Windows xp media center edition 2005 media center download

The 2005 version of Windows XP Media Center Edition!Includes Service Pack 3 because the ISO I have has SP3.Also includes:Internet Explorer 7 (Can be upgraded...




February 3, 2023
For those who think that the setup is incorrect…

The Windows Media Center Edition 2005 setup is virtually unmodified and will say ‘Windows XP Professional’ in some places. This can be safely ignored.

By the way, nice ISO, thank you!


November 19, 2022
Works perfectly!

This works perfectly for me in VMWare. But I have a question. Is there any way to fix the error «Your video card or drivers are not compatible with Media Center» and be able to enable the animations in Media Center?

Leonardo Plays

November 6, 2022
works very well

works very well as it doesnt ask for product key and doesnt require windows to be activated. works fine in virtualbox and vmware.


October 21, 2022
Works on my Dell Dimension E521

It worked great on my Dell Dimension E521, but it needs more ram than regular XP so it’s not as great. Idk if this is my problem or not, but the media center has errors when I open it.


August 1, 2022

No Product Key And I Like Windows XP MCE
(I Might Make A Copy Of This ISO Just If Someone Needs The Product Key) And Yes It Worked Well
(Good For Your Old Computer)
And It Was 2003 I Guess

Thuy Dinh

July 5, 2022
vmware users watch out

virtualbox’s users have no product key needed.

Gavin Zakutney

June 14, 2022
Product key

If the ones in the comment section dont work, Just use a Windows XP Professional product key.


April 30, 2022
product key

just use one of the key below


March 27, 2022
Serial Key

Does this ISO require a key? I installed it on real hardware and the activation wizard doesn’t seem to appear and it didn’t ask me for a key.

TikToker Videoterminátor

March 25, 2022
Ansver for teslaiscool2

This OS is 32-bit because 64-bit Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 is doesn’t exist.


March 3, 2022

iso is 32bit


January 5, 2022
64 bit or 32 bit?



December 22, 2021

cool i love it i give it an 10/10


November 30, 2021
Excuse me but…

How can I get the Japanese language on here?

nguyen chi thanh 2A1 λ

November 24, 2021
This is freaking Cool!

Its Very have nice design!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dummy Dumdum

October 24, 2021
Just perfect!

I used it with VM and it works flawlessly! No lag, No corruption and no screen tearing! i recommend using it with a Virtual machine


July 29, 2021
how to download this



June 14, 2021
Serial error for this xp mce edition, please your help.

Hi everyone, i used the serial below but all of them appear an error for the serial. Please do you have other serial?. I reinstalled this xp mce because a virus affected the Lsass.exe file.

I appreciate your help, thanks.

I used the serial printed in my pc dell but appears the same error, invalid serial.


June 4, 2021
Don’t slipstream SP4

If you try to slipstream SP4 on the ISO, expect a bunch of errors


May 6, 2021

Works nicely on VirtualBox and VMWare (BonziBuddy is even compatible with this version of Windows XP)!

Smily The Mare

March 11, 2021
the vmware key works

Awesome123639’s vmware tested key works in vmware i can confirm (at least in workstation pro 12)


March 1, 2021
product key

since like none of the keys work in the comments heres one that actually works
thank me later

exe csrss

November 30, 2020

I have a license for this!!!


November 20, 2020
Here this.

If the product keys review doesn’t work. Search up Windows XP Professional Product Keys. They didn’t work for me but the Professional does.


October 23, 2020
Here is the key:

I tested this on VMware.

Clint Abueva

September 28, 2020
Maybe you need a parallel desktop to work the graphic card

not work for virtualbox or vmware fusion or workstation

only work at parallel desktop


September 6, 2020

wrong one


June 25, 2020

So I know how people have been saying how the product keys in the comments aren’t working but it isn’t true, they do work. What you need to do first is to disconnect from the internet(that’s because when you type in the product key it pings back to the Microsoft Server to see if it’s a valid product key). Then knowing the product key you can then connect. For more info you can ask me to make a Youtube video

Conclusion: All of the product keys work it’s just that you need to disconnect from the internet so it won’t contact Microsoft. Make sure you have the webpage opened FIRST before connecting to the internet so you can get the product keys. Anyways they work


May 5, 2020
How do i get graphics

How do i get graphics here? i installed it on vmware and installed vmware toolsfor graphics but graphics will not work anyway


March 7, 2020

It includes the PLUS! pack. The themes are nice and we could change it by clicking Properties and go to the themes list right on time.


February 25, 2020
all 3 of the product keys in this review section didnt work

i’m using vmware workstation, and setup asked for a product key, the reviews with the product keys unfortunately didn’t work, please send a working product key


February 9, 2020

This particular upload is stripped of some less common drivers in order to make room for SP3. This became apparent when the IDE/AHCI drivers for my CF30 weren’t available to install, when in fact ALL XP discs have them! This shouldn’t be a problem for most of you but dang it I should have just got the SP2 one on here and updated it later. Sheesh the guys writing these descriptions are idiots.


December 31, 2019
Product Key

For anyone who asks for the Product Key, here it is:
(it works i swear)


December 31, 2019
Serial Windows MCE

Try with this:



July 28, 2019
I was wrong

Apparently the version of Windows and the version of Media Center are not the same. The Windows version is Windows XP Professional, version 2002. The Media Center version is 2005.


July 21, 2019
Serial Number

djrv5 and odinhirules,
The ISO does not ask for a serial number, but if it asks you for a serial number, try


July 12, 2019

Serial please


June 23, 2019
Product Key Needed

I need the product key what is it?

Windows XP Media Center Edition

Windows XP Media Center Edition операционная система которая базируется на Professional Edition и содержит специальные мультимедийные приложения. Компьютер, как правило, оснащён ТВ-картой и пультом дистанционного управления (ПДУ). Важнейшим свойством является возможность подключения к ТВ и управление компьютером через ПДУ благодаря упрощённой системе управления Windows.

Год выпуска: 2005
Язык: Русский, Английский

Зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы видеть прямые ссылки на скачивание с Облака. БЕСПЛАТНО.

Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 обеспечивает все возможности, доступные на компьютерах под управлением других версий Windows XP, а также многие-многие другие.

Windows XP Media Center Edition

Windows XP Media Center Edition

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У нас Вы можете скачать — Windows XP Media Center Edition бесплатно с яндекс диска, облака майл, торрент или по прямой ссылке.

  • DirectX 9.0c Redistributable — Апрель 2007
  • VistaMizer 1.2.1
  • Kaspersky Internet Security Russian + Doc + Keys
  • Windows Media Player 11 Rus Final + crack
  • WinUtilities Professional Edition 12.04 + ключ
  • Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 (x86 и x64)
  • Windows Me (Millennium Edition)
  • Самоучитель Microsoft Windows XP
  • Microsoft Office XP Pro SP-3 + Ключ
  • Microsoft Office 97 Professional Edition
  • Corel Home Office 5


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Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 ISO Скачать бесплатно последнюю версию для ПК. Его полный автономный установщик, автономная установка Windows XP Media Center Edition.

Windows XP Media Center Edition — одна из операционных систем Windows XP, которая была разработана для использования в качестве развлекательного центра для домашних пользователей, поскольку в нее впервые был включен Windows Media Center.. После этого Windows Media Center стал обычной функцией в более поздних версиях Windows.. Windows XP Media Center Edition появилась во многих версиях, и мы рассматриваем ее в 2005 году под кодовым названием Symphony.. Эта версия была запущена на 12й октябрь 2004 г.. Вы также можете скачать Windows XP SP3 Black Edition 2014 Скачать бесплатно.

Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 ISO Free Download

Главной особенностью этой версии является Windows Media Center, который поддерживает просмотр и запись телепередач, а также воспроизведение слайд-шоу из ваших фотографий., DVD-видео и музыкальные файлы. Пользовательский интерфейс Media Center оптимизирован для использования на большом расстоянии, поэтому он имеет большие шрифты и значки.. Новые функции, включенные в эту игру, — это некоторые новые эффекты и переходы для Windows Movie Maker.. Он получил поддержку для записи DVD. Эта версия имеет тему Royale по умолчанию, которая не включена в другие версии, кроме Windows XP Tablet PC Edition.. Множество новых приложений, таких как Audio Converter, танцор, Добавлены режим вечеринки и средство для создания этикеток для компакт-дисков.. Множество заставок и тем, как Да Винчи, Аквариум, Космос, Включены приложения Nature и My Pictures Premium.. Вы также можете скачать Windows XP Венское издание Скачать бесплатно.

Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 ISO Latest Version Download

Особенности Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 ISO

Ниже приведены некоторые заметные функции, которые вы увидите после бесплатной загрузки Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 ISO..

  • Разработан для использования в качестве развлекательного центра для домашних пользователей..
  • Включенный Windows Media Center.
  • Под кодовым названием Symphony.
  • Поддерживает просмотр и запись телепрограмм.
  • Может воспроизводить слайд-шоу из фотографий и DVD-видео..
  • Пользовательский интерфейс оптимизирован для использования на большом расстоянии.
  • Новые эффекты и переходы, включенные в Windows Movie Maker.
  • Получил поддержку для записи DVD.
  • Получил тему Royale по умолчанию.
  • Получил новые приложения, такие как Audio Converter, танцор, Режим вечеринки и создание этикеток для компакт-дисков.
  • Множество заставок, включенных в эту версию.

Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 ISO Direct Link Download

Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 ISO Технические детали установки

  • Полное имя программного обеспечения: Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 ISO
  • Имя файла настройки: медиацентр.rar
  • Полный размер установки: 749 МБ
  • Тип установки: Автономный установщик / Полная автономная установка
  • Архитектура совместимости: 32 бит (x86) / 64 бит (x64)
  • Добавлен выпуск последней версии: 10 мая 2016 г.
  • Разработчики: Домашняя страница Windows XP Media Center

Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 ISO Offline Installer Download

Системные требования для Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 ISO

Перед тем, как начать Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 ISO скачать бесплатно, убедитесь, что ваш компьютер соответствует минимальным системным требованиям.

  • Память (ОЗУ): Требуется 1 ГБ оперативной памяти.
  • Место на жестком диске: Требуется 1 ГБ свободного места.
  • Процессор: Процессор Intel Pentium с тактовой частотой 1 ГГц или выше.

Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 Скачать ISO бесплатно

Нажмите на кнопку ниже, чтобы запустить Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 Скачать ISO бесплатно. Это полный автономный установщик и автономная установка для Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 ISO.. Это будет совместимо как с 32-битными, так и с 64-битными окнами..

Пароль 123

Last Updated on February 3, 2023 by Rizwan

Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition released on October 29, 2002. Microsoft has included a special application “Windows Media Center” in this edition. Besides this, new version of Windows Movie Maker and Windows Media Player are packed in this edition.

Windows XP Media Center Edition

Windows XP Media Center Edition Free Download ISO Files Disc Image.

Media Center Edition of Windows XP is actually based on XP Professional edition. So all features of Pro edition are already available in Media Center release.

What is special in Media Center application? Microsoft developed Windows Media Center as a versatile multimedia package which can play music, videos and show pictures in full screen mode. It also works online to record TV shows, news and movies to watch later offline. You can consider Media Center something like iTunes for Mac, but not same.

Windows XP Editions

Here is a list of all editions of Windows XP:

  1. Windows XP Home Edition x86 (32-bit)
  2. Windows XP Professional Edition x86 (32-bit)
  3. Windows XP Media Center Edition
  4. Windows XP Tablet PC Edition
  5. Windows XP Starter Edition x86 (32-bit)
  6. Windows XP Professional x64 Edition (64-bit)

Windows XP Review

Windows XP was the game changer operating system by Microsoft. XP just stormed the world of desktop computers and left the competitors (Mac and Linux) far behind in the race of best OS for desktop. The beauty and stability were the leading features of it.

XP was a true innovative OS which introduced tons of new features. Windows XP is so useful that it has still a lot of users in 2019.

If you use computer for very basic things or have an old PC which does not work properly with Windows 7 or Windows 10, you can try Windows XP. It is lightweight, faster and consumes far less disk space, memory and CPU than other operating systems.

It has almost all features and can run most software which are usually needed. It only occupies less than 2 GB after installation and the size of system drive does not increase automatically like Windows 7 or Windows 10.

This is an ideal operating system for kids who watch videos and play games most of time. You can play all classic games which are not supported by Windows 7 or Windows 10. Like Need for Speed 2, Tekken 3 using Virtual Game Station emulator, etc.

For multimedia playback, all you need is download and install VLC Media Player for XP and your home cinema is ready out of your old, nearly useless machine.

Windows XP Features

Here are some most popular features of XP:

Multimedia Apps

Windows XP is equipped with modern multimedia applications such as Windows Media Player, Movie Maker, Photo Viewer, etc.

Performance improvements

Numerous performance improvements are applied by default and if you are not satisfied with performance, there is room for further XP tweaks.

Most notable performance features include fast boot, fast shutdown, CPU multithreading, low battery drainage, NTFS and NTFS v3.1, etc.

Graphic and UI

The stunning graphics and user interface lead XP unleash the victory and the design became the game changer feature of this OS. The whole UI was redesigned in a colorful yet decent visual scheme. Here we will have a look at some most inspiring visual features:

  • New Luna wallpaper
  • Animation
  • Shadows for icons, text and windows.
  • Colorful taskbar
  • Double column Start menu
  • Transparency effect
  • New theme for Windows Explorer with task pane.
  • Logon and logoff screens
  • Thumbnail view for pictures and video
  • Icon grouping and sorting
  • New screensavers.

Windows XP updates and Service Packs

XP has got three service packs:

  1. XP SP1 (Service Pack 1) released in 2002
  2. XP SP2 (Service Pack 2) released in 2004
  3. XP SP3 (Service Pack 3) released in 2008

Each service pack contains new features, updated applications, security patches and bug fixes. Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3 is most popular and safe version of XP.

How to install Windows XP from USB/CD

Once you have created ultimate Windows XP bootable USB using the Rufus of any other tool (as mentioned above), you are ready to install Windows XP using this USB flash drive.

Make sure you have Win XP installation USB disc with you. Plug this flash drive into USB port of computer, then start (or restart) computer and follow these steps:

  • Press boot menu key (usually F9 for most computers) and select USB drive from the list.
  • Press any key on your keyboard when prompted.
  • Windows installation files will take a while to load and Windows XP installer setup will start.

Windows XP Setup (files copying and installation)

  • Wait for some time and EULA / License Agreement will appear. Press F8 key to accept and continue.
  • Choose the partition where you want to install Windows XP. This is somehow a tricky step, so take care while selecting drive.
  • Windows XP setup will start copying files to disk. This will take some time and then installer will restart the computer.
  • After restart, different screens will appear and you have to choose appropriate options and enter required information.

Go through the installation process by following on screen instructions. The setup installer will configure your system and prepare your desktop. Once you see desktop, you are ready to use Windows XP.

How to install Windows XP Pro on Virtual Machines?

For some reason, if you want to install Win XP on virtual machines like VirtualBox or VMware etc. Here is a brief guide for these type of applications.

How to install Windows XP on VirtualBox?

First of all, download VirtualBox for Win XP (if you do not have it already).

  1. Download Windows XP ISO image from download section (above on top of this page)
  2. Launch VirtualBox and start creating new virtual machine.
  3. Now select Windows XP ISO image and accept default settings.
  4. Start virtual machine you just created and continue with Windows XP setup installer.

Installation on VirtualBox is almost same to normal installation on real computer.

How to install Windows XP on VMware

First of all, download VMware (if you do not have it already).

  1. Download Windows XP ISO image from download section (above on top of this page)
  2. Launch VMware and start creating new virtual machine.
  3. Now select Windows XP ISO image and accept default settings.
  4. Start virtual machine you just created and continue with Windows XP setup installer.

Installation on VirtualBox is almost same to normal installation on real computer.

Download Windows XP ISO Media Center Edition

Windowstan_Windows_XP_MCE_X86_2005_CD_1_ENGLISH.iso (587.8 MB) Windowstan_Windows_XP_MCE_X86_2005_CD_2_ENGLISH.iso (258.3 MB)

Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 ISO direct download the latest version. Finally, This is thoroughly tested with Computer/Laptop, which you can download from our site getintomypc.

Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 ISO Getintopc Overview

As Well As, The user interface of Media Center is optimized for using it from long distance so it’s got large fonts and icons. So That, A Great Deal of screensavers and themes like Da Vinci, Aquarium, Space, Nature and My Pictures Premium are contained. Moreover, Following this Windows Media center was the normal feature in the later Windows versions introduced. Especially, Lots of new programs such as Audio Converter, Dancer, Party Mode and CD Label Maker have been contained. In Case, This version has default Royale motif which is not contained in other versions except Windows XP Tablet PC Edition. Fianlly, You can also read InventorCAM 2019 for Autodesk Inventor.

Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 ISO-getintopc website

However, Windows XP Media Center Edition is among the Windows XP OS which was designed to serve as a Entertainment hub for users since it comprised Windows Media Center for the first time. The brand new features included in the game are some new effects and transitions for Windows Movie Maker. It’s got support for DVD burning. The major feature of this variant is Windows Media Center that supports watching and recording TV programs and enjoying slideshows of your pictures, DVD movies and music files. Windows XP Media Center Edition has come up in several versions and 2005 is the one we are reviewing her that is codenamed as Symphony. Likewise, You can also read EMCO Network Inventory Enterprise.

Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 ISO-web into pc

Features of Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 ISO:

  1. Included Windows Media Center.
  2. User interface optimized for using from long distance.
  3. Can play picture slideshows and DVD movies.
  4. Made to serve as an Entertainment hub for home users.
  5. Got default Royale theme.

Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 ISO Setup Detail:

  1. Software Full Name: Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 ISO
  2. Full Setup Size: 749 MB
  3. Compatibility Architecture: 32 Bit (x86) / 64 Bit (x64)
  4. Setup Type: Offline Installer / Full Standalone Setup
  5. Setup File Name: mediacenter.rar

System Requirements:

  1. Memory (RAM): 1 GB of RAM required.
  2. Processor: 1 GHZ Intel Pentium processor or later.
  3. Hard Disk Space: 1 GB of free space required.

Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 ISO Free Download:

You can get Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 ISO form our site, which is fully working and tested. If you have any questions, about this post, you can comment on this. I’m sure you will found getintopc very helpful. Thank you for visiting the best getintopc site.

Download Full Setup [743.5 MB]

Password: 123

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