Windows xp macintosh osx and linux are

Работа по теме: Check Your English Vocabulary for Computing. Глава: 2.1 Software: the basics. ВУЗ: РГРТУ.

Choose the correct word to fill the spaces.

1. Turn on your computer. It will usually take a
few minutes to __________.

boot itself b.
boot up

Windows XP, Macintosh OSX and Linux are __________.

get booted

operating systems b.
operating tools

On my computer, I have a picture of my cat as the __________.


desktop background b.
desktop picture

Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat and CorelDraw are programs or

c. desktop scene

applicators b.

To open Microsoft Word, click on the __________.


picture b.

I keep all my digital photos in a __________ called «Photos».


folder b.

Is it possible to open Microsoft Excel __________ in Word?


texts b.

In Microsoft Word, to start typing a new letter, open a new


document b.

When you __________ a document, it’s sent to the recycle bin.


destroy b.

Deleted documents stay in the recycle bin until you __________


washb. empty


11. In Windows, the icon is just a __________ to
the application. If you delete the icon, the application will

still be on your computer.

connector b.

If the computer crashes, you can try pressing the __________


restart b.

When I’ve finished using my computer, I always __________.


close it down b.
shut it down

c. shut it off

14. If I leave my computer on without using it,
after a while it goes into __________ mode.

stand down b.
waiting c.

Insert the missing words.

find free up installed launch

2.2 Using software: useful verbs

the words on the left with the words on the right.

Set 1

  1. arrange the

  2. cut and

  3. install

  4. open the
    document in

  5. resize the

  6. save it

Set 2

  1. copy the

  2. customize your

  3. launch

  4. search

  5. send the

  6. use the

Set 3

  1. accidentally deleted an

  2. exit

  3. click on that
    button 4. pull down a

  1. replace the existing

  2. view

Set 4

  1. close down an

  2. log off

  3. look in

  4. put the file

  5. run a

  6. wipe the

  1. a Microsoft Word file

  2. a new window

  3. photo. It’s too big.

  4. an application

  5. some text

  6. icons on the desktop

  1. for a lost file

  2. a program

  3. «search» function

  4. text into a new document

  5. to a different folder

  6. desktop

  1. menu

  2. important file

  3. an application

  4. as a web page

  5. on the task bar

  6. file

  1. after a session

  2. all folders

  3. application

  4. hard drive

  5. on a USB memory key

  6. program

2.3 The control panel

2.4 Applications

  1. Match
    the descriptions on the left with these famous applications.

    1. word processor a. Adobe Photoshop

    2. spreadsheet b. Internet Explorer

    3. virus protection c. Microsoft Word

    4. browser d. Microsoft Excel

    5. image editor e. Microsoft PowerPoint

    6. media player f. Norton AntiVirus

    7. email software g. Outlook Express

    8. presentation software h. Adobe PageMaker

    9. graphic design software i. RealPlayer

  2. Crossword

  1. programs which tell the computer whatto do (8)

  2. a piece of software which makes acomputer do a
    task (for example, edit an image) (11)

  3. any set of instructions for a computer (7)

  4. software which operates a peripheral,such as a
    scanner or printer (6)

  5. application which stores and displaysdigital
    photos (5,5)

  6. you enter a security code to prove thatyou have
    a _______ to use the software (7)

  7. software which prevents unauthorisedaccess to
    your computer over the internet


  1. a series of letters and numbers whichyou have to
    enter before installing some programs (8,4)

  2. download new features for anapplication (6)

  3. an unauthorised copy of a program (7)

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Windows XP, Macintosh OSX and Linux are operating sistema перевод - Windows XP, Macintosh OSX and Linux are operating sistema русский как сказать

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Windows XP, Macintosh OSX and Linux are operating sistema


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Windows XP, Макинтош OSX и Linux работают АФК «Система»

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Windows XP, Macintosh OSX и Linux работают Система

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


Windows XP, Macintosh OS X и Linux — операционная система

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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  • To open Microsoft Word, click on then ic
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I вариант

Choose the correct word to fill the spaces.

  1. To turn on the computer, __________ the “Start” button.
  2. touch b. press c. switch
  3. Please __________ the CD ROM.
  4. insert b. introduce c. inject
  5. The projector isn’t working because it isn’t __________.
  6. plugged b. plugged in c. plugged into
  7. TV and computer screens are usually measured in __________.
  8. feet b. miles c. inches
  9. To get sound from your computer, plug in a pair of __________.
  10. loudhailers b. loudspeakers c. loud voices
  11. The computer is connected to the telephone line via a __________.
  12. module b. modem c. mod
  13. Mobile phones and PDAs can communicate with computers via __________.
  14. Bluebeard ® b. Blueberry ® c. Bluetooth ®
  15. SD cards can be read in a computer’s __________.
  16. storage reader b. memory reader c. card reader
  17. To select text, ______________ the left button, and move the mouse pointer.
  18. scroll up b. roll c. hold down
  19. With a laptop computer, plug in a mouse, or use the ______________ in front of the keyboard.
  20. touchpad b. pointer c. joystick
  21. Two clicks of a mouse button are called a ______________ click.
  22. single b. double c. quick
  23. Click ______________ the folder to open it.
  24. instead of b. on c. in
  25. For high image quality, scan at 300 _____________ or higher.

a dpi    b. JPEG    c. ppm

  1. This mouse does not have a ball. It’s an ______________ mouse.
  2. optical b. double c. single

15 The scanning software will automatically do a _____________.

  1. brightness b. preview (or prescan) c. image editing
  2. _____________ “scan”.
  3. lift b. click c. touch
  4. The scanned image can be manipulated using _____________ software.
  5. Power Point b. OCR c. image
  6. Make sure the scanner is _____________ to the computer.
  7. handheld b. connected c. flatbed

II вариант

  1. If you want to save the image, choose a _____________. JPEG is a good choice for photos.
  2. OCR software b file format     c. image editing
  3. To move up and down a page, you can ______________ the mouse wheel.
  4. double b. roll c. hold down
  5. The screen on my laptop isn’t very __________.
  6. light b. white c. bright
  7. The printer is connected to the computer ____________ a USB cable.
  8. via b. out of c. out
  9. The printer is ____________ paper.
  10. finish b. out of c. out
  11. I think some paper is ____________ inside the printer.
  12. collate b. reload c. jammed
  13. “Black and white” is also known as ____________.
  14. one b. mono c. stereo
  15. Can your printer do ____________ printing?
  16. right- sided b. left-sided c. double-sided
  17. Most inkjet printers can print out at 100 ____________ or more.
  18. PDA b. ppm c. dpi
  19. Inkjet ____________ can be refilled up to three times.
  20. paper b. printers c. cartridges
  21. The opposite of “Insert the DVD” is “_______________ the DVD”.
  22. unplug b. pull out c. eject
  23. Scanners, printers and webcams are __________.
  24. extras b. peripherals c. externals
  25. ______is very large computer which never moves.
  26. a laptop b. a mainframe c. PDA
  27. Unfortunately, my scanner isn’t __________ at the moment.
  28. working b. going c. doing
  29. I turned off the photocopier and ___________ the plug.
  30. pulled out b. extracted c. took away
  31. __________ any key to continue.
  32. kick b. smash c. hit
  33. One click of a mouse button is called a ______________ click.
  34. double b. quick c. single
  35. Switch off your computer, and __________ it from the wall socket.
  36. de-plug b. unplug c. non-plug


I вариант

Choose the correct word to fill the spaces.

  1. ADSL is also known as __________.
  2. wideband b. broadband c. longband
  3. The internet is much faster with a broadband connection than with __________.
  4. dial-up b. phone-up c. call-up
  5. Turn on your computer. It will usually take a few minutes to __________.
  6. boot itself b. boot up c. get booted
  7. Microsoft PowerPoint is the most popular ________________
  8. image editor b. graphic design software c. presentation software
  9. When you turn on your computer, the BIOS _________
  10. edit files b. perform the power-on self-test c. open documents
  11. You can use _______________search.
  12. special b. additional c. incremental
  13. Windows XP, Macintosh OSX and Linux are __________.
  14. operating systems b. operating tools c. operators
  15. On my computer, I have a picture of my cat as the __________.
  16. desktop background b. desktop picture c. desktop scene
  17. Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat and CorelDraw are programs or __________.
  18. applicators b. appliers c. applications
  19. To open Microsoft Word, click on the __________.
  20. picture b. symbol c. icon
  21. I keep all my digital photos in a __________ called “Photos”.
  22. folder b. packet c. box
  23. In Microsoft Word, to start typing a new letter, open a new ___________.
  24. document b. page c. paper
  25. When you __________ a document, it’s sent to the recycle bin.
  26. destroy b. erase c. delete
  27. In Windows, the icon is just a __________ to the application. If you delete the icon, the application will still be on your computer.
  28. In Delphi you can run without ________
  29. saving b. debugging c. editing
  30. Microsoft Excel is an example of ______
  31. image editor b. graphic design software c. spreadsheet
  32. If the computer crashes, you can try pressing the __________ button.
  33. restart b. recommence c. replay
  34. If I leave my computer on without using it, after a while it goes into __________ mode.
  35. stand down b. waiting c. standby

II вариант

Choose the correct word to fill the spaces.

  1. Click on that icon to ____________ Internet Explorer.
  2. install b. launch c. search
  3. You can access all the applications on your computer from the ____________.
  4. drop down menu b. window c. start menu
  5. It’s easy to move files into a folder. You can just ____________.
  6. rename b. drag and drop  c. cut and paste
  7. This is a shared computer. Each user has their own ____________.
  8. password b. screen c. window
  9. If you ____________ your photos as JPEGs instead of TIFFs, you’ll use a lot less memory.
  10. copy b. save c. launch
  11. You can _________ your desktop.
  12. install b. download c. customize
  13. You may wish to change the desktop ____________ to a picture.
  14. image b. format c. background
  15. To get sound from your computer, plug in a pair of __________.
  16. loudhailers b. loudspeakers c. loud voices
  17. A ____image (for example, a photo) is made of pixels, so it loses resolution when it is expanded.
  18. pixel b. bitmap c. rasterizing
  19. _______is the full version with all the features.
  20. freeware b. professional version     c. trial version
  21. .________is software which is in the public domain. Anybody can use it without paying.
  22. freeware b. shareware c. trial version
  23. ____ is to remove part of an image.
  24. to crop b. to sharpen c. to flip
  25. To reverse means _______an image.
  26. to crop b. touch up c. to flip
  27. You can _______ in a media player.
  28. insert bullet points b. create playlist c. insert table
  29. All deleted documents go to the _______  .
  30. wallpaper b. desktop c. recycle bin
  31. Microsoft Excel is an example of _______application.
  32. database b. spreadsheet c. presentation
  33. Microsoft Access is an example of _______application.
  34. database b. spreadsheet c. word-processing

III вариант

Choose the correct word to fill the spaces.

  1. You can exit without _______ .
  2. finish b. moving c. saving
  3. Set user _______.
  4. password b. screen c. application
  5. Setting wrong values may cause system to _______.
  6. malfunction b. malicious c. multifunction
  7. Enable Secondary ________ Master.
  8. Boot b. IDE c. Display
  9. __________ any key to continue.
  10. kick b. smash c. hit
  11. You can view two Word documents on the screen at the same time. You just open a new ____________.
  12. document b. password c. window
  13. You can increase the functions or performance of a computer with an ________.
  14. extension card b. exploding card c. expansion card
  15. Software for use at home is_____________
  16. for home use b. for house use c. for household use
  17. Anti-Virus Protection is _________.
  18. disabled b. opened c. changed
  19. ________images take up more disk space than colour images.
  20. grayscale b. black and white c. small
  21. Is it possible to open Microsoft Excel __________ in Word?
  22. texts b. files c. pages
  23. Microsoft Excel is an example of ______
  24. image editor b. graphic design software c. spreadsheet
  25. In Delphi you can run without ________
  26. saving b. debugging c. editing
  27. You can use _______________search.
  28. special b. additional c. incremental
  29. Deleted documents stay in the recycle bin until you __________ it.
  30. wash b. empty c. clean
  31. Microsoft PowerPoint is the most popular ________________
  32. image editor b. graphic design software c. presentation software
  33. This wire’s too short. I need an __________ cable.
  34. extended b. extension c. extender
  35. _______ is the slowest form of internet connection.
  36. cable b. ADSL c. dial-up

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