Windows server appfabric ошибка загрузки sharepoint

I install SharePoint 2013 on a Windows Server 2012 R2 and got error when running SharePoint Products Preparation tool: Windows Server AppFabric: download error.
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  • I install SharePoint 2013 on a Windows Server 2012 R2 and got error when running SharePoint Products Preparation tool: Windows Server AppFabric: download error.

    I also go go control panel —> system —> Advanced system settings —> Environments Variables… —> PSModulePath —> Edit value to C:Windowssystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0Modules;c:Program
    FilesAppFabric 1.1 for Windows ServerPowershellModules or
    event I remove the PSModulePath and re-run the tool, I still got the error.

    I tried to install AppFabric manually, it said completed but I don’t know how to configure AppFabric to run with sharepoint then when I run sharepoint setup
    it said the AppFaric should be configured by 
    SharePoint Products Preparation tool, please uninstall AppFabric and run the SharePoint Products Preparation tool.

    The server has been updated (no new updates are available.)

    Any idea to help?


  • It works with me when run the command with full path: «C:Sourceprerequisiteinstaller.exe 


    • Marked as answer by

      Wednesday, May 31, 2017 6:27 AM

SharePoint Online training courses

While I was trying to install SharePoint in window server 2016 I got error as “Window Server App Fabric: download error”. The error exactly comes when we run the prerequisitesinstaller.exe file. The error looks like below:

windows server appfabric download error sharepoint 2016
windows server appfabric download error sharepoint 2016

To over come this we have to follow some steps.

We can download Windows Server Appfabric offline and can configure app fabric. Follow the below steps:

Step-1: Then we have to download APPFABRIC 1.1 from this MSDN link.

Once downloaded run the exe file. Then after getting “Accept License Terms” page we have to click on “yes accept the terms in the license agreement” then click on next.

windows server appfabric installation error sharepoint 2016
windows server appfabric installation error sharepoint 2016

Step-2: In “Customer Experience” click on “No, I do not want to participate in the program” which is by default then click on next.

windows server appfabric is not correctly configured sharepoint 2016
windows server appfabric is not correctly configured sharepoint 2016

Step-3: In Microsoft update click on I do not want to use Microsoft update which is by default. Then click on next.

the tool was unable to download windows server appfabric
the tool was unable to download windows server appfabric

Step-4: In “features”, check the Runtime and Administration Tools checkboxes. Both need to be checked.

windows server appfabric download error sharepoint 2013
windows server appfabric download error sharepoint 2013

Step-5: In Confirmation, we have to click on Install.

windows server appfabric download for sharepoint 2013
windows server appfabric download for sharepoint 2013

Step-6: Here in progress, we have to wait for some time till installing App fabric 1.1 for the window server is installed.

windows server appfabric download for sharepoint 2013
windows server appfabric download for sharepoint 2013

Step-7: Once the installation over, “AppFabric Server Configuration Wizard” will start automatically like below:

download microsoft windows server appfabric
download microsoft windows server appfabric

Here click on Next.

Step-8: In the Configure Hosting Services also we do not need to change anything. Just click on Next like below:

windows server appfabric download error
windows server appfabric download error

Then in the Configure Application page check “Start Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager” checkbox like below:

windows server appfabric download for sharepoint 2016
windows server appfabric download for sharepoint 2016

Then click on Finish and the configuration will over. If this solution will not work, check this, windows server appfabric download error sharepoint 2016

Now when run the prerequisitesinstaller.exe again, the error will not come.

Read some SharePoint tutorials:

  • SharePoint 2016 installation errors
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I hope this SharePoint tutorial helps us to fix error Window Server App Fabric: download error.

Bhawana Rathore

Hello Everyone!! I am Bhawana a SharePoint MVP and having about 10+ years of SharePoint experience as well as in .Net technologies. I have worked in all the versions of SharePoint from wss to Office 365. I have good exposure in Customization and Migration using Nintex, Metalogix tools. Now exploring more in SharePoint 2016 🙂 Hope here I can contribute and share my knowledge to the fullest. As I believe “There is no wealth like knowledge and no poverty like ignorance”

  • Remove From My Forums
  • Question

  • I install SharePoint 2013 on a Windows Server 2012 R2 and got error when running SharePoint Products Preparation tool: Windows Server AppFabric: download error.

    I also go go control panel —> system —> Advanced system settings —> Environments Variables… —> PSModulePath —> Edit value to C:Windowssystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0Modules;c:Program
    FilesAppFabric 1.1 for Windows ServerPowershellModules or
    event I remove the PSModulePath and re-run the tool, I still got the error.

    I tried to install AppFabric manually, it said completed but I don’t know how to configure AppFabric to run with sharepoint then when I run sharepoint setup
    it said the AppFaric should be configured by 
    SharePoint Products Preparation tool, please uninstall AppFabric and run the SharePoint Products Preparation tool.

    The server has been updated (no new updates are available.)

    Any idea to help?


  • It works with me when run the command with full path: «C:Sourceprerequisiteinstaller.exe 


    • Marked as answer by

      Wednesday, May 31, 2017 6:27 AM

  • Remove From My Forums
  • Question

  • I install SharePoint 2013 on a Windows Server 2012 R2 and got error when running SharePoint Products Preparation tool: Windows Server AppFabric: download error.

    I also go go control panel —> system —> Advanced system settings —> Environments Variables… —> PSModulePath —> Edit value to C:Windowssystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0Modules;c:Program
    FilesAppFabric 1.1 for Windows ServerPowershellModules or
    event I remove the PSModulePath and re-run the tool, I still got the error.

    I tried to install AppFabric manually, it said completed but I don’t know how to configure AppFabric to run with sharepoint then when I run sharepoint setup
    it said the AppFaric should be configured by 
    SharePoint Products Preparation tool, please uninstall AppFabric and run the SharePoint Products Preparation tool.

    The server has been updated (no new updates are available.)

    Any idea to help?


  • It works with me when run the command with full path: «C:Sourceprerequisiteinstaller.exe 


    • Marked as answer by

      Wednesday, May 31, 2017 6:27 AM

Данную проблему я буду рассматривать в контексте установки MS SharePoint 2013 Foundation, для функционирования которой требуется Windows Server AppFabric 1.1. Установка проводилась на физический сервер с установленной Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 x64.

В целом, проблем с установкой множества пререквизитов, которые требует SharePoint, не возникло. Но пришлось повозиться с компонентом Windows Server AppFabric, в процессе установки которого возникли следующие проблемы:

1) SharePoint сообщает о том, что AppFabric не установлен, хотя он установлен.

2) Попытка установить AppFabric 1.1 заканчивается ошибкой 1603.

3) При установке SharePoint, появляется сообщение о некорректной настройке AppFabric 1.1. Предлагается удалить программу и поставить ее заново.

1) SharePoint сообщает о том, что AppFabric не установлен, хотя он установлен.

На официальной странице с системными требованиями не указана версия AppFabric. Поэтому была установлена последняя (на момент написания этой статьи) версия 6.1. Установка которой, кстати, прошла вообще безо всяких проблем. Однако, контроль установленных пререквизитов сообщал, что AppFabric не установлен. И уже чуть позже было обращено внимание на пакет накопительных обновлений 1 для Microsoft AppFabric 1.1 (KB 2671763) в списке официальных требований. Поставить его не получилось, т.к. патч не находил установленной AppFabric. Тогда, для решения вопроса, AppFabric версии 6.1 был удален, а вместо него было решено поставить AppFabric 1.1 (какой большой разброс в версиях, не правда ли?). Но не все так просто. Попытка установить AppFabric 1.1 не удалась:

2) Попытка установить AppFabric 1.1 заканчивается ошибкой 1603.

В log-файле установки можно увидеть строчку Process.ExitCode: 0x00000643, которая также говорит о нештатной ситуации при установке. Проблема данная описана в Интернете и заключается в том, что в значении одной из системных переменных – PSModulePath, которое представляет собой несколько путей к каталогам, содержится символ двойная кавычка (“), который попадает туда в ходе установки одного из пререквизитов (возможно AppFabric, т.к. при попытке его переустановки, двойные кавычки появлялись снова). В общем, двойные кавычки нужно убрать, т.к. они нарушают синтаксис значения переменной и приводят к вышеуказанной ошибке. Смотреть нужно всю строку внимательно, от начала и до конца, т.к. кавычки могут оказаться где угодно. После удаления, необходимо повторить установку. В данном случае она прошла без ошибок.

Проблемы с установкой Windows Server AppFabric 1.1. Ошибка 1603, программа настроена не корректно.

3) При установке SharePoint, появляется сообщение о некорректной настройке AppFabric 1.1. Предлагается удалить программу и поставить ее заново.

Еще один сюрприз, который поджидает уже при установке SharePoint. Программа говорит о некорректной настройке AppFabric. Для решения AppFabric удалялся и заново устанавливался. Тем не менее проблемы это не решило. На большой официальной странице требований к SharePoint можно найти небольшое примечание относительно установки AppFabric, а именно: его необходимо устанавливать из командной строки (либо можно сделать bat-файл) с такими параметрами: «WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_x64.exe /i CacheClient,CachingService,CacheAdmin /gac«

/i — Это тихая установка. Установщик не будет ничего показывать или спрашивать у пользователя.
CacheClient,CachingService,CacheAdmin — перечень компонентов, которые необходимо установить.
/gac — означает, что компоненты устанавливаются в глобальный кэш. И установка именно с этим параметром будет являться правильно и не вызовет сообщения о некорректной настройке.

Отмечу, что при обычной установке AppFabric 1.1 без параметров вышеуказанных параметров может появиться и первая ошибка (о том, что AppFabric не установлен).

Даже запуск установки AppFabric с указанными параметрами вызвал ошибку: установщик сообщил о некорректных параметрах.

Пришлось их комбинировать в разных вариациях. Получился такой вариант запуска: «WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_x64.exe /i /gac». Установщик инсталлировал все компоненты в глобальный кэш. После чего SharePoint установился безо всяких ошибок.

As part of the SharePoint 2013 setup, we need to install all the prerequisites by executing “prerequisiteinstaller.exe” before we run the FARM configuration wizard.

AppFabric is one of the prerequisite to be installed. While I am executing the prerequisites setup file I got an error as “Windows Server AppFabric: Installation Error”.

SharePoint 2013 Setup AppFabric installation Error
SharePoint 2013 Setup AppFabric installation Error

As we all know without installing the prerequisites we can’t execute the SharePoint configuration wizard.

Below are the various solutions to cross the roadblock.

Solution 1:

You can install all the prerequisites either by executing “prerequisiteinstaller.exe” or you can download all the setup files and install them one by one.

Prerequisite Direct Link
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5

(Full Standalone package)


Download tFx45_Full_x86_x64.e

xe from stand-alone

section from

Windows Management Framework 3.0
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 Native Client Download 1033x64sqlncli.msi from

Windows Identity Foundation (KB974405)
Windows Identity Extensions
Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 SP1 (x64)
Windows Server AppFabric

(Note: don’t install WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_x64_6.1 this is not the correct version that SharePoint installer seeks)

Execute all the prerequisites in this article (except this one), let the prerequisite installer to install AppFabric and configure it manually for you by running the following command from command prompt:

prerequisiteInstaller.exe /appfabric:[Full AppFabric Installer path]

Ex: prerequisiteInstaller.exe /appfabric:”c: WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_x64_6.1.exe”

Microsoft Information Protection and Control Client
Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.0
Cumulative Update Package 1 for Microsoft AppFabric 1.1 for Windows Server (KB2671763 Download AppFabric1.1-RTM-KB2671763-x64-ENU.exe from

You need to Install AppFabric from above first then run this update,

Don’t run this update if AppFabric above is not installed yet

Solution 2:

Sometimes even you install prerequisites offline you might see this error. So ensure the below 2 points:

1. Multiple attempts to install AppFabric may have corrupted the PSModulePath environment variable. Check that PSModulePath in the Environment Variables looks like:

FilesAppFabric 1.1 for Windows ServerPowershellModules
My Computer -> properties -> Advanced system settings -> Environment Variable -> System Variable -> PSModulePath

2. Delete “Customer Experience Improvement Program” folder under
Once you delete the folder run the AppFabric setup.

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In this way, we can fix the windows server appfabric download error sharepoint 2013.

Krishna Vandanapu

I am Krishna.Vandanapu a SharePoint architect working in IT from last 13+ years, I worked in SharePoint 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 and Office 365. I have extensive hands on experience in customizing SharePoint sites from end to end. Expertise in SharePoint migration tools like Sharegate, Doc Ave and Metalogix. Migrated SharePoint sites from SharePoint 2007 to 2010 and 2010 to 2013 several times seamlessly. Implementing CSOM with Microsoft best practices. Spent quality time in configuring SharePoint application services like User Profile, Search, Managed Meta data services etc. Now exploring SharePoint Framework and SharePoint 2019

I have downloaded and installed all of the prerequisite installation files for SharePoint 2016. I even installed AppFabric. Afterwards, when attempting to install SharePoint, I receive the following errors:

This product requires Windows Server AppFabric with all its features and re-run setup.
Windows Server AppFabric is not correctly configured. You should uninstall Windows Server AppFabric and reinstall it using the SharePoint Product Preparation tool.
It gets better:

I uninstalled AppFabric with an uninstall tool. However, it is still displayed in my Windows applications.
I ran SharePoint’s prerequisiteinstaller.exe and placed the WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_x64 exe along with AppFabric1.1-RTM-KB2671763-x64-ENU exe in the prerequisiteinstallerfiles folder to no avail. The program eventually stops running during the execution of setup.
Can anyone provide a suggestion?

asked Nov 21, 2017 at 16:44

Kermit Love's user avatar

The problem is IE being set to not download files and also IE enhanced security being on, so turn it offenter image description here

enter image description here

answered Apr 23, 2019 at 8:50

Ved Prakash's user avatar

You can also use the «install from network share» microsoft solution by installing AppFabric with the prerequisites installer with command line specifying the installer path:

PrerequisiteInstaller.exe /AppFabric:"<path to installers>WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_x64.exe"

Ref: Install the SharePoint Server prerequisites at the command prompt

answered May 15, 2019 at 12:56

Marc-Antoine Jutras's user avatar

In my case I had not noticed PrerequisiteInstaller.exe and started from setup.exe. It showed requirements which I’ve downloaded and installed manually. I’ve even installed and configured appfabric 1.1 manually, but SP 2019 failed to install complaining on wrong appfabric installation/configuration.

In my case after removing appfabric I could not install it again by neither manual installation or installation through PrerequisiteInstaller.

To resolve the issue, I’ve:

  1. Reinstalled windows server (2016 in my case)
  2. Run PrerequisiteInstaller.exe first (all components have been installed)
  3. Run setup.exe (sp2019 has been installed)

answered Apr 2, 2021 at 23:32

Gryu's user avatar


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If you encountered the error message Windows Server AppFabric is not correctly configured, you are not the only user experiencing this issue.

This error occurs in 3 possible situations:

  • You are not connected to the Internet and tried to install Windows Server AppFabric manually (double-clicked installer file).
  • You have an internet connection and you tried installing SharePoint Server 2013 RTM on Windows Server 2012 R2.
  • In the case that your server is configured as a Workgroup.

In today’s fix article we will explore the best way to deal with this issue. Following these steps will allow you to successfully install Windows Server AppFabric to your server.

Here’s how to fix the Windows Server AppFabric is not correctly configured error

Offline install process for Windows Server AppFabric for SharePoint 2016/2013

Note: In case you installed Windows Server AppFabric by double-clicking the installation file, you will need to navigate to the Apps and Features menu inside Windows, and uninstall it. After the uninstall process, please restart your server and follow the steps mentioned below.

1. Move the AppFabric app installer and open PowerShell

  1. Navigate to the location of the WindowsServerAppFabricSetup.exe file to your server’s drive C:/.
  2. Press Win+X keys on your keyboard -> select PowerShell (Admin).
  3. Inside the PowerShell window -> type the following command: .WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_x64.exe /i CacheClient,CachingService,CacheAdmin /gacPowershell admin command - Windows Server appfabric not correctly configured
  4. Press Enter to run the command.
  5. If you get a Command-Line syntax error -> run this command in PowerShell: .WindowsServerAppFabricSetup.exe/i CacheClient'',''CachingService'',''CacheAdmin /gac
  6. Wait for the AppFabric installation to complete.

Windows Server doesn’t update? Try these methods to fix it

2. Install update package for Microsoft AppFabric 1.1

  1. Install the Cumulative Update Package 1 for Microsoft AppFabric 1.1.
  2. If you’re using SharePoint 2016 -> install the Cumulative Update 7 (3092423) for Microsoft AppFabric 1.1.Cumulative update 7 download - Windows server appfabric not configured correctly
  3. Reboot your server -> Rerun the SharePoint installation.

Note: SharePoint Server 2013 RTM is not supported on Windows Server 2012 R2. In order to install SharePoint 2013 you can try these two methods:

  • Install SharePoint Server 2013 with SP1 on Windows Server 2012 R2.
  • Install SharePoint Server 2013 RTM on Windows Server 2012.

In today’s fix article we discussed the best way to deal with the Windows Server AppFabric not correctly configured error message. Please make sure to follow the steps presented in this article carefully to avoid causing any other issues.

Please feel free to let us know if this fix article helped you solve your issue.

You can do so by simply using the comment section found below this article.

Still having issues? Fix them with this tool:


If the advices above haven’t solved your issue, your PC may experience deeper Windows problems. We recommend downloading this PC Repair tool (rated Great on to easily address them. After installation, simply click the Start Scan button and then press on Repair All.

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on 16/11/2016

If you are installing SharePoint 2016 Prerequisites manually downloading the files and after that run the “Install Software Prerequisites” from SharePoint 2016 installation file to verify everything installed manually is correct, you may face error like this “Windows Server Appfabric: Installation error“. sp2016

This is a generic MSI error message and does not give any indication about how to get the issue fixed. Uninstall or reinstalling only makes it worse.

Resolution :

The reason being the prerequisites installs the file and configure it automatically. If we install manually, then we are trying to bypass the configuration, so that error will be received. The issue can be caused due to the following: *  The path to the PowerShell executable that is needed for the AppFabric installation is incorrect. *  In some scenarios, repeated uninstallation and re-installation does not fix the issue. This is because the installer does not remove the PSModulePath entry in Environment *  Variables during uninstallation and the installation fails because the entry already exists. If you are trying to install all the prerequisites manually as the server does not have a connection to internet. Note: Appfabric installation and configuration has to be done by the prerequisite installer ONLY and not in a stand-alone manner.You should follow the manual process of installation  if there is error in automatic process by following Install Prerequisite (prerequisiteinstaller.exe) . You can implement any one of the two solutions listed below Solution 1 Append the following path to PSModulePath entry in the environment variables – %SYSTEMROOT%System32WindowsPowerShellv1.0

  • Go to My Computer, right-click Properties
  • On the System page click Advanced System Settings on the left-side pane.
  • If you receive a UAC prompt, click on Yes to launch the System Properties dialog box
  • From the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables
  • Within the System Variables section in the lower half, select PSModulePath and click on Edit (or double-click PSModulePath‘)
  • Append the following path to PSModulePath entry in the environment variables %SYSTEMROOT%System32WindowsPowerShellv1.0
  • Ensure that the PSModulePath entry looks like this: C:Windowssystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0Modules;c:Program FilesAppFabric 1.1 for Windows ServerPowershellModules

Solution 2

  • There are chances that other applications might be referencing the same variable and may fail if it is deleted. This is what we can do if solution 1 does not help.
  • Remove the PSModulePath entry from the ‘Environment Variables’ and re-run the installer. Once it completes successfully, ensure that the PSModulePath entry looks the same as mentioned in solution 1.

Reference :

Categories: InstallationConfiguration, SharePoint 2016

Tags: appfabric installation error, InstallationConfiguration, Prerequisite, sharepoint 2016 appfabric installation error, SharePoint2016, windows server appfabric, Windows Server Appfabric Installation error

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