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Здравствуйте. В офисе есть ряд компьютеров с 128-512 мб оперативной памяти и «соответствующим» железом. Где-то в интернете читал, что для слабых компьютеров предпочтительнее XP SP2 нежеле SP3. На самом ли деле это так?
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На самом ли деле это так?
На самом деле это не так, как SP2 так и SP3 — это накопительные пакеты обновлений и исправлений, внесенных Microsoft в Windows.
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Тут есть разные мнения, официально разницы в производительности нет, но по мнению некоторых пользователей (и моему опыту тоже) SP2 работает с играми несколько быстрее. SP3 содержит в основном заплаты безопасности, а они часто устраняют дыры за счет дополнительных проверок и тем самым снижения производительности. Однако исправления, вносимые SP3 повышают безопасность системы. Кроме того, поддержка Windows SP2 от Microsoft официально закончилась два года назад, а SP3 будет продолжаться еще два года. Так что, если сотрудники вашего офиса не специализируются в играх на рабочем месте, я бы установил везде SP3 :).
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А можно ещё, в зависимости от круга задач — подумать о переходе на Linux. Благо у того же Ubuntu есть варианты дистрибутива, адаптированные под слабые машинки. В итоге мапо того, что работать будут пошустрее, так ещё и проблема вирусов как бы сама собою на нет сойдёт…
Оно конечно, переучивать юзеров (особенно, если они по возрасту сравнимы с компами) — занятие неблагодарное, но… Можно сказать, что это такая новая Винда — уже проверено, переход проходит гораздо легче :angel_innocent: , поскольку их не смущают слова про «другую Операционную систему» и прочее. Главное — настроить всё нормально…
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SP3 по любому следует ставить. +all NET Framework
иначе много чего работать небудет, или потребует установить оные.
Изменено 13 ноября, 2012 пользователем STRATEG
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SP2 действительно работает быстрее и менее требователен, чем SP3, но… в современных реалиях, и если предполагается работа в инете, то однозначно SP3. Иначе, SP2 проработает от силы неделю, а потом просто трояны, буткиты и баннеры-блокировщики. Я уж про стандартную заразу молчу. Оно вам надо? Vista и Windows 7 подвержены заражению, не смотря на все уверения МС. А что вы хотите от ХР? Только SP3 со всеми обновлениями безопасности. Имхо.
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Логично ли предположить, что обновления разрабатываются с учетом того, что железо с каждым годом всё мощнее и дешевле???
Если так, то о повышении производительности тут речи не пойдет. Новые обновления лишь безопаснее…
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Добрый день уважаемые знатоки. Что то я ни как не могу установить ОС то ли , что то не так делаю то ли другая причина может в «железе»? самостоятельно не могу разобраться. Начну с того, что компьютер довольно старенький — pentiuv-3 материнскую плату определить я не смог БИОС Award modular v. 600 pg? procesor intel geleron 850 (100[8/5) Extendent mtmori 130048k Cesh 128k.
Итак я взял установочный диск , WinXPSP2? проверенный, поставил в Биосе приоритет зпгрузки с CD ROM поставил перемычки на жёсткий диск как Slawe? а CDROM как Master pfuhepre начал заново то есть с начала определил сектор C как установочный на жёстком диске отформатировал его в NTFS на 10 гигобайт. Установка начинается, копирует файлы на жёсткий диск и доходит до первой перезагрузки. После 15 секунд происходит перезагрузка выходит сообщение на чёрном экране
Verifjing DMI Pool Data…..
boot from ATARI CD-ROM:
press any key to boot From CD….и на этом всё. После перезарузки начинается всё сначала, синий экран подтверждение выбор сектора для установки ОС, копирование файлов и опять чёрный экран и те же сообщение.
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Попробуйте поставить винчестер в мастер, достаточно выбора cd-rom в биосе для начальной загрузки.
Если есть возможность, раскиньте их на разные шлейфы, и пусть хоть оба будут мастерами.
PS И не мешало бы добавить оперативы хотя бы вдвое. 128 mb маловато для ХР, сложно будет управлять какими-то приложенимями.
А вообще, я бы посоветовал вам скачать образ линукса PuppyRus для слабых компьютеров *(порядка 130 mb) и прямо с диска его и юзать. Получили бы невыразимое удовольствие от ощущения новой и неизведанной оси.
Изменено 24 ноября, 2012 пользователем THE OLD VERMIN
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Возьмите вместо 40-ка, — 80-ти жильный IDE кабель. Наблюдал схожую картину на мамке с чипсетом via apollo.
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@Пётр Макаров, для начала, пожалуйста, после того как набили сообщение, перечитайте его, уж больно много опечаток.
По делу же, когда компьютер первый раз перезагрузился, надо поставить загрузку с жёсткого диска, тогда установка продолжится.
Изменено 24 ноября, 2012 пользователем kvazimoda
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По делу же, когда компьютер первый раз перезагрузился, надо поставить загрузку с жёсткого диска, тогда установка продолжится.
Или, вытащить диск из дисковода, а когда загрузка пройдет вставить опять. Но для этого надо, что бы в BIOS поддерживалась загрузка с других носителей.
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@Пётр Макаров, для начала, пожалуйста, после того как набили сообщение, перечитайте его, уж больно много опечаток.
По делу же, когда компьютер первый раз перезагрузился, надо поставить загрузку с жёсткого диска, тогда установка продолжится.
Извините за орфографию, наверно нервничал, торопился,Поэтому допустил много ошибок. по поводу того , бы первым стал жёсткий диск пробовал. Во время перезагрузки, нажимал клавишу Delete и в Биосе ставил первым жёсткий диск HDD-0? выходит сообщение на чёрном экране Verifjing DMI Pool Data…..и дальше тишина не грузится
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Эм-м-м… Оно, может, и странно прозвучит, но… Если есть возможность попробовать другой винчестер — попробуйте.
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Доброго времени суток Уважаемые Форумчане. Хочу продолжить с вами выяснение вопроса по установке WinXP? с Утра пробовал опять со шлейфами, позаниматься подключил оба привода на один шлейф 80-ти жильный при загрузке вытащил CD диск выходит сообщение boot from ATARI CD-ROM… и всё.затем попробовал опять перезагрузкуи при нажатии клавиши F1 опять началась установка с момента первого синего экрана, дисковод работает копирует файлы, попробовал нажать на клавишу «R» для восстановления системы, вышло сообщение выберите 1 что бы восстановить с диска C или 2 С диска «D» Нажимаю1 и Энтер. выходит сообщение неизвестная команда. потом ввожу команду DIR и она выполняется , то есть показывает директории и файлы на диске перехожу на диск «E» даю команду SETUP.EXE опять пишет , что неизвестная команда .
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Эм-м-м… Оно, может, и странно прозвучит, но… Если есть возможность попробовать другой винчестер — попробуйте.
к сожалению другог диска жёсткого нет! но ведь он этот диск видит и я перехожу с помощью команд MS_DOS с одного логического диска на другой, просматриваю директории, то есть вроде диск то рабочий.
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Это, к сожалению, ни о чём не говорит. Весьма нечасто, но случается, что начальные сектора HDD (не подвергавшегося низкоуровневому форматированию и переназначению секторовкластеров) повреждаются.
А поскольку загрузочная область (она же запись, она же MBR) и файловая система — весьма мало пересекающиеся между собой структуры, вполне допускаю, что при инсталляции ОС что-то там идёт не так. Поэтому, собственно, и предложил другой HDD в качестве контрольного экземпляра.
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Это, к сожалению, ни о чём не говорит. Весьма нечасто, но случается, что начальные сектора HDD (не подвергавшегося низкоуровневому форматированию и переназначению секторовкластеров) повреждаются.
А поскольку загрузочная область (она же запись, она же MBR) и файловая система — весьма мало пересекающиеся между собой структуры, вполне допускаю, что при инсталляции ОС что-то там идёт не так. Поэтому, собственно, и предложил другой HDD в качестве контрольного экземпляра.
Спасибо за информацию.Нашёл у себя в гараже старые диски и там среди них мультизагрузочный «Золотой софт»там есть старый добрый Norton Comander Win Millenium и скан диск там я запустил из подменю программу chekit определил что на диске есть сбойные сектора сейчас поппробую переформатировать диск заново, только хотелось бы у вас уточнить заранее какой програмкой это лучше сделать? с этого диска я могу загрузить Power Quest Partition Magi 8.0, Norton Disc Doktor
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Ни то, ни другое лучше не использовать, к сожалению. Эти программы уже давным-давно перестали поддерживаться и обновляться, и потому с нынешними (выпуска после 2000-2005 годов) жесткими дисками работают крайне некорректно. Надеюсь, у вас найдётся возможность скачать и записать на болванку образ либо FreeSource gParted, либо (тут надо будет скачать, установить на чей-либо компьютер и через саму программу создать загрузочный диск) PartitionWizard Home Edition (благо бесплатна для домашнего пользования.).
За эти два инструмента — можно поручиться.
P.S. Disclaimer! Естественно, что эти программы, как и любые другие того же типа — требуют хоть какой-то квалификации и понимания творимого. Ну это так, на всякий случай…
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определил что на диске есть сбойные сектора
Если реально есть сбойные сектора на жёстком диске, то я советую заменить диск. Можете SMART диска показать?
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Пётр Макаров, в итоге вы так и не сказали, в каком режиме у вас установлен жесткий диск.
Он должен быть установлен в режиме «Master» и никак иначе. Дополнительно, он должен быть активным.
Это CD-ROM может быть в режиме Slave, а загрузочный HDD однозначно должен быть мастером и активным.
И никакие 80 жильные шлейфы не нужны. Вы это выполнили?
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Хочу сказать всем спасибо за советы. Всё таки я установил WIN XP SP2 на этот компьютер. правда нашёл мультизагрузочный диск аж с WIN98 и NORTON DISK DOKTOR оттуда жезапустил нащёл аж 5 повреждённых секторов на диске. попробовал сегодня утром установить сперва WIN 98 а при перезагрузке начала грузится ОС WIN XP SP-2, наверно осталась скоппироаванной на диске С:, ну я быстренько вставил диск с дистрибутивом в дисковод и закончил установку.. Парнишке посоветовал найти другой диск, а лучше системный блок.а компьютер то был старенький ещё 2001 года сборки и оперативки там и правда всего 128 MB он томозит по чёрному
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Не, конечно же можно найти ему какое-то применение — в виде шлюза, например. Но для обычного пользования этот старичок безусловно не пригоден по нынешним временам, увы…
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Ни то, ни другое лучше не использовать, к сожалению. Эти программы уже давным-давно перестали поддерживаться и обновляться, и потому с нынешними (выпуска после 2000-2005 годов) жесткими дисками работают крайне некорректно. Надеюсь, у вас найдётся возможность скачать и записать на болванку образ либо FreeSource gParted, либо (тут надо будет скачать, установить на чей-либо компьютер и через саму программу создать загрузочный диск) PartitionWizard Home Edition (благо бесплатна для домашнего пользования.).
За эти два инструмента — можно поручиться.
P.S. Disclaimer! Естественно, что эти программы, как и любые другие того же типа — требуют хоть какой-то квалификации и понимания творимого. Ну это так, на всякий случай…
Ну хоть какое то понимание ещё осталось. Ну я думаю, что уже сильно отстал и приходится заново осваивать не которые программы . хотя когда то давно, я даже проходил курсы повышения квалификации по программам MS_DOS и СУБД dBase? f затем Fox-pro. но это было так давно. к сожалению потом мне пришлось заниматься другими проблемами и я остался просто на уровне пользователя, но сейчас после перенесённого инсульта я пока не в состоянии работать физически и для поддержки штанов ,как говорится просто вынужден заниматься тем, что могу! Благодарю за помошь и поддержку, я пока могувоспринимать и понимать адекватно информацию. а с компьютерами мне нравится заниматься. радует , что что то получается. и вспоминается.
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Не, конечно же можно найти ему какое-то применение — в виде шлюза, например. Но для обычного пользования этот старичок безусловно не пригоден по нынешним временам, увы…
Совершенно с вами согласен! Но я его делал можно сказать из спортивного интереса, смогу или нет. Если хотите дело чести, я тут не давно купил домик в деревне и переехал сюда жить населения не много со спецами вообще напряг, а ребятишкам охото поиграть. Родители наверно не в состоянии купить нормальный комп, нашли где то списанный и притащили в надежде на то, что вдруг получится. Я даже установил туда Герои магии и меча 2 пусть потешатся не много.
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Приветствую вас, о Олдгеймеры!
Возник следующий вопрос — какой лучше ставить сервиспак.
С одной стороны — SP3 мне несколько раз советовали, так как там залатаны некоторые дыры в безопасности
С другой — я не раз слышал тут, что SP3 хуже подходит для старых игр, и с запуском некоторых из них на SP3 могут быть проблемы (которых нет на SP2).
Имеет ли смысл ставить SP3? -
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- 30 июн 2009
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да, имеет. Ни разу не видел такого чтобы что то без DOSBOX не шло, даже в режиме совместимости. Между нами говоряи SP2 сделали для поддержки двух ядерных процессоров, а уж потом для совместимости. ПО сравнению с Vista, всё работает на ура — ставь!
Вообще-то наоборот. Для SP3 до сих пор выходят обновления, улучшающие совместимость со старыми программами и играми.
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Ставь SP3! Ты прям как Славик и Димон из Нашей Раши!
по делу — сами сервис-паки лучше не ставить
установку винды проводить с диска с интегрированным сервис-паком
если уж поставил SP2 — то работать на нём
или форматировать винт и ставить с другого диска, где уже есть SP3накатывать сервис-пак поверх установленной винды — обычно получается что-то глюкавое
какой сервис пак лучше — SP2 или SP3:
из игр на SP3 не запускались только те, что защищены всякой бякой вроде Старого_форса
проблемой не является — по понятным причинам)по доброй традиции MS этот SP3 исправляет, то что ошибочно исправлял SP2 после исправлений SP1 того, что и так бы работало хорошо
есть неофициальные сборки а-ля SP4 — куча апдейтов KB, вышедших после SP3- полезность, которых неодинакова
смысла ставить такую сборку — нет никакого
если, что и понадобится — лучше отдельно скачать нужную заплаткутак в SP3 есть и недостатки,
брандмауэр мне показался каким-то странноватым,
но в целом весь сервис-пак — скорее менее проблемный, чем остальные -
Глупость на глупости.
Есть смысл просто не отключать автообновления.
Вообще говоря, меня не столько волнуют достоинства SP3 и недостатки SP2 сколько возможное наличие или отсутствие дополнительных проблем с запуском старых игр на SP3…
Я не Касперский, что бы очень переживать на счет некоторых (подозреваю, незначительных) уязвимостей, но запуск старых шедевров весьма волнует. -
- Регистрация:
- 29 дек 2001
- Сообщения:
- 9.965
Чушь полная. Не видел ни одной игры, которая шла бы на SP2, но не шла бы на SP3.
Лорд Лотар, для старых шедевров существуют виртуальные машины с 3D.
Eraser, спасибо. Собственно, что и требовалось узнать.
Таких машин не существует.
Огласите весь список, пожалуйста.
Даже если есть какой-то гипотетический старый старфорс, который не любит СП3, то его проще просто поломать и забыть о нем.
- Регистрация:
- 25 окт 2009
- Сообщения:
- 3.322
Был SP2, обновил до SP3, что-то случилось и система начала выдавать BSOD при подключении USB накопителя. Вернул старый образ с SP2. Никакой разницы кроме нескольких мелочей в оформлении не заметил.
Чеширский волк-киборг
- Регистрация:
- 24 июн 2010
- Сообщения:
- 14.136
Разницы то основательно !
Уже только вот это исправление стоит многого:
Полный список исправлений включенных в SP3.
Особо надо отметить: универсальный драйвер HDA, поддержку AMD, восстановление работы 16битных приложений. И исправление множества глюков работы с аппаратурой и теми же USB и CD-RW. Ну и конечно же добавленный драйвер процессоров P4 взамен стандартного P3. -
- Регистрация:
- 25 окт 2009
- Сообщения:
- 3.322
Bato-San, так то оно так, но как юзверь играющий в игры, смотрящий фильмы и гадящий в интернетах — я нифига не заметил.
Сосед долбался с каким-то из Флайт Симуляторов. Не шёл на СП3. А на СП2 очень даже. Но случай, скорее всего, довольно редкий.
Это шутка, что ли? Кто и зачем сейчас будет пользоваться IE6, кроме как для теста на совместимость с браузерами своего сайта?
Страница 1 из 3
Тема: Кардинальные отличия WinXP SP2 от SP3. (Прочитано 10204 раз)
0 Пользователей и 1 Гость просматривают эту тему.
Собственно в чём же они? Из-за каких таких «преимуществ» некоторые новые игры наотрез отказываются запускаться на втором паке и идут на 3-ем?
У меня как раз обратная ситуация была что на 2 работало ок, то на третьем никак, ну и из того что я заметиль нет фримворк 4 есть на 3 паке
Не фрим, а фрейм
некоторые новые игры наотрез отказываются запускаться
Вероятно присутствует проверка операционной системы.
« Последнее редактирование: 28 Сентябрь 2011, 17:59:31 от Le@N »
то на третьем никак, ну и из того что я заметиль нет фримворк 4 есть на 3 паке
Вероятно как раз из-за этого и игры не запускаются новые?
нет фримворк 4 есть на 3 паке
Четвертого я там не помню… Третий вроде есть…
Собственно в чём же они? Из-за каких таких «преимуществ» некоторые новые игры наотрез отказываются запускаться на втором паке и идут на 3-ем?
Добавлено позже:
а не подскажите где скачать этот сп3 финальный русский билд.
Четвертого я там не помню… Третий вроде есть…
На сп2 4 не поставишь, а на сп3 ставится
Photon9,а что еще и 4 есть ?.он включает все от 3 + свои ?.тогда подскажите где скачать.
Собственно в чём же они? Из-за каких таких «преимуществ» некоторые новые игры наотрез отказываются запускаться на втором паке и идут на 3-ем?
Ну, например, пакет DLL библиотек, необходимый для более современных программ выпущенных после 2004 года. Да и вообще, зачем искать кардинальные отличия, когда достаточно минимальных?
Photon9,я про сп3.дайте на него ссылку на фин билд русский.
финальный русский билд
как ни странно, но Windows XP до сих пор обновляется по чуть-чуть. не далее как на прошлой неделе какие-то обновления качались/ставились. так что финального ещё нет.
shiningforce, чтобы ощутить глыботу различий, попробуй веб-сервер под актуальный .NET развернуть на SP2, например. Хотя это, конечно, извращение при наличии Windows Server, и тем не менее )
качай XP SP3 Professional VL MSDN на торрентах и везде неошибёшся, VL это корпоративная без надобности активации, ввёл ключик и юзай.
Благодарю за инфу. По хорошему нужно уже переходить с ХР на 7. Хотя с выходом 8-ки, 7-ку могут выкинуть как висту. Как я понял главное отличие в MMC 3.0, MSXML6, Программа установки Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 v2 . Всё остальное — не критично (для игр;)).
Благодарю за инфу. По хорошему нужно уже переходить с ХР на 7. Хотя с выходом 8-ки, 7-ку могут выкинуть как висту………..
Очень сомневаюсь. Я выкину 7 только в том случае, если в 8 будет продвинутый режим совместимости. Т.е. все, что работало на 7 (включая старые и очень старые приложения) будет также и без глюков работать на 8. А если нет, то нафиг она нужна ещё года 4 как минимум.
Т.е. все, что работало на 7 (включая старые и очень старые приложения) будет также и без глюков работать на 8. А если нет, то нафиг она нужна ещё года 4 как минимум.
Это да, во чего только стоит WinMobile 7, коротко и категорично обрубили совместимость со всеми приложениями выпущеными на младшие версии. В результате думал брать тело с 7, а теперь просто возьму что то с VGA экраном камешком помощнее и виндой 6.5
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Страницы: [1] 2 3 Вниз
Тема: XP SP2 или XP SP3 VL (Прочитано 11761 раз)
0 Пользователей и 1 Гость просматривают эту тему.
Купил новый комп — считает maa файлы в 2,5 раза быстрее — это радует, хотя нагружено при этом более менее
только одно ядро из 4х. Вопрос в другом. На старом стояла Windows XP SP2, на новый поставил SP3 VL.
Есть ли необходимость оставить SP3 VL и ЧТО Я ТЕРЯЮ, если и на новое железо установлю старую SP2 ?
Выбор только между ними.
Есть ли необходимость оставить SP3 VL и ЧТО Я ТЕРЯЮ, если и на новое железо установлю старую SP2 ?
Вы не теряете, а приобретаете кучу дыр в винде. Большинству программ пофигу, какой сервис пак установлен. И если там не будет интернета, то и вообще не заметите разницу
Разделите винт на 2 раздела и поставьте одну и вторую.И можете сравнивать.
А так они отличаются в основном наличием дров и так по всяким мелочям.
Обработка данных только от железа.Следует заняться увеличением памяти и видеокартой.
Но это теперь потребует мат. затрат.
Будьте зорки и бдительны ИДИОТОВ хватает
Вы не теряете, а приобретаете кучу дыр в винде. Большинству программ пофигу, какой сервис пак установлен. И если там не будет интернета, то и вообще не заметите разницу
Кажется в точку ! Из за того и вопрос возник. Заметил, однако!
Была установлена только чисто Винда с драйверами материнки и прибамбасами к ней с CD материнки.
И весь вечер через мой 128 Кбит интернет только и делала, что что то докладывала, запрашивала и обновляла.
Вклиниться трудно. А что будет, когда инсталлирую все программы ?
Странно, что многие службы, в отличие от SP2, неактивированы на отключение — stop (зачем?).
И я сомневаюсь, что смогу их отключить утилитами типа NeoUtilites и блокировать этот бесконтроль.
Память 4 Гига.
юзал разные винды.. самой удачной на мой взгляд оказалась Win7. Операции с файлами быстрее.. .Net приложения тоже показали небольшой прирост в быстродействии. Но Linux радует своим постоянством и безотказностью…
Кажется в точку ! Из за того и вопрос возник. Заметил, однако!
Была установлена только чисто Винда с драйверами материнки и прибамбасами к ней с CD материнки.
И весь вечер через мой 128 Кбит интернет только и делала, что что то докладывала, запрашивала и обновляла.
Вклиниться трудно. А что будет, когда инсталлирую все программы ?
Странно, что многие службы, в отличие от SP2, неактивированы на отключение — stop (зачем?).
И я сомневаюсь, что смогу их отключить утилитами типа NeoUtilites и блокировать этот бесконтроль.Память 4 Гига.
При 128 килобитах за недельку комп всё поставит, потом будет раз в 1-2 месяца качать утилитку проверки вредоносного ПО.
Я не думаю, что если службы не остановлены то это бесконтроль такой уж
Кстати можно же поставить ESET Smart Security, он со встроенным фаерволом и не сильно грузит систему. Можно настроить так, что бояться останется только самого себя
Память 4 Гига.
XP видит только 3г
а если XP 64х
Время нужно, чтобы заранее определить, все ли нужные программы
есть в 64 битной версии, а если есть, то что это дает.
Год назад с этим были проблемы, как сейчас — не вникал.
да оно и обычные там работают.. просто программы написанные по 64х умеют больше памяти юзать…
Вы не теряете, а приобретаете кучу дыр в винде. Большинству программ пофигу, какой сервис пак установлен. И если там не будет интернета, то и вообще не заметите разницу
Кажется в точку ! Из за того и вопрос возник. Заметил, однако!
Была установлена только чисто Винда с драйверами материнки и прибамбасами к ней с CD материнки.
И весь вечер через мой 128 Кбит интернет только и делала, что что то докладывала, запрашивала и обновляла.
Вклиниться трудно. А что будет, когда инсталлирую все программы ?
Странно, что многие службы, в отличие от SP2, неактивированы на отключение — stop (зачем?).
И я сомневаюсь, что смогу их отключить утилитами типа NeoUtilites и блокировать этот бесконтроль.Память 4 Гига.
Можете проверить. Зайдите в в установку/удаление программ. Слева будет кнопка Установка/удаление программ Windows. Если стоит SP3, попробуйте ее нажать. Если стоит родной сервис пак,то скорее всего получите отказ. Так Некрософт проводит свою политику безопасности. Я, при установке обновлений делаю только с уведомлением и выбираю, что ставить. Причем надо внимательно читать, что они ‘ впаривают ‘. по подозрению, в одном из обновлений в скриптовой библиотеке был обнаружен кейлоггер, не однаруживаемый антивирусниками. Проверьте, через окно диспетчера задач,сколько ядер поддерживатся. Если все-будет 4 окна. SP2(до определееной даты ) не обновленная ( по их инфо), обновлятся до SP3 не будет(хотя это легко поправляеся). Просто в SP3 содержится весь комплект заплаток,часть и из ранних версий. Если котлуком и эксплоером не пользуетесь, то решайте по обновлениям сами. XP ПРО не полностью поддерживала двухядерники ( у них есть патч). Для процессоров АМД был на сайте АМД бесплатный свой.
Есть ли необходимость оставить SP3 VL и ЧТО Я ТЕРЯЮ, если и на новое железо установлю старую SP2 ?
Выбор только между ними.
При работе в интернете использование «старой ХР2» категорически не рекомендуется. Количество уязвимостей очень велико, если нет актуальных патчей операционной системы, то ни один антивирус не поможет.
Лучше поставить SP3 и дополнительно обновить, поставить патчи. Если скорость интернета невелика, можно выкачать вручную только заплатки уровня CRITICAL. Начать поиск можно отсюда http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/current.aspx
С точки зрения запуска приложений разница между sp2 и 3 не слишком велика. Программы могут запросить DirectX и .NET определенных версий, которые можно установить отдельно.
Действительно, некоторые программы (в т.ч обновления от MS) можно обмануть, меняя только ключ в реестре.
«Если исправить с 200 на 300 значение параметра CSDVersion, находящегося по адресу HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControlWindows, то система начнет воспринимать себя не как Windows XP Service Pack 2, а как Windows XP Service Pack 3.»
Три года работал с SP2 без антивира без видимых проблем. Нортон на этом винчестере ничего кроме
краков, кейгенов и rus.exe не нашел, но убил их безвозвратно (козел).
Зато AVZ на новом винте с SP3 VL + драйверами материнки нашел кейлоггер, которого Нортон не видит.
С пом. AVZ удалось остановить и отключить Службу терминалов, поэтому пока решил не отвергать SP3 VL
Три года работал с SP2 без антивира без видимых проблем. Нортон на этом винчестере ничего кроме
краков, кейгенов и rus.exe не нашел, но убил их безвозвратно (козел).
Зато AVZ на новом винте с SP3 VL + драйверами материнки нашел кейлоггер, которого Нортон не видит.
С пом. AVZ удалось остановить и отключить Службу терминалов, поэтому пока решил не отвергать SP3 VL
А что, трудно в службах часть убрать проблемм? 1900 порт там останавливается, 2869 или батником, или руками в реестре. С SP3 у меня были проблеммы с запуском инсталляторов некоторых старых приложений, например, Алкогол. Цель последних обновлений, как я понял, ограничить копание локального пользователя в настройках системы. Будете обновлять ( не автоматом ), внимательно читайте, что написано. Как звучит такое…( не дословно, я под Линуксом сейчас)локальный пользователь не прошедший проверку удаленно. Самое интересное, что локальный пользователь не прошедший удаленно проверку ( у кого? ) это Вы (Hi!). В общем там много интересного, надо внимательно смотреть. Основная масса заплаток- это почтовик и браузер, хотя есть первые от некоторых вирусов. В общем читайте. Целый пакет SP3…,я бы мягко говоря, ставить не стал бы. Получите ‘ комплексный обед ‘,какие были в ранние времена.
Если кн. стоп неактивирована, то без внешних программ виндой ее не остановить.
Просто «Выключить» в таких случаях иногда помогает лишь до 1 перезагрузки.
Опять лезть проверять? Служба терминалов в SP3 VL — одна из них, есть еще
шесть или семь с неактивной, но нужной кн. стоп.
Насчет обновлений — лучшая заплатка — галочка «запретить». Не только в Винде,
и в программах. Непокорные удаляю с шифтом и в черный список на память
для себя, чтоб снова не напороться на них.
Вобщем, сколько пользователей, столько разных мнений.
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Страницы: [1] 2 3 Вверх
3308 / 1370 / 110 Регистрация: 28.04.2009 Сообщений: 4,822 |
1 |
02.06.2009, 06:40. Показов 29357. Ответов 12
Что лучше SP2 или SP3?
0 |
9715 / 2470 / 52 Регистрация: 06.03.2009 Сообщений: 8,500 |
02.06.2009, 06:56 |
2 |
vovka, Встречный вопрос, что лучше — домашний или сотовый?
0 |
Почетный модератор 11294 / 4263 / 437 Регистрация: 12.06.2008 Сообщений: 12,280 |
02.06.2009, 08:47 |
3 |
SP3 — это тот же SP2, только в нём исправлено очень много ошибок. И говорят, что он немного быстрее работает, чем SP2. Не по теме: inter, смотря для каких целей… иногда домашний оказывается лучше
0 |
1047 / 381 / 15 Регистрация: 11.11.2008 Сообщений: 3,155 |
02.06.2009, 10:09 |
4 |
Sp3 — закрыты дыры в безопасности, мне оформление нравится
0 |
1852 / 1174 / 190 Регистрация: 27.03.2009 Сообщений: 4,514 |
02.06.2009, 10:26 |
5 |
я наоборот за SP2. Сколько не тестил новый, слишком много проблем видел, тем более с защитой
0 |
Супер-модератор 8781 / 2532 / 144 Регистрация: 07.03.2007 Сообщений: 11,873 |
02.06.2009, 10:42 |
6 |
я сп3 не юзал, но слышал в нете слушок, что они решили в нем перенести драйвера с кольца ядра на кольцо приложений, чтобы драва при зависании не убивали намертво винду. но при этом они, тобишь драва, по приоритету приравниваются к приложениям, что скорости прибавить по идее не должно… я вообще 64-бинтую сп2 юзаю, на скорость не жалуюсь пока
0 |
2 / 2 / 0 Регистрация: 31.05.2009 Сообщений: 17 |
02.06.2009, 13:55 |
7 |
а я вообще win7 юзаю
мне оформление нравится а что сервис паки меняют офомрление??
0 |
UNIX-way 712 / 495 / 49 Регистрация: 15.01.2009 Сообщений: 1,720 |
02.06.2009, 14:19 |
8 |
Skyrazor, элементы оформления ведь тоже хранится в файлах. А значит СП хоть и не обязаны, но могут менять оформление.
0 |
мусор в БД 4673 / 1127 / 35 Регистрация: 17.01.2009 Сообщений: 4,481 |
02.06.2009, 14:59 |
9 |
1)Визуальное оформление у SP2 и SP3 одинаковое. Надо проводить различие между тем, что вы видели и тем, что возможно увидеть. Кроме того вопрос о визуальном оформлении винды по-моему уже давно снят как в связи с собственной навороченной графической средой(имхо) ), так и огромным количеством всяких сторонних рюшечек и менеджеров интерфейса (кому-то всегда мало
0 |
из интернетов 137 / 34 / 7 Регистрация: 16.01.2008 Сообщений: 392 |
02.06.2009, 16:22 |
10 |
Юзаю SP3. проблем нету.
0 |
1047 / 381 / 15 Регистрация: 11.11.2008 Сообщений: 3,155 |
02.06.2009, 16:25 |
11 |
Незнаю, у меня стоит Сп3 оформление при установке сменилось.
0 |
29 / 30 / 0 Регистрация: 19.05.2009 Сообщений: 373 |
03.06.2009, 01:31 |
12 |
Говорят 3 пак лучше работает с многоядерными процами.
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2667 / 655 / 45 Регистрация: 13.01.2009 Сообщений: 2,159 |
03.06.2009, 01:35 |
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Поставили, потестили, решили… ИМХО.
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Version of the Windows NT operating system | |
Screenshot of Windows XP running the Luna visual style, showing the start menu, taskbar, and My Computer window |
Developer | Microsoft |
Source model |
Released to manufacturing |
August 24, 2001; 21 years ago[2] |
General availability |
October 25, 2001; 21 years ago[2] |
Final release | Service Pack 3 (5.1.2600.5512) / April 21, 2008; 14 years ago[3] |
Marketing target | Consumer and Business |
Update method |
Platforms | IA-32, x86-64, and Itanium |
Kernel type | Hybrid (NT) |
Userland |
License | Proprietary commercial software |
Preceded by |
Succeeded by | Windows Vista (2007) |
Official website | Windows XP (archived at Wayback Machine) |
Support status | |
All editions (except Windows XP Embedded, Windows XP 64-bit Edition, Windows Embedded for Point of Service, Windows Embedded Standard 2009, and Windows Embedded POSReady 2009):
Windows XP 64-bit Edition:
Windows XP Embedded:
Windows Embedded for Point of Service:
Windows Embedded Standard 2009:
Windows Embedded POSReady 2009:
Windows XP is a major release of Microsoft’s Windows NT operating system. It was released to manufacturing on August 24, 2001, and later to retail on October 25, 2001. It is a direct upgrade to its predecessors, Windows 2000 for high-end and business users and Windows Me for home users, and is available for any devices running Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, Windows 2000, or Windows Me that meet the new Windows XP system requirements.
Development of Windows XP began in the late 1990s under the codename «Neptune», built on the Windows NT kernel and explicitly intended for mainstream consumer use. An updated version of Windows 2000 was also initially planned for the business market. However, in January 2000, both projects were scrapped in favor of a single OS codenamed «Whistler», which would serve as a single platform for both consumer and business markets. As a result, Windows XP is the first consumer edition of Windows not based on the Windows 95 kernel or MS-DOS. Windows XP removed support for PC-98, i486 and SGI Visual Workstation 320 and 540 and will only run on 32-bit x86 CPUs and devices that use BIOS firmware.
Upon its release, Windows XP received critical acclaim, noting increased performance and stability (especially compared to Windows Me), a more intuitive user interface, improved hardware support, and expanded multimedia capabilities. Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 were succeeded by Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, released in 2007 and 2008, respectively.
Mainstream support for Windows XP ended on April 14, 2009, and extended support ended on April 8, 2014. Windows Embedded POSReady 2009, based on Windows XP Professional, received security updates until April 2019. After that, unofficial methods were made available to apply the updates to other editions of Windows XP. Still, Microsoft discouraged this practice, citing compatibility issues.[9] However, over eight years from the end of life date (September 2022), the majority of PCs in some countries (such as Armenia) still appeared to be running on Windows XP.[10] As of September 2022, globally, just 0.39% of Windows PCs[11] and 0.1% of all devices across all platforms continued to run Windows XP.
In the late 1990s, initial development of what would become Windows XP was focused on two individual products: «Odyssey», which was reportedly intended to succeed the future Windows 2000 and «Neptune», which was reportedly a consumer-oriented operating system using the Windows NT architecture, succeeding the MS-DOS-based Windows 98.[12]
However, the projects proved to be too ambitious. In January 2000, shortly prior to the official release of Windows 2000, technology writer Paul Thurrott reported that Microsoft had shelved both Neptune and Odyssey in favor of a new product codenamed «Whistler», named after Whistler, British Columbia, as many Microsoft employees skied at the Whistler-Blackcomb ski resort.[13] The goal of Whistler was to unify both the consumer and business-oriented Windows lines under a single, Windows NT platform. Thurrott stated that Neptune had become «a black hole when all the features that were cut from Windows Me were simply re-tagged as Neptune features. And since Neptune and Odyssey would be based on the same code-base anyway, it made sense to combine them into a single project».[14]
At PDC on July 13, 2000, Microsoft announced that Whistler would be released during the second half of 2001, and also unveiled the first preview build, 2250, which featured an early implementation of Windows XP’s visual styles system and interface changes to Windows Explorer and the Control Panel.[15]
Microsoft released the first public beta build of Whistler, build 2296, on October 31, 2000. Subsequent builds gradually introduced features that users of the release version of Windows XP would recognize, such as Internet Explorer 6.0, the Microsoft Product Activation system and the Bliss desktop background.[16]
Whistler was officially unveiled during a media event on February 5, 2001, under the name Windows XP, where XP stands for «eXPerience».[17]
In June 2001, Microsoft indicated that it was planning to spend at least US$1 billion on marketing and promoting Windows XP, in conjunction with Intel and other PC makers.[18] The theme of the campaign, «Yes You Can», was designed to emphasize the platform’s overall capabilities. Microsoft had originally planned to use the slogan «Prepare to Fly», but it was replaced because of sensitivity issues in the wake of the September 11 attacks.[19]
On August 24, 2001, Windows XP build 2600 was released to manufacturing (RTM). During a ceremonial media event at Microsoft Redmond Campus, copies of the RTM build were given to representatives of several major PC manufacturers in briefcases, who then flew off on decorated helicopters. While PC manufacturers would be able to release devices running XP beginning on September 24, 2001, XP was expected to reach general, retail availability on October 25, 2001. On the same day, Microsoft also announced the final retail pricing of XP’s two main editions, «Home» (as a replacement for Windows Me for home computing) and «Professional» (as a replacement for Windows 2000 for high-end users).[20]
New and updated features
User interface
While retaining some similarities to previous versions, Windows XP’s interface was overhauled with a new visual appearance, with an increased use of alpha compositing effects, drop shadows, and «visual styles», which completely changed the appearance of the operating system. The number of effects enabled are determined by the operating system based on the computer’s processing power, and can be enabled or disabled on a case-by-case basis. XP also added ClearType, a new subpixel rendering system designed to improve the appearance of fonts on liquid-crystal displays.[21] A new set of system icons was also introduced.[22] The default wallpaper, Bliss, is a photo of a landscape in the Napa Valley outside Napa, California, with rolling green hills and a blue sky with stratocumulus and cirrus clouds.[23]
The Start menu received its first major overhaul in XP, switching to a two-column layout with the ability to list, pin, and display frequently used applications, recently opened documents, and the traditional cascading «All Programs» menu. The taskbar can now group windows opened by a single application into one taskbar button, with a popup menu listing the individual windows. The notification area also hides «inactive» icons by default. A «common tasks» list was added, and Windows Explorer’s sidebar was updated to use a new task-based design with lists of common actions; the tasks displayed are contextually relevant to the type of content in a folder (e.g. a folder with music displays offers to play all the files in the folder, or burn them to a CD).[24]
The «task grouping» feature introduced in Windows XP showing both grouped and individual items
Fast user switching allows additional users to log into a Windows XP machine without existing users having to close their programs and log out. Although only one user at the time can use the console (i.e. monitor, keyboard, and mouse), previous users can resume their session once they regain control of the console.[25] Service Pack 2 and Service Pack 3 also introduced new features to Windows XP post-release, including the Windows Security Center, Bluetooth support, the executable space protection, Windows Firewall, and support for SDHC cards that are larger than 4 GB and smaller than 32 GB.[26][27][28][29]
Windows XP uses prefetching to improve startup and application launch times.[30] It also became possible to revert the installation of an updated device driver, should the updated driver produce undesirable results.[31]
A copy protection system known as Windows Product Activation was introduced with Windows XP and its server counterpart, Windows Server 2003. All Windows licenses must be tied to a unique ID generated using information from the computer hardware, transmitted either via the internet or a telephone hotline. If Windows is not activated within 30 days of installation, the OS will cease to function until it is activated. Windows also periodically verifies the hardware to check for changes. If significant hardware changes are detected, the activation is voided, and Windows must be re-activated.[32]
Networking and internet functionality
Windows XP was originally bundled with Internet Explorer 6, Outlook Express 6, Windows Messenger, and MSN Explorer. New networking features were also added, including Internet Connection Firewall, Internet Connection Sharing integration with UPnP, NAT traversal APIs, Quality of Service features, IPv6 and Teredo tunneling, Background Intelligent Transfer Service, extended fax features, network bridging, peer to peer networking, support for most DSL modems, IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) connections with auto configuration and roaming, TAPI 3.1, and networking over FireWire.[33] Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop were also added, which allow users to connect to a computer running Windows XP from across a network or the Internet and access their applications, files, printers, and devices or request help.[34] Improvements were also made to IntelliMirror features such as Offline Files, Roaming user profiles and Folder redirection.[35]
Backwards compatibility
To enable running software that targets or locks out specific versions of Windows, «Compatibility mode» was added. The feature allows pretending a selected earlier version of Windows to software, starting at Windows 95.[36]
While this ability was first introduced in Windows 2000 Service Pack 2, it had to be activated through the «register server» and was only available to administrator users, whereas Windows XP has it activated out of the box and also grants it to regular users.[37]
Other features
- Improved application compatibility and shims compared to Windows 2000.[38]
- DirectX 8.1, upgradeable to DirectX 9.0c.[39]
- A number of new features in Windows Explorer including task panes, thumbnails, and the option to view photos as a slideshow.[40]
- Improved imaging features such as Windows Picture and Fax Viewer.[41]
- Faster start-up, (because of improved Prefetch functions) logon, logoff, hibernation, and application launch sequences.[30]
- Numerous improvements to increase the system reliability such as improved System Restore,[42] Automated System Recovery,[43] and driver reliability improvements through Device Driver Rollback.[44]
- Hardware support improvements such as FireWire 800,[45] and improvements to multi-monitor support under the name «DualView».[46]
- Fast user switching.[47]
- The ClearType font rendering mechanism, which is designed to improve text readability on liquid-crystal display (LCD) and similar monitors, especially laptops.[21]
- Side-by-side assemblies[48] and registration-free COM.[49]
- General improvements to international support such as more locales, languages and scripts, MUI support in Terminal Services, improved Input Method Editors, and National Language Support.[50]
Removed features
Some of the programs and features that were part of the previous versions of Windows did not make it to Windows XP. Various MS-DOS commands available in its Windows 9x predecessor were removed,[51] as were the POSIX and OS/2 subsystems.[52]
In networking, NetBEUI, NWLink and NetDDE were deprecated and not installed by default.[53] Plug-and-play–incompatible communication devices (like modems and network interface cards) were no longer supported.[54]
Service Pack 2 and Service Pack 3 also removed features from Windows XP, including support for TCP half-open connections[55] and the address bar on the taskbar.[56]
Diagram representing the main editions of Windows XP. It is based on the category of the edition (grey) and codebase (black arrow).
Windows XP was released in two major editions on launch: Home Edition and Professional Edition. Both editions were made available at retail as pre-loaded software on new computers and as boxed copies. Boxed copies were sold as «Upgrade» or «Full» licenses; the «Upgrade» versions were slightly cheaper, but require an existing version of Windows to install. The «Full» version can be installed on systems without an operating system or existing version of Windows.[18] The two editions of XP were aimed at different markets: Home Edition is explicitly intended for consumer use and disables or removes certain advanced and enterprise-oriented features present on Professional, such as the ability to join a Windows domain, Internet Information Services, and Multilingual User Interface. Windows 98 or Me can be upgraded to either edition, but Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 can only be upgraded to Professional.[57] Windows’ software license agreement for pre-loaded licenses allows the software to be «returned» to the OEM for a refund if the user does not wish to use it.[58] Despite the refusal of some manufacturers to honor the entitlement, it has been enforced by courts in some countries.[59]
Two specialized variants of XP were introduced in 2002 for certain types of hardware, exclusively through OEM channels as pre-loaded software. Windows XP Media Center Edition was initially designed for high-end home theater PCs with TV tuners (marketed under the term «Media Center PC»), offering expanded multimedia functionality, an electronic program guide, and digital video recorder (DVR) support through the Windows Media Center application.[60] Microsoft also unveiled Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, which contains additional pen input features, and is optimized for mobile devices meeting its Tablet PC specifications.[61] Two different 64-bit editions of XP were made available. The first, Windows XP 64-Bit Edition, was intended for IA-64 (Itanium) systems; as IA-64 usage declined on workstations in favor of AMD’s x86-64 architecture, the Itanium edition was discontinued in January 2005.[62] A new 64-bit edition supporting the x86-64 architecture, called Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, was released in April of the same year.[63]
Microsoft also targeted emerging markets with the 2004 introduction of Windows XP Starter Edition, a special variant of Home Edition intended for low-cost PCs. The OS is primarily aimed at first-time computer owners, containing heavy localization (including wallpapers and screen savers incorporating images of local landmarks), and a «My Support» area which contains video tutorials on basic computing tasks. It also removes certain «complex» features, and does not allow users to run more than three applications at a time. After a pilot program in India and Thailand, Starter was released in other emerging markets throughout 2005.[64] In 2006, Microsoft also unveiled the FlexGo initiative, which would also target emerging markets with subsidized PCs on a pre-paid, subscription basis.[65]
As a result of unfair competition lawsuits in Europe and South Korea, which both alleged that Microsoft had improperly leveraged its status in the PC market to favor its own bundled software, Microsoft was ordered to release special editions of XP in these markets that excluded certain applications. In March 2004, after the European Commission fined Microsoft €497 million (US$603 million), Microsoft was ordered to release «N» editions of XP that excluded Windows Media Player, encouraging users to pick and download their own media player software.[66] As it was sold at the same price as the edition with Windows Media Player included, certain OEMs (such as Dell, who offered it for a short period, along with Hewlett-Packard, Lenovo and Fujitsu Siemens) chose not to offer it. Consumer interest was minuscule, with roughly 1,500 units shipped to OEMs, and no reported sales to consumers.[67] In December 2005, the Korean Fair Trade Commission ordered Microsoft to make available editions of Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 that do not contain Windows Media Player or Windows Messenger.[68] The «K» and «KN» editions of Windows XP were released in August 2006, and are only available in English and Korean, and also contain links to third-party instant messenger and media player software.[69]
Service packs
A service pack is a cumulative update package that is a superset of all updates, and even service packs, that have been released before it.[70] Three service packs have been released for Windows XP. Service Pack 3 is slightly different, in that it needs at least Service Pack 1 to have been installed, in order to update a live OS.[71] However, Service Pack 3 can still be embedded into a Windows installation disc; SP1 is not reported as a prerequisite for doing so.[72]
The unique boot screens from the RTM to Service Pack 1 versions of Windows XP that identified the edition of Windows XP currently running, including a green progress bar for Home Edition and a blue progress bar for Professional, Embedded, Tablet PC Edition, and Media Center Edition were removed in Service Pack 2 of Windows XP and was replaced with a generic «Windows XP» boot screen with a blue progress bar.
Service Pack 1
Service Pack 1 (SP1) for Windows XP was released on September 9, 2002. It contained over 300 minor, post-RTM bug fixes, along with all security patches released since the original release of XP. SP1 also added USB 2.0 support, the Microsoft Java Virtual Machine, .NET Framework support, and support for technologies used by the then-upcoming Media Center and Tablet PC editions of XP.[73] The most significant change on SP1 was the addition of Set Program Access and Defaults, a settings page which allows programs to be set as default for certain types of activities (such as media players or web browsers) and for access to bundled, Microsoft programs (such as Internet Explorer or Windows Media Player) to be disabled. This feature was added to comply with the settlement of United States v. Microsoft Corp., which required Microsoft to offer the ability for OEMs to bundle third-party competitors to software it bundles with Windows (such as Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player), and give them the same level of prominence as those normally bundled with the OS.[74]
On February 3, 2003, Microsoft released Service Pack 1a (SP1a). It was the same as SP1, except, the Microsoft Java Virtual Machine was excluded.[75]
Service Pack 2
Service Pack 2 (SP2) for Windows XP Home edition and Professional edition was released on August 25, 2004.[76] Headline features included WPA encryption compatibility for Wi-Fi and usability improvements to the Wi-Fi networking user interface,[77] partial Bluetooth support,[78] and various improvements to security systems.
Headed by former computer hacker Window Snyder,[79][80] the service pack’s security improvements (codenamed «Springboard»,[81] as these features were intended to underpin additional changes in Longhorn) included a major revision to the included firewall (renamed Windows Firewall, and now enabled by default), and an update to Data Execution Prevention, which gained hardware support in the NX bit that can stop some forms of buffer overflow attacks. Raw socket support is removed (which supposedly limits the damage done by zombie machines) and the Windows Messenger service (which had been abused to cause pop-up advertisements to be displayed as system messages without a web browser or any additional software) became disabled by default. Additionally, security-related improvements were made to e-mail and web browsing. Service Pack 2 also added Security Center, an interface that provides a general overview of the system’s security status, including the state of the firewall and automatic updates. Third-party firewall and antivirus software can also be monitored from Security Center.[82]
In August 2006, Microsoft released updated installation media for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 SP2 (SP2b), in order to incorporate a patch requiring ActiveX controls in Internet Explorer to be manually activated before a user may interact with them. This was done so that the browser would not violate a patent owned by Eolas.[83] Microsoft has since licensed the patent, and released a patch reverting the change in April 2008.[84] In September 2007, another minor revision known as SP2c was released for XP Professional, extending the number of available product keys for the operating system to «support the continued availability of Windows XP Professional through the scheduled system builder channel end-of-life (EOL) date of January 31, 2009.»[85]
Windows XP Service Pack 2 was later included in Windows Embedded for Point of Service and Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs.
Service Pack 3
The third and final Service Pack, SP3, was released through different channels between April[3] and June 2008,[86] about a year after the release of Windows Vista, and about a year before the release of Windows 7. Service Pack 3 was not available for Windows XP x64 Edition, which was based on the Windows Server 2003 kernel and, as a result, used its service packs[87] rather than the ones for the other editions.[88]
It began being automatically pushed out to Automatic Updates users on July 10, 2008.[89] A feature set overview which detailed new features available separately as stand-alone updates to Windows XP, as well as backported features from Windows Vista, was posted by Microsoft.[90] A total of 1,174 fixes are included in SP3.[91] Service Pack 3 could be installed on systems with Internet Explorer up to and including version 8; Internet Explorer 7 was not included as part of SP3.[92] It also did not include Internet Explorer 8, but instead was included in Windows 7, which was released one year after XP SP3.
Service Pack 3 included security enhancements over and above those of SP2, including APIs allowing developers to enable Data Execution Prevention for their code, independent of system-wide compatibility enforcement settings,[93] the Security Support Provider Interface,[94] improvements to WPA2 security,[95] and an updated version of the Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider Module that is FIPS 140-2 certified.[96]
In incorporating all previously released updates not included in SP2, Service Pack 3 included many other key features. Windows Imaging Component allowed camera vendors to integrate their own proprietary image codecs with the operating system’s features, such as thumbnails and slideshows.[97] In enterprise features, Remote Desktop Protocol 6.1 included support for ClearType and 32-bit color depth over RDP,[98] while improvements made to Windows Management Instrumentation in Windows Vista to reduce the possibility of corruption of the WMI repository were backported to XP SP3.[99]
In addition, SP3 contains updates to the operating system components of Windows XP Media Center Edition (MCE) and Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, and security updates for .NET Framework version 1.0, which is included in these editions. However, it does not include update rollups for the Windows Media Center application in Windows XP MCE 2005.[100] SP3 also omits security updates for Windows Media Player 10, although the player is included in Windows XP MCE 2005.[100] The Address Bar DeskBand on the Taskbar is no longer included because of antitrust violation concerns.[101]
Unofficial SP3 ZIP download packages were released on a now-defunct website called The Hotfix from 2005 to 2007.[102][103] The owner of the website, Ethan C. Allen, was a former Microsoft employee in Software Quality Assurance and would comb through the Microsoft Knowledge Base articles daily and download new hotfixes Microsoft would put online within the articles. The articles would have a «kbwinxppresp3fix» and/or «kbwinxpsp3fix» tag, thus allowing Allen to easily find and determine which fixes were planned for the official SP3 release to come. Microsoft publicly stated at the time that the SP3 pack was unofficial and advised users to not install it.[104][105] Allen also released a Vista SP1 package in 2007, for which Allen received a cease-and-desist email from Microsoft.[106]
Windows XP Service Pack 3 was later included in Windows Embedded Standard 2009 and Windows Embedded POSReady 2009.
System requirements
System requirements for Windows XP are as follows:
Minimum | Recommended | |
Home/Professional Edition[A] | ||
Memory | 64 MB[E][F] | 128 MB |
Free space |
Media | CD-ROM drive or compatible | |
Display | Super VGA (800 × 600) | |
Sound hardware | N/A | Sound card plus speakers/headphones |
Input device(s) | Keyboard, mouse | |
Professional x64 Edition[J] | ||
Memory | 256 MB | |
Free space |
Media | CD-ROM drive or compatible | |
Display | Super VGA (800 × 600) | |
Sound hardware | N/A | Sound card plus speakers/headphones |
Input device(s) | Keyboard, mouse | |
64-Bit Edition[K] | ||
CPU | Itanium 733 MHz | Itanium 800 MHz |
Memory | 1 GB | |
Free space | 6 GB | |
Media | CD-ROM drive or compatible | |
Display | Super VGA (800 × 600) | |
Input device(s) | Keyboard, mouse |
- ^ «System requirements for Windows XP operating systems». April 28, 2005. Archived from the original on August 6, 2011. Retrieved March 12, 2007.
- ^ Even though this is Microsoft’s stated minimum processor speed for Windows XP, it is possible to install and run the operating system on early IA-32 processors such as a P5 Pentium without MMX instructions. Windows XP is not compatible with processors older than Pentium (such as 486) or the Cyrix 6×86 because it requires
(see Pentium F00F bug) instructions. - ^ «Windows XP Minimal Requirement Test». Winhistory.de. September 9, 2011. Archived from the original on December 21, 2011. Retrieved January 1, 2012.
- ^ a b c d e «Windows XP: Required firmware and partition mapping scheme of hard disk drive». Support.microsoft.com. June 26, 2013. Archived from the original on April 27, 2017. Retrieved June 16, 2014.
- ^ A Microsoft TechNet paper from Summer 2001 (before Windows XP’s actual release), states that: «A computer with 64 MB of RAM will have sufficient resources to run Windows XP and a few applications with moderate memory requirements.» (Emphasis added.) These were said to be office productivity applications, e-mail programs, and web browsers (of the time). With such a configuration, user interface enhancements and fast user switching are turned off by default. For comparable workloads, 64 MB of RAM was then regarded as providing an equal or better user experience on Windows XP with similar settings than it would with Windows Me on the same hardware. In a later section of the paper, superior performance over Windows Me was noted with 128 MB of RAM or more, and with computers that exceed the minimum hardware requirements.
- ^ Sechrest, Stuart; Fortin, Michael (June 1, 2001). «Windows XP Performance». Microsoft TechNet. Archived from the original on July 27, 2010. Retrieved April 8, 2008.
- ^ «Hard disk space requirements for Windows XP Service Pack 1». Microsoft. October 29, 2007. Archived from the original on April 21, 2012. Retrieved April 6, 2012.
- ^ «The hard disk space requirements for Windows XP Service Pack 2». Microsoft. April 18, 2005. Archived from the original on November 24, 2010. Retrieved December 1, 2010.
- ^ «Windows XP – End of Support, Migration Guide, Download – TechNet». technet.microsoft.com. 2007. Archived from the original on May 13, 2008.
- ^ «Windows XP Professional x64 Edition SP2 VL EN (MSDN-TechNet)». Programmer Stuffs. March 23, 2011. Archived from the original on July 14, 2014. Retrieved May 2, 2012.
- ^ «Microsoft Windows XP 64-Bit Edition». Microsoft TechNet. Microsoft. August 15, 2001. Archived from the original on April 19, 2012. Retrieved May 2, 2012.
Physical memory limits
The maximum amount of RAM that Windows XP can support varies depending on the product edition and the processor architecture. All 32-bit editions of XP support up to 4 GB, except the Windows XP Starter edition, which supports up to 512 MB of RAM.[107] 64-bit editions support up to 128 GB.[108]
Processor limits
Windows XP Professional supports up to two physical processors;[109]
Windows XP Home Edition supports only one.[110]
However, XP supports a greater number of logical processors:
32-bit editions support up to 32 logical processors,[111] and 64-bit editions support up to 64 logical processors.[112]
Several Windows XP components are upgradable to the latest versions, which include new versions introduced in later versions of Windows, and other major Microsoft applications are available. These latest versions for Windows XP include:
- ActiveSync 4.5
- DirectX 9.0c (June 7, 2010, Redistributable)
- Internet Explorer 8 on Windows XP Service Packs 2 and 3 (Internet Explorer 6 SP1 and Outlook Express 6 SP1 on Windows XP before SP2.)
- Windows Media Format Runtime and Windows Media Player 11 on Windows XP Service Packs 2 and 3 (and Windows Media Player 10 on Windows XP original release.)
- Microsoft Virtual PC 2004 and 2007
- .NET Framework up to and including version 4.0 (4.5 and higher versions are not supported.)
- Visual Studio 2005 on Windows XP versions below SP2, Visual Studio 2008 on Windows XP SP2 and Visual Studio 2010 on Windows XP SP3
- Windows Script Host 5.7
- Windows Installer 4.5
- Microsoft NetMeeting 3.02
- Office 2010 was the last version of Microsoft Office to be compatible with Windows XP.
- The Windows Services for UNIX subsystem can be installed to allow certain Unix-based applications to run on the operating system.
Support lifecycle
Expiration date | |
Mainstream support | April 14, 2009[4] |
Extended support | April 8, 2014[4] The official exceptions ended in April 2019. |
Applicable XP editions: | |
Home Edition, Professional Edition, Professional x64 Edition, Professional for Embedded Systems, Media Center Editions (all), Starter Edition, Tablet PC Edition and Tablet PC Edition 2005,[4] as well as Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs.[113] | |
Exceptions | |
Windows XP 64-Bit Edition (Itanium edition, including Version 2003) | Unsupported as of June 30, 2005[5] |
Windows XP Embedded | Mainstream support ended on January 11, 2011[4] Extended support ended on January 12, 2016[4] |
Windows Embedded for Point of Service | Mainstream support ended on April 12, 2011[6] Extended support ended on April 12, 2016[6] |
Windows Embedded Standard 2009 | Mainstream support ended on January 14, 2014 Extended support ended on January 8, 2019[7] |
Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 | Mainstream support ended on April 8, 2014 Extended support ended on April 9, 2019[8] |
Support for the original release of Windows XP (without a service pack) ended on August 30, 2005.[4] Both Windows XP Service Pack 1 and 1a were retired on October 10, 2006,[4] and both Windows 2000 and Windows XP SP2 reached their end of support on July 13, 2010, about 24 months after the launch of Windows XP Service Pack 3.[4] The company stopped general licensing of Windows XP to OEMs and terminated retail sales of the operating system on June 30, 2008, 17 months after the release of Windows Vista.[114] However, an exception was announced on April 3, 2008, for OEMs producing what it defined as «ultra low-cost personal computers», particularly netbooks, until one year after the availability of Windows 7 on October 22, 2009. Analysts felt that the move was primarily intended to compete against Linux-based netbooks, although Microsoft’s Kevin Hutz stated that the decision was due to apparent market demand for low-end computers with Windows.[115]
Variants of Windows XP for embedded systems have different support policies: Windows XP Embedded SP3 and Windows Embedded for Point of Service SP3 were supported until January and April 2016, respectively. Windows Embedded Standard 2009, which was succeeded by Windows Embedded Standard 7, and Windows Embedded POSReady 2009, which was succeeded by Windows Embedded POSReady 7, were supported until January and April 2019, respectively.[116] These updates, while intended for the embedded editions, could also be downloaded on standard Windows XP with a registry hack, which enabled unofficial patches until April 2019. However, Microsoft advised Windows XP users against installing these fixes, citing incompatibility issues.[9][117]
End of support
On April 14, 2009, Windows XP exited mainstream support and entered the extended support phase; Microsoft continued to provide security updates every month for Windows XP, however, free technical support, warranty claims, and design changes were no longer being offered. Extended support ended on April 8, 2014, over 12 years after the release of Windows XP; normally Microsoft products have a support life cycle of only 10 years.[118] Beyond the final security updates released on April 8, no more security patches or support information are provided for XP free-of-charge; «critical patches» will still be created, and made available only to customers subscribing to a paid «Custom Support» plan.[119] As it is a Windows component, all versions of Internet Explorer for Windows XP also became unsupported.[120]
In January 2014, it was estimated that more than 95% of the 3 million automated teller machines in the world were still running Windows XP (which largely replaced IBM’s OS/2 as the predominant operating system on ATMs); ATMs have an average lifecycle of between seven and ten years, but some have had lifecycles as long as 15. Plans were being made by several ATM vendors and their customers to migrate to Windows 7-based systems over the course of 2014, while vendors have also considered the possibility of using Linux-based platforms in the future to give them more flexibility for support lifecycles, and the ATM Industry Association (ATMIA) has since endorsed Windows 10 as a further replacement.[121] However, ATMs typically run the embedded variant of Windows XP, which was supported through January 2016.[122] As of May 2017, around 60% of the 220,000 ATMs in India still run Windows XP.[123]
Furthermore, at least 49% of all computers in China still ran XP at the beginning of 2014. These holdouts were influenced by several factors; prices of genuine copies of later versions of Windows in the country are high, while Ni Guangnan of the Chinese Academy of Sciences warned that Windows 8 could allegedly expose users to surveillance by the United States government,[124] and the Chinese government banned the purchase of Windows 8 products for government use in May 2014 in protest of Microsoft’s inability to provide «guaranteed» support.[125] The government also had concerns that the impending end of support could affect their anti-piracy initiatives with Microsoft, as users would simply pirate newer versions rather than purchasing them legally. As such, government officials formally requested that Microsoft extend the support period for XP for these reasons. While Microsoft did not comply with their requests, a number of major Chinese software developers, such as Lenovo, Kingsoft and Tencent, will provide free support and resources for Chinese users migrating from XP.[126] Several governments, in particular those of the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, elected to negotiate «Custom Support» plans with Microsoft for their continued, internal use of Windows XP; the British government’s deal lasted for a year, and also covered support for Office 2003 (which reached end-of-life the same day) and cost £5.5 million.[127]
On March 8, 2014, Microsoft deployed an update for XP that, on the 8th of each month, displays a pop-up notification to remind users about the end of support; however, these notifications may be disabled by the user.[128] Microsoft also partnered with Laplink to provide a special «express» version of its PCmover software to help users migrate files and settings from XP to a computer with a newer version of Windows.[129]
An electroencephalograph running on Windows XP. The medical industry’s continued use of Windows XP is partly due to medical applications being incompatible with later versions of Windows.
Despite the approaching end of support, there were still notable holdouts that had not migrated past XP; many users elected to remain on XP because of the poor reception of Windows Vista, sales of newer PCs with newer versions of Windows declined because of the Great Recession and the effects of Vista, and deployments of new versions of Windows in enterprise environments require a large amount of planning, which includes testing applications for compatibility (especially those that are dependent on Internet Explorer 6, which is not compatible with newer versions of Windows).[130] Major security software vendors (including Microsoft itself) planned to continue offering support and definitions for Windows XP past the end of support to varying extents, along with the developers of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera web browsers;[120] despite these measures, critics similarly argued that users should eventually migrate from XP to a supported platform.[131] The United States’ Computer Emergency Readiness Team released an alert in March 2014 advising users of the impending end of support, and informing them that using XP after April 8 may prevent them from meeting US government information security requirements.[132]
Microsoft continued to provide Security Essentials virus definitions and updates for its Malicious Software Removal Tool (MSRT) for XP until July 14, 2015.[133] As the end of extended support approached, Microsoft began to increasingly urge XP customers to migrate to newer versions such as Windows 7 or 8 in the interest of security, suggesting that attackers could reverse engineer security patches for newer versions of Windows and use them to target equivalent vulnerabilities in XP.[134] Windows XP is remotely exploitable by numerous security holes that were discovered after Microsoft stopped supporting it.[135][136]
Similarly, specialized devices that run XP, particularly medical devices, must have any revisions to their software—even security updates for the underlying operating system—approved by relevant regulators before they can be released. For this reason, manufacturers often did not allow any updates to devices’ operating systems, leaving them open to security exploits and malware.[137]
Despite the end of support for Windows XP, Microsoft has released three emergency security updates for the operating system to patch major security vulnerabilities:
- A patch released in May 2014 to address recently discovered vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer 6 through 11 on all versions of Windows.[138]
- A patch released in May 2017 to address a vulnerability that was being leveraged by the WannaCry ransomware attack.[139]
- A patch released in May 2019 to address a critical code execution vulnerability in Remote Desktop Services which can be exploited in a similar way as the WannaCry vulnerability.[140][141]
Researchers reported in August 2019 that Windows 10 users may be at risk for «critical» system compromise because of design flaws of hardware device drivers from multiple providers.[142] In the same month, computer experts reported that the BlueKeep security vulnerability, CVE-2019-0708, that potentially affects older unpatched Microsoft Windows versions via the program’s Remote Desktop Protocol, allowing for the possibility of remote code execution, may now include related flaws, collectively named DejaBlue, affecting newer Windows versions (i.e., Windows 7 and all recent versions) as well.[143] In addition, experts reported a Microsoft security vulnerability, CVE-2019-1162, based on legacy code involving Microsoft CTF and ctfmon (ctfmon.exe), that affects all Windows versions from the older Windows XP version to the most recent Windows 10 versions; a patch to correct the flaw is currently available.[144]
Microsoft announced in July 2019 that the Microsoft Internet Games services on Windows XP and Windows Me would end on July 31, 2019 (and for Windows 7 on January 22, 2020).[145] Others, such as Steam, had done the same, ending support for Windows XP and Windows Vista in January 2019.[146]
In 2020, Microsoft announced that it would disable the Windows Update service for SHA-1 endpoints; since Windows XP did not get an update for SHA-2, Windows Update Services are no longer available on the OS as of late July 2020.[147] However, as of October 2021, the old updates for Windows XP are still available on the Microsoft Update Catalog,[148] or through Legacy Update, a community-driven third party replacement for the Windows XP update servers.
On release, Windows XP received critical acclaim. CNET described the operating system as being «worth the hype», considering the new interface to be «spiffier» and more intuitive than previous versions, but feeling that it may «annoy» experienced users with its «hand-holding». XP’s expanded multimedia support and CD burning functionality were also noted, along with its streamlined networking tools. The performance improvements of XP in comparison to 2000 and Me were also praised, along with its increased number of built-in device drivers in comparison to 2000. The software compatibility tools were also praised, although it was noted that some programs, particularly older MS-DOS software, may not work correctly on XP because of its differing architecture. They panned Windows XP’s new licensing model and product activation system, considering it to be a «slightly annoying roadblock», but acknowledged Microsoft’s intent for the changes.[149] PC Magazine provided similar praise, although noting that a number of its online features were designed to promote Microsoft-owned services, and that aside from quicker boot times, XP’s overall performance showed little difference over Windows 2000.[150] Windows XP’s default theme, Luna, was criticized by some users for its childish look.[151][152]
Despite extended support for Windows XP ending in 2014, many users – including some enterprises – were reluctant to move away from an operating system they viewed as a stable known quantity despite the many security and functionality improvements in subsequent releases of Windows. Windows XP’s longevity was viewed as testament to its stability and Microsoft’s successful attempts to keep it up to date, but also as an indictment of its direct successor’s perceived failings.[153]
According to web analytics data generated by Net Applications, Windows XP was the most widely used operating system until August 2012, when Windows 7 overtook it (later overtaken by Windows 10),[154] while StatCounter indicates it happening almost a year earlier.[155] In January 2014, Net Applications reported a market share of 29.23%[156] of «desktop operating systems» for XP (when XP was introduced there was not a separate mobile category to track), while W3Schools reported a share of 11.0%.[157]
As of September 2022, in most regions or continents, Windows XP market share on PCs, as a fraction of the total Windows share, has gone below 1% (0.5% in Africa[158]). XP still has a double-digit market share in a few countries, such as Armenia at over 50%,[159][160][161][162] at 57%, where Windows 7 was highest ranked, and with it being replaced by Windows 10, Windows XP got highest ranked for the longest time, and had over 60% share on some weekends in the summer of 2019.[163][164]
Source code leak
On September 23, 2020, source code for Windows XP with Service Pack 1 and Windows Server 2003 was leaked onto the imageboard 4chan by an unknown user. Anonymous users managed to compile the code, as well as a Twitter user who posted videos of the process on YouTube proving that the code was genuine.[165] The videos were later removed on copyright grounds by Microsoft. The leak was incomplete as it was missing the Winlogon source code and some other components.[166][167] The original leak itself was spread using magnet links and torrent files whose payload originally included Server 2003 and XP source code and which was later updated with additional files, among which were previous leaks of Microsoft products, its patents, media about conspiracy theories on Bill Gates by anti-vaccination movements and an assortment of PDF files on different topics.[168]
Microsoft issued a statement stating that it was investigating the leaks.[167][169][170]
See also
- BlueKeep (security vulnerability)
- Comparison of operating systems
- History of operating systems
- List of operating systems
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[UPDATE:] Late Monday we received a statement from a Microsoft spokesperson: We recently became aware of a hack that purportedly aims to provide security updates to Windows XP customers. The security updates that could be installed are intended for Windows Embedded and Windows Server 2003 customers and do not fully protect Windows XP customers. Windows XP customers also run a significant risk of functionality issues with their machines if they install these updates, as they are not tested against Windows XP. The best way for Windows XP customers to protect their systems is to upgrade to a more modern operating system, like Windows 7 or Windows 8.1.
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- ^ «Operating system market share». September 9, 2012. Archived from the original on September 9, 2012. Retrieved September 8, 2018.
- ^ «Desktop Windows Version Market Share Worldwide». StatCounter Global Stats. Archived from the original on April 20, 2019. Retrieved July 2, 2019.
- ^ Crothers, Brooke (February 2, 2014). «Oops, Windows XP gains in January but so does Windows 8.1». CNET. CBS Interactive. Archived from the original on February 21, 2014. Retrieved March 16, 2014.
- ^ «OS Platform Statistics». w3schools. Archived from the original on September 17, 2015. Retrieved September 14, 2015.
- ^ «Desktop Windows Version Market Share Africa». StatCounter Global Stats. Archived from the original on September 22, 2022. Retrieved September 22, 2022.
- ^ «Desktop Windows Version Market Share Armenia». StatCounter Global Stats. Archived from the original on September 4, 2018. Retrieved December 11, 2021.
- ^ «Desktop Windows Version Market Share Armenia». StatCounter Global Stats. Archived from the original on September 4, 2018. Retrieved December 11, 2021.
- ^ «Desktop Windows Version Market Share Armenia». StatCounter Global Stats. Archived from the original on September 4, 2018. Retrieved July 10, 2021.
- ^ «Desktop Windows Version Market Share Armenia». StatCounter Global Stats. Archived from the original on September 4, 2018. Retrieved March 2, 2021.
- ^ «Desktop Windows Version Market Share Armenia». StatCounter Global Stats. Archived from the original on September 4, 2018. Retrieved July 2, 2020.
- ^ «Desktop Windows Version Market Share Armenia». StatCounter Global Stats. Archived from the original on September 4, 2018. Retrieved July 2, 2020.
- ^ Cimpanu, Catalin. «Windows XP leak confirmed after user compiles the leaked code into a working OS». ZDNet. Archived from the original on September 30, 2020. Retrieved October 1, 2020.
- ^ Warren, Tom (September 25, 2020). «Windows XP source code leaks online». The Verge. Archived from the original on September 29, 2021. Retrieved October 1, 2020.
- ^ a b Alcorn, Paul (September 30, 2020). «Windows XP Source Code Leaked, Posted to 4chan (Update, It Works)». Tom’s Hardware. Archived from the original on October 6, 2021. Retrieved October 1, 2020.
- ^ «Windows XP Source Code Leaked By Apparent Bill Gates Conspiracist». Gizmodo. September 25, 2020. Archived from the original on October 1, 2020. Retrieved October 1, 2020.
- ^ «The Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 source code leaks online». Graham Cluley. September 25, 2020. Archived from the original on September 26, 2020. Retrieved September 29, 2020.
- ^ «Windows XP source code leaked online». www.computing.co.uk. September 28, 2020. Archived from the original on October 2, 2020. Retrieved September 29, 2020.
Further reading
- Joyce, Jerry; Moon, Marianne (2004). Microsoft Windows XP Plain & Simple. Microsoft Press. ISBN 978-0-7356-2112-1.
External links
- Windows XP End of Support
- Security Update for Windows XP SP3 (KB4012598)
Version of the Windows NT operating system | |
Screenshot of Windows XP running the Luna visual style, showing the start menu, taskbar, and My Computer window |
Developer | Microsoft |
Source model |
Released to manufacturing |
August 24, 2001; 21 years ago[2] |
General availability |
October 25, 2001; 21 years ago[2] |
Final release | Service Pack 3 (5.1.2600.5512) / April 21, 2008; 14 years ago[3] |
Marketing target | Consumer and Business |
Update method |
Platforms | IA-32, x86-64, and Itanium |
Kernel type | Hybrid (NT) |
Userland |
License | Proprietary commercial software |
Preceded by |
Succeeded by | Windows Vista (2007) |
Official website | Windows XP (archived at Wayback Machine) |
Support status | |
All editions (except Windows XP Embedded, Windows XP 64-bit Edition, Windows Embedded for Point of Service, Windows Embedded Standard 2009, and Windows Embedded POSReady 2009):
Windows XP 64-bit Edition:
Windows XP Embedded:
Windows Embedded for Point of Service:
Windows Embedded Standard 2009:
Windows Embedded POSReady 2009:
Windows XP is a major release of Microsoft’s Windows NT operating system. It was released to manufacturing on August 24, 2001, and later to retail on October 25, 2001. It is a direct upgrade to its predecessors, Windows 2000 for high-end and business users and Windows Me for home users, and is available for any devices running Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, Windows 2000, or Windows Me that meet the new Windows XP system requirements.
Development of Windows XP began in the late 1990s under the codename «Neptune», built on the Windows NT kernel and explicitly intended for mainstream consumer use. An updated version of Windows 2000 was also initially planned for the business market. However, in January 2000, both projects were scrapped in favor of a single OS codenamed «Whistler», which would serve as a single platform for both consumer and business markets. As a result, Windows XP is the first consumer edition of Windows not based on the Windows 95 kernel or MS-DOS. Windows XP removed support for PC-98, i486 and SGI Visual Workstation 320 and 540 and will only run on 32-bit x86 CPUs and devices that use BIOS firmware.
Upon its release, Windows XP received critical acclaim, noting increased performance and stability (especially compared to Windows Me), a more intuitive user interface, improved hardware support, and expanded multimedia capabilities. Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 were succeeded by Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, released in 2007 and 2008, respectively.
Mainstream support for Windows XP ended on April 14, 2009, and extended support ended on April 8, 2014. Windows Embedded POSReady 2009, based on Windows XP Professional, received security updates until April 2019. After that, unofficial methods were made available to apply the updates to other editions of Windows XP. Still, Microsoft discouraged this practice, citing compatibility issues.[9] However, over eight years from the end of life date (September 2022), the majority of PCs in some countries (such as Armenia) still appeared to be running on Windows XP.[10] As of September 2022, globally, just 0.39% of Windows PCs[11] and 0.1% of all devices across all platforms continued to run Windows XP.
In the late 1990s, initial development of what would become Windows XP was focused on two individual products: «Odyssey», which was reportedly intended to succeed the future Windows 2000 and «Neptune», which was reportedly a consumer-oriented operating system using the Windows NT architecture, succeeding the MS-DOS-based Windows 98.[12]
However, the projects proved to be too ambitious. In January 2000, shortly prior to the official release of Windows 2000, technology writer Paul Thurrott reported that Microsoft had shelved both Neptune and Odyssey in favor of a new product codenamed «Whistler», named after Whistler, British Columbia, as many Microsoft employees skied at the Whistler-Blackcomb ski resort.[13] The goal of Whistler was to unify both the consumer and business-oriented Windows lines under a single, Windows NT platform. Thurrott stated that Neptune had become «a black hole when all the features that were cut from Windows Me were simply re-tagged as Neptune features. And since Neptune and Odyssey would be based on the same code-base anyway, it made sense to combine them into a single project».[14]
At PDC on July 13, 2000, Microsoft announced that Whistler would be released during the second half of 2001, and also unveiled the first preview build, 2250, which featured an early implementation of Windows XP’s visual styles system and interface changes to Windows Explorer and the Control Panel.[15]
Microsoft released the first public beta build of Whistler, build 2296, on October 31, 2000. Subsequent builds gradually introduced features that users of the release version of Windows XP would recognize, such as Internet Explorer 6.0, the Microsoft Product Activation system and the Bliss desktop background.[16]
Whistler was officially unveiled during a media event on February 5, 2001, under the name Windows XP, where XP stands for «eXPerience».[17]
In June 2001, Microsoft indicated that it was planning to spend at least US$1 billion on marketing and promoting Windows XP, in conjunction with Intel and other PC makers.[18] The theme of the campaign, «Yes You Can», was designed to emphasize the platform’s overall capabilities. Microsoft had originally planned to use the slogan «Prepare to Fly», but it was replaced because of sensitivity issues in the wake of the September 11 attacks.[19]
On August 24, 2001, Windows XP build 2600 was released to manufacturing (RTM). During a ceremonial media event at Microsoft Redmond Campus, copies of the RTM build were given to representatives of several major PC manufacturers in briefcases, who then flew off on decorated helicopters. While PC manufacturers would be able to release devices running XP beginning on September 24, 2001, XP was expected to reach general, retail availability on October 25, 2001. On the same day, Microsoft also announced the final retail pricing of XP’s two main editions, «Home» (as a replacement for Windows Me for home computing) and «Professional» (as a replacement for Windows 2000 for high-end users).[20]
New and updated features
User interface
While retaining some similarities to previous versions, Windows XP’s interface was overhauled with a new visual appearance, with an increased use of alpha compositing effects, drop shadows, and «visual styles», which completely changed the appearance of the operating system. The number of effects enabled are determined by the operating system based on the computer’s processing power, and can be enabled or disabled on a case-by-case basis. XP also added ClearType, a new subpixel rendering system designed to improve the appearance of fonts on liquid-crystal displays.[21] A new set of system icons was also introduced.[22] The default wallpaper, Bliss, is a photo of a landscape in the Napa Valley outside Napa, California, with rolling green hills and a blue sky with stratocumulus and cirrus clouds.[23]
The Start menu received its first major overhaul in XP, switching to a two-column layout with the ability to list, pin, and display frequently used applications, recently opened documents, and the traditional cascading «All Programs» menu. The taskbar can now group windows opened by a single application into one taskbar button, with a popup menu listing the individual windows. The notification area also hides «inactive» icons by default. A «common tasks» list was added, and Windows Explorer’s sidebar was updated to use a new task-based design with lists of common actions; the tasks displayed are contextually relevant to the type of content in a folder (e.g. a folder with music displays offers to play all the files in the folder, or burn them to a CD).[24]
The «task grouping» feature introduced in Windows XP showing both grouped and individual items
Fast user switching allows additional users to log into a Windows XP machine without existing users having to close their programs and log out. Although only one user at the time can use the console (i.e. monitor, keyboard, and mouse), previous users can resume their session once they regain control of the console.[25] Service Pack 2 and Service Pack 3 also introduced new features to Windows XP post-release, including the Windows Security Center, Bluetooth support, the executable space protection, Windows Firewall, and support for SDHC cards that are larger than 4 GB and smaller than 32 GB.[26][27][28][29]
Windows XP uses prefetching to improve startup and application launch times.[30] It also became possible to revert the installation of an updated device driver, should the updated driver produce undesirable results.[31]
A copy protection system known as Windows Product Activation was introduced with Windows XP and its server counterpart, Windows Server 2003. All Windows licenses must be tied to a unique ID generated using information from the computer hardware, transmitted either via the internet or a telephone hotline. If Windows is not activated within 30 days of installation, the OS will cease to function until it is activated. Windows also periodically verifies the hardware to check for changes. If significant hardware changes are detected, the activation is voided, and Windows must be re-activated.[32]
Networking and internet functionality
Windows XP was originally bundled with Internet Explorer 6, Outlook Express 6, Windows Messenger, and MSN Explorer. New networking features were also added, including Internet Connection Firewall, Internet Connection Sharing integration with UPnP, NAT traversal APIs, Quality of Service features, IPv6 and Teredo tunneling, Background Intelligent Transfer Service, extended fax features, network bridging, peer to peer networking, support for most DSL modems, IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) connections with auto configuration and roaming, TAPI 3.1, and networking over FireWire.[33] Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop were also added, which allow users to connect to a computer running Windows XP from across a network or the Internet and access their applications, files, printers, and devices or request help.[34] Improvements were also made to IntelliMirror features such as Offline Files, Roaming user profiles and Folder redirection.[35]
Backwards compatibility
To enable running software that targets or locks out specific versions of Windows, «Compatibility mode» was added. The feature allows pretending a selected earlier version of Windows to software, starting at Windows 95.[36]
While this ability was first introduced in Windows 2000 Service Pack 2, it had to be activated through the «register server» and was only available to administrator users, whereas Windows XP has it activated out of the box and also grants it to regular users.[37]
Other features
- Improved application compatibility and shims compared to Windows 2000.[38]
- DirectX 8.1, upgradeable to DirectX 9.0c.[39]
- A number of new features in Windows Explorer including task panes, thumbnails, and the option to view photos as a slideshow.[40]
- Improved imaging features such as Windows Picture and Fax Viewer.[41]
- Faster start-up, (because of improved Prefetch functions) logon, logoff, hibernation, and application launch sequences.[30]
- Numerous improvements to increase the system reliability such as improved System Restore,[42] Automated System Recovery,[43] and driver reliability improvements through Device Driver Rollback.[44]
- Hardware support improvements such as FireWire 800,[45] and improvements to multi-monitor support under the name «DualView».[46]
- Fast user switching.[47]
- The ClearType font rendering mechanism, which is designed to improve text readability on liquid-crystal display (LCD) and similar monitors, especially laptops.[21]
- Side-by-side assemblies[48] and registration-free COM.[49]
- General improvements to international support such as more locales, languages and scripts, MUI support in Terminal Services, improved Input Method Editors, and National Language Support.[50]
Removed features
Some of the programs and features that were part of the previous versions of Windows did not make it to Windows XP. Various MS-DOS commands available in its Windows 9x predecessor were removed,[51] as were the POSIX and OS/2 subsystems.[52]
In networking, NetBEUI, NWLink and NetDDE were deprecated and not installed by default.[53] Plug-and-play–incompatible communication devices (like modems and network interface cards) were no longer supported.[54]
Service Pack 2 and Service Pack 3 also removed features from Windows XP, including support for TCP half-open connections[55] and the address bar on the taskbar.[56]
Diagram representing the main editions of Windows XP. It is based on the category of the edition (grey) and codebase (black arrow).
Windows XP was released in two major editions on launch: Home Edition and Professional Edition. Both editions were made available at retail as pre-loaded software on new computers and as boxed copies. Boxed copies were sold as «Upgrade» or «Full» licenses; the «Upgrade» versions were slightly cheaper, but require an existing version of Windows to install. The «Full» version can be installed on systems without an operating system or existing version of Windows.[18] The two editions of XP were aimed at different markets: Home Edition is explicitly intended for consumer use and disables or removes certain advanced and enterprise-oriented features present on Professional, such as the ability to join a Windows domain, Internet Information Services, and Multilingual User Interface. Windows 98 or Me can be upgraded to either edition, but Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 can only be upgraded to Professional.[57] Windows’ software license agreement for pre-loaded licenses allows the software to be «returned» to the OEM for a refund if the user does not wish to use it.[58] Despite the refusal of some manufacturers to honor the entitlement, it has been enforced by courts in some countries.[59]
Two specialized variants of XP were introduced in 2002 for certain types of hardware, exclusively through OEM channels as pre-loaded software. Windows XP Media Center Edition was initially designed for high-end home theater PCs with TV tuners (marketed under the term «Media Center PC»), offering expanded multimedia functionality, an electronic program guide, and digital video recorder (DVR) support through the Windows Media Center application.[60] Microsoft also unveiled Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, which contains additional pen input features, and is optimized for mobile devices meeting its Tablet PC specifications.[61] Two different 64-bit editions of XP were made available. The first, Windows XP 64-Bit Edition, was intended for IA-64 (Itanium) systems; as IA-64 usage declined on workstations in favor of AMD’s x86-64 architecture, the Itanium edition was discontinued in January 2005.[62] A new 64-bit edition supporting the x86-64 architecture, called Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, was released in April of the same year.[63]
Microsoft also targeted emerging markets with the 2004 introduction of Windows XP Starter Edition, a special variant of Home Edition intended for low-cost PCs. The OS is primarily aimed at first-time computer owners, containing heavy localization (including wallpapers and screen savers incorporating images of local landmarks), and a «My Support» area which contains video tutorials on basic computing tasks. It also removes certain «complex» features, and does not allow users to run more than three applications at a time. After a pilot program in India and Thailand, Starter was released in other emerging markets throughout 2005.[64] In 2006, Microsoft also unveiled the FlexGo initiative, which would also target emerging markets with subsidized PCs on a pre-paid, subscription basis.[65]
As a result of unfair competition lawsuits in Europe and South Korea, which both alleged that Microsoft had improperly leveraged its status in the PC market to favor its own bundled software, Microsoft was ordered to release special editions of XP in these markets that excluded certain applications. In March 2004, after the European Commission fined Microsoft €497 million (US$603 million), Microsoft was ordered to release «N» editions of XP that excluded Windows Media Player, encouraging users to pick and download their own media player software.[66] As it was sold at the same price as the edition with Windows Media Player included, certain OEMs (such as Dell, who offered it for a short period, along with Hewlett-Packard, Lenovo and Fujitsu Siemens) chose not to offer it. Consumer interest was minuscule, with roughly 1,500 units shipped to OEMs, and no reported sales to consumers.[67] In December 2005, the Korean Fair Trade Commission ordered Microsoft to make available editions of Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 that do not contain Windows Media Player or Windows Messenger.[68] The «K» and «KN» editions of Windows XP were released in August 2006, and are only available in English and Korean, and also contain links to third-party instant messenger and media player software.[69]
Service packs
A service pack is a cumulative update package that is a superset of all updates, and even service packs, that have been released before it.[70] Three service packs have been released for Windows XP. Service Pack 3 is slightly different, in that it needs at least Service Pack 1 to have been installed, in order to update a live OS.[71] However, Service Pack 3 can still be embedded into a Windows installation disc; SP1 is not reported as a prerequisite for doing so.[72]
The unique boot screens from the RTM to Service Pack 1 versions of Windows XP that identified the edition of Windows XP currently running, including a green progress bar for Home Edition and a blue progress bar for Professional, Embedded, Tablet PC Edition, and Media Center Edition were removed in Service Pack 2 of Windows XP and was replaced with a generic «Windows XP» boot screen with a blue progress bar.
Service Pack 1
Service Pack 1 (SP1) for Windows XP was released on September 9, 2002. It contained over 300 minor, post-RTM bug fixes, along with all security patches released since the original release of XP. SP1 also added USB 2.0 support, the Microsoft Java Virtual Machine, .NET Framework support, and support for technologies used by the then-upcoming Media Center and Tablet PC editions of XP.[73] The most significant change on SP1 was the addition of Set Program Access and Defaults, a settings page which allows programs to be set as default for certain types of activities (such as media players or web browsers) and for access to bundled, Microsoft programs (such as Internet Explorer or Windows Media Player) to be disabled. This feature was added to comply with the settlement of United States v. Microsoft Corp., which required Microsoft to offer the ability for OEMs to bundle third-party competitors to software it bundles with Windows (such as Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player), and give them the same level of prominence as those normally bundled with the OS.[74]
On February 3, 2003, Microsoft released Service Pack 1a (SP1a). It was the same as SP1, except, the Microsoft Java Virtual Machine was excluded.[75]
Service Pack 2
Service Pack 2 (SP2) for Windows XP Home edition and Professional edition was released on August 25, 2004.[76] Headline features included WPA encryption compatibility for Wi-Fi and usability improvements to the Wi-Fi networking user interface,[77] partial Bluetooth support,[78] and various improvements to security systems.
Headed by former computer hacker Window Snyder,[79][80] the service pack’s security improvements (codenamed «Springboard»,[81] as these features were intended to underpin additional changes in Longhorn) included a major revision to the included firewall (renamed Windows Firewall, and now enabled by default), and an update to Data Execution Prevention, which gained hardware support in the NX bit that can stop some forms of buffer overflow attacks. Raw socket support is removed (which supposedly limits the damage done by zombie machines) and the Windows Messenger service (which had been abused to cause pop-up advertisements to be displayed as system messages without a web browser or any additional software) became disabled by default. Additionally, security-related improvements were made to e-mail and web browsing. Service Pack 2 also added Security Center, an interface that provides a general overview of the system’s security status, including the state of the firewall and automatic updates. Third-party firewall and antivirus software can also be monitored from Security Center.[82]
In August 2006, Microsoft released updated installation media for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 SP2 (SP2b), in order to incorporate a patch requiring ActiveX controls in Internet Explorer to be manually activated before a user may interact with them. This was done so that the browser would not violate a patent owned by Eolas.[83] Microsoft has since licensed the patent, and released a patch reverting the change in April 2008.[84] In September 2007, another minor revision known as SP2c was released for XP Professional, extending the number of available product keys for the operating system to «support the continued availability of Windows XP Professional through the scheduled system builder channel end-of-life (EOL) date of January 31, 2009.»[85]
Windows XP Service Pack 2 was later included in Windows Embedded for Point of Service and Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs.
Service Pack 3
The third and final Service Pack, SP3, was released through different channels between April[3] and June 2008,[86] about a year after the release of Windows Vista, and about a year before the release of Windows 7. Service Pack 3 was not available for Windows XP x64 Edition, which was based on the Windows Server 2003 kernel and, as a result, used its service packs[87] rather than the ones for the other editions.[88]
It began being automatically pushed out to Automatic Updates users on July 10, 2008.[89] A feature set overview which detailed new features available separately as stand-alone updates to Windows XP, as well as backported features from Windows Vista, was posted by Microsoft.[90] A total of 1,174 fixes are included in SP3.[91] Service Pack 3 could be installed on systems with Internet Explorer up to and including version 8; Internet Explorer 7 was not included as part of SP3.[92] It also did not include Internet Explorer 8, but instead was included in Windows 7, which was released one year after XP SP3.
Service Pack 3 included security enhancements over and above those of SP2, including APIs allowing developers to enable Data Execution Prevention for their code, independent of system-wide compatibility enforcement settings,[93] the Security Support Provider Interface,[94] improvements to WPA2 security,[95] and an updated version of the Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider Module that is FIPS 140-2 certified.[96]
In incorporating all previously released updates not included in SP2, Service Pack 3 included many other key features. Windows Imaging Component allowed camera vendors to integrate their own proprietary image codecs with the operating system’s features, such as thumbnails and slideshows.[97] In enterprise features, Remote Desktop Protocol 6.1 included support for ClearType and 32-bit color depth over RDP,[98] while improvements made to Windows Management Instrumentation in Windows Vista to reduce the possibility of corruption of the WMI repository were backported to XP SP3.[99]
In addition, SP3 contains updates to the operating system components of Windows XP Media Center Edition (MCE) and Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, and security updates for .NET Framework version 1.0, which is included in these editions. However, it does not include update rollups for the Windows Media Center application in Windows XP MCE 2005.[100] SP3 also omits security updates for Windows Media Player 10, although the player is included in Windows XP MCE 2005.[100] The Address Bar DeskBand on the Taskbar is no longer included because of antitrust violation concerns.[101]
Unofficial SP3 ZIP download packages were released on a now-defunct website called The Hotfix from 2005 to 2007.[102][103] The owner of the website, Ethan C. Allen, was a former Microsoft employee in Software Quality Assurance and would comb through the Microsoft Knowledge Base articles daily and download new hotfixes Microsoft would put online within the articles. The articles would have a «kbwinxppresp3fix» and/or «kbwinxpsp3fix» tag, thus allowing Allen to easily find and determine which fixes were planned for the official SP3 release to come. Microsoft publicly stated at the time that the SP3 pack was unofficial and advised users to not install it.[104][105] Allen also released a Vista SP1 package in 2007, for which Allen received a cease-and-desist email from Microsoft.[106]
Windows XP Service Pack 3 was later included in Windows Embedded Standard 2009 and Windows Embedded POSReady 2009.
System requirements
System requirements for Windows XP are as follows:
Minimum | Recommended | |
Home/Professional Edition[A] | ||
Memory | 64 MB[E][F] | 128 MB |
Free space |
Media | CD-ROM drive or compatible | |
Display | Super VGA (800 × 600) | |
Sound hardware | N/A | Sound card plus speakers/headphones |
Input device(s) | Keyboard, mouse | |
Professional x64 Edition[J] | ||
Memory | 256 MB | |
Free space |
Media | CD-ROM drive or compatible | |
Display | Super VGA (800 × 600) | |
Sound hardware | N/A | Sound card plus speakers/headphones |
Input device(s) | Keyboard, mouse | |
64-Bit Edition[K] | ||
CPU | Itanium 733 MHz | Itanium 800 MHz |
Memory | 1 GB | |
Free space | 6 GB | |
Media | CD-ROM drive or compatible | |
Display | Super VGA (800 × 600) | |
Input device(s) | Keyboard, mouse |
- ^ «System requirements for Windows XP operating systems». April 28, 2005. Archived from the original on August 6, 2011. Retrieved March 12, 2007.
- ^ Even though this is Microsoft’s stated minimum processor speed for Windows XP, it is possible to install and run the operating system on early IA-32 processors such as a P5 Pentium without MMX instructions. Windows XP is not compatible with processors older than Pentium (such as 486) or the Cyrix 6×86 because it requires
(see Pentium F00F bug) instructions. - ^ «Windows XP Minimal Requirement Test». Winhistory.de. September 9, 2011. Archived from the original on December 21, 2011. Retrieved January 1, 2012.
- ^ a b c d e «Windows XP: Required firmware and partition mapping scheme of hard disk drive». Support.microsoft.com. June 26, 2013. Archived from the original on April 27, 2017. Retrieved June 16, 2014.
- ^ A Microsoft TechNet paper from Summer 2001 (before Windows XP’s actual release), states that: «A computer with 64 MB of RAM will have sufficient resources to run Windows XP and a few applications with moderate memory requirements.» (Emphasis added.) These were said to be office productivity applications, e-mail programs, and web browsers (of the time). With such a configuration, user interface enhancements and fast user switching are turned off by default. For comparable workloads, 64 MB of RAM was then regarded as providing an equal or better user experience on Windows XP with similar settings than it would with Windows Me on the same hardware. In a later section of the paper, superior performance over Windows Me was noted with 128 MB of RAM or more, and with computers that exceed the minimum hardware requirements.
- ^ Sechrest, Stuart; Fortin, Michael (June 1, 2001). «Windows XP Performance». Microsoft TechNet. Archived from the original on July 27, 2010. Retrieved April 8, 2008.
- ^ «Hard disk space requirements for Windows XP Service Pack 1». Microsoft. October 29, 2007. Archived from the original on April 21, 2012. Retrieved April 6, 2012.
- ^ «The hard disk space requirements for Windows XP Service Pack 2». Microsoft. April 18, 2005. Archived from the original on November 24, 2010. Retrieved December 1, 2010.
- ^ «Windows XP – End of Support, Migration Guide, Download – TechNet». technet.microsoft.com. 2007. Archived from the original on May 13, 2008.
- ^ «Windows XP Professional x64 Edition SP2 VL EN (MSDN-TechNet)». Programmer Stuffs. March 23, 2011. Archived from the original on July 14, 2014. Retrieved May 2, 2012.
- ^ «Microsoft Windows XP 64-Bit Edition». Microsoft TechNet. Microsoft. August 15, 2001. Archived from the original on April 19, 2012. Retrieved May 2, 2012.
Physical memory limits
The maximum amount of RAM that Windows XP can support varies depending on the product edition and the processor architecture. All 32-bit editions of XP support up to 4 GB, except the Windows XP Starter edition, which supports up to 512 MB of RAM.[107] 64-bit editions support up to 128 GB.[108]
Processor limits
Windows XP Professional supports up to two physical processors;[109]
Windows XP Home Edition supports only one.[110]
However, XP supports a greater number of logical processors:
32-bit editions support up to 32 logical processors,[111] and 64-bit editions support up to 64 logical processors.[112]
Several Windows XP components are upgradable to the latest versions, which include new versions introduced in later versions of Windows, and other major Microsoft applications are available. These latest versions for Windows XP include:
- ActiveSync 4.5
- DirectX 9.0c (June 7, 2010, Redistributable)
- Internet Explorer 8 on Windows XP Service Packs 2 and 3 (Internet Explorer 6 SP1 and Outlook Express 6 SP1 on Windows XP before SP2.)
- Windows Media Format Runtime and Windows Media Player 11 on Windows XP Service Packs 2 and 3 (and Windows Media Player 10 on Windows XP original release.)
- Microsoft Virtual PC 2004 and 2007
- .NET Framework up to and including version 4.0 (4.5 and higher versions are not supported.)
- Visual Studio 2005 on Windows XP versions below SP2, Visual Studio 2008 on Windows XP SP2 and Visual Studio 2010 on Windows XP SP3
- Windows Script Host 5.7
- Windows Installer 4.5
- Microsoft NetMeeting 3.02
- Office 2010 was the last version of Microsoft Office to be compatible with Windows XP.
- The Windows Services for UNIX subsystem can be installed to allow certain Unix-based applications to run on the operating system.
Support lifecycle
Expiration date | |
Mainstream support | April 14, 2009[4] |
Extended support | April 8, 2014[4] The official exceptions ended in April 2019. |
Applicable XP editions: | |
Home Edition, Professional Edition, Professional x64 Edition, Professional for Embedded Systems, Media Center Editions (all), Starter Edition, Tablet PC Edition and Tablet PC Edition 2005,[4] as well as Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs.[113] | |
Exceptions | |
Windows XP 64-Bit Edition (Itanium edition, including Version 2003) | Unsupported as of June 30, 2005[5] |
Windows XP Embedded | Mainstream support ended on January 11, 2011[4] Extended support ended on January 12, 2016[4] |
Windows Embedded for Point of Service | Mainstream support ended on April 12, 2011[6] Extended support ended on April 12, 2016[6] |
Windows Embedded Standard 2009 | Mainstream support ended on January 14, 2014 Extended support ended on January 8, 2019[7] |
Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 | Mainstream support ended on April 8, 2014 Extended support ended on April 9, 2019[8] |
Support for the original release of Windows XP (without a service pack) ended on August 30, 2005.[4] Both Windows XP Service Pack 1 and 1a were retired on October 10, 2006,[4] and both Windows 2000 and Windows XP SP2 reached their end of support on July 13, 2010, about 24 months after the launch of Windows XP Service Pack 3.[4] The company stopped general licensing of Windows XP to OEMs and terminated retail sales of the operating system on June 30, 2008, 17 months after the release of Windows Vista.[114] However, an exception was announced on April 3, 2008, for OEMs producing what it defined as «ultra low-cost personal computers», particularly netbooks, until one year after the availability of Windows 7 on October 22, 2009. Analysts felt that the move was primarily intended to compete against Linux-based netbooks, although Microsoft’s Kevin Hutz stated that the decision was due to apparent market demand for low-end computers with Windows.[115]
Variants of Windows XP for embedded systems have different support policies: Windows XP Embedded SP3 and Windows Embedded for Point of Service SP3 were supported until January and April 2016, respectively. Windows Embedded Standard 2009, which was succeeded by Windows Embedded Standard 7, and Windows Embedded POSReady 2009, which was succeeded by Windows Embedded POSReady 7, were supported until January and April 2019, respectively.[116] These updates, while intended for the embedded editions, could also be downloaded on standard Windows XP with a registry hack, which enabled unofficial patches until April 2019. However, Microsoft advised Windows XP users against installing these fixes, citing incompatibility issues.[9][117]
End of support
On April 14, 2009, Windows XP exited mainstream support and entered the extended support phase; Microsoft continued to provide security updates every month for Windows XP, however, free technical support, warranty claims, and design changes were no longer being offered. Extended support ended on April 8, 2014, over 12 years after the release of Windows XP; normally Microsoft products have a support life cycle of only 10 years.[118] Beyond the final security updates released on April 8, no more security patches or support information are provided for XP free-of-charge; «critical patches» will still be created, and made available only to customers subscribing to a paid «Custom Support» plan.[119] As it is a Windows component, all versions of Internet Explorer for Windows XP also became unsupported.[120]
In January 2014, it was estimated that more than 95% of the 3 million automated teller machines in the world were still running Windows XP (which largely replaced IBM’s OS/2 as the predominant operating system on ATMs); ATMs have an average lifecycle of between seven and ten years, but some have had lifecycles as long as 15. Plans were being made by several ATM vendors and their customers to migrate to Windows 7-based systems over the course of 2014, while vendors have also considered the possibility of using Linux-based platforms in the future to give them more flexibility for support lifecycles, and the ATM Industry Association (ATMIA) has since endorsed Windows 10 as a further replacement.[121] However, ATMs typically run the embedded variant of Windows XP, which was supported through January 2016.[122] As of May 2017, around 60% of the 220,000 ATMs in India still run Windows XP.[123]
Furthermore, at least 49% of all computers in China still ran XP at the beginning of 2014. These holdouts were influenced by several factors; prices of genuine copies of later versions of Windows in the country are high, while Ni Guangnan of the Chinese Academy of Sciences warned that Windows 8 could allegedly expose users to surveillance by the United States government,[124] and the Chinese government banned the purchase of Windows 8 products for government use in May 2014 in protest of Microsoft’s inability to provide «guaranteed» support.[125] The government also had concerns that the impending end of support could affect their anti-piracy initiatives with Microsoft, as users would simply pirate newer versions rather than purchasing them legally. As such, government officials formally requested that Microsoft extend the support period for XP for these reasons. While Microsoft did not comply with their requests, a number of major Chinese software developers, such as Lenovo, Kingsoft and Tencent, will provide free support and resources for Chinese users migrating from XP.[126] Several governments, in particular those of the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, elected to negotiate «Custom Support» plans with Microsoft for their continued, internal use of Windows XP; the British government’s deal lasted for a year, and also covered support for Office 2003 (which reached end-of-life the same day) and cost £5.5 million.[127]
On March 8, 2014, Microsoft deployed an update for XP that, on the 8th of each month, displays a pop-up notification to remind users about the end of support; however, these notifications may be disabled by the user.[128] Microsoft also partnered with Laplink to provide a special «express» version of its PCmover software to help users migrate files and settings from XP to a computer with a newer version of Windows.[129]
An electroencephalograph running on Windows XP. The medical industry’s continued use of Windows XP is partly due to medical applications being incompatible with later versions of Windows.
Despite the approaching end of support, there were still notable holdouts that had not migrated past XP; many users elected to remain on XP because of the poor reception of Windows Vista, sales of newer PCs with newer versions of Windows declined because of the Great Recession and the effects of Vista, and deployments of new versions of Windows in enterprise environments require a large amount of planning, which includes testing applications for compatibility (especially those that are dependent on Internet Explorer 6, which is not compatible with newer versions of Windows).[130] Major security software vendors (including Microsoft itself) planned to continue offering support and definitions for Windows XP past the end of support to varying extents, along with the developers of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera web browsers;[120] despite these measures, critics similarly argued that users should eventually migrate from XP to a supported platform.[131] The United States’ Computer Emergency Readiness Team released an alert in March 2014 advising users of the impending end of support, and informing them that using XP after April 8 may prevent them from meeting US government information security requirements.[132]
Microsoft continued to provide Security Essentials virus definitions and updates for its Malicious Software Removal Tool (MSRT) for XP until July 14, 2015.[133] As the end of extended support approached, Microsoft began to increasingly urge XP customers to migrate to newer versions such as Windows 7 or 8 in the interest of security, suggesting that attackers could reverse engineer security patches for newer versions of Windows and use them to target equivalent vulnerabilities in XP.[134] Windows XP is remotely exploitable by numerous security holes that were discovered after Microsoft stopped supporting it.[135][136]
Similarly, specialized devices that run XP, particularly medical devices, must have any revisions to their software—even security updates for the underlying operating system—approved by relevant regulators before they can be released. For this reason, manufacturers often did not allow any updates to devices’ operating systems, leaving them open to security exploits and malware.[137]
Despite the end of support for Windows XP, Microsoft has released three emergency security updates for the operating system to patch major security vulnerabilities:
- A patch released in May 2014 to address recently discovered vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer 6 through 11 on all versions of Windows.[138]
- A patch released in May 2017 to address a vulnerability that was being leveraged by the WannaCry ransomware attack.[139]
- A patch released in May 2019 to address a critical code execution vulnerability in Remote Desktop Services which can be exploited in a similar way as the WannaCry vulnerability.[140][141]
Researchers reported in August 2019 that Windows 10 users may be at risk for «critical» system compromise because of design flaws of hardware device drivers from multiple providers.[142] In the same month, computer experts reported that the BlueKeep security vulnerability, CVE-2019-0708, that potentially affects older unpatched Microsoft Windows versions via the program’s Remote Desktop Protocol, allowing for the possibility of remote code execution, may now include related flaws, collectively named DejaBlue, affecting newer Windows versions (i.e., Windows 7 and all recent versions) as well.[143] In addition, experts reported a Microsoft security vulnerability, CVE-2019-1162, based on legacy code involving Microsoft CTF and ctfmon (ctfmon.exe), that affects all Windows versions from the older Windows XP version to the most recent Windows 10 versions; a patch to correct the flaw is currently available.[144]
Microsoft announced in July 2019 that the Microsoft Internet Games services on Windows XP and Windows Me would end on July 31, 2019 (and for Windows 7 on January 22, 2020).[145] Others, such as Steam, had done the same, ending support for Windows XP and Windows Vista in January 2019.[146]
In 2020, Microsoft announced that it would disable the Windows Update service for SHA-1 endpoints; since Windows XP did not get an update for SHA-2, Windows Update Services are no longer available on the OS as of late July 2020.[147] However, as of October 2021, the old updates for Windows XP are still available on the Microsoft Update Catalog,[148] or through Legacy Update, a community-driven third party replacement for the Windows XP update servers.
On release, Windows XP received critical acclaim. CNET described the operating system as being «worth the hype», considering the new interface to be «spiffier» and more intuitive than previous versions, but feeling that it may «annoy» experienced users with its «hand-holding». XP’s expanded multimedia support and CD burning functionality were also noted, along with its streamlined networking tools. The performance improvements of XP in comparison to 2000 and Me were also praised, along with its increased number of built-in device drivers in comparison to 2000. The software compatibility tools were also praised, although it was noted that some programs, particularly older MS-DOS software, may not work correctly on XP because of its differing architecture. They panned Windows XP’s new licensing model and product activation system, considering it to be a «slightly annoying roadblock», but acknowledged Microsoft’s intent for the changes.[149] PC Magazine provided similar praise, although noting that a number of its online features were designed to promote Microsoft-owned services, and that aside from quicker boot times, XP’s overall performance showed little difference over Windows 2000.[150] Windows XP’s default theme, Luna, was criticized by some users for its childish look.[151][152]
Despite extended support for Windows XP ending in 2014, many users – including some enterprises – were reluctant to move away from an operating system they viewed as a stable known quantity despite the many security and functionality improvements in subsequent releases of Windows. Windows XP’s longevity was viewed as testament to its stability and Microsoft’s successful attempts to keep it up to date, but also as an indictment of its direct successor’s perceived failings.[153]
According to web analytics data generated by Net Applications, Windows XP was the most widely used operating system until August 2012, when Windows 7 overtook it (later overtaken by Windows 10),[154] while StatCounter indicates it happening almost a year earlier.[155] In January 2014, Net Applications reported a market share of 29.23%[156] of «desktop operating systems» for XP (when XP was introduced there was not a separate mobile category to track), while W3Schools reported a share of 11.0%.[157]
As of September 2022, in most regions or continents, Windows XP market share on PCs, as a fraction of the total Windows share, has gone below 1% (0.5% in Africa[158]). XP still has a double-digit market share in a few countries, such as Armenia at over 50%,[159][160][161][162] at 57%, where Windows 7 was highest ranked, and with it being replaced by Windows 10, Windows XP got highest ranked for the longest time, and had over 60% share on some weekends in the summer of 2019.[163][164]
Source code leak
On September 23, 2020, source code for Windows XP with Service Pack 1 and Windows Server 2003 was leaked onto the imageboard 4chan by an unknown user. Anonymous users managed to compile the code, as well as a Twitter user who posted videos of the process on YouTube proving that the code was genuine.[165] The videos were later removed on copyright grounds by Microsoft. The leak was incomplete as it was missing the Winlogon source code and some other components.[166][167] The original leak itself was spread using magnet links and torrent files whose payload originally included Server 2003 and XP source code and which was later updated with additional files, among which were previous leaks of Microsoft products, its patents, media about conspiracy theories on Bill Gates by anti-vaccination movements and an assortment of PDF files on different topics.[168]
Microsoft issued a statement stating that it was investigating the leaks.[167][169][170]
See also
- BlueKeep (security vulnerability)
- Comparison of operating systems
- History of operating systems
- List of operating systems
- ^ «Windows Licensing Programs». Microsoft. Archived from the original on December 16, 2008. Retrieved September 21, 2008.
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- ^ a b Kelly, Gordon (April 16, 2008). «Windows XP SP3 Release Date(s) Confirmed». Trusted Reviews. Trusted Reviews. Archived from the original on June 23, 2018. Retrieved June 23, 2018.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l «Microsoft Product Lifecycle Search: Windows XP». Microsoft Support. Microsoft. Archived from the original on July 20, 2012. Retrieved May 14, 2022.
- ^ a b «Microsoft Security Bulletin MS05-036 – Critical». July 12, 2015. Archived from the original on April 26, 2018. Retrieved April 26, 2018.
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[UPDATE:] Late Monday we received a statement from a Microsoft spokesperson: We recently became aware of a hack that purportedly aims to provide security updates to Windows XP customers. The security updates that could be installed are intended for Windows Embedded and Windows Server 2003 customers and do not fully protect Windows XP customers. Windows XP customers also run a significant risk of functionality issues with their machines if they install these updates, as they are not tested against Windows XP. The best way for Windows XP customers to protect their systems is to upgrade to a more modern operating system, like Windows 7 or Windows 8.1.
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Further reading
- Joyce, Jerry; Moon, Marianne (2004). Microsoft Windows XP Plain & Simple. Microsoft Press. ISBN 978-0-7356-2112-1.
External links
- Windows XP End of Support
- Security Update for Windows XP SP3 (KB4012598)