Windows server ftp 530 user cannot log in

While trying to connect to your FTP server hosted by IIS, you may run into “530 User cannot log in, home directory inaccessible” error. This error occurs whether you are using anonymous access or basic authentication.   A sample connection log from an FTP client:   530 User cannot log in, home dire...

While trying to connect to your FTP server hosted by IIS, you may run into “530 User cannot log in, home directory inaccessible” error. This error occurs whether you are using anonymous access or basic authentication.

A sample connection log from an FTP client:

530 User cannot log in, home directory inaccessible.
Critical error: Could not connect to server


This issue may appear as “Failed to retrieve directory listing” or “Home directory inaccessible” error as well.

Depending on the FTP client, you may not see the detailed error message right away. For instance, when I tried to connect to the same site with the same configuration by using WinSCP, I received “Access Denied” error. If your FTP client doesn’t show the entire connection history, look for the log folder to get more information about the root cause.


There might be a few reasons for running into this error. Here are the most common root causes and their solutions:

  • The user may not be have access to the home directory. Go to “IIS > FTP site > FTP User Isolation”. Select the directory that your users can access. More information about User Isolation settings
  • IIS may not be configured to use passive mode FTP. There are two types of FTP connections: Active mode and passive mode. In active mode, the client opens a port. The server connects to this port for transferring data. In passive mode, the server opens a port. The client connects to this port to transfer data. In order to use passive mode, enter a port range and IP address in “IIS > Server name > FTP Firewall Support” page



Note: You can configure your FTP client to use only the active mode if you don’t want to turn on passive mode

Less common reasons for 530 error

The items below may cause “530 User cannot log in, home directory inaccessible” as well.

  • Authorization rules. Make sure to have an Authorization rule that allows the user or anonymous access. Check “IIS > FTP site > FTP Authorization Rules” page to allow or deny access for certain or all users.
  • NTFS permissions. The FTP users (local or domain users) should have permissions on the physical folder. Right click the folder and go to Properties. In the Security tab, make sure the user has required permissions. You can ignore Shared tab. It is not used for FTP access. 
  • Locked account. If you local or domain account is locked or expired, you may end up seeing “User cannot log in” error. Check local user properties or Active Directory user settings to make sure the user account is active. 
  • Other permission issues. The user account may not have “Log on locally” or “Allow only anonymous connections security” rights. 

If you are still seeing the issue, check IIS and FTP logs (c:inetpublogsLogFilesFTPSVC2) but don’t let it mislead you. IIS logs sometimes may show PASS. It doesn’t mean everything is well. It’s better to check FTP logs that IIS records for FTP connections


Note: In a case with “Connection closed by the server” error for FTP connection, we determined the root cause as the corruption of system files occurred during in-place server upgrade.

I spent long time looking for a solution, I’ve tried every shared answer on the internet and nothing could solve the issue. It is an issue I was ignoring for years and I never could fix.

Ok, I’ve Plesk installed and I’m not sure if it has some effect on IIS FTP to do the following behavior …

Using Process Monitor tool, and making ftp login request and watching the tool and doing your investigation using this tool, you can get a hint about the REAL reason of the problem.

For me, I found out that IIS FTP was trying to access the ftp folder from a path DIFFERENT than the actual ftp path I’ve set, I do not know why, but maybe Plesk has some effect on this.

The actual ftp path is


The path that IIS FTP was trying to access DURING the login process is


I fixed the issue by creating a folder link from ‘actual’ folder path to the path IIS was trying to access — using the tool mklink tool

CMD command

mklink /d C:inetpubvhostsServers7localuserzid_app_ftp_user "C:inetpubvhostszidapp" 

I’ve fixed the issue that way, so wen FTP is trying to access the folder from the wrong path, it is now goes to the correct one.

Please note doing folder shortcut wont work for this, you need a link like linux, not a shortcut …

I hope it will help you :)

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  • I have FTP issue on windows server 2012. Error when login to ftp server.

    530 User cannot log in.
    Login failed.

    This error appear when i enable FTP user Isolation -> Isolate users. Restrict user to the following directory -> Username disrectory (disable global virtual dirictory).

    Please help. Thanks


  • Hi,

    Firstly, please make sure that the user account has permissions to log in. 

    In addition, if you configure FTP user isolation using the
    User name directory (disable global virtual directories) option, all FTP user sessions are restricted to the virtual or physical directory with the same name of the FTP user account, and all global virtual directories will be ignored.
    All virtual directories must be defined explicitly under a user’s physical or virtual home directory path.

    Which user account you have used to log in? Please make sure that you have created a physical or virtual directory for the user account that will access your FTP site.

    Although the link below is for Windows Server 2208 R2, it would be similar on Windows server 2012:

    FTP User Isolation Page

    Besides, it seems that the question is more related to IIS, I also recommend you to ask in IIS forum for professional assistance:

    Best regards,


    • Marked as answer by

      Monday, July 14, 2014 6:23 AM


  1. Error 530 when you browse anonymous FTP sites configured for Active Directory User Isolation in IIS 7.0 and 7.5
  2. Symptoms
  3. Cause
  4. Resolution
  5. More information
  6. Ошибка 530 при просмотре анонимных FTP-сайтов, настроенных для изоляции пользователей Active Directory в IIS 7.0 и 7.5
  7. Симптомы
  8. Причина
  9. Решение
  10. Дополнительные сведения
  11. Блог вопиющего в пустыне
  12. IIS7 Windows Server 2008 FTP -> Response: 530 User cannot log in
  13. 7 Answers 7
  14. FTP Error 530, User cannot log in, home directory inaccessible
  15. 8 Answers 8

Error 530 when you browse anonymous FTP sites configured for Active Directory User Isolation in IIS 7.0 and 7.5

This article helps you resolve the error 530 that occurs when you browse an anonymous FTP site configured for Active Directory User Isolation in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0 or 7.5.

Original product version: В Internet Information Services 7.0, 7.5
Original KB number: В 2649659


Consider the following scenario. You configure an FTP site in IIS 7.0 or 7.5. In the IIS manager, you allow anonymous authentication for the FTP site, and then configure Active Directory User Isolation to isolate users to their own FTP directories. When a user then tries to access the FTP site anonymously, one of the following error conditions may occur:

Error condition 1: Using the ftp.exe FTP client

If the user is navigating to the FTP site using the ftp.exe command-line FTP client built into Windows, or another similar command-line FTP client, the following error is displayed:

530-User cannot log in.
Win32 error: Access is denied.
Error details: Home directory lookup failed.

Error condition 2: Using Internet Explorer as the FTP client

If the user is navigating to the FTP site using Internet Explorer, and the Log on anonymously checkbox is checked, clicking the Log on button will result in the user being prompted to enter the anonymous credentials repeatedly.


This behavior is by design. Configuring an FTP site for anonymous access as well as Active Directory User Isolation is not supported.


When configuring an FTP site for Active Directory User Isolation, do not allow anonymous access. FTP sites configured with Active Directory User Isolation must use Basic Authentication.

More information

For more information about configure FTP User Isolation in IIS 7.0 and 7.5, see the following articles:


Ошибка 530 при просмотре анонимных FTP-сайтов, настроенных для изоляции пользователей Active Directory в IIS 7.0 и 7.5

Эта статья поможет устранить ошибку 530, которая возникает при просмотре анонимного FTP-сайта, настроенного для изоляции пользователей Active Directory в Microsoft IIS (IIS) 7.0 или 7.5.

Исходная версия продукта: Internet Information Services 7.0, 7.5
Исходный номер базы знаний: 2649659


Рассмотрим следующий сценарий. Сайт FTP настраивается в IIS 7.0 или 7.5. В диспетчере IIS вы разрешаете анонимную проверку подлинности для FTP-сайта, а затем настраиваете изоляцию пользователей Active Directory, чтобы изолировать пользователей от собственных FTP-каталогов. Когда пользователь пытается получить анонимный доступ к FTP-сайту, может возникнуть одно из следующих условий ошибки:

Условие ошибки 1. Использование ftp.exe FTP-клиента

Если пользователь выполняет переход на FTP-сайт с помощью FTP-клиента ftp.exe командной строки, встроенного в Windows, или другого аналогичного FTP-клиента командной строки, отображается следующее сообщение об ошибке:

Пользователь 530 не может войти в систему.
Ошибка Win32: доступ запрещен.
Сведения об ошибке: сбой поиска домашнего каталога.

Условие ошибки 2. Использование Internet Explorer в качестве FTP-клиента

Если пользователь переходит на FTP-сайт с помощью Internet Explorer и установлен флажок «Вход в систему анонимно», при нажатии кнопки «Вход» пользователю будет предложено ввести анонимные учетные данные несколько раз.


Такое поведение является особенностью данного продукта. Настройка FTP-сайта для анонимного доступа, а также изоляции пользователей Active Directory не поддерживается.


При настройке FTP-сайта для изоляции пользователей Active Directory не разрешать анонимный доступ. Сайты FTP, настроенные с изоляцией пользователей Active Directory, должны использовать обычную проверку подлинности.

Дополнительные сведения

Дополнительные сведения о настройке ftP User Isolation в IIS 7.0 и 7.5 см. в следующих статьях:


Блог вопиющего в пустыне

Может это интересно?

Сделал, но при подключении получил ошибку «530 user cannot login in, home directory inaccessible».

Сначала на сервере проверил наличие пользователя ftp_user_00 в оснастке «Управление компьютером/Локальные пользователи». Пользователь присутствует.

Потом стал проверять права доступа на каталоги, — всё нормально, пользователь ftp_user_00 с соответствующими правами в свойствах каталогов есть, а доступа по-прежнему нет.
Добавил в каталог пользователя «Все», — ничего не изменилось.
Залез в групповые политики. Всё, вроде, нормально.
Потом в диспетчере IIS на начальной странице ftp-сайта стал просматривать встроенные возможности начиная с «Проверки подлинности FTP» и далее, пока не открыл «Правила авторизации FTP», а его там нет (пользователя ftp_user_00).

Добавил разрешающее правило для ftp_user_00 на чтение и запись.

Соединение пошло. Вот надо было сразу лезть в «Правила авторизации FTP», а не ковыряться по каталогам. Видимо, когда менял логин (а по сути, — это новый локальный пользователь), то добавил его в оснастке «Управление компьютером/Локальные пользователи», но при этом забыл добавить в «Правила авторизации FTP» на ftp-сайте.
Вывод. Одна из причин (если не первая) ошибки «530 user cannot login in, home directory inaccessible» при подключении к ftp-сайту (IIS), — отсутствие пользователя, под которым идет подключение, в «Правилах авторизации FTP» в Диспетчере служб IIS.


IIS7 Windows Server 2008 FTP -> Response: 530 User cannot log in

I just launched my first IIS FTP site following many of the tutorials from IIS.NET. I’m using IIS Users and Permissions rather than anonymous and/or basic.

This is what I’m seeing while trying to establish the connection.

7 Answers 7

It’s quite old but I found myself in the same situation. I solved giving the right permission to the «Network services» on some configurafiles:

On Windows Server 2008 you must now use these commands:

in my situation, I was missing Role Service FTP extensibility, which is actually allows IIS Manager Auth. This is pretty tricky, as you could allow IIS Manager auth, but still it would not work until you have not installed FTP Extensibility

This worked for me on Windows Server 2012

Looks like you are not able to connect to the server. The issue is not related to password. I am not sure what you mean when you said «

using IIS Users and Permissions rather than anonymous and/or basic

You will need to implement some authentication either Anonymous or Basic. Follow this article and you should be good.

In my case, I created two user acccounts FTPUser and FTPAdmin in my local Windows machine. Actually when I created the same users in IIS it didn’t work. But you’ve to create local Windows users using user accounts.

This problem occurs when one of the following scenarios is true:

The Allow only anonymous connections security setting has been turned on in the Microsoft Management Console (MMC).

The username does not have the Log on locally permission in User Manager.

The username does not have the Access this computer from the network permission in User Manager.

The Domain Name was not specified together with the username (in the form of DOMAINusername).

Do any of these apply?

Also as a side note I would recommend using SFTP instead of FTP — as you may know FTP transfers everything in cleartext (passwords included).


FTP Error 530, User cannot log in, home directory inaccessible

I’ve been tasked with setting up an FTP directory for a client of ours. I’m working from a Windows 2008 Server with IIS 7 installed.

To create the FTP user directory I’ve followed this eHow tutorial.

The FTP site is already set up on IIS 7, so I skipped that bit and followed the rest exactly. However, when I try to connect via FileZilla, I get the following errors:

I’ve double checked the permissions of the user and everything appears to be as it should. If anyone has any advice, I’d be so grateful.

8 Answers 8

It’s not clear to me from reading your post and the link you provided as to whether or not you’re using user isolation. My suggestion would be to determine whether or not you want to use user isolation or not and then start from scratch.

Here’s a link that may help:

I just hit this issue and for anyone googling the error would like to add the solution that worked on Windows Server 2012 IIS 8.0. It was very simple in the end you have to create a LocalUser folder in the FTP root you specified when creating the FTP site. Then create your username folders under this folder.

For e.g. D:ftp-rootLocalUseruser1

It is the user isolation setting.

You will need change it to «do not isolate users, start users in «user name directory» «

Another cause of this error can be the use of FTP IPv4 Address and Domain Restrictions.

If your IIS FTP Site, or one of its parents including the Default site, is using IPv4 Address Restrictions then you’ll need to ensure that your IP address is allowed.

I had this same issue you’ve described, with the exact same Error returned to FileZilla. Here’s how I fixed it:

  1. Open the IIS Manager
  2. Click on the Sites >Default FTP Site settings
  3. Open FTP IPv4 Address and Domain Restrictions
  4. Ask Google what is my ip
  5. Add your public IP address to the allowed list under FTP IPv4 Address and Domain Restrictions
  6. Open Services from the Start Menu
  7. Find the Microsoft FTP Service in the Started Services list
  8. Restart the Microsoft FTP Service

We had the same issue . (530 user cannot log in, home directory inaccessible)The problem was a new opening (To allow more sessions) in our firewall allowed another IP to our FTP server (We have IP restrictions setup) Solution was to add the IP to the IPRestrictions ALLOW LIST

Check the FTP logs recorded by IIS. The status and sub-status codes will give you more information about the issue. Here is a list of the status codes: The FTP status codes in IIS 7.0 and later versions

In my case, this issue occured because my IIS wasn’t configured for passive mode. After entering a port range and external IP address in FTP Firewall Support feature, the error message disappeared:

In this blog post, it mentions a few more root causes: 530 User cannot log in, home directory inaccessible

Authorization rules. Make sure to have an Authorization rule that allows the user or anonymous access. Check “IIS > FTP site > FTP Authorization Rules” page to allow or deny access for certain or all users.

NTFS permissions. The FTP users (local or domain users) should have permissions on the physical folder. Right click the folder and go to Properties. In the Security tab, make sure the user has required permissions. You can ignore Shared tab. It is not used for FTP access.

Locked account. If you local or domain account is locked or expired, you may end up seeing “User cannot log in” error. Check local user properties or Active Directory user settings to make sure the user account is active.

Other permission issues. The user account may not have “Log on locally” or “Allow only anonymous connections security” rights.


Are you receiving FTP error 530 user cannot log in home directory inaccessible? We can help you fix it.

While trying to connect to the FTP server we may run into this error message. In most cases, this error occurs only when FTP authorization rules for default FTP site are not set.

At Bobcares, we often get requests from our customers regarding FTP errors as part of our Server Management Services.

Today, let’s get into the details on how our Support Engineers fix the FTP error for our customers.

Why FTP shows 530 user cannot log in home directory inaccessible error?

The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to transfer computer files from one host to another host over a TCP-based network. FTP built on Cilent-Server Architecture and it uses separate connections for control and data.

When connecting locally from Windows Server via FTP using a subscription FTP user, the operation fails with the below error.

FTP error 530 user cannot log in home directory inaccessible

Depending on the FTP client the error message appear as “Failed to retrieve directory listing” or “Home directory inaccessible” error as well. There might be a few reasons for running into this error.

Now, it’s time to see the reasons that cause 530 FTP anonymous messages.

Top causes for “530 User cannot log in, home directory inaccessible”

From our experience in managing servers, we often see customers experiencing problems like “530 User cannot log in, home directory inaccessible”.

Let’s check the common reasons one by one and see how our Support Engineers fix it.

1. Authorization rules

In most cases, this error occurs only when FTP authorization rules for default FTP site are not set. For that, we set the Authorization rule by the following the below steps.

a. Initially, we log in to the VPS via Remote Desktop connection as an Administrator user.

b. Then we open IIS and expand Sites option from left pane.

c. After that we select the default FTP site in site list and click the FTP Authorization Rules option.

d. From the right pane, we click on Add Allow Rule.

e. Then we select the option of All Users and tick the check box of Read and Write permission.

f. Finally, we click on Ok button to save the changes and Restart Microsoft FTP Services to reflect them.

2. The user is not able to access to the home directory.

This is the another root cause of the error. We make sure to select the directory that the users can access by selecting IIS > FTP site > FTP User Isolation and select the FTP root directory.

3. NTFS permissions

We make sure that the FTP users have permissions on the physical folder. For that, we right click the folder > Properties > Security tab and check the user permissions.

Even after making the changes, sometimes to reflect the changes we need to restart Microsoft FTP Services. Here is the steps to restart the FTP service.

1. Open Services and select the service named Microsoft FTP Service.

2. Then click on Restart link from the left pane option.

After that we log in to the FTP account. If everything is fine, then no error will appear while connecting to the FTP account.

[Need assistance in fixing the error? – We will fix it for you.]


To be more accurate, “530 User cannot log in, home directory inaccessible” error happens due to various reasons like incorrect rules, permissions and many more. Today, we saw common causes for the error and also saw how our Support Engineers fixed it.


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При подключении к ftp-сайту (IIS) ошибка «530 user cannot login in, home directory inaccessible»

Сделал, но при подключении получил ошибку «530 user cannot login in, home directory inaccessible».

Сначала на сервере проверил наличие пользователя ftp_user_00 в оснастке «Управление компьютером/Локальные пользователи». Пользователь присутствует.

Потом стал проверять права доступа на каталоги, — всё нормально, пользователь ftp_user_00 с соответствующими правами в свойствах каталогов есть, а доступа по-прежнему нет.
Добавил в каталог пользователя «Все», — ничего не изменилось.
Залез в групповые политики. Всё, вроде, нормально.
Потом в диспетчере IIS на начальной странице ftp-сайта стал просматривать встроенные возможности начиная с «Проверки подлинности FTP» и далее, пока не открыл «Правила авторизации FTP», а его там нет (пользователя ftp_user_00).

 Добавил разрешающее правило для ftp_user_00 на чтение и запись.

Соединение пошло. Вот надо было сразу лезть в «Правила авторизации FTP», а не ковыряться по каталогам. Видимо, когда менял логин (а по сути, — это новый локальный пользователь), то добавил его в оснастке «Управление компьютером/Локальные пользователи», но при этом забыл добавить в «Правила авторизации FTP» на ftp-сайте.
Вывод. Одна из причин (если не первая) ошибки «530 user cannot login in, home directory inaccessible» при подключении к ftp-сайту (IIS), — отсутствие пользователя, под которым идет подключение, в «Правилах авторизации FTP» в Диспетчере служб IIS.

[Solved] 530 User Cannot Log In, home directory inaccessible

Operating system and webserver requirements for a secure FTP Server.

  1. Applied Operating system – Microsoft Windows Server 2012, 2016, 2019
  2. Web Server – IIS10
  3. TLS Server certificate
  4. Microsoft Windows and any perimeter firewall configuration for FTP inbound ports like 21 etc.

Secure FTP servers are basic requirements for a setup where you need to share the files with the customer and receive the log files. Working with Integrated Windows environment can be problem some time as it comes with many issues related to design, documentation and implementation methods available on vendor websites. Secure FTP server can be configured on IIS10 for Microsoft Windows based environment using the TLS server authentication and TLS/SSL explicit Encryption. This can create lots of problems while configuration when you follow each and every instructions from the above URL and still getting and error “530 User Cannot Log In, home directory inaccessible”.

Above error can occur if you are configuring FTP server on windows 2012 and 2016 server. All the rights and other settings are defined as described in windows official website but still the FTP server is not working. Home directory assigned in FTP server have all the required rights for the user trying to access the FTP server. After searching the Google for around 1 hour I found this solution to assign rights on under given path:


but still no luck.

I deleted the FTP site from IIS and recreated it. after that I restarted the FTP service from windows services and this method worked for me but this might not work for others as at first it didn’t worked for me as well. There is another thing which is not listed on any Microsoft FTP server configuration documentation that when you configure the Secure FTP server with user directory isolation you need to take care of the user name and directory name which must be identical (Same).

e.g. If you have created an account like secure.ftp you must create a directory with the same name otherwise it will not work and give the error “530 User Cannot Log In, home directory inaccessible” while the user try to access the FTP account from any FTP client.

I hope this will help someone and save a valuable time.

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  • User-63786118 posted
    This is the first time I have ever setup IIS, I have been extremely impressed on how easy it is to get going on the whole, however I have hit one problem I have gone to the furthest lengths to fix myself and I just cant work it out! The FTP service, despite
    following good guides on this website, refuses to work for me! No matter what I do with permissions (even allowing Anonymous Login) I get this error: «Response: 530 User cannot log in, home directory inaccessible.» Process Monitor Output:
    I am just trying to get Basic Authentication working with Windows Users. I cannot make sense as to why there is no error. (Using IIS from within Windows 2008, not from Any troubleshooting assistance is most appreciated! Thanks — Chris


  • User989702501 posted

    In new ftp, you need to configure authorization before any access. and now it supports both Windows and IIS users, giving you more flexibility. For the folder direction, you must have add it to default web site (ftp publishing) I suggest you read the articles
    here to know more about this new ftp component from MS.

    • Marked as answer by

      Tuesday, September 28, 2021 12:00 AM

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