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Small Business Server 2008

Windows Small Business Server 2008 . Мicrosoft . Программное обеспечение

Компания Майкрософт предлагает серверные продукты для компаний различного сегмента, позволяющие сделать Ваш бизнес более успешным – Small Business Server 2008, Essential Business Server 2008 и Windows Server 2008.
Windows Small Business Server 2008

Small Business Server 2008–полнофункциональное серверное решение для компаний с парком до 75ПК. Small Business Server 2008– идеально подходит для малых и средних компании, позволяет улучшить защиту данных и повысить эффективность работы компании,  снизив при этом расходы на внедрение. Small Business Server 2008 предлагается в двух выпусках – Standard и Premium.

Основные преимущества Small Business Server 2008:

  • Экономия ИТ- бюджета. SBS 2008 позволит сэкономить 35-45% на покупку технологий Майкрософт. Для небольших компаний до 75ПК SBS 2008 является самым экономически выгодным вариантом приобретения продуктов Майкрософт. SBS 2008 дает возможность предприятиям создать ИТ-инфраструктуру «с нуля» с минимальными затратами.
  • Доступность данных. С SBS 2008 Вы сможете в любое время и из любой точки мира получать доступ к своему рабочему компьютеру, включая доступ к электронной почте, файлам, бизнес-приложениям.

  • Совместное использование. С SBS 2008 Вы можете совместно использовать ресурсы и оборудование, доступ в Интернет, принтеры и факсимильные устройства, чтобы получить максимальную выгоду из инвестиций в ИТ-технологии.

  • Удобство управления. Интегрированная консоль администрирования дает возможность управлять всей ИТ-инфраструктурой из одной точки.

  • Защита и восстановление данных. Windows Small Business Server 2008 надежно защищает важнейшую информацию от потерь благодаря автоматическому резервному копированию данных на рабочих станциях и серверах в сети. Обеспечивает возможность восстановления случайно удаленных файлов.

  • Безопасность. Средства антивирусной защиты, входящие в состав SBS 2008, помогают надежно защитить информацию от вредоносных атак, фишинга, вирусов и спама.

  • Удаленный доступ. Windows Small Business Server 2008 предоставляет защищенный удаленный доступ к спискам деловых контактов, календарям, электронной почте, файлам и другим важным ресурсам настольной системы с любого устройства, подключенного к Интернету, в любое время и из любой точки мира, что обеспечивает неприрывность бизнес процессов, находясь вне офиса.

  • Использование новейших технологий.  C SBS 2008 клиенты получают технологии Майкрософт, благодаря которым Вы сможете увеличить эффективность повседневных операций, улучшить взаимодействие с клиентами и партнерами, сделать ИТ-инфраструктуру более безопасной и надежной.

Основные ограничения SBS 2008

  • Не позволяет обслуживать более 75ПК;
  • SBS 2008 редакции Standard поддерживает только 64-разрядную платформу, второй сервер редакции Premium можно установить на 32-разрядную платформу;

  • Не поддерживаются дочерние домены и трастовые отношения с другими доменами;

  • SBS 2008 не включает Office Outlook 2007.

Новшества SBS 2008 по сравнению с SBS 2003

  • Появился второй сервер при приобретении редакции Premium;
  • Возможность терминального доступа при приобретении редакции Premium;
  • SQL Server Standard Edition при приобретении редакции Premium (в SBS 2003 Premium была включена редакция  SQL Server Workgroup Edition).

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Поставляется ТОЛЬКО в составе. готового сервера сборки НИКС. ОЕМ-лицензия

Основные характеристики


Windows Small Business Server

Тип оборудования

Операционная система


Серверный программный продукт

Комплект поставки и опции

Опции (лицензии клиентского доступа на пользователя)

Windows Small Business Server 2008 Standard User CAL Рус., Windows Small Business Server 2008 Premium User CAL Рус.

Опции (лицензии клиентского доступа на устройство)

Windows Small Business Server 2008 Standard Device CAL Рус., Windows Small Business Server 2008 Premium Device CAL Рус.

Функциональные возможности


Требования к системе

Процессор 2 ГГц; RAM 4 Гб; свободные 60 Гб на жестком диске


Размеры упаковки

19.3 x 13.7 x 3 см


Горячая линия производителя

Служба поддержки (только при проблемах с активацией). Московский телефон: +7 495 916-71-71. Телефон для регионов России: 8 800 200-80-01 (бесплатный федеральный номер)

Отзывы о Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2008 Premium Edition 5клиентов Рус. OEM

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  • Are you in need of a server solution perfect for a small business? Look no further than Windows Small Business Server 2008 Premium. Equipped with improvements, exclusive features, and new capabilities, it remains as one of the most reliable server solutions to this date. The system aims to improve your operating capabilities and help you bring your business to the next level while staying within the restrictions of your budget. There’s no need for IT experts and complex server infrastructures to accomplish great things — the Premium edition is here to help.

    Get the full Windows Server experience with easy-to-install software based on the Windows Server 2008 operating system. You get a user-friendly management interface, which allows you to cut down on the costs of hiring expert help for future installations and deployments. The simplified console helps you to perform daily server administration tasks, manage security, and keep track of your backups.

    Don’t hesitate and purchase Windows Small Business Server 2008 Premium from us for a great price to enjoy all the benefits of this compact, simple, and reliable server solution.


    Overview of Windows Small Business Server 2008 Premium Features

    • • Enjoy an additional server with Small Business Server 2008 Premium, which adds a second server to run data management and analysis via SQL Server.
    • • The Windows Server 2008 technologies provide a strong foundation for your Small Business Server. It’s flexible, easy to operate, and allows you to take your business to the next level without going over your budget.
    • • Message and collaborate within your organization seamlessly with the help of Microsoft Exchange Server technologies.
    • • Stay secure with Microsoft Forefront Security for Exchange Server to keep your e-mailing and collaborating ventures private and protected at all times.
    • • Integrate with Office Live Small Business and take your business online.
    • • Usage and performance reporting are readily available.
    • • Keep yourself updated with real-time status alerts about security issues, needed updates, backups, and other system alerts.

    Secure User Data

    Staying secure is a constant battle against viruses, malware, and other harmful technologies that all businesses face on a daily. Especially for small businesses, the struggle of dealing with threats can become especially hard. To help you deal with this, you’re able to utilize features such as Group Policy to restrict local folders, malware protection tools, Certificate Authority, and much more.

    Collaboration and Productivity

    One of the most exciting features of Small Business Server is the inclusion of Microsoft Exchange Server, which makes its return in 2008 once again. Through Exchange, you’re able to enjoy enterprise-quality abilities such as calendaring with your workers, sharing contacts, and e-mailing. This feature comes with built-in, pre-configured Office Outlook Web Access to ensure you can access your mailbox on the server remotely, even on the go or from your home.

    Business needing large amounts of space for storing e-mail data can take advantage of the expanded storage. You’re now able to store mail on more than one mail store, as the size restrictions have been completely removed. This opens up new opportunities, as the only thing holding you and your business back is storage and capacity limits, as opposed to artificial limits.

    Server Backups

    Backing up your server is extremely important to ensure minimal data loss even during the most unexpected scenarios. Thanks to the changes of backups in Windows Server 2008, the native backup tools now use imaging technology instead of relying on tape. This makes faster recovery possible if you need to restore your server, though, third-party backup solutions can still be used even if you require backing up to tape.

    E-mail Protection

    After getting started with your e-mails, you need to find a good way to protect your communication, whether you’re talking between the company or outside it. Take advantage of Microsoft Forefront Security for Exchange Server, which helps keep yourself safe from e-mails infected with viruses, worms, spam, and other types of harmful malware. Forefront incorporates technologies from multiple antivirus engines and provides layered protection against e-mail based threats.

    Take Business Online

    Small Business Server 2008’s integration with the Office Live Small Business services gives you the ability to expand your business on the web. Take things online and manage your business on the internet by creating a professional web presence without exceeding your budget. No need for expensive IT staff to create and manage complex infrastructures — just host the Office Live Small Business service on your Small Business Server and you’re good to go.

  • System Requirements

    These are minimum system requirements for installing Windows Small Business Server 2008 Premium

    • Processor: 2 GHz x64 or faster
    • RAM: 4 GB minimum; 32 GB maximum
    • Available Hard Drive Space: 60 GB minimum

    In addition, to run the Premium server, a device should meet the following system requirements:

    • Processor: 2 GHz x64 or x86 minimum
    • RAM: 2 GB minimum
    • Available Hard Disk Space: 10 GB minimum; 40 GB recommended

Trusted by 100,000+ individuals & businesss in USA

I had someone named Eric and he was AWESOME

I had someone named Eric and he was very, very helpful. He helped me solve the problem I had, and helped get me where I needed to be. I bought the wrong version, he refunded it for me, and then got me to the right version and it also saved me some money.

December 24, 2022

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Lifetime Product Guarantee

  • Are you in need of a server solution perfect for a small business? Look no further than Windows Small Business Server 2008 Premium. Equipped with improvements, exclusive features, and new capabilities, it remains as one of the most reliable server solutions to this date. The system aims to improve your operating capabilities and help you bring your business to the next level while staying within the restrictions of your budget. There’s no need for IT experts and complex server infrastructures to accomplish great things — the Premium edition is here to help.

    Get the full Windows Server experience with easy-to-install software based on the Windows Server 2008 operating system. You get a user-friendly management interface, which allows you to cut down on the costs of hiring expert help for future installations and deployments. The simplified console helps you to perform daily server administration tasks, manage security, and keep track of your backups.

    Don’t hesitate and purchase Windows Small Business Server 2008 Premium from us for a great price to enjoy all the benefits of this compact, simple, and reliable server solution.


    Overview of Windows Small Business Server 2008 Premium Features

    • • Enjoy an additional server with Small Business Server 2008 Premium, which adds a second server to run data management and analysis via SQL Server.
    • • The Windows Server 2008 technologies provide a strong foundation for your Small Business Server. It’s flexible, easy to operate, and allows you to take your business to the next level without going over your budget.
    • • Message and collaborate within your organization seamlessly with the help of Microsoft Exchange Server technologies.
    • • Stay secure with Microsoft Forefront Security for Exchange Server to keep your e-mailing and collaborating ventures private and protected at all times.
    • • Integrate with Office Live Small Business and take your business online.
    • • Usage and performance reporting are readily available.
    • • Keep yourself updated with real-time status alerts about security issues, needed updates, backups, and other system alerts.

    Secure User Data

    Staying secure is a constant battle against viruses, malware, and other harmful technologies that all businesses face on a daily. Especially for small businesses, the struggle of dealing with threats can become especially hard. To help you deal with this, you’re able to utilize features such as Group Policy to restrict local folders, malware protection tools, Certificate Authority, and much more.

    Collaboration and Productivity

    One of the most exciting features of Small Business Server is the inclusion of Microsoft Exchange Server, which makes its return in 2008 once again. Through Exchange, you’re able to enjoy enterprise-quality abilities such as calendaring with your workers, sharing contacts, and e-mailing. This feature comes with built-in, pre-configured Office Outlook Web Access to ensure you can access your mailbox on the server remotely, even on the go or from your home.

    Business needing large amounts of space for storing e-mail data can take advantage of the expanded storage. You’re now able to store mail on more than one mail store, as the size restrictions have been completely removed. This opens up new opportunities, as the only thing holding you and your business back is storage and capacity limits, as opposed to artificial limits.

    Server Backups

    Backing up your server is extremely important to ensure minimal data loss even during the most unexpected scenarios. Thanks to the changes of backups in Windows Server 2008, the native backup tools now use imaging technology instead of relying on tape. This makes faster recovery possible if you need to restore your server, though, third-party backup solutions can still be used even if you require backing up to tape.

    E-mail Protection

    After getting started with your e-mails, you need to find a good way to protect your communication, whether you’re talking between the company or outside it. Take advantage of Microsoft Forefront Security for Exchange Server, which helps keep yourself safe from e-mails infected with viruses, worms, spam, and other types of harmful malware. Forefront incorporates technologies from multiple antivirus engines and provides layered protection against e-mail based threats.

    Take Business Online

    Small Business Server 2008’s integration with the Office Live Small Business services gives you the ability to expand your business on the web. Take things online and manage your business on the internet by creating a professional web presence without exceeding your budget. No need for expensive IT staff to create and manage complex infrastructures — just host the Office Live Small Business service on your Small Business Server and you’re good to go.

  • System Requirements

    These are minimum system requirements for installing Windows Small Business Server 2008 Premium

    • Processor: 2 GHz x64 or faster
    • RAM: 4 GB minimum; 32 GB maximum
    • Available Hard Drive Space: 60 GB minimum

    In addition, to run the Premium server, a device should meet the following system requirements:

    • Processor: 2 GHz x64 or x86 minimum
    • RAM: 2 GB minimum
    • Available Hard Disk Space: 10 GB minimum; 40 GB recommended

Trusted by 100,000+ individuals & businesss in USA

I had someone named Eric and he was AWESOME

I had someone named Eric and he was very, very helpful. He helped me solve the problem I had, and helped get me where I needed to be. I bought the wrong version, he refunded it for me, and then got me to the right version and it also saved me some money.

December 24, 2022

Frequently asked questions

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