Wscript exe microsoft windows based script host что это

wscript.exe - это программа, разработанная корпорацией Microsoft.


  • 1. Что такое wscript.exe?
  • 2. Это wscript.exe безопасно или это вирус или вредоносная программа?
  • 3. Могу ли я удалить или удалить wscript.exe?
  • 4. Распространенные сообщения об ошибках в wscript.exe
  • 5. Как исправить wscript.exe
  • 6. Январь 2023 Обновление
  • 7. Загрузите или переустановите wscript.exe

Обновлено 2023 января: Вот три шага к использованию инструмента восстановления для устранения проблем с exe на вашем компьютере: Получите его по адресу эту ссылку

  1. Скачайте и установите это программное обеспечение.
  2. Просканируйте свой компьютер на наличие проблем с exe.
  3. Исправьте ошибки exe с помощью программного инструмента

wscript.exe это исполняемый файл, который является частью Microsoft® Windows Script Host разработанный Корпорация Microsoft, Версия программного обеспечения для Windows: 5.8.7600.16385 обычно 155648 в байтах, но у вас может отличаться версия.

Расширение .exe имени файла отображает исполняемый файл. В некоторых случаях исполняемые файлы могут повредить ваш компьютер. Пожалуйста, прочитайте следующее, чтобы решить для себя, является ли wscript.exe Файл на вашем компьютере — это вирус или вредоносная программа, которую вы должны удалить, или, если это действительно допустимый файл операционной системы Windows или надежное приложение.

Рекомендуется: Выявление ошибок, связанных с wscript.exe
(опциональное предложение для Reimage — Cайт | Лицензионное соглашение | Персональные данные | Удалить)

Является ли wscript.exe вирусом или вредоносным ПО?

Это wscript.exe безопасно или это вирус или вредоносная программа?

Первое, что поможет вам определить, является ли тот или иной файл законным процессом Windows или вирусом, это местоположение самого исполняемого файла. Например, для wscript.exe его путь будет примерно таким: C: Program Files Microsoft Corporation Microsoft® Windows Script Host wscript.exe

Чтобы определить его путь, откройте диспетчер задач, перейдите в «Просмотр» -> «Выбрать столбцы» и выберите «Имя пути к изображению», чтобы добавить столбец местоположения в диспетчер задач. Если вы обнаружите здесь подозрительный каталог, возможно, стоит дополнительно изучить этот процесс.

Еще один инструмент, который иногда может помочь вам обнаружить плохие процессы, — это Microsoft Process Explorer. Запустите программу (не требует установки) и активируйте «Проверить легенды» в разделе «Параметры». Теперь перейдите в View -> Select Columns и добавьте «Verified Signer» в качестве одного из столбцов.

Если статус процесса «Проверенная подписывающая сторона» указан как «Невозможно проверить», вам следует взглянуть на процесс. Не все хорошие процессы Windows имеют метку проверенной подписи, но ни один из плохих.

Наиболее важные факты о wscript.exe:

  • Имя: wscript.exe
  • Программного обеспечения: Microsoft® Windows Script Host
  • Издатель: Корпорация Microsoft
  • Ожидаемое местоположение: C: Program Files Microsoft Corporation Microsoft® Windows Script Host подпапке
  • Ожидаемый полный путь: C: Program Files Microsoft Corporation Microsoft® Windows Script Host wscript.exe
  • SHA1: 004B85573843647733FD750B8ED95F132A2B8C3B
  • SHA256:
  • MD5: 518466BED4F50B1BAD32475E756CA748
  • Известно, что до 155648 размер байт в большинстве Windows;

Если у вас возникли какие-либо трудности с этим исполняемым файлом, вы должны определить, заслуживает ли он доверия, перед удалением wscript.exe. Для этого найдите этот процесс в диспетчере задач.

Найти его местоположение и сравнить размер и т. Д. С приведенными выше фактами

Если вы подозреваете, что можете быть заражены вирусом, вы должны немедленно попытаться это исправить. Чтобы удалить вирус wscript.exe, необходимо скачайте и установите приложение полной безопасности, как это, Обратите внимание, что не все инструменты могут обнаружить все типы вредоносных программ, поэтому вам может потребоваться попробовать несколько вариантов, прежде чем вы добьетесь успеха.

Кроме того, функциональность вируса может сама влиять на удаление wscript.exe. В этом случае вы должны включить Безопасный режим с загрузкой сетевых драйверов — безопасная среда, которая отключает большинство процессов и загружает только самые необходимые службы и драйверы. Когда вы можете запустить программу безопасности и полный анализ системы.

Могу ли я удалить или удалить wscript.exe?

Не следует удалять безопасный исполняемый файл без уважительной причины, так как это может повлиять на производительность любых связанных программ, использующих этот файл. Не забывайте регулярно обновлять программное обеспечение и программы, чтобы избежать будущих проблем, вызванных поврежденными файлами. Что касается проблем с функциональностью программного обеспечения, проверяйте обновления драйверов и программного обеспечения чаще, чтобы избежать или вообще не возникало таких проблем.

Лучшая диагностика для этих подозрительных файлов — полный системный анализ с ASR Pro or это антивирус и средство для удаления вредоносных программ, Если файл классифицирован как вредоносный, эти приложения также удалят wscript.exe и избавятся от связанных вредоносных программ.

Однако, если это не вирус, и вам необходимо удалить wscript.exe, вы можете удалить Microsoft® Windows Script Host с вашего компьютера, используя его деинсталлятор. Если вы не можете найти его деинсталлятор, вам может потребоваться удалить Microsoft® Windows Script Host, чтобы полностью удалить wscript.exe. Вы можете использовать функцию «Установка и удаление программ» на панели управления Windows.

  • 1. в Меню Пуск (для Windows 8 щелкните правой кнопкой мыши в нижнем левом углу экрана), нажмите Панель управления, а затем под Программы:
    o Windows Vista / 7 / 8.1 / 10: нажмите Удаление программы.
    o Windows XP: нажмите Установка и удаление программ.
  • 2. Когда вы найдете программу Microsoft® Windows Script Hostщелкните по нему, а затем:
    o Windows Vista / 7 / 8.1 / 10: нажмите Удалить.
    o Windows XP: нажмите Удалить or Изменить / Удалить вкладка (справа от программы).
  • 3. Следуйте инструкциям по удалению Microsoft® Windows Script Host.

Распространенные сообщения об ошибках в wscript.exe

Наиболее распространенные ошибки wscript.exe, которые могут возникнуть:

• «Ошибка приложения wscript.exe.»
• «Ошибка wscript.exe».
• «Возникла ошибка в приложении wscript.exe. Приложение будет закрыто. Приносим извинения за неудобства».
• «wscript.exe не является допустимым приложением Win32».
• «wscript.exe не запущен».
• «wscript.exe не найден».
• «Не удается найти wscript.exe».
• «Ошибка запуска программы: wscript.exe».
• «Неверный путь к приложению: wscript.exe.»

Эти сообщения об ошибках .exe могут появляться во время установки программы, во время выполнения связанной с ней программы, Microsoft® Windows Script Host, при запуске или завершении работы Windows, или даже во время установки операционной системы Windows. Отслеживание момента появления ошибки wscript.exe является важной информацией при устранении неполадок.

Как исправить wscript.exe

Аккуратный и опрятный компьютер — это один из лучших способов избежать проблем с wscript.exe. Это означает выполнение сканирования на наличие вредоносных программ, очистку жесткого диска cleanmgr и ПФС / SCANNOWудаление ненужных программ, мониторинг любых автозапускаемых программ (с помощью msconfig) и включение автоматических обновлений Windows. Не забывайте всегда делать регулярные резервные копии или хотя бы определять точки восстановления.

Если у вас возникла более серьезная проблема, постарайтесь запомнить последнее, что вы сделали, или последнее, что вы установили перед проблемой. Использовать resmon Команда для определения процессов, вызывающих вашу проблему. Даже в случае серьезных проблем вместо переустановки Windows вы должны попытаться восстановить вашу установку или, в случае Windows 8, выполнив команду DISM.exe / Online / Очистка-изображение / Восстановить здоровье, Это позволяет восстановить операционную систему без потери данных.

Чтобы помочь вам проанализировать процесс wscript.exe на вашем компьютере, вам могут пригодиться следующие программы: Менеджер задач безопасности отображает все запущенные задачи Windows, включая встроенные скрытые процессы, такие как мониторинг клавиатуры и браузера или записи автозапуска. Единый рейтинг риска безопасности указывает на вероятность того, что это шпионское ПО, вредоносное ПО или потенциальный троянский конь. Это антивирус обнаруживает и удаляет со своего жесткого диска шпионское и рекламное ПО, трояны, кейлоггеры, вредоносное ПО и трекеры.

Обновлено в январе 2023 г .:

Мы рекомендуем вам попробовать этот новый инструмент. Он исправляет множество компьютерных ошибок, а также защищает от таких вещей, как потеря файлов, вредоносное ПО, сбои оборудования и оптимизирует ваш компьютер для максимальной производительности. Это исправило наш компьютер быстрее, чем делать это вручную:

  • Шаг 1: Скачать PC Repair & Optimizer Tool (Windows 10, 8, 7, XP, Vista — Microsoft Gold Certified).
  • Шаг 2: Нажмите «Начать сканирование”, Чтобы найти проблемы реестра Windows, которые могут вызывать проблемы с ПК.
  • Шаг 3: Нажмите «Починить все», Чтобы исправить все проблемы.

(опциональное предложение для Reimage — Cайт | Лицензионное соглашение | Персональные данные | Удалить)

Загрузите или переустановите wscript.exe

Вход в музей Мадам Тюссо не рекомендуется загружать заменяемые exe-файлы с любых сайтов загрузки, так как они могут содержать вирусы и т. д. Если вам нужно скачать или переустановить wscript.exe, мы рекомендуем переустановить основное приложение, связанное с ним Microsoft® Windows Script Host.

Информация об операционной системе

Ошибки wscript.exe могут появляться в любых из нижеперечисленных операционных систем Microsoft Windows:

  • Windows 10
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP
  • Windows ME
  • Windows 200
Windows Script Host (WSH)

Windows Script Host Icon.png
Other names Windows Scripting Host
Developer(s) Microsoft
Stable release


Operating system Microsoft Windows
Type Automation technology
License Proprietary commercial software
Website Windows Script Host overview

The Microsoft Windows Script Host (WSH) (formerly named Windows Scripting Host) is an automation technology for Microsoft Windows operating systems that provides scripting abilities comparable to batch files, but with a wider range of supported features. This tool was first provided on Windows 95 after Build 950a on the installation discs as an optional installation configurable and installable by means of the Control Panel, and then a standard component of Windows 98 (Build 1111) and subsequent and Windows NT 4.0 Build 1381 and by means of Service Pack 4. The WSH is also a means of automation for Internet Explorer via the installed WSH engines from IE Version 3.0 onwards; at this time VBScript became means of automation for Microsoft Outlook 97.[1] The WSH is also an optional install provided with a VBScript and JScript engine for Windows CE 3.0 and following and some third-party engines including Rexx and other forms of Basic are also available.[2][3][4]

It is language-independent in that it can make use of different Active Scripting language engines. By default, it interprets and runs plain-text JScript (.JS and .JSE files) and VBScript (.VBS and .VBE files).

Users can install different scripting engines to enable them to script in other languages, for instance PerlScript. The language independent filename extension WSF can also be used. The advantage of the Windows Script File (.WSF) is that it allows multiple scripts («jobs») as well as a combination of scripting languages within a single file.

WSH engines include various implementations for the Rexx, BASIC, Perl, Ruby, Tcl, PHP, JavaScript, Delphi, Python, XSLT, and other languages.

Windows Script Host is distributed and installed by default on Windows 98 and later versions of Windows. It is also installed if Internet Explorer 5 (or a later version) is installed. Beginning with Windows 2000, the Windows Script Host became available for use with user login scripts.


Windows Script Host may be used for a variety of purposes, including logon scripts, administration and general automation. Microsoft describes it as an administration tool.[5] WSH provides an environment for scripts to run – it invokes the appropriate script engine and provides a set of services and objects for the script to work with.[5] These scripts may be run in GUI mode (WScript.exe) or command line mode (CScript.exe), or from a COM object (wshom.ocx), offering flexibility to the user for interactive or non-interactive scripts.[6] Windows Management Instrumentation is also scriptable by this means.

The WSH, the engines, and related functionality are also listed as objects which can be accessed and scripted and queried by means of the VBA and Visual Studio object explorers and those for similar tools like the various script debuggers, e.g. Microsoft Script Debugger, and editors.

WSH implements an object model which exposes a set of Component Object Model (COM) interfaces.[7] So in addition to ASP, IIS, Internet Explorer, CScript and WScript, the WSH can be used to automate and communicate with any Windows application with COM and other exposed objects, such as using PerlScript to query Microsoft Access by various means including various ODBC engines and SQL, ooRexxScript to create what are in effect Rexx macros in Microsoft Excel, Quattro Pro, Microsoft Word, Lotus Notes and any of the like, the XLNT script to get environment variables and print them in a new TextPad document, and so on.

The VBA functionality of Microsoft Office, Open Office (as well as Python and other installable macro languages) and Corel WordPerfect Office is separate from WSH engines although Outlook 97 uses VBScript rather than VBA as its macro language.[8]

Python in the form of ActiveState PythonScript can be used to automate and query the data in SecureCRT, as with other languages with installed engines, e.g. PerlScript, ooRexxScript, PHPScript, RubyScript, LuaScript, XLNT and so on. One notable exception is Paint Shop Pro, which can be automated in Python by means of a macro interpreter within the PSP programme itself rather than using the PythonScript WSH engine or an external Python implementation such as Python interpreters supplied with Unix emulation and integration software suites or other standalone Python implementations et al.[9][10] as an intermediate and indeed can be programmed like this even in the absence of any third-party Python installation; the same goes for the Rexx-programmable terminal emulator Passport.[11] The SecureCRT terminal emulator, SecureFX FTP client, and related client and server programmes from Van Dyke are as of the current versions automated by means of the WSH so any language with an installed engine may be used; the software comes with VBScript, JScript, and PerlScript examples.

As of the most recent releases and going back a number of versions now, the programmability of 4NT / Take Command in the latest implementations (by means of «@REXX» and similar for Perl, Python, Tcl, Ruby, Lua, VBScript, JScript and the like and so on) generally uses the WSH engine.[12] The ZOC terminal emulator gets its ability to be programmed in Rexx by means of an external interpreter, one of which is supplied with the programme, and alternate Rexx interpreters can be specified in the configuration of the programme.[13][14] The MKS Toolkit provides PScript, a WSH engine in addition to the standard Perl interpreter perl.exe which comes with the package.

VBScript, JScript, and some third-party engines have the ability to create and execute scripts in an encoded format which prevents editing with a text editor; the file extensions for these encoded scripts is .vbe and .jse and others of that type.

Unless otherwise specified, any WSH scripting engine can be used with the various Windows server software packages to provide CGI scripting. The current versions of the default WSH engines and all or most of the third party engines have socket abilities as well; as a CGI script or otherwise, PerlScript is the choice of many programmers for this purpose and the VBScript and various Rexx-based engines are also rated as sufficiently powerful in connectivity and text-processing abilities to also be useful. This also goes for file access and processing—the earliest WSH engines for VBScript and JScript do not since the base language did not,[15] whilst PerlScript, ooRexxScript, and the others have this from the beginning.

WinWrap Basic, SaxBasic and others are similar to Visual Basic for Applications, These tools are used to add scripting and macro abilities to software being developed and can be found in earlier versions of Host Explorer for example. Many other languages can also be used in this fashion. Other languages used for scripting of programmes include Rexx, Tcl, Perl, Python, Ruby, and others which come with methods to control objects in the operating system and the spreadsheet and database programmes.[16] One exception is that the Zoc terminal emulator is controlled by a Rexx interpreter supplied with the package or another interpreter specified by the user; this is also the case with the Passport emulator.

VBScript is the macro language in Microsoft Outlook 97, whilst WordBasic is used for Word up to 6, Powerpoint and other tools. Excel to 5.0 uses Visual Basic 5.0. In Office 2000 forward, true Visual Basic for Applications 6.0 is used for all components. Other components use Visual Basic for Applications. OpenOffice uses Visual Basic, Python, and several others as macro languages and others can be added. LotusScript is very closely related to VBA and used for Lotus Notes and Lotus SmartSuite, which includes Lotus Word Pro (the current descendant of Ami Pro), Lotus Approach, Lotus FastSite, Lotus 1-2-3, &c, and pure VBA, licensed from Microsoft, is used in Corel products such as WordPerfect, Paradox, Quattro Pro &c.

Any scripting language installed under Windows can be accessed by external means of PerlScript, PythonScript, VBScript and the other engines available can be used to access databases (Lotus Notes, Microsoft Access, Oracle Database, Paradox) and spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, Quattro Pro) and other tools like word processors, terminal emulators, command shells and so on. This can be accomplished by means of the WSH, so any language can be used if there is an installed engine.

In recent versions of the Take Command enhanced command prompt and tools, the «script» command typed at the shell prompt will produce a list of the currently installed engines, one to a line and therefore CR-LF delimited.[17][18][19]


The first example is very simple; it shows some VBScript which uses the root WSH COM object «WScript» to display a message with an ‘OK’ button. Upon launching this script the CScript or WScript engine would be called and the runtime environment provided.

Content of a file hello0.vbs

WScript.Echo "Hello world"

WSH programming can also use the JScript language.

Content of a file hello1.js

WSH.Echo("Hello world");

Or, code can be mixed in one WSF file, such as VBScript and JScript, or any other:

Content of a file hello2.wsf

<script language="VBScript">
  MsgBox "hello world (from vb)"
<script language="JScript">
  WSH.echo("hello world (from js)");

Security concerns[edit]

Windows applications and processes may be automated using a script in Windows Script Host. Viruses and malware could be written to exploit this ability. Thus, some suggest disabling it for security reasons.[20] Alternatively, antivirus programs may offer features to control .vbs and other scripts which run in the WSH environment.

Since version 5.6 of WSH, scripts can be digitally signed programmatically using the Scripting.Signer object in a script itself, provided a valid certificate is present on the system. Alternatively, the signcode tool from the Platform SDK, which has been extended to support WSH filetypes, may be used at the command line.[21]

By using Software Restriction Policies introduced with Windows XP, a system may be configured to execute only those scripts which are stored in trusted locations, have a known MD5 hash, or have been digitally signed by a trusted publisher, thus preventing the execution of untrusted scripts.[22]

Available scripting engines[edit]

Note: By definition, all of these scripting engines can be utilised in CGI programming under Windows with any number of programmes and set up, meaning that the source code files for a script used on a server for CGI purposes could bear other file extensions such as .cgi and so on. The aforementioned ability of the Windows Script Host to run a script with multiple languages in it in files with a .wsh extension. Extended Html and XML also add to the additional possibilities when working with scripts for network use, as do Active Server Pages and so forth. Moreover, Windows shell scripts and scripts written in shells with enhanced capabilities like TCC, 4NT, etc. and Unix shells under interoperability software like the MKS Toolkit can have scripts embedded in them as well.

Engine name Scripting language implemented Base language File extensions Availability Produced by Status Initial release date Encoded scripts Notes
VBScript Microsoft VBScript Microsoft Visual Basic .vbs Installed by default Microsoft default install 1999 Yes, .vbe Default windows host script
JScript Microsoft JScript ECMAScript .js Installed by default Microsoft default install 1999 Yes, .jse Default java script host
WinWrap Basic WinWrap Basic Basic .wwb In the main WWB installation Polar Engineering Standard functionality of WWB; Utilises both .NET and COM 2004 Yes
PerlScript Perl Perl 5 .pls with ActiveState Perl ActiveState Open source 1999 Reportedly yes
PScript Perl Perl 5, CGI functionality .p, .ps with MKS Toolkit MKS Commercial 2001
XBScript xBase Scripting Engine xBase (Clipper) .xbs, .prg Clipper with XBScript sofrware Commercial
LotusScript WSH LotusScript Microsoft Visual Basic (q.v.) .nsf Third party download Service Desk Plus Freeware 2001
RexxScript Rexx Rexx .rxs, .rx, .rex With some Rexx implementations Various Freeware 1998
ooRexxScript Open Object REXX REXX .rxs with Open Object Rexx or free from some third parties Open Object Rexx team Open source
PythonScript Python Python .pys SourceForge & with ActivePython The Pywin32 project Open source
TclScript Tcl/Tk Tcl/Tk .tcls SourceForge ActiveState or third party Open source
ActivePHPScript PHP PHP .phps with PHP PHP team Open source
PHPScript PHP PHP .phps with PHP PHP team Open source Earlier version of ActivePHPScript
RubyScript Ruby Ruby .rbs with Ruby distribution Ruby team Open source Yes
XLNTScript XLNT DCL .xcs with XLNT Advanced Systems Concepts, Inc. Commercial 1997 An OpenVMS DCL-based multi-purpose scripting application for Windows
LuaScript Lua Lua .lua with Lua Lua organisation Open Source
Object REXX engine Object REXX Rexx .rex, .rxs with IBM Object REXX IBM Commercial 2002
XML Engine XML parsing Extended HTML, XML .xml with many XML implementations Elf Data de facto Default install 2000 Macintosh too
Kixtart WSH Engine Kixtart KixTart, MS-DOS, Windows 95. Windows NT shells .kix with KixStart Microsoft Netherlands Windows Resource Kits and other resources 1996 Download from Microsoft or elsewhere, aka KixStart32
NullScript NullScript Null language .ns with NullScript NullScript Organisation Windows Resource Kits and other resources 1999
ForthScript Forth Forth .fth, others Forth DMOZ Open Source
Haskell Script Haskell Haskell *.hsk (provisional), others free download Open Source
XSLT WSH Engine XSLT XSLT .xslt free download Open Source
CobolScript WSH Engine Cobol Cobol .cbl. .cob, .cb Fujitsu Cobol 3 — free for educational use Commercialware from Fujitsu free with free compiler for educators &c Proprietary
Delphi scripting engine Delphi Delphi, a Pascal variant .dlp, .del, . In some Delphi distributions or resource kits Commercial 2003
DMDScript DMDScript D, a major incrementation of C .dmd DMD Distributions, download Freeware Available on Web 2014 DMD
C# Script C# Microsoft C#.NET .cs. .c#, others Source code available Open Source, active development underway unclear 2013
Small C Scripting Engine C C (K&R, Ansi) .c, others Various locations, check Web Freeware 2009
JavaScript WSH Engine JavaScript/Java Java & variants .java, .j, jva, others With many JavaScript implementations Sun/Other Java Organisations Freeware
Take Command WSH Engine 4NT/Take Command TCC, the current version of 4NT p .btm, .cmd, bat, others Check JP Software JP Software Proprietary 2015 Early development
92Script WSH Engine TI-89/92+/Voyager 200 TI-Basic Calculator TI-Basic .92bs Project Web/FTP site Various independent programmers Experimental, Open Source 2014 «possible» Beta Q4 2015 for main engine; graphing functionality (92Script/Tk) then or later
48Script WSH Engine HP-48 Calculator family on-board programming language HP 48 Programming Language, distant relative of Forth, Basic, Lisp .48s Project Web/FTP site Various independent programmers Experimental 2015 Planned Status as of 2015-09-30. Language has Lisp, Basic, Forth, and other influences.
Fortran Script Fortran Fortran 77 .for, .ftn. f77, f90, f95 Various Various Experimental proof-of-concept, academic exercise, shareware, commercial, open source. 2000
PascalScript Object Pascal Pascal 7 .pas, .ops, other Object Pascal RemObjects Freeware 2001 Can also be used with Delphi directly
Lisp WSH Engine Lisp Lisp .lisp, .lsp Various Lisp tools AutoLisp and others Freeware or Shareware
BESEN ECMA-JavaScript Java and Variants .bes, .bsn, others SourceForge BESEN Organisation Open Source 2011
ECMAScript WSH engines Java and Variants Various Various Various Various Experimental, Freeware, Open Source, Shareware, Proprietary, Commercialware 2005 There are numerous ECMAScript implementations but not all have WSH engines
CFXScript WSH Engine Casio CFX-9850 and fx Calculator series on-board programming language Casio Calculator Programming Language, as ported to various operating systems as CFW .cfxb Project Web/FTP Sites independent programmers Experimental 2015 Planned[23] Status as of 2015-09-30. Language has elements of Basic, Forth, Fortran, and others.
SharpCalcScript WSH Engine Sharp graphing calculators on-board programming language Sharp S-Basic as ported to windows as NeusSFortran .scsb Project Web/FTP Sites independent programmers Experimental 2015 Planned Status as of 2015-09-30. Also subsumes the S-Basic language of Sharp’s Pocket Computers.

There have been suggestions of creating engines for other languages, such as LotusScript, SaxBasic, BasicScript, KiXtart, awk, bash, csh and other Unix shells, 4NT, cmd.exe (the Windows NT shell), Windows PowerShell, DCL, C, C++, Fortran and others.[24]
The XLNT language[25] is based on DCL and provides a very large subset of the language along with additional commands and statements and the software can be used in three ways: the WSH engine (*.xcs), the console interpreter (*.xlnt) and as a server and client side CGI engine (*.xgi).[26]

When a server implementing CGI such as the Windows Internet Information Server, ports of Apache and others, all or most of the engines can be used; the most commonly used are VBScript, JScript, PythonScript, PerlScript, ActivePHPScript, and ooRexxScript. The MKS Toolkit PScript program also runs Perl. Command shells like cmd.exe, 4NT, ksh, and scripting languages with string processing and preferably socket functionality are also able to be used for CGI scripting; compiled languages like C++, Visual Basic, and Java can also be used like this. All Perl interpreters, ooRexx, PHP, and more recent versions of VBScript and JScript can use sockets for TCP/IP and usually UDP and other protocols for this.

Version history[edit]

Windows version Shipped with WSH version Last redistributable version
Windows 95 None (separate redistributable) 5.6
Windows NT 4.0 None (separate redistributable) 5.6
Windows NT Server 4.0 None (separate redistributable) 5.6
Windows CE 3.0 1.0 (optional install on installer disc) 2.0
Windows 98 1.0 5.6
Windows 98 Second Edition 1.0 5.6
Windows 2000 2.0 (also termed WSH 5.1) 5.7
Windows 2000 Server 2.0 (also termed WSH 5.1) 5.7
Windows 2000 SP3, SP4 and SP5 5.6 5.7
Windows Me 2.0 (also termed WSH 5.1) 5.6
Windows XP 5.6 5.7
Windows XP SP3 5.7 Not applicable
Windows Server 2003 5.6 5.7
Windows Vista 5.7 Not applicable
Windows Server 2008 5.7 Not applicable
Windows 7 5.8 Not applicable
Windows Server 2008 R2 5.8 Not applicable
Windows 8 5.8 Not applicable
Windows Server 2012 5.8 Not applicable
Windows 10 5.812 Not applicable
Windows Server 2016 5.812 Not applicable

The redistributable version of WSH version 5.6 can be installed on Windows 95/98/Me and Windows NT 4.0/2000. WSH 5.7 is downloadable for Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. Recently[when?], redistributable versions for older operating systems (Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0) are no longer available from the Microsoft Download Center.

Since Windows XP Service Pack 3, release 5.7 is not needed as it is included, with newer revisions being included in newer versions of Windows since.

See also[edit]

  • JScript .NET


  1. ^ ?MSDN, «Windows Scripting Host» and «VBScript»
  2. ^ MSDN April 2000 edition, «Windows Scripting Host»
  3. ^ The VBScript Bible (1999)
  4. ^ Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit (documentation
  5. ^ a b «What Is WSH?». Archived from the original on 7 January 2018. Retrieved 30 April 2018.
  6. ^ «Windows Script Host Basics». Archived from the original on 8 August 2017. Retrieved 30 April 2018.
  7. ^ «Windows Script Host Object Model». Archived from the original on 8 August 2017. Retrieved 30 April 2018.
  8. ^ MSDN «VBA»
  9. ^ User’s Manual, Paint Shop Pro 8
  10. ^ Paint Shop Pro 8 help, «Automation»
  11. ^ main help file, Passport for Windows
  12. ^ Take Command documentation 18.00 documentation hard copy and Help file
  13. ^ Zoc v 6.0 help
  14. ^ Zoc 5.0 printed manual
  15. ^ MSDN documentation
  16. ^ Windows Office 97 & 2000 Bibles (Wiley)
  17. ^ Take Command version 18.00 documentation
  18. ^ JP Software Take Command-4NT-4Dos-4OS/2 site, bulletin board
  19. ^ Take Command 18.00 help
  20. ^ «Norman — Antivirus & Security Software for Home & Business». Archived from the original on 21 February 2006. Retrieved 30 April 2018.
  21. ^ LLC), Tara Meyer (Aquent. «Providing a Secure eXPerience». Archived from the original on 10 November 2017. Retrieved 30 April 2018.
  22. ^ Windows Script Host 5.6 Boasts Windows XP Integration, Security, New Object Model Archived 2008-02-18 at the Wayback Machine
  23. ^, msgs of 15.09.2016
  24. ^ «Notes/Domino 4 and 5 Forum : RE: Suggestion: Make LotusScript a script engine for Windows Scripting Host». Archived from the original on 2015-03-21. Retrieved 2015-03-12.
  25. ^ ASCI html help file
  26. ^ ASCI site

External links[edit]

  • Windows Script Host
  • Windows Script Host Reference on
Windows Script Host (WSH)

Windows Script Host Icon.png
Other names Windows Scripting Host
Developer(s) Microsoft
Stable release


Operating system Microsoft Windows
Type Automation technology
License Proprietary commercial software
Website Windows Script Host overview

The Microsoft Windows Script Host (WSH) (formerly named Windows Scripting Host) is an automation technology for Microsoft Windows operating systems that provides scripting abilities comparable to batch files, but with a wider range of supported features. This tool was first provided on Windows 95 after Build 950a on the installation discs as an optional installation configurable and installable by means of the Control Panel, and then a standard component of Windows 98 (Build 1111) and subsequent and Windows NT 4.0 Build 1381 and by means of Service Pack 4. The WSH is also a means of automation for Internet Explorer via the installed WSH engines from IE Version 3.0 onwards; at this time VBScript became means of automation for Microsoft Outlook 97.[1] The WSH is also an optional install provided with a VBScript and JScript engine for Windows CE 3.0 and following and some third-party engines including Rexx and other forms of Basic are also available.[2][3][4]

It is language-independent in that it can make use of different Active Scripting language engines. By default, it interprets and runs plain-text JScript (.JS and .JSE files) and VBScript (.VBS and .VBE files).

Users can install different scripting engines to enable them to script in other languages, for instance PerlScript. The language independent filename extension WSF can also be used. The advantage of the Windows Script File (.WSF) is that it allows multiple scripts («jobs») as well as a combination of scripting languages within a single file.

WSH engines include various implementations for the Rexx, BASIC, Perl, Ruby, Tcl, PHP, JavaScript, Delphi, Python, XSLT, and other languages.

Windows Script Host is distributed and installed by default on Windows 98 and later versions of Windows. It is also installed if Internet Explorer 5 (or a later version) is installed. Beginning with Windows 2000, the Windows Script Host became available for use with user login scripts.


Windows Script Host may be used for a variety of purposes, including logon scripts, administration and general automation. Microsoft describes it as an administration tool.[5] WSH provides an environment for scripts to run – it invokes the appropriate script engine and provides a set of services and objects for the script to work with.[5] These scripts may be run in GUI mode (WScript.exe) or command line mode (CScript.exe), or from a COM object (wshom.ocx), offering flexibility to the user for interactive or non-interactive scripts.[6] Windows Management Instrumentation is also scriptable by this means.

The WSH, the engines, and related functionality are also listed as objects which can be accessed and scripted and queried by means of the VBA and Visual Studio object explorers and those for similar tools like the various script debuggers, e.g. Microsoft Script Debugger, and editors.

WSH implements an object model which exposes a set of Component Object Model (COM) interfaces.[7] So in addition to ASP, IIS, Internet Explorer, CScript and WScript, the WSH can be used to automate and communicate with any Windows application with COM and other exposed objects, such as using PerlScript to query Microsoft Access by various means including various ODBC engines and SQL, ooRexxScript to create what are in effect Rexx macros in Microsoft Excel, Quattro Pro, Microsoft Word, Lotus Notes and any of the like, the XLNT script to get environment variables and print them in a new TextPad document, and so on.

The VBA functionality of Microsoft Office, Open Office (as well as Python and other installable macro languages) and Corel WordPerfect Office is separate from WSH engines although Outlook 97 uses VBScript rather than VBA as its macro language.[8]

Python in the form of ActiveState PythonScript can be used to automate and query the data in SecureCRT, as with other languages with installed engines, e.g. PerlScript, ooRexxScript, PHPScript, RubyScript, LuaScript, XLNT and so on. One notable exception is Paint Shop Pro, which can be automated in Python by means of a macro interpreter within the PSP programme itself rather than using the PythonScript WSH engine or an external Python implementation such as Python interpreters supplied with Unix emulation and integration software suites or other standalone Python implementations et al.[9][10] as an intermediate and indeed can be programmed like this even in the absence of any third-party Python installation; the same goes for the Rexx-programmable terminal emulator Passport.[11] The SecureCRT terminal emulator, SecureFX FTP client, and related client and server programmes from Van Dyke are as of the current versions automated by means of the WSH so any language with an installed engine may be used; the software comes with VBScript, JScript, and PerlScript examples.

As of the most recent releases and going back a number of versions now, the programmability of 4NT / Take Command in the latest implementations (by means of «@REXX» and similar for Perl, Python, Tcl, Ruby, Lua, VBScript, JScript and the like and so on) generally uses the WSH engine.[12] The ZOC terminal emulator gets its ability to be programmed in Rexx by means of an external interpreter, one of which is supplied with the programme, and alternate Rexx interpreters can be specified in the configuration of the programme.[13][14] The MKS Toolkit provides PScript, a WSH engine in addition to the standard Perl interpreter perl.exe which comes with the package.

VBScript, JScript, and some third-party engines have the ability to create and execute scripts in an encoded format which prevents editing with a text editor; the file extensions for these encoded scripts is .vbe and .jse and others of that type.

Unless otherwise specified, any WSH scripting engine can be used with the various Windows server software packages to provide CGI scripting. The current versions of the default WSH engines and all or most of the third party engines have socket abilities as well; as a CGI script or otherwise, PerlScript is the choice of many programmers for this purpose and the VBScript and various Rexx-based engines are also rated as sufficiently powerful in connectivity and text-processing abilities to also be useful. This also goes for file access and processing—the earliest WSH engines for VBScript and JScript do not since the base language did not,[15] whilst PerlScript, ooRexxScript, and the others have this from the beginning.

WinWrap Basic, SaxBasic and others are similar to Visual Basic for Applications, These tools are used to add scripting and macro abilities to software being developed and can be found in earlier versions of Host Explorer for example. Many other languages can also be used in this fashion. Other languages used for scripting of programmes include Rexx, Tcl, Perl, Python, Ruby, and others which come with methods to control objects in the operating system and the spreadsheet and database programmes.[16] One exception is that the Zoc terminal emulator is controlled by a Rexx interpreter supplied with the package or another interpreter specified by the user; this is also the case with the Passport emulator.

VBScript is the macro language in Microsoft Outlook 97, whilst WordBasic is used for Word up to 6, Powerpoint and other tools. Excel to 5.0 uses Visual Basic 5.0. In Office 2000 forward, true Visual Basic for Applications 6.0 is used for all components. Other components use Visual Basic for Applications. OpenOffice uses Visual Basic, Python, and several others as macro languages and others can be added. LotusScript is very closely related to VBA and used for Lotus Notes and Lotus SmartSuite, which includes Lotus Word Pro (the current descendant of Ami Pro), Lotus Approach, Lotus FastSite, Lotus 1-2-3, &c, and pure VBA, licensed from Microsoft, is used in Corel products such as WordPerfect, Paradox, Quattro Pro &c.

Any scripting language installed under Windows can be accessed by external means of PerlScript, PythonScript, VBScript and the other engines available can be used to access databases (Lotus Notes, Microsoft Access, Oracle Database, Paradox) and spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, Quattro Pro) and other tools like word processors, terminal emulators, command shells and so on. This can be accomplished by means of the WSH, so any language can be used if there is an installed engine.

In recent versions of the Take Command enhanced command prompt and tools, the «script» command typed at the shell prompt will produce a list of the currently installed engines, one to a line and therefore CR-LF delimited.[17][18][19]


The first example is very simple; it shows some VBScript which uses the root WSH COM object «WScript» to display a message with an ‘OK’ button. Upon launching this script the CScript or WScript engine would be called and the runtime environment provided.

Content of a file hello0.vbs

WScript.Echo "Hello world"

WSH programming can also use the JScript language.

Content of a file hello1.js

WSH.Echo("Hello world");

Or, code can be mixed in one WSF file, such as VBScript and JScript, or any other:

Content of a file hello2.wsf

<script language="VBScript">
  MsgBox "hello world (from vb)"
<script language="JScript">
  WSH.echo("hello world (from js)");

Security concerns[edit]

Windows applications and processes may be automated using a script in Windows Script Host. Viruses and malware could be written to exploit this ability. Thus, some suggest disabling it for security reasons.[20] Alternatively, antivirus programs may offer features to control .vbs and other scripts which run in the WSH environment.

Since version 5.6 of WSH, scripts can be digitally signed programmatically using the Scripting.Signer object in a script itself, provided a valid certificate is present on the system. Alternatively, the signcode tool from the Platform SDK, which has been extended to support WSH filetypes, may be used at the command line.[21]

By using Software Restriction Policies introduced with Windows XP, a system may be configured to execute only those scripts which are stored in trusted locations, have a known MD5 hash, or have been digitally signed by a trusted publisher, thus preventing the execution of untrusted scripts.[22]

Available scripting engines[edit]

Note: By definition, all of these scripting engines can be utilised in CGI programming under Windows with any number of programmes and set up, meaning that the source code files for a script used on a server for CGI purposes could bear other file extensions such as .cgi and so on. The aforementioned ability of the Windows Script Host to run a script with multiple languages in it in files with a .wsh extension. Extended Html and XML also add to the additional possibilities when working with scripts for network use, as do Active Server Pages and so forth. Moreover, Windows shell scripts and scripts written in shells with enhanced capabilities like TCC, 4NT, etc. and Unix shells under interoperability software like the MKS Toolkit can have scripts embedded in them as well.

Engine name Scripting language implemented Base language File extensions Availability Produced by Status Initial release date Encoded scripts Notes
VBScript Microsoft VBScript Microsoft Visual Basic .vbs Installed by default Microsoft default install 1999 Yes, .vbe Default windows host script
JScript Microsoft JScript ECMAScript .js Installed by default Microsoft default install 1999 Yes, .jse Default java script host
WinWrap Basic WinWrap Basic Basic .wwb In the main WWB installation Polar Engineering Standard functionality of WWB; Utilises both .NET and COM 2004 Yes
PerlScript Perl Perl 5 .pls with ActiveState Perl ActiveState Open source 1999 Reportedly yes
PScript Perl Perl 5, CGI functionality .p, .ps with MKS Toolkit MKS Commercial 2001
XBScript xBase Scripting Engine xBase (Clipper) .xbs, .prg Clipper with XBScript sofrware Commercial
LotusScript WSH LotusScript Microsoft Visual Basic (q.v.) .nsf Third party download Service Desk Plus Freeware 2001
RexxScript Rexx Rexx .rxs, .rx, .rex With some Rexx implementations Various Freeware 1998
ooRexxScript Open Object REXX REXX .rxs with Open Object Rexx or free from some third parties Open Object Rexx team Open source
PythonScript Python Python .pys SourceForge & with ActivePython The Pywin32 project Open source
TclScript Tcl/Tk Tcl/Tk .tcls SourceForge ActiveState or third party Open source
ActivePHPScript PHP PHP .phps with PHP PHP team Open source
PHPScript PHP PHP .phps with PHP PHP team Open source Earlier version of ActivePHPScript
RubyScript Ruby Ruby .rbs with Ruby distribution Ruby team Open source Yes
XLNTScript XLNT DCL .xcs with XLNT Advanced Systems Concepts, Inc. Commercial 1997 An OpenVMS DCL-based multi-purpose scripting application for Windows
LuaScript Lua Lua .lua with Lua Lua organisation Open Source
Object REXX engine Object REXX Rexx .rex, .rxs with IBM Object REXX IBM Commercial 2002
XML Engine XML parsing Extended HTML, XML .xml with many XML implementations Elf Data de facto Default install 2000 Macintosh too
Kixtart WSH Engine Kixtart KixTart, MS-DOS, Windows 95. Windows NT shells .kix with KixStart Microsoft Netherlands Windows Resource Kits and other resources 1996 Download from Microsoft or elsewhere, aka KixStart32
NullScript NullScript Null language .ns with NullScript NullScript Organisation Windows Resource Kits and other resources 1999
ForthScript Forth Forth .fth, others Forth DMOZ Open Source
Haskell Script Haskell Haskell *.hsk (provisional), others free download Open Source
XSLT WSH Engine XSLT XSLT .xslt free download Open Source
CobolScript WSH Engine Cobol Cobol .cbl. .cob, .cb Fujitsu Cobol 3 — free for educational use Commercialware from Fujitsu free with free compiler for educators &c Proprietary
Delphi scripting engine Delphi Delphi, a Pascal variant .dlp, .del, . In some Delphi distributions or resource kits Commercial 2003
DMDScript DMDScript D, a major incrementation of C .dmd DMD Distributions, download Freeware Available on Web 2014 DMD
C# Script C# Microsoft C#.NET .cs. .c#, others Source code available Open Source, active development underway unclear 2013
Small C Scripting Engine C C (K&R, Ansi) .c, others Various locations, check Web Freeware 2009
JavaScript WSH Engine JavaScript/Java Java & variants .java, .j, jva, others With many JavaScript implementations Sun/Other Java Organisations Freeware
Take Command WSH Engine 4NT/Take Command TCC, the current version of 4NT p .btm, .cmd, bat, others Check JP Software JP Software Proprietary 2015 Early development
92Script WSH Engine TI-89/92+/Voyager 200 TI-Basic Calculator TI-Basic .92bs Project Web/FTP site Various independent programmers Experimental, Open Source 2014 «possible» Beta Q4 2015 for main engine; graphing functionality (92Script/Tk) then or later
48Script WSH Engine HP-48 Calculator family on-board programming language HP 48 Programming Language, distant relative of Forth, Basic, Lisp .48s Project Web/FTP site Various independent programmers Experimental 2015 Planned Status as of 2015-09-30. Language has Lisp, Basic, Forth, and other influences.
Fortran Script Fortran Fortran 77 .for, .ftn. f77, f90, f95 Various Various Experimental proof-of-concept, academic exercise, shareware, commercial, open source. 2000
PascalScript Object Pascal Pascal 7 .pas, .ops, other Object Pascal RemObjects Freeware 2001 Can also be used with Delphi directly
Lisp WSH Engine Lisp Lisp .lisp, .lsp Various Lisp tools AutoLisp and others Freeware or Shareware
BESEN ECMA-JavaScript Java and Variants .bes, .bsn, others SourceForge BESEN Organisation Open Source 2011
ECMAScript WSH engines Java and Variants Various Various Various Various Experimental, Freeware, Open Source, Shareware, Proprietary, Commercialware 2005 There are numerous ECMAScript implementations but not all have WSH engines
CFXScript WSH Engine Casio CFX-9850 and fx Calculator series on-board programming language Casio Calculator Programming Language, as ported to various operating systems as CFW .cfxb Project Web/FTP Sites independent programmers Experimental 2015 Planned[23] Status as of 2015-09-30. Language has elements of Basic, Forth, Fortran, and others.
SharpCalcScript WSH Engine Sharp graphing calculators on-board programming language Sharp S-Basic as ported to windows as NeusSFortran .scsb Project Web/FTP Sites independent programmers Experimental 2015 Planned Status as of 2015-09-30. Also subsumes the S-Basic language of Sharp’s Pocket Computers.

There have been suggestions of creating engines for other languages, such as LotusScript, SaxBasic, BasicScript, KiXtart, awk, bash, csh and other Unix shells, 4NT, cmd.exe (the Windows NT shell), Windows PowerShell, DCL, C, C++, Fortran and others.[24]
The XLNT language[25] is based on DCL and provides a very large subset of the language along with additional commands and statements and the software can be used in three ways: the WSH engine (*.xcs), the console interpreter (*.xlnt) and as a server and client side CGI engine (*.xgi).[26]

When a server implementing CGI such as the Windows Internet Information Server, ports of Apache and others, all or most of the engines can be used; the most commonly used are VBScript, JScript, PythonScript, PerlScript, ActivePHPScript, and ooRexxScript. The MKS Toolkit PScript program also runs Perl. Command shells like cmd.exe, 4NT, ksh, and scripting languages with string processing and preferably socket functionality are also able to be used for CGI scripting; compiled languages like C++, Visual Basic, and Java can also be used like this. All Perl interpreters, ooRexx, PHP, and more recent versions of VBScript and JScript can use sockets for TCP/IP and usually UDP and other protocols for this.

Version history[edit]

Windows version Shipped with WSH version Last redistributable version
Windows 95 None (separate redistributable) 5.6
Windows NT 4.0 None (separate redistributable) 5.6
Windows NT Server 4.0 None (separate redistributable) 5.6
Windows CE 3.0 1.0 (optional install on installer disc) 2.0
Windows 98 1.0 5.6
Windows 98 Second Edition 1.0 5.6
Windows 2000 2.0 (also termed WSH 5.1) 5.7
Windows 2000 Server 2.0 (also termed WSH 5.1) 5.7
Windows 2000 SP3, SP4 and SP5 5.6 5.7
Windows Me 2.0 (also termed WSH 5.1) 5.6
Windows XP 5.6 5.7
Windows XP SP3 5.7 Not applicable
Windows Server 2003 5.6 5.7
Windows Vista 5.7 Not applicable
Windows Server 2008 5.7 Not applicable
Windows 7 5.8 Not applicable
Windows Server 2008 R2 5.8 Not applicable
Windows 8 5.8 Not applicable
Windows Server 2012 5.8 Not applicable
Windows 10 5.812 Not applicable
Windows Server 2016 5.812 Not applicable

The redistributable version of WSH version 5.6 can be installed on Windows 95/98/Me and Windows NT 4.0/2000. WSH 5.7 is downloadable for Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. Recently[when?], redistributable versions for older operating systems (Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0) are no longer available from the Microsoft Download Center.

Since Windows XP Service Pack 3, release 5.7 is not needed as it is included, with newer revisions being included in newer versions of Windows since.

See also[edit]

  • JScript .NET


  1. ^ ?MSDN, «Windows Scripting Host» and «VBScript»
  2. ^ MSDN April 2000 edition, «Windows Scripting Host»
  3. ^ The VBScript Bible (1999)
  4. ^ Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit (documentation
  5. ^ a b «What Is WSH?». Archived from the original on 7 January 2018. Retrieved 30 April 2018.
  6. ^ «Windows Script Host Basics». Archived from the original on 8 August 2017. Retrieved 30 April 2018.
  7. ^ «Windows Script Host Object Model». Archived from the original on 8 August 2017. Retrieved 30 April 2018.
  8. ^ MSDN «VBA»
  9. ^ User’s Manual, Paint Shop Pro 8
  10. ^ Paint Shop Pro 8 help, «Automation»
  11. ^ main help file, Passport for Windows
  12. ^ Take Command documentation 18.00 documentation hard copy and Help file
  13. ^ Zoc v 6.0 help
  14. ^ Zoc 5.0 printed manual
  15. ^ MSDN documentation
  16. ^ Windows Office 97 & 2000 Bibles (Wiley)
  17. ^ Take Command version 18.00 documentation
  18. ^ JP Software Take Command-4NT-4Dos-4OS/2 site, bulletin board
  19. ^ Take Command 18.00 help
  20. ^ «Norman — Antivirus & Security Software for Home & Business». Archived from the original on 21 February 2006. Retrieved 30 April 2018.
  21. ^ LLC), Tara Meyer (Aquent. «Providing a Secure eXPerience». Archived from the original on 10 November 2017. Retrieved 30 April 2018.
  22. ^ Windows Script Host 5.6 Boasts Windows XP Integration, Security, New Object Model Archived 2008-02-18 at the Wayback Machine
  23. ^, msgs of 15.09.2016
  24. ^ «Notes/Domino 4 and 5 Forum : RE: Suggestion: Make LotusScript a script engine for Windows Scripting Host». Archived from the original on 2015-03-21. Retrieved 2015-03-12.
  25. ^ ASCI html help file
  26. ^ ASCI site

External links[edit]

  • Windows Script Host
  • Windows Script Host Reference on

В этой статье пойдет речь о системном процессе wscript.exe. Что это, для чего он нужен, как его завершить и грузит ли он систему — это и многое другое вы сможете узнать, прочтя статью до конца. Также вы узнаете, что необходимо делать, если случилась ошибка с участием этого процесса.

Wscript.exe — что это?

wscript exe что это

Wscript.exe — это процесс, разработанный непосредственно компанией «Майкрософт». Он является частью любого дистрибутива Windows. В ранних версиях ОС он назывался сервером сценариев Windows. Если можно так выразится, он жизненно необходим системе. Он отвечает за огромное количество базовых функций. Также некоторые приложения требуют его наличия для корректной работы.

Как остановить процесс?

Если вы решили завершить процесс wscript.exe, то сделать это вы можете, например, через «Диспетчер задач». Но результата это никакого не даст, так как он автоматически запустится спустя несколько секунд или во время следующего запуска системы.

Раз мы выяснили, что wscript.exe — это процесс, который важен для системы, то завершать его работу не рекомендуется, в противном случае Windows может перестать работать. В самом лучшем исходе, попросту перестанет работать большая часть функций ОС.

Это вирус или нет?

сервер сценариев windows

Некоторые пользователи, не зная ничего про wscript.exe, думают, что это вирусная программа. Это не так. Но это не отменяет того факта, что другие зловредные программы могут маскироваться в системе под таким же именем. Если вы обнаружили вирусный процесс wscript.exe, а это можно сделать, открыв директорию исполняемого файла (у подлинного процесса это «System32»), то немедленно удалите зараженный файл. После этого рекомендуется проверить систему на наличие других вирусных программ сторонней антивирусной программой, например: Dr.Web или же Kaspersky. Установленный по умолчанию «Защитник Windows» не поможет, так как он уже пропустил вредоносное ПО.

Грузит ли систему?

Для большинства пользователей очень остро встает вопрос нагрузки на систему процессом Microsoft Windows Script Host (wscript.exe), но у него она минимальна, по крайней мере ни один пользователь не жаловался на падение производительности по причине работы данного процесса.

Но тут стоит отметить, что в некоторых случаях может сильно нагружать операционную систему вирус, маскирующийся под именем wscript.exe. В этом случае посмотрите его директорию, если исполняемый файл находится не в папке System32, значит это вирус — удалите его, предварительно завершив процесс в «Диспетчере задач».

Что делать, если возникла ошибка?

windows script host

Мы уже разобрались, что wscript.exe — это системный процесс, который очень важен для Windows и который никак не влияет на ее работу, а наоборот, обеспечивает огромным количеством функций. Ввиду этого, если вы обнаружили какую-либо ошибку, с упоминанием данного процесса, вам немедленно нужно ее исправить. Для этого рекомендуется в первую очередь проверить реестр системы с помощью программы Registry Reviver. Если это не дало никаких результатов, тогда переустановите программу Microsoft Windows Script Host, с помощью восстановления системы. Для этого понадобится диск с таким же дистрибутивом Windows, который установлен у вас.


Вот мы и узнали, что wscript.exe — это процесс, который установлен по умолчанию в каждой версии Windows. Очень важно следить за тем, чтобы вирусы не смогли повлиять на него, а в случае обнаружения каких-либо ошибок сразу стараться устранять их.

Windows Script Host (WSH)

Windows Script Host Icon.png
Other names Windows Scripting Host
Developer(s) Microsoft
Stable release


Operating system Microsoft Windows
Type Automation technology
License Proprietary commercial software
Website Windows Script Host overview

The Microsoft Windows Script Host (WSH) (formerly named Windows Scripting Host) is an automation technology for Microsoft Windows operating systems that provides scripting abilities comparable to batch files, but with a wider range of supported features. This tool was first provided on Windows 95 after Build 950a on the installation discs as an optional installation configurable and installable by means of the Control Panel, and then a standard component of Windows 98 (Build 1111) and subsequent and Windows NT 4.0 Build 1381 and by means of Service Pack 4. The WSH is also a means of automation for Internet Explorer via the installed WSH engines from IE Version 3.0 onwards; at this time VBScript became means of automation for Microsoft Outlook 97.[1] The WSH is also an optional install provided with a VBScript and JScript engine for Windows CE 3.0 and following and some third-party engines including Rexx and other forms of Basic are also available.[2][3][4]

It is language-independent in that it can make use of different Active Scripting language engines. By default, it interprets and runs plain-text JScript (.JS and .JSE files) and VBScript (.VBS and .VBE files).

Users can install different scripting engines to enable them to script in other languages, for instance PerlScript. The language independent filename extension WSF can also be used. The advantage of the Windows Script File (.WSF) is that it allows multiple scripts («jobs») as well as a combination of scripting languages within a single file.

WSH engines include various implementations for the Rexx, BASIC, Perl, Ruby, Tcl, PHP, JavaScript, Delphi, Python, XSLT, and other languages.

Windows Script Host is distributed and installed by default on Windows 98 and later versions of Windows. It is also installed if Internet Explorer 5 (or a later version) is installed. Beginning with Windows 2000, the Windows Script Host became available for use with user login scripts.


Windows Script Host may be used for a variety of purposes, including logon scripts, administration and general automation. Microsoft describes it as an administration tool.[5] WSH provides an environment for scripts to run – it invokes the appropriate script engine and provides a set of services and objects for the script to work with.[5] These scripts may be run in GUI mode (WScript.exe) or command line mode (CScript.exe), or from a COM object (wshom.ocx), offering flexibility to the user for interactive or non-interactive scripts.[6] Windows Management Instrumentation is also scriptable by this means.

The WSH, the engines, and related functionality are also listed as objects which can be accessed and scripted and queried by means of the VBA and Visual Studio object explorers and those for similar tools like the various script debuggers, e.g. Microsoft Script Debugger, and editors.

WSH implements an object model which exposes a set of Component Object Model (COM) interfaces.[7] So in addition to ASP, IIS, Internet Explorer, CScript and WScript, the WSH can be used to automate and communicate with any Windows application with COM and other exposed objects, such as using PerlScript to query Microsoft Access by various means including various ODBC engines and SQL, ooRexxScript to create what are in effect Rexx macros in Microsoft Excel, Quattro Pro, Microsoft Word, Lotus Notes and any of the like, the XLNT script to get environment variables and print them in a new TextPad document, and so on.

The VBA functionality of Microsoft Office, Open Office (as well as Python and other installable macro languages) and Corel WordPerfect Office is separate from WSH engines although Outlook 97 uses VBScript rather than VBA as its macro language.[8]

Python in the form of ActiveState PythonScript can be used to automate and query the data in SecureCRT, as with other languages with installed engines, e.g. PerlScript, ooRexxScript, PHPScript, RubyScript, LuaScript, XLNT and so on. One notable exception is Paint Shop Pro, which can be automated in Python by means of a macro interpreter within the PSP programme itself rather than using the PythonScript WSH engine or an external Python implementation such as Python interpreters supplied with Unix emulation and integration software suites or other standalone Python implementations et al.[9][10] as an intermediate and indeed can be programmed like this even in the absence of any third-party Python installation; the same goes for the Rexx-programmable terminal emulator Passport.[11] The SecureCRT terminal emulator, SecureFX FTP client, and related client and server programmes from Van Dyke are as of the current versions automated by means of the WSH so any language with an installed engine may be used; the software comes with VBScript, JScript, and PerlScript examples.

As of the most recent releases and going back a number of versions now, the programmability of 4NT / Take Command in the latest implementations (by means of «@REXX» and similar for Perl, Python, Tcl, Ruby, Lua, VBScript, JScript and the like and so on) generally uses the WSH engine.[12] The ZOC terminal emulator gets its ability to be programmed in Rexx by means of an external interpreter, one of which is supplied with the programme, and alternate Rexx interpreters can be specified in the configuration of the programme.[13][14] The MKS Toolkit provides PScript, a WSH engine in addition to the standard Perl interpreter perl.exe which comes with the package.

VBScript, JScript, and some third-party engines have the ability to create and execute scripts in an encoded format which prevents editing with a text editor; the file extensions for these encoded scripts is .vbe and .jse and others of that type.

Unless otherwise specified, any WSH scripting engine can be used with the various Windows server software packages to provide CGI scripting. The current versions of the default WSH engines and all or most of the third party engines have socket abilities as well; as a CGI script or otherwise, PerlScript is the choice of many programmers for this purpose and the VBScript and various Rexx-based engines are also rated as sufficiently powerful in connectivity and text-processing abilities to also be useful. This also goes for file access and processing—the earliest WSH engines for VBScript and JScript do not since the base language did not,[15] whilst PerlScript, ooRexxScript, and the others have this from the beginning.

WinWrap Basic, SaxBasic and others are similar to Visual Basic for Applications, These tools are used to add scripting and macro abilities to software being developed and can be found in earlier versions of Host Explorer for example. Many other languages can also be used in this fashion. Other languages used for scripting of programmes include Rexx, Tcl, Perl, Python, Ruby, and others which come with methods to control objects in the operating system and the spreadsheet and database programmes.[16] One exception is that the Zoc terminal emulator is controlled by a Rexx interpreter supplied with the package or another interpreter specified by the user; this is also the case with the Passport emulator.

VBScript is the macro language in Microsoft Outlook 97, whilst WordBasic is used for Word up to 6, Powerpoint and other tools. Excel to 5.0 uses Visual Basic 5.0. In Office 2000 forward, true Visual Basic for Applications 6.0 is used for all components. Other components use Visual Basic for Applications. OpenOffice uses Visual Basic, Python, and several others as macro languages and others can be added. LotusScript is very closely related to VBA and used for Lotus Notes and Lotus SmartSuite, which includes Lotus Word Pro (the current descendant of Ami Pro), Lotus Approach, Lotus FastSite, Lotus 1-2-3, &c, and pure VBA, licensed from Microsoft, is used in Corel products such as WordPerfect, Paradox, Quattro Pro &c.

Any scripting language installed under Windows can be accessed by external means of PerlScript, PythonScript, VBScript and the other engines available can be used to access databases (Lotus Notes, Microsoft Access, Oracle Database, Paradox) and spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, Quattro Pro) and other tools like word processors, terminal emulators, command shells and so on. This can be accomplished by means of the WSH, so any language can be used if there is an installed engine.

In recent versions of the Take Command enhanced command prompt and tools, the «script» command typed at the shell prompt will produce a list of the currently installed engines, one to a line and therefore CR-LF delimited.[17][18][19]


The first example is very simple; it shows some VBScript which uses the root WSH COM object «WScript» to display a message with an ‘OK’ button. Upon launching this script the CScript or WScript engine would be called and the runtime environment provided.

Content of a file hello0.vbs

WScript.Echo "Hello world"

WSH programming can also use the JScript language.

Content of a file hello1.js

WSH.Echo("Hello world");

Or, code can be mixed in one WSF file, such as VBScript and JScript, or any other:

Content of a file hello2.wsf

<script language="VBScript">
  MsgBox "hello world (from vb)"
<script language="JScript">
  WSH.echo("hello world (from js)");

Security concerns[edit]

Windows applications and processes may be automated using a script in Windows Script Host. Viruses and malware could be written to exploit this ability. Thus, some suggest disabling it for security reasons.[20] Alternatively, antivirus programs may offer features to control .vbs and other scripts which run in the WSH environment.

Since version 5.6 of WSH, scripts can be digitally signed programmatically using the Scripting.Signer object in a script itself, provided a valid certificate is present on the system. Alternatively, the signcode tool from the Platform SDK, which has been extended to support WSH filetypes, may be used at the command line.[21]

By using Software Restriction Policies introduced with Windows XP, a system may be configured to execute only those scripts which are stored in trusted locations, have a known MD5 hash, or have been digitally signed by a trusted publisher, thus preventing the execution of untrusted scripts.[22]

Available scripting engines[edit]

Note: By definition, all of these scripting engines can be utilised in CGI programming under Windows with any number of programmes and set up, meaning that the source code files for a script used on a server for CGI purposes could bear other file extensions such as .cgi and so on. The aforementioned ability of the Windows Script Host to run a script with multiple languages in it in files with a .wsh extension. Extended Html and XML also add to the additional possibilities when working with scripts for network use, as do Active Server Pages and so forth. Moreover, Windows shell scripts and scripts written in shells with enhanced capabilities like TCC, 4NT, etc. and Unix shells under interoperability software like the MKS Toolkit can have scripts embedded in them as well.

Engine name Scripting language implemented Base language File extensions Availability Produced by Status Initial release date Encoded scripts Notes
VBScript Microsoft VBScript Microsoft Visual Basic .vbs Installed by default Microsoft default install 1999 Yes, .vbe Default windows host script
JScript Microsoft JScript ECMAScript .js Installed by default Microsoft default install 1999 Yes, .jse Default java script host
WinWrap Basic WinWrap Basic Basic .wwb In the main WWB installation Polar Engineering Standard functionality of WWB; Utilises both .NET and COM 2004 Yes
PerlScript Perl Perl 5 .pls with ActiveState Perl ActiveState Open source 1999 Reportedly yes
PScript Perl Perl 5, CGI functionality .p, .ps with MKS Toolkit MKS Commercial 2001
XBScript xBase Scripting Engine xBase (Clipper) .xbs, .prg Clipper with XBScript sofrware Commercial
LotusScript WSH LotusScript Microsoft Visual Basic (q.v.) .nsf Third party download Service Desk Plus Freeware 2001
RexxScript Rexx Rexx .rxs, .rx, .rex With some Rexx implementations Various Freeware 1998
ooRexxScript Open Object REXX REXX .rxs with Open Object Rexx or free from some third parties Open Object Rexx team Open source
PythonScript Python Python .pys SourceForge & with ActivePython The Pywin32 project Open source
TclScript Tcl/Tk Tcl/Tk .tcls SourceForge ActiveState or third party Open source
ActivePHPScript PHP PHP .phps with PHP PHP team Open source
PHPScript PHP PHP .phps with PHP PHP team Open source Earlier version of ActivePHPScript
RubyScript Ruby Ruby .rbs with Ruby distribution Ruby team Open source Yes
XLNTScript XLNT DCL .xcs with XLNT Advanced Systems Concepts, Inc. Commercial 1997 An OpenVMS DCL-based multi-purpose scripting application for Windows
LuaScript Lua Lua .lua with Lua Lua organisation Open Source
Object REXX engine Object REXX Rexx .rex, .rxs with IBM Object REXX IBM Commercial 2002
XML Engine XML parsing Extended HTML, XML .xml with many XML implementations Elf Data de facto Default install 2000 Macintosh too
Kixtart WSH Engine Kixtart KixTart, MS-DOS, Windows 95. Windows NT shells .kix with KixStart Microsoft Netherlands Windows Resource Kits and other resources 1996 Download from Microsoft or elsewhere, aka KixStart32
NullScript NullScript Null language .ns with NullScript NullScript Organisation Windows Resource Kits and other resources 1999
ForthScript Forth Forth .fth, others Forth DMOZ Open Source
Haskell Script Haskell Haskell *.hsk (provisional), others free download Open Source
XSLT WSH Engine XSLT XSLT .xslt free download Open Source
CobolScript WSH Engine Cobol Cobol .cbl. .cob, .cb Fujitsu Cobol 3 — free for educational use Commercialware from Fujitsu free with free compiler for educators &c Proprietary
Delphi scripting engine Delphi Delphi, a Pascal variant .dlp, .del, . In some Delphi distributions or resource kits Commercial 2003
DMDScript DMDScript D, a major incrementation of C .dmd DMD Distributions, download Freeware Available on Web 2014 DMD
C# Script C# Microsoft C#.NET .cs. .c#, others Source code available Open Source, active development underway unclear 2013
Small C Scripting Engine C C (K&R, Ansi) .c, others Various locations, check Web Freeware 2009
JavaScript WSH Engine JavaScript/Java Java & variants .java, .j, jva, others With many JavaScript implementations Sun/Other Java Organisations Freeware
Take Command WSH Engine 4NT/Take Command TCC, the current version of 4NT p .btm, .cmd, bat, others Check JP Software JP Software Proprietary 2015 Early development
92Script WSH Engine TI-89/92+/Voyager 200 TI-Basic Calculator TI-Basic .92bs Project Web/FTP site Various independent programmers Experimental, Open Source 2014 «possible» Beta Q4 2015 for main engine; graphing functionality (92Script/Tk) then or later
48Script WSH Engine HP-48 Calculator family on-board programming language HP 48 Programming Language, distant relative of Forth, Basic, Lisp .48s Project Web/FTP site Various independent programmers Experimental 2015 Planned Status as of 2015-09-30. Language has Lisp, Basic, Forth, and other influences.
Fortran Script Fortran Fortran 77 .for, .ftn. f77, f90, f95 Various Various Experimental proof-of-concept, academic exercise, shareware, commercial, open source. 2000
PascalScript Object Pascal Pascal 7 .pas, .ops, other Object Pascal RemObjects Freeware 2001 Can also be used with Delphi directly
Lisp WSH Engine Lisp Lisp .lisp, .lsp Various Lisp tools AutoLisp and others Freeware or Shareware
BESEN ECMA-JavaScript Java and Variants .bes, .bsn, others SourceForge BESEN Organisation Open Source 2011
ECMAScript WSH engines Java and Variants Various Various Various Various Experimental, Freeware, Open Source, Shareware, Proprietary, Commercialware 2005 There are numerous ECMAScript implementations but not all have WSH engines
CFXScript WSH Engine Casio CFX-9850 and fx Calculator series on-board programming language Casio Calculator Programming Language, as ported to various operating systems as CFW .cfxb Project Web/FTP Sites independent programmers Experimental 2015 Planned[23] Status as of 2015-09-30. Language has elements of Basic, Forth, Fortran, and others.
SharpCalcScript WSH Engine Sharp graphing calculators on-board programming language Sharp S-Basic as ported to windows as NeusSFortran .scsb Project Web/FTP Sites independent programmers Experimental 2015 Planned Status as of 2015-09-30. Also subsumes the S-Basic language of Sharp’s Pocket Computers.

There have been suggestions of creating engines for other languages, such as LotusScript, SaxBasic, BasicScript, KiXtart, awk, bash, csh and other Unix shells, 4NT, cmd.exe (the Windows NT shell), Windows PowerShell, DCL, C, C++, Fortran and others.[24]
The XLNT language[25] is based on DCL and provides a very large subset of the language along with additional commands and statements and the software can be used in three ways: the WSH engine (*.xcs), the console interpreter (*.xlnt) and as a server and client side CGI engine (*.xgi).[26]

When a server implementing CGI such as the Windows Internet Information Server, ports of Apache and others, all or most of the engines can be used; the most commonly used are VBScript, JScript, PythonScript, PerlScript, ActivePHPScript, and ooRexxScript. The MKS Toolkit PScript program also runs Perl. Command shells like cmd.exe, 4NT, ksh, and scripting languages with string processing and preferably socket functionality are also able to be used for CGI scripting; compiled languages like C++, Visual Basic, and Java can also be used like this. All Perl interpreters, ooRexx, PHP, and more recent versions of VBScript and JScript can use sockets for TCP/IP and usually UDP and other protocols for this.

Version history[edit]

Windows version Shipped with WSH version Last redistributable version
Windows 95 None (separate redistributable) 5.6
Windows NT 4.0 None (separate redistributable) 5.6
Windows NT Server 4.0 None (separate redistributable) 5.6
Windows CE 3.0 1.0 (optional install on installer disc) 2.0
Windows 98 1.0 5.6
Windows 98 Second Edition 1.0 5.6
Windows 2000 2.0 (also termed WSH 5.1) 5.7
Windows 2000 Server 2.0 (also termed WSH 5.1) 5.7
Windows 2000 SP3, SP4 and SP5 5.6 5.7
Windows Me 2.0 (also termed WSH 5.1) 5.6
Windows XP 5.6 5.7
Windows XP SP3 5.7 Not applicable
Windows Server 2003 5.6 5.7
Windows Vista 5.7 Not applicable
Windows Server 2008 5.7 Not applicable
Windows 7 5.8 Not applicable
Windows Server 2008 R2 5.8 Not applicable
Windows 8 5.8 Not applicable
Windows Server 2012 5.8 Not applicable
Windows 10 5.812 Not applicable
Windows Server 2016 5.812 Not applicable

The redistributable version of WSH version 5.6 can be installed on Windows 95/98/Me and Windows NT 4.0/2000. WSH 5.7 is downloadable for Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. Recently[when?], redistributable versions for older operating systems (Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0) are no longer available from the Microsoft Download Center.

Since Windows XP Service Pack 3, release 5.7 is not needed as it is included, with newer revisions being included in newer versions of Windows since.

See also[edit]

  • JScript .NET


  1. ^ ?MSDN, «Windows Scripting Host» and «VBScript»
  2. ^ MSDN April 2000 edition, «Windows Scripting Host»
  3. ^ The VBScript Bible (1999)
  4. ^ Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit (documentation
  5. ^ a b «What Is WSH?». Archived from the original on 7 January 2018. Retrieved 30 April 2018.
  6. ^ «Windows Script Host Basics». Archived from the original on 8 August 2017. Retrieved 30 April 2018.
  7. ^ «Windows Script Host Object Model». Archived from the original on 8 August 2017. Retrieved 30 April 2018.
  8. ^ MSDN «VBA»
  9. ^ User’s Manual, Paint Shop Pro 8
  10. ^ Paint Shop Pro 8 help, «Automation»
  11. ^ main help file, Passport for Windows
  12. ^ Take Command documentation 18.00 documentation hard copy and Help file
  13. ^ Zoc v 6.0 help
  14. ^ Zoc 5.0 printed manual
  15. ^ MSDN documentation
  16. ^ Windows Office 97 & 2000 Bibles (Wiley)
  17. ^ Take Command version 18.00 documentation
  18. ^ JP Software Take Command-4NT-4Dos-4OS/2 site, bulletin board
  19. ^ Take Command 18.00 help
  20. ^ «Norman — Antivirus & Security Software for Home & Business». Archived from the original on 21 February 2006. Retrieved 30 April 2018.
  21. ^ LLC), Tara Meyer (Aquent. «Providing a Secure eXPerience». Archived from the original on 10 November 2017. Retrieved 30 April 2018.
  22. ^ Windows Script Host 5.6 Boasts Windows XP Integration, Security, New Object Model Archived 2008-02-18 at the Wayback Machine
  23. ^, msgs of 15.09.2016
  24. ^ «Notes/Domino 4 and 5 Forum : RE: Suggestion: Make LotusScript a script engine for Windows Scripting Host». Archived from the original on 2015-03-21. Retrieved 2015-03-12.
  25. ^ ASCI html help file
  26. ^ ASCI site

External links[edit]

  • Windows Script Host
  • Windows Script Host Reference on

The genuine wscript.exe file is a software component of Microsoft Windows by .
Windows is an operating system. Windows Script host is a service that provides scripting abilities for Windows operating systems. Wscript.exe is tasked with executing the VBScript files, and does not cause any harm to your PC.

Formerly named Windows Scripting Host, Windows Script Host is an automation technology for Windows operating systems that provides scripting abilities similar to batch files albeit with a wider range of supported features. It was first made available on Windows 95, and is able to interpret and run plain-text JScript (.JS and .JSE files) and VBScript (.VBS and .VBE files). Wscript.exe is a trustworthy file that executes the VBScript files on a Windows PC.

The Microsoft Corporation, founded in 1975 and headquartered in Redmond, Washington, is an American multinational technology conglomerate that develops, sells and supports consumer electronics, personal computers, computer software and services. The company was rated as the world’s most valuable brands and largest software maker in terms of revenue in 2016 and acquired LinkedIn for $26.2 billion in 2016 and Skype Technologies for $8.5 billion in 2011.

WScript stands for Windows Script

The .exe extension on a filename indicates an executable file. Executable files may, in some cases, harm your computer. Therefore, please read below to decide for yourself whether the wscript.exe on your computer is a Trojan that you should remove, or whether it is a file belonging to the Windows operating system or to a trusted application.

Click to Run a Free Scan for wscript.exe related errors

Wscript.exe file information

Windows Task Manager with wscript

Wscript.exe process in Windows Task Manager

The process known as Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host belongs to software Microsoft Windows Script Host or UsbFix by Microsoft (

Description: Wscript.exe is an important part of Windows, but often causes problems. The wscript.exe file is located in the C:WindowsSystem32 folder.
Known file sizes on Windows 10/11/7 are 147,456 bytes (38% of all occurrences), 141,824 bytes and 11 more variants. 
It is a trustworthy file from Microsoft. The program has no visible window. It is a Windows core system file.
Therefore the technical security rating is 5% dangerous, however you should also read the user reviews.

Recommended: Identify wscript.exe related errors

  • If wscript.exe is located in a subfolder of C:Windows, the security rating is 8% dangerous. The file size is 141,824 bytes (25% of all occurrences), 133,120 bytes, 147,456 bytes, 148,992 bytes or 131,584 bytes.
    The program is not visible. The file is a Microsoft signed file. The wscript.exe file is a Windows core system file.
  • If wscript.exe is located in a subfolder of the user’s profile folder, the security rating is 83% dangerous. The file size is 937,776 bytes (66% of all occurrences) or 481,280 bytes.
    Wscript.exe is not a Windows system file. The program is not visible. The process is loaded during the Windows boot process (see Registry key: Run, MACHINERun, RunOnce, MACHINERunOnce, User Shell Folders, Userinit, DEFAULTRunonce).
    It is certified by a trustworthy company.
    Wscript.exe is able to monitor applications, manipulate other programs and record keyboard and mouse inputs.

    Uninstalling this variant:
    If problems with Connectix Virtual Game Station or AutoIt v3 Script occur, you can go to the support area [1][2] of the WordPress website or uninstall the program using the Control Panel ⇒ Uninstall a Program.

  • If wscript.exe is located in a subfolder of «C:Program Files», the security rating is 36% dangerous. The file size is 1,554,432 bytes.

External information from Paul Collins:

  • «Registry» definitely not required. Added by the VBSWG.AQ WORM!

Important: Some malware disguises itself as wscript.exe, particularly when not located in the C:WindowsSystem32 folder. Therefore, you should check the wscript.exe process on your PC to see if it is a threat. We recommend Security Task Manager for verifying your computer’s security. This was one of the Top Download Picks of The Washington Post and PC World.

Best practices for resolving wscript issues

A clean and tidy computer is the key requirement for avoiding problems with wscript. This means running a scan for malware, cleaning your hard drive using 1cleanmgr and 2sfc /scannow, 3uninstalling programs that you no longer need, checking for Autostart programs (using 4msconfig) and enabling Windows’ 5Automatic Update. Always remember to perform periodic backups, or at least to set restore points.

Should you experience an actual problem, try to recall the last thing you did, or the last thing you installed before the problem appeared for the first time. Use the 6resmon command to identify the processes that are causing your problem. Even for serious problems, rather than reinstalling Windows, you are better off repairing of your installation or, for Windows 8 and later versions, executing the 7DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth command. This allows you to repair the operating system without losing data.

To help you analyze the wscript.exe process on your computer, the following programs have proven to be helpful: ASecurity Task Manager displays all running Windows tasks, including embedded hidden processes, such as keyboard and browser monitoring or Autostart entries. A unique security risk rating indicates the likelihood of the process being potential spyware, malware or a Trojan. BMalwarebytes Anti-Malware detects and removes sleeping spyware, adware, Trojans, keyloggers, malware and trackers from your hard drive.

Other processes

muachost.exe ace_engine.exe scpservice.exe wscript.exe searchbandapp64.exe aertsr64.exe syntphelper.exe onenotem.exe zam.exe rocketdock.exe gencrawler_gc.dll [all]

Информация о файле Описание
Размер файла: 144 kB
Дата и время изменения файла: 2020:03:04 15:27:33+00:00
Тип файла: Win32 EXE
Тип MIME: application/octet-stream
Тип компьютера: Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Метка времени: 2032:07:02 15:31:08+00:00
Тип PE: PE32
Версия компоновщика: 14.10
Размер кода: 94208
Размер инициализированных данных: 53248
Размер неинициализированных данных: 0
Точка входа: 0x79e0
Версия ОС: 10.0
Версия образа: 10.0
Версия подсистемы: 10.0
Подсистема: Windows GUI
Номер версии файла: 5.812.10240.16384
Номер версии продукта: 5.812.10240.16384
Маска флагов файлов: 0x0003
Флаги файлов: (none)
Файловая ОС: Win32
Тип объектного файла: Executable application
Подтип файла: 0
Код языка: English (U.S.)
Набор символов: Unicode
Наименование компании: Microsoft Corporation
Описание файла: Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host
Версия файла: 5.812.10240.16384
Внутреннее имя: wscript.exe
Авторское право: © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Название продукта: Microsoft ® Windows Script Host
Версия продукта: 5.812.10240.16384

Фрагменты данных файлов предоставлены участником Exiftool (Phil Harvey) и распространяются под лицензией Perl Artistic.

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