Windows server 2012 работает диспетчер локальных сеансов

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Бесконечная загрузка — работает диспетчер локальных сеансов

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  • Есть чистый сервер 2012R2 без каких либо ролей и компонентов, со всеми последними обновлениями. Ставим SQL Standart 2012 SP1,  инсталляция проходит без каких либо ошибок. После перезагрузки, до предложения аутентификации
    на экране крутится — «работает диспетчер локальных сеансов» бесконечно , в безопасном режиме система грузится нормально, в журнале ошибок нет.

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  • Привет,

    Попробуйте тогда следующее:

    start -> msconfig.exe -> вкладку boot -> ставим галочку на hide all microsoft services и когда отобразятся все не microsoft’ские сервисы убираем галку с них и перезагрузитесь

    Как выполнить «чистую» загрузку в Windows

    Мнения, высказанные здесь, являются отражением моих личных взглядов, а не позиции корпорации Microsoft. Вся информация предоставляется «как есть» без каких-либо гарантий. Не забывайте помечать сообщения как ответы и полезные,
    если они Вам помогли.

  • не microsoft’ских сервисов

    только вкладка службы, а не boot если я правильно понял

  • Отключите «Защитник Windows» он часто приводит к подобным проблемам.

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  • Question

  • i have server 2012 running with Hyper V3. i have built a handful of server 2012 boxes, and al have been behaving themseles, unitl one of themrecently started taking ages to allow logon. it sits with the message «Please wait for the Local Session Manager»
    when RDP’ing to the machine, it times out, and wont allow you to logon. you can log into it using VMM, but you still get hit with a long wait at the «Please wait for the Local Session Manager», but you obviously dont get timed out.

    i have seen a similar issue on 2008, but the hotfix provided will not work on server 2012.

    does anybody have any ideas as to what might be causing this issue — there is nothing appearing in the event logs, i have run all Windows Updates up until the beginning of Dec 2013, and it was happening before then. it doesnt bother me, but obviously it
    bothers my client who doesnt connect via VMM, but uses RDP.

    any help would be most gratefully received



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  • Question

  • i have server 2012 running with Hyper V3. i have built a handful of server 2012 boxes, and al have been behaving themseles, unitl one of themrecently started taking ages to allow logon. it sits with the message «Please wait for the Local Session Manager»
    when RDP’ing to the machine, it times out, and wont allow you to logon. you can log into it using VMM, but you still get hit with a long wait at the «Please wait for the Local Session Manager», but you obviously dont get timed out.

    i have seen a similar issue on 2008, but the hotfix provided will not work on server 2012.

    does anybody have any ideas as to what might be causing this issue — there is nothing appearing in the event logs, i have run all Windows Updates up until the beginning of Dec 2013, and it was happening before then. it doesnt bother me, but obviously it
    bothers my client who doesnt connect via VMM, but uses RDP.

    any help would be most gratefully received



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  • Question

  • i have server 2012 running with Hyper V3. i have built a handful of server 2012 boxes, and al have been behaving themseles, unitl one of themrecently started taking ages to allow logon. it sits with the message «Please wait for the Local Session Manager»
    when RDP’ing to the machine, it times out, and wont allow you to logon. you can log into it using VMM, but you still get hit with a long wait at the «Please wait for the Local Session Manager», but you obviously dont get timed out.

    i have seen a similar issue on 2008, but the hotfix provided will not work on server 2012.

    does anybody have any ideas as to what might be causing this issue — there is nothing appearing in the event logs, i have run all Windows Updates up until the beginning of Dec 2013, and it was happening before then. it doesnt bother me, but obviously it
    bothers my client who doesnt connect via VMM, but uses RDP.

    any help would be most gratefully received



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  • Question

  • i have server 2012 running with Hyper V3. i have built a handful of server 2012 boxes, and al have been behaving themseles, unitl one of themrecently started taking ages to allow logon. it sits with the message «Please wait for the Local Session Manager»
    when RDP’ing to the machine, it times out, and wont allow you to logon. you can log into it using VMM, but you still get hit with a long wait at the «Please wait for the Local Session Manager», but you obviously dont get timed out.

    i have seen a similar issue on 2008, but the hotfix provided will not work on server 2012.

    does anybody have any ideas as to what might be causing this issue — there is nothing appearing in the event logs, i have run all Windows Updates up until the beginning of Dec 2013, and it was happening before then. it doesnt bother me, but obviously it
    bothers my client who doesnt connect via VMM, but uses RDP.

    any help would be most gratefully received



Pereronchino Pereronchino


3 сутки уже так работает, нечего не получается сделать. В безопасном режиме запускается

www www www www

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