер, как профессия скоро совсем сойдет на нет, и останутся только ваши Васи для какой нибудь мелкой конторы. И объясните смысл в одной компании использовать несколько СУБД без возможности работать со всем массивом данных?! И кстати упомянутый вами оракл вообще только в разрядность упирается и ему все равно на какой системе работать. Про банкоматы спорить не буду, там проблема целиком в железках.

расскажешь, как перейти с сертифицированной семерки, на десятку, у которой нет сертификата?


Windows 7 2018 Edition.

Дубликаты не найдены

Windows 7 august 2018 что это такое

Вот, я бы согласился на функционал win2k или xp с поддержкой большого объёма памяти, 64-битность, поддержкой dotnetfx45, dx12, без телеметрии и отключаемым апдейтами. Так чтобы ничего лишнего

ну так 10 почти так и выглядит)

всё к хуям смешалось..люди кони

Делать этим фантазёрам нефиг. 🙂

Windows 7 august 2018 что это такое

Гавно. Это не вин 7, вышедшая в 2018м, это XP, нарисованная в Корэле:))))

Windows 7 august 2018 что это такое

Microsoft. От Traf-O-Data до Windows 95

Windows 7 august 2018 что это такое

Windows 7 august 2018 что это такое

В 1972 году будущие основатели компании Microsoft, Билл Гейтс и Пол Аллен, учились в школе Lakeside в Сиэтле. В то время американские власти собирали дорожную статистику с помощью простого устройства: поперёк дороги прокладывалась резиновая трубка и проезжавшие машины создавали толчок воздуха, регистрировавшийся самописцем на бумажную ленту в виде черт или проколов. Данные с таких самописцев расшифровали вручную службы аналитики и за деньги предоставляли данные управлению дорожных служб штата Вашингтон. Гейтс с Алленом, основывают компанию «Traf-O-Data» для тех же целей, но стоимость их услуг значительно меньше, чем у других компаний. У Билла сражу же появляется идея автоматизировать процесс, убрав ручной труд полностью, но для этого нужен компьютер, все прошлые подсчёты они делали на школьных компьютерах, а данные с дорожных самописцев вручную анализировали одноклассники Билла и Пола за маленькую зарплату. Надо сказать, что в 1972 году заиметь полноценную вычислительную машину крайне проблематично и очень дорого. Выход из ситуации находит Пол Аллен, нанимая своего знакомого Пола Гилберта для того, чтобы он собрал им компьютер за часть от будущей выручки. Гейтс с Алленом начинают писать программу, а Гилберт собирает компьютер под их нужды на базе процессора Intel 8008, но ко времени готовности программы, все аналитические компании стали предоставлять данные бесплатно, и компания «Traf-O-Data» закончила своё существование.

После школы Билл поступает в Гарвард, а Аллен в Вашингтонский Государственный Университет.

В январе 1975 года в журнале «Popular Electronics» выходит статья о микрокомпьютере Altair 8800 на процессоре Intel 8080. Для которого, не имея под рукой самого Альтаира, но добыв подробную документацию, Гейтс пишет базовый язык программирования BASIC, а Аллен – эмулятор, под университетский компьютер к которому он имеет доступ. На эмуляторе проводится и полное исправление ошибок.

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После чего они сообщают в MITS – компанию разработчик, что у них есть язык программирования под Altair, в MITS-же думают, что студенты их обманывают и поэтому приглашают в свою штаб квартиру для демонстрации Бейсика.

Windows 7 august 2018 что это такое

Демонстрация состоялась в марте 1975 года, где Гейтс и Аллен увидели Altair 8800 впервые. BASIC заработал идеально и MITS согласились распространять программу на платной основе, однако для заключения договора требовалось основать юридическое лицо. В короткий срок Гейтс собирает все необходимые документы и 4 апреля 1975 года регистрируется компания Micro-Soft. Однако впоследствии, тире из названия убрали и компания стала называться Microsoft.

Windows 7 august 2018 что это такое

Windows 7 august 2018 что это такое

В 1978 году Microsoft решает попробовать написать первую операционную систему, для чего лицензирует у компании AT&T исходный код опреационки UNIX v 7, но само название UNIX лицензировать не удалось, по этому ОС получает название XENIX (Зэникс).

Первая версия XENIX вышла в 1980 году, и он практически ничем не отличался от оригинального UNIX v 7. Microsoft продолжили работу над XENIX добавляя в неё новые функции и лицензируя производителям микрокомпьютеров таким как Intel, IBM, Tandy и другим. Параллельно начинается работа над DOS, который изначально планировали довести до полной схожести с однопользовательским режимом XENIX, в качестве ознакомительной системы и дальнейшем переходом пользователя на XENIX.

Но в 1982 году компания SCO (Santa Cruz Operation) лицензирует исходный код XENIX у Microsoft и добивается больших успехов в её улучшении. А в следующем 1983-м AT&T выпускает UNIX System V, и Microsoft закрывает XENIX, Полностью отдав права SCO.

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DOS, чёрной пеленой экран заполнил чистый DOS

Вернёмся чуть-чуть назад. 12 августа 1981 года «Голубой Гигант» – компания IBM выпускает первый персональный компьютер IBM PC. До его релиза, в ноябре 1980-го, Билл Гейтс, через мать, работавшую тогда в IBM, узнаёт о готовящемся выпуске компьютера и договаривается о встрече с руководством корпорации, на которой заявляет, что у него, а точнее у его компании, для нового PC есть DOS (Disk Operating System/Дисковая Операционная Система), который мало того, что полностью совместим с архитектурой IBM-PC, но и отвечает всем требованиям компании и он (Гейтс) готов лицензировать его IBM’у, чтобы те предустанавливали DOS на свои компьютеры, а часть выручки направляли в Microsoft. Руководство IBM согласилось, но вся ирония этой ситуации была в том, что ни у Гейтса, ни у Аллена, как и у других сотрудников Microsoft’a никакого DOS и в помине не было. Сам DOS чуть позже купит Пол Аллен у программиста Тима Патерсона, за смешные для полноценной операционной системы, 75000 долларов. Ещё большую иронию добавляет то, что Патерсон, меньше чем через год устроится в Microsoft.

DOS просуществовал сначала в виде самостоятельной операционки, а потом как компонент Windows 24 года и 11 месяцев, до 11 июля 2006 года, последняя версия за релизом 8.0 была выпущена 14 сентября 2000 года в составе Windows Millennium Edition.

Первые версии Windows

Популярность компьютеров IBM их клонов, открытые Голубым Гигантом своей архитектуры для бесплатного использования принесли небывалый успех, как и DOS, так и компании Microsoft. Однако по-настоящему народной операционку от Гейтса это не сделало. Всё потому что DOS оставался обычной консолью, в которой все операции приходилось вводить с помощью команд с клавиатуры, что крайне затрудняло продвижение среди неспециалистов и людей, не увлекающихся компьютерами. В Microsoft понимали, что интерфейс должен быть наглядным, простым и понятным. До Microsoft это поняли: Питер Нортон, разработчик Norton Commander; компании Central Point Software – PC Tools; Executive Systems – XTree и IBM со своим Shell, но все эти программы, конечно упрощающие освоение компьютера, всё равно требовали хотя-бы минимального знания языка DOS.

Windows 7 august 2018 что это такое

Но задолго до них идея GUI – Graphic User Interface (графического интерфейса пользователя) пришла в голову разработчикам известной многим

компании Xerox (Зирокс), которую на территории бывшего СССР большинство неправильно называет «ксерокс».

Концепция интерфейса Xerox заключалась в трёх правилах:

1. Пользовательский интерфейс – не текстовая консоль, а графическая картинка, рисуемая попиксельно.

2. Приложения внутри интерфейса не занимают весь экран, а работают в окнах, что позволяет видеть несколько приложений одновременно и делает систему псведомультизадачной (то есть приложения в неактивных окнах становится на паузу)

3. Управление интерфейсом происходит через манипулятор мышь, который разрабатывается так же в Xerox.

Реализован GUI был в 1973 году на компьютере Xerox Alto.

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Летом 1979 года, представители другой, широко известной сейчас компании Apple посещают Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center – научно исследовательский центр Пало-Альто), пообещав заплатить за посещение 10000 акций по цене в 10 долларов каждая, источники очень сильно разнятся и на данный момент трудно понять заплатила ли компания из Купертино Xerox или нет, однако сути это не меняет, оплата предполагалась именно за посещение.

Во время посещения Стив Джобс крадёт исходный код у компании Xerox, на основании которого, в 1982 году выпускает первую операционку в линейке Mac OS под названием System 1. В этот же год все наработки по System Software 1 были самым наглым образом спирачены компанией Microsoft.

Windows 7 august 2018 что это такое

В 1985 году Microsoft выпускает первую версию операционной системы Windows, которая по сути, являлась оболочкой (т.е. надстройкой над DOS), за что сразу же получает иск от Купертиновцев, в связи с которым часть функционала, такого как изменение размера окон, их перемещение и сворачивание, была заблокирована. Но Apple суд проиграла.

Windows 7 august 2018 что это такое

Версии 2.0 и 3.0 сильно не отличались от первой, за тем исключением, что в Windows 2.0 были разблокированы функции и представлены иконки, за которые Microsoft снова получает иск от Яблочников, и Купертиновцы опять суд проигрывают. Версия 2.10 вышла в редакциях 286 и 386, под процессоры Intel80286 и Intel80386 соответственно. Windows/386 стала полностью многозадачной, то есть она могла выполнять несколько программ одновременно программы в неактивных окнах более не вставали на паузу. А третья версия была версией, вобравшей в себя наработки 386 с более богатой палитрой и исправлениями, позволявшими системе стабильнее работать.Из-за своей «сырости», частых вылетов, зависаний, первые Windows не сникали популярности у пользователей. Но всё изменилось с выходом Windows 3.11

Windows 7 august 2018 что это такое

Windows 7 august 2018 что это такое

Windows 7 august 2018 что это такое

Windows 3.11 разрабатывалась отдельной группой программистов, которые в 1991 году представили операционку руководству Microsoft, проект настолько понравился Гейтсу, что ему тут же был присвоен официальный статус и в 1993 году версия 3.11 увидела мир и стала крайне популярной, потому что работала намного стабильнее чем все её предшественники, при чём сохраняя аппаратную и программную совместимость с прошлыми версиями. Эта версия Windows дала Microsoft второе дыхание и небывалую популярность среди пользователей.

Windows 7 august 2018 что это такое

ПК – значит Windows.

1 августа 1984 года IBM объявила о выпуске новой линейки персональных компьютеров IBM PC/AT, и приступила к разработке новой операционной системы для этих машин. Новая операционка была призвана обойти ограничение Microsoft DOS на 640 килобайт оперативной памяти для запущенных программ и реализовать поддержку режима полноценной многозадачности. К разработке ОСи, получившей название OS/2 подключился и Гейтс.

Первая версия вышла в 1987 году, однако в ней не было ни графического интерфейса, ни поддержки мыши, всё это появляется в следующей версии – 1.10 SE (Standart Edition), вышедшей в октябре 1988 вместе с графическим интерфейсом Presentation Manager.

Windows 7 august 2018 что это такое

Производительность ПК растёт, и в 1992 году IBM выпускает первую 32-битную версию OS/2 2.00. Годом ранее Microsoft прекращает сотрудничество с IBM, а в 1993 году показывает миру операционку под кодовым названием «Chicago» – пре альфу будущей Windows 95, для демонстрации меню «Пуск».

Надо ли говорить, что программный код Chicago включал в себя и наработки по OS/2. Да, с IBM Гейтс поступил точно так же как когда-то с Apple – украл исходники, которые потом реализовывал в своих операционках.

Windows 7 august 2018 что это такое

Для привлечения внимания к своему продукту Microsoft заказывают у группы Rolling Stones трек Start Me Up, который демонстрируют 24 августа

1995 года на презентации ОС, а также запускают в ротацию по телевидению в качестве рекламы.

Меню «Пуск», реклама, совместимость с DOS-приложениями и простота в использовании сделали своё дело – Windows стала прочно ассоциироваться у пользователей с персональным компьютером. Ещё больше эту ассоциацию укрепил вышедший чуть позже пакет Microsoft Plus, содержащий в себе браузер Internet Explorer 1.0, 32-битные иконки, сглаживание шрифтов и прочие исправления. Но больше всего на продукты от Microsoft подсадил пользователей Windows 95 OEM Service Release 2 (Аналог нынешних Service Pack), так как он содержал в себе аппаратную прослойку Direct X, позволявшую без труда работать с мультимедиа и запускать игры без поиска нужных драйверов.

Windows 7 august 2018 что это такое

Windows 7 august 2018 что это такое

Всё это чётко закрепило Microsoft на позициях лидера среди операционных систем и персональный компьютер, для абсолютного большинства стал означать Windows.

P.S. В написании стаьи использовался материал с каналов: 16 бит тому назад, Дмитрий Бачило (Кремниевые Титаны), Уютный Подвальчик.

Windows 7 august 2018 что это такое

Windows 7 august 2018 что это такое

Посчитайте до 10

1, 2, 3, 3.1, 3.11, NT 3.5, NT 4.0, 95, OSR2, 98, 98 SE, Millennium, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10

Windows 7 august 2018 что это такое

Ответ на пост «Как я в поддержку Microsoft обратился»

Напомнила мне эта история как я обращался в поддержку Microsoft. Тоже была проблема со звуком, только он был постоянно в mono режиме. Так как я крайне редко слушаю музыку на домашнем ПК, в основном только видосики на YouTube, то обнаружил далеко не сразу. Естественно, решил исправить проблему сам.

В конце-концов, я сдался и вспомнил, что у меня таки лицензионная Windows и можно смело обратиться в поддержку.

В отличие от автора оригинального поста, я нашел телефон поддержки Microsoft в России и непосредственно позвонил туда. После того как оператор погонял меня по списку стандартных вопросов и второму кругу устновки/переустановки драйверов и прочего, мне предложили договориться об отдельном звонке с техническим специалистом. Условились, что это будет через неделю и я стал ждать звонка.

Скажу сразу, в назначенные день и время я пропустил звонок, да и звонок был всего один. Даже второй раз позвонить не удосужились.

Через пару недель я сам вспомнил про несостоявшийся звонок и позвонил в поддержку ещё раз. Как оказалось, предыдущую заявку уже успели закрыть с пометкой «Нет ответа». Создали новую по итогу.

В назначенный день позвонил специалист. Он прошёлся в третий раз по списку возможных причин. Без результатов. Потом подключился к моему ПК через встроенный клиент и делал манипуляции с драйверами и настройками. Тоже без результатов. Зашла речь про возможность установки системы с нуля.

Однако, перед этим он решил ещё заглянуть в настройки. Только настройки не звука, а специальных возможностей. И чтобы вы думали? Там был включен моно режим для звука. И, что характерно, эта настройка не находилась посредством поиска.

Как я понял, проблема была в том что очередное обновление включило эту настройку, о чём я поспешил сказать специалисту, но он уже меня не слушал и договаривались стандартные фразы.

По итогу проблему решили, хоть и с небольшими трудностями.

Спасибо, что дочитали до конца.
Всем добра.

Windows 7 august 2018 что это такое

Как я в поддержку Microsoft обратился

Недели этак две назад у меня перестала Windows видеть динамики монитора, подключенного через HDMI. Обычно я использую блюпуп наушники, но иногда вывожу звук на колонки.
Так вот, когда я обнаружил проблему, потыкал разные настройки, потрогал драйвера, вставил выставил шнур туда сюда, но все безрезультатно. Времени разбираться сидеть особо не было, проблема не первой важности, поэтому подзабил я на это дело и использовал только наушники. Но сегодня наконец решился разобраться.

Windows 7 august 2018 что это такое

Я опешил от такой наглости, отменил установку, посидел, подумал о жизни. Затем решил сам приняться за проблему и собственно решил ее за 5 минут.

Windows 7 august 2018 что это такое

В итоге проблему решил, так что в целом работой поддержки доволен) 3 из 5



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20 август 2018

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Windows 7 Ultimate SP1OEM Aug2018 by Generation2 (x64) (2018) =Multi-7/Rus=

Дата выпуска: 20 августа 2018 года
Разработчик: MicroSoft
Автор сборки:


Версия: v.6.1.7601
Разрядность: x64 (3в1)
Язык интерфейса: Мульти 7/Русский
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Размер: 5.33 GB

Системные требования:
• 64-разрядный (x64) процессор с тактовой частотой 1 гигагерц (ГГц) или выше;
• 2 ГБ оперативной памяти (ОЗУ);
• 20 ГБ пространства на жестком диске;
• Графическое устройство DirectX 9 с драйвером WDDM версии 1.0 или выше.

Основой для этой мультиязычной сборки был взят оригинальный образ Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate x64. В один образ объединены три редакции: две с автоактивацией и одна без. Интегрированы обновления по август 2018 года. Системы абсолютно чистые. На начальном этапе есть возможность выбора редакции и одного из семи языков устанавливаемой системы. Подробности ниже

Скачать Windows 7 Ultimate SP1OEM Aug2018 by Generation2 (x64) (2018) =Multi-7/Rus= через торрент

[27,33 Kb] (cкачиваний: 47)

Microsoft® Windows® 7 Ultimate Ru x86-x64 SP1 NL3 by OVGorskiy® 08.2018 2 DVD

Название операционной системы: Microsoft Windows® 7™ Ultimate (Максимальная) Ru SP1
Версия операционной системы: 6.1.7601.24214 Service Pack 1 Сборка 7601
Разрядность: 32/64 бит (x86/x64)
Дата Выпуска: август 2018 г. (интегрированы обновления)
Адрес официального сайта:
Язык интерфейса: Русский (Russian)
Лечение: в комплекте, Тип лекарства: активатор Windows 7 Loader или KMSAuto Net
Автор сборки: OVGorskiy®
Минимальные системные требования:
— процессор 1 ГГц (32 или 64-битный для x86, 64 битный для x64) с поддержкой PAE, NX и SSE2;
— 1 Гб RAM для x86 системы и 2 ГБ для x64;
— 20/25 Гб свободного пространства на диске для x86/x64;
— видеокарта с поддержкой DirectX 9 и выше с 128 МБ.

Описание: 32-х и 64-х битные ОС Windows® 7™ с интегрированными обновлениями, оформлением в светло-голубом стиле и ручной установкой на 2 DVD. Содержит в себе набор программ, тем оформления, картинок рабочего стола, гаджетов и пр., т.е. почти всё для начала работы с системой после установки, а так же предоставляет возможность проверить компьютер перед установкой. Сборка содержит предзагрузочное меню с вожможностью запуска программ для проверки ОЗУ и жёсткого диска (при запуске с DVD). Дополнительно в 64-х битный образ системы добавлена профессиональная редакция для установки на GPT диски. Сборка предназначена для тех, кто предпочитает яркое, красочное и разнообразное оформление системы и желает получить почти готовую систему для работы после установки. Сборка предназначена для установки на «чистую», т.е. из под начальной загрузки компьютера с установочного носителя.

Сборки основаны на официальных образах MICROSOFT MSDN:

— Internet Explorer 11 x86/x64 ru с обновлениями (v.11.0.75),
— обновления по 15 августа 2018 г. важные и рекомендуемые, включая одно большое накопительное kb3125574 (SP2).
— драйверы контроллеров портов USB3 Win7USB3 от simplix.


Контрольные суммы образов:

Приложения, которые будут установлены автоматически при установке ОС:


«Зачем сжимать образ системы (x64)?»

«Установка из под UEFI на GPT диск (x64).»

«Изменения в образе ОС:»

«Отличия от предыдущих версий (NL2):»

«Описание пакета оформления New Look 3»

«Активация системы:»

◄ Скриншоты x86 ►

Изображение Изображение Изображение Изображение

«Скриншоты x64, bootmenu и доп. оформления:»

«Полезные рекомендации.»

◄ Скачать ►

Скачать x86 ISO образ с:
Изображение Изображение Изображение Изображение

Скачать x64 ISO образ с:
Изображение Изображение Изображение Изображение

Пароль на архив на облаке ovg
Обязательно проверяйте контрольные суммы iso файла после скачивания!
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Мои сборки на трекерах NNM-Club

Good luck!

С уважением, OVGorskiy.

Windows 7

Version of the Windows NT operating system
Windows 7 Logo and Wordmark.png
Windows 7 SP1 screenshot.png

Screenshot of Windows 7 Ultimate, showing its Start Menu, desktop, taskbar, and the glass effect of Windows Aero

Developer Microsoft
Source model
  • Closed-source
  • Source-available (through Shared Source Initiative)
Released to
July 22, 2009; 13 years ago[1]
October 22, 2009; 13 years ago[2]
Final release Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601.24499) / February 9, 2011; 11 years ago[3]
Update method Windows Update
Platforms IA-32 and x86-64
Kernel type Hybrid
Userland Windows API, NTVDM, SUA
License Proprietary commercial software
Preceded by Windows Vista (2007)[4]
Succeeded by Windows 8 (2012)
Official website Windows 7 (archived at Wayback Machine)
Support status
Mainstream support ended on January 13, 2015.[5][6]
Extended support ended on January 14, 2020.[5][6]
Windows 7 was eligible for the Extended Security Updates (ESU) service. This service was available via specific volume licensing programs for Professional & Enterprise editions, and via OEMs for some embedded editions, in yearly installments. Security updates were available for the operating system until January 10, 2023, excluding some embedded editions.[7][8]

Exceptions exist, see § Support lifecycle for details.

Installing Service Pack 1 is required for users to receive updates and support after April 9, 2013.[5][6]

Windows 7 is a major release of the Windows NT operating system developed by Microsoft. It was released to manufacturing on July 22, 2009, and became generally available on October 22, 2009.[9] It is the successor to Windows Vista, released nearly three years earlier. It remained an operating system for use on personal computers, including home and business desktops, laptops, tablet PCs and media center PCs, and itself was replaced in November 2012 by Windows 8, the name spanning more than three years of the product.

Until April 9, 2013, Windows 7 original release included updates and technical support, after which installation of Service Pack 1 was required for users to receive support and updates. Windows 7’s server counterpart, Windows Server 2008 R2, was released at the same time. Extended support ended on January 14, 2020, over ten years after the release of Windows 7, after which the operating system ceased receiving further updates. A paid support program was available for enterprises, providing security updates for Windows 7 for up to three years since the official end of life.[10]

Windows 7 was intended to be an incremental upgrade to Microsoft Windows, addressing Windows Vista’s poor critical reception while maintaining hardware and software compatibility. Windows 7 continued improvements on the Windows Aero user interface with the addition of a redesigned taskbar that allows pinned applications, and new window management features. Other new features were added to the operating system, including libraries, the new file-sharing system HomeGroup, and support for multitouch input. A new «Action Center» was also added to provide an overview of system security and maintenance information, and tweaks were made to the User Account Control system to make it less intrusive. Windows 7 also shipped with updated versions of several stock applications, including Internet Explorer 8, Windows Media Player, and Windows Media Center.

Unlike Vista, Windows 7 received critical acclaim, with critics considering the operating system to be a major improvement over its predecessor because of its improved performance, its more intuitive interface, fewer User Account Control popups, and other improvements made across the platform. Windows 7 was a major success for Microsoft; even before its official release, pre-order sales for the operating system on the online retailer had surpassed previous records. In just six months, over 100 million copies had been sold worldwide, increasing to over 630 million licenses by July 2012. By January 2018, Windows 10 surpassed Windows 7 as the most popular version of Windows worldwide. As of September 2022, 11% of traditional PCs running Windows are running Windows 7.[12] Windows 11 has recently taken second place from Windows 7 as the most popular Windows edition.[13] It still remains popular in countries such as Syria, China, India, and Venezuela.[14][15][16]

Windows 7 is the final version of Windows that supports processors without SSE2 or NX (although an update released in 2018 dropped support for non-SSE2 processors). Its successor, Windows 8, requires a processor with SSE2 and NX in any supported architecture.

Development history

Originally, a version of Windows codenamed «Blackcomb» was planned as the successor to Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 in 2000. Major features were planned for Blackcomb, including an emphasis on searching and querying data and an advanced storage system named WinFS to enable such scenarios. However, an interim, minor release, codenamed «Longhorn,» was announced for 2003, delaying the development of Blackcomb.[17] By the middle of 2003, however, Longhorn had acquired some of the features originally intended for Blackcomb. After three major malware outbreaks—the Blaster, Nachi, and Sobig worms—exploited flaws in Windows operating systems within a short time period in August 2003,[18] Microsoft changed its development priorities, putting some of Longhorn’s major development work on hold while developing new service packs for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. Development of Longhorn (Windows Vista) was also restarted, and thus delayed, in August 2004. A number of features were cut from Longhorn.[19] Blackcomb was renamed Vienna in early 2006,[20] and was later canceled in 2007 due to the scope of the project.[21]

When released, Windows Vista was criticized for its long development time, performance issues, spotty compatibility with existing hardware and software at launch, changes affecting the compatibility of certain PC games, and unclear assurances by Microsoft that certain computers shipping with XP before launch would be «Vista Capable» (which led to a class-action lawsuit), among other critiques. As such, the adoption of Vista in comparison to XP remained somewhat low.[22][23][24] In July 2007, six months following the public release of Vista, it was reported that the next version of Windows would then be codenamed Windows 7, with plans for a final release within three years.[25][26] Bill Gates, in an interview with Newsweek, suggested that Windows 7 would be more «user-centric».[27] Gates later said that Windows 7 would also focus on performance improvements.[28] Steven Sinofsky later expanded on this point, explaining in the Engineering Windows 7 blog that the company was using a variety of new tracing tools to measure the performance of many areas of the operating system on an ongoing basis, to help locate inefficient code paths and to help prevent performance regressions.[29] Senior Vice President Bill Veghte stated that Windows Vista users migrating to Windows 7 would not find the kind of device compatibility issues they encountered migrating from Windows XP.[30] An estimated 1,000 developers worked on Windows 7. These were broadly divided into «core operating system» and «Windows client experience», in turn organized into 25 teams of around 40 developers on average.[31]

In October 2008, it was announced that Windows 7 would also be the official name of the operating system.[32][33] There has been some confusion over naming the product Windows 7,[34] while versioning it as 6.1 to indicate its similar build to Vista and increase compatibility with applications that only check major version numbers, similar to Windows 2000 and Windows XP both having 5.x version numbers.[35] The first external release to select Microsoft partners came in January 2008 with Milestone 1, build 6519.[36] Speaking about Windows 7 on October 16, 2008, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer confirmed compatibility between Windows Vista and Windows 7, indicating that Windows 7 would be a refined version of Windows Vista.[37]

At PDC 2008, Microsoft demonstrated Windows 7 with its reworked taskbar.[38] On December 27, 2008, the Windows 7 Beta was leaked onto the Internet via BitTorrent.[39] According to a performance test by ZDNet,[40] Windows 7 Beta beat both Windows XP and Vista in several key areas, including boot and shutdown time and working with files, such as loading documents. Other areas did not beat XP, including PC Pro benchmarks for typical office activities and video editing, which remain identical to Vista and slower than XP.[41] On January 7, 2009, the x64 version of the Windows 7 Beta (build 7000) was leaked onto the web, with some torrents being infected with a trojan.[42][43] At CES 2009, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer announced the Windows 7 Beta, build 7000, had been made available for download to MSDN and TechNet subscribers in the format of an ISO image.[44] The stock wallpaper of the beta version contained a digital image of the Betta fish.[45]

The release candidate, build 7100, became available for MSDN and TechNet subscribers, and Connect Program participants on April 30, 2009. On May 5, 2009, it became available to the general public, although it had also been leaked onto the Internet via BitTorrent.[46] The release candidate was available in five languages and expired on June 1, 2010, with shutdowns every two hours starting March 1, 2010.[47] Microsoft stated that Windows 7 would be released to the general public on October 22, 2009, less than three years after the launch of its predecessor. Microsoft released Windows 7 to MSDN and Technet subscribers on August 6, 2009.[48] Microsoft announced that Windows 7, along with Windows Server 2008 R2, was released to manufacturing in the United States and Canada on July 22, 2009. Windows 7 RTM is build 7600.16385.090713-1255, which was compiled on July 13, 2009, and was declared the final RTM build after passing all Microsoft’s tests internally.[49]


New and changed

Among Windows 7’s new features are advances in touch and handwriting recognition,[50] support for virtual hard disks,[51] improved performance on multi-core processors,[52][53][54][55] improved boot performance, DirectAccess, and kernel improvements. Windows 7 adds support for systems using multiple heterogeneous graphics cards from different vendors (Heterogeneous Multi-adapter),[56] a new version of Windows Media Center,[57] a Gadget for Windows Media Center, improved media features, XPS Essentials Pack[58] and Windows PowerShell[59] being included, and a redesigned Calculator with multiline capabilities including Programmer and Statistics modes along with unit conversion for length, weight, temperature, and several others.[60] Many new items have been added to the Control Panel, including ClearType Text Tuner[61] Display Color Calibration Wizard,[62] Gadgets, Recovery, Troubleshooting, Workspaces Center, Location and Other Sensors, Credential Manager, Biometric Devices, System Icons, and Display.[63] Windows Security Center has been renamed to Windows Action Center (Windows Health Center and Windows Solution Center in earlier builds), which encompasses both security and maintenance of the computer. ReadyBoost on 32-bit editions now supports up to 256 gigabytes of extra allocation. Windows 7 also supports images in RAW image format through the addition of Windows Imaging Component-enabled image decoders, which enables raw image thumbnails, previewing and metadata display in Windows Explorer, plus full-size viewing and slideshows in Windows Photo Viewer and Windows Media Center.[64] Windows 7 also has a native TFTP client with the ability to transfer files to or from a TFTP server.[65]

The default taskbar of Windows 7.

The taskbar has seen the biggest visual changes, where the old Quick Launch toolbar has been replaced with the ability to pin applications to the taskbar. Buttons for pinned applications are integrated with the task buttons. These buttons also enable Jump Lists to allow easy access to common tasks, and files frequently used with specific applications.[66] The revamped taskbar also allows the reordering of taskbar buttons. To the far right of the system clock is a small rectangular button that serves as the Show desktop icon. By default, hovering over this button makes all visible windows transparent for a quick look at the desktop.[67] In touch-enabled displays such as touch screens, tablet PCs, etc., this button is slightly (8 pixels) wider in order to accommodate being pressed by a finger.[68] Clicking this button minimizes all windows, and clicking it a second time restores them.

Window management in Windows 7 has several new features: Aero Snap maximizes a window when it is dragged to the top, left, or right of the screen.[69] Dragging windows to the left or right edges of the screen allows users to snap software windows to either side of the screen, such that the windows take up half the screen. When a user moves windows that were snapped or maximized using Snap, the system restores their previous state. Snap functions can also be triggered with keyboard shortcuts. Aero Shake hides all inactive windows when the active window’s title bar is dragged back and forth rapidly.

When the Action Center flag is clicked on, it lists all security and maintenance issues in a small pop-up window.

Windows 7 includes 13 additional sound schemes, titled Afternoon, Calligraphy, Characters, Cityscape, Delta, Festival, Garden, Heritage, Landscape, Quirky, Raga, Savanna, and Sonata.[70] Internet Spades, Internet Backgammon and Internet Checkers, which were removed from Windows Vista, were restored in Windows 7. Users are able to disable or customize many more Windows components than was possible in Windows Vista. New additions to this list of components include Internet Explorer 8, Windows Media Player 12, Windows Media Center, Windows Search, and Windows Gadget Platform.[71] A new version of Microsoft Virtual PC, newly renamed as Windows Virtual PC was made available for Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate editions.[72] It allows multiple Windows environments, including Windows XP Mode, to run on the same machine. Windows XP Mode runs Windows XP in a virtual machine, and displays applications within separate windows on the Windows 7 desktop.[73] Furthermore, Windows 7 supports the mounting of a virtual hard disk (VHD) as a normal data storage, and the bootloader delivered with Windows 7 can boot the Windows system from a VHD; however, this ability is only available in the Enterprise and Ultimate editions.[74] The Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) of Windows 7 is also enhanced to support real-time multimedia application including video playback and 3D games, thus allowing use of DirectX 10 in remote desktop environments.[75] The three application limit, previously present in the Windows Vista and Windows XP Starter Editions, has been removed from Windows 7.[76] All editions include some new and improved features, such as Windows Search, Security features, and some features new to Windows 7, that originated within Vista. Optional BitLocker Drive Encryption is included with Windows 7 Ultimate and Enterprise. Windows Defender is included; Microsoft Security Essentials antivirus software is a free download. All editions include Shadow Copy, which—every day or so—System Restore uses to take an automatic «previous version» snapshot of user files that have changed.[77] Backup and restore have also been improved,[78][79] and the Windows Recovery Environment—installed by default—replaces the optional Recovery Console of Windows XP.[80]

A new system known as «Libraries» was added for file management; users can aggregate files from multiple folders into a «Library.» By default, libraries for categories such as Documents, Pictures, Music, and Video are created, consisting of the user’s personal folder and the Public folder for each. The system is also used as part of a new home networking system known as HomeGroup; devices are added to the network with a password, and files and folders can be shared with all other devices in the HomeGroup, or with specific users. The default libraries, along with printers, are shared by default, but the personal folder is set to read-only access by other users, and the Public folder can be accessed by anyone.[81][82]

Windows 7 includes improved globalization support through a new Extended Linguistic Services API[83] to provide multilingual support (particularly in Ultimate and Enterprise editions). Microsoft also implemented better support for solid-state drives,[84] including the new TRIM command, and Windows 7 is able to identify a solid-state drive uniquely. Native support for USB 3.0 is not included because of delays in the finalization of the standard.[85] At WinHEC 2008 Microsoft announced that color depths of 30-bit and 48-bit would be supported in Windows 7 along with the wide color gamut scRGB (which for HDMI 1.3 can be converted and output as xvYCC). The video modes supported in Windows 7 are 16-bit sRGB, 24-bit sRGB, 30-bit sRGB, 30-bit with extended color gamut sRGB, and 48-bit scRGB.[86][87]

For developers, Windows 7 includes a new networking API with support for building SOAP-based web services in native code (as opposed to .NET-based WCF web services),[88] new features to simplify development of installation packages and shorten application install times.[89] Windows 7, by default, generates fewer User Account Control (UAC) prompts because it allows digitally signed Windows components to gain elevated privileges without a prompt. Additionally, users can now adjust the level at which UAC operates using a sliding scale.[90]


Certain capabilities and programs that were a part of Windows Vista are no longer present or have been changed, resulting in the removal of certain functionalities; these include the classic Start Menu user interface, some taskbar features, Windows Explorer features, Windows Media Player features, Windows Ultimate Extras, Search button, and InkBall. Four applications bundled with Windows Vista—Windows Photo Gallery, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Calendar and Windows Mail—are not included with Windows 7 and were replaced by Windows Live-branded versions as part of the Windows Live Essentials suite.[91][92]


Windows 7 is available in six different editions, of which the Home Premium, Professional, and Ultimate were available at retail in most countries, and as pre-loaded software on most new computers. Home Premium and Professional were aimed at home users and small businesses respectively, while Ultimate was aimed at enthusiasts. Each edition of Windows 7 includes all of the capabilities and features of the edition below it, and adds additional features oriented towards their market segments; for example, Professional adds additional networking and security features such as Encrypting File System and the ability to join a domain. Ultimate contained a superset of the features from Home Premium and Professional, along with other advanced features oriented towards power users, such as BitLocker drive encryption; unlike Windows Vista, there were no «Ultimate Extras» add-ons created for Windows 7 Ultimate.[93][94][95] Retail copies were available in «upgrade» and higher-cost «full» version licenses; «upgrade» licenses require an existing version of Windows to install, while «full» licenses can be installed on computers with no existing operating system.[96]

The remaining three editions were not available at retail, of which two were available exclusively through OEM channels as pre-loaded software. The Starter edition is a stripped-down version of Windows 7 meant for low-cost devices such as netbooks. In comparison to Home Premium, Starter has reduced multimedia functionality, does not allow users to change their desktop wallpaper or theme, disables the «Aero Glass» theme, does not have support for multiple monitors, and can only address 2GB of RAM.[95][97] Home Basic was sold only in emerging markets, and was positioned in between Home Premium and Starter.[93][94] The highest edition, Enterprise, is functionally similar to Ultimate, but is only sold through volume licensing via Microsoft’s Software Assurance program.[98][99][100]

All editions aside from Starter support both IA-32 and x86-64 architectures, Starter only supports 32-bit systems.[95] Retail copies of Windows 7 are distributed on two DVDs: one for the IA-32 version and the other for x86-64. OEM copies include one DVD, depending on the processor architecture licensed. The installation media for consumer versions of Windows 7 are identical, the product key and corresponding license determines the edition that is installed. The Windows Anytime Upgrade service can be used to purchase an upgrade that unlocks the functionality of a higher edition, such as going from Starter to Home Premium, and Home Premium to Ultimate.[93] Most copies of Windows 7 only contained one license; in certain markets, a «Family Pack» version of Windows 7 Home Premium was also released for a limited time, which allowed upgrades on up to three computers.[101] In certain regions, copies of Windows 7 were only sold in, and could only be activated in a designated region.[102]

Support lifecycle

Support status summary

Expiration date
Mainstream support January 13, 2015[5][6]
Extended support January 14, 2020[5][6]
Applicable Windows 7 editions:
Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate,[5][6] as well as Professional for Embedded Systems and Ultimate for Embedded Systems[103]
Professional and Enterprise volume licensed editions, as well as Professional for Embedded Systems Extended Security Updates (ESU) support ended on January 10, 2023[8]
Windows Thin PC Mainstream support ended on October 11, 2016[104]
Extended support ended on October 12, 2021[104]
Windows Embedded Standard 7 Mainstream support ended on October 13, 2015[103]
Extended support ended on October 15, 2020[103]
Extended Security Updates (ESU) support until October 10, 2023[8]
Windows Embedded POSReady 7 Mainstream support ended on October 11, 2016[103]
Extended support ended on October 12, 2021[103]
Extended Security Updates (ESU) support until October 14, 2024[8]

Support for Windows 7 without Service Pack 1 ended on April 9, 2013, requiring users to update in order to continue receiving updates and support after 3 years, 8 months, and 18 days.[105] Microsoft ended the sale of new retail copies of Windows 7 in October 2014, and the sale of new OEM licenses for Windows 7 Home Basic, Home Premium, and Ultimate ended on October 31, 2014. OEM sales of PCs with Windows 7 Professional pre-installed ended on October 31, 2016.[106] The sale of non-Professional OEM licenses was stopped on October 31, 2014.[107]

Mainstream support for Windows 7 ended on January 13, 2015. Extended support for Windows 7 ended on January 14, 2020.[108][109] In August 2019, Microsoft announced it will be offering a ‘free’ extended security updates to some business users.[110][111]

On September 7, 2018, Microsoft announced a paid «Extended Security Updates» service that will offer additional updates for Windows 7 Professional and Enterprise for up to three years after the end of extended support.[112]

Variants of Windows 7 for embedded systems and thin clients have different support policies: Windows Embedded Standard 7 support ended in October 2020. Windows Thin PC and Windows Embedded POSReady 7 had support until October 2021. Windows Embedded Standard 7 and Windows Embedded POSReady 7 also get Extended Security Updates for up to three years after their end of extended support date.[8] The Extended Security Updates program on Windows Embedded POSReady 7 will expire on October 14, 2024. This will mark the final end of the Windows NT 6.1 product line after 15 years, 2 months, and 17 days.[8]

In March 2019, Microsoft announced that it would display notifications to users informing users of the upcoming end of support, and direct users to a website urging them to purchase a Windows 10 upgrade or a new computer.[113]

In August 2019, researchers reported that «all modern versions of Microsoft Windows» may be at risk for «critical» system compromise because of design flaws of hardware device drivers from multiple providers.[114] In the same month, computer experts reported that the BlueKeep security vulnerability, CVE-2019-0708, that potentially affects older unpatched Microsoft Windows versions via the program’s Remote Desktop Protocol, allowing for the possibility of remote code execution, may now include related flaws, collectively named DejaBlue, affecting newer Windows versions (i.e., Windows 7 and all recent versions) as well.[115] In addition, experts reported a Microsoft security vulnerability, CVE-2019-1162, based on legacy code involving Microsoft CTF and ctfmon (ctfmon.exe), that affects all Windows versions from the older Windows XP version to the most recent Windows 10 versions; a patch to correct the flaw is currently available.[116]

In September 2019, Microsoft announced that it would provide free security updates for Windows 7 on federally-certified voting machines through the 2020 United States elections.[117]

System requirements

Minimum hardware requirements for Windows 7[118]

Component Operating system architecture
32-bit 64-bit
Processor 1 GHz IA-32 processor
Support for SSE2 required after May 2018 cumulative update[119]
1 GHz x86-64 processor
Memory (RAM) 1 GB 2 GB
Graphics card DirectX 9 graphics processor with WDDM driver model 1.0
Storage space 16 GB 20 GB
Installation media DVD drive or USB drive

Additional requirements to use certain features:[118]

  • Windows XP Mode (Professional, Ultimate and Enterprise): Requires an additional 1 GB of RAM and additional 15 GB of available hard disk space. The requirement for a processor capable of hardware virtualization has been lifted.[120]
  • Windows Media Center (included in Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate and Enterprise), requires a TV tuner to receive and record TV.

Extent of hardware support

Physical memory

The maximum amount of RAM that Windows 7 supports varies depending on the product edition and on the processor architecture, as shown in the following table.[121]

Physical memory limits of Windows 7

Edition Processor architecture
IA-32 (32-bit) x64 (64-bit)
Ultimate 4 GB 192 GB
Home Premium 16 GB
Home Basic 8 GB
Starter 2 GB

Processor limits

Windows 7 Professional and up support up to 2 physical processors (CPU sockets),[122]
whereas Windows 7 Starter, Home Basic, and Home Premium editions support only 1.[123] Physical processors with either multiple cores, or hyper-threading, or both, implement more than one logical processor per physical processor. The x86 editions of Windows 7 support up to 32 logical processors; x64 editions support up to 256 (4 x 64).[124]

In January 2016, Microsoft announced that it would no longer support Windows platforms older than Windows 10 on any future Intel-compatible processor lines, citing difficulties in reliably allowing the operating system to operate on newer hardware. Microsoft stated that effective July 17, 2017, devices with Intel Skylake CPUs were only to receive the «most critical» updates for Windows 7 and 8.1, and only if they have been judged not to affect the reliability of Windows 7 on older hardware.[108][125] For enterprise customers, Microsoft issued a list of Skylake-based devices «certified» for Windows 7 and 8.1 in addition to Windows 10, to assist them in migrating to newer hardware that can eventually be upgraded to 10 once they are ready to transition. Microsoft and their hardware partners provide special testing and support for these devices on 7 and 8.1 until the July 2017 date.[126]

On March 18, 2016, in response to criticism from enterprise customers, Microsoft delayed the end of support and non-critical updates for Skylake systems to July 17, 2018, but stated that they would also continue to receive security updates through the end of extended support.[127][128] In August 2016, citing a «strong partnership with our OEM partners and Intel», Microsoft retracted the decision and stated that it would continue to support Windows 7 and 8.1 on Skylake hardware through the end of their extended support lifecycle. However, the restrictions on newer CPU microarchitectures remain in force.[129][130]

In March 2017, a Microsoft knowledge base article announced which implies that devices using Intel Kaby Lake, AMD Bristol Ridge, or AMD Ryzen, would be blocked from using Windows Update entirely.[131][132] In addition, official Windows 7 device drivers are not available for the Kaby Lake and Ryzen platforms.[133][134]

Security updates released since March 2018 contain bugs which affect processors that do not support SSE2 extensions, including all Pentium III processors. Microsoft initially stated that it would attempt to resolve the issue, and prevented installation of the affected patches on these systems. However, on June 15, 2018, Microsoft retroactively modified its support documents to remove the promise that this bug would be resolved, replacing it with a statement suggesting that users obtain a newer processor. This effectively ends future patch support for Windows 7 on these systems.[135][136]


Service Pack 1

Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) was announced on March 18, 2010. A beta was released on July 12, 2010.[137][138][139] The final version was released to the public on February 22, 2011.[140] At the time of release, it was not made mandatory. It was available via Windows Update, direct download, or by ordering the Windows 7 SP1 DVD.[141] The service pack is on a much smaller scale than those released for previous versions of Windows, particularly Windows Vista.[142]

Windows 7 Service Pack 1 adds support for Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX), a 256-bit instruction set extension for processors, and improves IKEv2 by adding additional identification fields such as E-mail ID to it. In addition, it adds support for Advanced Format 512e as well as additional Identity Federation Services.[143][144] Windows 7 Service Pack 1 also resolves a bug related to HDMI audio and another related to printing XPS documents.[143]

In Europe, the automatic nature of the feature was dropped in Windows 7 Service Pack 1 in February 2011 and remained absent for 14 months despite Microsoft reporting that it was still present, subsequently described by Microsoft as a «technical error.» As a result, in March 2013, the European Commission fined Microsoft €561 million to deter companies from reneging on settlement promises.[145]

Platform Update

The Platform Update for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 was released on February 26, 2013[146] after a pre-release version had been released on November 5, 2012.[147] It is also included with Internet Explorer 10 for Windows 7.[148]

It includes enhancements to Direct2D, DirectWrite, Direct3D, Windows Imaging Component (WIC), Windows Advanced Rasterization Platform (WARP), Windows Animation Manager (WAM), XPS Document API, H.264 Video Decoder and JPEG XR decoder.[146] However support for Direct3D 11.1 is limited as the update does not include DXGI/WDDM 1.2 from Windows 8, making unavailable many related APIs and significant features such as stereoscopic frame buffer, feature level 11_1 and optional features for levels 10_0, 10_1 and 11_0.[149]

Disk Cleanup update

In October 2013, a Disk Cleanup Wizard addon was released that lets users delete outdated Windows updates on Windows 7 SP1, thus reducing the size of the WinSxS directory. This update backports some features found in Windows 8.[150]

Windows Management Framework 5.0

Windows Management Framework 5.0 includes updates to Windows PowerShell 5.0, Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC), Windows Remote Management (WinRM), Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). It was released on February 24, 2016[151] and was eventually superseded by Windows Management Framework 5.1.[152]

Convenience rollup

In May 2016, Microsoft released a «Convenience rollup update for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1,» which contains all patches released between the release of SP1 and April 2016. The rollup is not available via Windows Update, and must be downloaded manually. This package can also be integrated into a Windows 7 installation image.[153]

Since October 2016, all security and reliability updates are cumulative. Downloading and installing updates that address individual problems is no longer possible, but the number of updates that must be downloaded to fully update the OS is significantly reduced.[154]

Monthly update rollups (July 2016-January 2020)

In June 2018, Microsoft announced that they’ll be moving Windows 7 to a monthly update model beginning with updates released in September 2018[155] — two years after Microsoft switched the rest of their supported operating systems to that model.[156]

With the new update model, instead of updates being released as they became available, only two update packages were released on the second Tuesday of every month until Windows 7 reached its end of life — one package containing security and quality updates, and a smaller package that contained only the security updates. Users could choose which package they wanted to install each month. Later in the month, another package would be released which was a preview of the next month’s security and quality update rollup.

Installing the preview rollup package released for Windows 7 on March 19, 2019, or any later released rollup package, that makes Windows more reliable. This change was made so Microsoft could continue to service the operating system while avoiding “version-related issues”.[157]

Microsoft announced in July 2019 that the Microsoft Internet Games services on Windows XP and Windows Me would end on July 31, 2019 (and for Windows 7 on January 22, 2020).[158]

The last non-extended security update rollup packages were released on January 14, 2020, the last day that Windows 7 had extended support.[159]

End of support (after January 14, 2020)

On January 14, 2020, Windows 7 support ended with Microsoft no longer providing security updates or fixes after that date,[160] except for subscribers of the Windows 7 Extended Security Updates (ESU), who were able to receive Windows 7 security updates through January 10, 2023.[161] However, there have been two updates that have been issued to non-ESU subscribers:

  • In February 2020, Microsoft released an update via Windows Update to fix a black wallpaper issue caused by the January 2020 update for Windows 7.[162][163]
  • In June 2020, Microsoft released an update via Windows Update to roll out the new Chromium-based Microsoft Edge to Windows 7 and 8.1 machines that are not connected to Active Directory.[164][165] Users, e.g. those on Active Directory, can download Edge from Microsoft’s website.

In a support document, Microsoft has stated that a full-screen upgrade warning notification would be displayed on Windows 7 PCs on all editions except the Enterprise edition after January 15, 2020. The notification does not appear on machines connected to Active Directory, machines in kiosk mode, or machines subscribed for Extended Security Updates.[166]


Critical reception

Windows 7 received critical acclaim, with critics noting the increased usability and functionality when compared with its predecessor, Windows Vista. CNET gave Windows 7 Home Premium a rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars,[167] stating that it «is more than what Vista should have been, [and] it’s where Microsoft needed to go». PC Magazine rated it a 4 out of 5 saying that Windows 7 is a «big improvement» over Windows Vista, with fewer compatibility problems, a retooled taskbar, simpler home networking and faster start-up.[168] Maximum PC gave Windows 7 a rating of 9 out of 10 and called Windows 7 a «massive leap forward» in usability and security, and praised the new Taskbar as «worth the price of admission alone.»[169] PC World called Windows 7 a «worthy successor» to Windows XP and said that speed benchmarks showed Windows 7 to be slightly faster than Windows Vista.[170] PC World also named Windows 7 one of the best products of the year.[171]
In its review of Windows 7, Engadget said that Microsoft had taken a «strong step forward» with Windows 7 and reported that speed is one of Windows 7’s major selling points—particularly for the netbook sets.[172] Laptop Magazine gave Windows 7 a rating of 4 out of 5 stars and said that Windows 7 makes computing more intuitive, offered better overall performance including a «modest to dramatic» increase in battery life on laptop computers.[173] TechRadar gave Windows 7 a rating of 5 out of 5 stars, concluding that «it combines the security and architectural improvements of Windows Vista with better performance than XP can deliver on today’s hardware. No version of Windows is ever perfect, but Windows 7 really is the best release of Windows yet.»[174] USA Today[175] and The Telegraph[176] also gave Windows 7 favorable reviews.

Nick Wingfield of The Wall Street Journal wrote, «Visually arresting,» and «A pleasure.»[177][178] Mary Branscombe of Financial Times wrote, «A clear leap forward.»[179] of Gizmodo wrote, «Windows 7 Kills Snow Leopard.»[180] Don Reisinger of CNET wrote, «Delightful.»[181] David Pogue of The New York Times wrote, «Faster.»[182][183] J. Peter Bruzzese and Richi Jennings of Computerworld wrote, «Ready.»[184][185]

Some Windows Vista Ultimate users have expressed concerns over Windows 7 pricing and upgrade options.[186][187] Windows Vista Ultimate users wanting to upgrade from Windows Vista to Windows 7 had to either pay $219.99[188] to upgrade to Windows 7 Ultimate or perform a clean install, which requires them to reinstall all of their programs.[189]

The changes to User Account Control on Windows 7 were criticized for being potentially insecure, as an exploit was discovered allowing untrusted software to be launched with elevated privileges by exploiting a trusted component. Peter Bright of Ars Technica argued that «the way that the Windows 7 UAC ‘improvements’ have been made completely exempts Microsoft’s developers from having to do that work themselves. With Windows 7, it’s one rule for Redmond, another one for everyone else.»[190] Microsoft’s Windows kernel engineer Mark Russinovich acknowledged the problem, but noted that malware can also compromise a system when users agree to a prompt.[90][191]


In July 2009, in only eight hours, pre-orders of Windows 7 at surpassed the demand which Windows Vista had in its first 17 weeks.[192] It became the highest-grossing pre-order in Amazon’s history, surpassing sales of the previous record holder, the seventh Harry Potter book.[193] After 36 hours, 64-bit versions of Windows 7 Professional and Ultimate editions sold out in Japan.[194] Two weeks after its release its market share had surpassed that of Snow Leopard, released two months previously as the most recent update to Apple’s Mac OS X operating system.[195][196] According to Net Applications, Windows 7 reached a 4% market share in less than three weeks; in comparison, it took Windows Vista seven months to reach the same mark.[197][198] As of February 2014, Windows 7 had a market share of 47.49% according to Net Applications; in comparison, Windows XP had a market share of 29.23%.[199]

On March 4, 2010, Microsoft announced that it had sold more than 90 million licenses.[200]
By April 23, 2010, more than 100 million copies were sold in six months, which made it Microsoft’s fastest-selling operating system.[201][202] As of June 23, 2010, Windows 7 has sold 150 million copies which made it the fastest selling operating system in history with seven copies sold every second.[202][203] Based on worldwide data taken during June 2010 from Windows Update 46% of Windows 7 PCs run the 64-bit edition of Windows 7.[204] According to Stephen Baker of the NPD Group during April 2010 in the United States 77% of PCs sold at retail were pre-installed with the 64-bit edition of Windows 7.[204][205] As of July 22, 2010, Windows 7 had sold 175 million copies.[206] On October 21, 2010, Microsoft announced that more than 240 million copies of Windows 7 had been sold.[207] Three months later, on January 27, 2011, Microsoft announced total sales of 300 million copies of Windows 7.[208] On July 12, 2011, the sales figure was refined to over 400 million end-user licenses and business installations.[209] As of July 9, 2012, over 630 million licenses have been sold; this number includes licenses sold to OEMs for new PCs.[210]

Antitrust concerns

As with other Microsoft operating systems, Windows 7 was studied by United States federal regulators who oversee the company’s operations following the 2001 United States v. Microsoft Corp. settlement. According to status reports filed, the three-member panel began assessing prototypes of the new operating system in February 2008. Michael Gartenberg, an analyst at Jupiter Research, said, «[Microsoft’s] challenge for Windows 7 will be how can they continue to add features that consumers will want that also don’t run afoul of regulators.»[211]

In order to comply with European antitrust regulations, Microsoft proposed the use of a «ballot» screen containing download links to competing web browsers, thus removing the need for a version of Windows completely without Internet Explorer, as previously planned.[212] Microsoft announced that it would discard the separate version for Europe and ship the standard upgrade and full packages worldwide, in response to criticism involving Windows 7 E and concerns from manufacturers about possible consumer confusion if a version of Windows 7 with Internet Explorer were shipped later, after one without Internet Explorer.[213]

As with the previous version of Windows, an N version, which does not come with Windows Media Player, has been released in Europe, but only for sale directly from Microsoft sales websites and selected others.[214]

See also

  • BlueKeep, a security vulnerability discovered in May 2019 that affected most Windows NT-based computers up to Windows 7


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Further reading

  • Bott, Ed; Siechert, Carl; Stinson, Craig (2010). Windows 7 Inside Out. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press. ISBN 978-0-7356-2665-2.

External links

  • Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1)
  • Windows 7 SP1 update history
Windows 7

Version of the Windows NT operating system
Windows 7 Logo and Wordmark.png
Windows 7 SP1 screenshot.png

Screenshot of Windows 7 Ultimate, showing its Start Menu, desktop, taskbar, and the glass effect of Windows Aero

Developer Microsoft
Source model
  • Closed-source
  • Source-available (through Shared Source Initiative)
Released to
July 22, 2009; 13 years ago[1]
October 22, 2009; 13 years ago[2]
Final release Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601.24499) / February 9, 2011; 11 years ago[3]
Update method Windows Update
Platforms IA-32 and x86-64
Kernel type Hybrid
Userland Windows API, NTVDM, SUA
License Proprietary commercial software
Preceded by Windows Vista (2007)[4]
Succeeded by Windows 8 (2012)
Official website Windows 7 (archived at Wayback Machine)
Support status
Mainstream support ended on January 13, 2015.[5][6]
Extended support ended on January 14, 2020.[5][6]
Windows 7 was eligible for the Extended Security Updates (ESU) service. This service was available via specific volume licensing programs for Professional & Enterprise editions, and via OEMs for some embedded editions, in yearly installments. Security updates were available for the operating system until January 10, 2023, excluding some embedded editions.[7][8]

Exceptions exist, see § Support lifecycle for details.

Installing Service Pack 1 is required for users to receive updates and support after April 9, 2013.[5][6]

Windows 7 is a major release of the Windows NT operating system developed by Microsoft. It was released to manufacturing on July 22, 2009, and became generally available on October 22, 2009.[9] It is the successor to Windows Vista, released nearly three years earlier. It remained an operating system for use on personal computers, including home and business desktops, laptops, tablet PCs and media center PCs, and itself was replaced in November 2012 by Windows 8, the name spanning more than three years of the product.

Until April 9, 2013, Windows 7 original release included updates and technical support, after which installation of Service Pack 1 was required for users to receive support and updates. Windows 7’s server counterpart, Windows Server 2008 R2, was released at the same time. Extended support ended on January 14, 2020, over ten years after the release of Windows 7, after which the operating system ceased receiving further updates. A paid support program was available for enterprises, providing security updates for Windows 7 for up to three years since the official end of life.[10]

Windows 7 was intended to be an incremental upgrade to Microsoft Windows, addressing Windows Vista’s poor critical reception while maintaining hardware and software compatibility. Windows 7 continued improvements on the Windows Aero user interface with the addition of a redesigned taskbar that allows pinned applications, and new window management features. Other new features were added to the operating system, including libraries, the new file-sharing system HomeGroup, and support for multitouch input. A new «Action Center» was also added to provide an overview of system security and maintenance information, and tweaks were made to the User Account Control system to make it less intrusive. Windows 7 also shipped with updated versions of several stock applications, including Internet Explorer 8, Windows Media Player, and Windows Media Center.

Unlike Vista, Windows 7 received critical acclaim, with critics considering the operating system to be a major improvement over its predecessor because of its improved performance, its more intuitive interface, fewer User Account Control popups, and other improvements made across the platform. Windows 7 was a major success for Microsoft; even before its official release, pre-order sales for the operating system on the online retailer had surpassed previous records. In just six months, over 100 million copies had been sold worldwide, increasing to over 630 million licenses by July 2012. By January 2018, Windows 10 surpassed Windows 7 as the most popular version of Windows worldwide. As of September 2022, 11% of traditional PCs running Windows are running Windows 7.[12] Windows 11 has recently taken second place from Windows 7 as the most popular Windows edition.[13] It still remains popular in countries such as Syria, China, India, and Venezuela.[14][15][16]

Windows 7 is the final version of Windows that supports processors without SSE2 or NX (although an update released in 2018 dropped support for non-SSE2 processors). Its successor, Windows 8, requires a processor with SSE2 and NX in any supported architecture.

Development history

Originally, a version of Windows codenamed «Blackcomb» was planned as the successor to Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 in 2000. Major features were planned for Blackcomb, including an emphasis on searching and querying data and an advanced storage system named WinFS to enable such scenarios. However, an interim, minor release, codenamed «Longhorn,» was announced for 2003, delaying the development of Blackcomb.[17] By the middle of 2003, however, Longhorn had acquired some of the features originally intended for Blackcomb. After three major malware outbreaks—the Blaster, Nachi, and Sobig worms—exploited flaws in Windows operating systems within a short time period in August 2003,[18] Microsoft changed its development priorities, putting some of Longhorn’s major development work on hold while developing new service packs for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. Development of Longhorn (Windows Vista) was also restarted, and thus delayed, in August 2004. A number of features were cut from Longhorn.[19] Blackcomb was renamed Vienna in early 2006,[20] and was later canceled in 2007 due to the scope of the project.[21]

When released, Windows Vista was criticized for its long development time, performance issues, spotty compatibility with existing hardware and software at launch, changes affecting the compatibility of certain PC games, and unclear assurances by Microsoft that certain computers shipping with XP before launch would be «Vista Capable» (which led to a class-action lawsuit), among other critiques. As such, the adoption of Vista in comparison to XP remained somewhat low.[22][23][24] In July 2007, six months following the public release of Vista, it was reported that the next version of Windows would then be codenamed Windows 7, with plans for a final release within three years.[25][26] Bill Gates, in an interview with Newsweek, suggested that Windows 7 would be more «user-centric».[27] Gates later said that Windows 7 would also focus on performance improvements.[28] Steven Sinofsky later expanded on this point, explaining in the Engineering Windows 7 blog that the company was using a variety of new tracing tools to measure the performance of many areas of the operating system on an ongoing basis, to help locate inefficient code paths and to help prevent performance regressions.[29] Senior Vice President Bill Veghte stated that Windows Vista users migrating to Windows 7 would not find the kind of device compatibility issues they encountered migrating from Windows XP.[30] An estimated 1,000 developers worked on Windows 7. These were broadly divided into «core operating system» and «Windows client experience», in turn organized into 25 teams of around 40 developers on average.[31]

In October 2008, it was announced that Windows 7 would also be the official name of the operating system.[32][33] There has been some confusion over naming the product Windows 7,[34] while versioning it as 6.1 to indicate its similar build to Vista and increase compatibility with applications that only check major version numbers, similar to Windows 2000 and Windows XP both having 5.x version numbers.[35] The first external release to select Microsoft partners came in January 2008 with Milestone 1, build 6519.[36] Speaking about Windows 7 on October 16, 2008, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer confirmed compatibility between Windows Vista and Windows 7, indicating that Windows 7 would be a refined version of Windows Vista.[37]

At PDC 2008, Microsoft demonstrated Windows 7 with its reworked taskbar.[38] On December 27, 2008, the Windows 7 Beta was leaked onto the Internet via BitTorrent.[39] According to a performance test by ZDNet,[40] Windows 7 Beta beat both Windows XP and Vista in several key areas, including boot and shutdown time and working with files, such as loading documents. Other areas did not beat XP, including PC Pro benchmarks for typical office activities and video editing, which remain identical to Vista and slower than XP.[41] On January 7, 2009, the x64 version of the Windows 7 Beta (build 7000) was leaked onto the web, with some torrents being infected with a trojan.[42][43] At CES 2009, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer announced the Windows 7 Beta, build 7000, had been made available for download to MSDN and TechNet subscribers in the format of an ISO image.[44] The stock wallpaper of the beta version contained a digital image of the Betta fish.[45]

The release candidate, build 7100, became available for MSDN and TechNet subscribers, and Connect Program participants on April 30, 2009. On May 5, 2009, it became available to the general public, although it had also been leaked onto the Internet via BitTorrent.[46] The release candidate was available in five languages and expired on June 1, 2010, with shutdowns every two hours starting March 1, 2010.[47] Microsoft stated that Windows 7 would be released to the general public on October 22, 2009, less than three years after the launch of its predecessor. Microsoft released Windows 7 to MSDN and Technet subscribers on August 6, 2009.[48] Microsoft announced that Windows 7, along with Windows Server 2008 R2, was released to manufacturing in the United States and Canada on July 22, 2009. Windows 7 RTM is build 7600.16385.090713-1255, which was compiled on July 13, 2009, and was declared the final RTM build after passing all Microsoft’s tests internally.[49]


New and changed

Among Windows 7’s new features are advances in touch and handwriting recognition,[50] support for virtual hard disks,[51] improved performance on multi-core processors,[52][53][54][55] improved boot performance, DirectAccess, and kernel improvements. Windows 7 adds support for systems using multiple heterogeneous graphics cards from different vendors (Heterogeneous Multi-adapter),[56] a new version of Windows Media Center,[57] a Gadget for Windows Media Center, improved media features, XPS Essentials Pack[58] and Windows PowerShell[59] being included, and a redesigned Calculator with multiline capabilities including Programmer and Statistics modes along with unit conversion for length, weight, temperature, and several others.[60] Many new items have been added to the Control Panel, including ClearType Text Tuner[61] Display Color Calibration Wizard,[62] Gadgets, Recovery, Troubleshooting, Workspaces Center, Location and Other Sensors, Credential Manager, Biometric Devices, System Icons, and Display.[63] Windows Security Center has been renamed to Windows Action Center (Windows Health Center and Windows Solution Center in earlier builds), which encompasses both security and maintenance of the computer. ReadyBoost on 32-bit editions now supports up to 256 gigabytes of extra allocation. Windows 7 also supports images in RAW image format through the addition of Windows Imaging Component-enabled image decoders, which enables raw image thumbnails, previewing and metadata display in Windows Explorer, plus full-size viewing and slideshows in Windows Photo Viewer and Windows Media Center.[64] Windows 7 also has a native TFTP client with the ability to transfer files to or from a TFTP server.[65]

The default taskbar of Windows 7.

The taskbar has seen the biggest visual changes, where the old Quick Launch toolbar has been replaced with the ability to pin applications to the taskbar. Buttons for pinned applications are integrated with the task buttons. These buttons also enable Jump Lists to allow easy access to common tasks, and files frequently used with specific applications.[66] The revamped taskbar also allows the reordering of taskbar buttons. To the far right of the system clock is a small rectangular button that serves as the Show desktop icon. By default, hovering over this button makes all visible windows transparent for a quick look at the desktop.[67] In touch-enabled displays such as touch screens, tablet PCs, etc., this button is slightly (8 pixels) wider in order to accommodate being pressed by a finger.[68] Clicking this button minimizes all windows, and clicking it a second time restores them.

Window management in Windows 7 has several new features: Aero Snap maximizes a window when it is dragged to the top, left, or right of the screen.[69] Dragging windows to the left or right edges of the screen allows users to snap software windows to either side of the screen, such that the windows take up half the screen. When a user moves windows that were snapped or maximized using Snap, the system restores their previous state. Snap functions can also be triggered with keyboard shortcuts. Aero Shake hides all inactive windows when the active window’s title bar is dragged back and forth rapidly.

When the Action Center flag is clicked on, it lists all security and maintenance issues in a small pop-up window.

Windows 7 includes 13 additional sound schemes, titled Afternoon, Calligraphy, Characters, Cityscape, Delta, Festival, Garden, Heritage, Landscape, Quirky, Raga, Savanna, and Sonata.[70] Internet Spades, Internet Backgammon and Internet Checkers, which were removed from Windows Vista, were restored in Windows 7. Users are able to disable or customize many more Windows components than was possible in Windows Vista. New additions to this list of components include Internet Explorer 8, Windows Media Player 12, Windows Media Center, Windows Search, and Windows Gadget Platform.[71] A new version of Microsoft Virtual PC, newly renamed as Windows Virtual PC was made available for Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate editions.[72] It allows multiple Windows environments, including Windows XP Mode, to run on the same machine. Windows XP Mode runs Windows XP in a virtual machine, and displays applications within separate windows on the Windows 7 desktop.[73] Furthermore, Windows 7 supports the mounting of a virtual hard disk (VHD) as a normal data storage, and the bootloader delivered with Windows 7 can boot the Windows system from a VHD; however, this ability is only available in the Enterprise and Ultimate editions.[74] The Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) of Windows 7 is also enhanced to support real-time multimedia application including video playback and 3D games, thus allowing use of DirectX 10 in remote desktop environments.[75] The three application limit, previously present in the Windows Vista and Windows XP Starter Editions, has been removed from Windows 7.[76] All editions include some new and improved features, such as Windows Search, Security features, and some features new to Windows 7, that originated within Vista. Optional BitLocker Drive Encryption is included with Windows 7 Ultimate and Enterprise. Windows Defender is included; Microsoft Security Essentials antivirus software is a free download. All editions include Shadow Copy, which—every day or so—System Restore uses to take an automatic «previous version» snapshot of user files that have changed.[77] Backup and restore have also been improved,[78][79] and the Windows Recovery Environment—installed by default—replaces the optional Recovery Console of Windows XP.[80]

A new system known as «Libraries» was added for file management; users can aggregate files from multiple folders into a «Library.» By default, libraries for categories such as Documents, Pictures, Music, and Video are created, consisting of the user’s personal folder and the Public folder for each. The system is also used as part of a new home networking system known as HomeGroup; devices are added to the network with a password, and files and folders can be shared with all other devices in the HomeGroup, or with specific users. The default libraries, along with printers, are shared by default, but the personal folder is set to read-only access by other users, and the Public folder can be accessed by anyone.[81][82]

Windows 7 includes improved globalization support through a new Extended Linguistic Services API[83] to provide multilingual support (particularly in Ultimate and Enterprise editions). Microsoft also implemented better support for solid-state drives,[84] including the new TRIM command, and Windows 7 is able to identify a solid-state drive uniquely. Native support for USB 3.0 is not included because of delays in the finalization of the standard.[85] At WinHEC 2008 Microsoft announced that color depths of 30-bit and 48-bit would be supported in Windows 7 along with the wide color gamut scRGB (which for HDMI 1.3 can be converted and output as xvYCC). The video modes supported in Windows 7 are 16-bit sRGB, 24-bit sRGB, 30-bit sRGB, 30-bit with extended color gamut sRGB, and 48-bit scRGB.[86][87]

For developers, Windows 7 includes a new networking API with support for building SOAP-based web services in native code (as opposed to .NET-based WCF web services),[88] new features to simplify development of installation packages and shorten application install times.[89] Windows 7, by default, generates fewer User Account Control (UAC) prompts because it allows digitally signed Windows components to gain elevated privileges without a prompt. Additionally, users can now adjust the level at which UAC operates using a sliding scale.[90]


Certain capabilities and programs that were a part of Windows Vista are no longer present or have been changed, resulting in the removal of certain functionalities; these include the classic Start Menu user interface, some taskbar features, Windows Explorer features, Windows Media Player features, Windows Ultimate Extras, Search button, and InkBall. Four applications bundled with Windows Vista—Windows Photo Gallery, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Calendar and Windows Mail—are not included with Windows 7 and were replaced by Windows Live-branded versions as part of the Windows Live Essentials suite.[91][92]


Windows 7 is available in six different editions, of which the Home Premium, Professional, and Ultimate were available at retail in most countries, and as pre-loaded software on most new computers. Home Premium and Professional were aimed at home users and small businesses respectively, while Ultimate was aimed at enthusiasts. Each edition of Windows 7 includes all of the capabilities and features of the edition below it, and adds additional features oriented towards their market segments; for example, Professional adds additional networking and security features such as Encrypting File System and the ability to join a domain. Ultimate contained a superset of the features from Home Premium and Professional, along with other advanced features oriented towards power users, such as BitLocker drive encryption; unlike Windows Vista, there were no «Ultimate Extras» add-ons created for Windows 7 Ultimate.[93][94][95] Retail copies were available in «upgrade» and higher-cost «full» version licenses; «upgrade» licenses require an existing version of Windows to install, while «full» licenses can be installed on computers with no existing operating system.[96]

The remaining three editions were not available at retail, of which two were available exclusively through OEM channels as pre-loaded software. The Starter edition is a stripped-down version of Windows 7 meant for low-cost devices such as netbooks. In comparison to Home Premium, Starter has reduced multimedia functionality, does not allow users to change their desktop wallpaper or theme, disables the «Aero Glass» theme, does not have support for multiple monitors, and can only address 2GB of RAM.[95][97] Home Basic was sold only in emerging markets, and was positioned in between Home Premium and Starter.[93][94] The highest edition, Enterprise, is functionally similar to Ultimate, but is only sold through volume licensing via Microsoft’s Software Assurance program.[98][99][100]

All editions aside from Starter support both IA-32 and x86-64 architectures, Starter only supports 32-bit systems.[95] Retail copies of Windows 7 are distributed on two DVDs: one for the IA-32 version and the other for x86-64. OEM copies include one DVD, depending on the processor architecture licensed. The installation media for consumer versions of Windows 7 are identical, the product key and corresponding license determines the edition that is installed. The Windows Anytime Upgrade service can be used to purchase an upgrade that unlocks the functionality of a higher edition, such as going from Starter to Home Premium, and Home Premium to Ultimate.[93] Most copies of Windows 7 only contained one license; in certain markets, a «Family Pack» version of Windows 7 Home Premium was also released for a limited time, which allowed upgrades on up to three computers.[101] In certain regions, copies of Windows 7 were only sold in, and could only be activated in a designated region.[102]

Support lifecycle

Support status summary

Expiration date
Mainstream support January 13, 2015[5][6]
Extended support January 14, 2020[5][6]
Applicable Windows 7 editions:
Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate,[5][6] as well as Professional for Embedded Systems and Ultimate for Embedded Systems[103]
Professional and Enterprise volume licensed editions, as well as Professional for Embedded Systems Extended Security Updates (ESU) support ended on January 10, 2023[8]
Windows Thin PC Mainstream support ended on October 11, 2016[104]
Extended support ended on October 12, 2021[104]
Windows Embedded Standard 7 Mainstream support ended on October 13, 2015[103]
Extended support ended on October 15, 2020[103]
Extended Security Updates (ESU) support until October 10, 2023[8]
Windows Embedded POSReady 7 Mainstream support ended on October 11, 2016[103]
Extended support ended on October 12, 2021[103]
Extended Security Updates (ESU) support until October 14, 2024[8]

Support for Windows 7 without Service Pack 1 ended on April 9, 2013, requiring users to update in order to continue receiving updates and support after 3 years, 8 months, and 18 days.[105] Microsoft ended the sale of new retail copies of Windows 7 in October 2014, and the sale of new OEM licenses for Windows 7 Home Basic, Home Premium, and Ultimate ended on October 31, 2014. OEM sales of PCs with Windows 7 Professional pre-installed ended on October 31, 2016.[106] The sale of non-Professional OEM licenses was stopped on October 31, 2014.[107]

Mainstream support for Windows 7 ended on January 13, 2015. Extended support for Windows 7 ended on January 14, 2020.[108][109] In August 2019, Microsoft announced it will be offering a ‘free’ extended security updates to some business users.[110][111]

On September 7, 2018, Microsoft announced a paid «Extended Security Updates» service that will offer additional updates for Windows 7 Professional and Enterprise for up to three years after the end of extended support.[112]

Variants of Windows 7 for embedded systems and thin clients have different support policies: Windows Embedded Standard 7 support ended in October 2020. Windows Thin PC and Windows Embedded POSReady 7 had support until October 2021. Windows Embedded Standard 7 and Windows Embedded POSReady 7 also get Extended Security Updates for up to three years after their end of extended support date.[8] The Extended Security Updates program on Windows Embedded POSReady 7 will expire on October 14, 2024. This will mark the final end of the Windows NT 6.1 product line after 15 years, 2 months, and 17 days.[8]

In March 2019, Microsoft announced that it would display notifications to users informing users of the upcoming end of support, and direct users to a website urging them to purchase a Windows 10 upgrade or a new computer.[113]

In August 2019, researchers reported that «all modern versions of Microsoft Windows» may be at risk for «critical» system compromise because of design flaws of hardware device drivers from multiple providers.[114] In the same month, computer experts reported that the BlueKeep security vulnerability, CVE-2019-0708, that potentially affects older unpatched Microsoft Windows versions via the program’s Remote Desktop Protocol, allowing for the possibility of remote code execution, may now include related flaws, collectively named DejaBlue, affecting newer Windows versions (i.e., Windows 7 and all recent versions) as well.[115] In addition, experts reported a Microsoft security vulnerability, CVE-2019-1162, based on legacy code involving Microsoft CTF and ctfmon (ctfmon.exe), that affects all Windows versions from the older Windows XP version to the most recent Windows 10 versions; a patch to correct the flaw is currently available.[116]

In September 2019, Microsoft announced that it would provide free security updates for Windows 7 on federally-certified voting machines through the 2020 United States elections.[117]

System requirements

Minimum hardware requirements for Windows 7[118]

Component Operating system architecture
32-bit 64-bit
Processor 1 GHz IA-32 processor
Support for SSE2 required after May 2018 cumulative update[119]
1 GHz x86-64 processor
Memory (RAM) 1 GB 2 GB
Graphics card DirectX 9 graphics processor with WDDM driver model 1.0
Storage space 16 GB 20 GB
Installation media DVD drive or USB drive

Additional requirements to use certain features:[118]

  • Windows XP Mode (Professional, Ultimate and Enterprise): Requires an additional 1 GB of RAM and additional 15 GB of available hard disk space. The requirement for a processor capable of hardware virtualization has been lifted.[120]
  • Windows Media Center (included in Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate and Enterprise), requires a TV tuner to receive and record TV.

Extent of hardware support

Physical memory

The maximum amount of RAM that Windows 7 supports varies depending on the product edition and on the processor architecture, as shown in the following table.[121]

Physical memory limits of Windows 7

Edition Processor architecture
IA-32 (32-bit) x64 (64-bit)
Ultimate 4 GB 192 GB
Home Premium 16 GB
Home Basic 8 GB
Starter 2 GB

Processor limits

Windows 7 Professional and up support up to 2 physical processors (CPU sockets),[122]
whereas Windows 7 Starter, Home Basic, and Home Premium editions support only 1.[123] Physical processors with either multiple cores, or hyper-threading, or both, implement more than one logical processor per physical processor. The x86 editions of Windows 7 support up to 32 logical processors; x64 editions support up to 256 (4 x 64).[124]

In January 2016, Microsoft announced that it would no longer support Windows platforms older than Windows 10 on any future Intel-compatible processor lines, citing difficulties in reliably allowing the operating system to operate on newer hardware. Microsoft stated that effective July 17, 2017, devices with Intel Skylake CPUs were only to receive the «most critical» updates for Windows 7 and 8.1, and only if they have been judged not to affect the reliability of Windows 7 on older hardware.[108][125] For enterprise customers, Microsoft issued a list of Skylake-based devices «certified» for Windows 7 and 8.1 in addition to Windows 10, to assist them in migrating to newer hardware that can eventually be upgraded to 10 once they are ready to transition. Microsoft and their hardware partners provide special testing and support for these devices on 7 and 8.1 until the July 2017 date.[126]

On March 18, 2016, in response to criticism from enterprise customers, Microsoft delayed the end of support and non-critical updates for Skylake systems to July 17, 2018, but stated that they would also continue to receive security updates through the end of extended support.[127][128] In August 2016, citing a «strong partnership with our OEM partners and Intel», Microsoft retracted the decision and stated that it would continue to support Windows 7 and 8.1 on Skylake hardware through the end of their extended support lifecycle. However, the restrictions on newer CPU microarchitectures remain in force.[129][130]

In March 2017, a Microsoft knowledge base article announced which implies that devices using Intel Kaby Lake, AMD Bristol Ridge, or AMD Ryzen, would be blocked from using Windows Update entirely.[131][132] In addition, official Windows 7 device drivers are not available for the Kaby Lake and Ryzen platforms.[133][134]

Security updates released since March 2018 contain bugs which affect processors that do not support SSE2 extensions, including all Pentium III processors. Microsoft initially stated that it would attempt to resolve the issue, and prevented installation of the affected patches on these systems. However, on June 15, 2018, Microsoft retroactively modified its support documents to remove the promise that this bug would be resolved, replacing it with a statement suggesting that users obtain a newer processor. This effectively ends future patch support for Windows 7 on these systems.[135][136]


Service Pack 1

Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) was announced on March 18, 2010. A beta was released on July 12, 2010.[137][138][139] The final version was released to the public on February 22, 2011.[140] At the time of release, it was not made mandatory. It was available via Windows Update, direct download, or by ordering the Windows 7 SP1 DVD.[141] The service pack is on a much smaller scale than those released for previous versions of Windows, particularly Windows Vista.[142]

Windows 7 Service Pack 1 adds support for Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX), a 256-bit instruction set extension for processors, and improves IKEv2 by adding additional identification fields such as E-mail ID to it. In addition, it adds support for Advanced Format 512e as well as additional Identity Federation Services.[143][144] Windows 7 Service Pack 1 also resolves a bug related to HDMI audio and another related to printing XPS documents.[143]

In Europe, the automatic nature of the feature was dropped in Windows 7 Service Pack 1 in February 2011 and remained absent for 14 months despite Microsoft reporting that it was still present, subsequently described by Microsoft as a «technical error.» As a result, in March 2013, the European Commission fined Microsoft €561 million to deter companies from reneging on settlement promises.[145]

Platform Update

The Platform Update for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 was released on February 26, 2013[146] after a pre-release version had been released on November 5, 2012.[147] It is also included with Internet Explorer 10 for Windows 7.[148]

It includes enhancements to Direct2D, DirectWrite, Direct3D, Windows Imaging Component (WIC), Windows Advanced Rasterization Platform (WARP), Windows Animation Manager (WAM), XPS Document API, H.264 Video Decoder and JPEG XR decoder.[146] However support for Direct3D 11.1 is limited as the update does not include DXGI/WDDM 1.2 from Windows 8, making unavailable many related APIs and significant features such as stereoscopic frame buffer, feature level 11_1 and optional features for levels 10_0, 10_1 and 11_0.[149]

Disk Cleanup update

In October 2013, a Disk Cleanup Wizard addon was released that lets users delete outdated Windows updates on Windows 7 SP1, thus reducing the size of the WinSxS directory. This update backports some features found in Windows 8.[150]

Windows Management Framework 5.0

Windows Management Framework 5.0 includes updates to Windows PowerShell 5.0, Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC), Windows Remote Management (WinRM), Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). It was released on February 24, 2016[151] and was eventually superseded by Windows Management Framework 5.1.[152]

Convenience rollup

In May 2016, Microsoft released a «Convenience rollup update for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1,» which contains all patches released between the release of SP1 and April 2016. The rollup is not available via Windows Update, and must be downloaded manually. This package can also be integrated into a Windows 7 installation image.[153]

Since October 2016, all security and reliability updates are cumulative. Downloading and installing updates that address individual problems is no longer possible, but the number of updates that must be downloaded to fully update the OS is significantly reduced.[154]

Monthly update rollups (July 2016-January 2020)

In June 2018, Microsoft announced that they’ll be moving Windows 7 to a monthly update model beginning with updates released in September 2018[155] — two years after Microsoft switched the rest of their supported operating systems to that model.[156]

With the new update model, instead of updates being released as they became available, only two update packages were released on the second Tuesday of every month until Windows 7 reached its end of life — one package containing security and quality updates, and a smaller package that contained only the security updates. Users could choose which package they wanted to install each month. Later in the month, another package would be released which was a preview of the next month’s security and quality update rollup.

Installing the preview rollup package released for Windows 7 on March 19, 2019, or any later released rollup package, that makes Windows more reliable. This change was made so Microsoft could continue to service the operating system while avoiding “version-related issues”.[157]

Microsoft announced in July 2019 that the Microsoft Internet Games services on Windows XP and Windows Me would end on July 31, 2019 (and for Windows 7 on January 22, 2020).[158]

The last non-extended security update rollup packages were released on January 14, 2020, the last day that Windows 7 had extended support.[159]

End of support (after January 14, 2020)

On January 14, 2020, Windows 7 support ended with Microsoft no longer providing security updates or fixes after that date,[160] except for subscribers of the Windows 7 Extended Security Updates (ESU), who were able to receive Windows 7 security updates through January 10, 2023.[161] However, there have been two updates that have been issued to non-ESU subscribers:

  • In February 2020, Microsoft released an update via Windows Update to fix a black wallpaper issue caused by the January 2020 update for Windows 7.[162][163]
  • In June 2020, Microsoft released an update via Windows Update to roll out the new Chromium-based Microsoft Edge to Windows 7 and 8.1 machines that are not connected to Active Directory.[164][165] Users, e.g. those on Active Directory, can download Edge from Microsoft’s website.

In a support document, Microsoft has stated that a full-screen upgrade warning notification would be displayed on Windows 7 PCs on all editions except the Enterprise edition after January 15, 2020. The notification does not appear on machines connected to Active Directory, machines in kiosk mode, or machines subscribed for Extended Security Updates.[166]


Critical reception

Windows 7 received critical acclaim, with critics noting the increased usability and functionality when compared with its predecessor, Windows Vista. CNET gave Windows 7 Home Premium a rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars,[167] stating that it «is more than what Vista should have been, [and] it’s where Microsoft needed to go». PC Magazine rated it a 4 out of 5 saying that Windows 7 is a «big improvement» over Windows Vista, with fewer compatibility problems, a retooled taskbar, simpler home networking and faster start-up.[168] Maximum PC gave Windows 7 a rating of 9 out of 10 and called Windows 7 a «massive leap forward» in usability and security, and praised the new Taskbar as «worth the price of admission alone.»[169] PC World called Windows 7 a «worthy successor» to Windows XP and said that speed benchmarks showed Windows 7 to be slightly faster than Windows Vista.[170] PC World also named Windows 7 one of the best products of the year.[171]
In its review of Windows 7, Engadget said that Microsoft had taken a «strong step forward» with Windows 7 and reported that speed is one of Windows 7’s major selling points—particularly for the netbook sets.[172] Laptop Magazine gave Windows 7 a rating of 4 out of 5 stars and said that Windows 7 makes computing more intuitive, offered better overall performance including a «modest to dramatic» increase in battery life on laptop computers.[173] TechRadar gave Windows 7 a rating of 5 out of 5 stars, concluding that «it combines the security and architectural improvements of Windows Vista with better performance than XP can deliver on today’s hardware. No version of Windows is ever perfect, but Windows 7 really is the best release of Windows yet.»[174] USA Today[175] and The Telegraph[176] also gave Windows 7 favorable reviews.

Nick Wingfield of The Wall Street Journal wrote, «Visually arresting,» and «A pleasure.»[177][178] Mary Branscombe of Financial Times wrote, «A clear leap forward.»[179] of Gizmodo wrote, «Windows 7 Kills Snow Leopard.»[180] Don Reisinger of CNET wrote, «Delightful.»[181] David Pogue of The New York Times wrote, «Faster.»[182][183] J. Peter Bruzzese and Richi Jennings of Computerworld wrote, «Ready.»[184][185]

Some Windows Vista Ultimate users have expressed concerns over Windows 7 pricing and upgrade options.[186][187] Windows Vista Ultimate users wanting to upgrade from Windows Vista to Windows 7 had to either pay $219.99[188] to upgrade to Windows 7 Ultimate or perform a clean install, which requires them to reinstall all of their programs.[189]

The changes to User Account Control on Windows 7 were criticized for being potentially insecure, as an exploit was discovered allowing untrusted software to be launched with elevated privileges by exploiting a trusted component. Peter Bright of Ars Technica argued that «the way that the Windows 7 UAC ‘improvements’ have been made completely exempts Microsoft’s developers from having to do that work themselves. With Windows 7, it’s one rule for Redmond, another one for everyone else.»[190] Microsoft’s Windows kernel engineer Mark Russinovich acknowledged the problem, but noted that malware can also compromise a system when users agree to a prompt.[90][191]


In July 2009, in only eight hours, pre-orders of Windows 7 at surpassed the demand which Windows Vista had in its first 17 weeks.[192] It became the highest-grossing pre-order in Amazon’s history, surpassing sales of the previous record holder, the seventh Harry Potter book.[193] After 36 hours, 64-bit versions of Windows 7 Professional and Ultimate editions sold out in Japan.[194] Two weeks after its release its market share had surpassed that of Snow Leopard, released two months previously as the most recent update to Apple’s Mac OS X operating system.[195][196] According to Net Applications, Windows 7 reached a 4% market share in less than three weeks; in comparison, it took Windows Vista seven months to reach the same mark.[197][198] As of February 2014, Windows 7 had a market share of 47.49% according to Net Applications; in comparison, Windows XP had a market share of 29.23%.[199]

On March 4, 2010, Microsoft announced that it had sold more than 90 million licenses.[200]
By April 23, 2010, more than 100 million copies were sold in six months, which made it Microsoft’s fastest-selling operating system.[201][202] As of June 23, 2010, Windows 7 has sold 150 million copies which made it the fastest selling operating system in history with seven copies sold every second.[202][203] Based on worldwide data taken during June 2010 from Windows Update 46% of Windows 7 PCs run the 64-bit edition of Windows 7.[204] According to Stephen Baker of the NPD Group during April 2010 in the United States 77% of PCs sold at retail were pre-installed with the 64-bit edition of Windows 7.[204][205] As of July 22, 2010, Windows 7 had sold 175 million copies.[206] On October 21, 2010, Microsoft announced that more than 240 million copies of Windows 7 had been sold.[207] Three months later, on January 27, 2011, Microsoft announced total sales of 300 million copies of Windows 7.[208] On July 12, 2011, the sales figure was refined to over 400 million end-user licenses and business installations.[209] As of July 9, 2012, over 630 million licenses have been sold; this number includes licenses sold to OEMs for new PCs.[210]

Antitrust concerns

As with other Microsoft operating systems, Windows 7 was studied by United States federal regulators who oversee the company’s operations following the 2001 United States v. Microsoft Corp. settlement. According to status reports filed, the three-member panel began assessing prototypes of the new operating system in February 2008. Michael Gartenberg, an analyst at Jupiter Research, said, «[Microsoft’s] challenge for Windows 7 will be how can they continue to add features that consumers will want that also don’t run afoul of regulators.»[211]

In order to comply with European antitrust regulations, Microsoft proposed the use of a «ballot» screen containing download links to competing web browsers, thus removing the need for a version of Windows completely without Internet Explorer, as previously planned.[212] Microsoft announced that it would discard the separate version for Europe and ship the standard upgrade and full packages worldwide, in response to criticism involving Windows 7 E and concerns from manufacturers about possible consumer confusion if a version of Windows 7 with Internet Explorer were shipped later, after one without Internet Explorer.[213]

As with the previous version of Windows, an N version, which does not come with Windows Media Player, has been released in Europe, but only for sale directly from Microsoft sales websites and selected others.[214]

See also

  • BlueKeep, a security vulnerability discovered in May 2019 that affected most Windows NT-based computers up to Windows 7


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Further reading

  • Bott, Ed; Siechert, Carl; Stinson, Craig (2010). Windows 7 Inside Out. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press. ISBN 978-0-7356-2665-2.

External links

  • Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1)
  • Windows 7 SP1 update history

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