Write a sentence explaining why windows is so popular

February 16, 2011 , , Leave a comment

February 16, 2011
, , Leave a comment

Why Windows is so popular?

In earlier days, MS-DOS was used as default operating system for IBM-PCs. The personal computers made by IBM were provided with de facto MS-DOS both for business as well as home use. Later, IBM has taken steps to leave the business related to personal computers. They were involved much in manufacturing and operating IBM-compatible PCs. The IBM compatible PCs became standard in the market. IBM in business and home PC used to have their software to run for long time and they wanted to have one new OS. Hence, they thought that investment on MS Windows would be a good decision. The manufacturers of PC from then onwards started to pre-install the newer version of MS Windows in every PC that was sold. This tradition is followed even today.

The latest version called windows vista was sold at low percentage (39%) compared to all PCs that were sold. Another major version of MS Windows called Windows XP was installed in the PCs and sold at about 89% of all the PCs that were sold. Windows was the most preferable operating system and the choice operating system used for the personal computers in 80s. Windows has provided an accessory benefit for marketing on behalf of Microsoft. Microsoft could also gain popularity in the case of creating office tools and mingling it with Windows which enhanced the popularity of the Windows.

The popularity of Windows was done by Microsoft not only at the end-user point of view, but also in the side of developer. The developers were stimulated to write software programs compatible with Windows than other operating systems. Popularity also was achieved by the vendors of hardware who installed windows in the PCs before they were sold. The aggressive marketing and the strategies of Microsoft played an important role in making this operating system so popular. Windows is so popular due to its easy way of handling the operating system and it is user friendly. Creating the folders or deleting them can be done very effectively in windows even by a person who is new to the OS. It does not have to be dealt through command prompt and every activity can be done through mouse interface. Hence, Windows is very popular.

Author: Hari M

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The market offers a wide range of operating systems. Windows, Mac, and Linux are some of the most popular operating systems. Before diving in, learn about the popularity of these operating systems. Let’s take a quick look at this operating system.👊👊👊

Windows OS

Since the mid-1980s, Microsoft has been developing a series of operating systems known as Windows. It comes in a variety of forms. It is a proprietary graphical operating system that only the company can modify. It has dominated the desktop market since 1995.

According to Statcounter of Oct. 2021, Windows 10 is the most popular windows OS with about 75.18% market share in Desktop Operating System Worldwide. It has a wealth of tools and features etc.

The fact that most general-purpose PCs come with Windows OS pre-installed is one of the reasons why they are the most popular.


Apple’s macOS (formerly OS X) operating system is a series of operating systems. The majority of Macintosh computers come with macOS preinstalled. It is not as popular as Windows, and one of the reasons for this is that the Mac is more expensive.

It is marketed by Apple Inc, since 2001 AD.


Linux is a collection of open-source, free operating systems that can be modified and distributed by anyone anywhere in the world. It is a highly customizable operating system. It is primarily used in server farms.

It was created by Linus Torvald and it was first released in 1991 AD.

Why are windows Os is popular over other available Operating systems like Linux and Mac?

In this article, I want to talk about why windows Os is popular than other available Operating systems like Linux and Mac in the desktop environment.

Table of Contents

  • Why Windows OS is Popular ?
    • 1 Windows Emerged Historical with GUI Support
    • 2 User-Friendly OS
    • 3 Largely Adopted Software
    • 4 Grew Up with Windows
    • 5 Productivity
    • 6 Large Microsoft Official Support Base
    • 7 Preinstalled OS
    • 8 Driver and Peripherical Compatibility
    • 9 Windows largely used in school and training institution
    • 10 Large Windows Software Developer
    • 11 AutoCAD and Graphics Things
    • 12 Pirated Windows is Available Everywhere 
    • 13 Large Windows Geeks and Enthusiast Support
    • 14 Games
    • 15 Windows 10 Update
    • 16 Windows 11 Release
    • 17 Large number of OEM vendors
    • 18 Vacancy
    • 19 Installation

Why Windows OS is Popular ?

Some of the reasons are as follows:

1 Windows Emerged Historical with GUI Support

Despite the fact that GUI support was not initially developed for Windows OS. However, when Microsoft included a graphical user interface (GUI) in its operating system, its popularity skyrocketed. This increases Windows users because it allows them to work without having to worry about commands. And other operating systems are struggling to provide GUI support as quickly as Microsoft did. As a result, it was widely adopted at the time.

Windows has had a large market share in operating systems since its inception, with Windows 3.11 having a market share of more than 90% in 1994 AD.

Also in current time has the highest market share in desktop OS(source).

OS Market Share in %
Windows  75.18 
Mac OS 15.89 
Linux  2.15
Chrome OS 2.54
Unknown 4.23

popular os

It has a near-monopoly on desktop and laptop in the computer market.

2 User-Friendly OS

No other operating system is as simple to use as Microsoft Windows. Nobody wants to type a bunch of commands to do something that can be done with a few mouse clicks. As a result, the user interface of Windows is superior to that of other open-source operating systems. Windows is designed in such a way that anyone can learn how to use it.

Windows allows people to do a lot of things without much difficulty most of the time. If we use Windows, Linux, or Mac, we find that they are not user-friendly.

3 Largely Adopted Software

People are already using MS OFFICE and Adobe products and games that only work on Windows. As a result, the next time a user tries to use MAC or Linux, they are disappointed by the lack of such features, and they return to Windows. In most cases, this occurs.

Linux may not have applications to be used or used by the consumer.

4 Grew Up with Windows

Most people grew up using Windows OS on their PCs and are comfortable with it.

5 Productivity

The majority of businesses use Windows OS to carry out their daily operations. Making reports, PowerPoint presentations, and graphics with Windows software is simpler. And software such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe products, and many others assist them. This software alternative is available in both MAC and Linux, but it lacks many of the features found in Windows software.

Linux has LibreOffice but is not much popular as ms word.
Linux has a gimp as an alternative to photoshop both not as good as photoshop.

In my view, this software is just a polished version of windows’ popular software.

6 Large Microsoft Official Support Base

If you used a paid commercial version of Windows, Microsoft will provide you with a lot of active support. Also, large corporations do not want to waste time troubleshooting issues; instead, they contact Microsoft for assistance, and they are available at all times to assist businesses; thus, large corporations use Windows as well.

For paid users, Windows has better support for both current and legacy Windows.

7 Preinstalled OS

When you go to the market to buy a laptop or desktop, they will tell you that the Windows operating system is preinstalled and genuine. Preinstalled Windows denotes that the operating system has been fully installed, licensed, and activated with Microsoft. As a result, in the majority of cases, Windows 10 will come preinstalled on the new system.

Windows OS marketing and advertising are at an all-time high.

8 Driver and Peripherical Compatibility

Windows has better driver support from manufacturers than Linux and MAC. Furthermore, some vendors do not develop a driver for Linux, and when an open community does develop a driver, it may not be properly compatible.

So, in desktop and laptop environments, Windows gets any new drivers first, then macOS and then Linux.

Eg. Sometimes laptop and desktop wifi did work with Linux because the manufacturer may not have created it for Linux. This happens once in my case.

Even today Linux is not very successful at supporting devices such as printers and scanners.

Noobie and even expert geeks will have much more confidence in buying a video card, printer, and dual monitor setup with windows, and many of the manufacturers suggest the same.

Learn about CPU Hyperthreading: click here.

9 Windows largely used in school and training institution

Windows OS is used in many schools and training institutes, so if anyone wants to learn anything, they will be taught in Windows OS. In order to obtain a Linux expert or a Mac expert, they must pay a high salary to the instructor; therefore, they use Windows OS, which is familiar to almost everyone.

10 Large Windows Software Developer

Most developers develop software for windows making windows user life much much easier.

11 AutoCAD and Graphics Things

If you do 3D graphics works then most of the industry-standard software is windows base.

12 Pirated Windows is Available Everywhere 

You may get pirated windows OS on the internet and can be installed on any computer system easily. However, OSX can only be installed on the MAC system, and have to pay for it.

13 Large Windows Geeks and Enthusiast Support

Because a large number of people use Windows, the problem can be resolved quickly and easily. There are also numerous articles written by tech geeky to solve the problem for Windows.

14 Games

Also, Windows is the best for gamers as well. And has lots and lots of amazing games for Windows OS support.

15 Windows 10 Update

Windows 10 Updates are automatic, once set in automatic mode. You do not need external third-party driver updating software
as windows have built-in for it. Windows generally apply a large number of updates at one go but Linux updates come frequently because they provide updates as soon as it is available.

For learning emerging technology in the data center. click here.

16 Windows 11 Release

With the release of the Windows 11 operating system, the popularity of the Windows operating system has already skyrocketed. Windows 11 has made significant improvements to its graphical user interface, and it now has the same look and feel as macOS. Another important feature that Windows 11 supports is the ability to run Android applications, as well as the integration of Microsoft Teams.

17 Large number of OEM vendors

Every company wants to make a profit. OEM distributors purchase Windows OS in bulk at a low cost, benefiting both Microsoft and OEM distributors, and will target large groups of users through wholesalers and retailers.

18 Vacancy

Most businesses use the Windows operating system, which necessitates the hiring of personnel to run the business. So, there are a lot of job openings, and it is written in the requirements that applicants should know how to use Office Packages and soon.

19 Installation

OSX cannot be installed in every system and only support for Mac System. Noobie finds it difficult installing Linux OS and in the early days there is no GUI support for installation. For many years windows have the same steps for installation in every version of windows which makes it easier to install every version of windows even by noobie guys.


Neither I am in support of any of these OS, each has helped in solving people’s tasks in various ways. If you find any of these points irrelevant then please feel free to comment below👇👇👇.

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Microsoft Windows Logo

Anyone who has ever used a computer is familiar with Windows operating system. Windows is the operating system of choice for numerous brands like HP, Acer, and Dell. Everyone can’t seem to get enough of it, but what is it about this operating system? Why is Windows operating system so popular?

Windows operating system is popular because it has an easy user interface, is affordable, and it is compatible with various types of software and hardware.

Windows isn’t the only operating system for computers out there. Different computer manufacturers have other operating systems for their devices. Who knows, maybe you would prefer an alternative operating system to Windows.

You have always known Windows to be popular, but do you know why? There are plenty of reasons why Windows are so popular. Here they are.


Microsoft introduced Windows at a time when computers became mainstream. During this period, options were limited. There was the operating system of the Macintosh, but it was too expensive. UNIX was also available, but its machines were also expensive. These options were not only pricey but were harder to use. 

Windows was the obvious choice with an affordable and easy-to-use experience. This edge gave the OS a head start on the market, and it has been in the lead ever since.


One of the reasons Windows is so popular is its price. Windows come pre-installed in several brands of computers that come at various prices. The affordable variants of these devices allow for just about anyone to own a computer that comes with Windows OS. In contrast, Apple sets all their computers at high prices. 

Most users are not happy with this price, seeing as Windows and macOS have similar fundamental functions and user experiences, leading most to buying a Windows computer.

Aside from Windows OS coming in pocket-friendly computers, it has numerous inbuilt software that does not need to be purchased separately. Other operating systems like the macOS would have you buying software to perform tasks that you can do for free on a Windows computer.


While this may seem obvious, but Windows is so popular because it is so popular. With a large number of users opting for Windows and being more familiar with it, it only makes sense for large organizations to make use of this operating system. Using Windows means that these organizations do not require their staff to undergo much training to understand it.

Also, the ubiquity of Windows gives way for collaboration and compatibility among all users of the operating system in different fields. This increases productivity because less time is spent trying to make files and documents compatible with several OS.

Hardware and Software Compatibility  

Unlike macOS, Windows can run on almost all computers and can recognize most hardware attached to it. Also, due to its popularity, Windows has plenty of software developers that work to create software compatible with it. Even software predominately made for another OS can be found on Windows. 

Another reason Windows is widely used is that its installation disk, which you only have to buy once, can be used on several computers. This means that no matter how many times you delete Windows from your computer, you’ll be able to reinstall it as many times as you like. However, you cannot do this with macOS.

More Variety of Software

Of all the operating systems, Window offers the most number of software to pick from. This gives users a variety of options and has software developers working hard to release the best software they possibly can. This drive to impress users leads to a higher number of applications that are available to anyone using a Windows computer.

Other operating systems that do not have as many users have fewer applications available. With a limited offering, these OS do not offer users diversity or low-quality applications, which tends to send users looking for a more diverse OS. 

Better Applications

There is a number of applications built for multiple operating systems also tend to have more features on Windows.

For example, Microsoft Office is an essential productivity tool that most people use. It is available on both Windows and macOS. However, the use of the software on Windows offers you more features and a more seamless experience than on macOS. This reason alone makes people lean towards Windows for a better experience using their favorite apps.

What Is an Operating System?

An operating system (OS) is an integral part of any computer. It is software that runs on a computer’s hard drive that acts as an interface between its hardware, software, and users. 

An operating system not only manages the memory and process of a computer but also allows you, the user, to communicate with the computer without understanding its language.

Some functions of an operating system include booting of the computer, data security, and disk management.  

Without an operating system, you would not be able your computer. The operating system runs other programs like browsers, games, Microsoft Office, and others.

Most computers come with a pre-installed operating system. However, you can choose to upgrade to a different OS. There are three main operating systems for a computer: Windows OS, macOS, and Linux. 

These operating systems function in different ways and give users varying pre-installed apps and experiences. Most times, people use OS based on preference.

Types of Operating System

Windows is a popular operating system, but it is not the only one. There are other operating systems that could possibly give Windows a run for its money.


Windows is an operating system designed by Microsoft and released in the mid-1980s. A majority of computers come preloaded with this OS, making Windows the most popular OS for computers in the world.

Seeing as Windows is proprietary software, everything about it is decided by Microsoft and sold to the masses that way. This means users cannot tweak or tamper with the OS.

Windows makes it possible for you to perform several tasks like browsing the internet or editing a word document.

Since its inception, there have been several versions of Windows. The first was Windows 95 (1995), then Windows XP (2001),  Windows Vista (2007), Windows 7 (2009), Windows 8 (2012), Windows 10 (2015), with the latest being Windows 11 (2021)


macOS is an operating system created and sold by Apple. It is Windows’ biggest competition and is solely used on Apple computers. It used to be called “Mac OS X.”, then “OS X,” and now macOS. 

Just like Windows, the macOS is a proprietary software built and distributed by Apple strictly for their devices. Some versions of this OS include Mojave, Sierra, Yosemite, and the latest Big Sur. 

The macOS is only used by 10% of users worldwide. This is mainly because Apple computers are expensive, and people prefer the experience of Windows. However, the macOS offers one of the best user experience and graphical user interface (GUI) services.


Linux is not like Windows or macOS; it is not proprietary software. Instead, Linux is an open-source operating system that can be used and easily modified by anyone worldwide. It is an operating system similar to UNIX. This operating system does not belong to any company, which makes it free. 

Due to its versatility, there are several versions of Linux to choose from, including Ubuntu, Slackware, and Debian.

Even though Linux is free and versatile, it is not as popular as its counterparts. However, it is still heavily used by several users.

It’s been some years since Windows 7 came out, and apparently, I never got over it, as I sit here today on my Windows 7 laptop with about 8GB of storage left. And apparently, neither did most of the world as it still sits on top of the rankings as the most popular OS to date. Currently, based on different numbers throughout the interwebs, Windows 7 dominates market share with roughly 55% computers worldwide still running it.

And for good reason. It was the first OS that just worked out of the box. It didn’t try to be flashy and it didn’t try to be cool. It was made of Windows, a taskbar, a kick-ass start button and not much else. Applications run on it and it turns on and off when it needs to. I still do all of my programming on it, and I don’t see myself changing that anytime soon.

I’ve used Windows 8, 8.1, and 10, and they’re good OS’s in their own rights. I have a Surface 3, which runs Windows 10, and I have an old laptop running Windows 8.1, which used to run Windows 8, but let’s not talk about Windows 8 just yet. So far to date, every new Windows version that comes tries to copy Windows 7, but by adding weird and hip turns and twists into the mix, like an M Night Shyamalan film. Windows 8 had the Metro UI, which was altered in Windows 8.1, and altogether removed in Windows 10. Windows 10 works like Windows 7, but with many extra features thrown in that most people will probably never use, such as multiple desktops and Cortana, but it’s nice to have just in case.

So let’s go over some history on Windows 7, to set some back story to this worldwide fascination. By July of 2012, Windows 7 had an estimated 650 million installs worldwide. It broke records for Amazon pre-sale orders, surpassing even that of Harry Potter books. It’s still to date Microsoft’s fastest selling Operation System, having sold over 100 million in just 2 weeks.

Public Opinion

If the numbers didn’t already speak for themselves, with the massive market share percentage of 55%, usually Amazon reviews do a decent job of telling it how it is.

There’s just something about Windows 7 that people love. Reading the reviews, most people are just happy to hear that the OS just works, especially after the disaster that was Windows Vista.

Best Features

After Windows Vista came out, I was ready to give on Windows and start a new life with a typewriter. But Microsoft heard the complaints and gifted everyone with Windows 7. Some of my favorite Windows features started with 7 and continue on to this day, such as pinning items to the taskbar, the glorious Start button that houses many a thing, Windows snap, which easily snaps windows onto several different quadrants. All of these features are still active today in the latest releases.

Software Compatibility

Due to its large market share, you can better believe that software vendors are going to make sure that their products run on Windows 7. And this is going to be true for a while. While Microsoft is slowly trying to phase people away from Windows 7, software is keeping right in line with it.

It’s Fast

Alot of work was done to Windows 7 to get it to be a lean machine. The minimum hardware requirements are laughable by today’s standards. But that’s a great thing, because it means that with the natural progression of hardware you’ll get a faster and faster machine. Improvements were made to boot times and multi-core processors got a bump in performance as well. With an SSD installed, I can boot up Windows in roughly 2 seconds.

It Has All My Stuff

So personally for me, 6 years of work and applications and setup and configuration are hard to transfer over to a new operating system. I just know that many many things won’t work anymore. And that makes me feel a bit uneasy, as I’m having no problems with Windows 7, so there’s very little need to upgrade. Even after Microsoft stops supporting Window 7, I’ll probably still be using it. And I think this is true for most people today using Windows 7. It just works. There’s no reason to upgrade and to learn an entirely new layout and menu scheme.

It Just Works

Windows 7 has not let me down so far. It boots up at a reasonable time, it shuts down in a reasonable time, most things are within 3 clicks reach and it doesn’t blue screen usually. Those are the main requirements I have when looking at an OS.

There’s two reasons why Windows 7 will be around for a good long while. The first being that it’s successor was terrible. Windows 8 made you wish you knew how to revert back to Windows 7. Many of those who hadn’t made the switch read the complaints and stuck around for a bit longer, like I myself did. I tried 8 on an older laptop, and said no thanks. Then 8.1 came out, and it was pretty good. But, still not enough for me to change my mind about the whole thing. Then Windows 10 came out. And I’ll say this, I really like Windows 10. I use it at work, I use it on my Surface 3, but when I got that notification telling me it was time:

I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I said thanks Microsoft, but not thanks. Windows 7 has been with me for the past 6 years day in and day out, and to delete it, just like that, with a single button click would be a travesty. So if you still have Windows 7 running on your machine, then kudos to you. I hope it’s been as helpful to you as its been to me and that it continues to do so until 2020 when it is left behind to fend for itself.

Walter Guevara is a software engineer, startup founder and currently teaches programming for a coding bootcamp. He is currently building things that don’t yet exist.

movies. The built-in stereo speakers allow you to listen along,

if you want to listen alone, just plug in a pair of (3)

portable machine provides

you can play DVD Audio/Video, CD-R/RW, DVD-RAM, DivX and MP3 files.
Its compact design features a built-in rechargeable 6 hour battery

portable DVD player

DVD-LS91 allows 6 hours of playback, and provides a perfect way to
entertain yourself and your kids during long trips

and comparers

forgot to nuke a backup copy of my brain. $t,
I learned List semester was lost.

device or format would be most suitable for storing these things?

  1. the
    operating system and the programs on a home computer

  2. an
    electronic encyclopedia for children

  3. a
    movie in digital format

  4. the
    music tracks by your favourite artist

  5. all
    the files generated by a company in one day

  6. the
    photos taken with a digital camera

■шHealth and safety


are a number of health and safety problems that may result from
continuous use of


  • Typing
    constantly at high speed may provoke repetitive strain injury’ or
    RSI, which causes pain in the neck, arms, wrists, hands and

  • Bad
    work postures and sitting in uncomfortable chairs may cause
    backache and stress.

  • Looking
    at rhe screen for long periods of time, and lights reflecting off
    the screen, can cause headaches and eye strain, pain and fatigue of
    the eyes.

  • Cathode
    Ray Tube monitors can emit electromagnetic radiation which can be
    dangerous to health.

study of how people interact safely and efficiently with machines
and their work

is called ergonomics. In computing, ergonomics is about designing

so they are safe and comfortable. Here are a few tips.

  1. Get
    an adjustable chair so you can change its height and angle.

    ergonomic keyboard helps you type in a more natural, relaxed

  2. Make
    sure your feet rest firmly on the ground or on a foot rest.

  3. Ensure
    you have enough leg room under the desk.

  4. Put
    the monitor at eye level or just below.

  5. Sit
    at arms’ length from the monitor (40-80 cm). Don’t sit near the
    sides or back of CRT monitors; or use LCD screens, which are free
    from radiation.

  6. Use
    a document holder, in line with the screen, to reduce awkward neck
    and eye movements between the document and the screen.

  7. Position
    the keyboard at the same height as your elbows, with your arms
    parallel to the work surface. Try to keep your wrists straight and
    flat when typing.

  8. Take
    regular breaks from the computer and look away from the screen at
    regular intervals


disposal of electronic waste, from old computers and mobile phones
to hi-fi and video systems, can cause severe environmental and
public health problems. For example, children or workers who come
into contact with the toxic components of electronic products may
suffer from skin and breathing problems.

  • We
    should recyclc or treat ICT equipment (e.g. plastics from mobiles
    could be used to make pens and rulers).

Manufacturers should pay to finance recycling programs.

should reduce,
and recycle e-waste

risks of using mobiles and in-car computers

use of mobile phones has been the cause of concern and there is
ongoing research into whether radiation emitted causes health

serious risk is the use of mobiles and navigation systems in cars;
this can distract the driver and cause accidents.

  • Don’t
    use your mobile while driving.

health problem is Internet addiction, including obsessive game
playing, gambling, etc.

  • If
    you are an Internet addict, you Talking
    on a mobile phone when should
    ask for help from specialists.driving
    is illegal in most countries

the checklist.

<i user-friendly

Match rhe numbers in the picture to the correct tips

Consistent chair support for the lower back. Seat height and angle
adjustable, b Feet flat on the floor, e Document holder beside the
screen, ar rhe same height and distance as the screen.

Text on the scrccn in line with the eyes.

distance at arm’s length, e Thighs horizontal, with feet on the

room for legs beneath rhe desk, f Keyboard height at a comfortable
open angle for the elbows and arms, g Wrists and hands in a neutral
position, in line with the forearms. Optional rest for wrists at the
same height as the keyboard.

  1. 0.2
    Complete the sentences with words from the opposite page.

  1. Experts
    believe the best way to reduce musculoskeletal injuries is through

designing jobs to fit people instead of making people fit the job.
It can mean everything from adjusting rhe height of a desk to buying
a new chair or overhauling a production line.

  1. The
    Safetype ergonomic keyboard may look strange, but its makers claim
    that it can prevent or RSI.

  2. Visual
    problems, such as and irritation, are often reported

computer users. Causes of these problems include glare, poor
lighting, and focusing the eyes on the screen for a prolonged

  1. Some
    companies have begun ro test ways to and dispose of

example, Epson Portland sponsored an electronics collection day

year on Earth Day.

  1. Road
    safety campaigners say motorists using while driving are six times

likely to crash.

S When
a person is spending so much time on rhe Internet rhar their lives
are affected negatively, they are suffering from



you are designing an ICT classroom with 16 networked PCs, Internet
access and peripherals. What safety precautions should be taken into
account? Use these notes to help you write four tips or suggestions.

  1. Room
    conditions (space, desks, chairs, lights and windows)

  2. Ergonomic

  3. Electrical
    safety: layout of cables and connectors, hotspots for a wireless
    network, etc.

  4. Noticeboards
    and posters with health and safety recommendations

systems and the GUI

of software; the operating system (OS)


  1. System
    software controls the basic functions of a computer, e.g. operating
    systems, programming software and utility programs.

  2. Application
    software lets you do specific jobs such as writing letters, doing
    calculations, drawing or playing games. Examples are a word
    processor or a graphics package.

operating system is a set of programs that control the hardware and
allow people and applications to communicate with the hardware.
Typical Tlx,
the Linux mascot functions
of the OS are handling input/output operations, running programs and
organizing files on disks. The OS also gives access to networks and
allows multitasking: a user can run several programs (and do various
tasks) at a time. Examples arc:

Шthe Windows family — designed by Microsoft and used oil most PCs

  • Mac
    OS — created by Apple and used on Macintosh computers

  • Unix
    — found on mainframes and workstations in corporate installations,
    as it supports multi-users

  • Linux
    — developed under the GNU General Public License; anyone can copy
    its source code, modify and redistribute it. It is used on PC’s and
    in appliances and small devices.



you run a program, your PC opens a window Thar lets you work with
different tools and menus.



Graphical User Interface

GUI makes use of a WIMP environment: Windows, Icons, Menus and
Pointer. This type of interface is user-friendly, where system
functions are accessed by- selecting self-explanatory icons
(pictures representing programs or documents) and items from menus.
A drop-down menu, or pull-down menu, is a list of options that
appear below a menu bar when you click on an item.

pointer is the arrow, controlled by the mouse, which lets you choose
options from menus.

background screen that

icons, representing taskba^

files and folders

is tailed rhe desktop.

a folder icon

a window which shows the

documents and other folders contained

Windows environmen: is a typical example of a GUI
the folder.


are small programs included with an OS that improve a system’s
performance. They can be desk accessories, device drivers, or system
extensions activated when you turn on the PC.

■I A
crashed disk rescuer is used to restore disks and corrupted files.

  • An
    accessibility program makes a PC easier for disabled users to use.

  • A
    compression utility rewrites data so that it takes less space on

  • A
    media player lets you watch DVDs, play music and listen to the
    radio on the Web.

  1. Read
    A and Вopposite and find rhe following.

  1. rhe
    difference between system software and application software

  2. software
    that enables users and programs to communicate with hardware

  3. the
    meaning of ‘multitasking’

  4. a
    multi-user OS
    on large, powerful computer systems

  5. rhe
    operating system that is freely distributed

  6. the
    operating system designed by Apple

  7. rhe
    OS creatcd by Microsoft

  8. rhe
    meaning of WIMP in a graphical user interface (GUI)

  9. the
    expression used to describe a system that is easy to use

  1. Look
    at Вopposite and chen identify these
    interface elements.








Macintosh programs use a graphical user intaface




  1. Look
    at С
    Which utility would

use to do these tasks?

you trying to tell me we have ii)i interface problems'»

  1. to
    play and organize multimedia on your PC

  2. ro
    diagnose and repair damaged disks

  3. to
    help computer users with sight, hearing or mobility difficulties

  4. ro
    make files smaller, so you can send them with emails

    Write a sentence explaining why Windows is so popular.

  1. Look
    at the Internet and find two operating systems designed for
    hand-held devices such as PDAs, palmtops and Blackberries.

processing features




reverse action

graphics tools


WP featu es — Microsoft Wo d


Edit Mew Inser





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word processor enables you to create a document, store it
electronically on a disk, display it on a screen, modify it by
entering commands and characters from the keyboard, and print it on
a printer.

great advantage of word processing over using a

is that you can make changes without retyping the entire documcnr.
If you make a typing mistake, you simply back up the cursor and
correct your mistake.
you want to delete a paragraph, you simply remove it, without
leaving a trace. It is equally easy to insert a word, sentence or
paragraph in the middle of a document.

processors usually support these features (and a few others).

  • Cut
    and paste: Allows you to remove (cut) a section of tcvt and insert
    (paste) ir somewhere else.

  • Find
    and replace: Allows you to direct the word processor to search for
    a particular word or phrase. You can also direct the word processor
    to replace one group of characters with another everywhere that the
    first group appears.

  • Word
    wrap: The word processor automatically moves ro rhe next line when
    you have filled one line with text, and it will readjust text if
    you change the margins.

  • Print:
    Allows you ro send a document to a printer ro ger hard copy.

  • Font
    specifications: Allows you to change fonts within a document. For
    example, you can specify bold,
    and underlining. Most word processors also ler you change rhe font
    size and rhe typeface.

  • Graphics:
    Allows you to include illustrations and graphs in a document. Some
    programs let you crcare rhe illustrations within rhe word
    processor; others let you insert a picture from a different

  • Headers,
    footers and page numbering: Allows you to specify customized
    headers and footers that the word processor will put at the top and
    bottom of even- page. The word processor automatically keeps track
    of page numbers so that the correct number appears on each page.

  • Layout:
    Allows you to specify different margins within a single document
    and ro specify various methods for indenting paragraphs — how much
    space you leave between the margins and the paragraphs.

  • Merge:
    Allows you to merge text from one file into another tile. This is
    particularly useful for generating many tiles that have the same
    format but different dara. (leneraring mailing labels is the
    classic example of using merges.

  • Spell
    checker: A utility that allows you ro check the spelling of words.
    Ir will highlight any words that it does not recognize.

  • Thesaurus:
    Allows you to search for synonyms wirhour leaving rhe word

line dividing word processors from desktop publishing systems is
constantly shifting. In general, though, DTP applications support
finer control over layout and more support for full-colour




Inserted hyperlink

text Footer Drawing tools

  1. Match
    words from the opposite page with these definitions.

  1. яprogram used tor preparing documents and letters

  2. a
    row of words that open up menus when selected

  3. the
    distinctive design of letters arid characters, e.g. Arial, Courier

  4. text
    printed in rhe top margin

  5. text
    printed in rhe bottom margin

  6. the
    way text is arranged on the page, including margins, paragraph
    format, columns, ere.

  7. a
    function that enables you to combine two files into one

  1. 2.2
    Label these word processing icons with the correct function.

cut and paste b graphics e align left d undo e insert hyperlink


12 3 4 5

  1. Complete
    these statements with a rerm from A opposite.

  1. Aconsists
    of three elements: typeface, type style and type size; for exampleArial

at 9 points.

  1. Notice
    that when you get to the end of each line, Word starts a new line
    automatically. It moves rhe word you are typing to a new line when
    it enters an invisible margin running down the right-hand side of
    the screen. This feature is called

  2. and lets
    you find a word and change it into another word

rhe text.

  1. A
    good program
    can be used not only ro rectify accidental spelling

and typing errors, but also to speed typing input.

  1. Many
    word processors include a so you can look for words with similar

  2. The contains
    a row of icons that perform particular actions when clicked.

  3. a
    paragraph involves moving your writing in from the margins of rhe
    page. For

a left indent is the distance between the left margin and the text.

and computes

the letter or copy it from the

to your word processor. Then

it by making these changes.

  1. Use
    Times New Roman at

  2. Insert
    these phrases in the correct places: a Yours sincerely

if you require any further information
Please find enclosed d Dear Mr Vazquez f We would be pleased to

  1. Align
    the sender’s address to the right.

  2. Insert
    this email address below the fax number:

  3. Change
    Cobra М
    to italic style and Mercury Warranty to bold style.

Insert a company logo and a picture of a robot; you can download
them from the Weh.

  1. Check
    the spelling.


  1. Charles
    Place London SWT

020 7385 1541 Mr Vazquez Fax 020 7385 1390

Cano, 52 Madrid



you for your interest in Mercury industrial robots.

  1. •••••■ some
    descriptive leaflets with the

details of six robots — Cobra and Hercules models. I would like to
draw your attention to the Cobra М
which is designed for arc welding.

prices shown in our leaflets are net, but we offer discounts by
negotiation. Mercury Warranty provides

  1. ) deliver
    one of our robot systems on

for your inspection.

do not hesitate to contact us (

forward to hearing from you again soon.


Office Manager

and databases


spreadsheet program helps you manage personal and business finances.
Spreadsheets, or worksheets, are mathematical tables which show
figures in rows and columns.

cell can hold three types of data: text, numbers and formulae.

are enrries that have an equation which calculates the value to
display; wc can use them to calculate totals, percentages, discounts,

have many- built-in functions, pre­written instructions that can
be carried out by referring to the function by name. For example,

— Menu bar

  • Currency

A. column is a vertical line of boxes, labelled with a letter.

row is a horizontal line of boxes, labelled with a number.

  • A
    cell is the intersection of a column and a row. You enter data into
    the active cell

means add up all the values in the cell range D2 ro D7.

of the actwe cell

cell contains the tesult of the formula: =SUM(D2:D7)

format menu lets you choose font, alignment, borders, etc.

of a database


database is essentially a computerized rccord -keeping system.

unit of information you create is called a record and each record is
made up of a collection of fields. Typically, a single- record
consists of a set of field names like: Title, FirstName,

JobTitlc, TelNo and ID. You (ill in a form with the relevant
information for each field to add a new- record to the database.
There are different data types.

  • Text
    — holds letters and numbers not used in calculations

    database file stores information in fields grouped on recordi

  • Number
    — can only hold numbers used in calculations and reports

  • Memo
    — can store long texts

  • Date/Time
    — a date or time or combination of both

  • AutoNumbcr
    — assigns a number to each record

  • OI.E
    Object — (object linking and embedding) holds sounds and pictures

  • Yes/No
    — for alternative values like true/false, yes/no, on/off, etc.

  • Hyperlink
    — adds a link ro a website

you have added data to a set of records, indexes must be created to
help the database find specific records and sort (classify) records
faster. An index performs the same function as in the back of a book
or in a library. For example, if you regularly search your database
by surname, the index should be defined on this field.


database files can be related or joined as long as they hold a piece
of data in common. A file of employee names, for example, could
include a field called ‘DEPARTMENT NUMBER’ and another file,
containing details of the department itself, could include the same
field. This common field can then be used to link the two files

information from a database is known as performing a query. For
example, if you want to know all customers that spend more than
£9,000 per month, the program will search the name field and the
money field simultaneously.


ar A opposite and find rhe terms which correspond with these

  1. software
    which allows data to be displayed and managed in a table format

  2. ir
    goes up and down and has lercer labels

  3. it
    goes across and has number labels

  4. an
    area in a spreadsheet which contains data

  5. the
    current cell where you enter information

  6. mathematical
    equations that help you calculate and analyze data

  7. ready-to-use
    formulae that help vou perform specialized calculations, e.g.


j Name | Surname



! Reeve

Pond Road



Oxburv Close


Adam I Moore

Quebec Street


Study the tables and then complete the text below with words from Б

between tables: the key fie’c has the same value in both tables


Name | Surname | Address | Subject |

  1. James
    Puffin 9 The Gieen , Maths

  2. Liz
    White 15 London Road ‘English ._ tQS1,

    ‘ Southwell! S Granary Street’ICT

(I) program allows rhe user to store, change and retrieve

database file is a collection of records. Each (2) conrains a set of

(3) holds a separate piece of information; for example, a student

a list of records, each of which consists of several fields which
give their name, address, birthday, ctc.

a (4) database, information is stored in tables that have a
connection or

with one another (sec tables above).

database lets you create an (5) a list of records ordered
according ro

content of certain fields; this helps you search and (6) records

or alphabetical order very fast. Ir also has a (7) function which

you to extract information that meets certain criteria.






inducted?! Website Iwwv/.bk

  1. Fantasy

  2. Don’t

  3. Frrfay

Ufe is a journey ‘S. True tove ‘6. Can ycu hes- me? 7. we’re
dreanwj |8- Г»
take care of you

date Label

Oct 2004 |. g

Rock with you


designed with Microsoft Access, a typical d3labase program

ar this form of a music collection. Label the data types with words

— Catalogue ID Artist

  1. Album

of music

3 number
of copies

  1. .
    Song titles



data fields would you include in these databases?

  1. the
    patients of a hospital

  2. a
    library catalogue

and design

of graphics software

Airbrush Line tool




graphics are pictures created, changed or

by computers. There are two categories.

  1. Bitmapped
    graphics represent images as bitmaps; they are stored as pixels and
    can become a bit distorted when they are manipulated. The density of
    dots, known as the resolution and expressed in dots per inch,
    determines bow sharp the image is.


  2. Vector
    graphics represent images as mathematical formulae, so they can be
    changed or scaled without losing quality. They are ideal for
    high-resolution output.

are different types of graphics software.

  • Linage
    manipulation programs let you edit your

images. For example, you can scan a picnirc into your PC or transfer
a photo from your camera and then add different effects, or filters.


  • Painting
    and drawing programs, also called illustration packages, offer
    facilities for freehand drawing, with a wide choicc of pens and
    brushes, colours and patterns. One example is ‘Windows

  • Business
    graphics programs, also called presentation software, let you create
    pie charts, bar charts and line graphs of all kinds for slide show’s
    and reports. You can import data from a database or spreadsheet to
    generate the graphs.

  • Computer-aided
    design (CAD) is used by engineers and architects ro design
    everything from cars and planes to buildings and furniture. First
    they make a wireframe, a drawing with edges and contour lines. Then
    if they want ro colour the objects and add texture, they create a
    surface for rhe object; this is called ‘filling the surface’.
    Finally, the design is rendered to make the object look realistic.
    Rendering is a process that adds realism to graphics by- using
    shading, light sources and reflections.

  • Desktop
    publishing (DTP) is based around a page layout program, which lets
    you import text from a word processor, clip-art (ready- made
    pictures) from graphics packages, arid images from scanners or
    cameras, and arrange them all on a page. It is used to design and
    publish books, newspapers, posters, advertisements, etc.

    been processed with Adobe Photoshop using effects filters

Digital art, or computer art, is done with applets that use
mathematical formulae to create beautiful bright shapes called
fractals. A fractal is a geometrical figure with special properties,
e.g. the Koch snowflake or the Mandelbrot set. Fractals can also be
used to model real objects like clouds, coastlines or landscapes.

wireframe drawing

  • Computer
    animation uses graphics programs (e.g. digital cartooning systems)
    to create or edit moving pictures.

image in a sequence of images is called a ‘frame.

S Geographic
information systems (CIS) allow cartographers to create detailed

4.1 Read A opposite and decide which type of graphics software is
best for these users.

  1. a
    person who wants to edit photos at home

  2. an
    economist who wants to present statistics in a form that can be
    easily understood

  3. engineers
    who need to design the interior and exterior of a new aeroplane

  4. a
    company which needs to design and publish a magazine

  5. an
    artist who wants ro produce illustrations and freehand drawings for
    a book

an organization that needs to make maps and 3D virtual models of rhe
surface of rhe Earth

  1. computer
    animators who make movies like Toy

  2. a
    mathematician who wants ro make fractal shapes of natural phenomena

  1. 4.2
    Complete the sentences with words from rhe box.

wireframe bitmap fractals

rendering filters clip-art

  1. Painting
    programs work by giving a colour to each pixel in an

creating a Unlike vector graphics, the image

a single layer, so once something is painted, it becomes part of the
whole picture.

  1. In
    painting programs and image editors, are special

that can be applied ro a picture, including drop shadows, textures,
distortions, etc. Example
of a

  1. The model
    is the simplest interpretation of a true three- ^racta

object. Here rhe object is represented by its edges and contours and
is therefore similar in form to a normal engineering drawing or

  1. adds
    textures to each surface, and generates realistic reflections,


  1. Most
    illustration packages come with a bundle of resources that include
    ready-made images and a selection of fonts.

  2. are
    geometrical patterns that are repeated at a small scale ro generate

shapes, some of which are similar to objects in nature.

  1. 4.3
    Look at the Windows
    toolbox opposite and find the tools that match these definitions.

  1. This
    is like a magnifying glass which changes your view of a drawing.

  2. This
    brush lets you paint in different shapes and patterns.

  3. This
    is used to draw curves in different thicknesses.

  4. This
    rubs out the part of rhe picture you drag it over.

  5. This
    tool lets you pick a colour from an area of an image, instead of
    choosing the colour from the colour palette.

  6. This
    tool is used to fill a shape with a colour of your choice.

  7. This
    makes straight lines.

  8. This
    basic tool is used to draw freehand, i.e. to draw ftee-form shapes.

  9. This
    group of tools is used for drawing shapes: rectangles, ellipses and

  10. This
    produces individual pixels of colour in a spray pattern.

  11. These
    tools let you make rectangular or freehand selections around the
    things you want to select.

  12. This
    is used to type text.



  1. Write
    about two possible applications of using computer graphics in

  2. Can
    you think of one advantage of using computer graphics in the car

  3. You
    probably have a paint program at home; describe what you do with it.


multimedia system

to rhe technologies and applications that integrate different media:
text, graphics, sound, video and animation.

power resides in interactivity, hypertext and hypermedia. Multimedia
software is usually interactive, so you can choose what you want to
watch, listen to or write.

that you can click on a word and jump to another screen with more
information; hypermedia is similar, bur works with sounds and images
(e.g. the Web).

IT stndent says:

use- multimedia for extracurricular activities. I download music,
from the- Met and burn music, onto

I top^ songs onto
1 talk with my friends on the Messenger. 1 also re-iouch digital
pictures and edit video dips.

run multimedia software you need a fast CPU. expandable PAM and a
large hard disk &ut what marts a computer out as a multimedia
is its audio and video capabilities: a sound card, a microphone, a
decent pair of speakers, a high-quality monitor and a DVD writer; and
its performance depends on all these- components working in harmony.’

file formats

identify the type of file, an extension is added to the filename when
it is saved on disk.

text iWl extensions:

(portable document format)



(rich text format)

or .html (hypertext markup language for Web files)

Video refers to recording, editing and displaying moving images.


(audio video interleave)


(mpeg — moving picture experts group)

Graphics include charts, ■bl photos, drawings, j — j buttons,

(graphics interchange format)

(jpeg — joint photographic experts group)

(tagged image file)

are made up of a series of independent pictures put together in
sequence to look like moving pictures. Common formats:

for animated gifs .swf for

can hear sound such as songs, movie soundtracks and “* speeches.
Common audio formats:

wave audio format) .ra

(compressed music files)

compressed with
have a .zip extension

popular format used to compress and distribute movies or DVDs or
over the Net is DivX, a digital video codec (COmpress, DECompress).


  • In
    public places (e.g. museums and stations), there are information
    kiosks that use multimedia.

In education, it is used 111presentations and computcr-based training courses.

  • On
    the Web, audio and video are integrated into web pages.

example, RealPlayer supports streaming, which lets you play sound
(e.g. from radio stations) and video tiles as a continuous stream
while they are downloading.

  • In
    virtual reality, users interact with a simulated world: doctors
    train using virtual surgery; pilots use flight simulators to do
    their training; people visit virtual exhibitions, etc.

    has had a profound impact on encyclopedias

  • You
    can play games 011a computer or video games on a dedicated machine, callcd a video
    console, which you connect to a TV set. You can also play games on
    rhe Net; some websites have a multiplayer facility that enables
    lots of people to play the same game at the same time.

Look at A and R opposite and find the following.

  1. the
    type of text that contains links to other texts

  2. rhe
    expression rhar means ‘ro record music onto a CD’

  3. a
    system that combines hypertext and multimedia

  4. rhe
    most common extensions for graphics files

  5. rhe
    mosr common rexr formats

  6. three
    popular video formats

  7. rhree
    common file formats for storing audio data

Solve the clues and complete the puzzle with words [i I

the opposite page. —’—2

  1. A
    of still images shownin

  2. files
    arc processed by sound software. ‘—j

  3. In
    medicine, doctors use virtual systems ro

particular situations.

  1. The
    suffix placed after a dot at the end of a

International Corpus 5

English in Use 5

right-hand page 6

and computers’ activities 6

Cartoons 6

should I use this book? 6

forget! 6

vocabulary: tips and techniques 8

meaning from context 8

vocabulary 8

a dictionary 8

with computers 12

friend … 12

foe? 12

on the computer 12

of a computer 12

of a PC: input, processing, output, storage 12

mainframes to wearable computers 16

keyboard 16

mouse 16

input 16

devices: the eyes of your PC 20

Scanners 20

cameras 20

devices: printers 20

details 20

of printers 20

devices: display screens 22

and LCDs 22

screens: plasma and projection TVs 22

Processing 25

Disks and drives 28

storage 28

Health and safety 31

ergonomics 31

rubbish 31

risks of using mobiles and in-car computers 31

systems and the GUI 34

of software; the operating system (OS) 34

Graphical User Interface 34

utilities 35

processing features 32

processing 32

and databases 34

basics 34

of a database 34

and design 36

of graphics software 36

Multimedia 38

multimedia system 38

file formats 38

Applications 38

and music 40

files on the Web 40

audio players 40

audio applications 40

Programming 42

languages 42

in writing a program 42

and work 44

in computing 44

and jobs: new ways, new profiles 44

systems 48

(Local Area Networks) 50

topology 50

an email is 54

of an email 54

Spam 54

lists and newsgroups 54

World Wide Web 56

you can do on the Web AmE: favorites 56

design 58

elements 58

animations and sound 58

and video conferencing 60

Internet security 62

E-commerce 64

‘r-n 63

J 63

banking 64

Mobile phones 68

androids, Al 68

Intelligent homes 72

trends 72

Suffixes 78

Compounds 80

Collocations 82

Defining and classifying 84

Qualifying and comparing 87

Describing technical processes 90

Troubleshooting 90

key 92

  1. People
    use special programs to and I—L

files so that they occupy less disk IИ


  1. A
    video format developed by the Moving Picture Experts Group.

  2. A
    system of filming, processing and showing moving pictures.

  3. .gif
    stands for interchange format.

  4. The
    technique which allows you to play music and watch video before rhe
    entire file has downloaded.

The combination of moving and still images, sound, music and words.

Complete the article with the words from the box.

graphics interactive
video games consoles multiplayer

Posted: May 8, 2010 in Demystify Linux

Okay Linux is such  a great OS, so then why is windows so popular?  Apart from good marketing tactics the No 1 reason for windows succes is that it is so incredibly easy to use.

For users who are new to computers, stability isn’t an issue,neither is the fact that the OS is proprietary or Free software, nor is security an issue. The only thing they have in mind is to learn to use the computer in the most easiest way and in the shortest possible time.  Using the computer in Windows is so easy. No need to even use the Keyboard. Everything is just a couple of mouse clicks away. They even have named the class of their OS after the main feature of a GUI – Windows!. In  one word Windows is user friendly.

Windows was built with the customer… I mean the user in mind. Linux was built with the system in mind as most people using Unix was usually an engineer at MIT or a computer science student. Thats why Linux is so successful in the server market where stability and security are relevant whereas the same criteria makes it unsuccessful in the desktop world.

However the scenario is changing fast. Linux has become a lot more user friendly than in the past while still maintaining its strengths.

Windows Comes Of Age

Most of us know the 33 year history of Microsoft Windows by now and with one or two forced errors down the years, in my opinion the launch of Windows 10 in 2015 became a defining moment for the world’s favourite computer operating system.

“A computer on every desk and in every home.”
– Bill Gates, Microsoft chairman and chief executive officer, 1980

And it’s no coincidence that Windows 10 followed hot on the heels of Satya Nadella’s appointment as Microsoft CEO in 2014, himself being an experienced technician, in stark contrast to Steve Ballmer’s brash salesman approach.The ever so unpopular Metro tiled interface was given a welcome makeover among many other improvements, and as DCT writer Jim Hillier pointed out in his July 2015 article, 3 Burning Questions Microsoft Needs to Clarify about Windows 10, Windows 10 became a service. Since that time Windows 7 has remained stoically popular, as has Windows 8 for reasons that I still cannot fathom.

I like stats, but quite how they are measured is a mystery to me, particularly when Statcounter’s figures couldn’t be more different than those published by TechRepublic in this article:

  • Windows 10 market share hit 33.21% in March 2018, down from 34.6% in February 2018, a drop of 1.39%. — NetMarketShare, 2018
  • In March 2018, Windows 7 gained 1.74% market share from the month before, rising from 41.69% to 43.43%. — NetMarketShare, 2018

But if you cast those stats aside and take them with a pinch of salt, it’s clear to see that Windows 10 is very much here to stay and in terms of usability, knocks mac OS and Linux completely out of the park.

1 – Installation

If you were lucky enough to take advantage of Microsoft’s special offer to upgrade free of charge to Windows 10 for a whole year until July 2016 and also through the Assistive Technologies loophole until December 2017, then you probably found your installation or upgrade to be a relatively simple process, just as I have done. With its ‘lite’ system requirements of a 1Ghz CPU and 1GB RAM (2GB for x64), the scope for upgrading was enormous and indeed I’ve installed Windows 10 on some fairly lowly machines including single core Athlons with 1GB of RAM. Most PCs today have USB ports with the ability to boot from a pen-drive and by using the Media Creation Tool from Microsoft, the entire process couldn’t be simpler. In fact, it can be used to either upgrade the current machine or to prepare the pen-drive for a clean install elsewhere. Combine this with a fast CPU, plenty of RAM and an SSD (Solid State Drive) and you’re looking at a Windows 10 installation that shouldn’t take longer than about 20 minutes from boot to shiny new desktop.

2 – Driver Support

There are always driver exceptions of course, mainly with laptops, but in my experience of installing Windows 10, 99% of the time all the necessary drivers are installed during installation, including such devices as WiFi and network adapters, up to and including GPUs. The pain of needing to hunt around for those elusive drivers has not been completely eradicated, but Windows 10 gets you up and running faster than any OS I’ve come across to date.

3 – From Power Button To Desktop In Seconds

Again, depending on your PC configuration, the time it takes to get from pressing that power button to a working desktop is drastically reduced with Windows 10 and in most cases can be measured in seconds. In fact, on my aging Phenom II x4 965 work machine, which I use for technical day to day use, I can be at a working desktop in less than 45 seconds from pressing the power switch. This is helped greatly by having an SSD, a quad-core CPU, 16GB of RAM and a clutter free start-up configuration.

4 – Software Customisation

It’s utterly pointless to compare Windows to MacOS/OS X or Linux in any way whatsoever, but for me, the outstanding aspect of Windows 10 that literally trounces the opposition is its multifarious flexibility. It can be personalised in so many ways without the need for third-party add-ons  and with the debacle of Windows 8 now safely behind us– the restoration of the Start Menu to some semblance of its old self, for example– customising Windows 10 can be achieved in so many different ways. Put the Task Bar on any of the four edges of your screen, go dark with your theme, customise the Start Menu (ex Start Screen) with as many or as few tiles as you wish, change the language, colours, theme and many more user options of Windows.

5 – Third-Party Software Customisation

Clearly this is an area where the Windows ecosystem leads the way in a very similar fashion to the Android OS, with both being open to practically infinite customisation through both paid and free Apps. If there’s an aspect of Windows 10 that cannot be tweaked by a registry hack or Windows Settings, you can be sure that some clever soul has written some code for you to download. Prime examples of this are Classic Shell and Start 10, which restore the Start Menu to resemble Windows 7 or earlier. In fact, I shelled out a few dollars for Start 10 because I’m an inveterate tweaker and my Start configuration looks a little tidier than simply removing all the tiles from Start. There are a myriad of customisations you can install including all-in-one tweakers such as Ultimate Windows Tweaker, theme changers such as Stardock’s Windows Blinds, Object Dock, Fences and Nexus Dock among thousands of others which I covered in an article last year which you can read here: How I Customised My Desktop With Docks And Gadgets

6 – Hardware Customisation

Unless you’re changing your motherboard and CPU, Windows 10 is very accommodating. Adding an SSD, changing your GPU and peripherals such as keyboard and mouse can be done with ease due to the OS’s innate flexibility. In fact, on both of my gaming machines I’ve swapped out GPUs, SSDs, keyboards and mice numerous times since I first installed Windows 10 with no problems whatsoever.

7 – Reinstall Windows 10 Multiple Times On The Same PC

In our house there are a total of seven PCs running Windows 10, with five running the OS from an SSD, and since the Windows license is now tied to your hardware configuration– principally the motherboard and CPU– you’re free to reinstall the system on that same PC as many times as you wish without the need to enter product keys or manually activate Windows. Activation is automatic, happens once you connect to the Net and takes place quietly and unobtrusively in the background. For technicians like me who reinstall Windows frequently on customers’ PCs, this is a major benefit since most people don’t keep a record of product keys and simply want their machine to work the way it should.

8 – A Gamer’s Paradise

Without doubt, Windows is the premier platform of choice for gamers and has been since the years of DOS. Whilst other OSs struggle to bring the gaming experience to users with programs such as WINE on Linux or Wineskin and Boot Camp on Mac, I found the entire experience to be more trouble than it’s worth– although I’m happy to give it another stab. On the other hand, Windows 10 will let you play practically every game that’s ever been written, either through Compatibility Mode or by using the remarkable DOSBox, an x86 emulator which will have you running your favourite games from previous decades in no time at all. I’ve been gaming on PCs since Windows 3.1 and from time to time can still play those older games in Windows 10 through DOSBox or setting Windows in compatibility mode, which is a mark of the OSs true capability as a gaming platform. Today’s games, of course, are very hardware demanding and whilst GPU drivers are arguably the most important component in any gaming experience, you’ll find them updated by AMD and Nvidia frequently for Windows 10 and Linux, but for Mac it’s an entirely different proposition. In short, games on Windows 10 simply work out of the box and are brought to life in wondrous ways. Add to that Windows 10’s Gaming Mode and Game DVR and it’s easy to see that Microsoft has finally begun to take gaming very seriously.

9 – Preview BETA Versions Of Windows 10

On my technical gaming PC I’m subscribed to Windows Insider which allows me to test pre-production features of the OS before official updates are more widely released to the public. In fact, I’m currently running Windows 10 version 1803, build 17666 and taking advantage of some cool new features such as Explorer Dark Mode.

10 – They Didn’t Call It Windows 9

I may need to see a shrink for nominating this, the tenth reason why Windows 10 is the best operating system of all time. After all, why should the number nine be discriminated against? I’ll tell you why– because it comes hot on the heels of eight, which as we all know was designated to that mish-mash, ill-thought-out abortion, previously known as Windows 8. It’s hardly surprising, therefore, that Microsoft wished to distance itself from that particular fiasco and why they skipped a number by settling on Windows 10, thus redeeming themselves and in the process moving the OS to the sunlit uplands of a nice, tidy round number that’s now recognised as the best, most complete desktop operating system of all time.

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