Windows sonic или dolby atmos xbox

Владельцам Xbox One был предоставлен выбор между двумя технологиями пространственного окружения: Windows Sonic или Dolby Atmos. Оба стремятся улучшить

Владельцам Xbox One был предоставлен выбор между двумя технологиями пространственного окружения: Windows Sonic или Dolby Atmos. Оба стремятся улучшить качество звука и погружение в игру, но что лучше всего подходит для вашей ситуации? В битве Windows Sonic против Dolby Atmos мы сравнили функции, цены, качество звука, совместимость и другие ключевые факторы, чтобы вы могли решить, что лучше для вас.

Что такое Windows Sonic для наушников?

Анимация того, как пространственный звук окружает своих пользователей

Что нам нравится

  • Это совершенно бесплатно для использования.

  • Очень простая настройка.

  • Некоторые игры звучат лучше.

Что нам не нравится

  • Слегка поверх звука.

  • Некоторые треск, когда на панели инструментов Xbox.

Он пытается создать впечатление объемного звучания, даже если у вас есть обычные стереонаушники. При этом звук должен иметь дополнительную глубину, а звук должен быть трехмерным, чтобы вы могли слышать все вокруг.

Чтобы использовать его, вы просто активируете его через настройки на Xbox One. После включения любые приложения или игры, способные воспроизводить в 7.1-канальные форматы, начнут обрабатывать ваши наушники так, как если бы они были виртуальным устройством 7.1. 

Windows Sonic, как правило, немного преувеличивает звуки по сравнению с Dolby Atmos, но все же имеет существенное значение при игре в шутеры от первого лица, такие как Overwatch . Вы можете слышать приближающихся врагов и обнаруживать их быстрее, чем через другие аудиоустройства. 

Xbox One owners have been given the choice between two spatial surround technologies: Windows Sonic or Dolby Atmos. Both aim to enhance sound quality and immersion when playing a game, but which is best for your situation? In the battle of Windows Sonic vs. Dolby Atmos, we compared features, pricing, sound quality, compatibility, and other key factors so you can decide what’s best for you.

What Is Windows Sonic for Headphones?

What We Like

  • It’s entirely free to use.

  • Very simple setup.

  • Some games sound better.

What We Don’t Like

  • Slightly over the top sound.

  • Some crackling sounds when on the Xbox dashboard.

Windows Sonic for headphones is Microsoft’s take on spatial sound. Introduced to Xbox One as well as Windows 10 devices, it’s free to use with any up-to-date console. It’s integrated with the system software for extra ease when using it, and you can use any Xbox One stereo headset in conjunction with it. 

It attempts to create a surround sound experience even if you have ordinary stereo headphones. By doing so, sound should appear to have extra depth and sound three-dimensional so you hear everything around you.

To use it, you simply activate it through a setting on your Xbox One. Once enabled, any applications or games capable of rendering to 7.1 channel formats will begin to treat your headphones as if they were a virtual 7.1 device. 

Windows Sonic is generally regarded to over-exaggerate sounds a little compared to Dolby Atmos, but it still makes a significant difference when playing first-person shooters such as Overwatch. You’re able to hear enemies coming and can locate them faster than through other audio devices. 

What is Dolby Atmos?

Dolby Atmos 

What We Like

  • There’s a free trial.

  • Some games sound better and more immersive.

  • Good excuse to buy dedicated headphones.

  • App provides support for other surround sound systems.

What We Don’t Like

  • It costs $14.99 to purchase a license.

  • It involves more setup than Windows Sonic.

  • Only minimal improvements for the price.

Dolby Atmos is Dolby’s spatial sound technology. The Xbox One supports Dolby Atmos technology when it comes to home theater setups and headphones. Unlike the integrated nature of Windows Sonic, Dolby Atmos requires you to purchase it from the Microsoft Store for $14.99. 

To use Dolby Atmos for Headphones, you need to download and install the app, which takes a little more time than Windows Sonic’s setup. There’s a 30-day free trial for the app, but you’ll need to purchase it once the trial’s over. 

Dolby Atmos focuses on placing sounds above, below, and around you like surround sound systems or Windows Sonic. Dolby Atmos delivers virtualized spatial sound like Windows Sonic, but there’s also dedicated hardware and special Dolby Atmos headphones designed to work in conjunction with it to provide the best aural experience. 

Generally, Dolby Atmos is considered slightly superior to Windows Sonic. When playing games like Gears 5, or older titles like Grand Theft Auto V and Rise of the Tomb Raider, Dolby Atmos headphones tend to sound crisper, richer, and more like you’re actually there. 

What Is Dolby Atmos Immersive Surround Sound?

Windows Sonic vs Dolby Atmos Feature Comparison

Windows Sonic and Dolby Atmos both have positive and negative qualities. While they both offer similar services, there are certain things about both that make them appealing to different people and different financial considerations.

Here’s a brief look at some of the most important features of Windows Sonic and Dolby Atmos:

Windows Sonic vs Dolby Atmos comparison
  Windows Sonic Dolby Atmos
Price Free $14.99 after a free trial
Dedicated Hardware No need Optional
Setup Minimal/built-in App download required

Windows Sonic and Dolby Atmos are very similar products which is why we didn’t include identical categories in our comparisons, such as the games that are compatible with them. Roughly, there’s the same number of games out there that are at their best with either sound format. 

Should You Go With Windows Sonic or Dolby Atmos?

Windows Sonic and Dolby Atmos are both very similar forms of spatial sound technology. Dolby Atmos has the edge in terms of sound quality and making you feel like you’re actually there when playing a game, but it comes at a price. 

Much of your decision-making process should stem from if you want to pay $15 for the Dolby Atmos app or if you’re fine sticking with the plug and play style of Windows Sonic. 

For many users, the differences are relatively subtle, but it’s definitely worth trying the Dolby Atmos 30-day trial to see if your ears are able to spot the nuances between the two technologies. If you’re not on a budget, it makes sense to go with Dolby Atmos for the extra advantage when gaming.

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Xbox One owners have been given the choice between two spatial surround technologies: Windows Sonic or Dolby Atmos. Both aim to enhance sound quality and immersion when playing a game, but which is best for your situation? In the battle of Windows Sonic vs. Dolby Atmos, we compared features, pricing, sound quality, compatibility, and other key factors so you can decide what’s best for you.

What Is Windows Sonic for Headphones?

What We Like

  • It’s entirely free to use.

  • Very simple setup.

  • Some games sound better.

What We Don’t Like

  • Slightly over the top sound.

  • Some crackling sounds when on the Xbox dashboard.

Windows Sonic for headphones is Microsoft’s take on spatial sound. Introduced to Xbox One as well as Windows 10 devices, it’s free to use with any up-to-date console. It’s integrated with the system software for extra ease when using it, and you can use any Xbox One stereo headset in conjunction with it. 

It attempts to create a surround sound experience even if you have ordinary stereo headphones. By doing so, sound should appear to have extra depth and sound three-dimensional so you hear everything around you.

To use it, you simply activate it through a setting on your Xbox One. Once enabled, any applications or games capable of rendering to 7.1 channel formats will begin to treat your headphones as if they were a virtual 7.1 device. 

Windows Sonic is generally regarded to over-exaggerate sounds a little compared to Dolby Atmos, but it still makes a significant difference when playing first-person shooters such as Overwatch. You’re able to hear enemies coming and can locate them faster than through other audio devices. 

What is Dolby Atmos?

Dolby Atmos 

What We Like

  • There’s a free trial.

  • Some games sound better and more immersive.

  • Good excuse to buy dedicated headphones.

  • App provides support for other surround sound systems.

What We Don’t Like

  • It costs $14.99 to purchase a license.

  • It involves more setup than Windows Sonic.

  • Only minimal improvements for the price.

Dolby Atmos is Dolby’s spatial sound technology. The Xbox One supports Dolby Atmos technology when it comes to home theater setups and headphones. Unlike the integrated nature of Windows Sonic, Dolby Atmos requires you to purchase it from the Microsoft Store for $14.99. 

To use Dolby Atmos for Headphones, you need to download and install the app, which takes a little more time than Windows Sonic’s setup. There’s a 30-day free trial for the app, but you’ll need to purchase it once the trial’s over. 

Dolby Atmos focuses on placing sounds above, below, and around you like surround sound systems or Windows Sonic. Dolby Atmos delivers virtualized spatial sound like Windows Sonic, but there’s also dedicated hardware and special Dolby Atmos headphones designed to work in conjunction with it to provide the best aural experience. 

Generally, Dolby Atmos is considered slightly superior to Windows Sonic. When playing games like Gears 5, or older titles like Grand Theft Auto V and Rise of the Tomb Raider, Dolby Atmos headphones tend to sound crisper, richer, and more like you’re actually there. 

What Is Dolby Atmos Immersive Surround Sound?

Windows Sonic vs Dolby Atmos Feature Comparison

Windows Sonic and Dolby Atmos both have positive and negative qualities. While they both offer similar services, there are certain things about both that make them appealing to different people and different financial considerations.

Here’s a brief look at some of the most important features of Windows Sonic and Dolby Atmos:

Windows Sonic vs Dolby Atmos comparison
  Windows Sonic Dolby Atmos
Price Free $14.99 after a free trial
Dedicated Hardware No need Optional
Setup Minimal/built-in App download required

Windows Sonic and Dolby Atmos are very similar products which is why we didn’t include identical categories in our comparisons, such as the games that are compatible with them. Roughly, there’s the same number of games out there that are at their best with either sound format. 

Should You Go With Windows Sonic or Dolby Atmos?

Windows Sonic and Dolby Atmos are both very similar forms of spatial sound technology. Dolby Atmos has the edge in terms of sound quality and making you feel like you’re actually there when playing a game, but it comes at a price. 

Much of your decision-making process should stem from if you want to pay $15 for the Dolby Atmos app or if you’re fine sticking with the plug and play style of Windows Sonic. 

For many users, the differences are relatively subtle, but it’s definitely worth trying the Dolby Atmos 30-day trial to see if your ears are able to spot the nuances between the two technologies. If you’re not on a budget, it makes sense to go with Dolby Atmos for the extra advantage when gaming.

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A showdown between Windows Sonic, Dolby Atmos, and DTS to determine which spatial sound software works best for your headphones.

In order to enjoy movies and games at their full potential, it’s important that you consider surround sound capabilities. But there are different selections of spatial sound technologies available today. And it’s difficult to determine which one is most suitable for your setup.

In addition, there are other factors to consider such as compatibility issues and what specific platform you’re using it on. All this put together can be confusing and can lead to misunderstandings between what can work best.

That’s why we made this comparison article that details all you need to know about Windows Sonic, Dolby Atmos, and DTS for headphones.

Woman enjoying spatial sound in headphones (From: Pexels)

Woman enjoying spatial sound in headphones (From: Pexels)

In This Article

  • What Is Spatial Sound?
  • What Is Windows Sonic for Headphones?
  • What Is Dolby Atmos for Headphones?
  • What Is DTS for Headphones?
  • Windows Sonic vs. Dolby Atmos vs. DTS: Which One’s for You?
  • How to Activate These Virtual Surround Sound Softwares
  • Conclusion

What Is Spatial Sound?

Spatial sound, sometimes called 3D audio, is an enhanced audio experience where you can perceive sounds from all directions.

Instead of just hearing sounds coming from the left/right (stereo sound) or around you (surround sound), spatial sounds add an element of verticality that makes it so that what we hear is close to how we’d naturally hear it in real life. This adds a level of sound immersion that can’t be replicated by traditional surround sound formats.

Although we only have two ears, we can often determine the approximate location of sounds in three dimensions. Thanks to the collaborative work between our brain and ears, we can perceive the sound’s distance, elevation, and direction.

With that being said, spatial sound softwares makes use of strategic placement of sound sources in a virtual three-dimensional space to create that 3D sound effect. These also try to replicate head-related transfer functions (HRTF). It tells how an ear receives a particular sound and how that sound changes as it passes through the body.

Spatial sound software technologies create immersive 3D sound effects that closely emulate real-life hearing.

The three leading spatial sound softwares today are Windows Sonic, Dolby Atmos, and DTS. Get a better grasp on their differences below.

What Is Windows Sonic for Headphones?

Windows Sonic for Headphones available on any Windows 10 computer.

Windows Sonic for Headphones available on any Windows 10 computer.

Windows Sonic for Headphones is Microsoft’s attempt at recreating the spatial sound experience for everyone on the Xbox One and Windows 10. It doesn’t have any specific physical equipment and hardware requirements to work. Instead, it uses software and virtual means to function.

You could have any pair of earphones or ordinary stereo headphones and still enjoy spatial audio.

Advantages of Windows Sonic for Headphones

There are a number of benefits of using Windows Sonic for Headphones. Here’s what you should know:

  • It’s FREE: For the absolutely low price of $0, you too can experience spatial sound. You also don’t have to worry about buying expensive equipment since any pair of stereo headphones will do.
  • Simple setup: All you have to do is toggle the function on your computer or Xbox One. That’s it.
  • No need to download separately: Windows Sonic for Headphones comes pre-installed on every Windows 10 and Xbox One.

Disadvantages of Windows Sonic for Headphones

Despite the advantages of Windows Sonic for Headphones, there are still some disadvantages that you should keep in mind. Here’s what you should consider:

  • Sound can be inaccurate: This spatial sound software only works well in certain situations. It works well with gaming and movies, but can cause audio to sound inaccurate when primarily used for music.
  • Not for speakers: Unsurprisingly, Windows Sonic for Headphones only works well with headphones. Using external/laptop speakers with this software enabled and no headphones plugged in can cause sound distortions in the audio.

What Is Dolby Atmos for Headphones?

Download Dolby Access from the Windows store to access Dolby Atmos on PC. (From: Microsoft Store)

Download Dolby Access from the Windows store to access Dolby Atmos on PC. (From: Microsoft Store)

Dolby Atmos, developed by Dolby Laboratories, is spatial sound software technology that is available on several platforms such as Windows 10 and Xbox One. It can also be used on any TV, soundbar, or home theater setups.

Dolby Atmos and Windows Sonic work very similarly in providing the spatial sound experience. However, the former requires that you buy the software license and specific supported hardware in order to make use of the technology.

Advantages of Dolby Atmos for Headphones

Dolby Atmos has a lot of pros that make it a solid contender for spatial sound software. Be sure to take the following into account:

  • More immersive than Windows Sonic: Some people say that Dolby Atmos provides a more immersive listening experience in comparison to Windows Sonic. This is mainly attributed to the increased height to spatial sounds which provides a more realistic sound experience.
  • Can also work for Home Theaters: This software isn’t only exclusive for headphones. It works on any other sound system like your home theater setup. However, it’s important that you have the right speakers/hardware to enjoy the best experience.
  • Works with more platforms and devices: Dolby Atmos is supported in several major streaming platforms such as Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Music and more. It also works with several devices/brands and even mobile phones.

Disadvantages of Dolby Atmos for Headphones

On the other hand, Dolby Atmos has some downsides that you should consider as well. Here’s what you should take into consideration.

  • Costs $15: Although there is a 30-day free trial to use Dolby Atmos, you’ll need to pay $14.99 at the end of it to get a license and continue using the software.
  • Requires supported hardware and software for better experience: Although Dolby Atmos can work with any regular pair of headphones through downloading the software, you can improve the experience by using headphones with a built-in Dolby Atmos support. These are usually multi-drivers that mimic the Dolby home theater experience.
  • Set-up may be complex to some: In comparison to Windows Sonic, Dolby Atmos is a lot more complex to set up. From downloading the app to configuring all the PC settings, a lot of tinkering needs to be done just to get it running properly.

What Is DTS for Headphones?

Download DTS Sound Unbound from the Windows store to access DTS for headphones on PC. (From: Microsoft Store)

Download DTS Sound Unbound from the Windows store to access DTS for headphones on PC. (From: Microsoft Store)

DTS for headphones, sometimes called DTS Headphone X or just DTS:X, is an object-based audio codec. It provides improved spatial sound than other traditional sound systems.

DTS software is similar to Dolby Atmos. Yhe main difference is the former compresses audio metadata to a 4:1 ratio while the latter does so to a 10-12:1 ratio. What this means is that DTS, in theory, has more potential in producing higher quality sounds.

Advantages of DTS for Headphones

DTS for headphones is one of the leading spatial sound software in the market. As such, there are some advantages that should make it worth your time.

  • More realistic sound quality: DTS technology is believed to have the highest quality and most realistic sounds among other spatial sound softwares. This is mainly due to its high data encoding rate and effective use of multi-channel speaker setups.
  • Works great with any headphones and speaker setup: Unlike the limited platform availability of Windows Sonic and the overhead channel requirements of Dolby Atmos, DTS works great with any headphones and simple surround sound multi-speaker setup.
  • Customizable sound: DTS features the ability to fully customize the volume range of voices in movies and games. This is especially useful when you need that boost in dialogue volume at an important part of the movie or cutscene of a video game.

Disadvantages of DTS for Headphones

Despite the advantages of DTS for Headphones, there are still some disadvantages that you should keep in mind. Here’s what you should consider:

  • Most expensive of the three: You need to make a one-time payment of $19.99 after the two-week free trial in order to make use of DTS:X from the DTS Sound Unbound app.
  • Works best with DTS-supported media: Since it is the newest of the three, not all mainstream media and applications support the DTS audio codec, yet. Only some mainstream video games and 4K Blue-ray movies support it, but this can change in the near future.
  • Almost similar sound to Dolby Atmos: Although DTS can theoretically encode audio at a higher rate than Dolby Atmos for better sound quality, some listeners are unable to distinguish any differences between the two. For casual listeners, it may be much better to go for Dolby Atmos since it is the cheaper option.

Windows Sonic vs. Dolby Atmos vs. DTS: Which One’s for You?

There isn’t an end all be all answer to this question. Determining which one is the best is highly subjective and requires that you take many factors into consideration.

People may say that one is better than the other, but the best way to find out for yourself is to carefully listen to the audio. With that, you can make the most informed decision.

It’s important to note that spatial sound technology is not recommended to use for music. This is because music is primarily made as stereo audio. This means it wouldn’t make much sense to use spatial sound technologies in this situation.

For people on a budget

When it comes to general costs, there’s no doubt that Windows Sonic is the winner in this aspect. Coming pre-installed and accessible on every Windows 10 PC and Xbox One, almost anyone can make use of this spatial sound technology.

However, if you want to have 3D sound outside of those platforms, then Dolby Atmos is the one for you. You only need to make a one-time payment of $15 to enjoy spatial surround sound on your headphones or home theater setup.

Verdict: For people on a budget, Windows Sonic is the best spatial sound technology you can get. It’s free and comes pre-installed on every Windows 10 PC/laptop and Xbox One for easy access.

For gaming

Gaming with headphones (From: Unsplash)

Gaming with headphones (From: Unsplash)

When it comes to gaming, the debate is heated between Dolby Atmos and DTS. The short answer? Both will greatly improve your gameplay by providing more immersive 3D audio.

However, most gamers believe that DTS is the best for gaming. This is mainly due to the expanded sound and spacious profile that DTS provides especially on headphones. This isn’t saying that Dolby Atmos or Windows Sonic fail to achieve this, it’s just that DTS has a more noticeable effect.

Yet, if you already have gaming headphones with built-in surround sound, these won’t matter since using spatial sound software with surround sound headphones will distort the audio.

Verdict: For gaming, DTS for headphones is believed to be the best spatial sound technology. Majority of gamers agree that it provides an immersive sound experience like no other. However, just remember that even though the majority of gamers agree that DTS is the best doesn’t mean that it’s the best for you too.

For movies

Sample of movie on Netflix with Dolby Atmos (From:

Sample of a movie on Netflix with Dolby Atmos (From:

As for movies, Dolby Atmos has been a staple standard in the industry for the longest time. Because of that, it’s best to go for Dolby Atmos since many platforms and movies support this technology. Some of these platforms are Amazon Music, Apple TV, and Disney+. Additionally, many TV shows and movies on Netflix also support Dolby Atmos..

Verdict: Dolby Atmos is the standard in most movies, films, and TV shows on major streaming platforms such as Netflix. As such, it’s best to use Dolby Atmos in order to guarantee the biggest collection of supported movies and shows.

For the best spatial sound experience

As mentioned earlier, choosing the best spatial sound technology is highly dependent on your specific needs and personal preferences. It’s best to take all other factors into consideration so that you can determine which one is the right one for you.

To get a better idea, put on your headphones and listen to this comparison video that showcases the three spatial sound software we’ve discussed.

How to Activate These Virtual Surround Sound Softwares

Spatial Sound Options in Windows 10

Spatial Sound Options in Windows 10

There are different ways to activate these surround sound softwares and each is highly dependent on what platform you’re using them on. However, it’s good to know that the 3 can all work on PC and Xbox One.

Check out our article for a detailed look at how to activate Windows Sonic, Dolby Atmos, and DTS.


Watching movies and playing games with virtual 3D sound is an experience like no other. The organic movement of sound adds a whole level of immersion that vastly improves the overall experience. With this article you should now be able to take all factors into consideration and find out which spatial software technology is right for you.

The best spatial sound technology mostly depends on your own specific needs, available hardware, and personal preference.

Keep in mind that seeing hearing is believing. So take the time to listen to comparison videos in order to get a better feel of which system you’d prefer more.

We hope this article helped you in understanding these spatial sound technologies. If you have a preference between the three, please let us know in the comments down below. We’d love to have a discussion and hear what you have to say!

16 November 2017
| Пресс-центр

Советы по Windows 10: улучшите звук в играх и фильмах с помощью Windows Sonic или Dolby Atmos

Знаете ли вы, что в Windows 10 можно легко и быстро включить пространственный звук, чтобы наслаждаться эффектным иммерсивным звучанием?

Что такое пространственный звук (Spatial Sound)?

Представьте, что вы смотрите фильм или играете в компьютерную игру и слышите звук пролетающего вертолета не только вокруг, но и прямо над головой. Система пространственного звука дает такую возможность! Это современная иммерсивная технология, создающая эффект объемного звучания в виртуальном трехмерном пространстве, вокруг вас и над вами. Пространственный звук создает более реалистичную атмосферу, превосходя старые форматы объемного звучания типа «звук вокруг».

пространственный звук Spatial Sound

С пространственным звуком все фильмы и игры звучат круче. Самый высокий уровень погружения и точности дают игры, фильмы и телешоу со встроенной поддержкой этой новой технологии. Но даже если такой поддержки нет, все равно любой контент, подходящий для традиционных систем объемного звучания, автоматически звучит гораздо эффектнее.

Какие форматы пространственного звука поддерживает Windows?

В Windows 10 доступны три варианта пространственного звука: Windows Sonic для наушников (Windows Sonic for Headphones), Dolby Atmos для наушников (Dolby Atmos for Headphones) и Dolby Atmos для домашних кинотеатров (Dolby Atmos for home theater)*.

Windows Sonic для наушников можно использовать с любыми наушниками, микронаушниками и гарнитурами. Этот вариант делает звук во всех фильмах и играх более иммерсивным и обеспечивает очень высокую точность звукового окружения в играх.

С Dolby Atmos домашние и портативные устройства обретают звук Dolby премиум-качества, как в кинотеатрах. Этот вариант можно использовать с наушниками или с домашними кинотеатрами, телевизорами и акустическими системами, поддерживающими Dolby Atmos. Формат Dolby Atmos позволяет получить иммерсивный, крайне эмоциональный звук при просмотре большинства современных кассовых фильмов. Игры, поддерживающие Dolby Atmos, позволяют игрокам испытать совершенно новый уровень потрясающей детализации, точности и реалистичности пространственной звуковой картины.

Как включить Windows Sonic для наушников или Dolby Atmos?

Windows Sonic для наушников поддерживается в Windows 10 по умолчанию. Чтобы включить этот вариант, следуйте приведенной ниже инструкции.

Чтобы включить поддержку Dolby Atmos, загрузите бесплатное приложение Dolby Access из Магазина Microsoft. После этого вы сможете наслаждаться улучшенным звуком домашних кинотеатров, телевизоров и акустических систем с поддержкой Dolby Atmos без какой-либо платы. А чтобы включить поддержку Dolby Atmos еще и для наушников, вы можете приобрести через приложение Dolby Access подписку, распространяющуюся на 10 устройств (включая Xbox One).

Как включить на моем компьютере Windows Sonic для наушников или Dolby Atmos?

Чтобы включить пространственный звук на ПК под управлением Windows 10:

  • Подключите наушники или AV-ресивер с поддержкой Dolby Atmos к ПК через порт HDMI.

Подключите наушники или AV-ресивер с поддержкой Dolby Atmos к ПК через порт HDMI

  • Кликните правой кнопкой мыши значок звука в области уведомлений на панели задач и выберите вариант пространственного звука, который хотите использовать. (Примечание: при выборе Dolby Atmos для наушников или Dolby Atmos для домашних кинотеатров будет выполнен переход в магазин для загрузки бесплатного приложения Dolby Access. Там будут предоставлены инструкции, следуя которым, вы сможете приобрести или включить в пробном режиме Dolby Atmos для наушников или включить Dolby Atmos для домашних кинотеатров.)
  • Запустите свою любимую игру или фильм. Наслаждайтесь!

* Доступно на ПК под управлением Windows 10 Creators Update и более поздних версий.

Tags: Dolby, Dolby Atmos, Windows 10, Windows Sonic, звук

Xbox One Stereo Headset
Xbox One Stereo Headset
(Image credit: Matt Brown | Windows Central)

Xbox One provides headphone users with the option of two technologies to enhance their audio: «Dolby Atmos for Headphones» and «Windows Sonic for Headphones.» Hidden within the console’s settings under the «Display & sound» tab, little information is provided on what these options really do. With some differences to consider, we’ve rounded up what you need to know.

Understanding Dolby Atmos and Windows Sonic

Spatial surround is one of the latest innovations in consumer audio technologies, allowing for increased precision in positioning, depth, and height. Utilizing an object-based approach to mapping, sounds can be output into a virtual three-dimensional space, with speaker outputs configured on the fly. Unlike traditional 5.1 and 7.1 systems, where sounds are restricted to fixed channels and positioning, spatial sound promises one of the most immersive experiences on the market.

While spatial sound is often best experienced with a dedicated theater setup, Xbox One headphone users can also take advantage of the technology. Solutions like Dolby Atmos for Headphones and Windows Sonic for Headphones deliver virtualized spatial sound to the console, with benefits even on low-end stereo headsets. Dedicated hardware is also hitting the market, designed specifically to deliver the best Dolby Atmos experiences on the ear.

While a growing list of Dolby Atmos titles is available on Xbox One, the benefits of both can be seen across the whole Xbox One library. By enabling Dolby Atmos or Windows Sonic, any applications that are capable of rendering to 7.1 channel formats will now treat your headphones as a virtual 7.1 device. While scaling high-channel formats previously combined them through a process known as «downmixing,» Windows Sonic’s virtualized approach should deliver major benefits, especially to stereo headphones.

The difference between Dolby Atmos and Windows Sonic

Windows Sonic is Microsoft’s take on spatial sound, integrated on a system-level for Xbox One and other Windows 10 devices. Introduced with the Creator’s Update released in early 2017, access to Windows Sonic for Headphones is free with any up-to-date console.

Dolby Atmos is Dolby’s spatial sound technology, backed by a growing ecosystem of devices and applications. Xbox One supports Dolby Atmos technology for use with home theater setups, as well as for headphones. In contrast to the integrated nature of Windows Sonic, Dolby Atmos requires a paid license obtainable for $14.99 from the Microsoft Store (opens in new tab).

Is Dolby Atmos or Windows Sonic better for you?

For the most part, the disparities between Dolby Atmos and Windows Sonic are relatively minor. Speaking among Windows Central staff, the differences between the two come down to personal preference. While both offer noticeable improvements to audio across games, one isn’t necessarily better than the other. Some find Dolby Atmos feels shallow, while some find Windows Sonic overexaggerates sounds. Choosing a solution simply comes down to personal preference in how the solutions handle audio processing.

Although a free demo of Dolby Atmos for Headphones is available through the Dolby Access (opens in new tab) app for Xbox One, you’ll be mostly diving into the technology blind. The best way to test Dolby Atmos is to buy the license – but this is a hefty price for something you may never use again.

The gains are limited, so sticking to Windows Sonic is recommended for those on a budget. For people looking to secure the best audio for your headphones, buying Dolby Atmos allows you to try it and then choose which is truly best for you.

Your choice

Do you use Dolby Atmos or Windows Sonic for Xbox One? Drop into the comments section below with your thoughts on the duo.

  • See Xbox One X at Microsoft Store (opens in new tab)
  • See Xbox One X at Amazon (opens in new tab)
  • Everything you need to know about Dolby Atmos
  • How to improve your Xbox One audio with Windows Sonic for Headphones
  • Xbox One Dolby Atmos games list

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Matt Brown was formerly a Windows Central’s Senior Editor, Xbox & PC, at Future. Following over seven years of professional consumer technology and gaming coverage, he’s focused on the world of Microsoft’s gaming efforts. You can follow him on Twitter @mattjbrown.

The two most popular options for surround sound in headphones are Windows Sonic and Dolby Atmos. We find them in most headphones, speakers, PCs, and even gaming consoles. Almost every time you have a Windows Sonic option, Dolby Atmos is available too. This immediately springs some questions in your mind.

Which technology is better for surround sound, Windows Sonic or Dolby Atmos?

Which 3D audio software is better for gaming consoles or PC games, Dolby Atmos or Windows Sonic?

In this article, I will answer these questions and compare these two spatial audio software.

Windows Sonic vs Dolby Atmos

What is Windows Sonic for Headphones?

Windows Sonic is a technology that gives you spatial sound by simulating a 7.1 surround environment. With Windows Sonic enabled, your headphones will give more than just a wide stereo field. It adds more depth perception to the sound.

This immersive sound gives you a more accurate representation of directed sound from games. So, when gaming, you feel like you are right in the middle of the action with the game world around you.

In contrast, regular stereo can have a wide soundstage, but the action still feels like it’s happening right in front of you.

Of course, the quality of surround sound still depends on what gaming headphones you use.

What is Dolby Atmos for Headphones?

Dolby Atmos is similar to Windows Sonic in function. The purpose of this spatial sound technology is to simulate a surround sound listening environment through your headset. It’s a simulation because your pair of headphones typically come with just two drivers – one on either earcup. Hence the name “virtual surround sound”.

Even though you can download or buy the Dolby Atmos software, you also have the option of buying gaming headsets that come with Dolby Atmos.

This is essential if you’re playing from a console and you can’t install the Dolby Atmos app on it. Thankfully, Xbox One has both Dolby Atmos and Windows Sonic for ordinary stereo headphones.

Dolby Atmos also exists in some soundbars. They give you a super immersive sound and a great listening experience.

Windows Sonic vs Dolby Atmos – Best choice for pro gamers?

For two technologies that solve the same problem, we expect that there will be some similarities. Windows Sonic and Dolby Atmos have those. In essence, it is a question of personal preference at the end. Let’s explore a few features that can help you make your decision.


Windows Sonic set up

If you have a windows 10 PC, the Windows Sonic feature comes with the package. Also, anytime you install the Windows 10 OS, Windows Sonic is added to your computer. You can easily turn it on or off in the volume menu or settings. This only applies to PC gamers.

If you use MAC, you can simply download and install Windows Sonic for free on the Windows Store. For Xbox One gamers, Windows Sonic is available by default.

However, to use Dolby Atmos, you must access the Windows Store on your console. Also, it comes at a price.

Xbox Series X goes a step further to add DTS to the list of options for surround sound.

However, the story is different with the PS4. To get any form of surround audio, you need gaming headphones that have the built-in virtual surround feature. The technology may be available in the form of Windows Sonic, Dolby Atmos, DTS, or 3D audio technology developed by the headset manufacturers.

Gaming headphones DAC

Also, to get surround sound from your PS4, you need to connect via a DAC, mixamp, or USB dongle that supports 3D audio. However, even after doing this, the surround sound does not come from the PS4, but it’s simulated from the stereo sound the console produces.

Sony improved the surround sound feature in PS5, but it still has neither Windows Sonic nor Dolby Atmos. The PS5 comes with Sony’s 3D audio to any decent headphones connected via your controllers.

So, in terms of accessibility, I would say that Windows Sonic is more accessible because it’s free and comes with your Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC. Dolby Atmos will require you to pay after the trial period. The trial lasts for 30 days and can help you to know if it’s the best for you.

Sound quality

So, how do these 3D audio features sound?

Listening to both options, Windows Sonic felt like a wider and deeper soundstage. There was more space between the sound sources, and it made the in-game environment feel larger.

However, the size of the gaming world felt too large at times. The sound depth and width seemed exaggerated. It does not disturb your gaming in any way. Rather, it improves your sense of direction and overall immersion in the game world.

Dolby Atmos is more “real” in its surround audio simulation. The depth and width here depend mostly on the original game audio. If you play video games like COD Cold War where 3D audio is an integral part of the sound design, Dolby Atmos will give you an amazing experience.

However, if you play some indie games with lower depth in 3D sound imaging, Dolby Atmos will not enhance it for you. It’s this extra enhancement that marks the difference in Audio quality between these two technologies.

Best Dolby Atmos headsets to choose from

Like I mentioned earlier, there are headsets that have Dolby Atmos surround sound built-in.

Here are some great examples for you:

Razer Tiamat 7.1 V2

Razer Tiamat 7.1 V2

This gaming headset has 7.1 surround capabilities. It allows you to control the levels with an external remote that comes with the headphones. In terms of aesthetics, it also looks cool with the lights on. Also, it’s super comfortable.

Plantronics RIG 600LX Wireless

Plantronics RIG 600LX Wireless

These headphones are lightweight and soft padded. It’s also wireless, so you have less cable clutter to worry about. With a frequency response range of 20Hz to 20kHz, you won’t miss any detail from your game audio.

Corsair Void Pro wireless gaming headset

Corsair Void Pro wireless gaming headset

This Bluetooth gaming headset is super comfy and is perfect for long hours of gaming. Also, it’s durable and has long battery life. Lastly, its Dolby Atmos technology gives you immersive surround sound for gaming.

Cowin E7 Pro

 Cowin E7 Pro

These comfortable headphones give you 30 hours of playback time when fully charged. Also, they have active noise cancellation (ANC). When gaming, you may choose to block out background noise from your surroundings by enabling ANC.

Pros and cons

Windows Sonic


  • It’s available for free.
  • It has better accessibility because it is built into PCs, Xbox, and Xbox One.
  • It is compatible with all headphones.


  • It is not available on PS4 and PS5.
  • It adds some enhancement to the 3D audio. It may put off gamers who want their sound natural.

Dolby Atmos


  • It has a more natural production of the original game soundtracks and effects.
  • Dolby Atmos provides an immersive soundstage for better gameplay.
  • There is a free Dolby Atmos 30-Day trial to help you make the right decision.


  • You must pay to use Dolby Atmos – not ideal for gamers on a budget.
  • The setup takes longer than Windows Sonic.


Aside from the slight difference in their surround sound production, the price remains a solid difference between these two 3D audio technologies. If you prefer more natural game audio, then Dolby Atmos is for you.

Is the additional cost worth it? For me, I can make do with the free Windows Sonic. As much as I like the Dolby Atmos production, I’m reluctant to pay for it.

Плохое качество звука может отвлечь внимание от фильма, который вы смотрите, или игры, в которую вы играете. Вместо того, чтобы довольствоваться моно и устаревшим качеством звука, вы можете подумать о обновление ваших наушников к чему-то немного лучше. Проблема в том, что если ваши настройки неправильные, вы все равно не получите желаемого качества.

Чтобы решить эту проблему, вы можете воспользоваться преимуществами новой функции Windows под названием Windows Sonic для наушников, которая сразу же улучшает качество вывода звука. Неважно, новые у вас наушники или старые, потому что Windows Sonic для наушников в Windows 10 может решить проблему.

Сегодня на рынке представлено значительное количество дешевых некачественных наушников. Они могут расстроить вас своим металлическим звуком, потрескиванием звука и низкими басами, создающими неутешительный звук.

Хотя вы не можете улучшить фактические аппаратные компоненты в наушниках, как эти, вы можете работать над программным обеспечением. Это именно то, что Microsoft предоставляет с Windows Sonic для наушников, решением для пространственного звука, представленным в Windows с обновлением Creators Update в 2017 году.

Пространственный звук — это попытка создать ощущение звука в трехмерном стиле, которое не зависит от расположения динамиков или наушников. Вместо переднего и заднего звука на уровне 2D, Windows Sonic поддерживает решение для пространственного звука, которое будет смешивать звук для имитации того, откуда этот звук может исходить.

Например, если вы играете в игру и над вашим персонажем происходит взрыв, то звук будет смешан, чтобы он звучал и казался реалистичным, как будто вы слышали его сверху. Windows Sonic имитирует аудиоканалы объемного звука 7.1 в наушниках.

Вместо того, чтобы терять некоторые из этих аудиоканалов (и в результате определенные шумы и звуки), они микшируются в два канала (левый и правый), которые вы принимаете в своих наушниках.

Windows Sonic для наушников доступна в Windows 10, но по умолчанию она отключена, поэтому вам нужно сначала включить ее. Его также можно включить для пользователей Xbox в меню настроек Xbox.

Windows Sonic против Dolby Atmos: какой поставщик пространственного звука лучше?

Хотя Windows Sonic — полезный инструмент для общего звука, у него также есть конкурент: Dolby Atmos. Если у вас есть аудиоприемник с поддержкой Dolby Atmos, вы можете использовать его вместо этого. Битва между Windows Sonic и Dolby Atmos — это не просто битва за качество звука. Выбор между ними будет зависеть от доступного оборудования.

Все наушники (независимо от качества) поддерживают Windows Sonic, независимо от того, стоят они 10 или 1000 долларов. Напротив, Dolby Atmos — это запатентованная система, для работы которой требуется оборудование с поддержкой Dolby Atmos.

Между ними нет большой разницы. Но, учитывая, что Dolby — всемирно известная аудиокомпания, вы можете предпочесть уровень улучшений и богатство звука, доступный с Dolby Atmos, а не с Windows Sonic.

Некоторое программное обеспечение (включая игры) напрямую поддерживает Dolby Atmos. Это означает, что если вы играете в такие игры, как Call of Duty, вы можете обнаружить, что настройка Dolby Atmos улучшает качество звука более заметно, чем если бы вы перешли на Windows Sonic.

Большинство пользователей, вероятно, предпочтут использовать Windows Sonic, которая полностью бесплатна и поддерживается большим количеством устройств. Если у вас есть устройство с поддержкой Dolby Atmos, имеет смысл попробовать обе системы, чтобы увидеть, какая из них предлагает звук наилучшего качества для ваших нужд.

Однако, если вы действительно хотите попробовать Dolby Atmos, вам также необходимо приобрести для него лицензию за 14,99 долларов (с названием Доступ к Dolby) из Microsoft Store. Бесплатная пробная версия доступна для тестирования службы на вашем ПК или Xbox.

Хотя Dolby Atmos и Windows Sonic — два сильных варианта, вы можете попробовать альтернативные поставщики пространственного звука. Один из недавно выпущенных вариантов — DTS звук без ограничений который, как и Windows Sonic, обещает улучшить качество звука с помощью аналогичных улучшений, стоимостью 19,99 долларов за лицензию (с доступной бесплатной пробной версией).

Как настроить Windows Sonic в Windows 10

Если вы хотите настроить Windows Sonic в Windows 10, вам необходимо сначала включить его, так как по умолчанию система отключена.

  1. Чтобы включить Windows Sonic, вам нужно открыть меню настроек Windows. Для этого щелкните правой кнопкой мыши меню «Пуск» и выберите параметр «Настройки».

  1. В меню настроек Windows выберите Система> Звук. В меню «Звук» выберите устройство вывода из раскрывающегося меню, затем выберите параметр «Свойства устройства» под ним.

  1. В меню «Свойства устройства» вы увидите категорию «Пространственный звук». В раскрывающемся меню выберите параметр Windows Sonic для наушников.

  1. Это автоматически применит поставщик пространственного звука к вашему устройству вывода звука. После того, как параметр включен, вы можете быстро включать и выключать его, используя значок «Звук» на панели задач в правом нижнем углу. Для этого щелкните значок правой кнопкой мыши, чтобы начать.

  1. В меню наведите указатель мыши на параметр Пространственный звук (Windows Sonic для наушников). Это покажет различные варианты пространственного звука. Если вы хотите отключить Windows Sonic, выберите параметр «Выкл.». Если вы хотите переключаться между Windows Sonic и Dolby Atmos, выберите Dolby Access, но для этого вам понадобится лицензия. Вы также можете выбрать DTS Sound Unbound, который является еще одним платным альтернативным поставщиком пространственного звука с доступной бесплатной пробной версией.

Изменения настроек пространственного звука будут применены немедленно. Переключение между Windows Sonic, Dolby Atmos или DTS Sound Unbound позволит вам определить, какой вариант обеспечивает наилучшее улучшение качества звука для вашей настройки звука.

Лучшее качество звука в Windows 10

Включив Windows Sonic для наушников в Windows 10, вы сможете воспользоваться технологией пространственного объемного звучания для улучшения качества звука, будь то во время интенсивной игры на ПК или смотрю Netflix с друзьями.

Если у вас нет средств на замену наушников, Windows Sonic может помочь вам максимально эффективно использовать те, которые у вас есть. Возможно, вы сможете улучшить ситуацию с помощью Аудио программное обеспечение Windows 10от эквалайзеров для балансировки звука до бесплатного и платного программного обеспечения объемного звука, которое может дать вам звук мирового класса.

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