Would you like me to clean the windows for you

Работа по теме: Self-Study Grammar Booklet - Module 2 - 2011. Глава: Modal verbs. ВУЗ: ХНУ.


sure that the modal verb you use sounds natural in the given

  1. Shall/Can/Might
    I borrow your pen? Mine can’t/won’t/doesn’t

  2. I
    go to the bank. I haven’t got any money.

  3. Lizzie

    spell her name before she was three.

  4. Should/May/Will
    you help me with the shopping, please?

  5. You

    go to the post office. I’ll go later.

  6. You

    study hard for your exams if you want to pass them well.

  7. You
    to be at work by nine o’clock.

  8. No
    reporters couldn’t/were
    approach the scene of the accident.

  9. We

    phone Mary. It’s her birthday today.

  10. What
    time must/shall/will
    I pick you up from work?

  11. You
    pay the bills today. — I know. I promise I won’t forget.

  12. Will/May/Shall
    we go to the beach tomorrow? — Yes. That’s a great idea.

  13. I’m
    going to the cinema. Do you want to come with me? — No, thank you. I

    do my homework.

  14. You
    put that shirt in the washing machine. — I know. It has to be

  15. Was
    your suitcase very heavy? — Yes, but I was

    carry it by myself.

  16. Shall/Would/Could
    speak to the manager, please? — I’m
    afraid he’s busy at the moment.

  17. The Madisons brought us a bottle of vintage wine
    for our anniversary.
    — They needn’t/mustn’t/shouldn’t
    done that, but it
    was very kind.

  18. Could/Will/Shall
    you tell me where the bank is, please?
    — Certainly.
    It’s on the corner.

  19. You mustn’t/needn’t/shouldn’t
    clean the floor. — Oh, have you done it

  20. Would/Shall/Will
    we go for a walk this afternoon? — Why
    not? It’s a lovely day.

  21. Can/Shall/Will I
    have a milkshake, please? — Yes, of course. What flavour would you

  22. May/Shall/Will I
    borrow your pen, please? — Yes,
    of course. Be my guest.

  23. Shall/Will/Would
    pour you a glass of orange juice? — Yes,
    please. Could/May/Shall
    you put some ice in it, too?

  24. I put your blue trousers in the washing machine.
    — Oh,
    no! You shouldn’t/mustn’t/can’t
    done that. They have to be dry-cleaned.

  25. Where’s Alan? — Well, it’s five o’clock. He
    to be here by now.

  26. What are you doing on Saturday morning? — I have
    go into the office for a couple of hours.

  27. I want to get a better job. — You
    some more qualifications.

Match the parts of the sentences with modal verbs with their
synonymous expressions


Similar to Modal Verbs


mustn’t write in library books.


are supposed to …


can’t be 55. She looks much younger.


wasn’t necessary for us to … (but we did)


needn’t use this article for your course paper.




ought to report to the boss immediately.


managed to …


didn’t need to buy all that stuff.


had better …


should report to your boss as soon as you come to work.




I borrow your dictionary when you finish with it?


sure they are …


needn’t have warned her about that delay.


you mind if I …?


was able to save enough money to buy a car.


are to…


we tell the headmaster all the truth?


isn’t necessary for you to …


must hand in this paper tomorrow.


certain you can’t …


must be fourth year students.


wasn’t necessary for her …

the following sentences using modal verbs or expressions similar to
modal verbs. Options are possible. Follow the example

It is possible that Sue will be late this evening. — Sue
be late this evening./ Sue is likely to be late this evening.

  1. I’m
    sure David isn’t going to the party tonight.

  2. It
    isn’t necessary for you to call Mr. Stevenson. I’ve done
    it already.

  3. The
    guests are supposed to arrive at 8 o’clock.

  4. It
    wasn’t necessary for Toby to go to school today.

  5. I
    advise you to book a table in advance.

  6. They
    are obliged to wear helmets at work.

  7. You
    are to wait here until the manager arrives.

  8. Steve
    managed to repair the bike after trying for two hours.

  9. Perhaps
    we will go to Italy for a holiday next summer.

  10. We
    are obliged to wear a uniform for school.

  11. You
    aren’t allowed to run in the corridors.

  12. How
    about inviting some friends over to dinner?

  13. It
    isn’t necessary for you to buy me a present.

  14. Do
    you mind if I use your telephone?

  15. Would
    you like me to clean the windows for you?

  16. How
    about going for a walk this afternoon?

  17. Oh,
    you’ve bought some bread. It wasn’t necessary for you to do

Fill in the gaps with the
appropriate form of the modal verbs or their equivalents given in the
box. Options are possible.



to have to

to be able to


don’t have to





How to be a good friend

The problem is that as we get older we feel we ________ (1) sort out
our own problems, and we keep these to ourselves, rather than talking
about them. So if one of your friends suddenly becomes more withdrawn
than usual, it ________ (2) mean that they have a problem, but don’t
feel they ________ (3) tell you about it.


If your friend wants to tell you about their problem, you ________
(4) listen! In most cases, you ________ (5) actually do anything
about it, but allowing them to talk about their feelings ________ (6)
help them to work it through.

Wait for the right time

You ________ (7+8) get practical information that ________ (9) help
your friend. You probably think you ________ (10) tell them what you
want to straightaway, but there’s a right time for everything. So you
________ (11) force the information on them; instead, wait until they
actually ask for it.

Don’t bring it back to you

You ________ (12) talk about your own experiences to show you
understand your friend’s problems. If your friend doesn’t ask if
anything similar has happened to you, you ________ (13) go on about
your own problems, past or present. Remember, the most important
thing you ________ (14) do for your friend is just be there for them.

Rephrase the following sentences
using modal verbs or expressions similar to modal verbs. Options are

  1. It would be great if taking exams were voluntary for students.

  2. It is possible that this book will help you in your research.

  3. Joe promised to call tonight, so I’m sure that’s him on the phone

  4. Working on the shop floor is a compulsory part of the training for

  5. It’s forbidden to go near the launch pad.

  6. I advise you to send them a letter of apology.

  7. I’m certain Andrew didn’t reveal your secret.

  8. Let’s discuss this over lunch.

  9. Do you think Laura will leave for Chicago earlier than she thought?

  10. It isn’t necessary for Ron to pay for our tickets.

  11. I’m sure Robert realised how wrong he was.

  12. It is possible that they will sell their house.

  13. It wasn’t necessary for her to come early, but she did.

  14. Everyone is supposed to pay taxes to the government.

  15. I’m sure the books are in this cupboard.

  16. Let’s have lunch in half an hour.

  17. It isn’t
    necessary for you to work on Saturday.

  18. I advise you to open a bank account.

  19. It wasn’t necessary for him to help me, but he did.

  20. I’m sure she understood what I was saying.

  21. Perhaps he took the train to work this morning.

  22. Is it possible that Jane is leaving school at the end of this week?

  23. We’ll probably have a party for Simon’s birthday.

  24. I’d better start studying for my exams soon.

  25. Perhaps Alice is at the hairdresser’s now.

  26. It is possible that she has forgotten to call.

  27. It wasn’t necessary for him to buy a gift, but he did.

  28. I advise you
    to have your car serviced.

  29. I’m sure Sylvia didn’t mean what she said.

illustrate the

in the meaning of the parts of sentences given below, put each of
them into some situation to make their meaning clear in context.
Translate your sentences into your mother tongue.


  1. They
    might tell me but…

  2. They
    might have told me but …

  3. They
    may have told me but . . .

  4. They
    may tell me but …


  1. She
    can’t have lunch because …

  2. She
    couldn’t have lunch because …

  3. She
    can’t be having lunch because …

  4. She
    can’t have had lunch because …


  1. We
    could have tea early because…

  2. We
    were able to have tea early because…


  1. He
    may not have seen her, so …

  2. He
    may not be seeing her, so …

  3. He
    may not see her, so…


  1. You
    mustn’t tell her that …

  2. You
    needn’t tell her that …

  3. You
    don’t have to tell her that …

  4. You
    oughtn’t/shouldn’t to tell her that …


  1. He
    can’t have seen her, so …

  2. He
    can’t be seeing her, so …

  3. He
    can’t see her, so…


  1. I
    should have trusted him but …

  2. I
    shouldn’t have trusted him but …

  1. I
    needn’t have trusted him but …

  2. I
    had to trust him but …

  3. I
    didn’t have to trust him but …

of these groups contains pairs of sentences that share the same
meaning. Match the sentences that mean the same.

into your mother tongue.


Mother Tongue


    1. We’ll
      probably have lunch soon.

    2. Maybe
      we’ll have lunch soon.

    3. We’ll
      possibly have lunch soon.

    4. We
      might as well have lunch soon.

    5. We
      might well have lunch soon.

    6. We’ve
      got nothing better to do, so let’s have lunch soon.


    1. You
      must be joking.

    2. You
      have to tell a joke.

    3. You’ve
      got to tell a joke.

    4. You
      can’t be serious.


    1. Can
      you speak English?

    2. Do
      you know how to speak English?

    3. I’d
      like you to speak English.

    4. Can
      you speak English, please?


    1. You’d
      better tell him sooner or later.

    2. You
      ought to tell him sooner or later.

    3. You
      have to tell him sooner or later.

    4. You’ve
      got to tell him sooner or later.


    1. You
      needn’t tell him yet.

    2. You
      don’t have to tell him yet.

    3. You
      can’t tell him yet.

    4. You
      mustn’t tell him yet.


    1. It
      wasn’t a good idea to tell her.

    2. I
      shouldn’t have told her.

    3. I
      didn’t have to tell her.

    4. It
      wasn’t necessary to tell her.


    1. You
      probably won’t take too long.

    2. You
      shouldn’t take too long.

    3. I
      advise you not to take too long.

    4. It
      shouldn’t take you too long.


    1. You
      might have told me.

    2. I’m
      not sure whether you told me.

    3. You
      may have told me.

    4. You
      should have told me.

TASK 8. Correct
mistakes in the sentences below

  1. You should to exercise

  2. I must study very
    hard last week.

  3. Although he didn’t feel well yesterday,
    he could
    finish his work.

  4. Need I to pay cash for my ticket?

  5. The shops can be very
    crowded tomorrow because it’s the last
    shopping day before Christmas.

  6. May this letter be from my friend?

  7. Could you lend me some money? — Of
    course I could.

  8. I could watch the late
    film on TV last night.

  9. Could you help me lift this box? — Of course I could.

  10. I could go to Emma’s party last Saturday.

  11. Need I to book a table in advance?

  12. May these flowers be from your fiancé?

  13. Although she was exhausted, she could finish the race.

  14. You should to brush your teeth twice a day.

  15. I must have my car repaired last month.

  16. The bus can be late today because there is a lot of traffic.

  17. They shouldn’t to have called the police.

  18. We were not late as Paul could change the flat
    tyre by himself.

  19. She needn’t to have bought such an expensive dress.

  20. You have to come! The Prime Minister has to give
    a speech at the conference tomorrow.

  21. That mustn’t have been Paul. He’s on holiday in Jamaica.

  22. They might have been forgotten about our meeting.

  23. Jack has had to see the General Manager yesterday. —

TASK 9. Which
one of the verbs given can complete all three sentences in each set?

1. used to — will — would

  1. Most
    days my father _______ get up first and make breakfast.

  2. When
    I was training for the marathon, I _______ run over 100 kilometres a

  3. We
    went back to Dublin to see the house where we _______ live in the

should — ought to — must

  1. Students
    _______ be encouraged to type their assignments.

  2. Whose
    car is that outside Bill’s house? — It _______ belong to Bill’s
    sister. I heard that she’s staying with him this weekend.

  3. You
    _______ have some of this cake. It’s brilliant!

needn’t — mustn’t — don’t have to

  1. I’ll
    be quite late getting to London, but you _______ change your plans
    for me.

  2. I’m
    afraid I owe quite a lot of money to the bank — but you _______
    worry about it.

  3. Next
    time, read the small print in the document before you sign it. You
    _______ make the same mistake again.

must — need to — have to

  1. People
    with fair skins _______ be particularly careful when they go out in
    the sun.

  2. The
    Browns _______ have won the lottery — they’ve bought another new

  3. We
    _______ give at least six months’ notice if we want to leave the

may — could — might

  1. Ray
    told me that someone had bought the old house next door he _______
    be right about that, I wondered.

  2. The
    major changes to the timetable _______ cause delay and confusion.

  3. I
    asked in the bookshop about Will Dutton’s latest book, but all they
    _______ tell me was that it would be published before the end of the

Find 13 mistakes in this letter and correct them.


you can already know, we must start looking for a new receptionist in
our office last month. Mr Brown, our boss, can have chosen some-one
who already worked in another department but he didn’t able to find
anyone suitable, so he got to advertise in the local paper. There
ought have been a lot of applicants but surprisingly only a couple of
replies came in and only one of those was suitable.

told Mr thrown that he had better to get in touch with her at once.
He decided we needn’t to phone, her as there was no hurry, and we
must as we1l send her a card. Unfortunately we heard no more from
her, so we’ve had to start advertising again — in vain so far.

the moment, the job’s being done by Mr Brown’s son who hasn’t to be
working really because, he’s unhelpful and sometimes he should be
quite rude to visitors. I haven’t to tell you that we’re all pretty
fed up with the situation. Well, as I don’t have to say any more,
I’ll stop there.

TASK 11.
Tick the sentences that are
acceptable. Correct the others

  1. You might as well come with us if you’ve nothing better to do.

  2. I won’t be in the country when you two are tying the knot.

  3. How much longer do you think that noise will be going on?

  4. I don’t think I shall be able to join you until 8.30.

  5. Shall I look OK if I wear this?

  6. You shall have to put two first-class stamps on this envelope.

  7. I think a weekend away would be a good idea.

  8. Presumably we would be laughed at if we tried it in public.

  9. If he maintains his current rate of progress, he should sail through
    the exam.

  10. Looking like that, he should compare unfavourably with the other

  11. According to statistics, smokers shouldn’t live as long as

TASK 12. Translate
into English, using modal words or modal expressions wherever




Я здивований, що бачу
тебе. Хіба ти не повинен бути сьогодні
на роботі?

Я удивлен, что вижу
тебя. Разве ты не должен быть сегодня
на работе?


Великобританії не можна паркуватися
на подвійній жовтій лінії. Тому,
хто порушить це правило, доводиться
великий штраф.

В Великобритании
нельзя парковаться на двойной желтой
линии. Тому, кто нарушит это правило,
приходится платить большой штраф.


обіцяла бути тут о 9 годині.
Вона мабуть забула про нашу зустріч.

Шэрон обещала быть
здесь в 9 часов. Она должно быть забыла
о нашей встрече.


Не може
бути, щоб Роберт загубив
цю книгу! Я його тисячу разів
попереджала, що вона унікальна! – Не
хвилюйся ти так. Книга ще може знайтись.

Не может быть, чтобы
Роберт потерял эту книгу! Я его тысячу
раз предупреждала, что она уникальна!
– Не расстраивайся так. Книга еще
может найтись.


допомогти? Ці ящики
занадто важкі,
щоб ти їх
носила сама. – Не турбуйся.
Дон обіцяв мені допомогти. Він повинен
прийти з
хвилини на

Тебе помочь? Эти
ящики слишком тяжелые, чтобы ты их
таскала сама. – Не беспокойся. Дон
обещал мне помочь. Он должен прийти с
минуты на минуту.


Ця машина
знову не заводиться! – Хіба ти не кажеш
це щоранку?! Ти давно вже повинна була
відвезти її до механіка.

Эта машина снова не
заводится! – Разве ты не говоришь это
каждое утро?! Ты давно уже должна была
отвезти ее механику.


альпініст був важко поранений, він
добратися до вершини гори.

Хотя альпинист был
тяжело ранен, он смог добраться до
вершины горы.


Тобі не
потрібно було розігрівати суп. Зараз
так жарко, що ми могли з’їсти його прямо
з холодильника.

Тебе не нужно было
разогревать суп. Сейчас так жарко, что
мы могли съесть его прямо из холодильника.


вона готувалася
до цього іспиту довгий час, але її
знання по цьому предмету
настільки слабкі, що вона однаково б
його не здала.

Возможно, она
готовилась к этому экзамену долгое
время, но ее знания по этому предмету
настолько слабы, что она все равно бы
его не сдала.


не потрібно було прибиратися на кухні,
тому що коли вона ввійшла туди, вона
побачила, що хтось із її гостей зробив
це за неї.

Миссис Бойл не нужно
было приводить в порядок кухню, так
как когда она вошла туда, она обнаружила,
что кто-то из ее гостей сделал это за


Ти чуєш
цей дивний звук? Як ти думаєш, що це? –
Не знаю. Можливо, це чайник на кухні.
У нас теж дуже гучний

Ты слышишь этот
странный звук? Как ты думаешь, что это?
– Не знаю. Возможно, это чайник на
кухне. У нас тоже очень шумный чайник.


На жаль,
межу цими двома країнами завжди були
не такими гладкими, як вони могли б
бути, будь там при
інші люди.

К сожалению, отношения
межу этими двумя странами всегда были
не такими гладкими, как они могли бы
быть, будь там у власти другие люди.


Генрі з
нетерпінням очікував того часу, коли
він зможе
заробляти досить грошей, щоб не залежати
від свого вітчима.

Генри с нетерпением
ожидал того времени, когда он сможет
зарабатывать достаточно денег, чтобы
не зависеть от своего отчима.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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Обновлено на

24 июля 2021

  • Русский
  • Английский (британский вариант)

  • Упрощенный китайский (Китай)

Вопрос про Английский (британский вариант)

modal image

When you «disagree» with an answer

The owner of it will not be notified.
Only the user who asked this question will see who disagreed with this answer.

  • Английский (британский вариант)

1. You can not run in the corridors
2. The guests should arrive at 8 o’clock
3. Maybe we will go to Italy for a holiday next summer
4. It is not necessary for you to buy me a present
5. Would you like me to clean the windows for you?

Some of these already have modal verbs in it.

  • Русский

1. Can I use ‘must not’?
2. Can I use ‘ought to’?
3. Can I say ‘We may/might/could go…’ ?
4. Can I say ‘You shouldn’t buy me a present’ ?
5. Can I say ‘Can/Could/Shall I clean…’ ?

  • Английский (британский вариант)

@saysasha yes. You can use all of those phrases.

  • Русский

[News] Эй, привет! Тот, кто учит язык!

Вы знаете как улучшить свои языковые навыки❓ Все, что вам нужно – это исправление вашего письма носителем языка!
С HiNative ваше письмо носители языка могут исправить бесплатно ✍️✨.


How to change these sentences using modal verbs? 
1. You aren't allowed to run in the corridors.
2. The guests are supposed to arrive at 8 o'clock.
3. Perhaps we will go to Italy for a holiday next summer.
4. It isn't necessary for you to buy me a present.
5. Would you like me to clean the windows for you?

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    1) One of the tech…


    1) The technician’s leg was broken by a fall from the ladder

    2) Several complaints about the cleaning firm were received on Friday morning …

  • Are the sentences below correct?

    1. I must tell you something! ( something exciting has happene…


    1. I need to tell you something!
    2. Correct
    3. I need to visit you! It’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other.
    4. I have to go is cor…

  • ‎Hi natives:

    Could you please proofread the following and answer my questions?

    1. I cannot sw…


    1. I cannot swim now but (I) could before. —- You can use «I» or not — your choice.
    2. She couldn’t be here yesterday. (Does it mean it’s …

  • 【Are these sentences below correct:-(??】
    I’m practicing to make some sentences in English on my o…


    Really good!
    1 — I prefer the «Do you want» version.
    2. It more sound more natural to say «go for dinner» rather than «go for a dinner» —

  • Carry.

    Give me as much context as possible please with this word, where can I use it and how.



    1. 👍
    2. Correct, but ‘it CARRIES a certain RISK in itself
    3. 👍
    4. 👍
    5. 👍
    6. 👍 very good. I think you understand this phrasal v…

  • What exactly does the word «cunk» mean to a British person?
  • mai dua karta hu ke tum hamesha kamyab or khush raho in English
  • You deserve & You deserved & You deserve it !which one is right?!
  • In September or On September or At September?
  • Do you come today or are you coming today?
    Which are correct?
  • what is said here? it is meant to be a funny video i saw scrolling.
  • help me
    1 Друзья/ли/ выступление/ понравиться/ школа/ наш/ ребята/ из.
    2. подарок/ мы/ на/ день/ …
  • Я люблю Русскую литературу Достоевkого.
    Does this sound natural?

  • ‎Не могли бы вы помочь мне упорядочить это предложение? (Грамматически и осмысленно
    стремиться, п…
  • Можно ли так сказать ? «чудо творилось/ творились чудеса» ?
  • what is said here? it is meant to be a funny video i saw scrolling.
  • help me
    1 Друзья/ли/ выступление/ понравиться/ школа/ наш/ ребята/ из.
    2. подарок/ мы/ на/ день/ …
  • Ребят, тут явно есть много нас, кто готовится к testdaf:)
    Подскажите, пожалуйста, в каком времен…
  • Я люблю Русскую литературу Достоевkого.
    Does this sound natural?

  • ‎Не могли бы вы помочь мне упорядочить это предложение? (Грамматически и осмысленно
    стремиться, п…

Previous question/ Next question

  • «I hurt others when I’m hurts, this is why I hate myself.»

    is this correct?

  • Is it true that when walking trough a Shinto toriithere is the tradition of bowing first and ente…

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Устали искать? HiNative может помочь вам найти ответ, который вы ищете.

Would you like переводится как «хотел бы» или «хотели бы». Можно сказать, что это вежливая форма глагола “want”. Мы часто будем использовать это выражение в общении с малознакомыми людьми и в официальном общении.

Would you like … ? = Do you want … ?

would you like

Would you like a chocolate?

Не хотите ли конфету?

Мы будем использовать Would you like … ? что бы, что-то предложить:

  • Would you like some coffee? – Хотите ли вы кофе?
    No, thank you. – Нет, спасибо.
  • Would you like a chocolate? – Хотите ли вы шоколад?
    Yes, please. – Да, пожалуйста.
  • What would you like, tea or coffee? – Что бы вы хотели, чай или кофе?
    Tea, please. – Чай, пожалуйста.

Мы будем использовать Would you like to… ? что бы, кого-то пригласить:

  • Would you like to go for a walk? – Хотите пойти на прогулку?
  • Would you like to lunch with us on Saturday? – Хотите пообедать с нами в субботу?
    Yes, I’d love to. (= I would love to lunch with you) – Да, я хотел бы. (= Я хотел бы пообедать с вами)
  • What would you like to do this evening? – Что бы вы хотели сделать этим вечером?

I would like / I’d like

I’d like это вежливый способ сказать “I want”. I’d like это сокращение от I would like.

  • I’m thirsty. I’d like a drink. – У меня жажда. Я бы хотел что-нибудь выпить.
  • I’d like some information about this car, please. – Мне нужна информация об этой машине, пожалуйста.
  • I’m feeling tired. I’d like to stay at home this evening. – Я чувствую усталость. Я хотел бы остаться дома этим вечером.

Отличие от Do you like…?

i'd like

Выражение Would you like – это предложение чего-либо. Его можно заменить на вопрос “Do you want” – ты хочешь это?
Do you like – задает вопрос нравится ли тебе это или нет.

Would you like some tea? = Do you want some tea? Do you like tea? = Do you think tea is nice?
Would you like to go to the cinema tonight? (= do you want to go tonight?) Do you like going to the cinema? (in general)
I’d like an orange, please. (= can I have an orange?) I like oranges. (in general)
What would you like to do next weekend? What do you like to do at weekends?

would you like — перевод на русский

Would you like to come along?

Хотите поехать со мной?

Would you like to roll the dice?

Хотите бросить кости?

Would you like me to get you a room here… at the hotel? Now?

Хотите, я сниму вам номер… здесь, в гостинице?

Would you like me to make the rounds of the house with you, sir?

Хотите, чтобы я обошёл дом с Вами, сэр?

Yes, would you like to meet her?

Да, хотите познакомиться?

Показать ещё примеры для «хотите»…

Would you like to take me there?

Не желаете отвезти меня туда?

Would you like a hot water bottle?

Не желаете бутылку с горячей водой?

Would you like some coffee?

Не желаете ли кофе?

Would you like to try?

Не желаете прикинуть?

Would you like a Blue Gardenia for the lady?

Не желаете ли Голубую Гардению для дамы?

Показать ещё примеры для «не желаете»…

«How would you like to have the story, you big tub of…»

«Как бы тебе понравилось заполучить эту историю, большое ты корыто..»

How’d you like to really make a day of it, eat someplace fine?

Как бы тебе понравилось хорошо провести день, поужинать в каком-нибудь милом местечке?

How’d you like to show your racket to the police?

Как вам понравится, если о вашем рэкете узнает полиция?

How would you like that?

Как вам это понравиться?

How’d you like to have a couple of murderers for children?

Тебе понравилось бы, если наши дети были бы убийцами.

Показать ещё примеры для «бы тебе понравилось»…

Would you like a little cognac?

Выпьете коньяку?

Would you like a drink?

Что-нибудь выпьете?

Would you like a drink?

Выпьете что-нибудь? -Да.

Would you like a coffee?

Выпьете кофе? -Да.

Would you like a drink?

Выпьешь что-нибудь?

Показать ещё примеры для «выпьете»…

What would you like to drink?

— Что будете пить?

Would you like a drink?

Будете что-нибудь заказывать?

Would you like a ginger ale, dear?

Будете имбирный эль, дорогая?

What would you like?

Что вы будете?

— Mrs Greene, what would you like?

— Мистер Грин. — Миссис Грин, что вы будете?

Показать ещё примеры для «будете»…

How’d you like to make yourself $1,000 a day, Mr Boot?

Как вы смотрите на то, чтобы зарабатывать 1000$ в день, мистер Бут?

How would you like to come and work here?

Как вы смотрите на то, чтобы здесь работать?

How would you like to spend the year with us there?

Как ты смотришь на то, чтобы провести этот отдых с нами?

How’d you like to spend the night in jail tonight, funny guy?

Как смотришь на то, чтобы провести ночь за решеткой, шутник?

How would you like not having to earn a living?

Как ты смотришь на то, чтобы не нужно было зарабатывать на жизнь?

Отправить комментарий

  • 0

Выберите правильный ответ.
1. I remember (to meet/meeting) him last year.

2. I must remember (to meet/meeting) him at the station tomorrow.

3. Please, remember (to close/closing) the door when you go out.

4. I remember (to close/closing) the door, but I’m not sure that I locked it.

5. Don’t forget (to lock/locking) the door before (to go/ going) to bed.

6. He forgot (to bring/bringing) his passport. He left it on the table.

7. I’ll never forget (to go/going) out with my aunt in my childhood.

8. Try (to forget/forgetting) it; it isn’t worth (to worry/ worrying) about.

9. I rang the doorbell but there was no answer. Then I tried (to knock/knocking) on the door, but there was still no answer.

10. We tried (to put/putting) the fire out but we were unsuccessful.

11. Sue needed to borrow some money. She tried (to ask/ asking) Gerry but he was short of money, too.

12. Please, leave me alone. I’m trying (to concentrate/concentrating).

13. I need a change. I need (to go/going) away for a while.

14. The windows are dirty. They need (to clean/cleaning).

15. You don’t need (to ask/asking) his permission every time you want (to leave/leaving) the room.

16. Your hair needs (to cut/cutting). Would you like me (to do/doing) it for you?

17. We stopped there (to buy/buying) some biscuits.

18. Please, stop (to ask/asking) me questions.

19. ‘Did you start your diet?’ ‘Sure, but I can’t help (to eat/eating) sweets.’

20. Can you help me (to get/getting) the dinner ready?

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0

1. I remember (meeting) him last year.
2. I must remember (to meet) him at the station tomorrow.
3. Please, remember (to close) the door when you go out.
4. I remember (closing) the door, but I’m not sure that I locked it.
5. Don’t forget (to lock) the door before (going) to bed.
6. He forgot (to bring) his passport. He left it on the table.
7. I’ll never forget (going) out with my aunt in my childhood.
8. Try (to forget) it; it isn’t worth (worrying) about.
9. I rang the doorbell but there was no answer. Then I tried (knocking) on the door, but there was still no answer.
10. We tried (to put) the fire out but we were unsuccessful.
11. Sue needed to borrow some money. She tried (asking) Gerry but he was short of money, too.
12. Please, leave me alone. I’m trying (to concentrate).
13. I need a change. I need (to go) away for a while.
14. The windows are dirty. They need (cleaning).
15. You don’t need (to ask) his permission every time you want (to leave) the room.
16. Your hair needs (cutting). Would you like me (to do) it for you?
17. We stopped there (to buy) some biscuits.
18. Please, stop (asking) me questions.
19. ‘Did you start your diet?’ ‘Sure, but I can’t help (eating) sweets.’
20. Can you help me (to get) the dinner ready?

  • Комментариев (0)

Примеры из текстов

I am sorry about your finger, sir; but instead of thrashing Ilusha, would you like me to chop off my four fingers with this knife here before your eyes to satisfy your just wrath?

— Жалею, сударь, о вашем пальчике, но не хотите ли — я, прежде чем Илюшечку сечь, свои четыре пальца, сейчас же на ваших глазах, для вашего справедливого удовлетворения, вот этим самым ножом оттяпаю.

Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The brothers KaramazovДостоевский, Фёдор / Братья Карамазовы

Братья Карамазовы

Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1988

The brothers Karamazov

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

‘What would you like me to take, madam?’

– А что бы вы хотели, чтобы я схватил, госпожа?

Pratchett, Terry / MaskeradeПратчетт,Терри / Маскарад



© Перевод С. Увбарх, А. Жикаренцев 2006

© Издание на русском языке, оформление ООО «Издательство «Эксмо», 2008

© 1995 by Terry and Lyn Pratchett


Pratchett, Terry

© 1995 by Terry and Lyn Pratchett

«Or would you like me to bid him, BID HIM, do you hear, COMMAND HIM, now, at once, to throw you up, and remain mine for ever? Shall I? He will stay, and he will marry me too, and you shall trot home all alone.

— А хочешь, я сейчас… при-ка-жу, слышишь ли? только ему при-ка-жу, и он тотчас же бросит тебя и останется при мне навсегда и женится на мне, а ты побежишь домой одна?

Dostoevsky, Fyodor / IdiotДостоевский, Фёдор / Идиот


Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1971


Dostoevsky, Fyodor

© 2004 by Fine Creative Media, Inc.

Not a «can I help you with a few crowns?» or a «would you like me to find a room for you?»

Нет, не «могу ли я помочь тебе и ссудить несколько крон?» или «не хочешь ли, я поищу для вас комнату?».

Jordan, Robert / The Fires of HeavenДжордан, Роберт / Огни небес

Огни небес

Джордан, Роберт

The Fires of Heaven

Jordan, Robert

© 1993 by The Bandersnatch Group, Inc.

What would you like me to do?’

Что вы хотите, чтобы я делал?

Turgenev, I.S. / The Torrents of SpringТургенев, И.С. / Вешние воды

Вешние воды

Тургенев, И.С.

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1978

The Torrents of Spring

Turgenev, I.S.

‘And what would you like me to do, Vanion?’ Sephrenia asked him.

— А мне ты не дашь задания, Вэнион? — спросила Сефрения.

Eddings, David / Diamond ThroneЭддингс, Дэвид / Алмазный трон

Алмазный трон

Эддингс, Дэвид

Diamond Throne

Eddings, David

But how would you like me to give you a hundred like it?

А я тебе сто таких дам, хочешь?

Akunin, Boris / The Jack of SpadesАкунин, Борис / Пиковый валет

Пиковый валет

Акунин, Борис

© B. Akunin, автор, 1999

© И. Захаров, издатель, 1999

The Jack of Spades

Akunin, Boris

© 2007 by Random House, Inc.

© 1999 by Boris Akunin

«Are pessimists usually like this?» replied Lavretsky. «They are usually all pale and sickly — would you like me to lift you with one hand?»

— Разве разочарованные такие бывают? — возражал Лаврецкий, — те все бывают бледные и больные — а хочешь, я тебя одной рукой подниму?

Turgenev, I.S. / A House of GentlefolkТургенев, И.С. / Дворянское гнездо

Дворянское гнездо

Тургенев, И.С.

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1983

A House of Gentlefolk

Turgenev, I.S.

«Yes, listen, would you like me to tell you exactly what you have come up to me for?

— Да, слушайте, хотите, я вам скажу в точности, для чего вы теперь ко мне приходили?

Достоевский, Фёдор / ПодростокDostoevsky, Fyodor / A Raw Youth

A Raw Youth

Dostoevsky, Fyodor


Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Советская Россия», 1979

Would you like me to take him abroad?

Хотите, я увезу его за границу?

Dostoevsky, Fyodor / Crime and PunishmentДостоевский, Фёдор / Преступление и наказание

Преступление и наказание

Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1970

Crime and Punishment

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

«Would you like me to stay?» he smiled.

— Хочешь, я останусь? — улыбнулся он.

Maugham, Somerset / Of Human BondageМоэм, Сомерсет / Бремя страстей человеческих

Бремя страстей человеческих

Моэм, Сомерсет

© «Издательство иностранной литературы», 1959

Of Human Bondage

Maugham, Somerset

© 1915, 1936 by Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc.

«Would you like me to prove it?»

— Хочешь проверить?

Saintcrow, Lilith / Working for the DevilСэйнткроу, Лилит / Контракт с дьяволом

Контракт с дьяволом

Сэйнткроу, Лилит

© 2005 by Lilith Saintcrow

© Перевод, С. Теремязева, 2009

© Издание на руском языке, ООО «Издательство «Эксмо», 2009

Working for the Devil

Saintcrow, Lilith

© 2005 by Lilith Saintcrow

Would you like me to arrange for them to take you to a hospital—a good hospital in the town?

Хочешь, я распоряжусь: тебя в больницу перевезут, в хорошую городскую больницу?

Тургенев, И.С. / Записки охотника т.2Turgenev, I.S. / A Sportsman’s Sketches v.2

A Sportsman’s Sketches v.2

Turgenev, I.S.

Записки охотника т.2

Тургенев, И.С.

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1975

The Mother Superior laughed, whispered something to the lady and called me up, petted me, and the lady gave me a pink ribbon. Would you like me to show it to you?

Игуменья рассмеялась, зашепталась о чем-то с барыней, подозвала меня, приласкала, а барыня мне бантик розовый подарила, хочешь, покажу?

Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The possessedДостоевский, Фёдор / Бесы


Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1989

The possessed

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

Would you like me to sing?”

Хотите, я спою вам?

Le Guin, Ursula / Four ways to ForgivenessЛе Гуин, Урсула / Четыре пути к прощению

Четыре пути к прощению

Ле Гуин, Урсула

© Издание на русском языке ООО «Издательство «Эксмо», 2008

© Перевод. И. Полоцк, О. Васант, О. Трофимов, В. Старожилец, 2008

© 1995 by Ursula K. Le Guin

Four ways to Forgiveness

Le Guin, Ursula

© 1995 by Ursula K. Le Guin

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  1. Тест по английскому языку на тему Экстремальные условия для УМК Starlight 9
  2. Тест по английскому языку на тему «Экстремальные условия» для УМК Starlight 9
  3. Оставьте свой комментарий
  4. Подарочные сертификаты
  5. Safety Tips For Window Cleaners: Part 1
  6. Keep Your Personal Belongings Locked In The Van
  7. Wear Protective Gear When Working With Harsh Cleaning Chemicals
  8. Be Aware Of Your Environment
  9. The Danger of Window Cleaning Jobs ?
  10. Главная Фотогалерея Видео Контакты
  11. Some, any ect. and relatives-2. Exercises

Тест по английскому языку на тему Экстремальные условия для УМК Starlight 9

Name ________________________________________________________________________
Test 2
1) Translate sentences into English
1. Многие исторические места относятся к памятникам мирового наследия.
2. Это здание было заброшено много лет назад.
3. Для продолжения этой работы необходимо дополнительное финансирование.
4. Влажность в комнате была выше нормы.
2) Translate the text and answer the questions.
When most people see a wildfire, they do their best to flee from the area. But a smokejumper does exactly the opposite and dives straight into the flames. These firefighters race to the scene of a wildfire in high-speed jets and then parachute towards the burning trees in order to extinguish the flames. Although this may sound pretty dangerous, smokejumpers actually have an excellent safety record. This is mostly due to their fireproof jumpsuits as well as thorough training in the latest firefighting techniques every winter.
1. How do you think is firefighter a risky job? Why?
2. Should they be trained to this work? Why?

Name ________________________________________________________________________
Test 2
1) Translate sentences into English
1. Местное правительство решило приостановить финансирование этого проекта.
2. У этого инструмента очень острые лезвия.
3. Мы скопировали эту невероятную идею у американских ученых.
4. Он раскрыл секрет своего успеха.
2) Translate the text and answer the questions.
There are few jobs as unappealing and dangerous as being a hazmat diver. The job involves diving into sewage system, toxic spills and even nuclear reactors in order to clean them and carry out maintenance. The divers wear pressurized suits designed to protect them, and are vaccinated on a regular basis against a variety of diseases found in waste material. The work itself is challenging since it’s impossible to see anything in the conditions they work in, so divers must rely on touch alone to fix faults.
1. How do you think is hazmat diver a risky job? Why?
2. Should they be trained to this work? Why?

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Тест по английскому языку на тему «Экстремальные условия» для УМК Starlight 9

1) Translate sentences into English

1. В пещере было так жарко, что очки исследователей запотели.

2. Кристаллы блестели очень ярко при солнечных лучах.

3. Разговор о дополнительном финансировании был трудным, и я был выжатый как лимон.

4. Мы были готовы к сложной съемке.

2) Translate the text and answer the questions.

Cleaning windows may not seem like a risky profession, but how about doing it while dangling hundreds of metres off the ground? That’s the job of skyscraper window cleaners! Unlike conventional window cleaners, those working on skyscrapers must be certified to do so. This is because they have to operate the complicated mechanisms of their lifting and support equipment. They also must be trained in proper safety procedures including appropriate chemical us, and most importantly, fall prevention.

1. How do you think is skyscraper window cleaner risky job? Why?

2. Should they be trained to this work? Why?

1) Translate sentences into English

1. Многие исторические места относятся к памятникам мирового наследия.

2. Это здание было заброшено много лет назад.

3. Для продолжения этой работы необходимо дополнительное финансирование.

4. Влажность в комнате была выше нормы.

2) Translate the text and answer the questions.

When most people see a wildfire, they do their best to flee from the area. But a smokejumper does exactly the opposite and dives straight into the flames. These firefighters race to the scene of a wildfire in high-speed jets and then parachute towards the burning trees in order to extinguish the flames. Although this may sound pretty dangerous, smokejumpers actually have an excellent safety record. This is mostly due to their fireproof jumpsuits as well as thorough training in the latest firefighting techniques every winter.

1. How do you think is firefighter a risky job? Why?

2. Should they be trained to this work? Why?

1) Translate sentences into English

1. Местное правительство решило приостановить финансирование этого проекта.

2. У этого инструмента очень острые лезвия.

3. Мы скопировали эту невероятную идею у американских ученых.

4. Он раскрыл секрет своего успеха.

2) Translate the text and answer the questions.

There are few jobs as unappealing and dangerous as being a hazmat diver. The job involves diving into sewage system, toxic spills and even nuclear reactors in order to clean them and carry out maintenance. The divers wear pressurized suits designed to protect them, and are vaccinated on a regular basis against a variety of diseases found in waste material. The work itself is challenging since it’s impossible to see anything in the conditions they work in, so divers must rely on touch alone to fix faults.

1. How do you think is hazmat diver a risky job? Why?

2. Should they be trained to this work? Why?

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Safety Tips For Window Cleaners: Part 1

Window cleaning may not seem like a dangerous job, but it can be if you are not properly prepared for it. High rise window cleaners may have a more dangerous line of work than most because they have to scale buildings, but they are not the only ones who face dangers on a day to day basis. If you’re going to work in this lucrative industry, you need to make sure you protect yourself. Here are some great safety tips for window cleaners that you can take with you on the job.

Keep Your Personal Belongings Locked In The Van

Some window cleaners get a little too comfortable at work, bringing their phones, laptops, and other personal belongings on the job site because they think they are in a safe neighborhood. You never know when someone might come by to steal those items, so it’s best to keep them locked in your work vehicle . This will also protect the items from getting damaged, in case it rains or something falls near them at work.

If you have no choice but to bring your belongings with you, make sure you keep them out of harm’s way in a location you can watch over.

Wear Protective Gear When Working With Harsh Cleaning Chemicals

On occasion, you may need to use harsh cleaning chemicals to remove stains or stuck-on grime on a window. When that happens, make sure you wear a mask, gloves, and possibly goggles to protect yourself. Even if you are working in an open-air environment, you can damage your body by breathing in the chemicals. The dish soap you use for standard cleaning jobs won’t hurt you, but anything else needs to be used with caution.

Be Aware Of Your Environment

Before you start cleaning a window, make sure you check your surroundings. Look over the building carefully and check for falling wood, built-up ice, protruding nails, or anything else that may hurt you while you’re working. You also need to be aware of people in the area, in case they try to hurt or steal from you on the job. It’s sad to think that’s a possibility, but it is. You have to be prepared for it. Simply looking around before you start a job will do wonders for your protection.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of this guide where we’ll go over even more window cleaning safety tips for you to put into action.

The Danger of Window Cleaning Jobs ?

Asked by Wiki User

Wiki User
Answered June 25, 2012 3:10PM

To begin with, you should know that window cleaning jobs do not have to be dangerous. If you do everything in the correct fashion, you will be as safe while you are cleaning the windows as you would be inside of the building itself. You do not need to be nervous about getting hurt. However, you do need to know that there are certain dangers that come along with this profession. If you know this, you can work to keep yourself safe at all times. It is better to understand these things and to respect them than to ignore them and assume that you will be safe.

One danger is that your equipment itself can malfunction. Depending on the job, you may use a scaffolding that is attached to the roof or you may use one that lifts you up from the ground. It is important to go over these before every job to make sure that everything is in working order. A little bit of maintenance can ensure that there will not be any problems. You need to look for any signs of wear. This could include stress fractures or simply nuts and bolts that have come loose over time.

Another danger is that you could fall if you do not strap yourself in. You will have a harness of some sort that will connect you to the lift. You need to make sure that you always have the lines connected and all of the snaps and buckles in place. You may get overconfident and eventually think that you do not need these safety mechanisms. If you catch yourself thinking this, make sure that you do not give in to the desire to free yourself from the restraints. These things are there to keep you safe, whether you have been doing the job for three days or twenty years.

These are the two main dangers of window cleaning jobs. As you can see, both of them can be reduced to almost nothing with a little bit of work on your end. If you take the time to make sure that you are safe, this will not be a dangerous job for you to do.

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Some, any ect. and relatives-2. Exercises

1 The lorry crashed into a bus-load of schoolchildren. Six of them were slightly injured.

2 She refuses to use machines. This makes her work more arduous.

3 I met Mary. She asked me to give you this.

4 The women prayed aloud all night. This kept us awake.

5 The river bed is uneven and you may be in shallow water one moment and in deep water the next. This makes it unsafe for non-swimmers.

6 Mary said that there should be a notice up warning people. Mary’s children couldn’t swim.

7 Ann said that there were far too many notices. Ann’s children could swim very well.

8 He paid me £5 for cleaning ten windows. Most of. them hadn’t been cleaned for at least a year.

9 Jack, the goalkeeper, and Tom, one of the backs, were injured in last Saturday’s match. Jack’s injuries were very slight. He is being allowed to play in today’s match. This is a good thing because the team hasn’t got another goalkeeper. (Combine the last three sentences only.)

10 But Tom’s leg is still in bandages. He will have to watch the match from the stand.

11 Mr White didn’t get a seat on his train this morning. This put him in a bad temper, and caused him to be very rude to his junior partner. The junior partner in turn was rude to the chief clerk; and so on all the way down to the office boy.

12 On Monday Tom’s boss suddenly asked for a report on the previous week’s figures. Tom had a hangover. He felt too sick to work fast. (Combine the last two sentences only.)

13 His boss didn’t drink. He saw what was the matter and wasn’t sympathetic.

14 In the afternoon he rang Tom and asked why the report still hadn’t arrived. The report should have been on his desk by 2 o’clock.

15 Tom’s headache was now much worse. He just put the receiver down without answering. This was just as well, as if he ’d said anything he would have been very rude.

16 Fortunately Ann, the typist, came to Tom’s assistance. Ann rather liked Tom.

17 Even so the report took three hours. It should have taken an hour and a half.

18 I went to Munich. I had always wanted to visit Munich.

19 ‘ Hello, Paul,’ said Mr Jones to the headwaiter. The headwaiter’s name was Tom. He said ‘Good evening, sir,’ without any sign of recognition. This disappointed Mr Jones. Mr Jones liked to be recognized by headwaiters. (Omit the first sentence.)

20 And this time he was with Lucy. He was particularly anxious to impress Lucy.

Exercise 5 what and which. F ill the gaps in the following sentences by using either what or which. (When which is used it should be preceded by a comma which the student must insert for himself.)

1 He didn’t believe . I said . . . annoyed me very much.

2 In detective stories the murderer is always caught. . . doesn’t happen in real life.

3 He wasn’t surprised at. he saw because I told him . to expect.

4 In hospitals they wake patients at 6 a.m. . is much too early.

5 There was no directory in the first telephone box . . . meant that I had to go to another one.

6 I did . I could . . . wasn’t much.

7 The clock struck thirteen . . . made everyone laugh.

8 I am sure that. . . you say is true.

9 We travelled second class . is cheaper than first class but more crowded.

10 He didn’t know the language . . . made it difficult for him to get a job.

11 People whose names begin with A always get taken first. is most unfair.

12 He played the violin all night. . . annoyed the neighbours.

13 When the mechanic opened the bonnet he saw at once . . . was wrong with the car.

14 I didn’t buy anything because I didn’t see … I wanted.

15 They sang as they marched . helped them to forget how tired they were.

16 I saw a coat marked down to £10 . . . was just. I was prepared to pay.

17 He was very rude to the customs officer . of course made things worse.

18 Show me . . . you’ve got in your hand.

19 Tell me . . . you want me to do.

20 The frogs croaked all night. . . kept us awake.

21 All the roads were blocked by snow . . . meant that help could not reach us till the following spring.

22 You needn’t think you were unobserved! I saw . . . you did!

23 She was once bitten by a monkey . . . made her dislike monkeys for the rest of her life.

24 Some dairies have given up electric milk floats and gone back to horsedrawn vehicles . . . shows that the horse still has a place in modern transport.

25 She expects me to clean the house in half an hour . is impossible.

26 He poured water on the burning oil stove . . . was a crazy thing to do.

27 Would you know . to do if you were bitten by a snake?

28 They turned on the street lights . . . made it suddenly seem much darker than it really was.

29 I don’t know . . . delayed the train, but it went much slower than usual. . . made me late for my appointment.

30 He asked a question . I answered, and then he asked exactly the same question again . . . showed me that he hadn’t been listening.

31 The crime was not discovered till 48 hours later . . . gave the criminals plenty of time to get away.

32 My neighbours on either side of me have painted their houses . of course only makes my house look shabbier than it really is,

33 The headmaster believed that children should do . . . they liked . . . meant, of course, that they didn’t learn much.

34 I couldn’t remember the number of my own car . . . made the police suspicious.

34 He said that. . . frightened him was the appalling silence of the place.

36 You will be punished for . . . you have done.

Exercise 6 whatever, whenever, whoever etc. Fill each of the gaps in the following sentences with one of the following words: however, whatever, whenever, wherever, whichever, whoever.

1 . . . you do, don’t mention my name. (I particularly don’t want you to.)

2 He lives in Wick, . . . that is (Idon’t know and don’t much care.)

3 Ann (looking out of the window): Bill’s van

Tom: It isn’t a van, it’s a station wagon.

Ann: Well, . it is, it’s just been given a parking ticket!

4 You’ll never escape. He’ll find you, . . . you hide yourself, (no matter where)

5 . of you broke this window will have to pay for it.

6 . . . broke this window will have to pay for it.

7 The lift works perfectly for Tom, but. I use it, the doors stick. (every time)

8 I’d rather have a room of my own, . . . small, than share with someone.

9 . . . told you I’d lend you £500 was pulling your leg.

10 Shall I type it or send it like this? — . . . you like.

11 You’re wanted on the phone!

— I can’t come now. Ask . it is to leave his number and I’ll ring him back in half an hour.

12 . . . rich you are you can’t buy happiness.

13 He’s a phrenologist, . . . that is. (Idon’t know.)

14 We must finish tonight, . . . long it takes us. (no matter how long)

15 . it rains, my roof leaks.

16 Announcement: A box of dangerous drugs has been removed from the hospital dispensary. Will. . . took it please return it immediately?

17 Mothers in this district are not letting their children out alone till. . . committed these murders has been arrested.

18 He started half an hour ago and his car is faster than yours. . . . fast you drive, you won’t catch him up.

19 Married man (to bachelor friend): You can do . . . you like in the evenings but I have to go home to my wife.

20 . my neighbour is cooking there is a smell of burning, (every time)

21 I hope that. . . left this rubbish here is going to clear it away.

22 We each draw a card and . of us has the lowest card does the washing up.

Or . . . has the lowest card.

23 If I say, ‘Heads, I win; tails, you lose,’ I will win . . . happens.

Or I will win . . . way the coin falls.

24 . . . used the bathroom last forgot to clean the bath.

Exercise 7 Relative clauses replaced by infinitives.

Part 1 Replace the clauses in bold type by an infinitive or infinitive phrase.

I have books that I must read.I have books to read.

A peg on which I can hang my coat. A peg to hang my coat on.

A form that you must fill in. A form for you to fill in.

1 We had a river in which we could swim.

2 The child is lonely; he would be happier if he had someone that he could play with.

3 I don’t much care for cooking for myself; if I had a family that I had to cook for I’d be more interested.

4 Here are some accounts that you must check.

5 I’ve got a bottle of wine but I haven’t got anything that I could open it with.

6 I have some letters that I must write.

7 I don’t want to go alone and I haven’t anyone that I can go with.

8 I don’t like him playing in the streets; I wish we had a garden that he could play in.

9 We had to eat standing up because we hadn’t anything that we could sit on, and the grass was too wet.

10 The floor is dusty but I haven’t got a brush that I can sweep it with.

11 My files are all over the place. I wish I had a box that I could keep them in.

12 She said that she wasn’t going to buy any cards; she hadn’t anyone to whom she could send cards.

Part 2 Replace the clauses in bold type by infinitives.

He was the first man who reached the top.

He was the first man to reach the top.

13 He was the first man who left the burning building.

14 You are the last person who saw her alive.

15 My brother was the only one who realized the danger.

16 The pilot was the only man who survived the crash.

17 He simply loves parties. He is always the first who comes and the last who goes.

18 The Queen Elizabeth is the largest ship which has been built on the Clyde.

19 The last person who leaves the room must turn out the lights.

20 I was the only person who saw the difficulty.

21 He was the second man who was killed in this way.

22 Neil Armstrong was the first man who walked on the moon.

23 Lady Astor was the first woman who took her seat in Parliament.

24 The fifth man who was interviewed was entirely unsuitable.

Exercise 4 1 a bus-load of children, six of whom were 2 refuses to use machines, which makes 3 I met Mary, who asked 4 prayed aloud all night, which kept 5 and in deep water the next, which makes it unsafe 6 Mary, whose children couldn’t swim, said 7 Ann, whose children could swim well, said 8 cleaning ten windows, most of which 9 Jack, whose injuries were very slight, is being allowed to play, which is a good thing 10 Tom, whose leg is still in bandages, will have to 11 didn’t get a seat, which put him in a temper and caused him to be rude to his junior partner, who in turn 12 Tom, who had a hangover, felt 13 His boss, who didn’t drink, saw 14 The report, which should have been on his desk by 2.00, still hadn’t arrived.15 Tom, whose headache was now much worse, put down the receiver without answering, which 16 Ann, who liked Tom, came 17 the report, which should have taken an hour and a half, took 18 to Munich, which 19 The headwaiter, whose name was Tom, said recognition, which disappointed Mr Jones, who liked 20 with Lucy, whom he was particularly anxious to

Exercise 5 1 what, which 2 which 3 what, what 4 which 5 which 6 what, which 7 which 8 what 9 which 10 which 11 which 12 which 13 what 14 what 15 which 16 which, what 17 which 18 what 19 what 20 which 21 which 22 what 23 which 24 which 25 which 26 which 27 what 28 which 29 what, which 30 which, which 31 which 32 which 33 what, which 34 which 35 what 36 what

Exercise 6 1 whatever 2 wherever 3 whatever 4 wherever. 5 whichever 6 whoever 7 whenever 8 however 9 whoever. 10 whichever 11 whoever 12 however 13 whatever 14 however 15 whenever 16 whoever 17 whoever 18 however 19 whatever 20 whenever 21 whoever 22 whichever, whoever 23 whatever, whichever 24 whoever

Exercise 7 Part I 1 a river to swim in 2 someone to play with 3 a family to cook for 4 accounts for you to check 5 anything to open it with 6 letters to write 7 anyone to go with 8 a garden for him to play in 9 anything to sit on 10 a brush to sweep it with 11 a box to keep them in 12 anyone to send cards to

Part 2 13 the first man to leave 14 the last person to see 15 the only one to realize 16 the only man to survive 17 the first to come and the last to go 18 the largest ship to be built 19 the last person to leave 20 the only person to see 21 the second man to be killed 22 the first man to walk on 23 the first woman to take 24 the fifth man to be interviewed

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