- Звідки: Одеса
Здраствуйте товарищи.
Ситуация такая: было AM3, стало Core i5.
Хочу запуститься, не переустанавливая Винду.
Нашел вот такую инструкцию — http://kampc-help.ru/index.php/stati/op … platy.html
Повторил, после каждой перезагрузке в строке «vhdmp» значение 3. Все остальное start=0.
При старте Винды в нормальном режиме — BSOD (STOP 0x0000007b).
Есть идея, что у автора статьи сборка — x86(возможно, наверняка не знаю), поэтому качаю сейчас x64 версию.
Но возможно будут ещё идеи или методы ?
- Звідки: Одесса
30.11.2012 11:01
Я когда переезжал — просто поставил вместо фирменного драйвера контроллера дисков — майксрософтовский универсальный драйвер сата. А после успешного запуска уже ставил новые дрова.
- Звідки: Москва/Днепр
30.11.2012 11:05
режим контролера САТА
переключи в AHCI или IDE
- Звідки: Одеса
30.11.2012 11:13
DmIC Тут вопрос, как я поставлю драйвер, если в винду я зайти не могу. Я бы и фирменный MSI поставил с удовольствием и наверняка бы он заработал, мне бы загрузиться =)
Моран прошу разжевать. Если что, у меня HDD и привод Sata, не IDE.
профиль обновил.
Advanced Member
- Звідки: Днепр
30.11.2012 12:19
Richmond_Odessa винда если поставлена в IDE режиме винта, то в новых платах по умолчанию стоит AHCI. Все, изменить этот пункт. Потом поставить недостающие драйвера. Больше ничего не нужно.
- Звідки: Одеса
30.11.2012 12:29
DmIC я видимо что-то нелепое написал.
Я не понимаю, как я могу установить хоть какие-то драйвера, если дальше Биоса я никуда не могу зайти.
Моран Покурил интернет, это меняется в BIOS. Попробую, спасибо !
MaJ0r примерно понял, распечатаю себе, дома попробую.
- Звідки: Одесса
30.11.2012 12:33
Richmond_Odessa:DmIC я видимо что-то нелепое написал.
Я не понимаю, как я могу установить хоть какие-то драйвера, если дальше Биоса я никуда не могу зайти.
Если АМД решение не сдохло, то перед его разборкой надо было сделать смену драйверов. Ежели сдохло — тогда мучаться…
- Звідки: Одеса
30.11.2012 12:39
Если АМД решение не сдохло, то перед его разборкой надо было сделать смену драйверов. Ежели сдохло — тогда мучаться…
АМД уже трудится в другом городе, к сожалению.
Но цель и задача ясна, я хоть знаю что искать в интернете, в этой куче статей. Буду мучаться ))
- Звідки: Одесса
30.11.2012 12:48
Найди кого-то с АМД, дай винт, загрузи винду и смени драйвера. Это может быть быстрее и надежнее. Пару месяцев назад помог бы, но на данный момент тоже интел.
Advanced Member
- Звідки: Днепр
30.11.2012 14:58
Да ничего не нужно делать. Удалять дрова и прочая прочая, мигрировал с АМД на Интел безболезненно.
- Звідки: Львов
30.11.2012 15:06
Все намного проще, есть утилита sysprep. Входит в поставку винды. Запускаете, она отвязывает ось от железа. Радуетесь жизни.
- Звідки: Одеса
30.11.2012 16:01
Всё намотал на ус, буду пробовать начиная с самого простого. Всё переписал на листик или распечатал, как в старые добрые С работы унесу с собой кучу макулатуры
Надеюсь вечером отпишусь тут с уже обновленного компьютера =)
У всех слышен этот неприятный трескхруст при исталяции проца в 1155-й сокет ? Брррр.
- Звідки: Одеса
01.12.2012 00:13
Готово ))) 2 клика в Биос )) было AHCI, поставил IDE.
Теперь снова вопросы, нужно ли возвращать на AHCI ? Драйвера «Storage» мне не доступны на диске MSI, они неактивны и на них нельзя нажать.
Нужно ли удалять старые АМД дрова ?
- Звідки: Одеса
01.12.2012 00:42
Сделал =) всё ок, в Биосе показывает AHCI. Спасибо !
Кстати,у кого после такой процедуры смены платформы не работает интернет, рекомендую сменить MAC адрес, мне помогло ) Протокол PPPoe.
Maj0r, Моран, благодарю за краткое и эффективное решение.
01.12.2012 00:56
у меня через роутер,так что мак адрес вечный
плюсиков наставить всем в сообщениях ,слева,стрелка вверх
Всем привет! Сегодня я расскажу, как поменять процессор на компьютере на более мощный, как это сделать правильно, можно ли сделать самостоятельно и можно ли обойтись без переустановки Windows.
Выясняем сокет процессора
И в системном блоке, и в ноутбуке сегодня используется процессор одной из двух марок — или AMD, или Intel. Они не являются взаимозаменяемыми, как и ЦП одного бренда, но разных поколений. Перед заменой «камня» с одного на другой нужно прежде всего выяснить, какой процессор используется.
Сокет — это слот на материнской плате, который используется для установки CPU. Они отличаются между собой по количеству контактных ножек и некоторым другим параметрам. Установить ЦП в неподходящий слот невозможно физически: он попросту туда не встанет.
Под каждый сокет обычно выпускается целый ряд ЦП — от бюджетных вариантов с небольшой тактовой частотой до очень мощных. Если вы решили обновить процессор, то перед его заменой на другой нужно выяснить все о модельном ряде под слот на вашей материнке и поискать более производительные варианты.
Узнать модель этого компонента очень просто. В Windows 10 и Виндовс 7 делается это одинаково. Нажмите кнопку «Пуск» и кликните ПКМ по иконке «Компьютер», выбрав опцию «Свойства». Модель используемого процессора указана в разделе «Система».
Данные из этого окна не копируются, поэтому в поисковике придется вводить его вручную. Найти подробности об установленном на ПК CPU можно на множестве ресурсах — не только официальном сайте производителя или Яндекс.Маркет, но в любом приличном интернет-магазине, даже если товар снят с продажи.
Нужно выяснить, какой сокет используется, затем нагуглить модельный ряд под этот сокет и выбрать ЦП с большей тактовой частотой. Единственное исключение — если «камень» на вашем компе установлен топовый и вариантов помощнее под искомый сокет попросту нет. В этом случае придется заменить и материнскую плату, выбрав новый процессор под нее.
Не исключено, что нужна будет и оперативная память нового поколения — например, вы решите заменить DDR 3 на DDR 4. Чтобы не теоретизировать, давайте рассмотрим конкретный пример.
Допустим, у нас есть процессор Intel Core i3-6100T — двухъядерный, с тактовой частотой 3,2 ГГц. Выясняем, что он работает на сокете LGA1151. Гуглим процессоры под этот сокет и выясняем, что возможна замена нашего ЦП на Core i5-7600К. У него уже 4 ядра и тактовая частота 4,2 ГГц, что выглядит более «вкусно».
Как самому поменять процессор на другой
Поддавшись порыву, сразу же заказываем подходящий «камень» в любимом интернет-магазине (или, наплевав на самоизоляцию и пандемию коронавируса, отправляемся в оффлайновый магазин). Не забудьте докупить еще и термопасты — не исключено, что она вам понадобится.
Еще такой момент. Процессоры выпускаются в двух комплектациях:
- BOX — коробка, в которой вместе с процессором упакованы подходящий кулер и необходимая порция термопасты;
- OEM — сам ЦП, возможно даже безо всякой упаковки.
Рекомендую покупать боксовые решения — мощности кулера для охлаждения «камня» в этом случае гарантированно хватит. Если вы купите ОЕМ деталь, его тепловыделение может оказаться больше, чем у используемого до этого CPU, и вентилятор может не справится с такой температурой.
Отключаете все провода от системного блока и снимаете боковую крышку. Воспользовавшись случаем, заодно можно почистить и всю пыль внутри системника. Далее демонтируете старый процессор и устанавливаете новый.
Замена процессора AMD
Кулер у этого бренда крепится с помощью специальной скобы с зажимом на одном конце и рычагом на другом. В установленном положении рычаг зафиксирован. Поднимите его и снимите зажим с фиксатора на материнской плате с обратной стороны радиатора кулера. Перед этим не забудьте отключить питание вентилятора.
Чтобы извлечь процессор, можно воспользоваться деревянной зубочисткой. На сокете обычно есть специальный паз, через который можно поддеть ЦП, чтобы извлечь его. Затем, ориентируясь по положению замка, ставите новый «камень» — точно в таком же положении, как был установлен старый. Смазываете его термопастой и монтируете новый кулер.
Про правильное нанесение термопасты советую почитать эту инструкцию — там есть некоторые нюансы. Подключаете питание вентилятора, собираете компьютер обратно и подключаете все провода. Можно включать комп и наслаждаться резко увеличившейся вычислительной мощностью.
Замена процессора Intel
Процесс почти не отличается. Разница только в способе крепления кулера вентилятора к материнской плате. У этого бренда используется 4 поворотных зажима, расположенные по углам. Чтобы снять зажим, нужно немного надавить на рычаг и провернуть его.
При установке вентилятора, после того как вы нанесли термопасту, рекомендую фиксировать зажимы по диагонали, например верхний левый — нижний правый — нижний левый — верхний правый. Расположение условное, ориентируйтесь по положению от вас. Разницы в последовательности нет, главное способ фиксации, то есть диагональный.
По поводу переустановки операционной системы. В большинстве случаев этого не требуется. В ОС нет никаких драйверов под процессор — эта деталь сама заставляет работать все драйвера и прочее программное обеспечение.
Если вы заменили заодно и материнскую плату, то с огромной вероятностью нужна будет замена Винды, так как старая попросту не запустится. Если вы решились на такой шаг, не забудьте скопировать важные данные, которые хранятся на диске С:. В противном случае придется использовать LiveCD и прочее шаманство, чтобы получить доступ к системному разделу и спасти важные файлы перед полным форматированием.
Вот, собственно, и все. Замена процессора — это проще, чем может показаться, если строго следовать инструкции, гарантирую. Также советую почитать, что делать если после смены процессора компьютер не включился(скоро на блоге). О системе охлаждения для компьютерного CPU можно почитать тут.
Подписывайтесь на меня в социальных сетях и не забудьте расшарить этот пост. Удачи!
С уважением, автор блога Андрей Андреев.
I courrently have an fx8370, gigabyte 990fxa ud3 r5 and i want to buy an i7 8700k with the aorus gaming 5… do i need to do something in windows before setting off the pc to replace the parts?
i just don’t want to mess something
Just. Don’t. Do. It. New install.
You should reinstall. It’s not that long if you backup your games and stuff
Else you’ll have to individually uninstall your old drivers and it’s a PITA because your mobo/cpu handles lot’s ports. You might even have stability issue. I never did and never seen somebody change a mobo or CPU without having to reinstall Windows…
Link your install to a Microsoft account, then you can track it and verify ownership if you aren’t able to re-activate. Now this only works if you’re not using an OEM copy of Windows 10, so if it was an off-the-shelf purchase, you should be fine. I’ve even seen some license upgrades from 7 and 8.1 work, but that’s a mixed bag as it’s considered an upgrade for a one-time activation iirc.
But link it to your MS account, check the OS repair thread in my sig for more information on that. Then you can leverage MS support better because they can see you’ve registered it to a user account, the same account contacting them for activation. I really haven’t ran into activation issues recently, maybe you’ll luck out and be able to use MS’s automated system that makes you punch in a bunch of numbers and letters….but not sure that 10 uses that method anymore.
Either rate, that’s where I’d start.
Edit: As-far-as the actual hardware replacement, 10 is pretty resilient, and I used to do this all the time with 8.1 as well…sometimes I would even do it sloppy…without uninstalling existing drivers, and still end up running just fine. It is best to uninstall all device drivers that you can, shut down, and do the swap. A fresh install is always best. Another option is to perform an in-place upgrade. By that, I mean download the Win 10 installer, set it up to run from DVD/USB or mount it (Win Explorer mounts ISO’s natively in 10), run the Win 10 Upgrade and that will replace the core image and critical files without removing your data, can help resolve some issues when drivers don’t play nice during a hardware swap.
I courrently have an fx8370, gigabyte 990fxa ud3 r5 and i want to buy an i7 8700k with the aorus gaming 5… do i need to do something in windows before setting off the pc to replace the parts?
i just don’t want to mess something
Just for the simple fact that you’re going from Gigabyte to Asus i would do a new install
I have to disagree completely. In one condition- if the user is tech savvy and can achieve this via simply uninstalling video drivers and 3rd party drivers, then setting storage controller to STANDARD MICROSOFT IDE/AHCI CONTROLLER, configure to boot to safe mode, power off, replace all the system, re attach the OS drive, boot to safe mode, windows should detect and install appropriate drivers just fine. any left over devices that are no longer active will simply be dormant or hidden. Once done, re attach all other drives, boot normally and install chipset drivers and video drivers. DONE THIS MANY TIMES. Of course one needs to backup the image to macrium reflect or whatever , or virtualize it’s whole os drive, to be able to boot the old system back or extract data if needed.
Unless the OS is not heavily cluttered or customized, then a clean re-format should be the easier way or for a novice user. Many guides online that specify how to achieve just what the OP wants to do, i.e. not to reinstall.
@Solaris17 there was a means of resetting windows before anything was installed right?
@Solaris17 there was a means of resetting windows before anything was installed right?
yeah he could do a sysprep on the machine swap parts and boot back up. Interestingly though. If he has windows 10, when you swap something like a mobo or a full platform is actually kind of does a sysprep automatically on boot. This is most easily seen if someone is playing with windows2go. it goes thorough all of the «Getting Devices ready» «Now searching for updates» «Getting things together» phase minus the actual account setup and EULA of a fresh install. Basically like a build upgrade.
in most cases you can do exactly what you are trying to do by taking the os drive and plugging it into the new system and booting in safe mode. once in safe mode open a command prompt as administrator and type «set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1» hit enter. then type «start devmgmt.msc» hit enter again and device manager should open up. after that click the «view» tab and select «show hidden devices». then you just expand each list and unistall all the drivers that are slightly transparent. once you are all done go ahead and reboot the system and install all the new drivers. in most cases this is enough and does not need anything more done.
edit: just boot the os into safe mode the first time and let it install drivers then reboot and fallow the steps i listed above. back with windows vista and earlier windows versions this would be problematic but sense 7 ive found that swapping boards from different manufacturers and even amd to intel has become mostly doable. ive done it a handfull of times.
Last edited: May 31, 2018
I’ve tried something like that, by sticking the HDD of my Sandy bridge Dell laptop into the PC I have now. Seems usable but I did a complete reinstall just to be safe.
did it with a b250 motherboard upgrading to z270, did not need to reinstall anything, windows was still activated
did it with the z270 into z370 and lost windows activation, however did not have to reinstall any drivers, windows handled everything
i don’t recommend doing it by going from amd > intel
Windows 10 when it detects a massive hardware change will trigger a hardware re-setup, so you don’t have to do a complete re-install. You’ll see it the first time you boot Windows 10 on the new hardware, it will say Setting Up Windows or something like that. There isn’t even a need to uninstall the old hadware’s drivers anymore.
Of course, it still bugs me not doing a clean install, so I still do it even though I know I don’t have to.
Windows 10 when it detects a massive hardware change will trigger a hardware re-setup, so you don’t have to do a complete re-install. You’ll see it the first time you boot Windows 10 on the new hardware, it will say Setting Up Windows or something like that. There isn’t even a need to uninstall the old hadware’s drivers anymore.
Of course, it still bugs me not doing a clean install, so I still do it even though I know I don’t have to.
Better safe than sorry.
Windows 10 when it detects a massive hardware change will trigger a hardware re-setup, so you don’t have to do a complete re-install. You’ll see it the first time you boot Windows 10 on the new hardware, it will say Setting Up Windows or something like that. There isn’t even a need to uninstall the old hadware’s drivers anymore.
Of course, it still bugs me not doing a clean install, so I still do it even though I know I don’t have to.
Yes, exactly. Works fine, and I have swapped from AMD to intel and back and forth and mainstream and HEDT… I have an OS that been on close to 100 boards without any re-install that I use often.
However, there have been a few instances of drive controller settings (AHCI/RAID) causing an issue if the OS has NOT been installed in UEFI mode. UEFI install is quite different than a non-uefi one. There is also the issue of the board’s BIOS not being in the right UEFI «mode» causing issues.
If you have installed an ASUS board software, or you have installed any RGB control software, these things cause an issue, and will be reason for a fresh install.
Yes, exactly. Works fine, and I have swapped from AMD to intel and back and forth and mainstream and HEDT… I have an OS that been on close to 100 boards without any re-install that I use often.
Same here. Been using the same Win10 install on my test bench with everything from the Pentium 4 to the i7-8700K (even mobile parts) and never once had it fail to accommodate the new hardware.
Cool, but there are those who will experience trouble.
Don’t upgrade your mother, she’s probably fine as is
But yes I would definitely start from scratch. Sure, Windows 10 handles hardware changes better, but we have literally no idea what you’ve got installed on your system and its dependancies. There is more than just an OS tied into this in hundreds of ways none of us can probably tell. And its not like its hard either to start fresh. Put all your data on a separate drive, start the new rig with an OS drive and it takes all of 30 minutes, and that’s being slow.
yeah but one needs to reinstall all his applications, games, settings, browser preferences, customized group policies and registry tweaks, that is not an option for me. my system was clean installed in 2008 , vista days, and has countless customizations. All these years I never clean installed again, went through OS upgrades, hardware changes, but of course you need to keep an eye on system files integrity and windows update issues, otherwise no troubles are expected.
Windows 10 will often transfer between systems, but it does bloat and slow down eventually
I’ve had systems refuse to transfer because the USB drivers broke — this was intel to intel, ivy bridge motherboard upgrade.
I’ve also had ASUS motherboards install some odd driver/service that had to be disabled or the system would BSOD on every boot (anything -> asus worked, Asus -> anything else did not)
And then of course is the whole legacy boot vs UEFI…
transferring to see if it works? sure, give it a shot. relying on it to work and risking losing everything anyway? hell no, just back shit up in advance and clean install.
That’s odd, I transferred from asus x58 to msi x99 during a vista to windows 7 in place upgrade and didn’t have an issue with asus devices. Also transferred from x99 to c612. I think the non active device drivers simply disable themselves and left as shadows, once you install latest intel inf update the system should be stable, and that includes SLI as well.
About the legacy/uefi, I was on legacy mbr up to creators update, at which point I simply used the built in tool mbr2gpt and it migrated nicely.
for every one i’ve had issues, 10 have worked
that doesnt help you if you’ve torn apart the old system or sold it, and need to access those files
Yeah I know, but what I did with the old system and files is simply used VMware converter standalone, and virtualized the entire os drive, and now my old vista pc boots up in VMware workstation, with all the files intact and ready. though I used a 700gb vmdk file for the virtual drive
I courrently have an fx8370, gigabyte 990fxa ud3 r5 and i want to buy an i7 8700k with the aorus gaming 5… do i need to do something in windows before setting off the pc to replace the parts?
i just don’t want to mess something
Just. Don’t. Do. It. New install.
You should reinstall. It’s not that long if you backup your games and stuff
Else you’ll have to individually uninstall your old drivers and it’s a PITA because your mobo/cpu handles lot’s ports. You might even have stability issue. I never did and never seen somebody change a mobo or CPU without having to reinstall Windows…
Link your install to a Microsoft account, then you can track it and verify ownership if you aren’t able to re-activate. Now this only works if you’re not using an OEM copy of Windows 10, so if it was an off-the-shelf purchase, you should be fine. I’ve even seen some license upgrades from 7 and 8.1 work, but that’s a mixed bag as it’s considered an upgrade for a one-time activation iirc.
But link it to your MS account, check the OS repair thread in my sig for more information on that. Then you can leverage MS support better because they can see you’ve registered it to a user account, the same account contacting them for activation. I really haven’t ran into activation issues recently, maybe you’ll luck out and be able to use MS’s automated system that makes you punch in a bunch of numbers and letters….but not sure that 10 uses that method anymore.
Either rate, that’s where I’d start.
Edit: As-far-as the actual hardware replacement, 10 is pretty resilient, and I used to do this all the time with 8.1 as well…sometimes I would even do it sloppy…without uninstalling existing drivers, and still end up running just fine. It is best to uninstall all device drivers that you can, shut down, and do the swap. A fresh install is always best. Another option is to perform an in-place upgrade. By that, I mean download the Win 10 installer, set it up to run from DVD/USB or mount it (Win Explorer mounts ISO’s natively in 10), run the Win 10 Upgrade and that will replace the core image and critical files without removing your data, can help resolve some issues when drivers don’t play nice during a hardware swap.
I courrently have an fx8370, gigabyte 990fxa ud3 r5 and i want to buy an i7 8700k with the aorus gaming 5… do i need to do something in windows before setting off the pc to replace the parts?
i just don’t want to mess something
Just for the simple fact that you’re going from Gigabyte to Asus i would do a new install
I have to disagree completely. In one condition- if the user is tech savvy and can achieve this via simply uninstalling video drivers and 3rd party drivers, then setting storage controller to STANDARD MICROSOFT IDE/AHCI CONTROLLER, configure to boot to safe mode, power off, replace all the system, re attach the OS drive, boot to safe mode, windows should detect and install appropriate drivers just fine. any left over devices that are no longer active will simply be dormant or hidden. Once done, re attach all other drives, boot normally and install chipset drivers and video drivers. DONE THIS MANY TIMES. Of course one needs to backup the image to macrium reflect or whatever , or virtualize it’s whole os drive, to be able to boot the old system back or extract data if needed.
Unless the OS is not heavily cluttered or customized, then a clean re-format should be the easier way or for a novice user. Many guides online that specify how to achieve just what the OP wants to do, i.e. not to reinstall.
@Solaris17 there was a means of resetting windows before anything was installed right?
@Solaris17 there was a means of resetting windows before anything was installed right?
yeah he could do a sysprep on the machine swap parts and boot back up. Interestingly though. If he has windows 10, when you swap something like a mobo or a full platform is actually kind of does a sysprep automatically on boot. This is most easily seen if someone is playing with windows2go. it goes thorough all of the «Getting Devices ready» «Now searching for updates» «Getting things together» phase minus the actual account setup and EULA of a fresh install. Basically like a build upgrade.
in most cases you can do exactly what you are trying to do by taking the os drive and plugging it into the new system and booting in safe mode. once in safe mode open a command prompt as administrator and type «set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1» hit enter. then type «start devmgmt.msc» hit enter again and device manager should open up. after that click the «view» tab and select «show hidden devices». then you just expand each list and unistall all the drivers that are slightly transparent. once you are all done go ahead and reboot the system and install all the new drivers. in most cases this is enough and does not need anything more done.
edit: just boot the os into safe mode the first time and let it install drivers then reboot and fallow the steps i listed above. back with windows vista and earlier windows versions this would be problematic but sense 7 ive found that swapping boards from different manufacturers and even amd to intel has become mostly doable. ive done it a handfull of times.
Last edited: May 31, 2018
I’ve tried something like that, by sticking the HDD of my Sandy bridge Dell laptop into the PC I have now. Seems usable but I did a complete reinstall just to be safe.
did it with a b250 motherboard upgrading to z270, did not need to reinstall anything, windows was still activated
did it with the z270 into z370 and lost windows activation, however did not have to reinstall any drivers, windows handled everything
i don’t recommend doing it by going from amd > intel
Windows 10 when it detects a massive hardware change will trigger a hardware re-setup, so you don’t have to do a complete re-install. You’ll see it the first time you boot Windows 10 on the new hardware, it will say Setting Up Windows or something like that. There isn’t even a need to uninstall the old hadware’s drivers anymore.
Of course, it still bugs me not doing a clean install, so I still do it even though I know I don’t have to.
Windows 10 when it detects a massive hardware change will trigger a hardware re-setup, so you don’t have to do a complete re-install. You’ll see it the first time you boot Windows 10 on the new hardware, it will say Setting Up Windows or something like that. There isn’t even a need to uninstall the old hadware’s drivers anymore.
Of course, it still bugs me not doing a clean install, so I still do it even though I know I don’t have to.
Better safe than sorry.
Windows 10 when it detects a massive hardware change will trigger a hardware re-setup, so you don’t have to do a complete re-install. You’ll see it the first time you boot Windows 10 on the new hardware, it will say Setting Up Windows or something like that. There isn’t even a need to uninstall the old hadware’s drivers anymore.
Of course, it still bugs me not doing a clean install, so I still do it even though I know I don’t have to.
Yes, exactly. Works fine, and I have swapped from AMD to intel and back and forth and mainstream and HEDT… I have an OS that been on close to 100 boards without any re-install that I use often.
However, there have been a few instances of drive controller settings (AHCI/RAID) causing an issue if the OS has NOT been installed in UEFI mode. UEFI install is quite different than a non-uefi one. There is also the issue of the board’s BIOS not being in the right UEFI «mode» causing issues.
If you have installed an ASUS board software, or you have installed any RGB control software, these things cause an issue, and will be reason for a fresh install.
Yes, exactly. Works fine, and I have swapped from AMD to intel and back and forth and mainstream and HEDT… I have an OS that been on close to 100 boards without any re-install that I use often.
Same here. Been using the same Win10 install on my test bench with everything from the Pentium 4 to the i7-8700K (even mobile parts) and never once had it fail to accommodate the new hardware.
Cool, but there are those who will experience trouble.
Don’t upgrade your mother, she’s probably fine as is
But yes I would definitely start from scratch. Sure, Windows 10 handles hardware changes better, but we have literally no idea what you’ve got installed on your system and its dependancies. There is more than just an OS tied into this in hundreds of ways none of us can probably tell. And its not like its hard either to start fresh. Put all your data on a separate drive, start the new rig with an OS drive and it takes all of 30 minutes, and that’s being slow.
yeah but one needs to reinstall all his applications, games, settings, browser preferences, customized group policies and registry tweaks, that is not an option for me. my system was clean installed in 2008 , vista days, and has countless customizations. All these years I never clean installed again, went through OS upgrades, hardware changes, but of course you need to keep an eye on system files integrity and windows update issues, otherwise no troubles are expected.
Windows 10 will often transfer between systems, but it does bloat and slow down eventually
I’ve had systems refuse to transfer because the USB drivers broke — this was intel to intel, ivy bridge motherboard upgrade.
I’ve also had ASUS motherboards install some odd driver/service that had to be disabled or the system would BSOD on every boot (anything -> asus worked, Asus -> anything else did not)
And then of course is the whole legacy boot vs UEFI…
transferring to see if it works? sure, give it a shot. relying on it to work and risking losing everything anyway? hell no, just back shit up in advance and clean install.
That’s odd, I transferred from asus x58 to msi x99 during a vista to windows 7 in place upgrade and didn’t have an issue with asus devices. Also transferred from x99 to c612. I think the non active device drivers simply disable themselves and left as shadows, once you install latest intel inf update the system should be stable, and that includes SLI as well.
About the legacy/uefi, I was on legacy mbr up to creators update, at which point I simply used the built in tool mbr2gpt and it migrated nicely.
for every one i’ve had issues, 10 have worked
that doesnt help you if you’ve torn apart the old system or sold it, and need to access those files
Yeah I know, but what I did with the old system and files is simply used VMware converter standalone, and virtualized the entire os drive, and now my old vista pc boots up in VMware workstation, with all the files intact and ready. though I used a 700gb vmdk file for the virtual drive