Windows update agent что это за программа

Windows Update — программа, которая ищет, скачивает и устанавливает обновления. Все автоматически, иногда вам нужно только подтверждать установку или загрузку.

Windows Update — программа, которая ищет, скачивает и устанавливает обновления. Все автоматически, иногда вам нужно только подтверждать установку или загрузку.

В принципе все верно, однако Windows Update — слишком общее название, чтобы говорить о чем-то конкретном. Например есть прога с похожим названием — Windows Update MiniTool, она нужна для управления обновлениями, также умеет проверять наличие, скачивать их, устанавливать, удалять установленные, скрывать нежелательные, следить за историей.

Однако чаще всего под названием Windows Update имеют ввиду именно обновления Windows.

Важные моменты

  1. Обновления устраняют баги, глюки, а также критические уязвимости, которые могут использовать хакеры для атак. Простыми словами уязвимости, через которые может попасть на ПК вирус.
  2. В десятке обновления также могут приносить новые функции, то есть десятка как бы на ходу улучшается.
  3. Обновления, особенно в десятке — вещь требующая ресурсов. Да, может нагружаться процессор, использоваться много оперативы, особенно когда вы только установили чистую винду, то первые обновления — их много, и установка, скачивание, и еще какие-то служебные дела — будут кушать много оперы.. и грузить процессор.. нужно просто набраться терпения.
  4. Выходят не каждый день — примерно раз в неделю, раньше было каждый вторник. Точно не знаю, но в десятке вроде по умолчанию все настроено так, что скачиваться и устанавливаться будет автоматом, а вот перезагрузка только после вашего разрешения. Да, для установки часто требуется перезагрузка — это норма. Хотя читал что десятка может и принудительно как-то перезагрузить комп..

Внешний вид Windows Update

Windows Update — важная часть винды. Присутствует во всех версиях — в Windows 10, в Windows 8, семерке, и даже в XP. Скорее всего в старых он тоже был, так как обновления — очень важны. Представьте Microsoft выпускает винду, через месяц оказывается что в ней есть косяк.. как его исправить? Не переустанавливать же систему… тогда разработчики Microsoft создают обновление (заплатку) и оно через Windows Update попадает на ПК, устанавливается и исправляет косяк.

Картинка — окно Windows Update в десятке, не знаю какой билд, но думаю свежий:

Сразу лайф-хак. Чтобы запустить обновление в десятке — зажмите Win + I, далее в самом низу будет Обновление и безопасность. Нажимаете и у вас сразу появится Центр обновления Windows — нужно просто нажать Проверить наличие.

Windows Update — вообще-то Центр обновления Windows, именно так он назывался в семерке:

Если есть обновы, то будет указано сколько их, размер, в общем вся важная нужная инфа:

В семерке Центр обновления находится в панели управления. Там нужно найти значок. Кстати панель управления можно запустить так: Win + R, далее команда control или control panel (способ работает чуть ли не во всех версиях винды).

В Windows 8 все похоже:

Также находится в панели управления. И только в десятке теперь все находится в окне Параметры.

Как отключить Windows Update?

В семерке — идете в панель управления, находите значок Центр обновлений Windows, запускаете, там будет Настройка параметров:

Потом собственно отключаете:

После — нажимаете ОК.

В десятке запускаете окно Параметры (Win + I), далее в самом низу Обновление и безопасность:

Нажмите кнопку Дополнительные параметры:

Далее можете их отключить, но только временно. Используйте настройки:

  • Приостановить до
  • Выберите когда устанавливать

Можете выставить по максимум.. потом все равно придется обновиться.

На заметку. Я кстати использую утилиту DoNotSpy10, позволяющую отключить все лишнее/ненужное в винде. Пользуюсь давно, правда у меня еще версия Windows 10 LTSB.. где по умолчанию многое отключено. Короче возможно DoNotSpy10 может сделать так, что обновления вы будете получать только тогда когда нажмете на кнопку проверки их наличия. Попробуйте, винда быстрее даже станет работать после DoNotSpy10.

В принципе если на ПК установлен мощный антивирус, версия максимальная, например Касперский, лицензия, настроен на высокую безопасность.. то я думаю с таким антивирусом обновы можно временно отложить.


Главное выяснили:

  1. Windows Update — системный компонент для обновления винды. Автоматически ищет, качает, устанавливает. Встроен в систему. Отключить можно, удалять нельзя (кажется есть даже служба).
  2. Присутствует во многих виндах, как в десятке, так и в старенькой Windows XP.
  3. При наличии мощного платного антивируса, обновления можно отложить. Особенно если за компом вы максимум играете или смотрите фильмы. При наличии важных/ценных данных на ПК — лучше не отключать.

Надеюсь информация оказалась полезной. Удачи, добра, до новых встреч господа!

На главную!


Иконка Windows Update Agent

Windows Update Agent – это официальная утилита от Microsoft, предназначенная для правильного обновления операционной системы Windows 7.

Описание программы

Приложение распространяется на полностью бесплатной основе и преследует единственную цель – обновление ОС до последней версии.

Windows Update Agent

Важно понимать, что данное программное обеспечение работает с любыми разрядностьями Windows 7, включая x32 или 64 Bit.

Как установить

Переходим к делу. Давайте рассмотрим конкретный пример, который показывает, как устанавливается ПО:

  1. Обращаемся к концу этой странички и загружаем архив.
  2. Распаковываем содержимое, запускаем процесс инсталляции и устанавливаем флажок напротив пункта принятия лицензии.
  3. Переходим к следующему шагу и ждём несколько секунд, пока программа установится.

Установка Windows Update Agent

Как пользоваться

Основная особенность использования софта – это правильный запуск. Производим правый клик, из контекстного меню выбираем пункт работы с полномочиями администратора, затем в маленьком окошке нажимаем «Да». После этого появится пошаговый мастер, который позволит правильно обновить вашу операционную систему.

Запуск Windows Update Agent

Достоинства и недостатки

Переходим к разбору сильных, а также слабых сторон утилиты для обновления Windows 7.


  • русский язык в пользовательском интерфейсе;
  • полная бесплатность;
  • отсутствие необходимости инсталляции.


  • отсутствие каких-либо вспомогательных инструментов.


Исполняемый файл программы может быть загружен немного ниже по прямой ссылке.

Язык: Русский
Активация: Бесплатно
Разработчик: Microsoft
Платформа: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11

Windows Update Agent 7.6.7600.256

Агент обновления Microsoft Windows (также называемый WUA) — это программа-агент. Он работает вместе со службами Windows Server Update Services для автоматической доставки исправлений. Он может сканировать ваш компьютер и определять, какая у вас версия Windows. … Агент обновления Windows был впервые представлен для Windows Vista.

Для получения дополнительных сведений о том, как проверить, какая версия агента обновления Windows установлена, выполните следующие действия:

  1. Откройте папку% systemroot% system32. % systemroot% — это папка, в которой установлена ​​Windows. …
  2. Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши Wuaueng. …
  3. Выберите вкладку «Сведения» и найдите номер версии файла.

Как отключить агент Центра обновления Windows?

Тип «MSCONFIG»В поле« Выполнить »или« Поиск »в меню« Пуск ». Откроется окно, содержащее ваши файлы запуска. Щелкните вкладку «Запуск» и прокрутите вниз, чтобы найти «Центр обновления Windows». Снимите флажок рядом с «Обновить. »Нажмите« Применить », а затем выберите« Закрыть ».

Какая служба отвечает за Центр обновления Windows?

Microsoft Windows Update — это служба Microsoft для операционных систем семейств Windows 9x и Windows NT, которая автоматизирует загрузку и установку обновлений программного обеспечения Microsoft Windows через Интернет.

Что делает служба обновления Windows?

Обновляйте Windows с помощью службы обновления Windows

Центр обновления Windows — это бесплатная служба Microsoft, используется для предоставления обновлений, таких как пакеты обновления и исправления для операционной системы Windows и другого программного обеспечения Microsoft.. Центр обновления Windows также можно использовать для обновления драйверов для популярных аппаратных устройств.

Как найти агент обновления Windows?

Используйте следующие шаги, чтобы определить версия of Агент обновления Windows используйте следующую процедуру.

  1. В проводнике перейдите к C:WindowsSystem32 и найдите файл wuaueng. dll.
  2. Щелкните файл правой кнопкой мыши и выберите «Свойства».
  3. Щелкните вкладку Details, чтобы найти продукт. Версия.

Как называется процесс обновления Windows?

Это фоновый процесс, который проверяет наличие обновлений для операционной системы на веб-сайте Microsoft. Он отображается в списке процессов диспетчера задач, когда ожидает ответа, например, для подтверждения разрешения на загрузку обновления. Обратите внимание wuauclt.exe файл находится в папке C: WindowsSystem32.

Как использовать автономный установщик Центра обновления Windows?

Чтобы начать установку пакета обновления Windows, просто дважды щелкните файл MSU, который вы скачали. Если обновление применимо к этому компьютеру, откроется окно автономного установщика Центра обновления Windows, в котором вам будет предложено подтвердить установку обновления.

Как переустановить Центр обновления Windows?

Как переустановить обновление в Windows 10

  1. Открыть настройки.
  2. Щелкните Обновление и безопасность.
  3. Нажмите на Центр обновления Windows.
  4. Нажмите кнопку «Проверка обновлений», чтобы запустить проверку обновлений, которая автоматически загрузит и установит обновление.
  5. Нажмите кнопку «Перезагрузить сейчас», чтобы завершить задачу.

Как я могу бесплатно обновить Windows?

Посетите страницу загрузки Windows 10. Это официальная страница Microsoft, которая может позволить вам выполнить обновление бесплатно. Когда вы окажетесь там, откройте Windows 10 Media Creation Tool (нажмите «Загрузить инструмент сейчас») и выберите «Обновить этот компьютер сейчас».

Безопасно ли отключать службу Центра обновления Windows?

Мы не рекомендуем вам отключить автоматическое обновление Windows in Windows 10. Если на вашем компьютере все в порядке с загрузками в фоновом режиме и это не влияет на вашу работу, делать это не рекомендуется.

Что делать, если Windows зависает при обновлении?

Как исправить застрявшее обновление Windows

  1. Убедитесь, что обновления действительно застряли.
  2. Выключи и снова включи.
  3. Проверьте утилиту Центра обновления Windows.
  4. Запустите программу устранения неполадок Microsoft.
  5. Запустите Windows в безопасном режиме.
  6. Вернитесь в прошлое с помощью функции восстановления системы.
  7. Удалите кеш файлов Центра обновления Windows самостоятельно.
  8. Запустите тщательную проверку на вирусы.

The Microsoft Windows Update Agent (also referred to as WUA) is an agent program. It works together with the Windows Server Update Services to automatically deliver patches. It’s able to scan your computer and determine what version of Windows you’re running. This allows the update agent to push new updates onto your device, making the process easier.

Windows Update Agent was first introduced for Windows Vista. It replaced the Windows Update web application and the Automatic Updates client. Because it’s a much better solution for updates, Microsoft kept it in every future release.

What is the Windows Update agent?

The Windows Update Agent improves features of the Automatic Updates client. Browsing the Windows Update website was much of a hassle for many users. Not knowing what update you need can lead to loss of time and many errors.

Windows Update Agent can prevent this.

It can automatically select, download and install needed or recommended updates.

Have you ever had your computer unexpectedly crash?

When using the Windows Update Client, you can recover easier and faster. This is possible because the agent uses a feature introduced in Windows Vista. Windows handles its system files better, allowing for easier recovery.

How does Windows Update Agent Work?

The update agent searches and downloads updates from trusted Microsoft sources. This includes:

  • Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) server
  • Microsoft’s update websites
  • Peer to peer distribution (Windows 10)

Once the update agent detects a new update that is missing from your computer, it begins working. You don’t have to spend any time looking for updates and trying to determine which one to install yourself.

You’re able to manage the Windows Update Agent in the following locations:

  • Control Panel
  • Settings app
  • Group Policy
  • Microsoft Intune
  • Windows PowerShell

Windows Update Agent is compatible with these versions of Windows:

  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 10

How to check what version of Windows Update Agent is installed?

  1. Use APIs on WinHTTP (Windows HTTP Services) and download
  2. With Cryptography Functions, check if the file has a digital signature from Microsoft. If a digital signature can’t be verified, do not continue with this file.
  3. Use File Decompression Interface APIs in order to extract the XML file in
  4. Determine what architecture your computer is using. With the APIs of Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML), locate the WURedist/StandaloneRedist/architecture node.
  5. Call IWindowsUpdateAgentInfo::GetInfo to determine the current version of Windows Update Agent.

This method is not able to tell you whether or not your Windows Update Agent version is the latest or not. However, identifying your version allows you to do some research and find out if you need to update it or not.

Parts of Windows Update Agent

Microsoft defines five important parts in the Windows Update Agent:

  • Service Availability: This part is what detects, downloads and installs a Windows update. It also handles updates for some other programs.
  • Server Connectivity: This is an API (Application Program Interface). It connects your computer to the locations Microsoft uses for delivering updates. You can see these above.
  • Update Detection: Scans your computer for updates regularly. This allows you to automate the update process, as you don’t have to check for updates yourself.
  • Update Downloads: Downloads available and mandatory updates from safe locations Microsoft uses. Once again, see the list above.
  • Update Installation: Installs the available updates.

Changes to Windows Update Agent in Windows 10

The manual operation of the Windows Update Agent is no longer supported in Windows 10. This is a major change, as all updates get downloaded and installed automatically. What this means is you can no longer select installations and updates yourself.

Windows 10 users have access to peer-to-peer support when updating. Your systems’ bandwidth is used to distribute downloaded updates to other users. You can change this setting to only distribute within a local area network.

What is the Windows Update agent?
Cumulative updates are also included for Windows 10 users. What this means is that the Windows Update Agent is able to pack older updates together. For example, if updates came out in July, August and September, the October update contains all of them.

These cumulative updates end the need to download more than one update. It also spares you from having to restart your computer many times. But, it has a disadvantage. Downloading and installing updates that fix individual problems is no longer possible.

How to Update Windows Update Agent

Before you begin updating, check that your computer has automatic updates.

On Windows 10, search for Windows Update Settings in your search bar on the bottom left of your screen. Open the matching “System settings” result. Select Advanced Options and choose Automatic from the drop-down menu.

If you’re on an older version of Windows, find the classic Control Panel. Select the Windows Update icon and click the Change Settings link on the left. Under the Important Updates section, make sure that you enable automatic updates.

How to Update Windows Update Agent on Windows 10

  1. Type Run in your search bar and click on the application.
    How to Update Windows Update Agent on Windows 10
  2. Type services.msc and click OK. This is going to launch the Services Manager.
  3. Scroll down until you locate Windows Update from the list of services.
    Windows update
  4. Right-click on Windows Update and click on Stop.
    how to stop windows update
  5. When you successfully stopped the service, right-click on Windows Update once again. This time click on Start.
    how to start windows update
  6. Close the Services Manager and run Windows Update.

How to Update Windows Update Agent on Windows 7

How to Reset or Fix Windows Update Agent on Windows PC

Are you still encountering problems and issues with the Windows Update Agent? There might be times when updating it to the latest version won’t help. Luckily, fixing it is an easy task. 

Manuel F. Gil created a script available on It allows you to easily reset and fix the Windows Update Agent. In the past, this process often took hours as many files have to get deleted or renamed. The script is able to do this in bulk, quickly and efficiently.

They also published a software called the Reset Windows Update Tool. You can download it and run it similarly to the script. The website includes more information. You can check the features, requirements, documentation and in-depth licensing terms.

This method is tested to work on the following Windows platforms:

  • Windows 10
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP

This method deletes and modifies system files. Please take the time to read these important notes before you begin this process:

  • Only reset the Windows Update Agent if you’re having issues with Windows Updates. If your updates are fine, there’s no need to reset the agent.
  • Make a backup of your files and system before attempting to reset the Windows Update Agent. As written in the Terms of Use, the creator of the script takes no responsibility for any damages that the script might cause.
  • You’re required to have administrator rights on your user to run the script.

When you’re done taking the necessary steps to safely run the script, follow the guide below.

  1. Click on this link to open the file. You can read about the script and how it works on this website to verify how trustworthy it is.
  2. Click on the button next to Download.
    how to update windows agent
  3. Accept the license by clicking on I agree.
    license agreement
  4. Extract the folder in the downloaded .zip file somewhere on your computer
  5. Right-click on ResetWUEng.cmd then run as administrator
  6. Agree to the Terms and Conditions of Use by typing Y.

18 options will show up in the command window to choose from. These are all the tools to fix your system and run various check-ups. However, not all of them are directly needed to reset the Windows Update Agent.

Windows update tool

You can run an option by typing in the number assigned to it and pressing the enter key on your keyboard. For example, if you want the script to restart your computer, type in 18 and press enter.

Some things we recommend running via the script to fix the Windows Update Agent:

  • Reset the Windows Update Components (2)
  • Delete temporary files in Windows (3)
  • Run the System File Checker tool (6)
  • Perform repair operations automatically (9)
  • Delete incorrect registry values (11)
  • Search  Windows updates (13)

Warning: Once you press enter to run any of these options, there’s no confirmation or cancellation of the process. If you’re unsure whether you should run an option, type in a? symbol and press enter to access Help.

Learning about the Windows Update Agent is exciting, as it plays a vital part of your computer’s health. Always keep the agent up-to-date to assure you don’t run into any errors while updating.

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The Microsoft Windows Update Agent (also referred to as WUA) is an agent program. It works together with the Windows Server Update Services to automatically deliver patches. It’s able to scan your computer and determine what version of Windows you’re running. This allows the update agent to push new updates onto your device, making the process easier.

Windows Update Agent was first introduced for Windows Vista. It replaced the Windows Update web application and the Automatic Updates client. Because it’s a much better solution for updates, Microsoft kept it in every future release.

What is the Windows Update agent?

The Windows Update Agent improves features of the Automatic Updates client. Browsing the Windows Update website was much of a hassle for many users. Not knowing what update you need can lead to loss of time and many errors.

Windows Update Agent can prevent this.

It can automatically select, download and install needed or recommended updates.

Have you ever had your computer unexpectedly crash?

When using the Windows Update Client, you can recover easier and faster. This is possible because the agent uses a feature introduced in Windows Vista. Windows handles its system files better, allowing for easier recovery.

How does Windows Update Agent Work?

The update agent searches and downloads updates from trusted Microsoft sources. This includes:

  • Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) server
  • Microsoft’s update websites
  • Peer to peer distribution (Windows 10)

Once the update agent detects a new update that is missing from your computer, it begins working. You don’t have to spend any time looking for updates and trying to determine which one to install yourself.

You’re able to manage the Windows Update Agent in the following locations:

  • Control Panel
  • Settings app
  • Group Policy
  • Microsoft Intune
  • Windows PowerShell

Windows Update Agent is compatible with these versions of Windows:

  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 10

How to check what version of Windows Update Agent is installed?

  1. Use APIs on WinHTTP (Windows HTTP Services) and download
  2. With Cryptography Functions, check if the file has a digital signature from Microsoft. If a digital signature can’t be verified, do not continue with this file.
  3. Use File Decompression Interface APIs in order to extract the XML file in
  4. Determine what architecture your computer is using. With the APIs of Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML), locate the WURedist/StandaloneRedist/architecture node.
  5. Call IWindowsUpdateAgentInfo::GetInfo to determine the current version of Windows Update Agent.

This method is not able to tell you whether or not your Windows Update Agent version is the latest or not. However, identifying your version allows you to do some research and find out if you need to update it or not.

Parts of Windows Update Agent

Microsoft defines five important parts in the Windows Update Agent:

  • Service Availability: This part is what detects, downloads and installs a Windows update. It also handles updates for some other programs.
  • Server Connectivity: This is an API (Application Program Interface). It connects your computer to the locations Microsoft uses for delivering updates. You can see these above.
  • Update Detection: Scans your computer for updates regularly. This allows you to automate the update process, as you don’t have to check for updates yourself.
  • Update Downloads: Downloads available and mandatory updates from safe locations Microsoft uses. Once again, see the list above.
  • Update Installation: Installs the available updates.

Changes to Windows Update Agent in Windows 10

The manual operation of the Windows Update Agent is no longer supported in Windows 10. This is a major change, as all updates get downloaded and installed automatically. What this means is you can no longer select installations and updates yourself.

Windows 10 users have access to peer-to-peer support when updating. Your systems’ bandwidth is used to distribute downloaded updates to other users. You can change this setting to only distribute within a local area network.

What is the Windows Update agent?
Cumulative updates are also included for Windows 10 users. What this means is that the Windows Update Agent is able to pack older updates together. For example, if updates came out in July, August and September, the October update contains all of them.

These cumulative updates end the need to download more than one update. It also spares you from having to restart your computer many times. But, it has a disadvantage. Downloading and installing updates that fix individual problems is no longer possible.

How to Update Windows Update Agent

Before you begin updating, check that your computer has automatic updates.

On Windows 10, search for Windows Update Settings in your search bar on the bottom left of your screen. Open the matching “System settings” result. Select Advanced Options and choose Automatic from the drop-down menu.

If you’re on an older version of Windows, find the classic Control Panel. Select the Windows Update icon and click the Change Settings link on the left. Under the Important Updates section, make sure that you enable automatic updates.

How to Update Windows Update Agent on Windows 10

  1. Type Run in your search bar and click on the application.
    How to Update Windows Update Agent on Windows 10
  2. Type services.msc and click OK. This is going to launch the Services Manager.
  3. Scroll down until you locate Windows Update from the list of services.
    Windows update
  4. Right-click on Windows Update and click on Stop.
    how to stop windows update
  5. When you successfully stopped the service, right-click on Windows Update once again. This time click on Start.
    how to start windows update
  6. Close the Services Manager and run Windows Update.

How to Update Windows Update Agent on Windows 7

How to Reset or Fix Windows Update Agent on Windows PC

Are you still encountering problems and issues with the Windows Update Agent? There might be times when updating it to the latest version won’t help. Luckily, fixing it is an easy task. 

Manuel F. Gil created a script available on It allows you to easily reset and fix the Windows Update Agent. In the past, this process often took hours as many files have to get deleted or renamed. The script is able to do this in bulk, quickly and efficiently.

They also published a software called the Reset Windows Update Tool. You can download it and run it similarly to the script. The website includes more information. You can check the features, requirements, documentation and in-depth licensing terms.

This method is tested to work on the following Windows platforms:

  • Windows 10
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP

This method deletes and modifies system files. Please take the time to read these important notes before you begin this process:

  • Only reset the Windows Update Agent if you’re having issues with Windows Updates. If your updates are fine, there’s no need to reset the agent.
  • Make a backup of your files and system before attempting to reset the Windows Update Agent. As written in the Terms of Use, the creator of the script takes no responsibility for any damages that the script might cause.
  • You’re required to have administrator rights on your user to run the script.

When you’re done taking the necessary steps to safely run the script, follow the guide below.

  1. Click on this link to open the file. You can read about the script and how it works on this website to verify how trustworthy it is.
  2. Click on the button next to Download.
    how to update windows agent
  3. Accept the license by clicking on I agree.
    license agreement
  4. Extract the folder in the downloaded .zip file somewhere on your computer
  5. Right-click on ResetWUEng.cmd then run as administrator
  6. Agree to the Terms and Conditions of Use by typing Y.

18 options will show up in the command window to choose from. These are all the tools to fix your system and run various check-ups. However, not all of them are directly needed to reset the Windows Update Agent.

Windows update tool

You can run an option by typing in the number assigned to it and pressing the enter key on your keyboard. For example, if you want the script to restart your computer, type in 18 and press enter.

Some things we recommend running via the script to fix the Windows Update Agent:

  • Reset the Windows Update Components (2)
  • Delete temporary files in Windows (3)
  • Run the System File Checker tool (6)
  • Perform repair operations automatically (9)
  • Delete incorrect registry values (11)
  • Search  Windows updates (13)

Warning: Once you press enter to run any of these options, there’s no confirmation or cancellation of the process. If you’re unsure whether you should run an option, type in a? symbol and press enter to access Help.

Learning about the Windows Update Agent is exciting, as it plays a vital part of your computer’s health. Always keep the agent up-to-date to assure you don’t run into any errors while updating.

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title description author manager audience ms.topic localization_priority ms.reviewer ms.custom adobe-target

Update Windows Update Agent to latest version

Provides information about updating Windows Update Agent to the latest version.









kaushika, brentdav

sap:servicing, csstroubleshoot



Update the Windows Update Agent to the latest version

This article describes how to update the Windows Update Agent to the latest version.

Applies to:   Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012
Original KB number:   949104


If you have automatic updating turned on, the latest version of the Windows Update Agent is downloaded and installed automatically on your computer. Or, you can manually download and install the Windows Update Agent.

Automatically download Windows Update Agent

To download the Windows Update Agent automatically, follow these steps:

  1. Turn on automatic updating. Follow these steps, for the version of Windows that you are running.

    • Windows 8.1 or Windows 8

      1. Open Windows Update by swiping in from the right edge of the screen (or, if you’re using a mouse, pointing to the lower-right corner of the screen and moving up the mouse pointer), tapping or clicking Settings, tapping or clicking Control Panel, and then tapping or clicking Windows Update.
      2. Tap or click Change settings.
      3. Under Important updates, choose Install updates automatically.
      4. Under Recommended updates, select the Give me recommended updates the same way I receive important updates check box, and then select OK.
    • Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP

      To turn on automatic updating automatically, select the Fix it button or link, and then select Run in the View Download dialog box. Then, follow the steps in the Fix it wizard.

  2. Restart the Windows Update service. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. Press the Windows logo Key+R to open the Run box.
    2. Type services.msc in the Run box, and then press Enter.
    3. Right-click Windows Update in the Services management console, and then select Stop. If you are running Windows XP, right-click Automatic Updates, and then select Stop.
    4. After Windows Update stops, right-click Windows Update, and then select Start. If you are running Windows XP, right-click Automatic Updates, and then select Start.
  3. Wait for Windows Update to start, and then verify that the Windows Update Agent is updated.

Manually download Windows Update Agent from Microsoft Download Center

Click the download link for your version of Windows to obtain the latest Windows Update Agent.

Stand-alone packages for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012

The following files are available for download from the Microsoft Download Center.

Operating system Update
All supported x86-based versions of Windows 8 (KB2937636) Download the package now.
All supported x64-based versions of Windows 8 (KB2937636) Download the package now.
All supported x64-based versions of Windows Server 2012 (KB2937636) Download the package now.

Stand-alone packages for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1

The following files are available for download from Windows Update.

Operating system Update
All supported x86-based versions of Windows 7 SP1 Download the package now.
All supported x64-based versions of Windows 7 SP1 Download the package now.
All supported x86-based versions of Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Download the package now.
All supported x64-based versions of Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Download the package now.
All supported Itanium-based versions of Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Download the package now.

Windows 8.1, Windows RT 8.1, and Windows Server 2012 R2 with update 2919355 already include the latest version of the Windows Update Agent.

More information

If you receive a Windows Update error, try Solutions for common Windows Update errors.

For more information about how to check which version of the Windows Update Agent is installed, follow these steps:

  1. Open the %systemroot%system32 folder. %systemroot% is the folder in which Windows is installed. For example, the %systemroot% folder is C:Windows.
  2. Right-click Wuaueng.dll, and then select Properties.
  3. Select the Details tab, and then locate the file version number.

The latest version of the Windows Update Agent for Windows 8.1 is 7.9.9600.16422. The latest version of the Windows Update Agent for Windows 8 is 7.8.9200.16693. The latest version of the Windows Update Agent for Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP is 7.6.7600.256.

Improvements in version 7.6.7600.256 of Windows Update Agent

  • A hardened infrastructure so that the Windows Update client will trust only those files that are signed by a new certificate. The certificate is used solely to protect updates to the Windows Update client.

  • A more secure communication channel for the Windows Update client

Improvements in version 7.4.7600.226 of Windows Update Agent

  • Improved scan times for Windows updates.
  • Improved Windows Update UI for computers that are running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008.
  • More visible and detailed descriptions of updates.
  • Improvements in how users are notified about service packs.

Issues that are fixed in version 7.2.6001.788 of Windows Update Agent

Version 7.2.6001.788 of the Windows Update Agent fixes the following issue. This issue was not previously documented in a Microsoft Knowledge Base article:

  • When you try to install 80 or more updates at the same time from Windows Update or Microsoft Update, you receive a «0x80070057» error code.

Improvements in version 7.2.6001.784 of Windows Update Agent

  • Improved scan times for Windows Update
  • Improved speed at which signature updates are delivered
  • Support for Windows Installer reinstallation
  • Improved error messaging

Issues that are fixed by version 7.0.6000.381 of Windows Update Agent

Version 7.0.6000.381 of the Windows Update Agent fixes the following issues. These issues were not previously documented in a Microsoft Knowledge Base article:

  • The Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) crashes on a Windows Vista-based computer. For more information, see An update is available to fix a Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) crash on a Windows Vista-based computer.
  • A fix is included that reduces the number of restarts that are required for the stand-alone installer when Multilingual User Interface Pack (MUI) files are being used.
  • User interface elements in the Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese languages are fixed.
  • The Windows Vista installation experience is improved.

Windows Update helps keep your computer up-to-date and secure by downloading and installing the latest security and other updates from Microsoft. Windows Update determines which updates apply to your computer.

Microsoft periodically makes software updates available to users of Windows and other Microsoft software. These include updates that improve reliability and performance, updates that provide new protections against malware and other potentially unwanted software, and upgrades to Windows features. To improve the performance or the reliability of hardware components on the computer, Microsoft may also provide updates to device drivers that are supplied by the computer manufacturer.

If you turn on Windows Update, software components that are directly related to Windows Update will have to be updated occasionally on your computer. These updates must be performed before Windows Update can check for required updates or before it can install other updates. These required updates fix errors, provide ongoing improvements, and maintain compatibility with the Microsoft servers that support Windows Update. If you disable Windows Update, you will not receive these updates.

Windows Update is configured to install updates automatically when you select the recommended option during Windows Out Of Box Experience (OOBE) Setup. You can also turn on Windows Update by selecting one of following settings in the Automatic Updates item in Control Panel:

  • Automatic (recommended).
  • Download updates for me, but let me choose when to install them.
  • Notify me, but don’t automatically download or install them.

After you turn on Windows Update, the required updates to components of Windows Update will be downloaded and installed automatically without notifying you. This behavior occurs regardless of which setting you use to turn on Windows Update. If you do not want to receive required updates, you can disable automatic updates in Control Panel.

The updates to Windows Update itself typically do the following: Address feedback from customers, improve compatibility, service performance and reliability, and enable new service capabilities. When the Windows Update server is updated, a corresponding client update is typically required. During an agent self-update operation, Windows Update Agent files may be added, modified, or replaced. For example, Windows Update Agent files that help display the user experience or that determine whether updates apply to a particular system may be added. This behavior occurs when a system is set to automatically check for available updates. This does not occur when automatic updates are turned off. For example, this behavior does not occur if you select Never check for updates in Windows Vista and Windows 7 or if you select Turn off Automatic Updates in Windows XP.

Administrators will receive the latest version of the Windows Update Agent for deployment through Windows Server Update Services (WSUS).

title description author manager audience ms.topic localization_priority ms.reviewer ms.custom adobe-target

Update Windows Update Agent to latest version

Provides information about updating Windows Update Agent to the latest version.









kaushika, brentdav

sap:servicing, csstroubleshoot



Update the Windows Update Agent to the latest version

This article describes how to update the Windows Update Agent to the latest version.

Applies to:   Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012
Original KB number:   949104


If you have automatic updating turned on, the latest version of the Windows Update Agent is downloaded and installed automatically on your computer. Or, you can manually download and install the Windows Update Agent.

Automatically download Windows Update Agent

To download the Windows Update Agent automatically, follow these steps:

  1. Turn on automatic updating. Follow these steps, for the version of Windows that you are running.

    • Windows 8.1 or Windows 8

      1. Open Windows Update by swiping in from the right edge of the screen (or, if you’re using a mouse, pointing to the lower-right corner of the screen and moving up the mouse pointer), tapping or clicking Settings, tapping or clicking Control Panel, and then tapping or clicking Windows Update.
      2. Tap or click Change settings.
      3. Under Important updates, choose Install updates automatically.
      4. Under Recommended updates, select the Give me recommended updates the same way I receive important updates check box, and then select OK.
    • Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP

      To turn on automatic updating automatically, select the Fix it button or link, and then select Run in the View Download dialog box. Then, follow the steps in the Fix it wizard.

  2. Restart the Windows Update service. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. Press the Windows logo Key+R to open the Run box.
    2. Type services.msc in the Run box, and then press Enter.
    3. Right-click Windows Update in the Services management console, and then select Stop. If you are running Windows XP, right-click Automatic Updates, and then select Stop.
    4. After Windows Update stops, right-click Windows Update, and then select Start. If you are running Windows XP, right-click Automatic Updates, and then select Start.
  3. Wait for Windows Update to start, and then verify that the Windows Update Agent is updated.

Manually download Windows Update Agent from Microsoft Download Center

Click the download link for your version of Windows to obtain the latest Windows Update Agent.

Stand-alone packages for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012

The following files are available for download from the Microsoft Download Center.

Operating system Update
All supported x86-based versions of Windows 8 (KB2937636) Download the package now.
All supported x64-based versions of Windows 8 (KB2937636) Download the package now.
All supported x64-based versions of Windows Server 2012 (KB2937636) Download the package now.

Stand-alone packages for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1

The following files are available for download from Windows Update.

Operating system Update
All supported x86-based versions of Windows 7 SP1 Download the package now.
All supported x64-based versions of Windows 7 SP1 Download the package now.
All supported x86-based versions of Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Download the package now.
All supported x64-based versions of Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Download the package now.
All supported Itanium-based versions of Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Download the package now.

Windows 8.1, Windows RT 8.1, and Windows Server 2012 R2 with update 2919355 already include the latest version of the Windows Update Agent.

More information

If you receive a Windows Update error, try Solutions for common Windows Update errors.

For more information about how to check which version of the Windows Update Agent is installed, follow these steps:

  1. Open the %systemroot%system32 folder. %systemroot% is the folder in which Windows is installed. For example, the %systemroot% folder is C:Windows.
  2. Right-click Wuaueng.dll, and then select Properties.
  3. Select the Details tab, and then locate the file version number.

The latest version of the Windows Update Agent for Windows 8.1 is 7.9.9600.16422. The latest version of the Windows Update Agent for Windows 8 is 7.8.9200.16693. The latest version of the Windows Update Agent for Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP is 7.6.7600.256.

Improvements in version 7.6.7600.256 of Windows Update Agent

  • A hardened infrastructure so that the Windows Update client will trust only those files that are signed by a new certificate. The certificate is used solely to protect updates to the Windows Update client.

  • A more secure communication channel for the Windows Update client

Improvements in version 7.4.7600.226 of Windows Update Agent

  • Improved scan times for Windows updates.
  • Improved Windows Update UI for computers that are running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008.
  • More visible and detailed descriptions of updates.
  • Improvements in how users are notified about service packs.

Issues that are fixed in version 7.2.6001.788 of Windows Update Agent

Version 7.2.6001.788 of the Windows Update Agent fixes the following issue. This issue was not previously documented in a Microsoft Knowledge Base article:

  • When you try to install 80 or more updates at the same time from Windows Update or Microsoft Update, you receive a «0x80070057» error code.

Improvements in version 7.2.6001.784 of Windows Update Agent

  • Improved scan times for Windows Update
  • Improved speed at which signature updates are delivered
  • Support for Windows Installer reinstallation
  • Improved error messaging

Issues that are fixed by version 7.0.6000.381 of Windows Update Agent

Version 7.0.6000.381 of the Windows Update Agent fixes the following issues. These issues were not previously documented in a Microsoft Knowledge Base article:

  • The Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) crashes on a Windows Vista-based computer. For more information, see An update is available to fix a Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) crash on a Windows Vista-based computer.
  • A fix is included that reduces the number of restarts that are required for the stand-alone installer when Multilingual User Interface Pack (MUI) files are being used.
  • User interface elements in the Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese languages are fixed.
  • The Windows Vista installation experience is improved.

Windows Update helps keep your computer up-to-date and secure by downloading and installing the latest security and other updates from Microsoft. Windows Update determines which updates apply to your computer.

Microsoft periodically makes software updates available to users of Windows and other Microsoft software. These include updates that improve reliability and performance, updates that provide new protections against malware and other potentially unwanted software, and upgrades to Windows features. To improve the performance or the reliability of hardware components on the computer, Microsoft may also provide updates to device drivers that are supplied by the computer manufacturer.

If you turn on Windows Update, software components that are directly related to Windows Update will have to be updated occasionally on your computer. These updates must be performed before Windows Update can check for required updates or before it can install other updates. These required updates fix errors, provide ongoing improvements, and maintain compatibility with the Microsoft servers that support Windows Update. If you disable Windows Update, you will not receive these updates.

Windows Update is configured to install updates automatically when you select the recommended option during Windows Out Of Box Experience (OOBE) Setup. You can also turn on Windows Update by selecting one of following settings in the Automatic Updates item in Control Panel:

  • Automatic (recommended).
  • Download updates for me, but let me choose when to install them.
  • Notify me, but don’t automatically download or install them.

After you turn on Windows Update, the required updates to components of Windows Update will be downloaded and installed automatically without notifying you. This behavior occurs regardless of which setting you use to turn on Windows Update. If you do not want to receive required updates, you can disable automatic updates in Control Panel.

The updates to Windows Update itself typically do the following: Address feedback from customers, improve compatibility, service performance and reliability, and enable new service capabilities. When the Windows Update server is updated, a corresponding client update is typically required. During an agent self-update operation, Windows Update Agent files may be added, modified, or replaced. For example, Windows Update Agent files that help display the user experience or that determine whether updates apply to a particular system may be added. This behavior occurs when a system is set to automatically check for available updates. This does not occur when automatic updates are turned off. For example, this behavior does not occur if you select Never check for updates in Windows Vista and Windows 7 or if you select Turn off Automatic Updates in Windows XP.

Administrators will receive the latest version of the Windows Update Agent for deployment through Windows Server Update Services (WSUS).

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