Xbox one controller battery indicator windows 10

A tray application that shows a battery indicator for an Xbox-ish controller and gives a notification when the battery level drops to (almost) empty. - NiyaShy/XB1ControllerBatteryIndicator

No new features (yet), «just» language updates

*»last unicorn» plays in the background* «I’m aliiiiiiive~»
Jokes aside, this isn’t really a new version but «just» a new release to show the project is still active (since the last proper release was from 2019 with «silent» updates for new languages).

To mention it here as well without posting a full release, you can try out an unfinished version of what will most likely become 1.4 here. It contains new features (outlined in the post) including a new overlay, but most of the translations haven’t been updated yet and there’s still some fine-tuning to be done.

And we also reached another «milestone» concerning downloads: the last version I uploaded May 2021 has so far been downloaded over 20.000 times! Really happy that so many people find this little project useful.

Automatic switch to inverted icons on Win10 1903s light theme, update check fixed

Decided to push these changes out earlier than I originally planned since the other changes in the pipeline will probably take quite a while.

So here it is. The biggest change is that this version can detect if the new light theme introduced with Windows 10 1903 is used and switches to an inverted icon set (black lines instead of white). The switch can take a few seconds since it’s coupled with the controller detection cycle (which takes 1-5 seconds for a cycle). See issue #23 for details.

Also, as mentioned in issue #25 automatic update check wasn’t working correctly up until now. Due to an oversight it only triggered right after you ticked the «search for updates» box and not on every start. This is now fixed.

A list of all currently included languages can be found in the wiki.

Multi-language support, higher-res icons & additional notifiation sound

Happy Easter to anyone who celebrates it!
A lot has happened since v1.2.0 was released last year. Thanks to feedback/suggestions here and on Reddit and other coders joining in a few new features that were requested got implemented.

  • You can now change the language of the tool and its notifications (thanks @RogerUP13 for the code). Since the languages are embedded in the code, I’ll update this release every once in a while when new translations get submitted without changing the version number. So if your language is still missing, check back later. Or, submit a translation. You can find details and a how-to in issue #3 and on Reddit.
  • All system tray icons now have multiple resolutions (the old 16x16px and new 48x48px versions). That should enhance the icon quality on high-res (4k) screens.
  • You can enable a notification sound that plays on top of the toast notification when battery hits the «empty» level (thanks @Igvaioli for the code). This should help when you play games in fullscreen and don’t see the toast. Optionally, you can also loop the sound until battery returns to a good state. Note that the sound file has to be in .WAV format, if you don’t have one at hand you can find several under C:WindowsMedia.
  • The low battery notification should now auto-vanish when the controller goes to any other state.
  • Less file clutter! All the needed resources are now embedded in the program, so no more need for all those separate DLL files.

When you upgrade from an older version, please delete the old .exe and all .dll files and then simply extract the new .exe file from the archive. The .config file only has to be extracted when you don’t have one in the folder yet. Please check your settings in the context menu after first start since they might not carry over from the old version.

Currently included languages:

  • English (en)
  • French (fr)
  • German (de)
  • Italian (it)
  • Polish (pl)
  • Russian (ru)
  • Spanish (es)

Test release with some small changes

This is mostly a test release that includes a few small changes.

  • the black .exe icon and the «unknown» icon (shown when no controller was detected) were replaced with higher resolution versions. The «unknown» icon is also a multi-resolution ICO file (includes 16, 32 and 48px icons) to test if this works on high-res screens (for example 4k). See discussion in issue #6 .
  • a new check was added that should automatically remove a triggered toast when battery level returns to a good state. This was brought to my attention on reddit. Note that it currently should only work when battery level switches to low/medium/high, not when the controller switches to any other state.

Notification working (again), autostart with windows and check for new version

Windows 10 1709 broke the toast notification implemented in version 1.1.0. After a lot of digging through microsofts documentations it is now working again. But thanks to this rework the toast now stays until battery level returns to normal (or until you tell it to shut up ;) ).

New in this version: built-in option to start with windows and an (optional) check if a newer version is available.

If you created an autostart shortcut yourself, please delete it before enabling the built-in autostart. Otherwise it would get started twice.

Multi-controller support!

It was asked quite a few times if multiple controllers can be watched at the same time, and I heard you~ The polling routine was rewritten to support cycling through multiple controllers, the tray icon switches status display every 5 seconds.
Also, the low battery notification was changed. Before, it used the «old» balloon message system that was common in Windows versions up to 7. Now the «new» toast system introduced with Windows 8 is used. This (probably) means that notifications won’t work properly in Windows 7 any more.

IMPORTANT Windows 10 1709 broke the toast notification for this version. Please update to v1.2.0!

Release with some suggested changes

This release has some changes that there suggested by users on Reddit.

  • Polling interval was reduced from 10 seconds to 1 second
  • Initial recognition of a newly connected controller should be a bit faster
  • Icon for «no controller detected» was changed to make it easier to discern between «none found» and «found but disconnected» (relevant for initial recognition speed)
  • Low battery notification was confirmed to auto-vanish when battery level returns to good

Binary version with my current changes

For those who don’t want to install Visual Studio to try it out, here’s a binary release.
Just in case you don’t trust me, VirusTotal says the files are totally clean :)

If you use an Xbox Wireless Controller (opens in new tab) to game on your PC, you’ll now be able to check in on your battery level with the touch of a button. Microsoft this week added a battery level indicator to Windows 10’s Game Bar, giving you a quick way to tell whether you’re close to needing a fresh set of batteries.

The new feature comes in response to player feedback, and was announced by Xbox’s Larry «Major Nelson» Hryb on Twitter.

Thanks to fan feedback, the latest Windows 10 Game bar now displays the status of your #Xbox One controller battery life. Just connect an Xbox One Wireless Controller and then hit the Xbox button or Win+G to bring up Game bar to fan feedback, the latest Windows 10 Game bar now displays the status of your #Xbox One controller battery life. Just connect an Xbox One Wireless Controller and then hit the Xbox button or Win+G to bring up Game bar— Larry Hryb (@majornelson) March 12, 2019March 12, 2019

See more

The indicator can be accessed by pressing the «Windows» and «G» keys together on your keyboard or hitting the Xbox button on your controller to bring up the game bar. Your battery status can be then be seen near the top of the bar, to the right of the current time.

The basics

(opens in new tab)

PC and console control.

The Xbox One Wireless Controller comes in many flavors, and it works across both consoles and PCs thanks to built-in Bluetooth.

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Dan Thorp-Lancaster is the former Editor-in-Chief of Windows Central. He began working with Windows Central, Android Central, and iMore as a news writer in 2014 and is obsessed with tech of all sorts. You can follow Dan on Twitter @DthorpL and Instagram @heyitsdtl. 

Если вы играете, вы, вероятно, в какой-то момент слышали дебаты ПК и консоли. Если вы действительно любите ПК или консоль, на которых играете, возможно, вы тоже участвовали в этих дебатах. Нам некому судить, что лучше. Независимо от того, на чем вы играете в игры, вы используете одно общее устройство; контроллер. Windows позволяет подключать игровые контроллеры к ноутбуку или настольному компьютеру. Вы можете подключить проводной контроллер или беспроводной. Выбор ваш. Единственная проблема в том, что в Windows нет простого способа проверить процент заряда батареи для контроллеров Xbox One. XInputBatteryMeter — бесплатное приложение для Windows, которое заполняет этот пробел. Он работает с Windows 7, 8 / 8.1 и 10.

Посмотреть процент заряда батареи

Загрузите и установите XInputBatteryMeter. Он запускается из панели задач и поддерживает до четырех подключенных контроллеров.

Щелкните значок приложения на панели задач, и он покажет вам процент заряда батареи для контроллеров Xbox One, подключенных к вашей системе. Процент для каждого контроллера будет указан отдельно.

Это приложение показывает процент заряда батареи для контроллеров Xbox One, но также поддерживает другие контроллеры. В частности, он поддерживает все контроллеры, использующие службу контроллера XInput. Для работы приложения в вашей системе должна быть установлена ​​последняя версия DirectX.

Приложение не поможет подключить контроллер. Он будет работать только с подключенными контроллерами. Если у вас возникли проблемы с подключением контроллера, это приложение не поможет.

XInputBatteryMeter не предупредит вас о низком уровне заряда батареи контроллера. Если вы играете в игру в полноэкранном режиме, вам нужно проверить процент заряда батареи вашего контроллера. Панель задач скрыта в полноэкранном режиме, поэтому вы не можете определить процент с первого взгляда.

Служба контроллера XInput

Не все используют контроллеры Xbox One. Доступны дешевые и дорогие альтернативы. Выбор контроллера зависит от того, что вам нравится и что вы можете себе позволить. Что важно знать о контроллере, так это то, использует он службу контроллера XInput или нет. Контроллеры Xbox используют эту службу, и другие контроллеры также могут связываться с ней. Те, кто его использует, смогут использовать XInputBatteryMeter, чтобы проверить процент заряда батареи своего игрового контроллера.

Как проводные, так и беспроводные контроллеры используют службу XInput Controller, поэтому вы можете выбрать тип контроллера, который вы подключаете к своей системе, то есть проводной или беспроводной.

Скачать XInputBatteryMeter

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